According to atheism… 4 PROOF 1: The Balance in Construction is a Proof of Allah’s Existence.
PROOF 2: The Proof of Possibility
PROOF 3: The Proof of Huduth
PROOF 4: The Proof of Giving Shape
PROOF 5: Names and Characteristics Cannot Exist Without Having Owners.
PROOF 6: The Proof of the Bestowal of Life
PROOF 7: The Proof of the Bestowal of a Soul
PROOF 8: The Proof of Order
PROOF 9: The Proof of Divine Incitation
PROOF 10: The Proof of Mold
PROOF 11: The Proof of Help
PROOF 12: The Proof of Wisdom
PROOF 13: The Proof of Giving Sustenance
PROOF 14: The Proof of Balance
PROOF 15: The Proof of Training
PROOF 16: The Proof of Cause and Effect
PROOF 17: The Proof of Cleanliness
PROOF 18: The Proof of the Perfection in Actions
PROOF 19: The Proof of the Meaning of Creation
PROOF 20: The Proof of Organs
PROOF 21: The Weakness of Nature
PROOF 22: Without Knowing the Whole, a Part Cannot be Created.
PROOF 23: The Proof of Performing a Duty
PROOF 24: The Proof that One Cannot be both a Judge and a Prisoner
PROOF 25: The Absurdity of Coincidence
The Proofs Of Creation
According to atheism… Everything started with a big bang… The gases that spread to the endless space formed billions of galaxies and billions of planets within those galaxies. All of those planets settled in the most appropriate orbits and formed their own systems... In one of those systems, this planet called the “World”, in which we live, formed… The World settled at an exact distance to the sun and in an orbit, which made it possible for living beings to live, seasons to form and many other events to take place… The atmosphere formed an invisible shield against dangers coming from the space… Then, the world, which was in the form of a hot ball, met water somehow… Do not forget that the clouds that form as a result of volcanic eruptions do not bring about water but acid! Hundreds of thousands of plants grew without any seeds in accordance with the climate of their regions exactly… Rivers and streams had fresh water but the seas that they flowed into had salty water… All of a sudden, living beings that could move formed coincidentally... Yes, all of a sudden, hundreds of thousands of species of living beings formed in the air, on land and in water out of a cell that formed coincidentally and that had no eyes, ears, heart and mind… Those living beings found their vital needs ready in the places where they formed… 4
Hundreds of incidents like that happened one after another; they all formed after a big bang, which had to be destructive, brought about a system coincidentally… When we ask the question, “How did this universe, this regular system and those living beings that are more beautiful and perfect than one another form?”, we are given the explanation above as scientific truth!.. THAT IS, EVERYTHING CONSISTS OF A CHAIN OF COINCIDENCES INCLUDING YOU!... THIS TREMENDOUS STRUCTURE IS ONLY A COINCIDENCE!.. You may accept this view, which is believed by a group of people. Or, you may accept the view of the people who argue that so many coincidences cannot take place one after another, that they are all created and controlled by a creator that has endless knowledge, power and will and that nothing can form on their own. What we want you to do is to watch this film without any prejudice and from an objective point of view and then prefer either of the views... Do not forget that our preferences determine our lives!
The Proofs Of Creation
PROOF 1: The Balance in Construction is a Proof of Allah’s Existence. Construction: The coming together of matter and elements to form a structure. When many elements and matter come together they form the existence and meet in one body. This can also be called a make-up/ constitution. The structure’s balance is a huge proof of the existence of Allah Almighty. Let us imagine that a pharmacy holds hundreds of jars filled with various substances. We were asked to make a paste and medicine by using the ingredients in the jar. We arrive at the pharmacy and see that there are now hundreds of the same medicines and paste on the display shelf. We examine the paste and medicines and see that in each of those jars a particular amount of each substance was used, like one or two milligrams of this, four or five milligrams of that, or 6-7 milligrams from this, etc. When certain amounts of these substances are taken and mixed in various measurements, the drugs and paste are formed. If one milligram more or one milligram less of a substance is mixed, then the medicine could easily turn into a poison. Is it in any way possible or probable that if the jars were to have been knocked over by a strange coincidence or a gusty wind and that only precise, though different, amounts of these substances that had been taken were to drip from the jars, split, and then come together to form this paste and medicine? If the entire world unites, will they be able to convince us that the medicine and paste have formed by a coincidence? If hundreds of samples of this medicine and paste are found, will they be able to induce us into believing that this is merely a result of coincidence? Is there any bigger fallacious superstition than this belief? Similarly, every life-form can be likened to a “paste” and every plant can be likened to a “medicine” since they are formed from several diverse substances in precise amounts. For instance, let us look solely at a person… 6
There are about sixty elements in our bodies. Our bodies contain specific amounts of iron, magnesium, chromium, and other such elements. A cause for disease develops when there is too much or too little of these elements in our bodies. For example, copper has a blood-producing characteristic. When there is too little of it, an outbreak of disease could occur. Manganese operates the functions of the brain and a lack of it causes� behavioral deformities� (look up). The duty of cadmium is to regulate blood pressure and to ensure it to operate smoothly, however, too much or too little of it can cause disturbances in blood pressure to appear. The accumulation of elements in any part of the body produces hormonal deficiencies. Just like the human body has a balance that is immensely precise, the other life forms, which are plants and animals, also possess the same kind of balance in their forms. We will not dwell on examples in relation to this topic any longer. While we refer those who want to learn more about this balance to a science book, we also ask the following question: While the simplest of medicines cannot form coincidentally, is it possible for the human body, or the body of another life form, which is balanced to such an extent, to develop by mere chance? Even if the entire world was to come together to convince us that an aspirin accidentally formed as a result of a glass jar filled with medicine having tipped over, we still would not be persuaded. Then how are we convinced that that the human form, which is millions of times more advanced and more sensitive, formed as a result of some coincidence? Besides, our body is not like a drug that was constructed once and then put aside. Rather, it is a composition that is renewed continuously. The total weight of the cells that die in our intestines in a year is 90 kg. The total weight of dead skin cells is 45 kg too. 200 billion red blood cells die every day in our body and 10.000 red blood cells are created every second. Our body is a wonderful composition that is completely renewed every six months. 7
The Proofs Of Creation
Is it possible for that composition to form coincidentally? And when there are about seven billion people of that composition in the world today‌ How can one believe that they form coincidentally?
PROOF 2: The Proof of Possibility Now together with you, we are going to draw a picture of an animal that you probably have not heard of before. The animal that we are going to draw is the “Armadillo”. By drawing an animal that we may not be familiar with, we will better understand the proof of possibility. Now draw a body for the armadillo. However, before we begin, we ask this question: How many types of bodies can be drawn for the armadillo? Maybe we should ask this instead: If we were to hand pens to the 7 billion people on the earth and ask them to draw a body for the armadillo, would each person who had never seen an armadillo not draw a different figure? They most certainly would and each person’s drawing would not look the same. For example, while someone would draw its height at 5 meters, another would draw its height at 5 centimeters. Someone would draw its width as being 1 meter and another would draw it as 5 centimeters. According to a person, this animal has four legs; according to another, it has two legs. The armadillo is red for someone and for another, it is green. Just as the possibilities for the types of figures that can be drawn are endless and countless, those seven billion people can draw seven billion distinct bodies. If we wanted each person to draw two bodies, then this time there would be 14 billion possibilities as to what the figure should be. Now we are going to draw a face for the armadillo and our question is still the same: How many possible faces can be drawn for the armadillo? Our answer is yet the same, the numbers are boundless. Once again, if we asked seven million people to draw an armadillo’s face, every person would draw something different. One would draw a long nose whereas another would draw a short nose. One would draw its ears on the side and another would draw them on top. There would be five teeth in the armadillo’s mouth in someone’s illustration, and in another’s illustration, there would be ten teeth. For those who have never seen an armadillo, the possibilities for the types of faces that can be drawn are endless and countless. 9
The Proofs Of Creation
Now we are going to draw some limbs and organs for the armadillo. What should its hands and feet be like? What should its fingers and various other features look like? Once again, we ask the same question: In how many possible ways can its limbs and organs be drawn? The answer is once again the same: there are countless types of limbs and organs that can be drawn. One will draw wings and another will not. One will draw its feet at the length of one meter, for another, there are no feet since the armadillo could be a reptile for all they know. Someone will draw three fingers whereas someone else will draw five. Considering these boundless possibilities, everyone can draw varied limbs and organs for the armadillo. If all seven billion people were to have pens in their hands, then seven billion distinct designs for the limbs and organs would form. Now let us determine the armadillo’s traits. Will it be brave or timid? If it is to be brave, then, how brave is it? Will it be slow moving or fast? If it is to move fast, then what will its speed limit be? Will it be lazy or hardworking? If it is to be lazy, how lazy will it be? We will consider these characteristics and similar ones and choose one by one. In addition, we will determine the degree of each feature. It means that there are hundreds of characteristics to choose from and for each of those hundreds of characteristics, there are hundreds of more degrees and each of them must have a level to be determined. Now our question is this: If we were to place the hundreds of characteristics that are to be chosen for the armadillo in front of the world’s seven billion people and if we were to want these people to determine the armadillo’s characteristics and their degrees, would there not be seven billion distinct results? Of course there would be. It means that characteristics involve unlimited possibilities, too. When we try to draw an armadillo, there are billions of different bodies that can be drawn, and hundreds of billions of different organs. There are also numerous attributes that can be chosen for it. Now within these boundless possibilities, we find the armadillo standing in front of us. It is not the picture of the armadillo, it is a real 10
armadillo. It is fitted in the most perfect body; it has been given the best face; it has been equipped with the most sapient of organs, and has been provided with the qualities that are most necessary for the duration of its life. In this situation, is it possible, within these boundless amounts of possibilities, that the preference for the best and most sapient option was in no way affected by the preference, appointment, and allocation of a decision maker, but is instead the result of some coincidence? Is there such a possibility? It is the proof of possibility: Amongst boundless possibilities, the most perfect possibility is applied. Now when we look at this world we see that every being has its own particular figure, a nice face, as well as sapient and useful organs. In addition, the being is sent to the earth with qualities that allow it to continue and fulfill its life. Nevertheless, within the boundless amounts of possibilities, the being is given a particular figure, is ornamented with a suitable face, has been equipped with sapient and useful organs, and has been placed with qualities that are adequate to its body. In the most definite sense, this is a preference, an appropriation, and a designation, in other words, it is the work of Allah and is in no way the work of coincidence. Now let us look at how the most appropriate preferences are chosen for a camel‌ A camel’s humps are like a reservoir. For days, the camel is able to manage with this livelihood, and it can live without water for three weeks. Its feet are wide and the camel can run in the sand without sinking. The lashes on its eyes are like a net, and even in the severest of conditions, its eyes will not be filled with sand. The camel’s nose was created in such a way that even in the most 11
The Proofs Of Creation
frightening storms, the camel is still able to breathe easily. Its top lip is cleft and it allows the camel to eat thorny desert plants. Its neck, which is three meters above the ground, enables the camel to eat leaves. Its knees are covered by calluses having been formed from skin that is as thick and hard as a horn. When the camel lies down, the calluses protect the animal from the ground’s extreme heat and from injury. By means of its thick fur, the camel is able to endure summers that are 50+ degrees Celsius and winters that are 50 degrees Celsius and below. In addition to these characteristics, there are several others. In addition to all of its present characteristics, if the camel was to have the legs of a horse, it would not be able to travel even one kilometer in the desert. Likewise, if the camel‘s eyes did not have nets, then it would not be able to take even a single step in a storm; and if its lips were not cleft then it would not be able to be nourished. In such cases, would any of the camel’s other characteristics have any importance? When considering the camel’s shape, an infinite amount of possibilities can be considered. However, the camel has been given the most perfect body and most perfect face for the duration of its life, and in addition, it has been provided with the most sapient of organs, and has been fitted with the most useful qualities. Certainly, this work is proof that there is One who makes preferences and designations. This Being’s will and wisdom can even be shown to those who are blind. Now, compare elephants, fish, birds, insects, plants and other creatures to a camel. Think of the existing possibilities for their bodies, faces, organs, and characteristics. Afterwards, visualize the most perfect possibility with your eyes. Then, ask yourself whether or not this preference is a work of coincidence. If you are unable to picture the whole creatures, then look at a fly’s wing. Then, think of the millions 12
of types of wings that could have been attached and how the most appropriate of these possibilities was chosen. These types of wings are not apparent on just one fly, but are attached on every one of its kind. Figuring that there are billions of possibilities for the types of wings, yet the best kind was chosen and is visible on all flies, could this still be an art of coincidence? In light of all of these examples, let us now summarize the proof of possibility. In this world, every being has a particular body for itself. Although there are countless possibilities of body types, the most perfect of these possibilities has been chosen, which proves the presence of a decision maker, and this decision maker is Allah. Once again, every being on this planet has a particular face and shape for itself. While there are boundless possibilities in the types of faces and shapes, the best of them were chosen which proves that there is a patron of will, and this patron of will is Allah. Every being on this planet has a particular personality for itself. While there are boundless possibilities in the types of personalities, the best of them was chosen, which proves the existence of a designator, and this designator is Allah. Lastly, every being on this planet has special and sapient organs for itself. While there are boundless possibilities in the types of special and sapient organs, the best of them were chosen, which proves the existence of an administrator, and that administrator is Allah. Briefly; let alone the universe, even a fly’s wing cannot be interpreted as a coincidence.
