Scia Engineer 2011 - Urun Katalogu

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Scia Engineer Catalogue EN

Tractebel Engineering - Musée des Confluences - Lyon, France - image ©

The latest technology for modelling, analysing, designing and detailing all types of structures in 1D, 2D, 3D and 4D


Welcome to the Nemetschek Scia software catalogue! The construction industry is quickly adopting new technologies to respond to the needs of advanced engineering analysis and cost-effective design. With over 37 years of experience in the field of software for structural engineering, Nemetschek Scia is proud to serve daily more than 5.000 structural engineering offices, construction companies of all kinds, control offices, industrial corporations and educational institutions. Nemetschek Scia is bringing pioneering technology with integrated 3D solutions for almost all types of structures (steel and concrete frames, spectacular high-rise and common buildings, bridges and tunnels, plantvessels, etc.). Nemetschek Scia has created an advanced engineering design platform named Scia Engineer, which is a general and comprehensive structural design software, and which is also a tool for dedicated vertical engineering design applications as required for scaffolding, pre-engineered buildings, precast concrete, mixed steel-concrete structures, pipelines and others. This catalogue gives a detailed overview of the Scia Engineer software modules for modelling, analysis, design and detailing. It starts with the presentation of four packaged Editions of Scia Engineer, i.e. Concept, Professional, Expert and Structural Edition. Scia Engineer is completely object component based with an attractive intuitive user interface and offers high functionality for automatic reporting and drawings. It is a cornerstone of Building Information Modelling (BIM) for structural engineers. Within BIM all structural information is shared with architects, contractors, fabricators and other construction professionals. Nemetschek Scia is a pioneer in implementing the BIM concept in its software since many years. This catalogue gives detailed technical information on each software module currently available in Scia Engineer. Your local Nemetschek Scia sales engineer will gladly advice you in evaluating the suitability of the software to your individual needs. Enjoy reading this catalogue and join our clients in adopting Nemetschek Scia technology for your engineering design work.

Dr. Ir. J.P. Rammant CEO of the Scia Group


Table of content Scia Engineer Editions


Overview Module list


Modules 18 1. Modeller


2. Load generators


3. Analyser


4. Steel designer


5. Steel detailer


6. Concrete designer


7. Designer of other materials


8. Design of foundations


9. Vertical applications


10. CAD (Allplan) applications


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Scia Engineer Editions Scia Engineer Editions






Concept Edition Scia Engineer This version of the software attracts engineers starting in modelling structures made of steel, concrete or other materials. Flat or curved plates and beam members (straight or curved) constitute the 3D model built using gridlines, construction templates, imported drawings or direct input. In this Edition the productivity toolbox with active reporting and drawing gallery shows the full power of the object based design software. The starter Edition covers static (linear and geometric non-linear) analysis with automatic finite element generation. 1D and 2D members are checked against one integrated building code (Eurocode or another) for steel as well as concrete. Unity checks with stresses and buckling effects, optimisation of sections (hot-rolled, built-up, thinwalled…) are present for steel. 2D wind and snow generator is included. The design of reinforcement (longitudinal and lateral) for beams and columns or plates and walls in concrete is to the latest code, including crack control and punching shear. Practical reinforcement (bars, stirrups, meshes) is added to check deflections; it results in impressive 3D views of the entire model. For daily work the Concept Edition of Scia Engineer is the best choice. It is design software whose quality will support engineers in convincing construction owners and authorities.

Professional Edition Scia Engineer It is the version for an experienced design engineer. It adds to the Concept Edition more modelling facilities: arbitrary crosssections (shape, materials), real parametric modelling of every input entity (geometry, loading…). This version has a BIM Workgroup toolbox, enabling exchanging models with other software (architectural, structural) by member recognition, Structure2Analysis conversion, clash detection of models,and others. Loading generators for 3D wind, live loads, mobile loads on beams and plates are integrated. The Finite Element Analysis covers all non-linearities (pressure only surfaces, non-linear springs and gaps), stability analysis and dynamics (eigenfrequencies, eigenmodes, damping, seismic loads, time dependant loading). The design part is enhanced with cold-formed sections check, fire resistance checks for steel (incl. resistance and temperature-time checks) and concrete sections. Steel connections with endplates, bolts, stiffeners and welds are designed for a variety of geometries (rigid frame, pinned column-girder, bolted diagonals, beam-beam), and stored in a user expert library. General arrangement drawings and detail drawings of connections accompany the impressive 3D visualisation in the engineering report. For concrete design the code dependant deformations are calculated. The Round-Trip interface to a 3D RC modelling CAD software, and the concrete templates result in integrated modelling-analysis-design software for any type of structure. Pad foundations enable the user to perform a stability check of foundation blocks.

Expert Edition Scia Engineer The Expert Edition extends the Professional Edition and will interest the most demanding users. A few excerpts: advanced mobile loads and train loads, construction stages (deformations of phases being added). The expert gets a world of design power for pre-stressed and post-tensioned concrete with time-dependant analysis (creep, ageing, relaxation, losses), tendon modelling and section checks. Other complex structural design work is enabled for cables (incl. pre-stressing) and membranes (tension only), and for soil-structure interaction (considering stresses in the subsoil). Critical buckling modes take account of non-linearities (tension only, pressure, non-linear springs).

Structural Edition Scia Engineer Scia Engineer Structural Edition is a tool for engineers and draftsmen/draftswomen to design engineering structures without performing the analysis. It offers functions for direct modelling, import of drawings and models from third party CAD applications (Structural BIM), parameterisation of the model, check of collisions and export to other CAD programs. In addition, it contains Automated General Arrangement Drawings - a set of tools for an easy and automated preparation of drawings.


Scia Engineer Editions Scia Engineer Editions - Comparison Chart Modeller Modeller, IFC, DWG, DXF, VRML interfaces, Productivity toolbox with active document, general crosssection (esa.00, esa.01, esa.02, esa.04, esa.06) BIM engineering toolbox, parametric modelling, general cross-section, Allplan, Tekla, ETABS interface (esa.26, esa.11, esa.07, esa.28, esa.22, esa.29) Link to Revit Structures; Free-form modeller (esa.21, esa.24) Load generators Load generator: wind, snow, plane load generator (esas.05.xx, esas.29) 3D wind load generator, Mobile load (esas.46.xx, esas.02, esas.35) Advanced mobile loads, Train loads (esas.03, esas.36, esas.04) Analyser Linear static analysis in 3D and 2D (esas.00, esas.01) Non-linear static analysis (tension only members, pressure only supports), Geometrical non-linearity (esas.07, esas.08, esas.10, esas.11) Advanced non-linear static analysis (springs and gaps for beams, pressure only slabs), Stability analysis, Dynamic analysis (eigenmodes, harmonic, seismic, general dynamic load) (esas.09, esas.44, esas.13, esas.14, esas.21, esas.22, esas.23, esas.24) Advanced calculations: Soil interaction, Cables, Non-linear stability, Membranes, Sequential analysis, Friction springs (esas.06, esas.12, esas.34, esas.37, esas.45, esas.42) Linear and non-linear construction stages (esas.27, esas.38, esas.28) Pre-stressed structures, Time Dependent Analysis (esas.20, esas.40) Steel designer Steel code check - incl. optimisation of cross-sections (esasd.01.xx) Fire resistance check, Cold formed sections check, Plastic analysis (esasd.05.xx, esasd.15.xx, esas.15) Steel connection modeller (esa.18) Steel connection checks (esasd.02, esasd.03, esasd.06, esasd.07, esasd.08) Concrete Designer RC design and check, Punching shear check, Code dependent deformations (esacd.01.xx, esacd.02.xx, esacd.03.xx, esas.18, esas.19) Input of practical reinforcement (esacdt.01, esacdt.03) Fire resistance check for RC beams (esacd.07.xx) Pre- and post-tensioned members: design and check; Input of prestressing cables (esa.17, esa.20, esacd.04.xx) Detailer Steel overview drawings (esadt.01) Detailed connections drawings (esadt.02) Foundations Pad foundations (esafd.02.01) Optional modules Material non-linear analysis for 1D concrete structures (esas.16) Global optimisation (esa.23) Non uniform damping (esas.25) Water accumulation (esas.30) Lateral Torsional Buckling (2nd order) (esasd.14) Cellular beams design (esasd.12.01) Aluminium design (esaad.01.01) Timber design (esatd.01.01) Composite steel-concrete columns design (esascd.02.xx) Composite steel-concrete beams design (esascd.01.xx) Voided slabs (esacd.11.01) Hollow-core slabs (esacd.06.01) Pile design (esafd.01.03) Scaffolding checks (esasd.13.01) High-voltage power masts (esa.16, esasd.10.03) For other additional options, please contact your sales representative.








































Structural Edition

Loads Boundary Conditions





Structural Model Structural2Analysis Analysis Model


Clash Check

Results Code Check Optimisation

Automated GA Drawings Bill of Material Document Paperspace

Module list 1. Modeller


µ Required modules

see Editions on page 3

Standard modeller esa.00

µ esa.08


µ esa.00


µ esa.01


µ esa.01


µ esa.00


µ esa.00

1D member modeller



Start module for each Scia Engineer installation. Includes the modelling of geometry. Other basic tools: graphical user interface and image manipulation with rendering, integrated calculation and CAD model, profile libraries (default steel sections, variable and compound sections, concrete, wood and bridge sections), materials (steel, concrete, wood and other user-defined materials), bolts library, extensive library with parametric structural elements (catalogue blocks), saving of user-defined (partial) geometry as user blocks, which can be re-used in other projects, “construction templates” for saving entire project and work environments (materials, often used profile sections, load cases, combinations and calculation note, 2D and 3D line grids for a quick and smooth input of the structure, extensive snap modes, clip box for details cut-out, different views and cuts, properties window for a quick editing of the characteristics of all objects, drawing gallery (editing and completing of drawings with texts, dimensions, comments, etc.), import and export of different formats (reading and writing in PSS, DStV, DXF, DWG, VRML, EPW, XML, IFC, BMP, WMF…), drawing-up of a calculation note (document) with input, results, drawings and export to RTF, HTML, PDF and TXT-format.

Planar 2D members



Modelling of flat plate elements (plates and walls) whether or not in a member construction (see esa.00). Input of the geometry with constant or variable thickness, local thickenings and gaps, internal lines and nodes and ribs (extension module of esa.00).

Curved 2D members



Modelling of curved plate elements (shells), whether or not added to a member construction (see esa.00) and/or to flat plate elements (see esa.01). Input of the geometry (e.g. round wall, cylinder, cone, sphere, truncate cone, etc.) with constant or variable thickness (extension module on esa.01).

Cut-outs of 2D members



Calculation of intersections of surfaces extended by removal of cut-out parts. The user controls which parts of intersecting surfaces are kept in the model and which ones are removed (cut-out).

Language of user interface


Each installation contains one standard language according to the choice of the user.

Additional language

Czech, German, English, French, Italian, Dutch, Romanian, Slovak, Russian, Spanish.

Modeller extensions esa.06

µ esa.00


µ esa.00


µ esa.00

Productivity toolbox



A number of powerful tools enhancing the user’s productivity. The “active document” is an extension to the default document (calculation note), which is included in the general basic modeller (esa.00). It contains all desired data (input, output, drawings, tables…) in a standard format. The active document is an extension of it and provides the user with a considerable gain of time and enhanced productivity, since it is automatically adapted when the model is changed. For instance, adapted geometry, re-dimensioning of certain elements, changing of loads or boundary conditions, etc. This way, a perfect coherence between the project and the calculation note is maintained. Furthermore, the adaptations made in the tables of the document itself can be linked with the model, thus triggering a regeneration of all data and results of the document as well. There is also possibility to maintain the model by a “table editor”. It allows copy/paste data from/to MS Excel. The “document templates” enable the definition of the content and structure of the documents, which are automatically completed with the data of the calculated project. With the “intelligent drawings gallery”, the drawings saved in the gallery are also adapted in case of changes to the structure. The texts, dimensions, comments, etc., which were entered by the user, are adapted as well. The “predefined loads” can contain tables, for instance of wind and snow definitions on the basis of their specific standard graphs.

General cross-section



Graphical input of sections with an arbitrary shape and consisting of different materials. Within a simple and useful graphical interface, the user can set up the following sections: polygons, with or without one or multiple holes, thin-walled sections, a composition of the available sections from the library, sections imported in DXF or DWG format. The properties of the section (e.g. surface, inertial and section modulus, torsion properties…) will be calculated. For the calculation modules using phases for the calculation (such as pre-stressing), the user can indicate which part of the section will be activated in which phase. Finally, parameters can be assigned to each point of the section, thus enabling setting-up a complete library of forms.

Parametric modelling



Almost any element of a structure can be defined as a parameter (coordinate, dimension, load value, section…). It is even possible to use formulae calculating certain parameters starting from other values. Once the parameters are defined, they are assigned to the structural object (node, bar, load) concerned. They can be saved in a clear tab structure. When launching such a project, the parameters concerned are completed, so that the structure and the accessories are immediately generated. Also applicable to user blocks (see esa.00).


Module list CAD Modules / extensions esa.27

Scia Modeller package

µ esa.08

Basic 3D modeller. Modelling of spatial structures composed of 1D and 2D members and general solids. General solids are imported from VRML and IFC. Import and export of different formats (reading and writing in PSS, DStV, DXF, DWG, EPW, XML, IFC, BMP, WMF…). Package consisting of esa.00, esa.01, esa.02.


3D Freeform modeller



µ esa.00 µ esa.27

Advanced modelling of general solids, such as extruded solids, solids of revolution, etc. Boolean operations, namely intersection, union, subtraction, are applied to solids together with sophisticated functions for the modification of solid shapes (meshing of surfaces, geometrical manipulations with nodes).


Steel connection modeller P E S Modelling of the geometry of welded and bolted steel connections between members with an I section, rigid, pinned, bolted diagonal frames, grid and base plate connections. This option is limited to the modelling; no calculations are possible. This modeller holds the picture gallery, wizards for the automatic generation of sections throughout the bar structures (overviews) and the generation of connection drawings are included.

µ esa.00


Interoperability esa.26

µ esa.00


BIM and Workgroup toolbox

31 The BIM and Workgroup toolbox offers a number of tools which help the users in transforming a structural model to an analysis model and in sharing models between CAD and CAE applications. The toolbox consists of: Structure2Analysis feature: automatic conversion of a structural model to analysis one. Update of Scia Engineer projects: sharing of projects within workgroups with updating and merging tools. Member Recogniser: automatic conversion of general solids to 1D and 2D members. Clash detection check: automatic check for detecting collisions between members (1D 1D, 1D 2D, 2D 2D).

Allplan Round-Trip



µ esa.00

Round-Trip interface with Allplan offers import, export and update of geometry and reinforcement. The structural model can be prepared either in Allplan or Scia Engineer and transferred to-and-back between the two programs. No data are lost and any changes can be accepted or declined. Another feature is export of required reinforcement areas for 2D members from Scia Engineer to Allplan (ASF file). BIM and Workgroup toolbox (module esa.26) is included!


Revit Structure interface

µ esa.00


Tekla Structures interface


Tekla Structures interface allows for a two-way exchange of models between Tekla Structure and Scia Engineer. The model is transferred by a free plug-in available on Scia website. Module BIM and Workgroup toolbox is recommended.


ETABS interface


The purpose of this module is to offer more openness between Scia Engineer and ETABS® in order to combine the strengths of both programs. With this module both Scia Engineer and ETABS® users are able to exchange their models. The most often used items like1D/2D elements, loads and supports are supported in both the import and export. The user always receives a log file where all the exported/imported data are summarized.

Licenses esa.09

µ esa.00


µ esa.00


Floating license

Solution for network installations. The price depends on modules installed. For detail contact your sales representative.

Hardware dongle

Single user license. The dongle must be attached to a USB or LTP port of the computer.



Revit Structure interface enables import and update of models created in Autodesk Revit Structure. The model is transferred by free plug-in available on Scia website. Export of models from Scia Engineer to Revit Structure is supported too. Module BIM and Workgroup toolbox is recommended. S

µ esa.00

µ esa.00



Module list 2. Load generators Surface loads esas.29

µ esas.00

Plane load generator



Conversion of surface, line and point loads defined on 2D flat panels to line and point loads on 1D members.

Wind and snow esas.05.xx µ esas.00

esas.46.xx µ esas.00

Wind and snow generator



Automatic generation of wind and snow loads on member structures according to the code check. The generation is carried out for 2D structures (i.e. possibly generated as a section on a 3D structure) starting from a number of input parameters: area, land features and ground conditions, wind direction, over- or underpressure. The pressure coefficients can be adapted for wind and for snow.

3D wind load generator


Scia Engineer is equipped with a tool: the “3D wind load generator”. It allows the user to generate wind loads on closed 3D buildings.


Mobile loads esas.02

Mobile loads frame



µ esas.00

In general, with this module(s), one can generate influence lines and zones for a mobile load that is moving along a specified path. It is possible to change the direction and the value of the moving unity load. It is also possible to place defined load systems on the calculated influence lines. Then the program searches for critical positions for these systems (= influence lines and influence surfaces). The envelope of the most unfavourable effects will be calculated automatically. This specific module is meant for the input and calculation of one user defined group of mobile points and line loads on frames. Calculation of the envelope for the whole structure and of the local course in a point of the structure.


Advanced mobile loads frame E 42 Several groups of mobile loads with interference, user-defined load group of point loads and uniformly distributed loads, load groups according to different codes.

µ esas.02


µ esa.01


µ esas.02


µ esas.35

Train loads



Definition of load groups and their position on defined tracks on 2D members. Automatic generation of load cases for individual load positions.

Mobile loads FEM



In general, with this module(s), one can generate influence lines and zones for a mobile load that is moving along a specified path. It is possible to change the direction and the value of the moving unit load. It is also possible to place defined load systems on the calculated influence lines. Then the program searches for critical positions for these systems (= influence lines and influence surfaces). The envelope of the most unfavourable effects will be calculated automatically. This specific module is meant for the input and calculation of one group of mobile point and line loads on surfaces. Calculation of the envelope for the entire construction and of the local passage in one point of the construction (extension module of esas.02).

Advanced mobile loads FEM



Several groups of mobile loads with interference, user defined load group of point loads and uniformly distributed loads, load groups according to different codes (ext. to esas.35).

3. Analyser Linear analysis esas.00

Linear statics 2D



µ esa.00

Linear static calculation of structures with members and/or plates (finite elements) loaded in the plane (e.g. frames, walls) or perpendicular to the plane (e.g. grids, floor slabs). Depending on the availability of the basic module esa.00 or esa.01, structures with members and/or finite elements can be calculated. Includes modelling and analysis of supports (fixed or hinged in nodes, on members and on plate borders), internal hinges in members and between plates, rigid connections, eccentricities, variable profile sections, variable plate thickness, etc. Load types: dead weight, nodal and concentrated loads, uniformly distributed and triangular loads, uniform or live loads, support displacements, temperature (uniform and gradient), etc. Automatic load combinations depending on the chosen standard, but user-defined combinations as well are possible. Results: numerical and graphic representation of displacements, support reactions, internal forces and stresses. Graphic representation with perspectives, cuts, details, isolines and isobands. All tools of the basic modules are available.


Linear statics 3D C P E As an extension of esas.00, Linear static calculation of 2D members, this module enables the calculation of spatial beam structures, consisting of members and/or plates and walls (with module esa.01), curved surfaces (with module esa.02) or a combination of these elements. In the 3D model, loads can have any direction.

µ esas.00



Module list NonLinear analysis / Soil-structure interaction esas.06

µ esa.01 µ esas.00

Soil interaction


Determination of the ‘real’ C parameters and calculation of the interaction between the structure and the soil due to settings of the soil. The distribution of the tension in the soil under the foundation plates, the distribution and the level of the load, the contact tension between the structure and the subsoil, the geometry of the contact layer and the geological characteristics of the subsoil at a specific position. As the C parameters have an influence on the contact tension (and vice versa), the subsidence of the contact layer and a consequence also the C parameters are influenced by the contact tension; the calculation of the properties is iterative. The calculation determines the occurring settings and the influence of these settings on the structure. The calculation is based on the Pasternak model.


NonLinear analysis / Material non-linear analysis esas.07

µ esas.00


Tension only members



Analysis of the structure with the possibility to define members capable of resisting only to tension or compressive forces or a limited compression or tension. A practical application of it is the elimination of compression in wind bracings.

Pressure only support or soil



µ esas.00

Analysis of the structure with the possibility to define unidirectional supports for nodes or members.


Pressure only 2D members

µ esas.00


µ esas.00


µ esas.00


Analysis of 2D members capable of resisting only compression forces. It can be used for analysis of masonry walls and arches.

Non-linear springs, gaps




Analysis of the structure with the possibility to define non-linear springs in supports or internal nodes (e.g. semi-rigid connections) and gap elements (e.g. members resisting forces only as of a certain elongation).

Friction springs


Friction springs in nodal supports.

NonLinear analysis / Geometrical non-linear analysis esas.10

Geometrical non-linear C P E 48 Second order calculation of constructions. Includes the calculation of the structure in deformed condition, taking into account the P-Delta effect (initial displacements and member imperfections) as well as the influence of normal forces on the stiffness. Calculation methods Timoshenko (for structures with a constant N-force during the calculation) and Newton-Raphson with gradual application of the loads (for larger displacements and variable N-force during the calculation).


Geometrical non-linear analysis surfaces

48 Second order calculation of plate structures, taking the deformed condition (geometric imperfections and initial deformations) into account.


Cable analysis E Calculation of the construction taking cable elements with possibly prestressing into account. Possibility to input a curved start form for the cable. The final curvature of the cable will be calculated depending on the equilibrium with the loads and the prestressing.



Membrane elements E Calculation of shells as 2D elements with tensile axial stiffness only.


µ esas.00

µ esas.10

µ esas.10

µ esas.00


NonLinear analysis / Sequential analysis esas.45

µ esas.00

Sequential analysis



The sequential analysis allows the user to select a predefined sequence of different analyses, where the second one starts from the results of the first one. This means that the results from the first analysis are taken as the initial state for the second one.

NonLinear analysis / Water accumulation esas.30

µ esas.00

Water accumulation


Water accumulation according to NEN for 2D and 3D structures with resulting water loading and corresponding deformation.

Optimisation esa.23

µ esa.00



µ esa.00

Global optimisation


General optimisation


Using incremental steps in parameters the user can easily optimise structures. The user defines a Scia Engineer project and parameterizes it. In Scia ODA he is able to run this specific project; the result being a complete output data set from which he can select his optimised set of parameters and export them to a spread sheet like MS Excel (tm) for further analysis. Through General optimisation the parametric models can be optimised. The user specifies “what-to-optimise” and the strategy (mathematical method). The program calculates variants of the original project and iterates to the final solution. All steps are shown in a table and the best solution is highlighted.

Module list Stability analysis esas.13

Stability analysis of frames P E Definition of the global buckling modes and buckling loads of the member construction. Starting from the value obtained for the buckling load, the user can decide to proceed to a second order analysis or not. The critical buckling mode can be imported in the geometric non-linear calculation as an initial deformation (esas.10 module).



Stability analysis of surfaces

Definition of the global buckling modes and buckling loads of the plate construction. The critical buckling mode can be imported in the geometric non-linear calculation as an initial deformation (esas.11 module).



Non-linear stability analysis E Definition of the global buckling modes and buckling loads of the member construction, non linearities such as members only traction/pressure, non-linear springs… Starting from the value obtained for the buckling load, the user can decide to proceed to a second order analysis or not. The critical buckling mode can be imported in the geometric non-linear calculation as an initial deformation (esas.11), (extension of module esas.13).


µ esas.00

µ esas.13

µ esas.13


Dynamics esas.21

Dynamics (natural frequencies) - frames



µ esas.00

Calculation of the characteristic frequencies and modes of the member construction. Automatic calculation of the self-weight of the structure. Other weights can be entered as local or distributed loads or converted from earlier static calculations into dynamic weight. The user sets the desired number of characteristic values. For each characteristic value, the characteristic mode will be calculated with the subspace iteration method. The results can be represented both numerically and graphically.


Dynamics (natural frequencies) - surfaces P E Calculation of the characteristic frequencies and modes of the plate construction. Automatic calculation of the self-weight of the structure. Other weights can be entered as local or distributed loads or converted from earlier static calculations into dynamic weights. The user sets the desired number of characteristic values. For each characteristic value, the characteristic mode will be calculated with the subspace iteration method. The results can be represented numerically and graphically.



