Opera Facultatis philosophicae Universitatis Carolinae Pragensis vol. XVIII
Peter Pavúk – Věra Klontza-Jaklová – Anthony Harding (eds)
This book presents the contributions offered to Professor Jan Bouzek at the conference in honour of his 80th birthday held in May 2015 in Prague. Jan Bouzek has been one of the most influential and prolific archaeologists in Europe over the course of his career, with interests spanning climate change, the world of later prehistory in central and eastern Europe, and the archaeology of the Iron Age and Classical world from central Europe, through Bulgaria, to Turkey and the Black Sea area. The papers in this volume reflect these concerns. The world of ancient Thrace is an important area of interest, especially in view of the excavations at Pistiros (Bulgaria) which he led between 1993 and 2015. Contributions relating to the prehistoric Aegean, to Bronze and Iron Age central Europe, to the Classical and Hellenistic Balkans, and to the ancient Pontic world, are among those which reflect the many interests of this wide-ranging and learned – but very human – scholar, and the numerous friendships he formed over the whole of Europe and beyond.
Opera Facultatis philosophicae Universitatis Carolinae Pragensis vol. XVIII
Peter Pavúk – Věra Klontza‑Jaklová – Anthony Harding (eds)
Opera Facultatis philosophicae Universitatis Carolinae Pragensis, series editor: Michal Stehlík
This book was published with the assistance of the Institute of Aegean Prehistory (INSTAP) – Philadelphia, USA and as part of the Charles University program PROGRES Q 09: History – The key to understanding the globalized world.
Copy readers: Alexandros Mazarakis Ainian Peter Warren
Opera Facultatis philosophicae Universitatis Carolinae Pragensis vol. XVIII Peter Pavúk – Věra Klontza‑Jaklová – Anthony Harding (eds) ΕΥΔΑΙΜΩΝ. Studies in honour of Jan Bouzek Published by the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, nám. J. Palacha 2, Prague 1 in cooperation with Masaryk University, Žerotínovo nám. 617/9, 601 77 Brno
© Charles University, Faculty of Arts, 2018 © Masaryk University, 2018 © Peter Pavúk, Věra Klontza‑Jaklová, Anthony Harding (editors), 2018 © Alexandru Avram, Philip Betancourt, Fritz Blakolmer, Jan Gerrit de Boer, Dorel Bondoc, Victor Cojocaru, Alina Dimitrova, Andrea Ďurianová, Ayşe F. Erol, Bogusław Gediga, Aleksey Gotsev, Vladimir Gotsev, Marta Oller Guzmán, Hilke Hennig, Anna Józefowska, Marios Kamenou, Petra Kmeťová, Konstantinos Kopanias, Venceslas Kruta, Luana Kruta Poppi, Andy Lamb, Dagmara Łaciak, James Muhly, Sarah C. Murray, Emil Nankov, Lucia Nováková, Hristo Preshlenov, Vyara Petrova, Pavel Sankot, Deniz Tamer, Valentina Taneva, Ivo Topalilov, Gocha R. Tsetskhladze, Alexandrina Tsoneva, Marek Verčík, Saro Wallace, Ioannis K. Xydopoulos, Fikret K. Yegül, Eleni Zimi, 2018 Cover and typography: Jana Vahalíková Cover illustration modified from CMS II,6 no. 11. Image courtesy of the CMS Heidelberg Fedra typesetting: Dušan Neumahr Press: Togga, spol. s r. o., Prague First edition, Prague 2018 ISBN 978-80-7308-767-8 (Charles University, Faculty of Arts) ISBN 978-80-7308-795-1 (online : pdf) ISBN 978-80-210-9025-5 (Masaryk University. Brno)
11 Preface I. The Aegean and Anatolia 17 The Early Trade Routes for Metals in Bronze Age Crete (Philip P. Betancourt, James D. Muhly)
29 A ‘Special Procession’ in Minoan Seal Images: Observations on Ritual Dress in Minoan Crete (Fritz Blakolmer) 51 Deconstructing Achilles. The Stories about Piyamaradu and the Making of a Homeric Hero (Konstantinos Kopanias)
71 Imported Objects as Proxy Data for Change in Greek Trade after the Mycenaean Collapse: A Multi‑variate Quantitative Analysis (Sarah C. Murray) 93 Movement Mad? Perspectives on Movement in the Ancient Aegean (Saro Wallace) II. Classical, Hellenistic and Roman World 131 In Pursuit of Connectivity in the Mediterranean: Corinthian Conventionalizing Pottery from Euesperides and the Broader Region of Cyrenaica (Eleni Zimi)
151 The Macedonian Expansion West of the River Axios: The Case of Almopia (Ioannis K. Xydopoulos)
161 „Marathon without Phalanx?“ – Die Entstehung der Phalanx und ihre Bedeutung für die Polis aus der Sicht der Archäologie (Marek Verčík)
179 Closer to Heaven: The Tradition of Above Ground Burials in Western Anatolia (Lucia Nováková, Andrea Ďurianová)
201 Change You Can Believe in: Architecture and Unorthodox Classicism in Asia Minor (Fikret K. Yegül) 221 The Roman Bridge between Dolni Vadin (Bulgaria) and Grojdibodu (Romania) (Dorel Bondoc) III. Central Europe
245 Böhmen und Bayern in der Urnenfelderzeit. Ein Grab der Mittleren Urnenfelderzeit aus Sengkofen, Landkreis Regensburg, Oberpfalz (Hilke Hennig)
257 Cultural Contacts of the Societies of South‑Western Poland in the Early Iron Age (Bogusław Gediga, Dagmara Łaciak, Anna Józefowska)
267 ‘And four strong‑necked horses he threw swiftly on the pyre…’ On human‑horse relationship in the Early Iron Age Central Europe from the perspective of interregional contacts (Petra Kmeťová)