The Proofs Of Creation
PROOF 3: The Proof of Huduth If we put a pencil and some paper into a room and let them remain in the same place for a thousand years, do you think it would be possible for the single letter of “A” to come into existence on the paper? Or if we put a piece of wood, some nails and a hammer and again let them remain there for a thousand years, do you think it would be possible for a table to form on its own in that thousand years? Or if we put some paint with a canvas together in a room and let them remain there for a thousand or even ten thousand years, would it be possible for a picture to come into existence on its own? Or let us ask it this way: Can anyone convince you that the single letter of “A”, a table or a picture can come into existence by mere coincidence? In other words, suppose that they said: this letter of “A” has come into existence by the coincidental move of a pencil. And this artful table has come into existence by the coming together of the pieces of wood and the hammering of nails by themselves. And also this wonderful picture has been formed by the falling of paint on the canvas due to the blowing of wind. Can they convince you? Of course not, because, coincidence cannot be claimed to be the artist or the craftsman of a work by any means. Actually, a created work of art requires the existence of someone who created it and a craftsman who prefers its existence to its absence. It is impossible for a work to exist without a craftsman. Yes, a letter cannot exist without an author; a table cannot exist without a craftsman and a painting cannot exist without an artist. This truth is called “the Proof of Huduth.” Huduth means “created later.” Something created later is called “Hadith” and the one who created later is called “Muhdith.” And the fact that every hadith requires 14
the existence of a muhdith; which is to say; everything created later requires the existence of someone who created it later” is called “the Proof of Huduth”. We can comprehend this proof better with the following example: Imagine that you pick up a piece of paper and a pen. You write “A” on the paper. This letter “A” is hadith; that is to say; it has been created later. It was not there a few minutes ago; but now it is there. As the letter “A” did not exist a few minutes ago and yet now it exists, there must also be a muhdith (one who creates it later). It is impossible for the letter “A” to exist without its writer, because our rule is this: “Each work of art created later proves the existence of a craftsman who created it and who prefers its existence to its absence.” Similarly, beings created before our eyes resemble the letter “A”. Each of them from a bird to a flower, from a butterfly to a tree, from fish to a bee resembles the letter “A”. And maybe, they do not resemble “A” but a book. As even a single letter of “A” needs a creator in order to come into existence and as it cannot exist on its own, it is, of course, impossible for all the innumerable beings in the universe to exist on their own. Just as a single letter of “A” proves the existence of its writer and shouts out with its own existence the existence of the writer, so too do innumerable beings each of which resemble a book prove the existence of their writer, who is Allah, and they indicate Allah’s existence with their own existence. Now, how can one, who agrees that a letter cannot exist without its writer, that a painting cannot exist without its artist and that an act cannot exist without its doer, conclude that this book of the universe exists without its author, that the lively scenes in it are without their owner and that all these acts occurring in the universe are without their doer? And how can one, who comes to this conclusion, be called a human being? We can also use the proof of Huduth by showing that the universe was created out of nothing. Just as in the example of letter “A”, the universe did not exist once upon a time and it was created later. As every15
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thing created later needs a creator, so the universe must have a creator, too. He is the Creator, who preferred the existence of the universe to its absence and brought this universe out to the world of existence from the darkness of absence.
PROOF 4: The Proof of Giving Shape If a 20,000-word dictionary was given to you and you were requested to add a word that was not in there, what must you first do to include this new word in the dictionary? You would first have to memorize all the words in the dictionary because it is not possible to add a new word without knowing what is already there. Now, instead of a 20,000-word dictionary, suppose you were given a seven billion-word dictionary and were expected to add 350,000 new words per day, would you be able to do it? Of course not! Without using a device such as a computer, how many people would it take to get this job done? In addition, these people would be given a million different dictionaries so they could add new words each day. 100,000 words would be added daily to some of these dictionaries, 500,000 words would be added to others each day, and to some others, not a million, but billions of words would be added per day. Each word that is added does not resemble any of the words in that dictionary. Well, is it possible to do it? If you see that this task is done perfectly, and that hundreds of thousands and millions of new words are added to each one of one million different dictionaries per day, can you refer it to coincidence? Definitely not! Similarly, a human being is a type of dictionary. If we compare each person to a word, then this dictionary (planet Earth) has seven billion words. Every human, which is a word in the dictionary of people, does not look like one another. And each day, 350,000 new words would be added to this dictionary. Yes, every day, 350,000 people are born and all 350,000 of these individuals do not look the same as anyone else who had been created before. Is it possible for this dictionary to come into existence coincidentally and 350 000 new words to be added every day? 17
The Proofs Of Creation
Scientists have discovered 1,000,000 unique species. From birds to fish, flowers to trees and from insects to animals, there are a number of species that we cannot begin to count. 1,000,000 exactly! If we compare each species to a dictionary, it means that right now, there are exactly 1,000,000 dictionaries that are distinct from one another. From these dictionaries, let us look solely at the dictionary of flies: The number of flies that are created during the spring is much greater than all people that have been created from Prophet Adam to all of those to be created until Doomsday. Now, can you imagine the multitude of words in the dictionary of flies? And in this dictionary, no word resembles another word, as no fly is the same as another. Is it possible for trillions of flies, an amount that cannot even be expressed, to find bodies for themselves all on their own and for each one to possess a different form? Is this at all possible? Snowflakes are also a dictionary we probably will not be able to express their exact number. And in this dictionary, no word is the same as another. Yes, every snowflake is different from one another. No two snowflakes are identical. Who but Allah could create different shapes, all being distinct from one another, in snowflakes as big as the size of fingernails? Now let us put these dictionaries aside and solely look at the human dictionary and examine the human face, which happens to be a word in this dictionary… The material used on a person’s face is utterly simple and plain. There is only one skin, one pair of eyes, and a little hair. Despite this, if you had never seen the beauty of a face, would you have been able to imagine that a two-month old baby’s face, a beauty amidst simplicity and plainness, could be created? After drawing a face for a person, it is as impossible to draw another face for a second person. A famous French artist, Henry Matisse, explains the difficulty of using the same components to draw a separate visage for each subject, “There is nothing more difficult for a truly cre18
ative painter than to paint a rose, because before he can do so he has to forget all the roses that were ever painted”. Besides, the face of a person is not a simple portrait. Each organ on the face has functions that necessitate, both limitless art and limitless knowledge. Even if we were to put all these functions aside, would it not be just as perfect to create facial expressions such as a smile, worry, fear, laughter, and hundreds of others, as it is to create the face? It is difficult to fill a cup with the ocean; similarly, it is also difficult to depict the human soul in a face. A believer’s face is bright like his soul whereas a non-believer’s face is dark like his soul. Sometimes it could take years for a sculptor to give a basic statue its symmetry. On the other hand, every second four people and every day 350,000 people are being fully created with utmost easiness, Each individual has a different face. Then, we would like to ask: Who is the creator of these distinct faces? Who is the artist who makes brilliant works of art from simple substances and whose craftsmanship perplexes the mind? Who is the one who conveys a face’s countless expressions? Who is the one who has given each individual a distinct face? Who is the one who allows the face’s organs to work perfectly? Who is the one who has taught the eye to see, the nose to smell, the tongue to taste, and the ears to hear? There is one answer to all these “who’s?’ and that is, Allah who is Musawwir (the Shaper)! Yes, like a person’s face, all existing creatures, from raindrops to snowflakes, golden daisies to carnations, fingerprints to eye pupils, from ants to the stars of the heavens and the particles of universes, are created in a particular face and shape for themselves. 19
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As you see, the bestowal of a distinct face on every being and for that being to not look like another individual in its species proves that Allah Almighty exists and He is one. His knowledge is boundless, His power is endless, and His will is unlimited.
PROOF 5: Names and Characteristics Cannot Exist Without Having Owners. We think that the sun and its seven colors brighten and warm the windows of our home. Now, if we disaffirmed the sun that brightens our windows, then, what would we have to accept? We would have to accept that a sun, its body, and its reality are found within our window... Nevertheless, there is a light and warmth. In that case, a sun possessing this light and warmth is necessary. If a sun’s absence was assumed, and if it was not accepted that the sun was the heat’s source then we would have to accept that this light and heat were products of the window. Since the presence of the heat and light are evident, they must undoubtedly have a master that possesses them. Besides, this kind of light and heat could only appear through a source that is the size of the Sun. In that case, when we disaffirm the sun then we would be obliged to accept that a real sun is in our window and that “the possessor of this light and heat is the window itself”. If the warming and lightening of things through the sun’s measureless light and heat is considered, then disavowing the presence of the solitary sun in the sky will result in the obligation to accept that all materials hold a true sun in themselves. That means that the one who is unable to accept the presence of the solitary sun in the sky will be obligated to accept the “suns” when he/she sees the sun’s light and warmth appear on the materials themselves. However, as we have already expressed, a light and warmth are evident and these can only emerge through one sun. Just like this example, Allah, who is the infinite and eternal Sun, has lightened everything in this realm and the universe with His Divine Names (Asma al-Husna). Like in our given example, the names and qualities that appear in this realm and the universe cannot be ownerless. Nevertheless, both a name and a characteristic must belong to something/someone. If a name ex21
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ists, then, there must be an entity that has such a name. Likewise, if a characteristic exists, then someone/something must certainly possess it. For example, let us imagine that we wrote a letter on a piece of paper with a pen. In this act and in the letter “A” on the page, the following are seen: 1- The presence of the letter “A” on this page was preferred to its absence. However, this letter “A” was not on this page earlier and has just appeared. For something to appear from nothing, a possessor of freewill must be present to prefer its presence to its absence. A doer must have a will, so that he will prefer existence to non-existence. An action that does not have freewill and volition cannot be the scribe of the letter “A” and cannot make such a claim, either. In that case, the appearance of the letter “A” from nowhere requires a scribe that has freewill. 2- The letter “A” on this page is not just an ordinary drawing. It is an artistic drawing with meaning. In that case, the entity who is both a scribe and artist, must have knowledge; in other words, he/she must be a “scholar”. It is not possible for someone who does not have knowledge and literacy to write the letter “A”, which signifies meaning. In that case, the appearance of the letter “A” from nowhere necessitates a scribe who has knowledge. 3- In addition, this scribe must also possess strength. If he/she had knowledge and freewill, but did not have strength, in other words, was paralyzed and could not move his/her hand, then he/she would not be able to write the letter “A”. The presence of the letter “A” indicates its scribe’s strength. 4- The scribe must also be a living being. Someone who is not living cannot have knowledge, freewill, and strength. If we put a pen and paper next to a lifeless rock and left them there for a million years, we still would not be able to see a letter “A” written on that paper. This means that the presence of the letter “A” indicates that its scribe is a living being (is Hayy). 22
You can increase these examples and the implications that the letter “A” denotes for its scribe. Now we are going to look for a scribe for the letter “A”. If we disaffirmed the person who drew the letter “A” as being the scribe, and instead said that “this pen wrote this A”, then, we would be assigning the characteristics that are required in a scribe, which are freewill, knowledge, and strength, to the pen. And we would be obligated to accept nonsensical talk such as “This pen is a scholar, it possesses freewill and strength, and is a living being” since a name and characteristics are apparent. Names and characteristics cannot exist without having owners. (Names and characteristics cannot exist without someone/something owning them). For this reason, we would have to associate knowledge, freewill, strength, and life, to whomever we accept as being the scribe since these are the qualities that required of such an entity. Similarly, the universe is a letter and a book. If Allah were not accepted as its scribe, then, all the names and characteristics that are visible in this book would be attributed to atoms, causes, coincidence, and nature; and such an attribution would be elevating them to the station of God. A person, who disaffirms because he/she is unable to fit the concept of Allah into his/her mind, will have to accept cells and atoms as his/her gods. Let us try to understand this situation better through an example: We always see the clouds, from which rain pours, in front of our eyes. Have we ever thought about what qualities are required of the agent of rain? Now let us look at the names and qualities that appear in this event: 1- The rain’s presence has been preferred to its absence. Just a little while ago, the raindrops were not present, but now they are here. To prefer something’s presence to its absence is only possible if the characteristic of willpower is possessed. In that case, the entity that produces rain must have willpower. The one without willpower cannot claim to have produced a single raindrop. 23
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2- The structure of rain contains two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. The formation of raindrops through the bonding of two hydrogen atoms and a single oxygen atom is only made possible when a possessor of knowledge is present. The entity that produces rain must also have knowledge and the one without knowledge cannot claim to possess a single raindrop. 3- In addition, the production of rain requires the possession of infinite strength. The production of water instead of fire, which results through the combining of two elements in which one is flammable and the other non-flammable, can only occur through infinite strength. In that case, the entity that produces rain must also have strength/ power. The one without strength and power cannot claim to possess a single raindrop. 4- The ability to produce rain without having raindrops colliding into one another and the connection of the countless benefits of rain requires a possessor of wisdom. It is not possible for a being who is not wise to invent a single drop and to attach so many benefits to rain. In that case, the entity that produces this rain must also have wisdom. The one without wisdom cannot claim to possess a single raindrop. 5- When rain was created, it was not considered alone; its relation with all kinds of things was taken into consideration. For example, people and animals drink from that rain, the soil revives with it, and plants as well as trees find life with it. The entity that creates rain must be cognizant of humans, animals, and plants so that it can create rain in a way that is beneficial to their anatomies. This explanation encompasses all kinds of things. The one who is unable to encompass and see all kinds of things at the same time cannot make rain beneficial to them. In that case, the entity that produces this rain must be able to encompass and see. The one who is not Muhit (the Encompasser) and Basir (the All-Seeing) cannot claim to possess a single raindrop. 6- The sending of rain to all inhabitants on the Earth is a work of infinite compassion. It would not be possible for the one who does not 24
feel sympathy and compassion for the inhabitants of the Earth to create rain. In that case, the entity that produces rain must be compassionate. The one without compassion cannot claim to possess a single raindrop. 7- To possess the qualities that we have listed, one must first be living. The one who is not alive cannot have freewill, knowledge, power, and any of the other characteristics. There are dozens of more names and characteristics that are apparent with rain. However, we will now cut it short, as “a word to the wise is enough.� Now, we are going to look for a doer that can create rain. We saw that the entity that creates rain must have freewill, knowledge, power, reason, compassion, sight, a life, the ability to encompass, and many other similar characteristics and names. The one who is unable to possess these characteristics cannot possess a single raindrop. Nevertheless, raindrops, which have been created with wisdom, are apparent, as are the names and characteristics that are seen with them. Whose names and characteristics are they? We say they belong to Allah and do not accept that the creation of rain can be anyone else’s deed other than His since only Allah can be the creator of such a sapient act. If someone says the opposite by disaffirming Allah, then, he/she must attribute the creation of rain to someone. An action is apparent and actions must have agents. The person must also accept the candidate that he/she presents as having the aforementioned names and qualities. It is not possible for the one who is unable to possess these names and qualities to actualize the pouring of rain and to create a single raindrop. In that case, there are two paths: Either, one accepts Allah and attributes the pouring of rain as well as the names and characteristics that are apparent in this situation to Him. Or, he/she accepts the cloud as 25
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being the agent and claims that it possesses the aforementioned names and qualities that are seen with rain. In that case, the cloud, which is the pretended agent, would possess Allah’s qualities and would be elevated to the station of God. In summary: There are names and characteristics that are visible in rain. It is not possible for these names and characteristics to be ownerless. The one who disaffirms Allah will give a cloud that has no sense of itself the measures of knowledge, power, wisdom, compassion, and mercy that belong to Allah and will fall into disbelief. With this belief, they would make this cloud their god. What we mean by “god”, is the entity that possesses the names and qualities that we have listed. It means that whomever you attribute these names and qualities to, you accept them as a god. Like in our previous example, the person who disaffirmed the sun would be obligated to accept the presence of a true sun in their window because the possessor of this light is called a “sun”. Similarly, whomever we accept as the possessor of the names and qualities that manifest in a material would be our god because we call the possessor of these names and qualities, “god”. We only looked at rain and some of the names and characteristics that have been manifested with it. Also, look at the universe and see the names and characteristics that have been manifested! Then try to find an agent that those names and characteristics can be attributed to! Go up to the skies, dive to the depths of the seas, travel the wilderness, and let no rock be unturned! Could you find anyone else other than Allah who can possess these many names and qualities that appear in the universe?