Dynamics (advanced) - frames P E As an extension to the calculation of the characteristic values of member structures (esas.21), the reaction of the structure due to a harmonic and a seismic load can be calculated. For the harmonic load, the frequency and the damping will be defined. The calculation under seismic load is used, amongst others, for simulating earthquakes; the spectra of the EC 8, the PS 92 (French standard), DIN 4149 (German standard), SIA 260/261 (Swiss standard) and the Turkish standard are available by default and can be extended by the user. The modal participation factors are indicated. For both analyses, the results can be combined with the results from a static calculation.



Dynamics (advanced) - surfaces P E As an extension to the calculation of the characteristic values of the plate structures (esas.22), the reaction of the structure due to a harmonic and a seismic load can be calculated. For the harmonic load, the frequency and the damping will be defined. The calculation under seismic load is used, amongst others, for simulating earthquakes; the spectra of the EC 8, the PS 92 (French standard), DIN 4149 (German standard), SIA 260/261 (Swiss standard) and the Turkish standard are available by default and can be extended by the user. The modal participation factors are indicated. For both analyses, the results can be combined with the results from a static calculation.


µ esas.21

µ esas.21

µ esas.22 µ esas.23


µ esas.23

Non uniform damping - frames

Input of damping characteristics in a construction (relative damping or logarithmic increments). Application on construction existing of sub-constructions with various damping characteristics (e.g. mixed steel-concrete constructions, constructions on foundations, etc). Dynamics: calculation of the natural frequencies and natural mode shapes of the beam structure.

Construction phases esas.27

Construction stages frame



µ esas.00

Since civil constructions are more frequently designed and constructed with miscellaneous materials (e.g. steel, prefab and in-situ cast concrete), the static system of the structure changes during its erection. This module enables calculating the structure in different phases. The stress history is calculated by taking added or removed supports, members, load cases, changing cross section properties etc. into account. Application for member constructions.


Construction stages frame - non-linear E As an extension to the linear calculation of the structure with construction phases (esas.27), the module considers in a specific phase the geometry of the deformed construction of the previous phase.



Construction stages FEM E Since civil constructions are more frequently designed and constructed with miscellaneous materials (e.g. steel, prefab and in-situ cast concrete), the static system of the structure changes during its erection. This module enables calculating the structure in different phases. The stress history is calculated by taking added or removed supports, members, load cases, changing cross section properties, etc. into account. Application for plate and shell constructions (extension on esas.27).


µ esas.27

µ esas.27


Module list Prestress analysis esas.20 TDA


µ esas.00

Solver for concrete, composite structures and prestressed structures in a frame XZ. This solver performs a time-dependent analysis of the structure including losses due to creep, stress history, shrinkage, ageing, long-term losses, relaxation and stress redistribution. This module is required for an adequate design and check of prestressed beams and concrete frames.


Calculation of prestressed structures

µ esas.00 + µ esa.17 or µ esa.20



Calculation of 3D geometry of tendons, losses of prestressing, automatic generation of eccentric finite elements for group of tendons (tendons become a part of structural model), equivalent load, internal forces and stresses caused by prestressing.

4. Steel designer Steel members esasd.01

µ esas.00

esasd.01.01 µ esas.00


Steel code check



Stress and stability analysis of steel constructions according to the check code with section optimisation. The check can be carried out for each member, for each profile section or for the entire structure. By using the colours corresponding to certain input percentages of the admissible stress, the user can immediately detect the weak or overdimensioned parts of the structure. Buckling lengths are automatically calculated. All profile classes are checked, i.e. also class 4 profiles (e.g. thin-walled profiles). All stresses and instability effects are checked: buckling, lateral-torsional buckling and local buckling due to lateral force. Optionally, the output can contain cross-references to the used normative formulae. The user can reinforce the profiles, amongst others with buckling shorteners, steel deck… in order to obtain an optimal stress distribution.

Steel code check - EN 1993



Stress and stability verification of steel members according to EN 1993 with profile optimisation.

Steel code check - DIN 18800



µ esas.00

Stress and stability verification of steel members according to DIN 18800 with profile optimisation.


Steel code check - NEN 6770/6771

µ esas.00

esasd.01.04 µ esas.00

esasd.01.05 µ esas.00

esasd.01.06 µ esas.00

esasd.01.07 µ esas.00




Stress and stability verification of steel members according to NEN 6770/6771 with profile optimisation.

Steel code check - ÖNORM 4300



Stress and stability verification of steel members according to ÖNORM 4300 with profile optimisation.

Steel code check - ANSI/AISC 360-05



Stress and stability verification of steel members according to AISC-ASD and AISC-LRFD with profile optimisation including ASD 9th Edition and LRFD 3rd Edition.

Steel code check - CM66



Stress and stability verification of steel members according to CM66 with profile optimisation.

Steel code check - CSN 731401


Stress and stability verification of steel members according to CSN 731401 with profile optimisation.

Steel code check - SIA 263



µ esas.00

Stress and stability verification of steel members according to SIA 263 with profile optimisation.


Steel code check - BS 5950-1 2000

µ esas.00

esasd.01.11 µ esas.00

esasd.01.13 µ esas.00



Stress and stability verification of steel members according to BS 5950-1:2000 with profile optimisation including BS 5950:1990.

Steel code check - STN 731401


Stress and stability verification of steel members according to STN 731401 with profile optimisation.

Steel code check - EAE Nov:2004


Stress and stability verification of steel members according to with profile optimisation.

Fire resistance esasd.05

µ esas.00


esasd.05.01 µ esas.00

Fire resistance check



Stress and stability verification of steel members under fire in the resistance domain or in the temperature-time domain according to the code check. The work environment is identical to the steel code check environment (esasd.01.01). The user enters the used fire curve and the time interval within which the check is carried out. Different types of protective insulating material (iron cladding, spraying material) are selected. Depending on the prevailing temperature, the E-modulus and the admissible stresses are recalculated and then compared to the admissible values. If desired, the calculation note includes a detailed output of the articles consulted from the standard.

Fire resistance check - EN 1993-1-2


Stress and stability verification of steel members under fire conditions in the resistance domain or in the temperature-time domain according to EN 1993-1-2 and ECCS N° 111.


Module list esasd.05.03 µ esas.00

esasd.05.08 µ esas.00

Fire resistance check - NEN 6072






Scaffolding checks PrEN 12811-1


Cellular beams ‘ENV 1993-1-1, 1992/A2



Stress and stability verification of steel members under fire conditions in the resistance domain or in the temperature domain according to NEN 6072.

Fire resistance check - SIA 263 2003


Stress and stability verification of steel members under fire conditions in the resistance domain or in the temperature domain according to SIA 263:2003.

Steel cold formed sections esasd.15

Steel cold formed sections


µ esasd.01

The steel design module Cold formed steel design is an extension to a module esasd.01 for steel code check and focuses on the design of cold formed profiles. Both section checks and stability checks can be performed in the same way as for standard profiles.


Steel cold formed EN 1993-1-2

µ esasd.01

esasd.15.05 µ esasd.05


The steel design module Cold formed steel design according to EC-EN1993-1-3 is an extension to the EC-EN module esasd.01.01 for steel code check and focuses on the design of cold formed profiles according to the European Standard EC-EN 1993. Both section checks and stability checks can be performed in the same way as for standard profiles.

Steel cold formed AISI NAS 2007


The steel design module Cold formed steel design according to AISI NAS 2007 is an extension to the ANSI/AISC 360-05 module esasd.01.05 for steel code check and focuses on the design of cold formed profiles according to the AISI NAS 2007. Both section checks and stability checks can be performed in the same way as for standard profiles.

Special members esasd.13.01 µ esas.00

esasd.12.01 µ esas.00


µ esas.00

Input of initial deformation of structures for scaffolding users. Member and connection checks for scaffolding structures according to prEN 12811-1. Specific EN 12811 check for tubular sections, Scaffolding coupler type library and scaffolding coupler check, Advanced calculation of system lengths. Integrated input and check of cellular beams as per ENV 1993-1-1. Cellular beams are defined through a library of cellular beams and are checked in a similar way as via the steel code checks. The design of the cellular beam is done via the ArcelorMittal ACB solver application.

Lateral torsional buckling (2nd order) analysis - LTB-II

Detailed calculation of Mcr through an eigenvalue solution and 2nd order analysis using 7 degrees of freedom.

Plastic analysis for steel esas.15

µ esas.00

Plastic analysis steel structures P E 48 Analysis of plastic hinges for steel structures according to EC, DIN, NEN, ÖNORM or CSN.

Connections esasd.02

Connections frame - rigid P E 92 Design and verification of bolted and welded steel frame connections according to the components method. The admissible capacities of the subordinate components are calculated according to EC3, DIN 18800 T1 and BS 5950-1:2000. Available shapes are: column-girder (knee, cross, single and double T), splice and base plate. Nodes can be calculated for the column according to the weak or strong axis. The nodal elements can be entered in clear dialogues: cap plate - bolts (default or high strength bolts) retainer plates - rectangular, triangular or diagonal stiffeners - reinforcing plates - bearing plates… The connection is immediately visualised in the CAD model. For each operation, the normative prescriptions (e.g. for clearances between the bolts) and the practical feasibility are checked. The capacity of the node is checked with regard to the active internal forces and if required, the node can be further optimised in an interactive manner. The node stiffness is compared with the input and the final momentrotation diagram (for instance of a semi-rigid connection) can be linked back to the basic model, if desired (by means of the module esas.09).


Connections frame - pinned P E 94 Design and analysis of hinged frame connections according to EC3, DIN 18800 T1 and BS 5950-1:2000. The column-girder connection can be a knee, a cross, a single or a double T. As fasteners, welded or bolted plates, angles or a short cap plate can be used. The nodal elements are entered in clear dialogues. The connection is immediately visualised in the CAD model. For each operation, the normative prescriptions (e.g. for the clearances between the bolts) and the practical feasibility are checked. The capacity of the node is checked with regard to the active internal forces and if required, the node can be further optimised in an interactive manner.

µ esas.00 µ esa.00

µ esas.00


Module list esasd.06

Connections frame - bolted diagonals P E 96 Calculation of bolted diagonals in steel frame structures according to EC3 (bolts, net section). Generally, the diagonal is bolted to junction plate. The diagonal, the bolts and the junction plate are checked. The automatic optimisation calculates the required number of bolts. Direct connections between the diagonals and the column (such as, for instance, in masts and racks) are calculated. After the calculation, the admissible and prevailing forces are compared and if required, the node can be further optimised.


Connections expert library system P E Intelligent selection of a steel frame connection (bolted, welded or hinged) from an extended library with DSTV, SPRINT and userdefined connections. For each of the mentioned calculations, the connection can be optimised in an interactive manner (see descriptions of the modules concerned) or the connection can be searched in the expert database. The generated list includes all connections complying with the selection criteria of the user (possibly with a certain tolerance), together with the unit check (relation between the prevailing force and the admissible force). After the selection of the desired connection, the node is completed as indicated in the descriptions of the connection modules. The expert system is an open library, in which the user can save his or her own connections.



Connection grid pinned P E Design and verification of grid connections in steel structures according to EC3, DIN 18800 and BS 5950-1:2000. As fasteners, welded or bolted plates, angles or a short cap plate can be selected. The nodal elements are entered in clear dialogues: angles, cap plate, bolts (default or high strength bolts), trimmings… The connection is immediately visualised in the CAD model. For each operation, the normative prescriptions (e.g. for the clearances between the bolts) and the practical feasibility are checked. The node capacity is checked with regard to the prevailing internal forces and if required, the node can be further optimised in an interactive manner.


µ esas.00

µ esasd.02 µ esasd.03

µ esas.00

5. Steel detailer General arrangement drawings esadt.01

Automated General Arrangement drawings


Automated General Arrangement Drawings automatically generate 2D drawings from a 3D model in Scia Engineer. First, sections and/or planviews must be manually defined. Next, individual drawings are automatically generated using predefined styles and drawing rules. If required, these rules and styles can be changed to suit particular needs. Labels and dimension lines can be added manually or automatically. The final drawings can be then inserted to the Paper Space where also other drawings can be added: connection drawings (see esadt.02). The drawings can be exported to DXF, DWG, BMP or WMF-format. The existing functionality of the Overview Drawings module is preserved.


Connection drawings esadt.02

Detailed connection drawing P E S A wizard for the automatic generation of pictures with the assembly drawing and of the details of the steel connection (cap plate, reinforcements…) for each existing type of connection (fixed moments, hinged, frame or floor connection and bolted diagonals). The generated images can be edited and completed with, amongst others, texts and dimension lines. Afterwards, they can be integrated in the general overview layouts (see esadt.01).


6. Concrete designer Beams and columns esacd.01

µ esas.00

esacd.01.01 µ esas.00


esacd.01.02 µ esas.00

esacd.01.03 µ esas.00

RC beams and columns analysis



Reinforcement analysis with section and crack analysis for reinforced concrete beams and columns according to code check. Calculation of the theoretically required longitudinal (main) and lateral reinforcement. The input of the concrete data (concrete cover, reinforcement) and the normative factors is done in clear dialogues. For beams, a basic reinforcement can be applied; the program will afterwards calculate the required additional reinforcement. The column calculation is carried out according to the model-column method, so that a linear calculation is sufficient. As a result, the redistributed moments and shear diagram and the required reinforcement will be represented graphically and numerically. With the detailed check features, carried out at a certain position of the member, the user quickly views the graphical detail results of, amongst others, the prevailing internal forces, the elongations, the steel stress and the details of the stress-strain diagram. The prevailing forces can be manually modified in order to enable a fast check. A crack analysis in serviceability limit state is also carried out.

RC beams and columns analysis - EC 2



Reinforcement analysis incl. crack and checks of concrete beams and columns according to EN 1992-1-1.

RC beams and columns analysis - DIN 1045-1



Reinforcement analysis incl. crack and checks of concrete beams and columns according to DIN 1045-1.

RC beams and columns analysis - NEN 6720



Reinforcement analysis incl. crack and checks of concrete beams and columns according to NEN 6720.

Module list esacd.01.04 µ esas.00

esacd.01.05 µ esas.00

esacd.01.06 µ esas.00

esacd.01.07 µ esas.00


RC beams and columns analysis - ÖNORM B 4700



Reinforcement analysis incl. crack and checks of concrete beams and columns according to ÖNORM B 4700.

RC beams and columns analysis - ACI-318


Reinforcement analysis incl. crack and checks of concrete beams and columns according to ACI-318.

RC beams and columns analysis - BAEL



Reinforcement analysis incl. crack and checks of concrete beams and columns according to BAEL.

RC beams and columns analysis - CSN


Reinforcement analysis incl. crack and checks of concrete beams and columns according to CSN.

RC beams and columns analysis - SIA 262



µ esas.00

Reinforcement analysis incl. crack and checks of concrete beams and columns according to SIA262.


RC beams and columns analysis - BS 8110

µ esas.00

esacd.01.11 µ esas.00



Reinforcement analysis incl. crack and checks of concrete beams and columns according to BS.

RC beams and columns analysis - STN


Reinforcement analysis incl. crack and checks of concrete beams and columns according to STN.

Fire resistance esacd.07.01 µ esas.00

Fire resistance check EC 2



Check of the fire resistance of beams, columns and hollow core slabs according detailing rules and the simplified method as defined in the EN 1992-1-2.

Plates, walls and shells esacd.02

µ esas.00 µ esa.01

esacd.02.01 µ esas.00 µ esa.01

esacd.02.02 µ esas.00 µ esa.01

esacd.02.03 µ esas.00 µ esa.01


RC plates and walls analysis



Reinforcement analysis, incl. crack of concrete plates and walls according to EC2. Calculation of the theoretically required reinforcement. The input of the concrete data (concrete cover, reinforcement) and the normative factors is done in clear dialogues. The program calculates two or three reinforcement layers on both sides of the plate or wall. As a result, the user obtains the theoretically required reinforcement per layer (for the crack analysis as well) in the numerical or graphical output (isolines, isobands, cuts…)

RC plates and walls analysis - EC2


Reinforcement analysis incl. crack of concrete plates and walls according to EN 1992-1-1.

RC plates and walls analysis - DIN 1045-1



Reinforcement analysis incl. crack of concrete plates and walls according to DIN 1045-1.

RC plates and walls analysis - NEN 6720



Reinforcement analysis incl. crack of concrete plates and walls according to NEN 6720.

RC plates and walls analysis - ÖNORM B 4700



µ esas.00

Reinforcement analysis incl. crack of concrete plates and walls according to ÖNORM B 4700.


RC plates and walls analysis - ACI-318

µ esas.00 µ esa.01

esacd.02.06 µ esas.00 µ esa.01

esacd.02.07 µ esas.00 µ esa.01

esacd.02.08 µ esas.00 µ esa.01



Reinforcement analysis incl. crack of concrete plates and walls according to ACI 318.

RC plates and walls analysis - BAEL



Reinforcement analysis incl. crack of concrete plates and walls according to BAEL.

RC plates and walls analysis - CSN


Reinforcement analysis incl. crack of concrete plates and walls according to CSN.

RC plates and walls analysis - SIA 262



Reinforcement analysis incl. crack of concrete plates and walls according to SIA262.

RC plates and walls analysis - BS



µ esas.00 µ esa.01

Reinforcement analysis incl. crack of concrete plates and walls according to BS.


RC plates and walls analysis - STN

µ esas.00 µ esa.01



Reinforcement analysis incl. crack of concrete plates and walls according to STN.


Module list Code dependant concrete deformations esas.18

µ esas.00


µ esas.18

Code dependant deformations 1D


Code dependant deformations 2D



Analysis of total, immediate and additional deformations in RC frame structures including the calculation of cracks, short and longterm stiffness according the national code.


Analysis of total, immediate and additional deformations in RC surface structures including the calculation of cracks, short and long-term stiffness according the national code.

Material non-linear analysis for concrete structures esas.16

µ esas.01

Physical non-linear concrete 1D

Analysis of the redistribution of internal forces for frames in a general XYZ environment due to the physical non-linear behaviour of (reinforced) concrete or masonry structures in combination with non-linear conditions and geometrical non-linearity.


Punching esacd.03

µ esas.00 µ esa.01




Punching plates EC2


µ esas.00 µ esa.01

Punching check for plates according to EN 1992-1-1.


Punching plates DIN


µ esas.00 µ esa.01

esacd.03.03 µ esas.00 µ esa.01

esacd.03.04 µ esas.00 µ esa.01

esacd.03.06 µ esas.00 µ esa.01

esacd.03.07 µ esas.00 µ esa.01

esacd.03.08 µ esas.00 µ esa.01

esacd.03.09 µ esas.00 µ esa.01

esacd.03.11 µ esas.00 µ esa.01


Punching plates

Punching check for plates according to a code check. Various geometric configurations (column on angle, on the side, middle) are automatically detected and can be adapted manually. The user has the possibility to define holes in the plate and column heads. The program automatically determines the necessary critical parameters and performs each time a punching check. If necessary it is also possible to calculate and represent extra punching. The output can be configured by the user, from a very simple to a very detailed calculation note.



Punching check for plates according to DIN.

Punching plates NEN



Punching check for plates according to NEN.

Punching plates ÖNORM



Punching check for plates according to ÖNORM.

Punching plates BAEL



Punching check for plates according to BAEL.

Punching plates CSN



Punching check for plates according to CSN.

Punching plates SIA



Punching check for plates according to SIA.

Punching plates BS 8110



Punching check for plates according to BS 8110.

Punching plates STN



Punching check for plates according to STN

Module list Reinforcement input esacdt.01

esacdt.03 µ esa.01


Practical reinforcement on 1D members C P E S 136 Definition of practical reinforcement for 1D members. The user can define various types of anchorages for stirrups and longitudinal reinforcement and check the anchorage according code specific requirements. Additionally the user can perform an automatic design of practical reinforcement according to the ultimate limit state for concrete frames (beams and columns). Then the required no. of stirrups and longitudinal bars and their spacing are designed automatically. With this module the user can create a practical layout of reinforcement for concrete frames. This reinforcement can then be used in the check of deflections. Practical reinforcement on 2D members



Definition of practical reinforcement for 2D members. (Plates and Walls). The user can design a mesh made from two or more layers of reinforcement. The layers are put to the two sides of a wall or slab. The user is allowed to use a basic mesh and add additional bars. Also the user can pick a practical mesh from a mesh library and apply it in the slab or wall. The practical reinforcement in the 2D elements is used in the check of the deflections of a slab.

Strand patterns



µ esa.00

Module for the input of strand patterns, to be used for pre-stressed concrete calculations. The user can easily pick a strand pattern for a library. In the design dialogue the user has enough tools to quickly model a strand pattern made from various strand diameters or wires. Each wire or strand can be fixed, unbonded or draped. For draped strands the user can easily set the no. of strands to be draped and the draping distance. Also up to 10 different debonding lengths can be set. In one part of the module the user can check on-line the influence of his design on the geometrical properties of the prestressed cross-section (neutral axis, centre of gravity, 2nd order moment). Each strand pattern can be stored in a database and used in later calculations. Thus the user has a quick tool for the design of pre-stressed concrete cross-sections.


Post-tensioned internal and external tendons

µ esas.00



Module for the input of post-tensioned tendons. The user can easily pick and design a post-tensioned tendon of the following types: mono or multi- strand tendon bonded in grouted ducts, external (free) tendon, unbonded mono or multi- strand tendon (approximate analysis). Based on a library of geometrical shapes (straight parts, bend parts) the user can define a tendon or even import a tendon from a CAD application (DWG, DXF). Each tendon can exist of a set of strands and a set of tendons (forming a group of tendons). For each tendon the user can define the data for the friction losses and the anchorage set. It is allowed to stress the tendon from the beginning and / or pre-stress it from the end. During the design the user is able to see the results of the design regarding the losses due to friction in both XY and XZ directions. Also the elongation of the tendon can be verified post and prior anchoring of the tendon.

Prestressing / posttensioning esacd.04.01 µ esas.27 + µ esas.40

esacd.04.03 µ esas.27 + µ esas.40 or µ esas.38

esacd.04.07 µ esas.27 + µ esas.40 or µ esas.38

esacd.06.01 µ esas.00

Prestress check EC 2



Calculation of response of prestressed cross-section at ULS loaded by combination of bending moments, and axial force. Allowable (compression and/or tensile) stresses of concrete and prestressing in serviceability limit state. EN 1992-1-1 and EN 1992-2.

Prestress check NEN 6720



Calculation of response of prestressed cross-section at ULS loaded by combination of bending moments and axial force. Allowable (compression and/or tensile) stresses of concrete and prestressing in serviceability limit state.

Prestress check CSN 36207



Calculation of response of prestressed cross-section at ULS loaded by combination of bending moments and axial force. Allowable (compression and/or tensile) stresses of concrete and prestressing in serviceability limit state.

Check of hollow core slabs EN 1168

Special check of hollow core slabs for shear, splitting, shear and torsion, support conditions and punching according EN 1168. With this module the user is capable to perform detailing checks of hollow core slabs according to the latest EN-code. This module should be used in addition to EN 1992-1-1 and 1992-1-2.


Special checks esacd.11.01 µ esacd.02

Voided slabs EC 2 147

Voided slabs give engineers a way to eliminate from a part of a floor slab concrete that has no structural function. Void formers in the middle of a flat slab eliminate 35% of the slabs self-weight. With this module the engineer is able to adequately model, design and check a floor system made out of voided slabs. Focus is also laid on the optimisation of the design and drafting process in order to make it as fast and economical as possible. The calculated reinforcement can also be sent to Allplan for further detailing.


Module list 7. Designer of other materials Steel-concrete composite esascd.01.01 Composite steel-concrete design EC 4 149 µ esas.00

The composite steel-concrete design module designs composite beams and slabs at final (composite) stage (EN 1994) and at construction (non-composite) stage (EN 1993). It includes also the fire resistance design for composite steel and concrete members.

esascd.01.09 Composite steel-concrete design BS 149 µ esas.00

The composite steel-concrete design module designs composite beams and members at final (composite) stage and at construction (non-composite) stage according to BS 5950-3. It includes also the fire resistance design for composite steel and concrete members.

esascd.02.01 Composite steel-concrete columns EC 4 151 µ esas.00

The composite steel-concrete design module designs composite columns (EN 1994). It includes also the fire resistance design for composite steel and concrete members.

Timber esatd.01.01 µ esas.00

Timber code check for EC5

Stress and stability verification of timber members according to EC5, including the serviceability check with creep.


Aluminium esaad.01.01 µ esas.00

Design of aluminium structures - EN1999-1-1 155

Design of aluminium structures according to EN1999-1-1, including the design of transverse welds, aluminium slenderness, local and bow imperfections.

8. Design of foundations General esafd.01.01 µ esas.00

esafd.01.03 µ esas.00

esafd.02.01 µ esas.00

Pile design EC7

Piles are in Scia Engineer integrated with the structure model and soil profiles. The soil profiles are generated from the Cone Penetration Test (CPT) data. The module enables the user to perform design and verification of bearing piles in accordance with NEN 9997-1:2009 (NEN-EN 1997-1, NEN-EN 1997-1/NB and NEN 9097-1).