291 Sulla presenza dei cavalli nelle tombe dell’età del Ferro in Italia settentrionale (Luana Kruta Poppi) IV. Celts on the move 299 Boïens et Volques : les deux visages celtiques de la Bohême et de la Moravie (Venceslas Kruta)
321 Les relations de la Bohême avec l’Ouest et l’Est Laténiens entre Ve et IIIe sc. avant J.–C. nouvelles considérations (Pavel Sankot)
335 The Belgae of Gaul and Britain: Revisiting Cross‑Channel Contacts in the Later Iron Age (Andrew W. Lamb) V. Thrace and its Rulers 361 Latest Investigations and New Perspectives at Emporion Pistiros (South Central Bulgaria) (Aleksey Gotsev, Vyara Petrova, Vladimir Gotsev) 379 Les Monnaies de l’emporion de Pistiros (Valentina Taneva)
391 Attic painted pottery from emporion Pistiros – spatial distribution (Vyara Petrova)
403 Pistiros: the “Middle Ground” of a “Small Greek World”? (Jan Gerrit de Boer)
423 Hephaestus Dabatopios and the Divine Patronage of Metallurgy in Moesia Inferior and Thracia (Marios Kamenou, Alina Dimitrova) 439 A Roman Crater with a Dionysiac Scene from South Central Bulgaria (Emil Nankov, Alexandrina Tsoneva)
457 Once More on the Benefactor of the Metropolis Philippopolis, Thrace, T. Claudius Sacerdos Iulianus (Ivo Topalilov)
VI. Black Sea Area 467 ‘The Most Marvellous of All Seas’: The Great King and the Cimmerian Bosporus (Gocha R. Tsetskhladze)
491 Réflexions sur quelques traits particuliers du corps civique dans les Cités Nord‑Pontiques (Victor Cojocaru, Marta Oller Guzmán) 511 Le statut juridique des cités grecques de la côte occidentale de la mer Noire à l’époque d’Auguste (Alexandru Avram) 525 The Southwestern Pontos in Orbis Romanus. General Trends of the Political Integration of the Regional Communities (Hristo Preshlenov)
541 The Place of Cingirt Kayasi in the Pontic Region during the Reign of Mithridates VI (Ayşe F. Erol, Deniz Tamer)
559 Abstract 563 Index
In 2015, with Jan Bouzek approaching 80 years of age, a grand celebration of this great scholar and exceptional personality was clearly called for. We intended to celebrate the event not only at our favourite winery, but also scientifically by means of a big conference in his honour. However, it soon became clear that to organise a conference covering all of his interests was not going to be an easy task. In the end, it was decided to organize two conferences: a local one in February 2015, Jan Bouzek and the Czech Lands, and an international one in May 2015, the subject of this volume. The Czech conference proceedings were published as a monothematic issue of the journal Studia Hercynia (vol. XIX, 2015), which also included his updated bibliography for the years 2005 to 2015, to which we refer you here. However, this was not the only Festschrift he has received, not even just for his 80th Birthday. The Faculty of Humanities at Charles Uni‑ versity, where Jan also taught for many years, presented him in the same year with a nice volume called Between Archaeology and History, an anthology of his shorter essays in Czech. Simultaneously, proceedings of the Volos conference dedicated to Jan, Regional Stories Towards a New Perception of the Early Greek World, were published by the University of Thessaly. Other volumes had previously been produced, for his 60th Birthday special volumes of jour‑ nals Eirene (XXXI, 1995, Studia Graeca et Latina, in honorem Jan Bouzek) and Studia Hercynia (I, 1997); for his 70th Birthday a special volume of Studia Hercynia (X, 2007 – dedicated to him, together with Iva Ondřejová for her 60th Birth‑ day); and yet another volume for his 75th Birthday, this time the opening volume of a new series, Colloquia Antiqua (2011), edited by G. Tsetschladze. The conference “Contacts, Migrations and Climate Change” was held from 19 to 22 May 2015 in Prague, in the splendid conference room of the Clam‑ Gallas Palace, home to the Prague City Archive. The conference was dedicated to Professor Bouzek’s professional life, but the goal was not only to honour his exceptional professional achievements but also to create a broad forum for discussion across the archaeology of Europe and the Black Sea, and specifically to include the following topics: The Black Sea Area; The Aegean and Anatolia; Central Europe; Classical, Hellenistic, and Roman; Climate; Celts on the Move; Thrace and its Rulers. All these topics were covered in considerable detail, and a gratifying level of debate