PROOF 6: The Proof of the Bestowal of Life It is not possible but if it was possible; let us suppose that someone brought a dead bird back to life in front of our eyes. We would be so shocked and would deny what our eyes saw. We would not be able to forget this incident until we died. Nevertheless, the truth of the bestowal of life is a reality that is just as fascinating and perplexing. However, this incident, which would perplex us and cause us to disclaim what we saw and would be something that we could never forget, is actually nothing but a dead bird being brought back to life in front of eyes. Which one is more astonishing: resurrecting a dead bird or having living birds come out of dead eggs? Is bringing a dead bird back to life more perplexing, or creating life forms that come into existence though water droplets? Is resurrecting a dead bird back to life more strange or the creation of trees and plants from dead seeds and dead germs? Why do we not accredit this perplexity and amazement to Allah? Allah arranges resurrections that are far more amazing in front of our eyes all the time. For example: We see in front of our eyes that life springs from various materials and that the Earth is overflowing with life forms. Creatures that are created from eggs, germs, seeds, and water drops called sperm are all living beings and a portion of these living beings have a soul. It is unthinkable that non-living beings could provide life for another. In that case, the life that appears in front of our eyes could have only resulted from Allah, who is Hayy (Ever-living) and Qayyum (Self Subsisting Sustainer of All), creating them. It means that one of the greatest proofs of Allah’s existence is His right to give life. We now ask the person who dares to refute Allah’s presence: Who is the one who creates and makes life forms sprout from simple 27
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substances like eggs, seeds, germs, and water droplets? Who besides Allah could create them wisely? Have we ever thought of what was necessary to continue this life, which is beautiful and pleasant in every way? Undoubtedly, thousands of factors must come together. If there is too much or too little of something, it could result in the paralysis of life. For example, the smallest disruption in the balance of heat or cold could eliminate everything. The temperature is to be set in a way so that living beings will be able to continue living. When the temperature rises to 60 degrees Celsius, then the life forms will face the risk of death. The arranging of the atmosphere in a way that is suitable to life is another important condition. The possibility of finding the gases in their current states together in one place is too small for calculating in numbers. The gases have specific escape velocities. Just like a bird in a cage... The balance will be disrupted if there is a decrease or increase in these velocities. However, the velocity that pressures the gases to escape is aligned with the gravity that holds them in the atmosphere in such a way that having them escape and spread is not in question. Water is also essential for life. The sources of water are the oceans and seas. In our world, 16 million tons of water evaporates per second, and every year, 505 million times million tons of water evaporates and dissipates in four directions through winds. The water is taken to places that are in need of water and then it evaporates again and rises to the sky so that life can continue. 300,000 sextillion calories are necessary for the water to evaporate. If we substituted coal in this example, then Turkey would be in need of a 4.1016 amount of coal and the Turkish economy would require hundreds of trillions of dollars. If we were to put all of life’s conditions to one side, and if all factors possessed efficiency and volition, then would their powers be enough to adjust the temperature, the atmosphere, and the water supply?
PROOF 7: The Proof of the Bestowal of a Soul Like the bestowal of life, the bestowal of a soul is a reality that proves Allah’s existence. Nevertheless, the existence of the soul cannot be explained by any other cause except Allah. It is not possible to deny Allah after one accepts the soul’s reality. However, there is no material answer to the question, “How did the soul enter the body?” Since the existence of the soul cannot be explained by any other things, atheists have dared to deny its existence. If the existence of the soul is acknowledged, then atheists will also be obliged to accept Allah. In this manner, we deem that it is appropriate to assert the proofs of the soul’s existence. In order to ask the question, “Who created this soul?” we must first prove that the soul exists. In that case, we will first prove the soul’s existence and we can ask our question later: 1. Concepts such as law, brotherhood and family are existent because of the soul’s existence. We can explain it as follows: As it is well known, once in every six months, the entire cells of a person change and he/she virtually becomes a brand new person. Now let us imagine a murderer appearing in front of the judge in a courtroom. Suppose the judge decides to punish the murderer with a 20-year prison term and the murderer turns to the judge and says, “You cannot punish me because I was not the one who committed the murder. I became a new person because my cells changed. My current flesh is pure”. What could the judge say in counter-response? Nothing, because the judge is no longer his old self, either! In addition, think of concepts like family and fellowship. The material body of my mother, who gave birth to me, changed several times. Nothing from her body that brought me into this world remained since it completely changed. Six months after my birth, my mother passed away in terms of her material body. If the existence of the soul is not accepted, then how can one get rid of such a deadlock?
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2. If a person were to come to this world in a hollow space with no eyes, nose, hands, and other limbs, he cannot not comprehend such concepts such as length, greatness, proximity, and smallness; however, he will not doubt his existence. Organs like the eyes, nose, and hands are necessary to understand the external world, and without them, a person will not be able to understand it. However, will not doubt his own existence. In that case, the one who knows its own identity is the soul. 3. When a person accomplishes a task, he says “I did it”. By saying such a thing, a person does not attribute the credit to his organs. Similarly, when one says “I did it”, it does not imply meanings such as “my hand wrote it”, “my foot ran”, and “my ear heard”. In that case, what is the “I” in the phrase, “I did it”? When a person says “I” it signifies an-nafs an-natiq, or in other words, the soul. When he says, “my pen”, the word “my” denotes the soul. 4. There is no will and the ability to make choices in the nature of matter. However, a person has unlimited voluntary functions. If a person was only a material being, then he would have to lack freewill since matter does not have the ability to make decisions. In that case, since matter cannot be the doer of those acts, then, the soul must have done them. That is, a person’s free-will proves the soul’s existence clearly. 5. There is no will in the nature of matter; similarly, qualities such as hearing, seeing, tasting, and feeling are absent. If man was a soulless material being, then, the mentioned qualities would not be found in the person. In that case, since there is a soul, a human is not only composed of material things. He/she has a soul and those mentioned qualities belong to the soul. 6. If the brain was to expand, it could stimulate the nerve that is in charge of moving the finger, and in turn, the finger would move. However, it could not cause the buttoning of a shirt because the act of buttoning is complex and cannot simply occur by agitating a nerve. 30
In that case, we ask this question: if it is not the brain that causes a finger to button, then, what else could it be? It is the soul, of course! 7. Physical contact is necessary for the movement of matter. Without physical contact, it is impossible for matter to move. A person watching television will laugh, cry, worry, get excited, etc. In that case, is it matter that laughs and cries? Of course not, because a kind of physical contact did not occur. In that case, to what do these attributes belong? To the soul, of course! 8. We weighed a person before and after his death. His weight prior to death was 70 kg and after he died, his weight was still the same. How did he become a lifeless being though he was laughing, running, and talking? What was it that came out of this person? Of course, it was his soul that left the body because the experiment proved that there was no loss from the material body. 9. Everyone’s brain works in the same way but despite this, everyone has different ideas. What is the reason for these differences in ideas? The answer is that everyone has a different soul. If thinking was only a function of the brain, then everybody would be thinking the same way. The qualities of matter are stable and do not change. It shows that the differences in ideas are proof of the soul’s existence. 10. Telepathy, which is accepted even by the material science, cannot be explained by anything other than the existence of the soul. How can materialism explain the communication of two people who are kilometers away from one another and do not have someone in between to convey their messages? It shows that telepathy also proves that the soul exists. 11. Telekinesis occurs without any physical contact and involves moving an object with a thought and can only be explained by the existence of the soul. You have probably seen or read about the people who bend spoons, move the things in front of them through attention and 31
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concentration. Is it possible to explain it through matter? Definitely not. Then, telekinesis also proves the existence of the soul. 12. Dreams also prove the soul’s existence. We see that the dreams we see often turn out to be true in reality on the day we see them or within the next few days. This is some knowledge that is acquired by the approaching of the soul access to the realms of the unknown. If we deny the soul, then how will we be able to explain this occurrence? It means that dreams, especially true dreams, are proof of the soul’s existence. 13. Now use your imagination to gather all of the flesh in your body in one place. Now bring your bones, hairs, eyes, nails, and other organs to the same meeting place. Now we ask this question: Where are your emotions? Where are hundreds of emotions like compassion, affection, love, ambition and hatred? If these were the products of our material body, then we would be able to visually separate them to one side and see their shapes as well. It means that emotions are products of the soul, not the body. In that case, every emotion that is found in the human being is proof of the soul’s existence. 14. Qualities such as generosity, kindness, courage, and knowledge are all different among people. While it is like an ocean for one, it is like a drop for another. If these were the qualities of matter, then, every person would have them at the same degree because matter is characterized as being stable and it does not change. In that case, they cannot be the qualities of matter; they can only be the qualities of the soul. All qualities that are found in different degrees amongst people are proofs of the soul’s existence. 15- Joy and sorrow come from two sources. The first one is the bodily sorrow and pleasures. The other is spiritual sorrow and pleasures. For instance, a person who meets his friend takes pleasure. It is not a material but a spiritual pleasure. As the saying goes, “The wound caused by a sword can be healed but the wound caused by a tongue cannot be healed.” Is what the tongue wounds something other than the soul? That is, all of the spiritual pleasures and sorrow that man feels 32
prove the existence of the soul. After proving the existence of the soul through fifteen proofs mentioned above, we want to ask the following: Who is the one that created the soul and blew life into it? Who other than Allah can be the doer of that wise invention?
