Ana's parents were upset. "Ana, Huya, that firewood is not for you to take. That is for our family, so we have fire in order to cook,” said their mother. "Now, girls, go to the forest and collect more, and be back before dark!”
Ana’s father explained, “There are many colorful plants and animals I have seen there, and I know you love to pick flowers and chase butterflies.” He pinched Ana’s cheek.

“Leave the nature to itself, kids,” he reminded.
“Don’t go too deep into the forest.”
Ana and Huya walked to the forest together.
"Ana, why didn't you say we weren't allowed to use the wood!" Huya complained. "Now we're in trouble."
"I didn't know we'd get in trouble! They gave me wood for crafts before when I asked," Ana replied.
Huya accepted Ana’s response and they continued walking down to the forest.

They soon filled the whole sack with firewood.
"We have to go back at sunset," told Huya.
"The sun won't set for. . .thirty minutes," Ana guessed. "And while we're in the forest, don't you want to see the animals and plants Father said were here?"

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