Pile design, NEN 6740 157

Piles are defined as a type of support in Scia Engineer and they are integrated with the structure model and soil profiles. The soil profiles are generated from the Cone Penetration Test (CPT) data. Pile design functionality is a dedicated (see above remark) tool in Scia Engineer developed in co-operation with Deltares. It enables the user to perform design and verification of bearing piles in accordance with the NEN national code.

Foundation blocks check, EC



Pad foundations are used to support single columns, spreading the load to the ground below. They are generally square or rectangular in plan, with the plan area being determined by the permissible bearing strength of the soil. The shape in plan is enforced by the arrangement of the columns and the load to be transferred to the soil. This functionality in Scia Engineer enables the user to perform a stability check of pad foundations in accordance with EC-EN 1997-1.

9. Vertical applications General esaod.00

Scia Esa One Dialog basic module

Basic module for each Scia ODA installation, used for importing and running templates.

Composite structures esamd.00

Mixbeam ODA

Staged calculation model of bridge having steel and concrete sections.

esamd.01.06 Mixbeam CGPC


µ esasmd.01

Section check, weld size and connector calculation following the French norm.

Module list Scaffolding esa.ver.scaf

Scaffolding vertical

This vertical package contains modules necessary for modelling, analysis and design of scaffolding.

esa.ver.scmod Modelling of scaffolding

System for modelling of scaffolding, tubes and fittings and system scaffolding. A special graphical user interface where a building is defined by the user. The scaffold is generated automatically. The user is able to adapt both the scaffold and building on a local and global level. The modeller generates a full 3D model of the scaffold. This model can be transferred to Scia Engineer as a structural model. In Scia Engineer the user can generate an analysis model, bill of material, overview drawings and also get the information about estimated surface area (m2) and volume (m3).

Pipeline design esa.15

µ esa.00


µ esas.01


µ esa.01

esasd.09.03 µ esas.01

Pipeline wizard


Pipeline supports


Pipeline total tube stress NEN


Wizard to input pipeline models. Input of special flexible supports for pipeline calculations. Tangential stress calculation for pipelines following NEN (below ground).

Pipeline axial tube stress NEN

Axial stress calculation for pipelines following NEN (above ground).

Powermasts esa.16

µ esa.00


µ esas.01

esasd.10.03 µ esas.01

Special user blocks for high voltage power masts

Easy modelling of power masts based on a library of blocks made of arms and towers.

Maintenance loads and SBS

Maintenance loads and SBS, especially for high voltage power masts.

Special checks for high voltage power mast according to EN 50341-3-15

Check on limit slenderness based on advanced slenderness data according to EN 50341-3-15 (Leg with symmetrical bracing, K-bracing, Cross-bracing, SBS…).

10. CAD (Allplan) applications Steel apesa.01


µ apesa.10

Allplan Steel design templates 164

Set of templates for simple modelling of steel structures.

Upgrade apesa.10 to Scia Engineer

Upgrade of Allplan Steel Modeller to full Scia Engineer functionality. It includes apesa.10 + esas.00 + esas.01.

Concrete apesa.02

Allplan Concrete design templates

Set of templates for simple modelling of reinforced concrete structures.

Educational versions esa.ST.01

Scia Engineer (Students)


Scia Engineer (Schools)


Scia Engineer (Schools) 20 Licenses FlexLM. Full pack with student limitation


Scia Engineer (Schools) 50 Licenses FlexLM. Full pack with student limitation

Printed set of manuals in one language



Base modeller

Powerful solution Scia Engineer is a state-of-the-art Windows based application for the analysis and design of general two- and three-dimensional civil engineering structures made of steel, concrete and/or other materials and containing beam and slab members. Scia Engineer is a modular system, which means that it can be tuned to the specific needs of a particular user. The overall performance of the system, its user-friendliness and speed make it a powerful tool for even the most complicated tasks and demanding user. The base modeller is at the core of the system and drives also the principal tasks such as the installation of the system, the graphical input and output of data, exporting

Highlights ► Easy-to-use graphical user interface.

► Straight and curved 1D members, planar


and curved surfaces including their intersection. ► Full control of the display style including perspective, rendering, activity, colourmanagement, etc. ► Extensive library of predefined materials, cross-sections and type-structures. ► Independent analysis and structural model which means both accurate results and realistic and nice looking pictures. ► Communication with Allplan, Revit, Tekla, ETABS. ► IFC 2x3. ► SDNF import / export.

esa.00 / esa.01 / esa.02 / esa.04

and importing to and from other applications, the libraries of standard materials and cross-sections, sets of Predefined shapes, online Help, etc.

TrueAnalysis Most structural analysis and design software systems traditionally work with what is called “analysis model” that consists of just enough information to perform the analysis. Scia Engineer is unique in that it allows the engineer to very quickly define the relation between this analysis model and real shape of the structure used in CAD systems (structural model). This structural model can even contain entities that are not included in the analysis model (e.g. banister, window panes, etc.). The user can decide which of the models is the primary one and the other one is automatically created by Scia Engineer (see Structure-2-Analysis). Having both the analysis and structural model in one project has many advantages: • General arrangement drawings can be generated automatically. This is useful for internal communication, or in a tender stage, where no detailed drawings are needed; • It is the only way to ensure a consistent communication with CAD-software and guarantee integrity of the Building Information Modelling process; • Full control over synchronization of changes coming from architects (works in CAD), second engineering teams (works in Scia Engineer), etc.

Graphical user interface The graphical user interface is the “communication” link between the user and the system. Its main features are: • The view of the structure (i.e. zoom ratio, view direction) may be adjusted at will, several graphical windows may be opened at the same time when the same or different parts of the structure are displayed and when the same or different view point and direction are used; • All accessible functions are clearly sorted in a standard menu and also in a clear tree menu that guides the user through individual steps; • Functions that are not accessible (either due to their absence in a particular license or because some preliminary steps of the design have not been completed yet) are hidden and therefore do not add to the complexity of the menu, e.g. supports have no meaning until at least one beam has been defined, masses are pointless unless the dynamics functionality has been switched on, etc; • Everything that has been defined can be displayed on the screen, including hinges, reinforcement, cross-links, stiffeners, etc., which makes it a simple task to check the work; • The built-up structure can be easily reviewed for each construction stage; • The robust and well-known MS Windows background, XP and Vista, ensures that all the standard peripheries and devices (plotters, printers, enhanced video cards, etc.) may be used. ; Included in C P E S

Required module: esa.08.

Base modeller

• The emphasis is on interactive CAD-style graphical work, so that the user can really “draw” his structure on the computer using drag-and-drop, rendering, grids and other implemented graphical tools. On the other hand, the detailed numerical input of individual values or checks is also possible if necessary (e.g. node coordinates or reinforcement schemes); • Even though the mainstream in CAE applications is represented by graphical style of work, a “traditional” numerical input of values into tables can prove effective in certain situations. Scia Engineer supports an integrated Table Editor - spreadsheet allowing for input and editing of model data including Copy+Paste to/ from MS Excel. Perspective


The perspective view of the structure is a very useful tool when presenting to your customers. Rendering / Animation The structure is normally drawn as a line model. If chosen, the surface of individual beams may also be shown by using surface lines. For presentations, however, a more attractive view is available. Several rendering modes are available to help producing effective drawings. Results for the calculation of dynamic loading, etc. can be easily animated, thus contributing to a better insight in the behaviour of the structure. Property window The Property window represents a unique feature of Scia Engineer. Any time an entity (member, support, hinge, load, etc.) is selected, its properties are displayed in the Property window. These properties may be either reviewed or edited (e.g. assigning a new cross-section to the beam). Once a property is retyped in the Property window, the modification is immediately shown in the graphical window. Clipping box In projects for large structures, the permanent display showing all parts of the structure may become confusing or unclear. A Clipping Box is the simplest tool to help avoiding this. The clipping box is in fact a rectangular prism (1) that can be placed anywhere within the modelling space, (2) that may be rotated around all the global axes and (3) the dimensions, which may be adjusted at will. Only that part of the structure that is situated inside the box is displayed. The rest is hidden.

Activity As well as the clipping box, the Activity tool is another big asset when a large and complex structure is being designed. The user may select individual members that are relevant for a particular task and make them “active”. All the remaining elements of the structure are made “inactive” i.e. temporarily hidden.

Input of geometry The user can easily input data using the userfriendly graphical interface and tool described below. The structure can be created from structural beam (esa.00) and slab (esa.01) members. Beams can include openings, haunches and user defined arbitrary profiles. A constant or variable thickness can be defined on slabs. Slabs can also be equipped with ribs. Also openings and sub-regions can be defined in slabs. Sub-regions are local discontinuities (thickness, material type…) that can be inputted somewhere in the slab. Curved surfaces (esa.02) Not only planar, but also curved surfaces (members) can be input into the model. The structure may contain e.g. cylinders, cones, hyperboloids, spirals and other simpler or complex shapes. From a mathematical point of view all these

surfaces are defined as arbitrary quadrilaterals or triangles. The shape of the edges then specifies the shape of the final surface. Once a curved surface (member) is inputted, it can be edited by using standard functions for geometric manipulation. The edges can also be edited and, if required, their shape can be altered e.g. from Beziers curve to a line or vice versa. Intersections of surfaces When two surfaces (plates, shells, plate and shell, etc.) intersect, Scia Engineer can generate the intersection of such surfaces. For example, in case of a plate and wall, the intersection is a line. In case of a cylinder and hemisphere, the intersection is a curve. These intersections are important for the generation of finite element meshes and thus for proper interconnection of the members, so that internal forces from one member can be transferred to the other. The intersections can be generated automatically as well as manually. In this case, the user must invoke the function and say which particular surfaces (members) and intersections should be connected. Cut-outs of 2D members (esa.04) This module extends the possibilities of Scia Engineer which are given by the generation of intersections of 2D members. Under certain circumstances the generation of the intersection

esa.00 / esa.01 / esa.02 / esa.04



Base modeller

(i.e. the intersection line or curve) is sufficient, for example when the user needs to connect a plate and a wall so that they “know” about each other and act as one unit. On the other hand, especially curved surfaces require more than a simple calculation of the intersection curve. It is usually necessary to remove a part of the structure on one side of the intersection and to keep just the other part. Imagine e.g. two semi-cylindrical tunnels intersecting each other at right angles. At first, the user inputs one semi-cylinder, then the other one and so the intersection is generated. But the user also needs to “allow for access” from one tunnel to the other. And this can be done through cut-outs. The generated intersections divide the original members (semi-cylinders) into several parts (in front of and behind the intersection). The function for cut-outs now removes the unnecessary parts from the model. Cross-sections


Scia Engineer offers an integrated library of various cross-section types: • Standard steel profiles (The library contains all standard European, American and Asian rolled sections and common cold-formed sections. Sectional characteristics that are not saved in the library are also calculated automatically); • Built-up steel cross-sections (composed of standard steel profiles and/or flats); • Composite cross-sections (steel profile and a concrete slab); • Concrete cross-sections; • Timber cross-sections; • Precast cross-sections; • Bridge cross-sections; • General cross-section: input of sections with an arbitrary shape and consisting of different materials. Within a useful graphical interface, the user can set up the following sections:

esa.00 / esa.01 / esa.02 / esa.04

polygons, with or without one or multiple holes, thin-walled sections, a composition of the available sections from the library, sections imported in DXF or DWG format; • etc. Materials Besides the cross-section database, also a material database is an integral part of the system. It contains a vast number of standard materials from implemented steel and concrete design codes. The database can be modified by the user, which enables him/her to adapt the library according to their particular needs and requirements. Catalogue blocks Regardless of the often demanding and creative work achieved by engineers, inevitably there is still repetitious work that must be undertaken. Some types of structures or at least some parts of them are the same (in general) every time they appear in a project. Therefore Scia Engineer offers a specialized library containing a broad selection of standard simple structures or shapes, such as truss girders, towers, frames, typical curves, etc. It is even possible for the user to define some blocks themselves or adapt the standard blocks that are in the library. With this method the user can build up his/her projects consisting of predefined blocks.

Interoperability Successful and fast realization of a construction project requires an effective cooperation of all parties involved: architects, structural engineers, design professionals, facility managers. Scia Engineer is able thanks to TrueAnalysis handle with both structural and analysis models. Various file formats can be imported and exported such as IFC, DXF, DWG, EPW, DStV, VRML, etc.

When available structural members are imported. If not, Esa.00 also provides basic tools for converting general shapes into the analysis model. Advanced tools supporting BIM are incorporated in the BIM toolbox (esa.26). Other bi-directional links are sold separately. Last but not least the general exchange format XML is implemented. This gives users possibility to enhance import, export and design capabilities of Scia Engineer.

Tools Units There is a wide choice of units throughout the program and the units for individual properties are independent. Therefore it is possible for example to define geometry in metres, display calculated displacements in inches and have dimension lines of connection drawings in millimetres. All the units may be changed at any time and in any phase of the project. Especially for the American market, an easy mechanism for switching between Imperial and SI units is implemented. User Coordinate System What may seem unnecessary for simple 2D structures, can be an important factor for complicated structures. The user may position his/ her coordinate system to any point of the modelling space and turn it to an arbitrary direction. What’s more, it is possible to create as many of these auxiliary coordinate systems as necessary. The coordinates of all points in the structure are then measured from the selected user coordinate system. Grids Grids are extremely useful for the proper input of new nodes, beams and slabs. In the cursor snap settings, the user can define which points will be

Base modeller

used during the input, so that a selected point will be set into the nearest grid or other defined point:


Dot grid The dot grid is the basic kind of grid. It is placed into the user work plane. Line grid It is very common in structural 3D modelling to pursue some kind of regularity in the structure geometry. Being able to predefine this pattern can be of great help when you actually start modelling the structure. In Scia Engineer, this pattern can be set up by means of the line grid or 3D grid tools. The user defines one or more grids whose vertices can be easily picked by a pointing device (e.g. mouse) and used as end-nodes of structural members. This way, the definition of the geometry is made easy. Also the line grid shows some measurements that can be useful in the structure. Available grid types are: • Cartesian grid; • Oblique grid (i.e. inclined Cartesian grid); • Spherical grid; • Cylindrical grid Some 3D grid features: • Several grids may be defined in one project; • Each of the grids can be switched on or off (i.e. visible and active or hidden); • Individual layers of each grid may be switched on or off; • Each layer of each grid is accompanied by a clear description; • If required, the grid may be only planar (i.e. not three-dimensional).

Print outs

they can even be edited in this gallery, e.g. dimension lines may be added, hand-made drawings or comments attached, some parts of the drawing may even be manipulated (rotated, moved, etc.). The images are also automatically regenerated whenever a change in the modelled structure occurs. Pictures from this gallery can be exported to the document in Scia Engineer. Export > bmp, emf, wmf, dxf, dwg The images stored in the Picture gallery (and also any view from the graphical window) can be exported from Scia Engineer and saved in several versatile and widespread graphical formats: BMP (Windows Bitmap), EMF (Extended Metafile), WMF (Windows Metafile), DXF and DWG (both latest importable into e.g. AutoCAD).

Picture gallery


All interesting, important and required images may be stored in a Picture gallery. If necessary,

Both the input data and results may be clearly summarised in a document. The document may

contain combinations of tables, drawings and user-added text. The layout of the document is adjustable in order to reflect the usual practice of a particular user. If the modelled structure needs to be modified and has to perform a new calculation, the document is automatically regenerated (in combination with the productivity toolbox - esa.06). The ChapterMaker allows for quick generation of chapters, data or pictures for various load cases, combinations or construction stages. Export > rtf, html, txt, xls, pdf Once created and customised, the document may be exported to a versatile format so that people who do not own Scia Engineer may also read it. Supported formats are: RTF (viewable e.g. in MS Word), HTML (viewable e.g. in Internet explorer), PDF (Acrobat Reader), XLS (MS Excel) and TXT (viewable in almost any text editor including Windows Notepad).

esa.00 / esa.01 / esa.02 / esa.04



Productivity toolbox

The Productivity toolbox represents a package of powerful tools that can significantly increase the productivity of your work. This package contains several independent tools that cover the whole range of actions, from the definition of a structure model to creation of a comprehensive and readable output document.

Project template Project files can be saved as project template files. The use of project templates has several advantages, such as the increase of productivity or implementation of company default methods.

Highlights ► Templates for projects that appear again and


again with minor modifications. ► Optimisation of steel and timber structures resulting in the most economical design. ► Active document - what is changed in the model, is automatically updated in the document and vice versa: what is modified in the document (load size, nodal coordinates, etc.) is automatically updated in the model. ► Sophisticated tools for production of graphical documentation. ► Possibility to export graphics to 3D pdf files. ► 2D model view: general section through the 3D model; easy way for editing of a 3D model in 2D, link between 3D and 2D views. ► Storeys: well arranged drawings of storeys; tool for generation of planviews. ► Dimensioning in both 3D model and 2D model view. ► User defined attributes minimize losses during BIM process. ► External checks: user defined checks integrated within Scia Engineer.


The increase in the productivity can be obtained by setting up a project template in which the user defines items such as standard materials, standard cross-sections, standard load cases, standard combinations and a standard document. The user can insert any regular Scia Engineer input data to the template file and can also define as many templates as desired. When users want to start a new project, they can start with their template file. This will save the time and effort associated with the re-definition of items (materials, cross-sections etc.) that were already defined in the particular project template. The implementation of company methods can be achieved through distribution and use of certain project templates at a companywide level. This will guarantee that all project files derived from the same template will have an identical internal structure, e.g. identical layout of the document. The combination of the module for parameters with the project template functionality gives the user a very powerful tool for making parameterized project templates in which not only materials, cross-sections, etc. are prepared but in which also parameterized geometry, loads, … are included.

Autodesign Scia Engineer enables you to optimise the whole structure or a selected part. The optimisation can be run for steel and timber members. It is possible to optimise the value of: • Standard steel code check; • Fire resistance steel check; • Timber code check;

• Bolted diagonal check; • Pad foundations. It is also possible to perform several of the above mentioned optimisation types and then compare the results. It is always the cross-section size or the bolt size that is optimised. In general, you must select which cross-section types or bolted diagonal connections, used in your model, need to be optimised. For more complex structures it is also possible to define different sets of optimisations e.g. one for all the columns, one for all the girders, etc… Afterwards the user can choose which set is to be applied. It is also possible to specify the number of iterations that the program needs to calculate. The user is also able to tell Scia Engineer do perform the calculation several times in a row. For more information about Autodesign the following white paper is available on Optimal design of structures - Autodesign and Parametric structural optimisation breakthrough technology in Scia Engineer.

Wind / snow and predefined loads Both wind and snow loads are important factors when analysing a structure. Scia Engineer simplifies their definition through the implementation of wind and snow pressure curves. These curves must be defined manually, according to the real conditions in the location where the structure is to be constructed. Very often the load of some structural parts is derived from the composition of the structure. A typical example is the weight of a floor. Scia Engineer offers a Included in C P E S

Required module: esa.00

Productivity toolbox

Active document The document is a part of Scia Engineer and provides for preparation of professional resultreports. The document may summarise: • Input data; • Results of calculations; • Drawings of structure; • Diagrams of result quantities; • User-typed text; • External pictures; • Headers; • Footers; ; • Table of contents. The most important feature of the document is that all the information in it is not only passively “printed” but remains actively linked to the structural model. Thus, any change of the structure can be easily introduced to the document by an automatic re-generation of the document. What is more, tables with input data may be edited in the document (like e.g. in Microsoft EXCEL) and the model changes accordingly. For example: changes of nodal co-ordinates in the appropriate document table result in the change of geometry of the structure; changes of load-size lead to the modification of the load the structure is subject to. The document can be saved with the project or


simple-operated editor for such compositions called “predefined loads”. A predefined load is defined by a set of separate layers each of which has a specific thickness and density. Scia Engineer automatically calculates the final weight and applies it to the selected part of the structure.

exported to an external file: TXT, RTF, HTML, XLS or PDF. Scia Engineer also supports the 3D PDF format. In this format the user can zoom, pan and rotate the picture as in the default Scia Engineer environment, but without the need of a proprietary interface. The Acrobat reader can be downloaded freely from the Adobe website

Document templates Similarly to standard Scia Engineer project templates, the document may also be based on a template. This means that the user does not have to create the document from scratch with each new project. A template document, or several template documents, may be created in advance. The template then serves as a table of contents that is used for automatic “expansion” to a real output report. Scia Engineer reads the template, takes the inserted sections one by one, and fills them with up-to-date data for the particular project. Engineers who deal with a limited set of specific structure types will welcome this feature, as they will have to create the document (or a few typical ones) once in their career. In the future they will just select one of the prepared templates.

Intelligent picture gallery an intelligent link between 3D model and 2D picture Scia Engineer contains an advanced tool for the preparation of pictures. The usual practice with

pictures of an analysed structure was that the user adjusted the required view and created the picture. Whenever the structure was changed, the picture had to be created again. However, this is not the case with the intelligent picture gallery in Scia Engineer. The picture retains information about how it was created and which part of the analysed structure it displays. Therefore, if the structure is changed, the picture regenerates automatically, keeping the pre-adjusted view parameters. The same applies to changes of loads, supports, hinges and other parts of the model. If required, the pictures may be further edited in a graphical editor equipped with standard graphical functions such as Draw Line, Add Dimension Line, Add Text, Move Object, Copy Object, etc. Afterwards the pictures can be exported to the most common picture formats such as BMP, VRML, U3D, DWG and DXF. Ribbed slab This function enables the user to quickly input a plate with several stiffening ribs. The calculation takes this entity as a real ribbed plate. In fact the same result (but slower) can be obtained by a separate input of the plate element and the rib elements using two separate functions. Prefab slab This is a special type of plate whose features can be fully exploited in connection with the function




Productivity toolbox

upgrading a 2D project to 1D project. The idea is the following: suppose you have a floor composed of prefabricated panels (e.g. hollow core slabs). The checks that are performed require that these panels are defined. On the other hand, the analysis of the whole structure can be performed with a “substitute” plate whose properties correspond to the system of the panels. It is possible to use the analysed model of the substitute slab, extract just one of the beams to a separate project including the internal forces obtained by the analysis of the whole structure and perform a detailed checking of that single member.

2D Model view The 2D model views display the 3D model of the structure in the same way as a standard 3D view. The 2D model view is defined by the sections in the 3D view. The user can define vertical sections, plan views and general sections. Several special tools which make definition of this 2D view as easy as possible. The 2D model view has a fixed viewing direction (perpendicular to section plane) and a fixed work-plane. When the user activates a new 2D model view, the clipping box is switched ON and its boundary is set according to Back plane and Front plane. All editing functions from the 3D window are available in the 2D view as well.

Storeys and Advanced 3D grid


Scia Engineer defines advanced tools for drawings and modelling: Storeys and 2D line-grids. Both are standard objects with their properties and can be modified via the property-dialogue. There are 3 types of 2D line grids: • Free lines are grid-entities which are created manually by the user (only straight lines) and recognized as general grid. This is a quick way


to create grid lines which are a bit out of the ordinary or hard to define via the rectangular or circular grids. Existing nodes or gridlineintersections can be used to set them up; • Rectangular grids: user specifies the X and Y spacing of the grid and their properties; • Circular grids: the user specifies the X and Y (= angle) spacing of the grid. Rectangular and circular grids can be exploded into free lines, which can be modified accordingly. When exploding a grid however, the dimensionlines are no longer linked to the free grid lines. It can be a quick way to create a complex random grid The final 2D line grid can be composed of multiple grids of any type. In this way the user is able to create a planar grid of almost general shape. A Storey defines the elevation of the individual levels or floors in the building. Storeys

are displayed by means of automatic vertical dimension lines in the 3D view. 2D line grids, in combination with storeys, create a virtual 3D grid. The 2D grid can be projected upon every storey, providing the user with as many snap-points as when using a 3D line grid. However, the added value of line grids and storeys is that they can be used for automatic generation of sections and plan views.

Dimensioning Scia Engineer lets designers place dimension lines in both 3D model and 2D model view. Dimension lines are managed via Dimension styles which are flexible in controlling their representation. Main features of the dimension lines: • Dimension styles allow for easy changes in the layout;

Productivity toolbox In the first step, User defined Additional Data are created. Furthermore, a reference to the Excel file is made in this phase.

• Layers for dimension lines are defined in the Dimension style too; • The label of the dimension line can be defined manually by the user or automatically according to settings in the Dimension style; • Editing of end marks; • New options for positioning of the labels; • Vertical position of the label can also be controlled (above / in line / below).