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PROOF 8: The Proof of Order The reality of order is one of the greatest proofs of Allah’s existence. There is such an order in everything in the universe, from a fly’s wing, to the stars in the skies, to an atom, to the depths of the seas, that it reflects the Creator’s existence like a sun. Yes, order can only emerge from a single hand. If many hands interfere in a task, then, it becomes muddled. A country cannot have two kings, a province cannot have two governors, and a village cannot have two chiefs. If there are two heads, then, there will be disorder. Since this universe has order instead of chaos, Allah, who established this order, must be existent and unique. This exquisite order, which is in sight, cannot be explained by anything other than Allah’s existence. The Holy Quran attracts the attention to this reality with the following verse: “He Who created the seven heavens one above another; no want of proportion wilt thou see in the Creation of (Allah) Most Gracious. so turn thy vision again: Seest thou any flaw? Again turn thy vision a second time; (thy) vision will come back to thee dull and discomfited, in a state worn out.” (Surah al-Mulk, verses 3-4) Books with loads of volumes can be written and have been written to explain the universe’s order. A book can be written even regarding the orderliness of a fly’s body. We will only examine the smallest building block of material, the atom, and refer the balance found in the universe and its articles to science books. Everything from the air, water, mountains, animals, plants, and our bodies, to the sofa that you are sitting on, in summary, everything that you see, from the smallest to the largest, everything that you touch and feel is comprised of atoms. Atoms are so small that it is not possible to see these tiny particles even through the most powerful microscopes. Let us try to demonstrate the smallness of atoms through an example: Imagine having a key in your hand. Surely, it is impossible for you 34
to see the atoms in this key. Let us assume that you maximized the key to the Earth’s dimensions so that you could see these atoms. If the key was maximized to Earth’s dimensions, only then could you see that every atom in that key was the size of a cherry. Every atom comprises a nucleus, and every nucleus has been formed from the electrons revolving in the orbits very far away. The radius of a nucleus is about 1/10.000 of an atom’s radius. Let us look for the nucleus in the atoms that are the size of cherries when we bring the key to the Earth’s dimensions. However, this search is futile because even on this type of scale, we do not have the opportunity to observe a nucleus that is so small. We could see the nucleus only when the cherry that represents our atom would have to grow into a ball that is 200 meters tall. Despite this inconceivable dimension, our atom’s nucleus would not amount to anything larger than a very small dust particle. Now, if you wish, let us picture the order of this tiny structure: Due to their electric charges, the electrons in the atom continuously spin around the nucleus. All electrons are negatively charged whereas all protons are positively charged. The positive charge within the atom’s nucleus pulls the electrons towards it and for that reason, the electrons are unable to separate from around its surroundings. The number of protons in the center of an atom is equal to the number of electrons on the outside. Thus, the atom’s electrical charge is balanced. However, the proton’s volume and mass are more than those of an electron. If a comparison has to be made, it is like the difference in size between a human and a hazelnut. Nevertheless, their electric charges are the same. What would happen if their electric charges were not equal? In that case, every atom in the universe, due to the extra positive electricity, would possess a positive charge. As a result, every atom in the universe would push one another. What would be experienced if all atoms in the universe shoved one another? 35
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Everything would be out of the ordinary. When this change takes place in atoms, your torso, head, eyes, teeth, in short, every part of your body, are broken to pieces. The room in which you sit and the outer world that is seen through the window are destroyed at once. All of the seas, mountains in the world, all of the planets in the solar system and all of the celestial bodies in the universe are broken into numerous pieces at once. Then, no visible object exists in the universe. Besides, such an occurrence among living beings can take place when the balance between the charges of electrons and protons changes only at the rate of one in one hundred billion. The destruction of the universe can occur when that balance changes only at the rate of one in one quintillion. That is, the existence of the universe and the living beings becomes possible only through such a delicate order and balance. What we have explained till now were only a few details on the flawless order of one atom. In fact, volumes of books can be written about the atom since it possesses an order and structure that are extensive. Now, from the orderly motions of the stars, to the orderly anatomies of creatures, to the orderly creation of organs, to the orderly alignment of teeth, think of the order of the universe and the order of everything within it. Then provide an answer to this question: How is it that a person has to accept the reality that a driver is present in a car moving in an orderly fashion on a straight road, yet attributes the order of the universe to coincidences and causes?
PROOF 9: The Proof of Divine Incitation If you were to enlarge a person to the size of a city in your imagination, then his/her veins would probably be as wide as a road. Would you be able to find your way if you were put into this body and were expected to visit the ear or any other organ? We, who have difficulty finding the exit door in a large building and who ask several others where an address in our locality is, probably would never reach the ear. Nevertheless, substances that enter our bodies for the first time are able to find their way without asking anyone for help, despite being mindless, without willpower, unconscious, powerless, and lifeless. Elements that are necessary for the eye go to the eye; and likewise, elements that belong to the heart go to the heart. How are they able to find their way without confusion? How are these particles able to make this journey, which we are unable to make despite our intelligence? There could be two answers to these questions: 1. Because these elements are so smart, they can make this journey without asking for help. 2. Allah Almighty is handling and inciting them. They are all His civil servants and they work through His incitation. Now let us look at some other samples of the proof of Divine incitation. We see the movement of birds to different lands when migration season arrives. Birds like bee-eaters, quail, and starlings are able to migrate 7.000 kilometers. A central European stork migrates 10,000 km and flies 150 kilometers per day. However, the migratory champion is the Arctic tern that can travel 25,000 km! Yes, you haven’t misheard, exactly 25,000 km!
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Now think of this: You go out on trip with your car. An address that is 25,000 km away from you, a place that is practically on the other side of the world, is given to you and you are expected to go there. You do not have a map, a compass, any road signs to guide you, or anyone to ask for directions. You are expected to find and follow the shortest route. Now let us forget about the shortest route and say that we have settled for the longest route. Is it possible for you to complete this trip and find the given address with your intelligence and knowledge? How could it be possible? How can a person who is unable to find the exit door in a large building be able to complete a trip of 25,000 kilometers? Then how can an Arctic tern complete a journey that a human is unable to make? There are two options: 1. Either, this bird is much smarter, more intelligent, and more skillful than a person 2. Or, this bird is not completing this journey on its own and is being inspired to do so. It finds its way by means of Divine incitation, in other words, inspiration. Which of these options could be true? If we accept that this bird migrates on its own, then we will have to accept this bird as being more intelligent than a human. A creature that can achieve something that a human is unable to do must certainly be smarter than a human. A bat was taken from a cave and was put into a cage that did not allow sunlight to permeate. In addition, the cage was placed 300 kilometers away from the cave. It was later determined that the bat returned to its cave. And here our question is the same: If this is not Divine incitation, then what else can it be? How can a bat find a cave that is 300 kilometers away on its own? Would you be able to find your way back home, which is 300 kilometers away, if they tied a handkerchief on your eyes and expected you not to consult with anybody and not to look at any road signs? 38
A stork that had never migrated before was taken to Italy in a cage and was set free during the migration season. It was seen that this stork had taken the shortest route and 125 days later, arrived at the same place that its breed had migrated. Now let us put birds aside and look at ourselves. Even when an address is given to us, we often get lost and are unable to find our location. Moreover, when we visit a hospital, we have difficulty in finding the exit door. In addition, if all road signs were removed and we were expected to travel from one city to another, then we probably would not be able to reach there until the end of our lives. Are birds smarter than us or is there someone who inspires them? In that case, by disaffirming Allah, it becomes possible to accept that one is dumber than a bird. If examples of Divine incitation were to be counted, they would never finish. We plan to share with you one last account that we find very interesting and believe will astonish you. By recounting this incident, we will complete this proof. Scientists who study the reproduction of eels had discovered something immensely interesting. When it came time for mother eels to lay their eggs, they would migrate towards the Sargasso Sea, which is south of Bermuda in the northern portion of the Atlantic Ocean, and when they would reach their destination they would lay their eggs and die there. The migration of eels is one of the most inexplicable and fascinating migrations. Even if eels are born in the Sargasso Sea of the Atlantic Ocean, no adult eel has been caught there because they quickly abandon their birthplace after they are born, and swim towards the rivers of Europe and America where their parents lived. There is nobody to show them the way on their estimated 6000 km journey and despite having just been born, they are able to find their way without confusion. They finally reach the rivers where they will spend their lives. They live there, and as if a collective agreement has been made, they all swim, at the same time, from the rivers directly 39
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towards their place of birth, the Sargasso Sea. There they lay their eggs and the cycle continues in the same way. The interesting part is this: The sea the mother eel came from is the sea that her offspring returns to and by no means does the offspring go elsewhere. If we do not accept that this journey is realized through Allah’s inspiration, then we must find reasonable answers to the following questions: 1. Why do the mother eels participate in such a long and tiresome migration that will result in their death? 2. Why do they go to their place of birth, the Sargasso Sea, and how do they get there, or do they have a compass to guide them? 3. How does the young eel know to which sea its mother went and how to get there? 4. Let us say, “It knows the sea where its mother went and can find its way there”, but why does the eel not go to a closer sea and instead, chooses to embark on a grueling journey? Why is it so important for the eel to return to the sea where its mother went? From where did it receive this overwhelming sense of longing to return to its place of birth? We have never heard of a child who was abandoned in the courtyard of a mosque/church returning to his/her mother’s home when they got older. How can a young eel accomplish something that a human, who is the smartest and most intelligent of creatures, cannot do?
PROOF 10: The Proof of Mold If you wanted to make a ping-pong ball, what would you have to do first? The first thing you would have to do is to set up a mold for the ball because without a mold you would not be able to produce the ball. The necessity for a mold applies to every article. For example, let us say you want to make a flower. Once again, the first thing you would have to do is set up a mold and only in that way could you produce a flower. Now let us think of the soil: 500,000 various plants can grow from the same soil. A separate plant or tree will come out of whichever germ or seed you throw into that soil. This situation can have two separate explanations: 1. The Creator of these plants, trees, and flowers is Allah Almighty. He has both scientific and spiritual molds for every plant and flower within His wisdom. With His endless wisdom, He has appointed different, providential forms for every plant. And with His limitless power, He pushes atoms and elements into spiritual molds and creates beings. All of these instantly occur by His will. 2. If the existence of Allah is not accepted, (God forbid!) then, one out of these two options must be chosen: (A) There must be as many material molds as the plants in the soil. By using these material molds, the soil produces greenery. Nevertheless, there is a work of art present, and a mold must be used for this work of art to come into view. Without a mold, the creation of these orderly plants would not be possible. Since a material mold is necessary even for an artificial flower, it is impossible to create those endless flowers and plants without molds. In that case, there are 500,000 molds for the 500,000 different types of plants in the soil. It is not possible for “rational minds� to accept that there are 500,000 41
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different molds in the soil. And it does not just end there with 500,000 different molds. Every individual plant amongst the different species has a different form. Its flowers and leaves even vary amongst its own species. In that case, it is not about accepting that there are 500,000 material molds in this soil, but about admitting the presence of material molds when taking the created plants into consideration. No plant looks like another and every single one requires a specific and unique mold. (B) If we are unable to accept that there are unlimited material molds, which we cannot accept, then we must accept the presence of spiritual and scientific molds since an orderly work of art cannot be created without a mold. If the mold is not of material, then it must be scientific and spiritual. A handful of soil should know the anatomies of all plants, their shapes, their formulas of creation, the leaves on every plant, their flowers, fruits, etc, and with its power, it should propel atoms to these scientific molds. And this is only possible if the handful of soil has the same amount of knowledge and power as Allah. If we are to summarize again: The plants, flowers, and trees that come out of the soil have been created so perfectly that it seems as if they have been molded. After seeing the extraordinary creation that is in front of our eyes, we should say, “Allah is the Creator of such greenery. Within Allah’s endless wisdom, there is a scientific and spiritual mold for every plant. With the power of incitation, the atoms enter these molds and plants are created”. God forbid, if Allah’s existence were to be denied, then, in order to explain the activity that occurs right before our eyes, we would have to accept one of the two following explanations: 1. There are material molds for every plant in the soil and the soil uses those molds to create these plants. In that case, when the plants in the potting soil are taken into account, then, the existence of the material molds will be accepted. 2. If the soil does not have material molds, then it must have spiritual and scientific ones. The anatomy of every plant that has been created 42
should be known scientifically and through the use of power, particles should be propelled into spiritual molds. Do those who do not accept the endless wisdom and power of Allah and who deny His existence not feel ashamed when they accredit a handful of soil with having as much power and knowledge as Him? Or, do they actually accept that that there is a material mold for every kind of plant that is found in the soil? Is there any other option than the ones we have listed above that allows them to explain the creation of those things? Or, do they close their eyes and pass everything off as a “coincidence?