was encountered during the discussion sessions. There was a chance to witness truly multilingual discussions, with everyone in the room using the language most familiar to him or her. Such moments are increasingly a rare breed; but for Jan Bouzek they presented no difficulties, since there is hardly a single European language he does not know. 91 participants were registered, from 22 countries, and 42 papers and 15 posters presented. This was more than had been planned for, showing the level of interest the conference arose. Seven key‑note speakers introduced and chaired each of the sessions. A festive lecture on the first evening was presented by Professor Friederike Fless (President of the German Archaeological Institute, Berlin), with the title “Cultural and scientific interrelations”. On the final evening, participants were able to attend a reception and ceremony, held in Prague’s gothic New Town Hall, where Professor Bouzek was awarded the Gold Medal of Charles University by the Rector, Professor Tomáš Zima, for his lifelong achievements. The conference was jointly financed by the Charles University, Prague (Programme for the Development of Fields of Study PRVOUK P12), Masaryk University, Brno, and through a generous grant from the Institute of Aege‑ an Prehistory (INSTAP), Philadelphia. We express our heartfelt thanks to all these sponsors. This is also the right opportunity to thank our colleague Helena Tůmová, who was absolutely instrumental for the successful or‑ ganisation of the conference. The resulting publication includes 30 papers, arranged along similar lines as in the original conference. The title, however, is more general in nature: ‘Eudaimon’ was a good daemon or genius, but also regarded as a good spirit or even an angel. The word also implies having a good attendant spirit, and the root of the word, daemon, means “replete with knowledge”. When Athanassios Sideris came up with this suggestion for the title of the volume, we knew immediately that it was the right choice. * * * All of us have our own memories of Jan Bouzek, about both his professional life and about his personal qualities. For one of us (AFH), this started in 1970, after an approach to him by letter the previous year, enquiring about the possibility of study in Prague under the exchange arrangements then in place between Britain and Czechoslovakia. The time spent in the Institute could not have been more fruitful and enjoyable. In part this was due to the presence of the other doctoral students there (Marie Dufková, Iva Ondře‑ jová, Jiří Marsa and Philippos Kostomitsopoulos), but above all through the kindness and generosity of Jan himself. This was not something he had to do; indeed, contact with westerners was strongly discouraged in the 1970s. He did it partly because of his academic interest in the topic in question
(the contacts between Greece and Europe in the Bronze Age), and partly because his nature and character predisposed him to offer help to everyone. Anyone who has ever dealt with Jan knows that his kindness and generosity transcend boundaries of age, sex, and geography. He had Rus‑ sian friends and colleagues at a time when it was officially encouraged but privately shunned; some of his closest friends – such as Sinclair Hood and Nicolas Coldstream – were westerners, at a time when it was difficult and sometimes even dangerous to cultivate such friendships. This was long before email, and the telephone was slow and insecure; contact had to be by post. Jan was then, and by email still is, a great correspondent. He takes his friendships seriously and – health permitting – never leaves a friend waiting very long. Fast forward to the 1990s, the other two editors (VKJ and PP) discovered pretty much the same, unchanged Jan, full of wit and a deeply humanistic approach, giving attractive lectures, sprinkled with unexpected literary allusions. As our lives developed and our professional paths brought us away from Prague, be it Greece, Germany or Slovakia, the bond has never ceased and our paths kept crossing, until everything converged again in Prague where PP took over Jan’s lectures in Aegean Archaeology (big shoes to be filled!) and VKJ completed her PhD under his guidance, both in 2013. This brings us finally to the here and now, with our lives being struc‑ tured “in the rhythm of our breathing, of the beating of our hearts, by the rhythms of day and night, of the seasons, […] even in the rhythm of drops from the water tap” (Bouzek 1992, EIKON Conference) with Jan still our companion, his legs causing him some problems, but his mind as sharp as ever! Ad Multos Annos! Peter Pavúk – Věra Klontza‑Jaklová – Anthony Harding
Svazek ΕΥΔΑΙΜΩΝ předkládá široké odborné čtenářské obci soubor pří‑ spěvků z mezinárodní konference “Contacts, Migrations and Clima‑ te Change” uspořádané v květnu 2015 u příležitosti životního jubilea prof. Jana Bouzka. Konferenci doprovázela velmi čilá a plodná diskuse, což neudiví nikoho, kdo dobře zná oslavence, jeho zaujetí pro obor, bystrost, faktografický rozhled i schopnost vnímat komplexní souvislosti mezi jevy. Celkem 30 cizojazyčných příspěvků převážně zahraničních autorů bylo seřazeno na základě jejich chronologického a geografického zaměření. Sborník otvírají příspěvky diskutující témata rané doby bronzové v Egeidě a uzavírají jej texty s těžištěm v době římské na Balkáně a v Černomoří. První z publikovaných textů autorů P. Betancourta a J. Muhlyho pre‑ zentuje nejčasnější doklady metalurgie v egejské oblasti a obchodu se surovinou. Následně diskutuje dopad rozšiřování znalosti zpracování kovů. Obchod s mědí otevřel cesty společnostem doby bronzové na ohromném území zahrnujícím Evropu, severní Afriku a Přední východ a umožnil šíření nejen