User defined attributes

A new service will be available in the Scia Engineer tree: Custom check.


Attributes are a way of linking additional data directly to a structural member in a user-friendly way. The user can create attributes themselves and enhance properties of the members (both beams and slabs). Scia Engineer does not make difference between hard-coded properties and user added attributes in printouts (the Document), depictions of drawings and in the exchange of data through standard interfaces such as XML. For instance, user attributes can be used in External checks (see External check).

After defining the User defined AddData, these have to be input on members/nodes. These AddData can also be saved into a database.

The next step is to execute the Custom Check after a calculation in Scia Engineer.

Attributes can also supplement member data by colours, surface type, etc. The user can define a list of valid data for each new attribute (e.g. a list of colours) or a range of valid values too.

External check In Scia Engineer, a large amount of advanced checks is available for a 1D member: Concrete Reinforcement Design, Steel Code Checks, Aluminium Design, Steel Connection Checks etc. Of course, it is possible that a user would like to provide a special check, something which is not implemented in Scia Engineer. This is where the External Application Checks module for Excel comes up: using this module, the user can define his/her own type of check and link this to one or more existing Excel files. During the check, the input data from Scia Engineer (like internal forces, member data, loads, dimensions…) are sent to Excel and the results are read back. Scia Engineer displays results in standard ways such as diagrams along beams, in preview window or in the Document. Hardcopy of selected region from the Excel sheet can be shown within the document of Scia Engineer!

By means of the table composer, the new user defined output table is added into the preview.

With the action button Single check, the Excel file is opened and the updated results of the check are given.

25 esa.06


General cross-section

Scia Engineer enables the cross-section of beam members of any shape or shapes to be defined, in various materials. A graphical editor environment is available to make the required shape. This environment is very similar to the graphic user interface for structure definition and contains all input and editing, such as dragand-drop editing as well as numerical editing of co-ordinates of vertexes, copy, rotate, mirror, fillet etc. Both thin-walled and solid profiles can be defined. Also, any profile from Scia Engineer library can be inserted as part(s) of the whole cross-section. They can be combined together with manually defined shapes.

Output and display To produce clear documentation, the graphical editor enables the insertion of dimension lines into the cross-section image. Labels for dimension lines are editable, and can contain either the distance or additional text or a description.

Highlights ► Advanced graphical input of any cross-


section shape. ► Cross-sections composed of arbitrary number of parts. ► Automatic calculation of sectional characteristics. ► Parameterised cross-sections. ► Import of cross-sections shape through DXF/DWG format.


Overlapping of cross-section parts Scia Engineer enables the definition of mixed cross-sections like steel-concrete or concreteconcrete, where a part is inside or partly inside a casted part. Therefore, each partial shape has a parameter “priority value”, determining which part should be taken in which place, where one or more cross-sectional parts overlap each other.

Parameterisation Any node co-ordinate can be assigned to a value of a certain user-defined parameter. Because parameters can be either of type, of value or formula, it is possible to easily make shapes with various dependencies. Selected parameters are adjustable from the normal edit dialog of the cross-section, in the same way as dimension setting of any cross-section from Scia Engineer catalogue. They are also adjustable from any other points of Scia Engineer, like haunch parameters etc. Because general cross-sections are also allowed in members with variable crosssections (haunches), there are no limitations in the creation of any 3D beams. See the following picture with a member with a variable profile, defined as a general cross-section.

DXF/DWG import Shapes can be imported from DWG and DXF format. Line and polyline entities are supported. Manual control of input enables adjustment of how certain imported entity will be taken into account (part of thin-walled section, solid polygon, and opening), with the potential for the automatic connection of selected single lines into closed polygon(s). Included in P E S

Required module: esa.00.

Parametric input

The parameters can be used in a single project to enable the optimisation of an engineering solution or for necessary enforced modifications. For instance, a size of several frame spans must be increased for some reason. With parameters, it is just a matter of editing the values of the corresponding parameter. Scia Engineer then automatically regenerates the model according to this modified parameter. The structure can be recalculated and the document can be regenerated automatically. For example, the user can prepare a parameterized project for a continuous beam, two-store planar frame, an arch bridge, or any other simple or even complex type of structure. In addition, the parameterized project can also contain document chapters.


Using parameters Almost any value that specifies the structure model can be defined as a parameter. The parameter can determine the position (x-, yor z-coordinate) of a member end node, the value of an imposed load, the cross-section that was used, the visibility of a table in document, etc. What’s more, the parameters may be used in formulas and specify the relation between individual parts of the model. Once the parameters have been defined they can be assigned to the appropriate value of the model. Finally, to organise the parameters neatly, you can define tab pages which contain your choice of parameters. In combination with user blocks, a standard functionality of Scia Engineer, it allows you to import your own prepared (parametric) projects into another project as a sub-structure. In this way you can model your construction faster because you do not have to model similar construction parts each time from scratch. Practical solutions can be found in: frames, towers, racks…

User blocks

A user block can be as complex as you make it. You can add supports, loads, parameters, connections, etc. to your project and save it as a user block.

User blocks are part of the structure function. From this function all structural items can be inserted. The user block library is a sophisticated, but simple to use collection of projects stored at a specific location. The directory structure at this location is used as a tree and the projects in these directories are shown as user blocks.

In combination with the project template functionality of the productivity toolbox module, the user can create parameterized projects that may include geometry, loads, combinations and a document. This allows you to prepare standardised calculations for one type of structure and do the calculation in a matter of minutes.

Included in P E S

Required module: esa.00.

Highlights ► Model geometry and properties defined by

means of parameters.

► Easy and fast modification of the model.

► Simple manual “optimisation” of the design.

► Preparation of templates for often-repeating

types of structures.

27 esa.11


3D Freeform modeller

The 3D Freeform modeller is a tool for the user friendly modelling of 3D volumetric shapes, primarily devoted for use in structural engineering. It allows applying all benefits of full 3D modelling, such as making input in any direction or plane in 3D, rendered or transparent display of edited entities. The 3D Freeform modeller handles volumes, which are basically based on curved shapes. All definition curves can be edited by moving their definition points in a very fast and intuitive way. The 3D Freeform modeller is simple and user friendly because of the easy input function for basic shapes and the use of those basic shapes to compose more complex shapes and edit them in many different ways. This approach allows creating almost any shape quite easily. The efficient graphic user interface is based on the unique Nemetschek Scia graphic control, which brings the combination of a perfect display of curved shapes in all input and editing modes together, with full 3D input or editing including drag-and-drop in any direction in the 3D space.

Highlights ► Volumes based on curved shapes that can

be modified.

► Numerical editing of coordinates of vertexes. ► Bubble stretch: making a smooth curved

shape from primarily straight parts.

► Efficient geometry checking tool.

► Can be used as a stand-alone application or


an internal application of Allplan.


The 3D Freeform modeller allows modelling by means of combining general volumes together with typical civil engineering entities such as beams, walls, plates, etc., including transfer of engineering entities into volumes and vice versa. This approach perfectly fits, with the habits of civil engineers, and this distinguishes the 3D Freeform modeller from other 3D Modelling software, mostly used in mechanical engineering, machinery, etc. The 3D Freeform modeller can be used either as a stand-alone application or as an internal function of Allplan. If it comes out of Allplan, the program allows the input of created shapes directly into Allplan, also their lateral editing as well as the import of shapes created in Allplan and their modifications are possible.

Input of basic solids by means of extrusion and rotation of lines and curves. Volumetric shapes can be created in 2 ways: extrusion or rotation. Any line or edge can be straight or curved, so it is possible to create a large variety of shapes. All curves keep their type and are available for lateral editing. All curves/lines follow the position of their definition points, so fast and easy editing is possible by moving those points with any of the geometry editing functions. Regular “move”, “scale”, “stretch” functions can be used as well as numerical editing of coordinates of vertexes by the table-edit function. Parameterisation is available in a similar way as in case of other Scia Engineer entities, so volumes can be used to create parametric templates without any limitations. Included in S

Required modules: esa.00, esa.27.

3D Freeform modeller

3D Boolean operations Boolean operations are a standard tool for the efficient modelling of 3D shapes. Nemetschek Scia 3D modeller is equipped with all usual operations: sum, subtraction, intersection (XOR) and division (OR).

Parametric shapes (optional esa.11) A set of basic shapes is available and can also be extended by the user with the “parametric modeller” module. The basic set contains essential volumetric shapes and also shells.

Freeform modelling


As mentioned above, 3D modeller is equipped with a set of functions for efficient lateral modification of solids. This is based on the technology of multilevel definition of surfaces, which allows handling both primary and also secondary level geometry definition, which is, created by means of internal distinctness of surface faces. One of the strong tools is a “bubble stretch” function, which allows making a smooth curved shape from primarily straight and planar parts.

29 esa.24


Connections modeller

Scia Engineer Connection modeller is a package of powerful programs for the design of connections in steel frames. With these modules the designer has an interactive, graphical tool at his disposal for the design of bolted and welded connections.

Working with connection modeller The design of the connection is done on the CAD model in the graphical environment of Scia Engineer. The nodes to be design are selected graphically with the mouse pointer. The elements of the connection (cleats, haunches, stiffeners, angles, bolts,…) are entered in clear dialogue windows. Bolts and anchors are selected from an open bolt library. All elements are visible on the screen. Detailed drawings with dimensioning of all parts of the connection are generated automatically, using the wizard module “detailed connection drawing” (esadt.02).

Frame rigid connections The following connections are supported: • Beam-to-column connections: bolted with endplate or welded connection (knee, cross, single T, double T); • Beam-to-beam connections: endplate type beam splice (plate-to-plate connection); • Column base: bolted base plate connection. For the types “beam-to-beam” and “column base”, symmetric and asymmetric I sections

Highlights ► Straightforward input of connections for

selected types of steel beam members.

► Realistic graphical representation of




(with variable height included) and RHS sections are supported, both for major-axis bending configuration. For the type “beam-to-column”, symmetric and asymmetric I sections (with variable height included) and RHS sections are supported for the beam element in a major-axis bending configuration; the column element can be an I section (with variable height included) in a majoraxis configuration or an I section in a minor-axis bending configuration. The following types of stiffeners are considered: • Haunches made from profiles or from plate; • Web doublers; • Backing plates; • Triangular and rectangular stiffeners. For the column bases, the following types of stiffeners are considered: • Haunches made from profiles or from plates; • Triangular and rectangular stiffeners; • Shear iron; • Flange wideners. The following anchor types are supported: straight, hooked, curved anchors and anchors

with a circular plate; anchors made of plain bars or high-bond bars.

Pinned connections The frame pinned connections are connections that do not transfer any moment. This is caused by the gap between the beam flange and the column flange. The beam-to-column connections are supported (knee, cross, single T, double T). The following connection elements are supported: • Plate welded to beam web and welded to column flange; • Plate bolted in beam web and welded to column flange; • Angle section bolted in beam web and bolted in column flange; • Short endplate: welded to beam web and bolted in column flange. For the beam element, the symmetric I sections for the major-axis bending configuration, are supported; the column element can be a symmetric I section in the major-axis configuration or in the minor-axis configuration. Included in P E S

Required module: esa.00.

BIM and Workgroup toolbox

Most structural analysis and design software systems traditionally work with what is called “analysis model” that consists of just enough information to perform the analysis. Scia Engineer is unique in that it allows the engineer to very quickly define relation between this analysis model and the real shape of the structure used in CAD systems (structural model). The user can decide which of the models is the primary one and the other one is automatically created by Scia Engineer.

Structure-2-Analysis A structural model has other priorities than an analysis model. Detailing is about connection of volumes. In the analysis model the center-lines and midplanes of the volumes are what matters most. The different approach may result in slightly differents models. When converting the structural model to the model for analysis, the user can influence the result of connecting algorithm by adjusting limit distances, tolerances and priorities. It is possible to connect either all elements in one operation (automatic procedure) or only selected parts of the structure (step-by-step procedure). The adjustment can be stored under a name to be re-used later. The original shape can be stored as a “frozen” structural model. This information about the original structure is always available for visual comparison with the current analysis model (including eccentricities, thicknesses, details, etc.). If the position of the middle plane or centre line of any element is moved perpendicularly during the connection, Scia Engineer stores this Included in P E S

Required module: esa.00.


Having both the analysis and structural model in one project has many advantages especially in BIM (Building Information Modelling) process: • Structural model is obtained directly from the CAD-package and possible changes are sent back; • “Member recognizer” creates the structural model from general volumes automatically; • “Structure2Analysis” algorithm transforms a typical CAD model (with improper alignment of building parts) to a correct model for analysis; • “Round-Trip Engineering”: sharing of the structural model with Allplan, including geometry and reinforcement; • Direct support of Revit® Structure and Tekla Structures API’s; • Data-exchange via IFC, XML, DWG, DXF, VRML, etc; • Full control over changes in the model made by architects via Update function.

information as an eccentricity and takes it into account in the calculation.

Member recogniser Models built up out of standard beams, columns, slabs and walls are relatively easy to transfer between different types of software. When it comes to complex shapes a supplementary tool is needed to identify these shapes and to translate them into an equivalent object. Scia Engineer offers an improved version of its existing member recogniser. Even the more complex shapes and cross-sections will be transformed to 1D or 2D elements.

part of the model and exchange information on a regular basis. During these data-exchanges, it is essential that the existing information is not deleted or overwritten in the respective models. The Allplan Round-Trip offers a specialized update dialog. Differences between two merged models are highlighted the user can update all or only selected differences on selected elements. For each element it is possible to update either only the graphical structural shape or also the geometry of the analysis model (e.g. thicknesses, profiles or geometry, etc.). All additional data like supports, load-cases, combinations or other member-data, are respected.

Clash check A check is performed for all Scia Engineer entities, volumes and structural members. In combination with the possibility to import a 3D volumetric shape also from dwg/dxf/IFC, the 3D modeller can be used as an efficient geometry checking tool, also when dealing with other software.

Update of existing model BIM is all about exchanging data and re-using building models. But different parties cannot wait for each other. They continue their works on their

Highlights ► Both structural and analysis models are kept

in the same project.

► Analytic model is created automatically from

the structural model.

► General shapes can be converted to

structural members such as beams, columns, plates and walls. ► Merging of Scia Engineer projects with full control over changes.




Allplan Round-Trip

The interface between Allplan and Scia Engineer is provided by means of unique tools that make it possible to use the architectural model of a structure, created in Allplan, for an efficient generation of the analysis model for static and dynamic calculations in Scia Engineer. As the focus in an architectural model is different than in a consistent analysis model, Scia Engineer is equipped with efficient functions for interconnection of centre lines and middle planes of beams, columns, walls and plates. This is essential for a correct finite element analysis model. Moreover, because an architectural model in Allplan is usually changed during the design process and in most cases even several times, the interface is equipped with an intelligent update functionality, which provides a user-controlled import of the changes to the Scia Engineer analysis model. The link between the interfaces acts directly. This means that the changes made in Allplan are updated in Scia Engineer via an active link. Model data that were inputted in Scia Engineer are saved, so the user does not have to re-input the boundary conditions, loading, etc. each time the model has been changed in Allplan.

Highlights ► Two models in one project: a structural

model and an analysis-model.

► The structural model can be converted into


an analysis-model in an automated way (Structure2Analysis tool). ► Scia Engineer projects can be updated or merged to ensure maximal efficiency in case of revisions. ► An update of the structural model is reflected onto the analysis-model without loss of additional data. ► Material mapping table.


Both programs are certified for IFC 2x3: Allplan for architectural view and Scia Engineer for structural view. Thanks to this, CAD and CAE can be linked in both directions with this module.

Exchange of geometry As we tend to exchange intelligent building models, architectural objects need to be used. Columns, beams, slabs and walls, including all possible openings should be the basis of your model. The exact 3D shape of an entity from Allplan is stored as a structural model in Scia Engineer. It is also possible to transfer objects as general solids. These appear in Scia Engineer as solids as well, but can be converted to 1D or 2D members, using the BIM toolbox and integrated in the structural analysis. The exact 3D shape of an entity from Allplan is stored as a structural model in Scia Engineer.

The shape of the analysis model is created for each entity during the import and is stored as its second interpretation (the parallel model). Centre lines and midplanes of each entity are placed into the centre of gravity of the section, which leads to the best-quality numerical results. Obviously, this could be changed afterwards by the user through regular editing within Scia Engineer. The import can be done either directly with an instant launching of Scia Engineer (direct link) when both programs are available on the same computer. When draftsman and engineer work separately, it may be necessary to transfer the model from one computer to another. The Scia Engineer data-file is used here (indirect link). Functionalities and possibilities are the same in both cases.

Included in P E S

Required module: esa.00.

Allplan Round-Trip

Round-Trip of reinforcement As Allplan offers modelling of 3D reinforcements, it is also possible to exchange reinforcement between Allplan and Scia Engineer through Round-Trip. There are various possibilities. Scia Engineer works with two kinds of reinforcements: practical reinforcement and theoretical reinforcement. The interface between Allplan and Scia Engineer supports both of them. Theoretical reinforcement Theoretical reinforcement is the calculated amount of steel needed in the element. These calculation results can be represented in a graphical way.


Scia Engineer calculates and optimises the required reinforcement for 1D and 2D members. Theoretical reinforcement of 2D members, can be transferred to Allplan via ASF format. Allplan uses these values to give feed-back to the user about the modelled reinforcement. Every bar which is inserted into the model will affect the colour schema in the appropriate direction. This way the user learns which areas need additional reinforcement and which areas are already OK. Asf-files can also be used for a fully automated reinforcement design in Allplan. The values are translated into practical reinforcement. Practical reinforcement Scia Engineer also offers the possibility to model practical reinforcement in 1D and 2D members Number of predefined reinforcement templates is available to help the engineer in entering the practical reinforcement (stirrups and longitudinal bars) directly in Scia Engineer. Another possibility is to define reinforcement in the model in Allplan. This reinforcement can be exported from Allplan to Scia Engineer to check if the reinforcement is sufficient. Also the whole model, including reinforcement, can be imported from Allplan in Scia Engineer and via the above-described features transferred into an analysis model. It is possible to optimise the reinforcement in Scia Engineer to meet the valid regulations with the least possible amount of steel reinforcement. Reinforcement which was created or adapted in Scia Engineer can be re-used in Allplan without loss of intelligence.

Material mapping table Draftsmen often use materials in a different way than an engineer does. In a structural model it’s important to know whether an object is steel or concrete, brick or timber. Sometimes even very detailed names are used for quantity take-off purposes. An engineer however can only use materials which are suited for calculation. E.g. “concrete” is insufficient as a material. Scia Engineer must know which kind of concrete is used; e.g. “C20/25” Scia Engineer now offers a mapping table. This table links materials used in Allplan to the corresponding materials for Scia Engineer. This

table is a mere text file and can be extended and/ or modified by the user.

BIM and workgroup toolbox Module esa.28 also includes module esa.26 “BIM and Workgroup toolbox”. This module offers 3 additional tools which can be used to transform the Allplan structural model to a Scia Engineer analysis model The functionalities are: • Structure2Analysis; • Member recogniser; • Update mechanism More info on these features can be found in the appropriate datasheet (esa.26).



Scia Engineer and Autodesk® Revit® Structure


Scia Engineer interoperability The Scia Engineer interoperability platform offers interoperability and CAE possibilities with a unique consistent structural and analysis model for concrete, steel, aluminum, timber and mixed structures. The Scia Engineer finite element analysis allows, by its inherent structural CAD model, a direct analysis of structural slabs, walls, frames and any kind of mixed structures modelled in any partner application, such as Autodesk® Revit® Structure 3 and 4.

What does it export/import?; • Geometry (Revit builds an architectural/ structural model and converts it into an analysis model) - Slabs, walls, shells, beams, columns, bracings; • Supports (Footings are converted into rigid supports in Scia Engineer); • Loads (Revit inputs loads in load cases - These are converted into free loads in Scia Engineer); • Combinations (combinations are possible but can be ignored for export to Scia Engineer where Scia Engineer can generate the combinations according to different calculation codes).

How does it work?; • Revit creates the model and via “external tools”> “Scia and Revit exchange” the model can be exported to Scia in 2 ways: 1 By exporting it to Scia Engineer directly, Scia Engineer is opened and the structure

Highlights ► Open platform for the interoperability with


a unique consistent structural and analysis model for concrete, steel, aluminum, timber and mixed structures.


is visualised. A structure can be changed again in Revit and again updated to Scia Engineer, in which the same model will be modified accordingly. 2 Exported/saved to a file; Scia Engineer does the checking of the geometry and does the FE meshing and the analysis. • The structure can be optimised and modified in Scia Engineer and realised in Revit: 1 By choosing “update from Scia Engineer”: the structure in Revit will be updated with the new dimensions. 2 After updating the user can save the model to a Revit file again. • Changes can be traced in Revit: modifications or added members are highlighted; deletions are listed; • In Scia Engineer version changes made in Revit and updated towards Scia Engineer can also be highlighted, accepted, deleted, etc. when update is chosen. Step 1. Autodesk® Revit® Structure: A 3D model is prepared in Autodesk Revit Structure. And exported to Scia Engineer by the Revit Structure 4 plug-in, designed by Nemetschek Scia. The export features: • A full model or only a selected part of the model can be exported; • Revit combinations can be exported or ignored so new combinations will be defined in Scia Engineer; • The export can be done directly to Scia Engineer, when Scia Engineer is

on the same computer. The plug-in will open Scia Engineer so this means both applications will be open. Modifications done in Scia Engineer will be saved towards Revit. After doing the “update from Scia Engineer’, the model will be accepted in Revit and changes to the model can be traced in Revit Structure; • The export can be done to an external file. This file with extension *.r2s will be saved on a chosen folder and can then be send to the construction partner. This partner will be able to open and to save the model to the same extension. Mapping tables will have to be defined by the user to link the Revit Structure cross-section list to the Scia Engineer cross-section library. The same will be done for the materials defined in Revit Structure and for the Revit cross-sections and material families. After this primary export, new modifications made in Revit, can be re-issued again to Scia Engineer. Step 2. Scia Engineer - finite elements analysis software: The model, issued from Revit Structure, can be checked and corrected automatically for analytical anomalies and updated in Scia Engineer for further analysis. The issued model may contain; • Columns, beams; • Plates; • Holes; • Walls; • Curved slabs; Included in S

Required module: esa.00.

Scia Engineer and Autodesk® Revit® Structure

• Loads and load cases; • Supports; • Combinations. a) The structural model is automatically converted into an analysis model; b) At any time, the Scia Engineer structural model can be reviewed in Scia Engineer for further control and further follow-up; c) After checking the consistency of the structure, the meshed structure is presented and analysed; d) And the results in the frame elements, plates and shells can be shown in detail: • Deformations on slabs


; • Internal forces in slabs

; • Results on beam elements

Step 3. Autodesk® Revit® Structure: After the analysis the optimised and updated model is updated back into Autodesk Revit Structure.

35 esa.21


Tekla interface

The Scia Engineer features a unique consistent structural-and-analysis model for concrete, steel, aluminium, timber and mixed structures. This is useful, among others, when the model is shared with other applications, because the user can hold in one project both the CAE-driven analysis model and CAD-driven structural model. The Tekla interface, as the name itself suggest, provides for a seamless exchange of data between Scia Engineer and Tekla Structures.

Scia-2-Tekla The interface allows the user to export the model from Scia Engineer to Tekla Structures (v15 or higher). The models are limited to frames consisting of 1D members only. Slabs and other additional data like hinges and supports cannot be transferred to Tekla Structures (due to limitations of the Tekla API). If the engineer created only an analysis model, then this model will be exported. If also a parallel structural model was created in Scia Engineer, the user decides which of the two models will be exported. The data exchange is based on the *.s2t-file format. Once the data exchange file has been created, it can be opened in a new Scia2Tekla add-on application. Opening a file in this dialog

Highlights ► Two-way interface between Tekla and


Scia Engineer. ► Models created in Tekla can be analysed in Scia Engineer. ► Optimised cross-sections can be sent back to Tekla. ► Full model or only a part can be processed.


provides some basic information about the transferred layers, materials, cross-sections, nodes, beams, etc. A very useful feature here is the possibility to select mapping tables for materials and cross-sections. The basic mapping tables are distributed with Scia Engineer. If required, the user can define additional tables using the Scia Mapping Editor, which is a separate stand-alone tool. The material mapping table matches the librarymaterials used in Scia Engineer with the ones in Tekla Structures. This mapping is necessary, because Tekla materials use a different, more elaborate naming convention than Scia Engineer, for example: the Scia Engineer material S235 could be the Tekla material S235JR or S235JRG2 or S235JO or S235J2G3 or S235J2G4. To do proper detailing, the appropriate materials need to be selected when transferring a structural model. A similar story can be told for cross-sections. Scia Engineer uses a profile library which is built up of groups (e.g. HE) and types (e.g. 100A or 100B or 100M), while Tekla Structures requires cross-section descriptions like HEA100.