The Proofs Of Creation
PROOF 11: The Proof of Help When we carefully look at this universe, we see beings going to one another for help. Cells depend on atoms; organs depend on cells; the body relies on its organs; plants and animals depend on clouds; and people rely on animals. Everything goes to another for help and completes another’s task. However, before one can help another, the one helping must have will and should be able to decide whether or not to help. Alongside will, there has to be power. If one does not have power, then, he/she cannot help. In addition, the person helping must have the knowledge to understand the one in need, must be able to hear and see the one in need, have a conscience to feel the other’s needs, and dozens of other such qualities. However, creatures that run to help each other do not have qualities like freewill, power, and the abilities to see and hear. In fact, a portion of them does not have lives. In that case, these creatures cannot do any helping on their own. It shows that there is, and has to be, an entity behind the curtain who directs the helping. If we were to separate all living beings to one side, then a lifeless, unconscious, will-less and powerless group would remain. Like in the example of the powerful helping the weak and the rich aiding the poor, in this instance, it would be necessary for those who are living to help those that are lifeless. However, the reality is just the opposite because those that are lifeless are helping living beings. Since it is impossible for non-living and will-less things to help on their own, it shows that they are all servants and they act upon Allah’s orders. For example, clouds will hurry to help the inhabitants of the Earth by watering them. From this situation, we must accept one out of the following three premises: 1. Clouds know humans, animals, and plants, and they pour water 44
out of their compassion for them. And of course, in order to do such a thing, clouds must have qualities like life, freewill, power, and knowledge. 2. The human’s power compels clouds to rain. The human will command a cloud to rain and the cloud will rain. These two explanations are not acceptable and a person who has not lost his mind would not choose either of these options. In that case, the following is the only viable option: 3. Clouds are the servants of Allah and with His command, they water the inhabitants of the Earth. Allah is both the Creator of the rain and the One who shows compassion to the planet’s inhabitants. Just as clouds are in a hurry to help the Earth, so too do all commodities rush to help one another. It is not possible for unconscious, lifeless, will-less, powerless creatures that have no knowledge to help one another with compassion. Their inability to independently help proves that there is an Entity behind the curtain who is directing creatures to help one another. We cannot finish counting examples of the visible cooperation that takes place in our universe. We will only provide an example for the purpose of exemplifying and ask the person who dares to deny Allah a few questions: A root has two duties. One of them is to hold a tree in place and the other is to receive elements that the tree needs from the soil. However, the roots of trees with spiky leaves (like juniper and pine) are unable to receive elements from the soil since they grow in acidic areas. As the tree is suffering under this condition, a mushroom grows at its root. The mushroom prepares and presents the elements that are necessary for the tree. To reciprocate the mushroom’s kindness, the tree gives a portion of the sugar that it produces to the mushroom. If you still do not accept the reality that Allah is responsible for this exchange of help, then provide answers to the following questions! 45
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1. How does the mushroom understand this tree’s predicament? Of course, it is not possible for the mushroom to know it. However, in order to know, one must have knowledge whereas a mushroom has none. Do you claim that this mushroom, which has no concept of its own existence, is as knowledgeable as Avicenna? In fact, even Avicenna would not be able to do such a thing. 2. Let us suppose that the mushroom has knowledge and knows about the tree’s difficulty. However, helping the tree is a mark of compassion whereas the mushroom does not have any compassion. Do you think that the mushroom has endless mercy? 3. Now let us suppose that the mushroom has both knowledge and compassion. How is the mushroom able to do the work that the tree roots are unable to accomplish and how is the mushroom able to produce the elements that the tree needs? Or, do you accept that the mushroom has endless potency? 4. Firstly, how does the mushroom know which elements the tree needs? At which school did this mushroom study botany? For example, do you know which elements a tree needs? If you do not know, then, is the mushroom smarter than you? 5. Is it an act of gratitude when the tree produces sugar and offers a portion of it to the mushroom? Is the tree so dignified that it just cannot leave an act of kindness unrequited? We can ask dozens of other similar questions. We have probably understood by now that the one who denies Allah will be obliged to accept many delusions.
PROOF 12: The Proof of Wisdom Every creature in this universe has its own specific goal, purpose, benefit, and result. No sense of aimlessness, purposelessness, futileness, and wastefulness is seen in any being. It is not possible for mindless and unconscious causes to realize these goals and purposes on their own and to create things based on wisdom. In that case, this situation proves that an existent Entity is behind the curtain and that it is He who invents things with wisdom. Volumes of books can be written on the proof of wisdom because every created being’s body bears testimony to the existence of this reason/purpose. From this station, we will only look at a mosquito. Actually, a special book can be written on the profundity of a mosquito’s body, and in fact, it has already been written. Even if it is only one fragment of the proof or reason, we will only mention one or two characteristics of the mosquito for contemplation: The mosquito has been equipped with an exceptionally sensitive sense of temperature. It can even sense a 1/1000 change in temperature. Since its perception is not dependent on light, the mosquito can even find a blood vessel in a dark room. Once it finds a blood vessel, it chooses a point by means of its proboscises. The mosquito does not pierce the skin with pressure as is often assumed, but with its top and bottom jaw which hold the teeth. Like a saw, it cuts the skin through moving backward and forward and inserts its stinger into the blood vessel from the open tear. Its stinger which resembles an injection syringe is protected by a casing. During blood absorption, the sheathing is shed from the stinger. A big problem here is the clotting of blood. Nevertheless, by virtue of another reason, the human body has been created with the ability to form blood clots. Thanks to it, a person will not die of blood loss when an area of his/her body bleeds and the blood will stop leaking by forming a clot at some later point. If the blood was to clot during the mosquito’s consumption, then the mosquito would not be nourished. 47
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However, the mosquito takes precaution as it prevents its prey’s blood from clotting by infusing a liquid which prevents the blood from clotting into the vessel through the hole that it has pierced. This is the enzyme that causes the itchiness. Now we ask the person who dares to deny Allah: 1. Even nurses, who underwent training for years, have not been able to find the blood vessel and have injected a shot into the wrong place many times. Despite this, a mosquito that has never been trained will never lose track of its destined mark. Who has educated the mosquito? 2. If you say that the mosquito is able to do it through its sense of temperature, then we ask, ‘who has equipped it with this highly developed sensor?’ And beware saying “nature” because blind, deaf, lifeless, and unconscious nature cannot be responsible for such a sapient and profound performance and it cannot possess millions of individuals. 3. As we have said before, this sense of temperature is not connected to light, and the mosquito is able to perceive the change of temperature at night. If its temperature sensor was dependent on light, then the mosquito would not be able to be nourished at night. And during the day, its prey would notice the mosquito so it would not be able to be nourished then either. Therefore, it would mean the end for the mosquito. Who could this Craftsman be, who possesses such wisdom, and who designed the mosquito’s sense of temperature in a way that is not dependent on light so that the mosquito can be nourished, and devised it so that it could work at night? 4. There is a covering to protect the mosquito’s tiny stinger. Who was this Tailor who sewed this casing? 5. To pierce skin, the mosquito uses its jaws and teeth. Who has taught the mosquito to use its jaws and teeth? In fact, even before this, who created its teeth and jaws with such wisdom?
6. Perhaps the most important of all is the injection of the enzyme that prevents clotting, into the tear that the mosquito had pierced. First of all, how does the mosquito know about the clotting of blood? Let us suppose that it knows. Then who placed the workbench and the factory that produces this enzyme into our bodies? Only having a workbench is not enough, there must also be a Chemist who knows the formula of this enzyme that prevents the clotting. In that case, which school of chemistry did the mosquito complete? Now we have one more proposal for you. Come and accept that the mosquito is a creature of Allah and save yourself from the burden of finding answers to these questions!
The Proofs Of Creation
PROOF 13: The Proof of Giving Sustenance If you were to walk into a room and saw that a meal was set up in its center, and although the meal was not very rich: there was a piece of bread, some olives, and a glass of water, would you be convinced that this meal occurred coincidentally and that it was a lucky result of having formed by itself? Even if the entire world were to gather and say to you, “Nobody prepared this table. This table took on a form by itself”, would they be able to convince you or would you laugh away? Of course you would laugh away because it is impossible for a table to prepare itself, even if it is a simple meal! Now let us ask this: If a simple meal cannot set up itself, then is it possible for the dinner table of the Earth to prepare itself? Yes, this world is such a guesthouse that, its surface is its dinner table and the season of spring is its bouquet. If we accept that every garden is a cauldron, then there are millions of cauldrons on this dinner table. If we accept that every tree is a pot/ container, then this dinner table is filled with billions of pots/containers. Honey bees are the confectionaries of this table; the seas are this table’s warehouses of fresh meat. Goats, sheep, and cows are the fountains of milk for this table and all of the Earth’s inhabitants are the guests at this table. Can a table like this be set up by coincidence and can it be possible or every creature to find an appropriate sustenance at this table? The surface of the Earth is such a majestic dinner table that if we had the strength to compile all edibles that are sent to Earth during the spring onto wagons, then the length of these wagons would be 130 times more than the distance between the earth and moon and would be 1/3 of the distance between the sun and Earth. To set up a train like this, we would need rails that are 40 times longer than the existing train tracks. Now let us look at some examples of the creatures that are fed at this table: Under the condition that he can only carry two jugs of water holding ten liters at each time, a man wanting to carry 200 liters of water to the sixth floor of an apartment building would have to go down from and up to the sixth floor ten times. However, it is a mundane task for the 50
medium-sized birch tree during the blazing hot days of summer. One birch tree carries 200 liters of water to its very top branches on a daily basis. Who is the One who provides this birch tree daily with 200 liters of water and who allows it to carry this amount of water to its very top branches? In the forest of a beech tree farm, that covers about ten thousand square meters, there are approximately 400 trees at the heights of 25-30 meters. The water that evaporates from these trees during their growth season exceeds 2,000 tons. This water can be filled into 200 tankers that hold ten tons. Surely this water that is to evaporate passes through the roots, the trunk, and branches to a height of 20 meters. How many workers would carry that water with how many buckets and how many times; and how much would they sweat? Moreover, think of water being carried to the top of every tree on the Earth! Is it possible to attribute these actions to a coincidence? While the absorption of water by one tree cannot be explained as being a coincidence, how is it possible to explain that the watering of all plants and trees on the Earth and the deliverance of other types of sustenance are coincidental? The Proof of the Supply of Sustenance has encompassed all of the Earth. We could never finish counting the examples of this proof. Every creature that has its sustenance provided in a perfect way bears witness to this proof. We want to complete this proof by providing an immensely interesting example: American ants break the leaves they find and bring the tiny pieces to their nests. The ants in the nest chew these pieces and mix the green dough that they produce with the leftovers that are hidden in a tiny pouch at the bottom of their mouths. Their waste in the nest and other dead insects are added to this as well. Eventually, they acquire nutritious dough and from the rotting of this dough over time, mushrooms begin to grow. A newly born ant lord will look for a suitable place at the time 51
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it must establish a new colony. When it finds a desired place, it will release the mushroom paste that it had previously prepared from its pouch. Following this, it will lay its eggs in the mushroom and at a later time, it will break a few eggs open. The purpose of this hard work is to safeguard the immediate access to food that is intended for the ants that are about to hatch from the eggs. Putting all animals aside, if we were to reflect on only how the sustenance of ants are provided to them at the most appropriate time, then would it not be enough to testify faith in Allah?
PROOF 14: The Proof of Balance The flawless balance that is visible in this universe is a proof that shines like the sun affirming that it was Allah Almighty who established this universe. Every being in this universe including microorganisms, plants, animals, etc wants to invade the earth. However, their inclinations and desires are prevented by an obstacle of some power, and each one is unable to pass a certain limit. For example, microorganisms can rapidly proliferate in proper conditions. If those microorganisms were to proliferate as they wished, they would be able to invade this world on their own. Nevertheless, the microorganism has not been given permission to do this so that the rights of other life forms can be protected. To prevent its invasion, the microorganism has been forced to contend with various enemies. Some restrictions have been introduced for millions of fish in the sea that lay eggs. If a limitation was not introduced, then every species of fish would invade the seas with its own kind and the balance would be destroyed. For example, in one year, a lobster can lay 7 million eggs. If all of them were to be lobsters, then within a few years, the seas would be swarming with them. A whiting fish lays 6 million eggs per year. If all whiting fish were to live, then, the seas would be overflowing with whiting in less than a year. However, only one dozen of those whiting fish are able to survive as the rest become bait for other fish. If fish and other sea creatures could proliferate as they wanted, then, within one year, three out of four seas would be swarming with sea creatures, and it is probably not difficult to forecast that there would be an incursion of seawater on land. However, there is no allowance for this and the seas are maintained at a perfect balance. It has been determined that a species of house mouse has the potential of reaching 400 in numbers in one year and 65,000 within two years. If the reproduction and proliferation of mice were not prevented, then, within two years, the entire earth would be covered by mice of two spans high. 53
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At one time, a type of cactus was brought to Australia to be used as a hedge. In a short time, this cactus grew rapidly in such numbers that they covered an area the size of England and destroyed farms and crops. No matter what they did, nothing was able to prevent the cacti from increasing. Finally, entomologists were called and a research was made. At the end of this research, it was found that what prevented the cactus from increasing in its native land was a type of insect that lived on top of the plant. Scientists later prepared the insect for living on top of the cacti under Australia’s conditions, and ensured that this insect would proliferate in Australia. In this way, they were able to prevent the cacti from increasing in numbers. Alas! A tiny insect was able to accomplish something that humans could not and maintained the balance… What do we say about the oxygen balance in the atmosphere of the earth? The atmosphere contains 21% oxygen, 77% nitrogen, and 2% other gases. If the proportion of oxygen was a little over 21%, then the world could easily burn if you were to light a match to turn on the oven. And if it was less than 21%, then we would be breathless as if somebody wrapped a rope around our neck. It is possible to increase examples and to write a book about the balance in the universe. Besides, every scientific topic is related to it and every science is a loyal witness to the existence of this balance. We refer the billions of other examples that are related to the universe’s balance to science books. We now ask the person who dares to deny Allah: Is it possible that a precise balance like this has evolved through a coincidence and that it has continued to coincidentally develop for billions of years? If it is not possible, then who established the universe’s fascinating balance? 54
Who is preventing the predisposition of the creatures to invade the universe and is intercepting their universal incursion? We say Allah is. How about you? What do you say?