materiálních komodit, ale také společenských a kosmologic‑ kých modelů. Následuje studie F. Blakolmera, která se zabývá rituálními strukturami minojské Kréty a jejich odrazem v drobném výtvarném umění. Další článek analyzuje opět jedno z témat velmi blízkých jubilantovi. Jedná se o tematiku homérských hrdinů coby symbolů doby. Zde K. Kopanias pojednává o postavě Achilla a jeho pandánech v anatolských mýtech. Následující dva texty, které uzavírají dobu bronzovou a otevírají sekci textů zaměřených na ranou dobu železnou, diskutují dvě velmi aktuální témata: problém kolapsu palácových civilizací, o jehož objektivizaci se pokouší prostřednictvím statistických analýz importů v Řecku S. Murray, a problém migrací, který velmi analyticky zkoumá S. Wallace. Na témata spadající do tzv. Temného období navazuje stať zabýva‑ jící se archaickým Řeckem. Článek E. Zimi pojednává o Korintu, jedné z nejvýznamnějších obchodních velmocí tehdejšího řeckého prostoru. Prezentuje a analyzuje obchodní kontakty Korintu a severoafrické Kyre‑ najky. Makedonskou expanzi přes řeku Axios mapuje I. Xydopoulos. O vá‑ lečnících a jejich významu pro řeckou polis diskutuje M. Verčík. Následuje studie L. Novákové a A. Ďurianové na téma nadzemních pohřbů v západní Anatolii. Anatolií se zabývá také F. K. Yegül sledující tamní modifikaci klasického iónského stylu. Následuje článek D. Bondoca o problematice
přechodů říčních toků na základě příkladu římských mostů na dolním toku Dunaje. Další stať nás zavádí do střední Evropy ve střední době bronzové. H. Hennig předkládá a analyzuje otázku kontaktů mezi západními Če‑ chami a Bavorskem v této době, která je současná s mykénským obdobím v Egeidě. Tým B. Gedigy pak prezentuje problematiku kontaktů mezi českou kotlinou a územím současného jižního Polska v následující epoše, tedy v rané době železné. Žádný z těchto kontaktů by nebyl možný bez koň‑ ské síly a rychlosti. Právě tímto problémem, respektive vztahem člověka a koně v době železné, se zabývá P. Kmeťová. Na příspěvek P. Kmeťové zareagovala L. Kruta Poppi a dodala velmi cenný přehled pohřbů koní v Itálii doby železné. Konference na počest J. Bouzka by nebyla kompletní, kdyby chybělo téma keltské civilizace. Tuto sekci ve sborníku otvírá V. Kruta svou studií na téma Bójů a Volků, dvou „podob“ Keltů v Čechách a na Moravě. Nava‑ zuje P. Sankot popisující vztahy Keltů v Čechách směrem na východ a na západ, tedy od Podunají po Porýní. A. W. Lamb uzavírá keltskou sekci článkem na téma Belgů v Británii. Jubilantovy bohaté archeologické aktivity jsou také nerozlučně spoje‑ ny s lokalitou emporia Pistiros v jihozápadním Bulharsku. Tato tematika je tedy ve sborníku zastoupena velmi reprezentativně. Sekci zahajuje člá‑ nek týmu A. Gotseva analyzující možnosti moderních dokumentačních technik a jejich aplikace při terénním archeologickém výzkumu. Peněž‑ ní směna byla důležitá i pro Pistiros, a tak V. Taneva prezentuje soubor předřímských mincí z této lokality, doplněný o nejnovější přehled řecké importované keramiky na lokalitě od V. Petrové. J. G. Boer následně apli‑ kuje metodu modelování sítí vztahů na analýzu obchodních vztahů mezi helénistickým Řeckem a Thrákií. Thrácká sekce pokračuje příspěvkem M. Kamenoua a A. Dimitrové seznamujícím se specifickým kultem Hefaista Dabatopia v provincii Moesia Inferior a diskusí na téma problematiky řeckých a římských kultů v thrác‑ kém prostředí. E. Nankov a A. Tsoneva následně prezentují pro Bulharsko neobvyklý kratér s Dionýsem datovaný do 2.–3. století n. l. Tento kratér sloužil jako pohřební urna žárového pohřbu a vypovídá mnohé o předsta‑ vách tehdejších obyvatel oblasti o posmrtném životě. Přínosnou studií je
také příspěvek I. Topalilova, jenž se snaží odpovědět na otázku titulatury T. Claudia Sacerdona Iuliana označovaného v pramenech jako procurator Augusti Thrákie. Závěrečnou sekci věnovanou problematice Černého moře ve staro‑ věku otevírá G. Tsetskhladze, který byl v rámci konference vyznamenán stříbrnou pamětní medailí Karlovy univerzity, a snaží se odpovědět na otázku, zda Kimmeriové v oblasti Bosporu a Skytové ve stepích patřili do achaimenovské sféry zájmů, a dospívá k názoru, že ano, a to politicky i kulturně, což brilantně dokládá ve své studii. Problematikou měst v seve‑ ropontské oblasti a jejich občanů a obcí se zabývá článek, ve kterém autoři V. Cojocaru a M. Oller Guzmán analyzují epigrafický materiál z této oblasti. A. Avram následně podrobuje analýze řecká města na západním po‑ břeží Euxinu a pokouší se řešit otázku, zda tato oblast byla součástí Řím‑ ské říše. Začlenění západního pobřeží Černého moře a Thrákie do „Orbis Romanus“ je tématem článku H. Preshlenova. A. F. Erol a D. Tamer pre‑ zentují výsledky výzkumu na lokalitě Cingirit Kayasi v pontské oblasti Turecka, která byla patrně součástí řetězce lokalit bránících širší region v době vlády Mithridata VI. Prezentované studie nepokrývají ani zdaleka veškeré vědecké zájmy jubi‑ lanta, ale představují reprezentativní průřez současnou klasickou archeologií s přesahem do oblastí prehistorické a protohistorické Evropy.