When using geometrical cross-sections, a mapping table is not really necessary, as all needed information can be calculated from the shape.

The right sequence for import to Tekla Structures; • Start Tekla Structures; • Open a new project (empty); • Start the Scia-2-Tekla add-on application and load the required s2t-file; • Do necessary actions (mapping, model type etc.); • Click the “Load data into Tekla Structures” button The link will establish a connection with the current Tekla window. The model is imported and a report is in the Scia-2-Tekla add-on application window listing the transferred elements, mapping which has been performed and so on.

Tekla-2-Scia Export to Scia Engineer can be made in direct way or indirect way. By exporting to Scia Engineer directly (using the automatic option), Scia Engineer is opened and the structure is transferred to Scia Engineer. Included in P E S

Required module: esa.00.

Tekla interface

Obviously this is only possible when both programs are installed on the same computer.


Usually, however, the engineer and the draftsman work separately on two different computers. Export thus requires an external file with extension *.t2s. This file can be opened in Scia Engineer where the geometry, FE meshing are checked and structural analysis is performed. Cross-sections can be optimised and modified in Scia Engineer and updated back to Tekla Structures. Mapping tables need to be defined by the user to link the Tekla Structure cross-section list to the Scia Engineer cross-section library. The same has to be done for materials defined in Tekla Structure.

What is imported (Tekla Structures to Scia Engineer); • Geometry (model build in Tekla Structures and converted to an analysis model); • Nodes; • Cross-Section - from library; • Cross-Section - geometry; • Material; • 1D member - beams (line, arc); • Arbitrary beam; • 2D member (plate); • 2D opening; • FEM type (axial force only; • Rigid arm; • Point support (on beam / on node); • Line support. Loading information; • Load case; • Load combination; • Self weight; • Point load (on beam / on node); • Point moment load (on beam / on node); • Line load; • Line moment load; • Temperature load.





ETABS® interface

Civil engineers use more and more different programs to calculate large projects. Each program has its specific expertise but also its downside. Scia Engineer is known for its excellent and easy-to-use modeller, fully automatic mesh generator and fast solver. With the link between ETABS® and Scia Engineer the user is now able to combine advantages of both programs. Of course, a link between two CAE programs gives to users other tools: • Comparison of the results in different programs; • Using wider set of design codes; • Doing the slab design in Scia Engineer; • Analyzing PT slabs and/or prestressed elements in Scia Engineer.

Supported entities • • • •


Geometry: Geometry of nodes; Straight beams and columns; Polylines; Straight walls and slabs.

Cross-sections: • • • •

Rolled cross-section; Circle; Rectangle; General cross-section.

Model data: • Degrees of freedom for member connections and supports; • Supports; • Rigid connect or a hinge; • Point supports; • Hinges on beams. Loads: • • • • • • • • •

Static loads; Permanent and live loads; Self weight; Point forces and moments; Line forces, moments, thermal loads; Surface forces; Ground displacements; Load cases; Combinations.

How does it work? Import of an ETABS® file in Scia Engineer A user can select in the Import menu of Scia Engineer to import an ETABS® file. Then it is possible to choose in which design code Included in P E S

Required module: esa.00.

the project is opened and which materials are equivalent. When this is done the ETABS® model is opened in Scia Engineer with selected preconditions. The user receives a log file wherein all the imported data are described. Export of Scia Engineer data to ETABS® Exporting of Scia Engineer files to ETABS® can be done via the export menu in Scia Engineer. Here one can choose to export the Scia Engineer project into an ETABS® file (*.e2k). When the export is done the user can open the e2k file in ETABS® were he can work on his exported model in ETABS®. The user receives a log file wherein all the exported data are described.

Highlights ► User is able to compare the results in a

different program.

► User can use the meshing and the FEM

solver in Scia Engineer.

► Use of intuitive modeller of Scia Engineer. ► User can do the slab design in

Scia Engineer.

► User can analyze PT slabs and/or

prestressed elements in Scia Engineer.



Wind and snow generator / Plane load generator

Load generators

Generation of wind and snow loads on frames The wind and snow generation module in Scia Engineer represents an interactive graphical tool for fast and easy input of loads on frames. Users can have wind and snow loads on frame structures generated automatically in accordance with the following standards: Eurocode, DIN, NEN, NV65, CSN, STN. The program offers default values of wind distribution and pressure coefficients. These default values can be modified by the user to reflect the conditions of the analysed project. The module then automatically generates the standard wind distribution for a specific region and terrain category. The module generates pressure coefficients for any given wind direction - i.e. for winds blowing either from the left- or right-hand side - combined with internal overpressure or underpressure. A simple dialogue presents the results and makes it possible to change any pressure coefficient, if required. The users determine the snow weight and exposure coefficients in the same way. They can also verify and control each step of the automatic generation of the snow load.

Highlights ► Generation of pressure coefficients for


any wind direction combined with internal overpressure or underpressure. ► Generation of load coefficients for snow load. ► Algorithms in compliance with EN 1991-1-4:2005. ► Automatic distribution of surface loads to selected beam members.

esas.05.xx / esas.29

Automatic distribution of surface load to beams in one plane The plane load generator module automatically distributes the surface load (floor load, live load or other type) to selected members located in the loading plane. The users can input the surface load graphically. The loading surface can be a general polygon with straight edges and may contain holes. The user decides whether the defined surface load is distributed to all beams located under the loading surface or whether only certain selected beams will be subjected to the generated line load. esas.29 included in C P E

Required module: esas.00.

3D Wind Load Generator

The 3D Wind Load Generator belongs to the family of load generators in Scia Engineer. While the 2D Wind Load Generator is suitable for regular frames or halls, the 3D Wind Load Generator allows the user to generate wind loads on closed 3D buildings. The complete design of a structure for wind loads represents a tedious task due to a great number of wind zones and load cases that must be considered in the calculations. Scia Engineer and its 3D Wind Load Generator simplify this part of the design process.

“Coat” the wind can blow against

All the “coat” elements, either the straight walls and plates or panels, are categorised by their function in the building as a wall or roof. For the roof also a proper type is assigned: • Flat; • Monopitch; • Duopitch; • Hipped. This categorisation is needed for automatic creation of wind zones on the “coat” elements.

Wind direction In addition to the type of the “coat” elements the user must specify the direction of the wind and combination of signs (+ + / + - / - + / - –) for Cpe/ Cpi coefficients. It is possible to input as many wind directions and sign combinations as required. The 3D Wind Load Generator then takes care of the rest: • Creation of wind zones; • Generation of all required load cases; • Input of actual loads.

Wind zones The generated wind zones can be viewed, edited, if required, or input manually in the Zone Editor. Included in P E

Required module: esas.29.

Load generators

Before the 3D Wind Load Generator can be used, the model of the analysed structure must have “something” - a kind of “coat” - the wind can blow against. For a model with outer walls and a roof inputted as a part of the analysis model, there is nothing to care about. But, for frame structures, it is necessary to define facade and/or roof panels on which the wind load can be applied. The principle of these panels is that, while the panel itself is ignored in the calculation, any surface load defined on the panel is automatically transferred to load bearing parts of the structure. The bearing parts are either the beams supporting the panel, or edges of the panel, or vertices of the panel.

In normal working procedure, wind zones with related Cp values are generated by the generator. However, if required, the generated zones can be edited by the user or even input manually. Actually, three possibilities are available for creation of the zones: • Template according to the code: the geometry of zones is calculated according to the inputted value ‘e’ (see for example picture 7.5 of EN1991-1-4); the value of Cpe has to be inputted manually; • Manual design: geometry and other values are inputted manually by the user; • Generate: in this case, the geometry of zones and wind coefficients are automatically calculated by the generator. The graphical window displays both the generated wind zones and calculated CPE coefficients.

Load cases For the specified wind direction and Cpe/Cpi sign combination the appropriate load cases are generated. The generated load cases are added to the already existing load cases in the project and can be reviewed in the Load Case Manager.

Load The load in individual generated load cases can be reviewed in the graphical window. The view flags enable the user to swap between seeing the Cpe coefficients and the actual load.

Highlights ► The 3D wind generator is a user-friendly

and easy-to-use tool. With a few clicks, wind zones and loads are generated on the whole structure. ► Zones and related C factors are visible in the graphical window. ► All types of closed 3D buildings can be analyzed for the resistance to wind loads.

esas.46.01 / esas.46.05


Load generators

Mobile loads (one load system) on frame and FEM structures - Advanced mobile loads (multiple load systems) on frame and FEM structures

These four modules offer state-of-the-art solutions for designing structures subjected to mobile loads, such as bridges and crane tracks. They cover the complete design process used in current bridge engineering. They include a great variety of user-defined load systems, and envelope and selected point results. The module generates influence lines and areas for a mobile load moving along a given track. The user can alter the direction and intensity of the moving unit load. Further, the user can position defined load-systems on the calculated influence lines as part of the process for finding the system critical positions. This process is known as using influence lines. It is possible automatically to calculate the envelope for the most unfavourable effects. Various types of load-systems allow for wider calculation possibilities.

Modules esas.02 and esas.35 - one load system The load system consists of some concentrated loads plus uniform weighting distributed over the whole track. The program takes this uniformly distributed weighting into account in the positive areas of the influence line only, thus eliminating any favourable bias this weighting might convey. The esas.02 module analyses mobile loads on frame structures, and the esas.34 module analyses mobile loads on FEM structures.

Highlights ► Complex solution for design of structures


subjected to mobile loads, such as bridges and crane tracks. ► Generation of influence lines and surfaces. ► Search for critical positions of load systems. ► Automatically calculation of envelopes for the most unfavourable effects. ► Various types of load-systems.

esas.02 / esas.03 / esas.35 / esas.36

Modules esas.03 and esas.36 multiple load systems The mobile load consists of one, two or more groups of concentrated loads. The one group of concentrated loads system provides for the following possibilities: • Load system including a number of concentrated loads; • Uniformly distributed load acts on positive area of influence line; • Interrupted distributed load acts on concentrated load spot; • Reduction coefficient for concentrated loads acts on negative area of influence line. The two groups of concentrated loads system provide for the following possibilities: • Two load systems including a number of concentrated loads; • Minimum and maximum distances between the two load systems; • Uniformly distributed load acts on positive area of influence line; • Reduction coefficient for concentrated loads acting on negative area of influence line; • Uniformly distributed load acts on negative areas of influence line between the two load groups. The multiple group of concentrated loads system provides for the following possibilities: • Load systems that include a number of concentrated loads; • Fixed distance between load groups;

• Uniformly distributed load acting on the positive area of influence line; • Reduction coefficient for concentrated loads acting on negative area of influence line; • Uniformly distributed load acting on negative areas of influence line between two load groups. The first “mobile load analysis” step is graphically to define the track along which the mobile load moves. The second step is to define the load system, and the other options as follows: • Limit of track running length; • Multiplication coefficient for results, impact coefficient for results except deformations. A series of load cases containing the maximum and minimum values of the components of the internal forces and displacements stores the envelope results. The program generates 24 load cases in total for a 3D structure. The user can combine the envelope results with other load cases to find the final extreme force and displacement figures, and can then use these combinations in reinforcement design projects or in steel structure stress and stability checks. The esas.03 module analyses mobile loads on frame structures, and the esas.36 module analyses mobile loads on FEM structures.

esas.02, esas.35 included in P E esas.03, esas.36 included in E

Required modules: For esas.02: esas.00 or esas.01. For esas.03: esas.02. For esas.35: esas.02, esa.01. For esas.36: esas.35.

Train loads

The module Train loads allows the user to generate movable loads on slabs. The generator uses predefined groups of forces, tracks and specified step to generate load cases in which the groups of forces are placed to appropriate positions. Loaded slabs can be a part of 3D model which can be either flat or curved. The group of forces can be composed of concentrated (point) forces, uniformly distributed line loads and surface loads - i.e. all types of free loads. The defined group of loads then moves along the track as a “rigid body”. If the group represents a long vehicle and needs to be “broken” in bends of the track, it is possible to define turning points. Groups of forces are stored in databases and it is possible to share them among projects. The installation of the program contains a set of predefined loads according to EC-EN standard.

Load generators

The group of loads can be introduced to the model using the current load case at a userdefined position (using mouse or coordinates). This style of inputting is useful if the same groups of forces are used in the same project or in different projects repeatedly. The second way of inputting groups of forces is to place them along predefined tracks. The track that has to be followed by the group of forces can consist of both straight and curved parts. The set of load cases is generated automatically. The group of forces moves along the track and can be placed in any appropriate location. The evaluation of the results is performed using the envelope created for the generated load cases. The envelope shows extreme internal forces or stresses. If required, it is possible to review the results for a separate load case.

Highlights ► Sophisticated generation of mobile loads on


► Loading system may be composed of point,

line and surface loads.

► Effective modelling of long systems with

points of “bending”.

► Mobile load can move along an arbitrarily

shaped trajectory.

Included in E

Required module: esa.01.

43 esas.04



Linear static calculation

Linear calculation in Scia Engineer offers a professional tool for analysing two- and threedimensional beam structures made out of steel, concrete or other materials. The program links the results from the steel and concrete structure analysis to various code checks. The user can also work with special cases in simpler and more comprehensible and clearly presented ways. These include frame XZ - plane frames with loads only in the structure plane and grid XY - plane grids with loads only in the plane perpendicular to the grid plane. Also, a restriction-to-trusses facility is available both in 2D and 3D. However it is possible to analyse complex spatial constructions in the general case of Frame XYZ. Having access to a large variety of various entities (beams, supports, hinges, haunches etc) enables accurate modelling of any real construction.


Geometry input When inputting the geometry the Scia Engineer user can benefit from all the services provided by the base modeller, in particular the user-friendly and intuitive graphical mode of working with full information available in property dialogue boxes, using grids for input modes and layer analyses. A library of catalogue blocks facilitates the work with standard repeated structures and their parts. Here are some of the most frequently used shapes: users need only to set a few parameters.

Model The user has access to a wide choice of elements from which to generate an accurate model of his or her structure. These include: • Beams and slabs; • Fixed, hinged, rolling and elastic point and line supports; • Hinges in beam and slab connections; • Rigid links between nodes of the structure; • Eccentricity of individual beams and slabs; • Foundation blocks and strips on elastic subsoil; • Haunches and arbitrary profiles; • Variable thickness of slabs and ribs. The user has close control over the functioning and accuracy of the mathematical model through his or her capacity to refine the calculation mesh, such as for calculating haunch values. (Researchers use a selected number of eccentric prismatic beams to determine these.) The calculation generally takes into account the influence of shear strain. This approach represents the reality more closely than a simple Included in C P E

Required module: esa.00.

Navier solution does, and in some practical cases this can lead to a more than 50 % difference (in fact error) from results from using elementary beam formulae. Those working on slab analysis can choose between the Mindlin and Kirchhoff bending theories. Users apply the finite element approach for calculations.

Load Researchers can apply the following types of loads: • Self weight. Testers can apply this to the whole structure when testing special loads, and can load Individual beams with their self weight in combination with other loads even in standard load situations. They can modify the gravity coefficient and use the accurate 9.81 m/s2 value or the approximate 10 m/s2 figure. The program automatically calculates the applied load according to the beam cross-section and the material; • Concentrated force and moment loads (at nodes or points on beams);

• Uniform or trapezoidal distributed force and moment loads. Testers can program concentrated and distributed loads into the global coordinate system and/or into the local beam coordinate system. They can modify the direction and angle of incidence of any acting load; • Distributed loads on slab edges; • Surface load on slabs; • Defined eccentric load; • Support displacement (settlements) and rotations;

Highlights ► Finite element analysis of the model

composed of 1D and 2D elements including fixed, hinged, rolling and elastic supports, hinges between members, eccentricity of members, foundation blocks, haunches, variable cross-sections, etc. ► Automatic generation of load case combinations in compliance with national technical standards. ► Fast re-calculation of a modified model “in the background”. ► Primary effects.

esas.00 / esas.01



Linear static calculation

• Temperature load (uniform or gradient); • Absences of members and supports in certain cases (to simulate construction phases); • The predefined load program helps the user introduce loads caused by known layers of certain materials e.g. for floors; • Testers can apply climatic loads caused by wind pressure and snow weight - either by ascribing user defined wind and/or snow weight curves, or by using data drawn from selected national codes.

Load combinations The program can automatically generate design code (EC, DIN, NEN, ÖNORM, SIA, CSN, etc.) combinations. The user can also define his or her own combinations if needed.

Output The main interest is in viewing results on screen. The user can see graphical images of deformations, internal forces, stresses and reactions, along with such documents as bills of material, and the results from reaction and connection force tests. Users can fully control the mode of drawing: they have access to many possibilities so that they can view true pictures of the results of their research.


Methods such as selection, on/off activity and sorting beams into layers are very useful tools for producing comprehensible and clearly presented work, in particular when working with larger structures. These tools enable users to filter out just the beams they want to study. The preview mode displays a simple numerical output of quantities on screen. The program can then provide a complete readout including text and pictures.

esas.00 / esas.01

Soil-structure interaction for structures on foundation slabs

The module calculates C parameters for the interaction between ground slab and foundation soil, taking into account loading distribution and intensity, structure/soil border contact stress, footing surface geometry and local geological conditions.



The model used in “soilin” is called the Energy or More-constants Model and has been used in practice since 1975, comparing well with many in-situ measurement systems. The “more constants model” name refers to the energy model’s capacity to indicate: a) the shear stiffness of the subsoil C2 using the Pasternak model; b) the orthotropy or anisotropy of the subsoil by means of the C2x, C2y and C2xy constants; c) the surface friction in the structure/soil interface by means of the C1x, C1y constants.

The layered model of the soilin module The soilin module uses a layered half-space model with these features: a) Users can apply the Boussinesq influence function to calculate the development of the vertical stress component sz in the subsoil in any surface overload situation despite any layering, uneven soil constitution or other anomaly. The various geomechanical standards approve this method. b) Users can determine any overloading at the excavation surfaces using the Boussinesq formulae for a half-space loaded at a general depth. c) The model uses the approximate solution of an elastic layer of finite thickness to indicate the existence of an incompressible layer. d) The model calculates the soil compression strain components and settlements taking into account the nature of the subsoil layers. The program observes the Eurocode 7 and CSN 73 0001codes.

Input The user selects foundation plates where the Soilin module should determine stiffness, meaning that he or she can select only those foundation slabs that can be analysed by Soilin. The user enters the Soilin calculation input data into clear dialogue boxes. The model can define several boreholes along with the different layers and their properties in Included in E

Required modules: esas.01, esas.00.

each borehole as follows: • t = thickness of the layer; • E = deformation modulus of soil mass in compression (cylindrical standard test); • n = Poisson’s ratio; • g = specific weight dry and wet; • m = soil structure strength factor (defined in different codes). Engineers will have to consider excavating if the foundation plate and subsoil do not interact on the original terrain surface. The program calculates the parameters automatically.

Calculation The program needs the structure-soil interaction parameters for subsequent iteration. Firstly the FEM analysis of the upper structure with initial C interaction parameters (which the user can modify) gives a first approximation of contact stress. These subsoil contact stress values serve as input for Soilin. This program solves settlements and corrects C parameter values. The program repeats the whole FEM + Soilin cycle until iteration test completion, thus obtaining the correct deformation figures and construction internal force values.

Results Both graphical and numerical results, along with all standard Scia Engineer output facilities - isobands, isolines, DXF export, search for extremes, and documentation - are available. The program determines and displays the C1z, C2x and C2y coefficients. Foundation plate/subsoil contact stress values at every iteration are also available.

Seamless integration Soilin is fully part of Scia Engineer. The user enters subsoil data into the graphical environment of the program. The iterative structure/soil interaction analysis procedure is an automated process. Researchers can add Soilin results to the document.

Highlights ► Multiparametric interaction between ground

slab and foundation soil.

► Taken into account: distribution and

intensity of load, contact stress between structure and soil, footing surface geometry, local geological conditions. ► Input of subsoil using data from borehole surveying.




Tension only members / Pressure only support, soil / Non-linear spring, gaps/ Geometric non-linear analysis / Cable analysis / Stability analysis / Plastic analysis of steel structures

Advanced calculations The Scia Engineer program offers extensions to standard linear calculations that can generate more complicated but more realistic models of structures. These calculation methods reflect the latest trends in steel construction design. The Scia Engineer environment makes it easy to apply these integrated features. The use of these features is completely integrated into the Scia Engineer environment and therefore it is really easy to apply them.

Tension only members This module enables the calculation of models that have the following physical non-linearities: • Tension only members; • Pressure only members; • Members with limited tension and compression forces. “Tension only” members act only when the applied load causes extention and consequently tension. The user can also work with beams in pressure only mode: in such cases the beam will only act in the structure when there is pressure. Engineers generally define the marginal force as the upper limit for the member to be active.

One-sided supports - that act only if the structure undergoes pressure - can solve any contact problems. The other corresponding direction is free. The use of local node and beam coordinate systems can create one-sided supports in any direction. This feature is also available for line supports.

Non-linear spring/gaps

►Easy-to-use modelling of special types of

This module enables the calculation of models that have the following physical non-linearities: • Non-linear springs for supports and internal hinges; • Gap elements, e.g. elements taking normal force after an elongation of 10 mm.

►Simple application of special types of

Geometrical non-linear analysis

Highlights structural members.


Pressure only supports/soil

analysis. ►Second order and stability calculations. ►Possibility to run multiple analysis (linear, non-linear, modal) in a batch.

The geometrical non-linear (or second order) analysis technique can facilitate any calculations on the structure in the deformed state, and can

take the secondary effects of any deformation into account. The P (axial load) and delta (horizontal deflection) multiples will mean that lateral loads (such as wind loads) in combination with applied vertical loads will generate additional moments. The second-order effects are local or member second-order effects, and are known as P-d and global second-order effects, referred to as P-D effects; • Influence of normal force on stiffness (“stress stiffening”); • Geometric imperfections (initial deformations and member imperfections). Two geometric non-linear solution routines offer an optimal solution for every challenge in advanced structural engineering. They are as follows: • The Timoshenko method can assess building structures with small horizontal deformations where the normal force in the elements remain constant during second-order calculations; • The Newton-Raphson algorithm method determines effects under gradually applied loads. This method is optimal for structures

esas.07, esas.08, esas.10, esas.11 included in C P E esas.09, esas.13, esas.14, esas.15 included in P E esas.12, esas.34, esas.37 included in E

esas.07 / esas.08 / esas.09 / esas.10 / esas.11 / esas.12 / esas.13 / esas.14 / esas.15 / esas.34 / esas.37

Required modules: esas.00, esas.01.

Tension only members / Pressure only support, soil / Non-linear spring, gaps/ Geometric non-linear analysis / Cable analysis / Stability analysis / Plastic analysis of steel structures


with significant deformations, where the normal force in the elements changes during calculations.

Cable analysis This module introduces the possibility of more precise cable analysis. It can take account of the initial curve of the cable catenary, which is in a state of equilibrium even though it is subject to loading and stress.

Membrane analysis The membrane calculation enables analysis of shells considered as 2D surface elements with only tensile axial stiffness.

Stability analysis This module helps to determine the global buckling modes and buckling loads of the structure. The user chooses the number of buckling modes to be calculated, using the subspace iteration method to determine the buckling load. Sturm checking can assess the completeness of the results. Non-linear stability analysis determines any structure instability in two stages. The first stage increases loads incrementally to the point of structure instability, with calculations taking any non-linear effects into consideration. The second stage of this analysis procedure determines the buckling mode and buckling loads with high precision. If the engineer knows the buckling load he or she can determine for each structure whether a second order calculation is required. The building

codes provide the maximum figures for using first order calculations, in terms of loading and buckling loads. Engineers can derive the critical initial deformation for a second order calculation from the global buckling mode of the structure.

Plastic analysis of steel structures In terms of the analysis of steel structures with plastic hinges (plastic - plastic analysis), Eurocode 3, DIN 18800 and NEN 6770 standards provide the interaction formulas between shear force and plastic moment.