The Proofs Of Creation
PROOF 15: The Proof of Training When we see commandos going down from the top level of an apartment building to its bottom with ropes, we are amazed, we applaud, and we compliment them. Could a spider do a better job than a commando? With the string that it weaves, the spider goes up and down in a flash. A commando could never match the speed of a spider, and could only be an apprentice. To hunt its prey, the spider ties itself to the tree with its string and jumps on top of its victim. The string is strong enough to carry both itself and its prey. While its prey sticks to the web, the spider has a liquid on its legs that prevent it from being stuck. Like with the spider, when we look at the universe carefully, we can see that every creature has its own duty and its own specific conditions for life. As soon as the creature comes into this world, it begins to uphold its duty and completely accommodates itself to the conditions of its life. In fact, as if it has been trained in another realm, it never confuses its duty and is not behind even for one moment. This situation proves that there is an Entity behind the curtain who trains them, who teaches them their duties, and who makes them congruent with their life’s conditions. Without accepting this Entity, it is not possible to explain the discipline and training that openly occurs in sight. To better comprehend this reality, we will look at the training of a honeybee and through this training, we will open the windows to Allah’s existence. A honeybee works without stopping and resting. It visits 20,000 flowers per day and covers 2,000,000 kilometers during its life. The honeybees offer us sweet honey that results from their grueling labor. Now we ask the person who renounces Allah: 1. Who taught the bee to make this honey? Even if all humans were to come together, they could not produce a gram of honey, how is it that a poisonous insect is able to accomplish this task? Or, is the honey bee 56
smarter than us? 2. It is not sufficient that the bee knows how to make honey because this service is not just to produce honey alone. Honey has been created to be useful for humans. In that case, the producer of honey should be aware of the human and know about their anatomy. However, the bee does not have such knowledge. Or, do you claim that the bee is cognizant of humans and is familiar with their anatomy? 3. The production of honey and the feeding of it to people is a result of compassion, mercy, and sympathy. Yet the bee has no compassion or mercy towards us. The proof of this is seen through a bee stinging us with its poisonous stinger when it has the chance. If the bee has no compassion towards us, then who is it that shows us mercy as well as compassion and that extracts honey from the bee? 4. The bee has a bigger duty to undertake than just inoculating flowers. It carries one flower’s pollen to another to enable flower production. When the bee lands on a flower, pollen sticks to its sticky and tight hairs. The bee spreads the pollen from the first flower by subsequently landing on a separate flower from the same species. The performance of this duty yields an interesting display. For example, if a honeybee lands on a rose, it will not subsequently land on another type of flower until it is finished perching on all roses within proximity. The reason for this is that: If the bee landed on different types of flowers then pollination could not occur since the bee would be carrying pollens from various flower-types, and as a result, the generations of flowers would become extinct. Now we ask; How does the honeybee recognize flower types? Why is it making a tiresome journey so that flower production can continue? Who equipped the honeybee with hairs that are suitable for pollination? 5. It is an amazing deed to produce honey in the tiny belly of the bee and to prevent the honey from being contaminated by the poison that could destroy the organs. Could a dumb insect be an agent of such extraordinary deeds? 57
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Now we continue from the training of the honeybee to another scene: The temperature of a honeycomb has to be 35 degrees Celsius for the infant honeybees to be born. If the temperature dropped to 30 degrees Celsius, then all baby honeybees would die. Or if it rose to 40 degrees, this time disabilities or death would result. Yes, the temperature of a honeycomb must be exactly 35 degrees Celsius. Well then, does the temperature ever drop or rise? Of course, it drops and rises. However, the honeybees have found a solution to it, too. When the temperature drops to 30 degrees, the bees mount on top of the honeycomb and try to raise the temperature to 35 degrees by shivering. They fulfill the role of a heater so to speak. If the temperature rises to 40 degrees, they will flap their wings to cool the comb as if they are fulfilling the role of a fan. Now we ask the person who delegates this act of cultivation to coincidence: 1. How do the bees know that the temperature of the honeycomb has to be 35 degrees? Presumably, until you hear these information you probably did not know either. How can an insect know something that the most intelligent of the creatures, the human, does not know? 2. Let us suppose that they do know. Then from where did they learn this technique of heating the comb? 3. Who taught them to flap their wings when the temperature of the honeycomb rises? 4. First of all, do the bees have thermometers to know the temperature? Of course, not because we have never seen a bee carrying a thermometer, so how do they measure the temperature? 5. Why is it so important for them that the infant bees live? Why do they not enjoy the remainder of their one or two week lives instead of preoccupying themselves with saving the babies? Who is the one who is making them work like dutiful soldiers? 58
We only looked at one or two aspects of the honeybee and the training that takes place in relation to it. Dozens of pages can be written on the other characteristics of the honeybee and hundreds of questions can be asked. While the training of only the honeybee cannot be explained, the different types of training of countless other creatures, such as fish, the silk worm, insects, other animals, and plants, appear in front of us. Is it possible that these hundreds of types of training are just works of coincidence or that these creatures learned them on their own? Could a person who has not lost his brain ever consider this as a possibility?
The Proofs Of Creation
PROOF 16: The Proof of Cause and Effect If you see a child pulling a train with one arm, you will immediately say, “The one pulling this train cannot be the child because the child does not have the necessary strength to do it. In that case, there must be some other strength that I cannot see and this child is only a curtain of that strength…” The thing that causes you to think like that is the imbalance between the cause and effect. The child in this example is the cause and his/her pulling the train is the effect. The cause is very weak and ineffectual and since the effect requires a very great strength for it to occur, it dismisses this cause from the role of the doer and proves the presence of another agent. Even if you do not see the possessor of this strength, you will not doubt its presence because its performance is right before your eyes. Are there not more fascinating works that take place in this universe? Of course there are, and in fact, they are far more interesting works… Giant trees grow from small seeds. Fruits that are different in color, taste and shape are attached to the bone-dry branches of trees. The jet-black soil works like a pot, so to speak, and all sorts of vegetables ripen cook/within it. A person’s entire life story and everything that he has learned is registered in his memory, which is as small as a mustard seed. A person is created from a drop of water… Yes, splendid works that we cannot count occur before our eyes all the time… While the causes that generate results are very ordinary, weak, simple, lifeless and poor, the results that occur from these causes are very ingenious, sapient, and valuable. This condition proves that these causes do not create these effects. On the contrary, Allah Almighty performs these works; the causes are only a curtain to His power. To understand this matter better, let us reflect on an example…
The golden plover bird, which is 200 grams, migrates 4000 kilometers from Alaska to Hawaii every year. It covers 88 hours (3.5 days) of travel as it flaps its wings without stopping. Scientists had figured that the bird needs about 82 grams of fat as fuel to complete this journey. However, the golden plover has only 70 grams of fat as fuel. Despite this, no golden plover falls into the ocean when its fuel is exhausted. What could its secret be? Golden plover birds arrange themselves by flying in a “v-shape� as a flock. This way of flying lessens the resistance of air and saves the birds 23% of energy. In this situation, 6-7 grams of more fat will remain once the birds land on the ground. The remaining fat is reserved as backup fuel in case winds blow from the opposite direction. Now let us make a comparison: While a golden plover bird burns 70 grams of fuel when flying 4,000 kilometers, a Boeing 737-800 needs more than 16 tons of fuel to be able to fly the same distance. Since this plane has the capacity to burn 14.2 tons of fuel, it cannot accomplish this type of flight without refueling. In this example, the golden plover bird is the cause while the effect is the activity and journey that it accomplishes. The golden plover is a bird that can be understood by its name. It does not have intelligence, wisdom, power, strength, etc. However, its journey is one that can only be completed through an immense amount of wisdom and strength. For the effect to occur, it would require some kind of knowledge and power. Since the golden plover does not have this kind of knowledge and power, it proves that the golden plover is not making this trip on its own and that it is being made to undertake this journey. If you do not accept that the golden plover makes this journey with Allah’s help and grace, then, answer the following questions and we will see your answers: 1. How does the golden plover understand that migration season has arrived?
The Proofs Of Creation
2. If there were not signboards on the road, then, we could never find our way. In fact, we would get lost despite having followed the signboards and having used maps. Yet the aforementioned bird is never lost. Which signboards does it follow to find its way? 3. The bird flapping its wings non-stop for 88 hours is a task that requires immense strength. Marathon runners, who are the most enduring of the people, can only run 40-50 kilometers at most. How did this bird attain a durable figure on its own? 4. Who stored the 70 grams of fat that is necessary for travel in the bird’s body? 5. Who taught them to fly in a “V-shape” so they could break down the wind’s impact? 6. An airplane designed by humans cannot even compared to the golden plover bird. The plane has an engineer. Then, is the golden plover an act of coincidence? 7. The journey that a golden plover undergoes with 70 grams of fat is also accomplished by the awesome airplanes of civilization, yet they burn 16 tons of fuel. In that case, we can say that the Craftsman of this bird is infinitely sapient and economical. Can you show another artist other than Allah, as being the possessor of sapience and savings? Now reflect on the imbalance between cause and effect. In your reflection, you can look at these events: A cloud is the cause and the rain is the effect. An egg is the cause and the chicken is the effect. The brain is the cause and the writing of a library within it is the effect. Matter is the cause and the transmission of sound is the effect. The honeycomb is the cause and the honey is the effect. The silk worm is the cause and silk is the effect. During your course of reflection, think of how simple, lifeless, and ignorant the causes are and of how immensely extraordinary the effects are and how they reflect the handiwork of knowledge and power. Then consider the Entity, who works behind these causes, in other words, see Allah Almighty with your intellect’s eyes! 62
PROOF 17: The Proof of Cleanliness If you saw a street cleaned by a broom and if you did not see the hand sweeping it, would you believe if the whole world claimed that the broom swept the street on its own? Definitely not. You would laugh at this claim because; It is necessary to have life in order to sweep the street. A being that has no life cannot sweep it. As a matter of fact, the broom has no life. The one that sweeps must have strength. However, the broom has no strength. The one that sweeps must have will. He needs to prefer sweeping to not sweeping. As a matter of fact, the broom has no will. Along with those attributes, the broom needs to know how to sweep. It needs to have mercy, pity the inhabitants of that street, have wisdom and understand what is useful. It should have many other attributes. However, the broom has none of those attributes. Therefore, even if we do not see the hand that holds the broom, we associate that wise activity with a doer that has those attributes. That we do not see the hand does not indicate its nonexistence. On the contrary, that wise activity indicates its existence. Since cleaning a small street cannot be attributed to a broom, how can cleaning the world, which is one of the streets of the universe, be attributed to causes, which are like the broom? Yes, this universe and this world are large factories, guesthouses and inns that are filled and emptied every moment. However, those busy factories, inns, and guesthouses become very dirty with debris and refuse. A person cannot remain inside and will choke if they are not cleaned and maintained carefully. However, this universe’s factory and this world’s guesthouse are so immaculate, clean, and unpolluted that an unbeneficial particle and a coincidental piece of dirt cannot be found 63
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within them. If it is found, then, it gets cleaned quickly. This shows that this factory has an owner who is able to clean this huge factory and palace like one cleans and sweep a tiny room. If a person does not bathe for a month and does not clean and sweep his/her room for the same amount of time, then both the person and the room become very dirty and filthy. This shows that the purity and cleanliness that take place in the castle of this universe result from a sapient and careful cleaning. If that constant amount of cleaning and careful maintenance did not take place, then, within one year, the 100 million nations of every animal species would choke on the Earth, the debris of the stars in the sky would cause death and rocks the size of mountains would rain on our heads. However, this universe has been washed with the manifestation of Allah’s name, al-Quddus (the Pure One), and the cleanliness of the universe is one witness of Allah’s presence. Come and look at this universe more carefully: Behold the seas! Everyday thousands of fish die yet you never see a corpse. Behold the forests! Hundreds of thousands of animals live within them and every day thousands are born and thousands die yet there are no signs of filth. Behold the air! There are dozens of poisonous gases yet none of them smears the air. Behold the space! When we look at the space, we do not see any trash. Is it possible that this cleaning is a work of coincidence? Could a person who has not lost his mind think that this sapient cleaning results from the aforementioned pretexts or from nature itself? Oh, person who dares to deny Allah! Get your mind straightened out and if you do not hear the voice of the great universe, then come and listen to the words of one leaf and see what it says! It says, “Look at me, 64
notice my cleanliness! Look at the windows of the houses on the street and notice that if they are not cleaned within one-two weeks, every inch becomes dusty and dirty. However, you cannot see this kind of dirt and dust either on me or on other leaves. Does our cleanliness not ever capture your attention? Do you not ever think about who cleans us?�
The Proofs Of Creation
PROOF 18: The Proof of the Perfection in Actions The perfection in actions that is visible in this universe refutes the possibility that these actions raise from lifeless and unconscious causes. Putting lifeless and unconscious causes aside, there is such perfection in these actions that the most intelligent of the creatures, the human, is unable to produce such deeds. In fact, the human is impotent to even understand most of them… We will provide three examples to better comprehend this topic and we will reflect on these examples with the “proof of the perfection in actions”. One action that is thought to be very simple for man is the ability to swallow. Let us see how this process takes place. When we swallow, the uvula and the soft palate rise and cover the path that leads to the nostrils of our nose. Our breathing stops due to a reflex. At the same time, a second structure in our throat covers the breathing tube that leads to our lungs. These structures return to their previous states after the food reaches the food tube/ esophagus. Nevertheless, we are oblivious when this happens. The process of swallowing does not finish so easily. In fact, the difficult part comes after this. Swallowing the remaining and dispersed flour-like food particles is really difficult. To overcome this difficulty, first the particles must unite, become smooth, and convert to a certain size. The salivary glands that are located under the tongue discharge the saliva that is produced into the mouth. The smallest of the salivary glands, which are 2-3 grams, secretes a viscous, thick, mucous-like liquid. This liquid sticks the food particles together and brings them to the shape of a morsel. Afterwards, the morsel’s surroundings lubricate. Swallowing this morsel becomes much easier and the only task that we are left with is to begin the process of swallowing. Only one percent of the action of swallowing, which is a very simple action, belongs to the human. And that is to begin swallowing. If this perfect action is not attributed to Allah Almighty, then: 66
1. Who orders the uvula and the soft palate to cover the path that leads to the nostrils of the nose? 2. Breathing in and out stops as a reflex. Who set up this system? The Entity who designed this process must be cognizant of and compassionate towards us. Who else is there other than Allah, who can be cognizant of us, show us compassion, and who has enough power to design this system? 3. In the process of swallowing, the breathing tube is covered by a structure. If the breathing tube is not covered and if the morsel falls into the breathing tube then death could occur. Who took this measure for us? 4. Who placed the salivary glands under the tongue? 5. If it is the tongue that fulfills this task on its own, then from whom did it learn to produce the saliva that sticks the food particles together? 6. A person cannot lay claim to these actions by saying, “I am doing all of this by my own freewill�. He/she is oblivious to the process of swallowing, which is one of the simplest actions. In that case, Who makes sapient processes operate our body machines in the most perfect way without us knowing? As it is seen, even a process that is as simple as swallowing cannot be explained without attributing it to Allah Almighty. How can the others be explained? Now let us move to our second example and look at the sapient activity that takes place in the cell wall: Many experiments have proven that plants choose which mineral particles to take. The cell wall and its membranes have been designed to possess a unique structure for the plant’s process of selection. While the structure allows necessary substances access, it prohibits poisonous and unnecessary particles from entering.