A Aba 493 Abdère 384 Acarnania 144 Adria 278, 294, 308 Adriatic coast / Adriatico / Adriatique 141, 143, 212, 291, 294, 300, 308 Adzhiyska Vodenitsa / Adzijska Vodenica 391, 394, 395, 398, 399 Aegean / Ägäis 17, 18, 20–23, 30, 32, 37–39, 41–43, 50, 53, 55, 62–64, 73, 75, 93–98, 100–102, 104–110, 113–115, 155, 162, 169, 185, 365, 399, 404, 406, 407, 409–412, 553, 554 Aegeira 81, 82 Aezane 208 Africa 132, 133 Agios Kosmas 81 Ahhiyawa 51, 58–64 Achaemenid Empire 467, 470, 474–478, 480–484 Achladia 80 Ainos 366, 384 Aizanoi 210, 211 Akovitika 81 Akrotiri 34 Alabanda 195 Alaska 24 Aldila 294 Alepotrypa Cave 22 Algeria 206 Alinda 195, 197 Almopia 151–157 Alonaki 76 Altensittenbach 246, 251
Altino / Altino-Le Brustolade 278, 280, 295 Amastris 552, 553 Amaseia / Amasya Castle / Amasya Fort 546, 547, 550, 554 Ambracia 144 Amisene 543 Amisos 542, 543, 550, 552, 553 Amyzon 185 Anatolia 18–20, 23, 51, 54, 58, 62–64, 96–98, 100, 104, 115, 179, 180, 183, 187, 190–192, 194–197, 202, 206, 208, 468, 478, 541, 542, 544, 554 Angelarij 428 Anchialos 409, 410, 424, 494, 525, 526, 530, 533, 535 Ankyra 459 Anthedon 81, 82 Antioch in Pisidia 206, 209 Apennine Peninsula 278, 279 Apollonie / Apollonie du Pont 384 Apsalus / Apsarros 152, 157, 541, 542 Apulum 439, 446, 447 r. Araxes 480 Arezzo 440 Argolid 135 Argos 54, 81, 83, 156, 165, 168, 173 Arisman 21 Arnissa 157 Arnoaldi 292–294 Arsenale Militare 292, 294 Arslantas 180 Arzawa 51, 58, 60 Aşağıtırtar 180 Ashkelon 108
Asia Minor / Asie Mineure 200, 202, 206, 210, 215, 216, 307, 459, 476 Asine 81, 82, 135 Atabindi 180 Athens 21, 37, 81, 83, 86, 87, 133, 144, 145, 362, 395, 412, 428, 480 Atlantic 142 Attia 410 Attica / Attika 21, 169, 174 Augusta Traiana 440, 441, 445, 448 Aulis 52 Axiopolis 513, 514 Axios 151, 152, 154, 157, 559 Ayia Irini 32, 34, 38, 103 Ayia Triada 31–33, 35, 36, 38, 41, 43 Aylos 406 Azov (Sea of) 472, 474 B Ba’albek 215 Baden-Württemberg 323 Bakla Tepe 99 Balaklava 428 Balkan 157, 276, 278, 307, 321, 326, 362, 365 Baltic / Baltique 308 Banya 439, 440, 446, 448 Bargylia 197 Bašť 327 Batna 206 Baurene 445 Bavaria 245, 269, 273, 275 Bavière 299–301, 304, 305, 323, 327 Bayern 245 Beçin 189
Belgrade 365, 448 Benacci 292–294 Benghazi 131, 132 Berber İni, Berber Yatağı 184, 190 Berching-Pollanten 327 Beroea 460, 461 Bithynia 206, 472, 543, 544 Bizye 407 Black Sea / La mer Noir / Pont-Euxin / Pontic sea / Pontos 11, 23, 133, 269, 272–274, 276, 281, 282, 395, 399, 406, 407, 409–411, 424, 467–474, 477, 478, 482–484, 491–494, 497–499, 501, 502, 511–513, 515, 525–527, 529, 531, 534, 535, 541–544, 546, 547, 549–554 Bohemia / Bohême / Böhmen 245, 260, 299–302, 304–307, 309–311, 314, 321–328 Bologna 278, 291–295 Bosporus 467–470, 472–475, 477, 478, 481, 483, 484, 543 Boštanj 274, 275 Bottiaea 151, 152 Boyabat Castle 546, 547 Brezje 274, 275 Brno 12, 307, 311, 313 Bučany 304 Bulgaria / Bulgarie 22, 23, 221, 225, 226, 231, 234, 307, 361–363, 366, 381, 395, 408, 412, 423, 429, 438, 440, 446 Burgas 406, 407, 410, 527, 528 Butovo 439–441, 447 Bylany 302, 303, 322 Byzantion 384, 387, 498
C Calais 345 California 24 Callatis 493, 495, 497, 511, 513, 516−518 Cape Gelidonya 19 Cappadocia 470, 472, 473 Caprara 292–294 Carpates 323–325, 327 Carthage 133, 309 [North] Caucasus 272, 281, 282, 470 Central Europe 11, 93, 267–270, 272–274, 277, 278, 281, 321 Cerasus 552 Chabařovice 302 Chalasmenos 81 Chalcedon 468, 470, 478 Chalkidiki 24 Champagne / Champagne-Ardenne 300, 311, 347 Chania 39, 40, 80–82 Chausée-sur-Marne 347 Chellah 203, 204 [Thracian] Chersonesus / Chersonèse de Thrace 384, 386, 387 Chersonessus 428 Chios 239 Chirpan 407 Chotín 276, 306 Chrysokamino 18, 19, 99 Cilicia 442, 472 Cillae 445 Cıngırt Kayası 541–546, 548, 550, 551, 553, 554 Cispadane 300, 304 Claros 203, 205, 210, 211, 535 Cliff’s End 346