When the load causes a cross-section at any point in the structure to reach plastic moment, the program inserts a plastic hinge in this position. Large structure calculations form the basis for the algorithm used. Each iteration involves testing and processing of all the members. Engineers can convert back the figures for beams that fulfilled the conditions in previous iterations to those for the initial conditions, when the state of the structure requires them for further iterations. The procedure is iterative and converges to an exact solution.

esas.07 / esas.08 / esas.09 / esas.10 / esas.11 / esas.12 / esas.13 / esas.14 / esas.15 / esas.34 / esas.37



Pressure only finite elements

This model gives the user a very good insight in the behaviour of structures such as shear walls or building cores. It is possible to effectively model (reinforced) concrete or masonry structures in a 3D environment. Using a non-linear analysis the user is capable of reducing all tensile stresses in the concrete or masonry finite elements, thus resulting in a system of compression-only finite elements. The model is capable of displaying the internal arches/struts above openings and doors. Also lintels above openings can be easily modelled and taken into account in the calculation as hinged beams. Reinforcement in the concrete, capable of resisting the tensile forces, is modelled as an internal rib with the area and stiffness of the reinforcement grade. Using this so-called strut-and-tie model the user has finally a complete tool to calculate the design and checking of reinforcement in walls. A non-linear analysis is performed to be able to calculate the pressure-only finite elements. Using a set of iteration steps the stiffness in the direction of the tension stresses is reduced, thus effectively reducing the tensile stresses in the structure. If the geometry of the structure is such, that a new state of equilibrium in ultimate limit state is found, i.e. by internal arches or reinforcement, the convergence criterion will be reached. Using the function for displaying the trajectories of the principal forces or stresses the user is

Highlights â–ş Effective modelling of structures that do not

transfer tension, e.g. masonry.

â–ş Suitable for complex 3D structures with

shear walls and building cores.

â–ş Deep insight in the structural behaviour of




able to adequately review the behaviour of the structure. The internal struts and ties can be clearly seen. The internal forces on the reinforcement can be displayed as axial normal forces in the structure. Other results like reactions and deformations will also help the user to get the proper insight in the structure.


This module can help the engineer in the design and checking of complex 3D structures with shear walls and building cores. A practical example will show the difference between a linear elastic analysis (according the service limit state) and a non-linear analysis using pressure only finite elements (according the ultimate limit state).

Conclusion The pressure only finite 2D elements is a musthave add-on for the engineer who calculates 3D structures or 2D walls in day-to-day practice. This module supplies an adequate insight in the structural behaviour of the structure. Using this module the user can effectively model masonry or reinforced concrete structures. Practical applications can be masonry walls with openings, concrete walls with openings, special concrete details like tooth-supports of beams.


Included in P E

Required module: esas.00.

Sequential analysis

A sequential analysis gives experienced users the possibility to obtain results that are not available through a single analysis. Two different types of sequential analysis are available. The first type is a superposition of two different methods of calculation (e.g. linear + non-linear calculation). In other words, results of both calculations are added up. This is done for a nonlinear combination which can be combined now with a linear combination.

Who the sequential analysis module is intended for?; • Everyone who handles with seismic calculations of steel structures and concrete buildings. According to the seismic code, second order effects have to be taken into account. Furthermore, with the arrival of the Eurocodes and National Annexes, more and more countries will notice a larger demand for seismic verifications because of changes with respect to the former National Code; • Engineering companies who deal with steel structures which need to be checked for a stability analysis; • People who want to take into account the initial deformed state of the structure to have a nonlinear phased model; • Everyone who wants to move limits and is interested in more advanced calculations for even more precise results.

What are the benefits of the sequential analysis module?; • The sequential analysis functionality can be used to acquire results which are not available through a single analysis; • From now on, different types of calculations can be combined to verify the effect of both calculations; Included in E

Required module: esas.00.


Second, the phased type is offered. This means that the second analysis starts where the first one ends, it takes the history of the structure into account. For this type, several couples of analyses are possible: • Linear stability calculation after a non-linear calculation; • Dynamic calculation after a non-linear calculation: • An eigenmode calculation which takes nonlinearities into account; • A harmonic calculation which takes nonlinearities into account; • A seismic calculation which takes nonlinearities into account • Sequential analysis is a simplified method to obtain accurate results in a global analysis. It allows the user to verify the model in a fast way; • It gives a good insight of the obtained results: the user knows exactly what is taken into account in the analysis; • A more realistic behaviour of the structure is obtained. It takes into account all nonlinearities which represent the real state of the structure. E.g. a structure with local and geometrical non-linearities will be less stiff than a structure with ideal linear behaviour; • The requirement of the seismic code can be fulfilled with this method: second order effects have to be taken into account for a seismic analysis.

A non-linear combination added in a linear combination The purpose is to add the results of a non-linear combination to the results of a linear combination. The final result is the sum of two different types of calculations that cannot be calculated together.

As an example we may take calculation of influence lines (mobile loads) combined with a non-linear calculation. These two calculations are fundamentally different and cannot be made in one step, but it is interesting to see the effect of both together. In the same way, each type of linear calculation and each type of non-linear calculation can be combined. This gives the user a global view of the results in a very fast way. The following functionalities are recommended.

A linear stability calculation after a non-linear calculation The purpose of the analysis is to take into account the geometric non-linearities in the linear stability calculation of a structure with 1D

Highlights ► Non-linear combination added in a linear


► Linear stability calculation after a non-linear


► Dynamic calculation after a non-linear


► Eigenmode calculation with non-linearities. ► Harmonic calculation with non-linearities. ► Seismic calculation with non-linearities




Sequential analysis

and/or 2D elements. Instead of using the initial model, this method performs the linear stability calculation on a model which uses as the initial condition the deformed mesh from a geometric non-linear calculation. Scia Engineer supports different types of non-linearities: • Two second order types are provided in Scia Engineer: Timoshenko and Newton Raphson; • Beside the second order analysis, also local geometrical non-linearities are available. Here we have support non-linearities (traction, compression, function) and member nonlinearities (compression only, traction only, gap, limit forces, pre-stress, cable). Why using this functionality? This tool gives a good insight into what happens during the stability calculation. It is actually a standard stability calculation, but in this case with non-linearities as extra project data. It can be used for instance for a stability check of a steel hall in which the wind bracings under pressure are removed and for which the imperfections are taken into account. So, the user knows actually what happens: a stability check is performed on a structure with local non-linearities and second order effects. Moreover, the user has the control over the types of non-linearities which have to be included in the analysis. A dynamic calculation after a non-linear calculation


The supported types of dynamic calculations in sequential analysis are: • Eigenmode calculation; • Harmonic load calculation; • Seismic load calculation


Eigenmode calculation with non-linearities The purpose of this analysis is to calculate eigenmodes of a deformed model, the initial state of which is affected by geometrical nonlinearities.Beside the geometrical non-linearities which can be taken into account, also local nonlinearities are supported. For example, tensile only beams are considered in the eigenmode calculation. The bracings which are under pressure are removed from the structure. Because of this, the model will be less stiff and would vibrate slower than a linear model. Harmonic calculation with non-linearities The purpose of this calculation is to take into account non-linearities in the linear harmonic load calculation. This by means of using mode shapes which were computed on a model with the initial conditions of a previously performed geometrically non-linear calculation. Seismic calculation with non-linearities This type of sequential analysis allows the user to take into account non-linearities in the linear seismic load calculation using mode shapes which were computed for a model with the initial conditions of a previous geometrically non-linear calculation. Suppose a structure with tensile-only diagonals and second order effects including initial deformation. Due to the reduction of stiffness, lower modes of the spectrum exist which results in bigger deformations. This functionality follows the regulations of the code: second order effects have to be taken into account in a seismic calculation. The three above-mentioned types of non-linear dynamic calculation allow the user to choose

which type of non-linearity has to be included in the analysis. For example, a building subjected to seismic or harmonic loads disposes of columns which have an initial inclination and supports which are removed if they are under tension. This is from now on taken into account in the analysis with this brand new functionality.

Water accumulation


This Scia Engineer program module can generate loads that represent rain water ponding. It uses a graphical interface - and users can model a 3D construction and apply any ponding water effect simply by entering data directly into the 3D environment. Of course, a user can also apply the program to a 2D construction.

Working with rain water ponding loading models The user first has to define the areas were ponding can occur. When defining more than one area in any loading configuration the user can simulate ponding at different places at the same time, or ponding in one place influencing ponding in another place. The user has to enter the location and the properties required to calculate the water depth, for each area. The construction model can generate the slope or pre-camber of the roof. It is also possible to define the slope to the ponding area, such as when insulation requirements effectively determine the slope of the roof. The module also allows for simulating effects such as the need for storage capacity by the roof plates or extra water accumulating because of construction errors. All the data contributes to determining the initial water depth on the undeformed structure. The module supports the following drain type: A non-deforming rectangular drain along the edge of a facade, with water flow capacity as in NEN6702 art. Before determining the ponding load the user can define which beams are loaded or not. Thus the user can discard those beams that are used to provide stability without bearing significant load - although of course any final structural analysis will cover all beams.

Any module calculations will respect the relative stiffness of all beams. The user can reduce the stiffness of the structure during ponding load analysis, using a model factor to represent pond load. The number of water load locations and the number of cuts for which the result is calculated will influence the accuracy of the calculations. If the structure is strong and stiff enough the calculation will result in an equilibrium that will determine the final load. As a result the module will display the final load and maximum deformation at each iteration. If it seems that the calculation figures are diverging, a message will appear and iteration will stop. After the module generates the pond loading figures, the user can combine these with other load figures and then perform a member and/or stability check according to the appropriate national code.

Required modules: esas.00 or esas.01. Any subsequent steel check will require esasd.01.xx.

Highlights ► Calculation of rain water ponding on roofs

according to NEN 6702.

► Detailed input of roof surface, storage

capacity, slopes, drains.

► Iterative calculation of water accumulation

taking into account deformations caused by permanent loads.




Global optimisation

This module enables the user to perform repetitive calculation of a project prepared in the full Scia Engineer within the simplified Scia Oda environment. The aim of these repetitive calculations is to compare different variants of the same project and find for example the cheapest, most rigid, most lightweight, etc. solution.

Principle The core principle is that one or more parts of the analysed structure are parameterised. Then the ranges within which individual parameters can vary are specified. Finally, the batch processor runs the calculation for every combination of parameter values. The result is a clear table that summarises selected results for all the analysed cases.

Preparation of the project for optimisation Firstly, the user must prepare the model of the structure-to-be-analysed in the full Scia Engineer. The required parts of the structure must be parameterised (e.g. cross-section depth, spanlength, load-magnitude, etc.). Then, the user must open the XML manager and define input and output tables. The input table is always

Highlights ► Repetitive calculations of a project prepared


in full Scia Engineer done in simplified Scia Oda environment. ► Simple export of optimisation results to MS Excel (tm) for further processing (e.g. graphs, complex tables, VBA scripts).


the table containing the defined parameters. The output table can contain internal forces, calculated deformations, bill of material, codecheck results, etc. Both the input and output tables must be exported into external XML files. Finally, the project must be saved as a standard esa-project file.

Preparation and execution of the batch run Secondly, both the esa-project file and the two XML files must be read into the Scia Oda environment. Here, the ranges for individual parameters are specified (e.g. that the span length can vary from 3 metres to 6 metres with 50cm step). Moreover, it is possible to define additional constants and formulas that can be used for further post-processing of calculated results. For

example, one constant can represent the price of 1kg of the used material and the formula can calculate the total price of the whole structure. The formula can be even more complex and can for example eliminate all the calculated variants where the deflection exceeds a specific value. All the results obtained from the calculation of the project and from the specified formulas are summarised in a clear and simple table.

Advanced processing of the results In order to make the optimisation an even more productive tool, the results can be exported into the comma separated value (CSV) format file or into an MS Excel (tm) format file. This enables the user to prepare ‘state-of-the-art’ tables and ‘eye-catching’ graphs.

Required module: esa.00.

General optimisation - Scia Engineer MOOT

Scia Engineer MOOT is a cutting edge software tool for the overall optimization of civil engineering structures. It represents a combination of a widespread structural analysis software (Scia Engineer) and a sophisticated optimization engine (EOT). The two programs have been integrated together and offer a versatile and complete optimization solution for all types of civil engineering structures;

• EOT is an optimization solver in which the user defines the goal function for the optimization, determins relations between the parameters and selects the suitable optimization method.

If suitable or needed, it is possible to specify also relations between individual parameters (e.g. the relation between the width and height of a cross-section). 2. Definition of the goal function and selection of the optimization method The goal function defines what is to be optimized. It can be a price, weight, dimensions, position of a support, location of a load. Furthermore, it is necessary to select one of the available optimization methods. The selection of the method may affect the time needed for the solution of the sought-after result. 3. Optimization cycle The optimization solver (EOT) generates the sets of parameters used for the creation of a particular variant of the model. Scia Engineer receives these parameters, runs the prescribed calculation, code-check and, if required, also Autodesign. In the next step, EOT gets back the results and evaluates them to modify the parameters in order

to get closer to the desired solution. And this process is repeated until the optimum is found. 4. Evaluation of the optimum solution As already stated, it is possible that more than one optimum is found by the optimization solver (these optimums represent local extremes of the goal function - it depends on the mathematical representation of the goal function if it has one or more local extremes). These individual optimums can vary just a little in the value of the goal function, but there may be a significant difference in the values of the parameters for individual optimums, which means that the structure takes different shapes, forms, etc. In such a situation, it is the user who must decide which of the variants will be used in the end.


• Scia Engineer is a comprehensive software package for analysis, design and checks of civil engineering structures. The integration of Scia Engineer into the process of the overall optimization is enabled by its above-standard features: • Parameterization of the model: direct (numerical) values of individual properties of entities in Scia Engineer can be replaced by parameters. The parameters can be viewed and edited directly in Scia Engineer or via an open communication interface; • Autodesign: automatic search for an optimal design for a particular structural entity - e.g. an optimal size of a steel cross-section, optimal reinforcement in a concrete crosssection on the base of calculated internal forces; • XML interface for communication with other applications;

Parameters are assigned to the properties that can vary during the optimization. The parameter indicates that a particular property becomes variable and the user defines its initial value and, if required, also the limits.

The solver finds the optimal solution according to the user’s input, trying to finish the task within the minimum possible number of steps.

Optimization workflow The optimization process can be clearly seen in the picture. Once all the required input data are entered, i.e. the model of the analysed structure is defined, the search for the optimum solution runs fully automatically and no interaction from the user is required. For real-life problems several optimum solutions can be found. In such situations, it is up to the user to make the final decision. 1. Creation of the model and its parameterization The model of the analysed structure is created using standard Scia Engineer tools and functions. The geometry, boundary conditions, loads, etc. are defined.

Required module: esa.00.

55 esa.30

General optimisation - Scia Engineer MOOT

5. Final check The final set of parameters that gives the optimum solution is then used to create the final variant of the structure. All required types of calculation and checks that were not performed during the optimization can be executed now.

EOT Optimization methods


Several different methods have been implemented in the EOT optimization solver: • Gradient method: Sequential quadratic programming (SQP) Gradient methods are known as very efficient methods in case of continuous optimization problems. They are felicitous for example when searching for the optimal positions of nodes, supports, or geometry of cross-sections etc. They cannot be used for optimization tasks working with discrete values, as a selection of a rolled profile or determination of a number of reinforcement bars etc. Gradient methods could be very fast, on the other hand convergence problems may occur in projects with a large number of parameters and in tasks with complicated shape of gradients; • Stochastic methods: Modified simulated annealing (MSA), Differential evolution (DE) Simply said, stochastic methods search for the result by means of “trial-and-error” and evaluation of these “trials”. This group contains methods that are also called genetic algorithms. Stochastic methods are the most stable, on the other hand, the necessary calculation time is much higher with respect to the gradient method; • Heuristic methods: Nelder-Mead (N-M) Heuristic methods share the properties of both gradient and stochastic methods. Their speed is somewhere between stochastic and gradient methods as well as the stability.

56 esa.30

Dynamics / Dynamics advanced - frames and FEM

Dynamics is a powerful Scia Engineer module for the calculation of natural modes, natural frequencies, harmonic loads and seismic loads of plane or spatial beam and slab structures. This module is completely integrated with the Scia Engineer modules for structural analysis.

Input of masses As a dynamical calculation is basically an analysis of a system with masses and springs, the user has to input masses to the structure. The mass from the own weight of the structure is taken into account automatically. Additional local and distributed masses may be entered manually in nodes, on beams and on slabs.


The program also offers the possibility to automatically derive the masses from a static load case (converting the downward vertical loads into masses), reducing the input for a dynamic calculation considerably.

Calculation of the natural modes and frequencies The natural frequencies of the structure are calculated. The user chooses the number of natural frequencies that have to be calculated. For each natural frequency the natural mode is calculated. The natural frequencies and modes are calculated with the subspace iteration method.

Output of results The output of the natural frequencies and natural modes can be obtained graphically and numerically. All existing basic functions can be used for displaying the graphical results of required natural modes. The numerical output of the results contains the table of frequencies and all numerical results concerning the natural modes (deformations…).

Calculation of harmonic loads The response of the structure under harmonic loads is calculated. The frequency and damping (logarithmic decrement) of the harmonic load case has to be defined. The results of the calculation are similar to the results of a static calculation: displacements, internal forces and reactions are verified in the same way as after a static analysis. It is possible to define linear combinations of static load cases and harmonic load cases. Included in P E

Required modules: esas.00 or esas.01.

Highlights ► Automatic generation of masses from the

self-weight and selected load cases.

► Natural modes and frequencies. ► Response to harmonic load.

► Response to seismic load defined by codes

and user-defined spectra.

esas.21 / esas.22 / esas.23 / esas.24


Dynamics / Dynamics advanced - frames and FEM


Calculation of seismic loads The behaviour of the structure under a dynamic load of the spectral type (i.e. a load of which the spectral density is known) is calculated. This calculation method is typically used to check structures against earthquakes. The spectra of Eurocode 8, PS 92 (french code), DIN 4149 and SIA 260/261. Other spectra can be added by the user. The results are similar to the results of a linear calculation. Seismic loadcases can be added in combination with statical loadcases. To determine the number of eigenmodes which have to be taken into account, the modal participation factors are given after the calculation. Seismic load cases can be added in combination with static load cases. To determine the number of eigenmodes which have to be taken into account the modal participation factors are given after the calculation.

Integration with structural analysis The calculation model is taken directly from the Scia Engineer modules for structural analysis. The results are available in the document of the project.

58 esas.21 / esas.22 / esas.23 / esas.24

Construction stages stage 1

Modern civil engineering structures are often designed and constructed as hybrid systems consisting of steel, pre-cast concrete and cast-inplace concrete. Main load-bearing elements are frequently fabricated in advance and are used as a supporting system for parts of a cross-section or structure to be produced later. Thus, the static system of the structure changes during its construction. Consequently, the effects of creep and shrinkage of concrete must be taken into account both during the construction stages and the service life of the structure.

The distinctive features of the structural analysis of pre-tensioned prestressed concrete and composite beams in Scia Engineer are: • Successive assembling or casting of structural elements; • Progressive construction of cross-sections; • Gradual application of loads and prestressing; • Changes of boundary conditions; • Removal of temporary structural elements; • The redistribution of internal forces caused by creep and shrinkage is respected; • The pre-tensioned tendon becomes an integral part of the structure after cutting. Its stiffness is added into the stiffness matrix of the structure. All loads carried by the structure will automatically cause the change of prestressing of that tendon. Special construction technologies can be modelled, such as; • Modelling simple beams now also includes the casting of a composite slab; • Gradual construction of multi-storey frame buildings. Before the construction stages may be input, it is necessary to define all load-bearing elements, tendons, boundary conditions and load cases that are relevant for the structure. After the construction process, all elements, tendons, supports etc. are then gradually included into the structure. If any element is removed or if any boundary condition is changed, internal forces and corresponding reactions are automatically added to the load that the structure is subject to.

stage 3

stage 4

stage 5


Modules construction stages, Pre-tensioning and Time-Dependent Analysis (TDA) are efficient tools for the structural analysis of hybrid systems that have been newly implemented in the Scia Engineer software system. These modules enable the user to perform calculations for an uninterrupted sequence of automatically generated structural schemes, that reflect the construction process. In addition, TDA takes account of the rheological properties of concrete.

stage 2

stage 6

The response (results) of the loading increments in each building stage (construction or service) is saved into separate loading cases. The effect of the permanent loading increment, prestressing, and the rheology effects is also saved separately. The total effects of loads (internal forces, deflections, stresses) in a given construction stage are obtained as a combination of appropriate load cases, acting on the structure, up to the time of the given stage. Load cases representing imposed variable loads may be added to this combination.

Included in E

Required modules: For esas.27: esas.00. For esas.28 and esas.38: esas.27.

Highlights ► Accurate modelling of construction

process including segmental construction, progressive construction of cross-sections, gradual application of loads and prestressing, removal of temporary structural elements. ► E modulus changes/Shear stress between 2 parts of CSS.

esas.27 / esas.28 / esas.38


Calculation of time dependent losses for 2D frames


The “Time Dependant Analysis” (TDA) module can calculate the time-dependent effects of strength development, shrinkage and creep, prestressing and relaxation in two-dimensional concrete frames. In practice, operators usually use the TDA module in combination with the construction stage analysis module and/or the prestressing module, and can use the general cross-section module as necessary. All the above-mentioned modules analyse prestressed concrete and composite structures in terms of systematic construction procedures, boundary conditions changes, and the rheological effects of concrete. The modules facilitate the structural analysis of prestressed concrete and composite structures, successive assembling or casting of structural elements, progressive construction of cross-sections, gradual application of loads and prestressing, and removal of temporary structural elements. They can model special construction technology systems such as cantilever segmental construction using precast and cast-in-place segments, launching, cable-stayed structures, making simple beams continuous including the successive casting of composite slabs, and the gradual construction of multi-storey buildings. For all these situations the TDA module calculates the shrinkage, creep, strength and

Highlights ► Accurate modelling of construction process. ► Applicable to 2D frame structures.

► Analysis of prestressed concrete and


composite structures, including segmental construction, progressive construction of cross-sections, gradual application of loads and prestressing, removal of temporary structural elements.


relaxation developments in the concrete and, if required, also the losses in prestressing steel. A few practical applications of the module: • Wisconsin Avenue Viaduct in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, by CH2M Hill, Milwaukee, Wisconsin with collaboration of Charles Redfield and Prof. Jiri Strasky; • Precast segmental structure with replaceable cast-in-place deck slab of a viaduct in Plzen. By Strasky, Husty and Partners, Brno, Czech Republic; • Gradually prestressed transverse beams in the frame of Sazka Arena in Prague (Ice Hockey World Championship 2004), by PPP Pardubice, Czech republic. Included in E

Required module: esas.00.

Steel code check EC3 - EN 1993

The EC3 - EN 1993 Steel code check module fully checks steel construction designs and is part of the Scia Engineer structural analysis system. The structural engineer can use this interactive graphical tool to carry out automatic stress and stability checks - covering buckling, lateral torsional buckling and shear buckling - according to EC 3 - EN 1993 regulations.

Working with the steel code check

Steel designer

The Scia Engineer system provides a graphical environment within which steel profiles can be designed and checked. The engineer can use the mouse pointer to select the beams to be checked, thus eliminating the need to work with time-consuming node and member calculations. Computer graphical functions as Pan, Zoom in/ out, Zoom Window and free viewpoint make the work easy, even for complex structures. Following beam selection, the program can instantly show the results of a code check in a clear dialogue window. The screen can display overviews and detailed stress and stability calculations (with output from the corresponding formulae), and the determining internal forces. The user can use the dialogue window to edit beam data and immediately bring up displays showing the effect of any changes. The fully automatic profile optimisation facility (Autodesign) considerably reduces the time needed to select appropriate sections. The user can select the maximum allowable integrity check and type of cross section, including I-sections and angles. The program determines the lightest profile that satisfies the code check for the selected members. Automatic profile optimisation can be applied to all standard and parametric sections. For parametric sections, the user chooses which parameter - whether height, flange thickness or other - to adapt. The program displays integrity checks graphically on the 3D view of the structure. Colours give a clear overview of over-dimensioned and unsatisfactory parts of the construction. The user controls the output to the printer or document, using the following facilities: • Automatic search for extremes in critical load case/combination or critical beam cases; • Three levels of output format as follows: • Brief: stress integrity and stability checks only; • Normal: half-page containing main beam data; • Detailed: two or more pages per beam, with output from corresponding formulae. Included in C P E

Required modules: esas.00 or esas.01.

Highlights ► Full integration into the main graphical user


► Graphical input of all required data. Clear

graphical and tabular output.

► Classification of cross-sections, stress

checks, stability check, warping.



Steel code check EC3 - EN 1993

Seamless integration with structural analysis Researchers can directly take the results of the first or second order calculations from the Scia Engineer modules for structural analysis, and can directly change cross-sections on the calculation model. The results are available in the project document.

