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Appendix L: Wildland Qualifications
Personnel deploying or teaching in the following positions must have the following positionspecific training:
• Firefighter (SFF) Instructor qualifications; o Documented completion of all minimum training requirements for the SFF position o Current State of Florida Fire Instructor I, II, or III certification o No single course exemptions will be issued
• Engine/ Single Resource Leader (ENG/SRL) - This is the lead person on the fire apparatus. Minimum training requirements; o Documented completion of all minimum training requirements for the SFF position o I-200 (Basic ICS) or FEMA IS-200 (Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response) (Online – http://training.fema.gov/is/courseoverview.aspx?code=IS-200.b) o S-215 (Fire Operations in the Wildland-Urban Interface) or FL-215 (Fire Operations in the Wildland-Urban Interface) o Engine/ Single Resource Leader (ENG/SRL) Instructor qualifications;
§ Documented completion of all minimum training requirements for the ENGL/SRL position
§ Current State of Florida Fire Instructor I, II, or III certification
§ No single course exemptions will be issued
• Strike Team/Task Force Leader (ST/TFL) - Persons in this position must be qualified in the local jurisdiction as a company officer or higher. Minimum training requirements include; o Documented completion of all minimum training requirements for the ENG/SRL position o S-330 (Task Force / Strike Team Leader) or L-984 (NIMS ICS All-Hazards Task Force/ Strike Team Leader) or FL-330 (Task Force / Strike Team Leader) o Strike Team/Task Force Leader (ST/TFL) Instructor qualifications;
§ Documented completion of all minimum training requirements for the ST/TFL position
§ Current State of Florida Fire Instructor I, II, or III certification
§ No single course exemptions will be issued
• Structure Protection Specialist (STPS) - Persons in this position operate at the ICS “Supervisor” level of command and would oversee Strike Teams and Task Forces deployed through SERP for structure protection missions. Persons in this position must be qualified in the local jurisdiction as a chief officer. Minimum training requirements include; o Documented completion of all minimum training requirements for the ST/TFL position o S- 290
Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior o S- 270 – Basic Air Operations (Florida Air Operations Course will substitute for S- 270 course). o Approved by the Florida Forest Service Chief o Structure Protection Specialist (STPS) Instructor qualifications;
§ Documented completion of all minimum training requirements for the STPS position
§ Current State of Florida Fire Instructor I, II, or III certification
§ No single course exemptions will be issued
NOTE: For the purpose of the SERP ONLY, Florida Bureau of Fire Standards and Training (BFST) courses designated by an ‘FL’ prefix are equivalent to the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) courses designated by an ‘S’ prefix, i.e. FL-130 is equal to S-130