Colchis 408, 484, 543, 551, 552, 554 Constantia 157 Corcyra 141, 143 Corent 347, 348 Corinth 131, 133–137, 141–144, 439, 446, 447 Cortesi, Romagnoli 292 Cremna 203, 204, 217 Crete 17–23, 29–31, 35, 41, 43, 44, 73, 74, 98−101, 104, 110, 111, 115, 143 Crimea 428 Cyclades 19, 98, 104, 115 Cyprus 17–20, 106, 107, 133, 272, 281 Cyrenaica 131–133, 136, 139, 140–142, 144, 145 Cyrene 131, 136, 137, 139–141, 143, 144 Czech Republic 269, 362, 375 Č Červené Pečky 324 České Kopisty 324 D Dabovo 449 Dacia 23, 224, 239, 240, 482, 513, 514 Dalmatia 430 Damascus 221, 460 Damastion 384 Danebury 345 r. Danube 221–226, 231–240, 259, 261, 299, 304, 321, 323, 324, 406, 423, 424, 440, 469, 512–516 Debelt 407, 408, 410, 412 Delphi 156, 169, 173 Deultum 525, 527, 528, 531, 532 Didyma 169, 171, 172, 210
Dimini 80 Dimityr Ganevo 424 Dimum 514 Dionysopolis 445, 493, 494, 511, 512, 514, 515, 518, 526, 528–530, 533, 535 Diros 22 Dobrich 423 Dobrudzha 423, 424, 428 Dodona 81 Dolenjska region 275 Dolna Banya 439, 446, 448 Dolna Kremena 439, 446, 447 Dolni Vadin 221–240 Dorset 345, 346 Dragomirna 492 Drobeta 221, 233, 236, 238 Dronglion 407 Duchcov 307, 309, 321–323 Dupnitsa [municipality] 451 Durostorum 424, 429, 439, 446, 447, 514 Dürrnberg 307, 308 Dymânes 495–497 E Edessa 157 Edones 151, 152, 154, 155 Efreitor Bakalovo 424 Egypt / Égypte 23, 101, 309, 404, 472 Elateia 35, 36, 76 Elbe 300, 301, 304, 305 Eleon 81 Elimeia 155 Elis 144 Elmalı Plain 180 Emathia 151 Emilia-Romagna 299
Emo Capodilista 295 Eordaea 152, 154, 156 Ephesus 210, 212 Epirus 53, 54 Este 291, 295 Etruria 293 Euesperides 131–145 Eupatoria 544 r. Euphrates 233 Europus 152, 156 F Fatsa 541, 543, 548, 549 Fehérvárcsurgó-Ezesztvény 270–272 France 133, 210, 307, 321, 322, 339, 341–350 G Gaidouronisi 99 Gavdos 99 Gazelonitis 542, 550 Gazzo Veronese 295 Gelenbe 185 Germany / Deutschland 246, 269, 346, 347 Gibraltar 142 Gorgippia 552 Gorzow 259, 260 Gotse Delchev 408 Gournes 22 Gournia 19, 80 Greece / Grecia / Griechenland 13, 23, 24, 53, 54, 71–76, 78, 79, 87, 95, 133, 136, 144, 153, 155, 161, 162, 166, 169, 172, 174, 216, 279, 293, 299, 404, 405, 409, 439, 446, 468
Grojdibodu 221–226, 232–240 Guslar 424 Gussage All Saints 345 H Habuba Kabira 21 Halieis 135, 136 Halikarnassos 188–190, 197 r. Halys 541–543 Ham Hill 348 Hampshire 346, 347 Hapalla 60 Harta 185 Haskovo district 449 Hattusa 106 r. Hebros 384, 406 Heliopolis 215 Helis 407 Hellespont 472 Heraclea Sintica 407, 409, 440, 442, 448 Heraclea Pontica 408, 473, 474 Heraion Teichos 395 Hercynia 305 Hongrie 326, 328 Horma 152 Hostivice-Palouky 323 Hotnitsa 439, 446, 447 Hylli / Hylleîs 495–497 I Iasos 197 Iberia 343, 346, 484 Iberian Peninsula / Péninsule Ibérique 303, 501, 502 Iklaina 80 Illyrie 309, 323
Imbros / Gökçeada 58 Ionia 179, 183, 203 Iran 21, 183, 184, 189, 194 Ischia 110, 295 Israel 20, 96 Ister 469, 470 Isthmia 169, 439, 446, 447 Italy 109, 114, 133, 135, 136, 142, 143, 205, 206, 208, 257, 259, 278, 279, 282, 291, 299, 321, 347, 449 Ithaca 143 J Jenišovice 246, 254 Jenišův Újezd 308, 311, 314, 324, 325 Jezerka-Kadaň 306 K Kabyle 406, 407, 409–412, 451 r. Kaikos 54 Kalapodi 40, 81, 168, 169, 171, 172 Kale 408 Kalekapı 546 Kaleto-Mezdra 440, 441 Kallatis 493, 552 Karabournaki 407, 410 Karaköy 180 Karalar Castle 547 Kardia 384 Karfi 81 Karia 179, 180, 182–185, 187–190, 192, 194–197 Karnobat 395, 406, 407, 410, 445 Kastamonu, Taşköprü-Kalekapı 546 Kastro 80 Kaunos 184, 197
Kavousi 81 r. Kaystros / Küçük Menderes 56 Kazanlak Valley 411, 412, 449 Kea 32, 34, 38, 103 Kepoi 472, 475 Kerch Peninsula 472, 473, 478 Kerch Straits 475 Khabakta 543 Kietrz 257–260 Knidos 197 Knossos 35, 37, 40, 80, 81, 105, 110 Knovíz 245, 302 Kolarci 424 Kommos 73, 80, 81, 83 Koprivlen 366, 407, 410, 412 Koropi 21 Kosmaj 439, 446, 447 Kostelec nad Orlicí 260 Krasnodar region 478 Krastevich 407 Kraynici 451 Kröllkogel 270, 271 Krsevica 408 Kuban 470, 474 Kutná Hora 327 Kuwaliya 60 Kuzeminskoe 471 Kynos 81 Kypséla 384 Kytaeum 478 Kythnos 18, 99 L Labraunda 188, 190, 193, 195, 197 Lac de Garde 300 Lahošť 307, 309, 311, 312, 314