Steel designer

Input facilities The program offers all the significant factors and coefficients involved in code checks, and the user can edit these as follows: • Basic data such as safety factors and required checks; • Buckling data such as buckling length figures and sway system information (with or without bracing); • Lateral Torsional Buckling (LTB) data: length, load position (centre, top, bottom), effective length factors k and kw, and LTB stiffeners on top and bottom flanges; • Shear buckling stiffeners; • Diaphragms; • Inactive parts to examine the influence of haunches and external reinforcements; • Profile type and steel quality.



The program determines the buckling length for each beam, depending on the sway system used (Wood method). It implements special formulae to calculate the buckling length of crossing diagonals (DIN 18800, Part 2, Table 15). It also calculates the elastic critical moment for lateral torsional buckling Mcr according to EC 3 - ENV 1993 Annex F regulations. In addition a detailed calculation of Mcr through an eigenvalue solution can be derived (esasd.14). The module allows the user to check beam parameters according to “Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings - EN 1993-1-1:2005” regulations. Table 5.2 classifies all cross-sections. For class 4 - sections (slender sections) the module calculates the effective section at each intermediary point according to EN 1993-15:2006, Chapter 4.4. Art. 6.2 sets out the stress check, which includes checking tension (art. 6.2.3.), compression (art. 6.2.4.), bending (art. 6.2.5.), shear (art. 6.2.6.), torsion (art.6.2.7.) and combined bending, shear and axial force (art. 6.2.8., art.6.2.9. and art.6.2.10.).


Art. 6.3 sets out the stability check. This includes checking for buckling (art. 6.3.1.), lateral torsional buckling (art. 6.3.2.) and combined bending and axial compression (art. 6.3.3.). Document EN 1993-1-5:2006, Chapter 5 sets out the shear buckling checking process. Testers can check for warping in any I, U and cold formed sections. The codes also provide for a check on a critical slenderness and a torsional moment. Regulations also take into account local plate bending in integrated beams, in terms of the plastic moment capacity and bending stresses in the section. They can also check for out-ofbalance loading.

Supported cross-sections The module can check the following cross-sections: Symmetric and asymmetric I, rectangular hollow, circular hollow, angle, U, T, rectangular, circular, all Scia Engineer-composed sections, haunches,

I section with variable height (tapered sections), single plate cold formed sections, digital sections entered by static property and integrated (built-in) beams such as IFB, SFB and THQ.

National annexes (esa.00) It is possible to define a specific national Annex for the new Eurocodes. In these national annexes the user can find the values of the parameters defined on a national level in Scia Engineer. The system library collects all national annexes for Eurocode 199X series: combinations (1990), loads (1991) and steel (1993). Clicking on a specific setup button, the user goes directly to a specific setup part in which the individual national parameters can be reviewed, changed and stored.

Steel code check DIN 18800

The structural engineer can use this interactive graphical tool to carry out automatic stress and stability checks - covering buckling, lateral torsional buckling and shear buckling - according to DIN 18800 regulations.

Working with the steel code check The Scia Engineer system provides a graphical environment within which to design and check steel profiles. The engineer can use the mouse pointer to select the beams to be checked, thus eliminating the need to work with time-consuming node and member calculations. Computer graphical functions as Pan, Zoom in/out, Zoom Window and free viewpoint make the work easy, even for complex structures.

profile optimisation can apply to all standard and parametric sections. For parametric sections, the user chooses which parameter - whether height, flange thickness or other - to adapt. The program displays integrity checks graphically on the 3D view of the structure. Colours give a clear overview of over-dimensioned and unsatisfactory parts of the construction. The user controls the output to the printer or document, using the following facilities: • Automatic search for extremes in critical load case/combination or critical beam cases; • Three levels of output format as follows: • Brief: integrity stress and stability checks only; • Normal: half-page containing main beam data; • Detailed: two or more pages per beam, with output from corresponding formulae.

Following beam selection the program can instantly show the results of a code check in a clear dialogue window. The screen can display overviews and detailed stress and stability calculations (with output from the corresponding formulae), and the determining internal forces. The user can use the dialogue window to edit beam data and immediately bring up displays showing the effect of any changes. The fully automatic profile optimisation facility considerably reduces the time needed to select appropriate sections.

Seamless integration with structural analysis

The user can select the maximum allowable integrity check and type of cross section, including I-sections and angles. The program determines the lightest profile that satisfies the code check for the selected members. Automatic

The program offers all the significant factors and coefficients involved in code checks, and the user can edit these, as follows: • Basic data such as safety factors and required checks;

Included in C P E

Required modules: esas.00 or esas.01.

Steel designer

The DIN 18800 Steel code check module fully checks steel construction designs and is part of the Scia Engineer structural analysis system.

Researchers can directly take the results of the first order or second order calculations from the Scia Engineer modules for structural analysis - or from third-party programs by means of an ASCII file - and can directly change cross-sections on the calculation model. The results are available in the project document.

Input facilities

Highlights ► Full integration into the main graphical user


► Graphical input of all required data. Clear

graphical and tabular output.

► Classification of cross-sections, stress

checks, stability check, warping.



Steel code check DIN 18800

• Buckling data such as buckling length figures and sway system information (with or without bracing); • Lateral Torsional Buckling (LTB) data: length, load position (centre, top, bottom), effective length factors k and kw, and LTB stiffeners on top and bottom flanges; • Shear buckling stiffeners; • Diaphragms; • Inactive parts to examine the influence of haunches and external reinforcements; • Profile type and steel quality.

Steel designer

Checks For section checks, the program enables the user to classify the cross section according to DIN 18800 Teil I, Table 12,13,14,15 and 18. Depending on this classification, the program can check the section as slender, as EL/EL (elastic/ elastic), as EL/PL (elastic/plastic) or as PL/PL (plastic/plastic). DIN 18800 Teil I, Element (746), (747), (748), (749), (750) sets out the parameters for the EL/ EL check. The EL/PL check takes the rules from DIN 18800 Teil I, Element (756), (757) and Table (16) ,(17). DIN 18800 Teil I, Element (758), Table (16),(17) defines the PL/PL check. DIN 18800 Teil 2, Element (715) defines slender cross section checks. For the stability check, DIN 18800 Teil 2 sets out the checks for buckling, lateral torsional buckling and bending and compression of the beam element, using the following criteria: • Compression: Element (304), (306); • Lateral torsional buckling: Element (311), (309); • Bending and axial compression: Element (313), (321), (322); • Bending (LTB) and compression: Element (320), (323). For slender sections: • Calculation of effective area: Element (705), (706), (708), (709), (712), (713); • Buckling check: Element (715), (716), (718), (719); • LTB check: Element (725), (726), (728), (729). DIN 18800 Teil 3 defines the shear buckling check, using the following criteria: Element (113), (504), (602), (603).


Testers can check for warping in any I, U, and cold formed sections. The codes also provide for a check on critical slenderness and torsion moment.


Regulations also take into account local plate bending in integrated beams, in terms of the plastic moment capacity and bending stresses in the section. They also can check for eccentric loading.

Supported cross-sections The module can check the following crosssections: Symmetric and asymmetric I, rectangular hollow, circular hollow, angle, U, T, rectangular, circular, all Scia Engineer-composed sections, haunches, I section with variable height, single plate cold formed sections, digital sections entered by static property, built-up compression members, and integrated (built-in) beams such as IFB, SFB and THQ.

Steel code check NEN 6770/6771

apply to all standard and parametric sections. For parametric sections, the user chooses which parameter - whether height, flange thickness or other - to adapt.

Working with the steel code check

The user controls the output to the printer or document, using the following facilities: • Automatic search for extremes in critical load case/combination or critical beam cases; • Three levels of output format as follows: • Brief: integrity stress and stability checks only; • Normal: half-page containing main beam data; • Detailed: two or more pages per beam, with output from corresponding formulae.

The Scia Engineer system provides a graphical environment within which to design and check steel profiles. The engineer can use the mouse pointer to select the beams to check, thus eliminating the need to work with time-consuming node and member calculations. Computer graphical functions as Pan, Zoom in/out, Zoom Window and free viewpoint make the work easy, even for complex structures. Following beam selection the program can instantly show the results of a code check in a clear dialogue window. The screen can display overviews and detailed stress and stability calculations (with output from the corresponding formulae), and the determining internal forces. The user can use the dialogue window to edit beam data and immediately bring up displays showing the effect of any changes. The fully automatic profile optimisation facility considerably reduces the time needed to select appropriate sections. The user can select the maximum allowable integrity check and type of cross section, including I-sections and angles. The program determines the lightest profile that satisfies the code check for the selected members. Automatic profile optimisation can Included in C P E

Required modules: esas.00 or esas.01.

The program displays integrity checks graphically on the 3D view of the structure. Colours give a clear overview of over-dimensioned and unsatisfactory parts of the construction.

Seamless integration with structural analysis Researchers can directly take the results of the first order or second order calculations from the Scia Engineer modules for structural analysis - or from third party programs by means of an ASCII file - and can directly change cross-sections on the calculation model. The results are available in the project document.

Input facilities The program offers all the significant factors and coefficients involved in code checks, and the user can edit these, as follows: • Basic data such as safety factors and required checks;

• Buckling data such as buckling length figures and sway system information (with or without bracing); • Lateral Torsional Buckling (LTB) data: length, load position (centre, top, bottom), effective length factors k and kw, and LTB stiffeners on top and bottom flanges; • Shear buckling stiffeners; • Diaphragms; • Inactive parts to examine the influence of haunches and external reinforcements; • Profile type and steel quality.

Steel designer

The NEN Steel code check module fully checks steel construction designs and is part of the Scia Engineer structural analysis system. The structural engineer can use this interactive graphical tool to carry out automatic stress and stability checks - covering buckling, lateral torsional buckling and shear buckling - according to NEN6770/ 6771 regulations.

Checks Cross section classification: NEN 6771 Table 1. (class 1,2,3 or 4). Criteria: • Tension: NEN 6770 Art. 11.2.1., NEN 6771 Art. 11.2.1; • Compression: NEN 6770 Art. 11.2.2., NEN 6771 Art. 11.2.2; • Shear: NEN 6770 Art. 11.2.4., NEN 6771 Art. 11.2.4; • Bending, shear and axial force: NEN 6770 Art. 11.3., NEN 6771 Art. 11.3.

Highlights ► Full integration into the main graphical user


► Graphical input of all required data. Clear

graphical and tabular output.

► Classification of cross-sections, stress

checks, stability check, warping.



Steel designer

Steel code check NEN 6770/6771

Stability check criteria: • Compression: NEN 6771 Art. 12.1.2./12.1.3; • Lateral torsional buckling: NEN 6771 Art.12.2; • Bending and axial compression: NEN 6771 Art.12.3; • Shear buckling: NEN 6771 Art.13.8. / 13.9. Testers can check for warping in any I, U, and cold formed sections. The codes also provide for a check on critical slenderness and torsion moment. Regulations also take into account local plate bending in integrated beams, in terms of the plastic moment capacity and bending stresses in the section. They also can check for out-ofbalance loading.

Supported cross-sections The module can check the following crosssections: Symmetric and asymmetric I, rectangular hollow, circular hollow, angle, U, T, rectangular, circular, all Scia Engineer-composed sections, haunches, I section with variable height, single plate cold formed sections, digital sections entered by static property, built-up compression members, and integrated (built-in) beams such as IFB, SFB and THQ.

66 esasd.01.03

Steel code check ÖNORM B 4300

Working with the steel code check The Scia Engineer system provides a graphical environment within which to design and check steel profiles. The engineer can use the mouse pointer to select the beams to check, thus eliminating the need to work with time-consuming node and member calculations. Computer graphical functions as Pan, Zoom in/out, Zoom Window and free viewpoint make the work easy, even for complex structures. Following beam selection the program can instantly show the results of a code check in a clear dialogue window. The screen can display overviews and detailed stress and stability calculations (with output from the corresponding formulae), and the determining internal forces. The user can use the dialogue window to edit beam data and immediately bring up displays showing the effect of any changes. The fully automatic profile optimisation facility considerably reduces the time needed to select appropriate sections. The user can select the maximum allowable integrity check and type of cross section, including I-sections and angles. The program determines the lightest profile that satisfies the code check for the selected Included in C P E

Required modules: esas.00 or esas.01.

members. Automatic profile optimisation can apply to all standard and parametric sections. For parametric sections, the user chooses which parameter - whether height, flange thickness or other - to adapt. The program displays integrity checks graphically on the 3D view of the structure. Colours give a clear overview of over-dimensioned and unsatisfactory parts of the construction. The user controls the output to the printer or document, using the following facilities: • Automatic search for extremes in critical load case/combination or critical beam cases; • Three levels of output format as follows: • Brief: integrity stress and stability checks only; • Normal: half-page containing main beam data; • Detailed: two or more pages per beam, with output from corresponding formulae.

Seamless integration with structural analysis Researchers can directly take the results of the first order or second order calculations from the Scia Engineer modules for structural analysis - or from third-party programs by means of an ASCII file - and can directly change cross-sections on the calculation model. The results are available in the project document.

Input facilities The program offers all the significant factors and coefficients involved in code checks, and the user can edit these, as follows:

• Basic data such as safety factors and required checks; • Buckling data such as buckling length figures and sway system information (with or without bracing); • Lateral Torsional Buckling (LTB) data: length, load position (centre, top, bottom), effective length factors k and kw, and LTB stiffeners on top and bottom flanges; • Shear buckling stiffeners; • Diaphragms; • Inactive parts to examine the influence of haunches and external reinforcements; • Profile type and steel quality.

Steel designer

The ÖNORM B 4300 Steel code check module fully checks steel construction designs and is part of the Scia Engineer structural analysis system. The structural engineer can use this interactive graphical tool to carry out automatic stress and stability checks - covering buckling, lateral torsional buckling and shear buckling - according to ÖNORM B 4300 and DIN 18800 regulations.

Checks Cross section classification: ÖNORM B 4300-1 Tab.3,4,5 and DIN 18800 Teil I, Table 15,18. This classification determines whether the section under reference is checked as slender, as EL/EL (elastic/elastic), as EL/PL (elastic/plastic) or as PL/PL (plastic/plastic). EL/EL check to ÖNORM B 4300-1 Art. 5.2. EL/PL check to DIN 18800 Teil I, Element (756), (757) and Table (16) ,(17). PL/PL check to DIN 18800 Teil I, Element (758), Table (16), (17).

Highlights ► Full integration into the main graphical user


► Graphical input of all required data. Clear

graphical and tabular output.

► Classification of cross-sections, stress

checks, stability check.

67 esasd.01.04

Steel code check ÖNORM B 4300

Slender cross section to DIN 18800 Teil 2, Element (715). Stability check: DIN 18800 Teil 2 for buckling, lateral torsional buckling and bending and compression.

Steel designer

Criteria: • Compression: Element (304), (306); • Lateral torsional buckling: Element (311), (309); • Bending and axial compression: Element (313), (321), (322); • Bending (LTB) and compression: Element (320), (323). Slender section checking criteria: • Calculation of effective area: Element (705), (706), (708), (709), (712), (713); • Buckling check: Element (715), (716), (718), (719); • LTB check: Element (725), (726), (728), (729). Shear buckling check to DIN 18800 Teil 3. Criteria: Element (113), (504), (602), (603). Testers can check for warping in any I, U, and cold formed sections. The codes also provide for a check for critical slenderness and torsion moment.

Supported cross-sections The module can check the following crosssections: Symmetric and asymmetric I, rectangular hollow, circular hollow, angle, U, T, rectangular, circular, any Scia Engineercomposed section, haunches, variable-height I sections, single plate cold formed sections, digital sections entered by static property, and built-up compression members.

68 esasd.01.04

Steel code check AISC -ASD / LRFD

The AISC steel code check module fully checks steel construction designs and is part of the Scia Engineer structural analysis system.

Working with the steel code check The Scia Engineer system provides a graphical environment within which to design and check steel profiles. The engineer can use the mouse pointer to select the beams to check, thus eliminating the need to work with time-consuming node and member calculations. Computer graphical functions as Pan, Zoom in/out, Zoom Window and free viewpoint make the work easy, even for complex structures. Following beam selection the program can instantly show the results of a code check in a clear dialogue window. The screen can display overviews and detailed stress and stability calculations (with output from the corresponding formulae), and the determining internal forces. The user can use the dialogue window to edit beam data and immediately bring up displays showing the effect of any changes. The fully automatic profile optimisation facility considerably reduces the time needed to select appropriate sections. The user can select the maximum allowable integrity check and type of cross section, including I-sections and angles. The program determines the lightest profile that satisfies the code check for the selected members. Automatic profile optimisation can apply to all standard and parametric sections. For parametric sections, the user chooses which parameter - whether height, flange thickness or other - to adapt. Included in C P E

Required modules: esas.00 or esas.01.

The user controls the output to the printer or document, using the following facilities: • Automatic search for extremes in critical load case/combination or critical beam cases; • Three levels of output format as follows: • Brief: integrity stress and stability checks only; • Normal: half-page containing main beam data; • Detailed: two or more pages per beam, with output from corresponding formulae.

Seamless integration with structural analysis Researchers can directly take the results of the first order or second order calculations from the Scia Engineer modules for structural analysis - or from third party programs by means of an ASCII file - and can directly change cross-sections on the calculation model. The results are available in the project document.

Input facilities The program offers all the significant factors and coefficients involved in code checks, and the user can edit these, as follows: • Basic data such as safety factors and required checks; • Buckling data such as buckling length figures and sway system information (with or without bracing); • Lateral Torsional Buckling (LTB) data: length, load position (centre, top, bottom), effective length factors k and kw, and LTB stiffeners on top and bottom flanges;

• Shear buckling stiffeners; • Diaphragms; • Inactive parts to examine the influence of haunches and external reinforcements; • Profile type and steel quality.

AISC-ASD checks AISC-ASD Checks: according to the Manual of Steel Construction.

Steel designer

The structural engineer can use this interactive graphical tool to carry out automatic stress and stability checks - covering buckling, lateral torsional buckling and shear buckling - according to AISCASD and AISC-LRFD steel specifications.

The program displays integrity checks graphically on the 3D view of the structure. Colours give a clear overview of over-dimensioned and unsatisfactory parts of the construction.

Allowable Stress Design Part 5: Specification and Codes AISC, Ninth Edition, 1989 Cross section classification to Table B5.1. (compact, non-compact or slender). Criteria: • Tension: chapter D1; • Compression: chapter E2, E3; • Flexural members: chapter F1,F2,F3,F4; • Plate girders: chapter G2; • Combined forces: chapter H1,H2.

AISC-LRFD checks AISC-LRFD checks: according to the manual of steel construction load and resistance factor design part 16, specifications and codes AISC, third Edition, 2001. Cross section classification: table B5.1. (compact, non-compact, or slender).

Highlights ► Full integration into the main graphical user


► Graphical input of all required data. Clear

graphical and tabular output.

► Classification of cross-sections, stress

checks, stability check.

69 esasd.01.05

Steel code check AISC -ASD / LRFD

Criteria: • Tension: chapter D1; • Compression: chapter E2, E3, Appendix E3; • Flexural members: chapter F1, Appendix F1, Appendix F2; • Plate girders: chapter Appendix G2, Appendix G3, Appendix G5; • Combined forces: chapter H1,H2.

Supported cross-sections

Steel designer

The module can check the following crosssections: Symmetric and asymmetric I, rectangular hollow, circular hollow, angle, U, T, rectangular, circular, all Scia Engineer composed sections, haunches, variable-height I sections, single plate cold formed sections, and digital sections entered by static property.

70 esasd.01.05

Steel code check CM 66

The structural engineer can use this interactive graphical tool to carry out automatic stress and stability checks - covering buckling, lateral torsional buckling and shear buckling - according to CM 66 and/or Additif 80 regulations.

Working with the steel code check The Scia Engineer system provides a graphical environment within which to design and check steel profiles. The engineer can use the mouse pointer to select the beams to check, thus eliminating the need to work with time-consuming node and member calculations. Computer graphical functions as Pan, Zoom in/out, Zoom Window and free viewpoint make the work easy, even for complex structures. Following beam selection the program can instantly show the results of a code check in a clear dialogue window. The screen can display overviews and detailed stress and stability calculations (with output from the corresponding formulae), and the determining internal forces. The user can use the dialogue window to edit beam data and immediately bring up displays showing the effect of any changes. The fully automatic profile optimisation facility considerably reduces the time needed to select appropriate sections. The user can select the maximum allowable integrity check and type of cross section, including I-sections and angles. The program determines the lightest profile that satisfies the code check for the selected Included in C P E

Required modules: esas.00 or esas.01.

members. Automatic profile optimisation can apply to all standard and parametric sections. For parametric sections, the user chooses which parameter - whether height, flange thickness or other - to adapt. The program displays integrity checks graphically on the 3D view of the structure. Colours give a clear overview of overdimensioned and unsatisfactory parts of the construction. The user controls the output to the printer or document, using the following facilities: • Automatic search for extremes in critical load case/combination or critical beam cases; • Three levels of output format as follows: • Brief: integrity stress and stability checks only; • Normal: half-page containing main beam data; • Detailed: two or more pages per beam, with output from corresponding formulae.

Seamless integration with structural analysis Researchers can directly take the results of the first order or second order calculations from the Scia Engineer modules for structural analysis - or from third-party programs by means of an ASCII file - and can directly change cross-sections on the calculation model. The results are available in the project document.

can edit these, as follows: • Basic data such as safety factors and required checks; • Buckling data such as buckling length figures and sway system information (with or without bracing); • Lateral Torsional Buckling (LTB) data: length, load position (centre, top, bottom), effective length factors k and kw, and LTB stiffeners on top and bottom flanges; • Shear buckling stiffeners; • Diaphragms; • Inactive parts to examine the influence of haunches and external reinforcements; • Profile type and steel quality.

Steel designer

The CM 66 steel code check module fully checks steel construction designs and is part of the Scia Engineer structural analysis system.

CM 66 checks Cross-section checks for tension (art. 3,1), bending (art. 3,2.) and shear (art. 3,3.). Stability check criteria: • Compression: art. 3,4; • Compression and bending: art. 3,5; • Lateral torsional buckling: art. 3,6; • Double bending and axial compression: art. 3,7; • Shear buckling: art 5,212.

Highlights ► Full integration into the main graphical user


Input facilities

► Graphical input of all required data. Clear

The program offers all the significant factors and coefficients involved in code checks, and the user

► Classification of cross-sections, stress

graphical and tabular output. checks, stability check.

71 esasd.01.06

Steel code check CM 66

CM 66 - additif 80 checks Cross-section classification: art. 5,12. (“plastic” or “elastic’). Tension and compression (art. 4,2), bending (art 4,3), shear force (art. 4,4), bending and axial force combination (art. 4,5 and art 4.6). Stability check criteria: • Lateral torsional buckling: art. 5,2; • Compression: art. 5,31; • Compression and bending: art. 5,32.

Steel designer

Supported cross-sections The module can check the following crosssections: Symmetric and asymmetric I, rectangular hollow, circular hollow, angle, U, T, rectangular, circular, any Scia Engineercomposed section, haunches, variable-height I sections, single plate cold formed sections, and digital Sections entered by static property.

72 esasd.01.06

Steel code check SIA 263

With this module the structural engineer has an interactive, graphical tool at his disposal for automatic stress and stability checks (buckling, lateral torsional buckling, shear buckling) according to the regulations given in SIA 263.

Working with the steel code check The Scia Engineer system provides a graphical environment within which to design and check steel profiles. The engineer can use the mouse pointer to select the beams to check, thus eliminating the need to work with time-consuming node and member calculations. Computer graphical functions as Pan, Zoom in/out, Zoom Window and free viewpoint make the work easy, even for complex structures. Following beam selection the program can instantly show the results of a code check in a clear dialogue window. The screen can display overviews and detailed stress and stability calculations (with output from the corresponding formulae), and the determining internal forces. The user can use the dialogue window to edit beam data and immediately bring up displays showing the effect of any changes. The fully automatic profile optimisation facility considerably reduces the time needed to select appropriate sections. The user can select the maximum allowable integrity check and type of cross section, including I-sections and angles.

Included in C P E

Required modules: esas.00 or esas.01.

The program determines the lightest profile that satisfies the code check for the selected members. Automatic profile optimisation can apply to all standard and parametric sections. For parametric sections, the user chooses which parameter - whether height, flange thickness or other - to adapt. The program displays integrity checks graphically on the 3D view of the structure. Colours give a clear overview of over-dimensioned and unsatisfactory parts of the construction. The user controls the output to the printer or document, using the following facilities: • Automatic search for extremes in critical load case/combination or critical beam cases; • Three levels of output format as follows: • Brief: integrity stress and stability checks only; • Normal: half-page containing main beam data; • Detailed: two or more pages per beam, with output from corresponding formulae.

Seamless integration with structural analysis Researchers can directly take the results of the first order or second order calculations from the Scia Engineer modules for structural analysis - or from third-party programs by means of an ASCII file - and can directly change cross-sections on the calculation model. The results are available in the project document.