The Proofs Of Creation
The idea of people pushing against a door to enter a stadium is similar to the pushing of substances in their attempts to enter the plant. However, in order to get in, they must present a ticket to the cell wall and receive permission to enter. If the minerals were to enter and exit a plant haphazardly, then this would cause the death of the plant. Every plant has been created with the ability to choose substances that are necessary for its structure. Let us not forget that the selection of minerals change during different phases, different seasons, and different environments! Now we are going to make a comparison between the cell wall and ourselves: We are the smartest of the creatures. We have intelligence, knowledge, and will, yet we do not know what our daily nutritional needs are, from which foods we can best fulfill our needs, and how much we should consume. To obtain this knowledge, we must become a nutrition specialist or a doctor, which require years of study. Yet, the cell wall has not attended any schools and does not know how to read and write. Yet, it works like a nutrition specialist and a doctor as it permits the access of minerals that are necessary for the body and blocks others from entering. Now we ask: Is the cell wall the true agent of this work? Or is there an Entity of reason behind the curtain, who conducts these works? Now let us see our third example. Man has 60,000 biological abilities. Through another expression, we can compare the human to a pass code that has been formed from 60,000 digits. Everything from our hair strands to the color of our eyes is written/identified with this pass code. 30,000 of the 60,000 digits are present with the mother’s cells. However, the pass codes are all found jumbled like 4, 45, 143, 34657… The missing digits are completed by the father’s cells. However, the father has 250 million sperm cells. The mother’s cells must 68
find the cells that carry the numbers missing from the 250 million sperm cells and must produce them in the shortest time possible because their lives are not that long. We can clarify it more: If they handed you a card with 30,000 digits that variously ranged from 1 to 60,000, and put 250 million bags in front of you and said “The digits that are missing from the card that is in your hand can be completed by the digits in one of these bags. Examine the bags individually and find the bag that holds the digits that will complete your insufficient card�. Would we be able to do such a thing? And if we were, how many years would it take for us to be able to do this? Nevertheless, one egg cell is able to do it in a few hours and as a result, a life form comes into being. Can this miraculous deed be attributed to another agent other than Allah? If one denies Allah, then how can this performance be explained? In this proof, we explained that the perfections in actions proved the existence of Allah Almighty. And for this, we only provided three simple examples. Even these three basic examples proved that if these perfect actions are not attributed to Allah, then they cannot be explained and that no one other than Allah can conduct them. Now, compare the other performed actions in the universe to these three deeds and think of the answer to this question: Who other than Allah can lay claim to these sapient actions and be the agent of such perfect deeds?
The Proofs Of Creation
PROOF 19: The Proof of the Meaning of Creation If we had an inkstand with ink and spilt the ink onto an empty piece of paper, no meaningful page would appear. In that case, we can say, “The meaning on this page disaffirms and chases off the ink’s claims of being the scribe because this would show the meaning on the page and the ink possessing freewill, strength, and knowledge. The ink does not have these qualities; therefore, it cannot be this page’s scribe.” If the entire world were to gather, they would still be unable to convince us that the word and sentences on this page, both of which signify meaning, appeared by coincidence. Is the universe not a kind of meaningful book, too? How can one believe that this meaningful book came into existence through will-less and powerless reasons that are without knowledge through the ink’s influence? Let us look at that reality with this example now: Let us sit a monkey in front of a typewriter. The monkey randomly touches the keys on the typewriter. Is it possible that a meaningful word could form as a result of this random pounding? How about a sentence, page, or a meaningful book? Such a book would have meanings that are a book’s worth on each page, meanings in a sentence that are about a page-length, meanings in a word that are a sentence worth, and a central point that has gathered the book’s entire meaning. Is it possible for this kind of a miraculous book to result from the random pushing of keys? Definitely not! Is the universe not a miraculous book like that? The world is a chapter of that book, and the seas, mountains, and 70
the terrain are a page. Every species, for example, a tree species, is a sentence. An individual of that species, for example, a fig tree, is a word in this book. The seed of the fig tree is a dot. This dot is such a mark that a huge fig tree has been written in it. In fact, this seed is a small dot that makes the divine names, which have been written in the book of the universe, visible. Like the monkey’s influence in our example, is it possible for this miraculous book to have come into existence by dumb, blind, lifeless, and unconscious causes? Of course not! Now let us look at a true library, the library of a cell! There are billions of DNA molecules in one cell. The colors of eyes, fingerprints, a person’s voice, hair structure, and all data have been encoded in these DNA molecules. Each of these DNA molecules that are found in one cell resembles a giant encyclopedia containing 46 volumes, all of which contain 20,000 pages, and does actually contain this much of knowledge. A person has approximately 60 trillion cells. If the world’s greatest encyclopedia, the Britannica, which contains 40,000 pages, is considered, then the enormity of knowledge that a single DNA molecule carries will be better understood. The knowledge that is 25 times greater than the knowledge of the world’s biggest encyclopedia has been placed into a cell’s DNA molecules that can only be seen after being magnified hundreds of times under a microscope. Is it possible that such a brilliant work could have been an act of coincidence? If the entire world were to gather to try and convince us that the Encyclopedia Britannica came into existence through coincidence, then would we believe them? They would not never be able to convince us! 71
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Then how can we believe that DNA, which is hundreds of times more sophisticated than the aforementioned encyclopedia, has come into existence through causes or coincidental results? Listen to what the cell is saying, “I have layers of more knowledge than the world’s biggest encyclopedia. If the causes or nature that you claim to be the creators have the knowledge for encoding, and if they have the skill and power, then have them come and encode. If they have the powers for allowing me to accomplish my duties in a city’s structure without hindering me and the power to coordinate my relations with other cells, then have them come and demonstrate them. If they can instill a memory into my sibling, the lymphocyte cell, that can recognize 30,000 different cells, if they can send leukocytes to protect me from my enemies that are attacking me, and work each of those leukocytes as provisional civil servants, then let us see them do so. Then let them claim to have created me!” We want to add this fact as well: The DNA molecules of a person’s body have been fitted into tiny cells by means of folding. The length of a whole DNA string in a person’s cell is 2 meters. If we solved every DNA that is in our cells and aligned them lengthwise one after another, the total length would be 120 billion kilometers, which is 800 times the distance between the Earth and the Sun. Do not forget that the distance between the Sun and Earth is 150 million kilometers! Could these be results of coincidence? While the DNA in a single cell cannot be explained as coincidence, shame on the one who accepts the blind notion that man has existed as a result of coincidence!
PROOF 20: The Proof of Organs Every creature from humans to animals has been given the necessary organs, in the most perfect manner, to continue their life. If Allah is not accepted as the Creator of these organs (God forbid!), then they will have to find logical answers to these questions: 1. The human body has several organs such as the hands, feet, heart, etc. If atoms that are not aware of themselves construct organs, then how can they produce immensely enormous organs such as the hands, feet, and heart? 2. How is it that atoms that have no knowledge regarding the conditions of life are able to design the organs in a way that is compatible with these conditions? How is it that the eye’s atoms that have never seen the sun before are able to construct eyes that see the sun? How is it that the ear’s atoms that have never heard sounds before are able to construct ears that can hear? How is it that the tongue’s atoms that have never tasted anything before are able to produce a tongue that can taste? How is it that the nose’s atoms that have never smelled a scent before are able to produce a nose that distinguishes all sorts of scents? This question is also pertinent to the other organs of the body. 3. Molecules do not have molds. Despite this, the organs they assemble look like as if they have come straight out of a mold. How can this be achieved? 4. How do they determine the most befitting spots for these organs and how do they place these organs into these most suitable spots? 5. How do they determine the number of organs? It seems as if these atoms are as intelligent as Avicenna! Even if there were a thousand Avicennas, they probably would not be able to fulfill any of them. Then, how is it that these atoms are able to accomplish these tasks? 73
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In addition, let us not overlook this: When a child is five years old, he can no longer wear the shirt he was wearing when he was a year old. Likewise, when the child becomes ten years old, he can no longer wear the shirt he was wearing when he was five years old. And when he is 20 years old, he cannot wear the shirt he was wearing when he was 10 years old. That is, as man grows up, the garments get smaller. However, a person does have a garment that never gets small as he/ she grows up, and it is the garment of the body skin. Who is the tailor who expands the garment as the body expands, who widens it when the body fattens, makes it smaller when the body loses weight, and who alters the garment perfectly by not making it too tight or too loose? This is also applicable to animals and trees. Who is the Entity that sews garments for so many trees and animals and that alters them as the trees and animals grow? While we have not been able to explain the formation of organs, we now have to deal with the appearance of these garments. Who else other than Allah could grant every creature perfect organs and sew them the most practical garments? Put the universe aside and think of only one fly: if all people were to gather, could they attach a wing onto a fly and sew the most suitable garment for it?
PROOF 21: The Weakness of Nature The way to persuade someone who denies Allah is to prove to them that nature and its causes cannot invent an object. After it is proven that nature cannot be the inventor, accepting the existence of Allah will be an obligation. To prove that nature cannot be the Creator, you can ask an unbeliever these three questions: 1. Does an artist know the skills of artistry/craftsmanship? 2. Can an artist make a greater masterpiece than himself/herself? 3. Is an artist and art the same thing? Or are they two separate entities? They will probably answer those questions as follows: Of course, an artist knows his/her skill. A carpenter who designs a table will know a table and a painter will know a picture and will paint accordingly. An artist can never make a greater masterpiece than himself/herself. No matter how perfectly he/she designs a computer, it is extremely primitive in comparison to his/her brain. Or, no matter how perfectly he/she constructs a house, it is artistically lacking when compared to the artist’s own body. As for the issue whether the artist and the work of art are the same or not, they are, of course, different. The carpenter is different from the table and the painter is different from the painting. We can list the following rules based on those answers: 1. The artist knows his/her craft. 2. An artist cannot produce a greater work than himself/herself. 3. The artist and art are two separate things. Oh, the person who denies Allah, Listen! By denying Allah Al75
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mighty, you are making nature and its causes the artist of materials. Yet, you have just said: “The artist must know their craft”. However, the things that you accredit as being the artist, which are water, the sun, soil, air, and other causes, do not have any sense of self, let alone a sense of material. In that case, how could they create these works of art? Do not forget that you accepted the rule, “the artist must know his/ her craft” as well. You also said, “an artist cannot create a greater masterpiece than himself/herself”. However, even a fly is more artful and excellent than those causes. Just raise your head and look at the universe. How can you claim that these miracles of art have formed by simple, artless, and unconscious causes? Besides, the artist and art are two separate entities. However, by identifying these causes as the agents, you claim that the artist and art are the same. When we ask, “what is nature?” you show us the world. Later, when we ask, “who created this?”, once again you mention the causes within the world. In this way, you are designating the universe as being both the art and artist. Your thought is so fallacious. You can follow this procedure as well to prove that nature is not responsible for creation. Ask an unbeliever these questions in this order to receive their answers: -Who created the mountains? -Nature -Who created the seas? -Nature -Who created the trees? -Nature -Who created the stars?