Lambrika 21 Langres 300 Lasithi 100 Latmos-Herakleia 195, 499 Lavrion 18, 19, 21, 22 Lazpa 51 Łazy 257–260 Lefkandi 75, 81, 82 Lelantine plain 83 Lemnos 58, 429 Lesbos 55, 56, 58, 59, 63 Leukas 143, 144 Levant 19, 20, 44, 101, 107–109, 114, 115 Libya 131–133, 137, 143 Limyra 186, 187, 197 Lindos 169 Lipari Islands 426 Livanates 81, 82 Liverpool 362 Llyn Cerrig Bach 348 Lorraine 323 Loudias 152 Louros 22 Ludas 326, 328 Lukka (Land of) 51, 60, 61 Lycia 55, 56, 63, 202, 472 r. Lycus 542 Lysimacheia 384 M Macedonia / Makedonien 21, 23, 151, 153–167, 162, 409, 440, 460, 461, 526 Maeotis Lake 472 Magdalenska gora 272, 274, 275 Magna Graecia 169, 174 Magnesia on the Meander 202, 213
Malia 32, 37–39 Malko Tarnovo / Malko Tyrnovo 407, 410, 430 Mallos 442 Maloměřice 307, 311, 313 Malvasia Tortorelli 292, 294 Mandra Firth / Mandra Lake 406, 527 Manche 345, 346 Mani 22 Mans 300 Marathon 161, 174, 480 Marcianopolis 424, 528, 533, 534 Mari 20 r. Maritsa 362, 364–366, 376 Maroneia / Maronée 368, 384, 387, 388, 411 Masa 60, 61 Massalia 410 Mediterranean / Mittelmeerraum 20, 21, 23, 72, 87, 93–96, 101, 105–107, 109, 110, 115, 131–133, 137, 141, 142, 145, 161, 162, 165, 172, 214, 215, 246, 258, 259, 262, 299, 321, 339, 341, 349, 411, 468, 553 Megara / Mégare 496, 497 Melenzani 292 Mělník 323 Merichleri (Haskovo) 449 Mesambria / Messambrie 384, 511, 512, 518, 526, 530, 533–535 Mesara 100 r. Mesta / Nestos 366, 406, 410 Mezdra 440, 441, 447 Mezek 307 Middle East 94 Milavče 302
Milejowice 257, 258, 262 Miletus 104 Millawanda 51, 58–61 Mitrou 81 Moesia / Mésie 423, 424, 428, 451, 514, 525, 528, 533, 560 Moesia Inferior 423, 424, 451, 525, 528, 533, 560 Moglena 152 Mochlos 23, 80 Mont Bibele 347 Monts Métallifères 304, 307 Moravia / Moravie 299, 304–308, 311, 324, 326 Morocco 203, 204, 206, 207 Motya 135 Mt. Bermion 151 Mt. Etna 426 Mycenae 22, 35, 36, 80, 82 Mygdonia 152–154 Mylasa / Milas 181, 184, 188–190, 195, 197 Myrmekion 472 Mysia 52, 54, 55, 63, 472 N Nacqueville 345, 346, 348 Nanni Guglielmini 292 Naucratis 410 Naxos 22, 23 Nea Philadelpeia 157 Nea Zoi 157 Naples 206, 309 Néapolis 384, 385 Near East 29, 35, 44, 56, 73, 96, 468, 476 Nebetteppe (Plovdiv) 407
Nebringen 347 Němčice / Němčice nad Hanou 299, 309, 311 Netherland 413 Nicopolis ad Istrum 440, 445, 447 Nichoria 80, 81 r. Nile 471, 472 Nimes 210 Normandy 345, 346, 348 Novae / Noviodunum 238, 431, 445 Nymphaeum 475, 478, 479 O Oderzo 278, 295 Odessos 442, 493, 511, 512, 517, 518, 526–535, 552 Oescus 221, 233, 235, 236, 238, 440 Oise 345 Olbia 491, 492, 494, 495, 498–503 Oltenia 223, 447 Olympus 427, 429 Onogur 424 Oplontis 206, 208 Oppeano 278, 295 Ordu 541, 544, 548, 549, 551, 554 Ordu, Bayadı Kurulkalesi 546 Ordu, Mesudiye Arık Musa 546 Ordu, Unye Fort 546 Oreokastro 157 Orlea 221, 225, 226 Owslebury 346 P Padova / Padua 278, 294, 295 Paeonia 151
Paestum 203, 205, 217 Palaeo Gynaikokastro 157 Palaikastro 80 Palouky 323 Pamphylia / Pámphyloi 206, 472, 495–497 Panagitsa-Zervi 157 Pannonia Superior 428 Pannonian Basin 267, 268, 274–282 Panticapaeum 473–475, 478, 479 Paphlagonia 56, 541, 543, 544, 546, 551, 553 Papoulia 103 Pariadres Mountains 541, 542, 544, 549 Parion 384 Pasargadai 182 Pautalia 451 Pavlikeni 439–441, 445–447 Pazardzik 363 Peloponnese 54, 102, 135, 136, 143 Penisola 291, 292, 295 Pergamon 459, 554 Perge 203, 206, 207 Perinthos 460, 461 Pernik 439, 446, 447 Persepolis 482 Persia 185, 467, 468, 470, 472, 474, 480 Perugia 295 Petrich 407 Phabda 543 Phadisane 543, 554 Phaistos 32, 33, 56, 81, 100 Phanagoria 474, 478, 479, 492 Pharnakeia 543, 544, 549 Pherai 81 Philippes / Philippi 384, 439, 446, 448, 527
