LETTER Hello Everyone!
We have arrived at a new month and a new edition of this noble project we call México Intercultural. With this new edition I’d like to speak honestly, not only about the magazine’s content, but also about the enormous support and interest our work inspires in others who in return gift us their time by reading our pages. We would ask every reader to help us to create and share our art, education, science and culture-based ideas on social evolution and revolution; ideas that exhibit the more human facets of our society. Can you imagine an alternate universe where the stock market in each country rises and falls according to artistic creation and production? Can you imagine if we could fill our tanks will gallons of poetic verse rather than gasoline? Or if instead of engagement rings, people gave out songs to ask for marriage? If instead of banks we had theaters? If we planted fields of sculpture? This edition of the magazine shows how we have been moved by these thoughts. In September, a month so representative of our Mexican heritage, we must demonstrate the dramatic changes that can be and are taking place. From Mexico, with love.
Elizabeth del Castillo Zavala Editor in chief
Elizabeth del Castillo Zavala Editorial coordinator
Carlos Reyes Arroyo Editorial care and copyediting
Berenice Ramos Romero English translator
Lenya Caldarera Bloom Art Director and Graphic designer
Agencia de Publicidad Sanvayú Radio Zona Libre
Elizabeth del Castillo Zavala Carlos Alberto Reyes Arroyo Eduardo Barragán Reyes José Luis García Valdés Alicia Yañez Mendoza Market editor and General Inquires
Elizabeth Rivero lizrivero6@gmail.com
Phone number:
Local: 01 222 78 30 346 Cellphone: 22 22 39 50 50
contacto@mexicointercultural.org direccion.editorial@mexicointercultural.org
Camino Cuayantla N°. 1804, Interior B, San Bernardino, Tlaxcalancingo, Puebla, C.P. 72821.
On the origin of artistic practice
Culture, art and economy
Peruvian cajón or flamenco cajón?
Do mexicans know how to have fun?
Social entrepreneurship and the empowerment of women in rural Mexico
How to have a better approach to japanese literature
Memory belongs to time: Chris Marker’s La Jetée (the dock)*
Viva Mexico
Laurence Le Bouhellec Guyomar
5 Mtra. Laurence Le Bouhellec Guyomar Department Chair Language Arts, Humanities and Art History University of the Americas Puebla.
Luis Felipe Lomelí
“The emigrant” - Do you forget anything? - I wish! Microrrelato, 2005.
7 Dr. Luis Felipe Lomelí · San Luis Potosi Fine Arts Award · Edmundo Valades Award for Latin American Storytelling and the Gilberto Owen National Literature Award for his book Cuentos Perorata. Twitter: @Lfelipelomeli
Edith Esquivel Eguiguren
References: 1 IMO study on free time, December, 2009. 2 LAMAC, 2011. 3 Good Childhood inquiry, 2009. 4 Tibor Scitovsky, The Frustrations of Wealth. Fondo de Cultura Econรณmica, 1976.
Mtra. Edith Esquivel Eguiguren Writer, translator, line editor and essayist for the Grupo Imagen web portal Money Twitter: @medithie
10 Jimena Germรกn Blanco
12 Jimena Germรกn Blanco Undergraduate Students in Humanities and Cultural Studies at the University of the Americas Puebla .
Héctor Manuel Villanueva Lendechy
15 Dr. HĂŠctor Manuel Villanueva Lendechy Head of the Postgraduate Business Administration Department University Iberoamericana, Puebla.
MarĂa del Carmen Rosas Franco
Bibliography: • Abad de Montesinos, Javier, “Time, memory and commitment.” • Chris Marker, “A Journey through Images” in Revista de Letras y Ficción audiovisual, s/n (2013). • Ramírez, Juan Antonio, “Dadaism and Marcel Duchamp” in Historia del Arte 4: el mundo contemporáneo. Madrid: Alianza,1997. • Fontcuberta, Joan, Pandora’s Camera, Barcelona: GG, 2010. • Didi-Huberman, Georges, Images Burning México. Oceano, 2012 • “Chris Marker, “Images from the Filmaker of Truth” in http://cultura.elpais.com/cultura/2012/08/05/ actualidad/1344118189_863612.html August, 2012. • La Jetée (1962). Directed by: Chris Marker, Script: Chris Marker, Music: Trevor Duncan, Produced by: Anatole Dauman, Photography: Chris Marker, Montage: Jean Ravel, France: Argos Films.
17 Mtra. Carmen Rosas Franco Editor, designer and researcher of issues in art and education, the image as narrative (albums, books, graphic novels and comics) and the use of digital media in children’s and youth literature.
Berenice Romero
19 Phd. Berenice Ramos Romero Doctor of Literature from the Pontificia Catholic University in Chile
Your Name
Because we were friends and sometimes loved each other, perhaps to add one more tie to the many that already bound us, we decided to play games of the mind.
I try to write your name in the dark. I try to write that I love you. I try to say all this in the dark. I don’t want anyone to find out, or see me at three in the morning pacing across the room, crazy, full of you, in love. Illuminated, blind, full of you, you pouring from me. I say your name in all the silence of night, my muzzled heart screams it. I repeat your name, I say it again, tirelessly I say it, and I am sure the dawn will break.
Rosario Castellanos
We set up a board between us: equally divided into pieces, values, and possible moves. We learned the rules, we swore to respect them, and the match began.
Jaime Sabines
We’ve been sitting here for centuries, meditating ferociously how to deal the one last blow that will finally annihilate the other one forever.
The Moon Rabbit Quetzalcoatl, the great and kind God, went to travel the earth transformed as a man. He walked all day and became tired and hungry as the sun set. Even so he continued walking and walking until the stars twinkled in the sky and moon rose in the sky window. Then he sat at the edge of the road and was there, resting, when he spied a rabbit that was out looking for its dinner. PAGE
-What are you eating? – He asked it. -I am eating grass. Do you want some? -Thanks, but I do not eat grass. -Then what will you eat? Said the rabbit -I may die of hunger and thirst.
The rabbit approached Quetzalcoatl and said to him: look, I am just a rabbit, if you are hungry, eat me, I am here. Then the god stroked the rabbit and said: You may be only a rabbit but the whole world will remember you forever. He lifted the rabbit up high, up to the moon, where the rabbit’s figure made a stamp. Then the god brought him back down to earth and said: There is your portrait in light, for all humankind and for all time.