-Nature… Count the articles one by one in this manner and ask who created them. They are going to give the answer “nature” to all questions. Then, ask them what nature is. They are going to point to the articles that we counted previously and say, “these are nature”. By saying the following, we will be able to convince and silence them: When we previously asked, “Who created these articles?”, you answered “nature”. Now you are identifying the same articles as nature. In this case, these articles are considered as nature and they are considered to be created by nature. However, it is not possible for something to be both something created and the creator. You identified these articles as being both created things and the creator. If you are referring to someone else by saying “nature”, we do not refer to Him as “nature but as “Allah”. You too, should say Allah and save yourself!
The Proofs Of Creation
PROOF 22: Without Knowing the Whole, a Part Cannot be Created. The plans for creatures were made long ago, and every being has been created according to that plan. Every limb and organ of a creature has been thought carefully and designed to complete the body. We can understand this proof better with the following example: For instance, if we accept that the necessary particles for life have come into being by themselves, would it answer the questions and resolve the secrets of creation for each of these works that are more wondrous than one another? Let us suppose that a refrigerator’s parts were produced without the intervention of an engineer. Then, would a workman not be necessary to construct a refrigerator from these parts? Moreover, as these parts intended for construction appear, they must also be attached to one another in a way that constitutes a refrigerator as a whole. Every part that is to be manufactured must attach in accordance with another part, must support that part, and must not hinder the functions of other parts. If a steering wheel were attached in place of a refrigerator-door, if a radio’s speaker were to take the place of another part, then nothing would emerge. The simplest creatures have far more complicated structures than a refrigerator. For the simplest segment to be useful, it must be constructed with consideration to the rest of the body. For example, the fly is one of the simplest creatures: Let us assume that we have accepted that the fly’s wings, eyes, legs, and its other ligaments have formed by coincidence. However, a master would still be necessary to construct those pieces together. As the parts appear, the whole must be known and a part must be created in accordance with the whole. You cannot apply an eagle’s wing to a fly and cannot attach a chicken’s leg to it, either.
In that case, attempts to prove that matter came into existence by coincidence are not sufficient for one to denounce Allah. A Master is still necessary to create the whole from the parts.
The Proofs Of Creation
PROOF 23: The Proof of Performing a Duty Every being in this universe is performing a duty to maintain the general order. Nearly all beings have eyes that can see everything and have ears to hear another’s voice. Let us try to comprehend it through an example: The atmosphere is 1000 km above the ground; it is composed of various gases and is like an ocean that is harder than a rock. One of its many duties is to cut off beams that could be harmful to life forms and to prevent them from being sent to the Earth. If we accept the lifeless gases as being the agents of this sapient action, then we must accept the fallacious thoughts below: 1. For the atmosphere to know which of the sun’s rays are harmful, it must first know the bodies of life forms. It must know the possessors of these bodies so that it can differentiate between what is beneficial and harmful for them. This becomes possible only when one possesses all-encompassing knowledge. 2- It is not sufficient for the atmosphere to be familiar only with life forms. Additionally, it must also recognize the sun’s rays. Only by knowing those rays can the atmosphere differentiate the harmful from the harmless and can send down the particular amount that is necessary. For this reason, it should have various types of equipment, supplies, and a developed laboratory, so that it can separate the harmful from the harmless and discover which rays should be sent at which amount. This requires that the atmosphere be granted the names of “al-alim” (the All-Knowing), “al-adil” (the Just), “al-hakim” (the Perfectly Wise), and “al-muqaddir” (the Determiner). 3- Suppose that the atmosphere knows the life forms with its knowledge and measures the sun’s rays with its devices. However, not sending the harmful rays is an act of compassion and mercy. Yet, those lifeless and unconscious atoms cannot have such compassion.
It means that by disaffirming Allah, one must accept that the atmosphere is the possessor of knowledge, reason, and compassion. Let us give another example regarding this topic: When we look at a seed, we will see that it is concerned with its flower, its species, and the universe. It is concerned with its flower since the flower’s entire program is hidden in the seed. It is concerned with its species in this way: Although flowers of the same species are planted at different times, they will bloom flowers on the same day. Why does it happen? It is because only through this manner can they reproduce. Pollination occurs through insects and bees transferring the pollen that sticks to their wings to another individual flower of the same species. If they had not bloomed flowers on the same day, then their species would have been extinct long ago. As for their relations with the entire universe, every plant and flower adjust themselves to the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide like an expert. They adjust this balance by producing oxygen for a lifetime. Those flowers that consume carbon dioxide for a lifetime will dispense of it when they die. If carbon dioxide were to increase in the atmosphere, then it would accelerate its consumption rate in plants. Now we want to ask these questions: 1. A seed has relations with everything. Who established these connections? 2. Even if flowers are planted on separate days, they bloom on the same day for pollination. How do these flowers communicate with one another? How do they decide on what day they will come out of the seed? How does the planted seed accelerate its growth so that it can meet the deadline? How does it prepare itself for that day? 3. Flowers and plants work diligently to maintain the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. How do these uncon81
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scious plants work like chemists? Which devices do they use to measure? Why is the continuation of life so important to them? Now compare other beings to these examples and think of their relationships with other materials in this universe and how they work to maintain the general order. Then provide an answer to this question: Every article has responsibilities towards and relations with other existent beings. Besides every creature strive for the maintenance of general order too. Is it possible that these lifeless and unconscious beings may have established these relations by themselves and that they each undertake a duty towards the continuation of this order? Could a person who has not lost his mind accept this explanation?
PROOF 24: The Proof that One Cannot be both a Judge and a Prisoner If the existence of Allah is not testified to and is denied (God forbid!), then the idea that every atom is both a judge and a prisoner would have to be accepted. However, it is not possible that an entity could be both the judge and the prisoner. Let us explain: If it is believed that the stones that constitute a building had constructed this building without a master, then the idea that every stone is both a judge and a prisoner would have to be accepted. They are judges because they all agreed to come together to form a building. They are prisoners because they cannot back out of their decision. Similarly, if atoms had created this body instead of Allah Almighty, the body’s atoms would have gathered and collectively decided to compose organs. In this way, they would have earned the qualities of judging and legislating. Yes, for example, they come together and decide to construct the heart. This decision is a kind of ruling that a judge would make. By submitting to this ruling that they made themselves, they become imprisoned. Since no atom is able to abandon the organ that it produces, it is a type of imprisonment. From another perspective: an atom has had other atoms submit to it, and as a result, it becomes a judge and by submitting to them, it becomes imprisoned. However, it is not possible for an entity to be both the judge and the prisoner. This world has never seen someone who was both a judge and a prisoner. In that case, to disaffirm Allah, one must accept that these two characteristics exist in the countless atoms of the body. Billions of these kinds of inconsistencies can be found within disbelief.
The Proofs Of Creation
PROOF 25: The Absurdity of Coincidence In this proof, we will provide examples regarding the universe not being a result of coincidences and expose the absurdity behind the phrase, “the universe formed by coincidence”. Example 1: We are going to Liverpool from London. We set off from London and arrive at “Town A”. We choose one out of the two paths on our way. Our choice is correct. We arrive at “Town B”. From there, three roads emerge. We choose one at random and arrive at “Town C”. And there, four more paths emerge. At last, we arrive at the path that is closest to Liverpool; however, 1,000 paths now stand before us. Once again, we randomly choose “path number 375” and reach our destination. Can this explanation be explained as a “coincidence”? Even if it were accepted that we arrived at Liverpool by coincidence, our constant success in finding the right way every time we encountered thousands of paths, would be attributed to a guide showing us the way in every situation. An atom’s activity is not different from our activity mentioned in the example. It has billions of paths to choose from yet it chooses the best one. A creature’s body is the result of an atom finding the best way out of these billions of possibilities. An atom choosing the best option out of billions can only occur with the command of one who is prudent and the preference of a decision-maker. It cannot be any other way. Oh the person who denies Allah! Listen; While you do not accept that a person can coincidentally choose the correct path out of many options on a journey to Liverpool, how is it that you are able to accept that unconscious and mindless atoms are able to find the most suitable path out of billions of options? And, how is it that you are able to attribute creation to the coincidental decisions made by atoms? Could a person who accepts this be considered smart? 84
Example 2: The probability of a die rolling the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 in consecutive order is (1/6)6, that is to say 1 in 46.656. The number of bones in a person’s ear is six. Even if the appearance of these six bones is accepted as a coincidence, the probability of these bones aligning in their present order is 1 out of 46.656. This is just the probability of one person’s ear-bones aligning by coincidence. Think of the same alignment for each one of the 7 billions people in the world. The one who denies Allah should look at what they are obliged to accept and be embarrassed by this! Example 3: If we were to roll the die again, the odds of rolling a four are 1 out of 6. If we were to roll two dice at the same time, the probability of rolling a four for both is 1 out of 36. The odds of having both dice roll fours in two sets both times are 1 out of 1,296. The odds of having both dice roll fours after the dice are consecutively tossed four times are 1 out of 1,679,616. If the probability of rolling ‘4’ four times on end when you throw two dice is 1 out of 1,679,616, then what are the chances of the 206 bones found in the human body being suitable for one another? Let us think this way: Let us suppose that all bones were created by coincidence and that we took these bones and put them in a bag. Every time we pulled a bone out of the bag, we tried to align it to the skeleton’s arrangement. When we pulled a wrong bone out of the bag, we placed the other bones that were picked and fitted correctly till then back into the bag and started over. What are the odds of correctly picking 206 bones? Such a number cannot even be expressed in trillions. Do not forget that we made this account by accepting that the bones had been created by coincidence. What kind of account could be made for the probability of the bones being created by a coincidence? What if an additional account was made, not just for the bones found in people, but for all people sharing the same bone structure made from the same mineral, and what if animals were added to this account? Could a probability be accounted and could these numbers be expressed? Oh, the person who denies Allah! Look at what kind of probability you will be obliged to accept by denying Allah, and if you have not completely lost your mind, then, give up this thought! 85
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Example 4: Now let us think of the Mosque of Hagia Sophia having been created from natural events on its own without an architect. How can this be? A gust of wind from the west brings 11.5 tons of lime and another wind from the east brings 2.37 tons of brick. A wind from the southeast brings 4.3 tons of iron. A wind blowing from the north brings 10.7 tons of water and pours it here. A wind comes from another direction to arrange these bricks. Another wind puts the cement in place and this is how the Hagia Sophia comes into being. There is probably not a more logical explanation than this when we deny the Hagia Sophia’s architect and attribute its construction to coincidence. Now let us compare the mosque to our cells. This mosque is 1200 square meters while our cells are 5-10 microns. Five to ten materials are needed for this mosque whereas 30,000 components are needed for our cells. The weights of materials that are needed for this mosque are expressed in kilos and tons whereas the substances in cells are sensitive enough to be expressed in micrograms. If a change about the size of a molecule occurs, then, the cell will be destroyed. O, the person who denies Allah! Listen: while you are not able to accept that a mosque can come into being by itself and laugh at the idea, how is it that you deem a stranger impossibility of a cell forming by itself possible? Example 5: Let us place a monkey in front of a typewriter. Let us suppose that the monkey randomly touches the keys on the typewriter. Would it be possible for a meaningful word, sentence, or page to form? Is the composition of a meaningful book within the realms of this possibility? Definitely not! If we sat a monkey in front of the keyboard, the odds of it typing the letter “O” would be 1 out of 26. The probability of typing “OX” is 1 out of 676. For example, the odds of typing “CHANCE” are 1 out of 308.915.776, which is impossible in terms of time. Are humans and animals not more excellent than a six-letter word? Putting living beings aside, when we look at one DNA, we can find 3.5 billion nucleotides, which are 3.5 billion letters, in just 86
one DNA molecule. If the odds of a six-letter word forming by coincidence are 1 out of 308.915.776, then what are the odds of 3.5 billion letters coincidentally forming in a single DNA? Example 6: If all adequate atoms on the Earth were used, the probability of coincidentally acquiring a single protein from the time the Earth was created until the present would be 1/10161. That is, you need to multiply ten by ten 161 times, or add 161 zeros to the right of 10. The probability of a single protein forming by itself is just one out of so many probabilities. However, it is not all. The smallest of living beings needs 238 more proteins. If you wanted to articulate the probability of so many proteins forming by coincidence, you would need to repeat the word “trillion” 9975 times, which would take about 2 hours of your time, and then multiply the resulted number with 10. The probability of a living being’s proteins forming by coincidence is just one out of so many probabilities. Then, would the intelligence of the one who claims that this universe came into existence through coincidence not be doubted? We now complete the proofs concerning Allah’s existence that form the work, “The Proofs of Creation”, here. However, it should not be supposed that there are only 25 proofs regarding Allah’s existence. No way! There are many more proofs concerning Allah’s presence and some of them are as follows: The Proof of Conscience, the Proof of Prophethood, the Proof of the Qur’an, the Proof of the Unanimity of Expert People, the Proof of Death, the Proof of Worship, the Proof of Ornaments, the Proof of Resemblance, the Proof of Cooperation, the Proof of Blessings, the Proof of Compassion, the Proof of Possession, the Proof of Transformation, the Proof of Weakness, the Proof of Ignorance, the Proof of Domination, the Proof of Ease in Invention, the Proof of Magnificence, the Proof of Beauty, the Proof of Action, and dozens of other similar proofs… 87
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The Proofs Of Creation