Philippopolis 409, 412, 439, 440, 446– 451, 457–461 Phrygia 52, 179, 184, 192, 472 Phthia 52–54 Physka 152, 153 Piazza Azzarita 292 Pieres 151–153 Piovego 278, 294 Piraeus 144 Pisidia 180,183, 197, 203, 206, 209, 217 Pistiros 307, 315, 361–376, 378, 380–388, 391, 392, 394, 395, 399, 407–412, 560 Pithekoussai 110–112 Plataea 480 Plešivec 305 Plovdiv 407, 440, 457 Polemonion 543 Polichni 157 Pompeii 206, 208 Pont Gauche 512–516 Populonia 295 Porolissum 439, 446, 447 Poros 18, 80, 83 Porthmeus 472 Portugal 343 Poses 345 Potaissa 439, 446 Potelu Lake 222, 235, 239 Pottenbrunn 327, 328 Prague 11–13, 29, 30, 217, 257, 303, 305, 327, 362, 365, 375, 484, 500 Priene 202 Prinias 110, 111 Proconésos 384 Propontis 395, 472 Prundu Vădinului 222
Puy-de-Dôme 347 Pylos 44, 52, 80 Pytane 543 R Rhamnous 439, 446, 447, 449 Rhenanie – Palatinat 323 r. Rhine / Rhin 226, 233, 305, 321 Rhodes 58 Rhodian 56, 197 Rhodopes 364, 365, 406 r. Rhone 410 Rio Tinto 20 Rogachevo 424 Romania / Roumanie 23, 221, 222, 226, 272, 281, 324, 326, 430, 439, 446, 447, 482 Rome 201, 208, 210, 236, 413, 459, 511, 514, 516, 517, 525–527, 531, 548 Romula Apulum 439, 446, 447 Rutagliano 138 Ruzyně 327 S Sala Colonna 203, 204 Samos 395 Samosata 460 Samsun, Bafra Asar Fort 546 San Vitale 292, 294 Sandanski 439–441, 451 Saramene 542 Sardis 185, 206, 207, 210, 213, 214, 217 Sarmizegetusa 447 Saronic Gulf 143, 144 Sboryanavo 409
Scythia 469–471, 481, 483 Sebastopol 224, 550 Şebinkarahisar [Castle] 546, 547 Segment 445 Seha River Land 51, 59, 60 Seine valley 345 Serbia 408, 409, 439, 446 Seriphos 18 Sermylé 384 Seuthopolis 407, 409–412 Shumen 407 Siberia 272 Sicily 110, 135, 142, 143, 279 Side 214, 215 Sidene 543 Sidi Abeid 136, 137 Silesia / Silésie 258–260, 262, 269, 308 Singidunum 428, 439, 446, 447 Sinop / Sinope 408, 473, 500, 543, 550, 552–554 Sinop, Boyabat Fort 546, 547 Siteia 18 Skyros 52–54 Sladkite Kladenzi 407, 410, 412 Sliven [district] 445, 448 Slovakia / Slovaquie 269, 276, 304, 306, 324, 326 Slovenia 261, 273–275, 278, 279, 282 Snyagovo 424 Serdika 445 Soporu de Campie 439, 446, 447, 449 Sozopol 409 Spain 20, 114, 343 Sparta 55, 166 r. Spercheius 52 Spina 133, 135, 136, 143, 308
Stara Planina 406 Staré Hradisko 311 Stary Śleszów 257, 258, 262 Strandzha Mountains 411–413 Stratonikeia 195 Struma / Strymon 152, 153, 366, 406, 407, 412, 440 Strymonikos Gulf 153 Stupava 304 Sucidava-Oescus 221, 233, 235, 236, 238, 440 Sur La Mare 345 Susa 468 Suttő-Sancfoldek 270 Sveshtari 407, 412 Svetulyiski 406 Swarling 339, 341, 342, 346, 350 Świbie 257, 258 Syria 21, 23, 460, 472 Syrte 132, 143 Szentes-Vekerzug 274–278, 280 T Tainaron 143 Taman Peninsula 472, 474, 475 Tanaïs 471, 472, 483 Targasnalli 60 Tauri Peninsula / Péninsule Taurique 496 Teichos Dymaion 81 Teke Eseri 185 Tel Afi 108 Tel Ta‘yinat 108 Telerig 423–425, 427–431 Tenedos / Bozcaada 55, 58 Tepe Hissar 21
Tepe Sialk 21 Teuthrania 54 Thanet 346 Thasos 366 Themiskyra 541, 543, 549 Thessaloniki 151, 410 Thessaly 21, 23 Thorikos 21, 81 Thrace 323, 381–384, 387, 454, 457, 497, 512, 515, 560 Tiryns 80–82, 86 Tišice 323 Tocra 131, 136 Tomis 439, 445–447, 493, 494, 511, 512, 516–518, 526, 552 Torre Annunziata 206 Transmarisca-Dafne 238 Transpadana 291 Trapezus 542, 543, 552 Tripolitania 143 Troy / Troia 23, 52–57, 63 Tundzha 407, 413 Turkey 202, 204, 205, 207–209, 211–213, 215, 541, 544, 549 Tyras 470, 492, 503, 528, 552 Tyre 460 Tyrrhenian Sea / Mar Tirreno 291 U Ukraine 411, 471, 477 Ulski tumuli 476, 477 Uluburun 19, 75 Ulyap tumuli 476, 477 Umbria 295 United States 344 Ural 481
Urville-Nacqueville 345, 346, 348 Ústí nad Labem 302, 305 V Vaia Lake 406 Valeriana 223, 233 r. Vardar 406 Varna 22–24, 534 Vaskeresztes-Diofasdűlő 270 Veio 295 Velké Zboží 324 Vetren 362, 391 Viglatouri 80 Vliněves 323 r. Vltava 300, 302, 304, 307 Voidokoilia 103 Volubilis 206, 207 Volos 81 Vratsa 445 Vromos 410 W West Sussex 346 Westhampnett 346–348 Wilusa (Land of) 51, 56, 58–60, 62, 63 Winchester 347, 348 Witnica 257–260 Wrocław 259–262 X Xanthos 182, 184, 185, 187, 197 Xeropolis 81 Y Yapraklı 541
Yavorovo 449 r. Yukon 366
Závist 302, 303 Zhelyu Voevoda 445, 448
Z Zakynthos 143
Ž Žitosvjak 410
Index compiled by Denis Hakszer and Jana Staničová