Input facilities The program offers all the significant factors and coefficients involved in code checks, and the user

can edit these, as follows: • Basic data such as safety factors and required checks; • Buckling data such as buckling length figures and sway system information (with or without bracing); • Lateral Torsional Buckling (LTB) data: length, load position (centre, top, bottom), effective length factors k and kw, and LTB stiffeners on top and bottom flanges; • Shear buckling stiffeners; • Diaphragms; • Inactive parts to examine the influence of haunches and external reinforcements; • Profile type and steel quality.

Steel designer

SIA 263 Steel code check is a Scia Engineer module for the complete check and design of steel constructions. The program is completely integrated with the Scia Engineer modules for stuctural analysis.

Checks The module calculates beam buckling length depending on the sway system (Wood method). Special formulae can calculate the buckling length of crossing diagonals (DIN 18800, Part 2, Table 15). Checking criteria to “SIA 263:2003 construction en acier” regulations. Cross-section classification to Table 5, for all cross-section classes: • PP (plastic-plastic) or class 1;

Highlights ► Full integration into the main graphical user


► Graphical input of all required data. Clear

graphical and tabular output.

► Classification of cross-sections, stress

checks, stability check, warping.



Steel code check SIA 263

• EP (elastic-plastic) or class 2; • EE (elastic-elastic) or class 3; • EER (elastic-elastic reduced) or class 4. Stress check according to art. 4.4.: normal force (art. 4.4.1.), shear (art.4.4.3.); combined bending, shear and axial force (art. 4.4.4 and 4.4.5.). Stability check from art. 4.5; buckling (art. 4.5.1.); lateral torsional buckling (art. 4.5.2.); combined bending and axial compression (art. 4.5.3.) and shear buckling (art. 4.5.5.) For I sections, the special rules from art. 5.1. (class 1 and 2 sections) and 5.4. (shear buckling) apply.

Steel designer

Testers may take warping into consideration for I, U and cold formed sections, and also carry out a check for critical slenderness and torsion moment. For integrated beams, the module provides for taking local plate bending into account in terms of plastic moment capacity and bending stresses, and checks for out-of-balance loading.

Supported cross-sections The module can check the following crosssections: Symmetric and asymmetric I, rectangular hollow, circular hollow, angle, U, T, rectangular, circular, all Scia Engineer composed sections, haunches, I section with variable height, single plate cold formed sections, digital sections entered by static property, and integrated (built-in) beams such as IFB, SFB and THQ.

74 esasd.01.08

Steel code check BS 5950-1:2000

Working with the steel code check The Scia Engineer system provides a graphical environment within which to design and check steel profiles. The engineer can use the mouse pointer to select the beams to check, thus eliminating the need to work with time-consuming node and member calculations. Computer graphical functions as Pan, Zoom in/out, Zoom Window and free viewpoint make the work easy, even for complex structures. The user can use the dialogue window to edit beam data and immediately bring up displays showing the effect of any changes. The fully automatic profile optimisation facility considerably reduces the time needed to select appropriate sections. The user can select the maximum allowable integrity check and type of cross section, including I-sections and angles. The program determines the lightest profile that satisfies the code check for the selected members. Automatic profile optimisation can apply to all standard and parametric sections. For parametric sections, the user chooses which parameter - whether height, flange thickness or other - to adapt. Included in C P E

Required modules: esas.00 or esas.01.

The program displays integrity checks graphically on the 3D view of the structure. Colours give a clear overview of over-dimensioned and unsatisfactory parts of the construction. The user controls the output to the printer or document, using the following facilities: • Automatic search for extremes in critical load case/combination or critical beam cases; • Output of overdesigned, optimal and inadequate members; • Three levels of output format as follows: • Brief: integrity strength and stability checks only; • Summary: half-page containing main beam data; • Detailed: Step by step annotated results leading to final utilisation and status.

Seamless integration with structural analysis Researchers can directly take the results of the first order or second order calculations from the Scia Engineer modules for structural analysis, and can directly change cross-sections on the calculation model. The results are available in the project document.

Input facilities The program offers all the significant factors and coefficients involved in BS code checks, and the user can edit these, as follows: • Basic BS 5950 data such as safety factors and required checks; • Buckling data such as buckling length figures and sway system information (with or without bracing);

• Lateral Torsional Buckling (LTB) data: buckling length, stabilising or destabilising load positions, major and minor axis effective length factors, Lateral restraints to top and bottom flanges; • Section type and steel quality.

Steel designer

Steel member strength and stability check in accordance with British Standard 5950-1:2000. BS 5950-1:2000 Steel code check module fully checks steel construction designs and is part of the Scia Engineer structural analysis system. The structural engineer can use this interactive graphical tool to carry out automatic strength and stability checks - covering buckling, lateral torsional buckling and shear buckling - according to BS 5950 - Part 1 requirements.

Checks The module calculates beam buckling length depending on the sway system (Wood method). Special formulae can calculate the buckling length of crossing diagonals (DIN 18800, Part 2, Table 15). Frame members are checked to BS 5950-1: 2000 structural use of steelwork in building, Part1; Code of practice for design in simple and continuous construction: rolled and welded sections, in conjunction with the following SCI publications: • P 202 - Steelwork design guide to BS 59501:2000 - Volume 1 Section properties and member capacities - 6th Edition; • P 057 - Design of members subject to combined bending and torsion;

Highlights ► Full integration into the main graphical user


► Graphical input of all required data. Clear

graphical and tabular output.

► Classification of cross-sections, stress

checks, stability check, warping.

► Members curved in plan and elevation.

► Cellular beams.

► Beam with web opening (rectangular and


► Members subjected to torsion (low warping

sections only).



Steel code check BS 5950-1:2000

• P 128 - Design of curved steel; • P 100 - Design of composite and noncomposite cellular beams; • P 068 - Design for openings in the webs of composite beams. CIRIA/SCI (1989). Art. 3.5. and tables 11 and 12 provide for four cross-section classification types: plastic, compact, semi-compact and slender. Art. 3.6 concerns slender sections.

Steel designer

Checks: bending (Art.4.2.), tension (Art.4.6.), compression (Art.4.7.), shear (Art.4.2.3.), shear buckling (Art. 4.4.5.), combined moment and axial force (Art. 4.8.) and biaxial moments (Art.4.9.), combined axial, bending and torsion (SCI P 057), cellular beam at opening and web post (SCI P 068), web opening (SCI P 068). Stability checks: compression (Art.4.7.), lateral torsional buckling (Art.4.3), bending with axial compression (Art.4.8.), combined axial compression, bending and torsion (SCI P 057 and SCI P 0 281). Annex G concerns checking members and segments for torsional buckling with one flange laterally restrained in accordance with Annex G. Deflection checks: normal deflection, lateral deflection (Art 2.5) combined deflection with twist (SCI P 057).

Supported cross-sections The module can check the following cross-sections: Symmetric and asymmetric I and H, square and rectangular hollow, circular hollow, angle, channel, T, rectangular and circular solid, haunches, variable-height I sections, variable depth I sections (tapered), pair and compound sections, numeric sections.

76 esasd.01.09

Fire resistance EC3

The fire resistance EC3 module is part of the Scia Engineer structural analysis system, and is used to check the design of steel constructions under fire conditions. The structural engineer can use this interactive, graphical tool to carry out automatic stress and stability checks, including buckling and lateral torsional buckling tests. All checks conform to “EN 1993-1-2:2005’. Resistance domain or temperature/time domain parameters apply.

Working with fire resistance EC3

Steel designer

The Scia Engineer system provides a graphical environment within which to design and check steel profiles for fire resistance, similar to regular steel code checking procedures. The engineer can use the mouse pointer to select the beams to check, thus eliminating the need to work with time-consuming node and member calculations. Computer graphical functions such as Pan, Zoom in/out, Zoom Window and free viewpoint make the work easy, even for complex structures. 3D structure views graphically represent integrity checks. Colours give a clear overview of any over dimensioning and unsatisfactory parts of the construction. The user controls numerical output to the printer or document, including the following: • Automatic search for extremes: critical load case/combination, critical beam; • Highlighting of over dimensioned, optimal and unsatisfactory beams; • Free choice of output format; • Brief: integrity stress and stability checks only; • Normal: half-page containing main beam data; • Detailed: two pages per beam with display of formulae used.

Seamless integration with structural analysis Researchers can directly take the results of the first order or second order calculations from the Scia Engineer modules for structural analysis, and can directly change cross-sections on the calculation model. The results are available in the project document.

Input facilities The program offers all significant fire resistance factors and coefficients, and the user can edit these, as follows: • Basic fire resistance settings for fire Included in P E

Required modules: esasd.01.01.

resistance; • Temperature curve (ISO 834, external fire, hydrocarbon curve, smouldering fire) selection; • Factors for defining net heat flux; • Analysis type: the user can perform the fire design analysis in either resistance or temperature/time domains; • EC3-1-2, or according to the model code on fire engineering (ECCS - N° 111) apply; • Fire resistance safety factors; • In working with fire resistance data the user can define the fire resistance for each member, selecting the appropriate time resistance values (such as from RF 90) and insulation properties, in terms of the material and encasement cladding; • The insulation library provides a choice of insulation material. The default insulation library contains the most common insulation materials for board protection, spray protection and those used in intumescent coatings; • Besides fire resistance data, the following standard settings for steel code checks remain available: • Basic EC3 data (safety factors, required checks); • Buckling data: buckling lengths, sway

Highlights ► Full integration into the main graphical user


► Integrated library of insulations.

► Applicable in combination with both first and

second order calculations.

► Clear and comprehensive report.

► Fire resistance according to new EC3 Code

(EN 1993 - version 2005).



Fire resistance EC3

system (with or without bracing); • Lateral Torsional Buckling data: LTB length, position of load (stabilising, destabilising, normal), effective length factors k and kw, LTB stiffeners on top and bottom flanges; • Shear buckling stiffeners; • Diaphragms.

Steel designer

Checks For each member: cross section classification, section stability check. EC3-1-2: • Cross-section classification: art. 4.2.2; • Resistance values for: • Tension members: art.; • Class 1, 2 and 3 compression members: art.; • Class 1 and 2 beams: art.; • Class 3 beams: art.; • Class 1, 2 and 3 members subject to bending and compression: art.; • Critical temperature: art. 4.2.4; • Check for class 4 members (Annex E).

Supported cross-sections Symmetric and asymmetric I, rectangular hollow, circular hollow, angle, U, T, rectangular, circular, composed, haunches, variable-height I, single plate cold formed, digital entered by static property, and IFB, SFB and THQ integrated (built-in).

78 esasd.05.01

Fire resistance NEN 6072

Seamless integration with structural analysis

Working with fire resistance NEN 6072

All important factors and coefficients for fire resistance checks are proposed by the program and are editable by the user:

The fire resistance design and check of steel profiles is done in the graphical environment of Scia Engineer, similarly to regular steel code check procedures (see esasd.01.03). Graphical functions such as Pan, Zoom in/out, Zoom Window, etc. and user-defined viewpoint make the work easy, even on complex structures. The unity checks are represented graphically in the 3D view of the structure. Colors give a clear overview of overdimensioned and unsatisfying parts of the structure. The user controls numerical output to the printer or to the document: • Automatical search for extremes: critical loadcase/combination, critical beam,…; • Free choice of output format: • Brief: only unity stress checks and stability checks; • Normal: ½ page with main beam data; • Detailed: 2 pages per beam (with output of corresponding formulas). Included in P E

Required modules: esasd.01.03.

The results of the calculation (first order or 2nd order calculation) are taken directly from the Scia Engineer modules for structural analysis. Cross-sections are changed directly in the calculation model. The results are available also in the document of the project.

Input facilities

Basic settings for fire resistance NEN: • Selection of temperature curve (ISO 834, external fire, hydrocarbon curve, smoldering fire); • Analysis type: the fire design can be performed in the resistance domain or in the temperature/ time domain; • Automatic determination of the incidental combination as a consequence of fire; • Fire resistance data: the fire resistance properties per member are defined. The time resistance (e.g. RF 90) and the insulation properties (material and encasement) are selected. The insulation materials are chosen from the insulation library. The default insulation library contains the most common insulation materials (board protection, spray protection, intumescent coatings).

Besides the fire resistance data, the following standard settings for steel code check remain available: • Basic data of EC3 (safety factors, required checks,…); • Buckling data: buckling lengths, sway system (with or without bracing),…; • Lateral Torsional Buckling data: LTB length, position of load (Stabilising, Destabilising, Normal), effective length factors k and kw, LTB stiffeners at the top and bottom flange,…; • Shear buckling stiffeners; • Diaphragms.

Steel designer

The “fire resistance check NEN 6072” is a Scia Engineer module for the complete design and check of steel structures under fire conditions. The program is completely integrated into Scia Engineer modules for stability checks of steel structures. With this module the structural engineer has an interactive graphical tool at his disposal for automatic stress and stability checks (buckling, lateral torsional buckling) according to the regulations given in NEN 6072. The checks are performed in the resistance domain or in the temperature/ time domain.

A part at the beginning and at the end of the beam can be excluded from the check, enabling the user to take into account the influence of haunches or external stiffeners.

Checks For each member, the classification of the crosssection, the section check and the stability check are performed. The following checks are executed: NEN 6770/6771: • Classification of cross-section: art. 4.2.2; • Resistance for tension members: art. ;

Highlights ► Full integration into the main graphical user


► Integrated library of insulations.

► Applicable in combination with both first and

second order calculations.

► Clear and comprehensive report.



Fire resistance NEN 6072

• Resistance for compression members (class 1,2 or 3): art.; • Resistance for beams (class 1,2): art.; • Resistance for beams (class 3): art.; • Resistance for members (class 1,2,3) subject to bending and compression: art.; • Critical temperature: art. 4.2.4.

Steel designer

Supported cross-sections The following cross-sections are checked: • Symmetric and asymmetric I section; • Rectangular hollow section; • Circular hollow section; • Angle section; • U section; • T section; • Rectangular section; • Circular section; • All composed sections implemented in Scia Engineer; • Haunches; • I section of variable height; • Cold formed sections made from one plate; • Numerical sections.

80 esasd.05.03

Fire resistance SIA 263

With this module the structural engineer has an interactive, graphical tool at his disposal for the automatic stress and stability checks (buckling, lateral torsional buckling) according to the regulations given in “SIA 263:2003’. The checks are performed in the resistance domain or in the temperature/time domain.

Working with fire resistance SIA 263 The design and check of the steel profiles for fire resistance is done in the graphical environment of Scia Engineer, similar to the regular steel code check procedures. Graphical functions such as Pan, Zoom in/out, Zoom Window, etc. and a free viewpoint make the work easy, even on complex structures. The unity checks are represented graphically on the 3D view of the structure. Colours give a clear overview of overdimensioned and unsatisfactory parts of the construction. Numerical output to the printer or to the document is controlled by the user: • Automatic search for extremes: critical loadcase/combination, critical beam…; Included in P E

Required modules: esasd.01.08.

Seamless integration with structural analysis The results of the calculation (first order or 2nd order calculation) are taken directly from the Scia Engineer modules for structural analysis. Cross-sections are changed directly on the calculation model. The results are available in the document for the project.

Input facilities All important factors and coefficients for fire resistance are proposed by the program and are editable by the user: • Basic settings for fire resistance: • Selection of temperature curve (ISO 834, external fire, hydrocarbon curve, smoldering fire); • Factors for defining the net heat flux; • Analysis type: the fire design can be performed in the resistance domain or in the temperature/time domain; • Safety factor for fire resistance; • Fire resistance data: the fire resistance properties per member are defined. The time resistance (e.g. RF 90) and the insulation properties (material and encasement) are selected;

• The insulation materials are chosen from the insulation library. The default insulation library contains the most common insulation materials (board protection, spray protection, intumescent coatings); • Besides the fire resistance data, the following standard settings for steel code checking remain available: • Basic data of SIA 263 (safety factors, required checks,…); • Buckling data: buckling lengths, sway system (with or without bracing),…; • Lateral Torsional Buckling data: LTB length, position of load (Stabilising, Destabilising, Normal), effective length factors k and kw, LTB stiffeners on top and bottom flange,…; • Shear buckling stiffeners; • Diaphragms.

Steel designer

The fire resistance SIA 263 is a Scia Engineer module for the complete check and design of steel constructions under fire conditions. The program is completely integrated with the Scia Engineer modules for structural analysis.

• Output for overdimensioned, optimal and unsatisfying beams; • Free choice of output format: • Brief: only unity checks of stress and stability checks; • Normal: ½ page with main data of a beam; • Detailed: 2 pages per beam (with output for the corresponding formulas).

Checks For each member, the classification of the cross section, the section check and the stability check are performed. The section and stability checks (buckling, lateral torsional buckling) are executed according to the regulations given in ‘SIA 263:2003 Construction en acier’, Chapter 4.8.5.

Highlights ► Full integration into the main graphical user


► Integrated library of insulations.

► Applicable in combination with both first and

second order calculations.

► Clear and comprehensive report.



Steel designer

Fire resistance SIA 263

The following checks are executed: • Classification of cross section: art.; • Resistance for tension members: art.; • Resistance for compression members (class 1, 2 or 3): art.; • Resistance for beams (class 1, 2, 3): art., art., art.; • Resistance for members (class 4): art.

Supported cross-sections


The following cross-sections are checked: • Symmetric and asymmetric I section; • Rectangular hollow section; • Circular hollow section; • Angle section; • U section; • T section; • Rectangular section; • Circular section; • All composed sections implemented in Scia Engineer; • Haunches; • I section with variable height; • Cold formed sections made from one plate; • Numerical sections, entered by the statical properties; • Integrated beams (built-in beams): IFB, SFB, THQ.


Scaffolding checks

Modelling Scia Scaffolding offers different approaches for modelling of different types of scaffold. The user chooses what best meets their current needs. Scaffolding types Steel as well as aluminium materials are available for input and analysis. Tube & Coupler scaffold consists of tubes connected by couplers. Their main advantage is their versatility. Scia Scaffolding models this using the coupler types given in Annex C to EN 12811-1. Modular systems are defined as systems in which the transoms and standards are separate components. The standards provide facilities at predefined (modular) intervals for the connection of the other scaffold components. One of the main advantages is a short erection time. Frame systems are a special type of modular systems in which standards and transoms are already welded together as fixed frames. Modelling methods Direct Scaffold Modelling All standard modelling and manipulation (copy, move, mirror, etc.) functions and all available Required module: esas.00.

tools (UCS, activity, layers, etc.) of the generic Scia Engineer environment are used for setting up an analysis and structural (or CAD) model of the scaffold.

Steel designer

The innovative technologies like Parametric Modelling, Template Analysis and TrueAnalysis, together with advanced analysis options covering different types of non-linearity enable the engineer to perform real Computer-AidedEngineering in the field of scaffolding design.

In the case a 2D or 3D CAD model of the scaffold is available, this is directly imported as an analysis model. Even an architectural model is imported, which allows the user to model the scaffold next to the existing building. In addition, any pre-prepared User Blocks, i.e. standardised or parametric blocks of geometry defined by the user (e.g. commonly used frame systems), are read into the model of the analysed scaffold. Scaffolding Templates Engineers who deal with the design of scaffolds regularly will definitely welcome the possibility to prepare tailor-made templates for all types of scaffolds they have to handle. The advantage of using templates is that all common data

Highlights ► Full integration in the main graphical user


► Integrates complete modelling, analysis and


► Detailed modelling of all scaffolding parts.

► Semi-automatic determination of buckling


► Specific checks according to EN 12810 and

EN 12811.

83 esasd.13.01

Scaffolding checks

Scaffolding components Scia Scaffolding allows for an accurate modelling of different scaffolding components including their appropriate specifics.

Steel designer

Diagonals are typically attached with an eccentricity due to the geometry of the attachment between the standards and the diagonals. In addition to the eccentricity, a special behaviour of diagonals in modular systems is that they mostly have a small gap along their length, caused by a slight margin between the pen and hole. If specific test results for the diagonals of modular systems are available, the stiffness derived from the tests is accounted for using a translation spring.

(e.g. materials, cross-sections, stiffnesses, combinations, basic geometry, etc.) will be defined just once - on creation of the template, which allows for a very fast input.

Analysis The analysis of the scaffold includes proper definition of loads and combinations, calculation and design in compliance with the scaffoldingrelated code. Loading According to EN 12811-1 a scaffold should be designed for two specific conditions: In Service: characterized by a high working load and only a minor wind loading. Out of Service: characterized by an extreme wind loading and a small percentage of the working load.


Two Scia Engineer unique features are used here with great advantage: Template Analysis and Load Generators. Templates save a lot of effort as they may have predefined all required load cases and combinations. Load Generators enable the user to define the loading plane and the program automatically distributes the loading on all members within that plane. This is for example used for generation of wind loading on the scaffold.


Calculation The analysis includes standard linear elastic analysis, as well as advanced second order analysis which includes both global (P-D) and local (P-d) effects. Scia Engineer uses a stability analysis to determine the buckling shapes of the scaffold, which in turn are used as imperfections for the full second order analysis. Other calculation features are used for handling of various specifics of scaffold structures: nonlinear functions for coupler stiffness, friction supports for base jacks, pressure-only supports for abutments, gap elements for margins between the pen and hole, etc. Design: limit states In the ultimate limit state, the scaffold members are checked according to the capacity check defined in EN 12811-1. Scia Scaffolding also performs a coupler check as defined in EN 12811-1. In addition to the specific scaffolding checks, full design and check of the structure according to EN 1993-1-1 is also available for those scaffolds which do not meet the EN 12811 prerequisites. Moreover, users can evaluate deformations of the scaffold and even perform a check on the relative deformations. This is particularly important for ledgers that support floor boards.

Scia Scaffolding integrates an extensive library of couplers which contains the different types given in Annex C to EN 12811-1 including their stiffness.The user can also add their own couplers in this open library. Scaffolding structures typically have two types of floor systems: metal boards or wooden planks. The metal floor boards are accounted for in the stiffness of the analysis model. If wooden planks are used, however, the stiffness of the planks cannot be accounted for since the planks are put loose on the transoms. In this case, the planks are modelled as an extra load. Base jacks at the bottom of the scaffold feature specific behaviour. In most cases, the base jacks are not fixed to the ground. Moreover, the horizontal resistance is purely dependent on friction. This is modelled using friction supports. Also the connection between the ties and the façade as specified in EN 12810-2 is effectively modelled.

Drawings A separate module [see esadt.01 - Steel overview drawings] is an extra and very effective tool for the automatic generation of 2D and 3D overview drawings of the structure. The generated images can be edited, combined with other drawings and inserted in a paper space gallery. All drawings remain connected to the original model, which means that they are automatically regenerated after any modification of the model.

Code checks: esasd.13.01 Input of initial deformation of structures for scaffolding users, together with member check (DIN 4420 part 1) and connection or scaffold coupler checks for scaffolding structures according to EN 12811-1.

Scaffolding checks

Extensions to EN Steel Code Check according to the Scaffolding code EN 12811-1

In typical scaffolding projects, columns in a frame are considered continuous; however in this case, the connection between the columns is typically a flexible hinge. This means the system length should go on beyond the flexible spring. However, in former Scia Engineer versions the system length is automatically stopped at the node if a hinge, either free or flexible, is found. In Scia Engineer the determination of system lengths (and buckling lengths) beyond a node with a flexible hinge is different from the standard solution where the system and buckling lengths are determined by the flexible hinge and will be cut at the level with the hinged node. When the scaffolding functionality is selected this determination ignores the node with the flexible hinge and the system length will automatically go beyond this node and will therefore not consider it as a divider for the buckling lengths.

Steel designer

The Eurocode steel code check has been extended for the design of scaffolding projects. Additions have been made for: • Checking tube members (art.; interaction equation and DIN 4420 part 1); • Checking base jacks according to Eurocode (Checking the ultimate moment (Mu) depending on the axial force in the selected standard); • Checking non-linear hinges in connecting nodes between standards with horizontals, standards with diagonals and beams with beams. The non-linear hinges are selected from a (pre-defined) user library list in Scia Engineer; • Checking resistance values against the design forces (Annex C of EN12811-1) and the combination of actions (art.; equation 10 and 11) for couplers from a user library. This library provides the following userselectable items: • Right-angle coupler; • Sleeve coupler; • Swivel coupler; • Parallel coupler.

Determination of system and buckling lengths for columns beyond a node with a flexible hinge

Scaffolding model designed in Scia Engineer and exported into CAD application.

85 esasd.13.01

Steel designer

Cellular beams

The purpose of this software tool is to facilitate the design of cellular beams according to the principles of theEurocodes. Thanks to the integrated 3D graphical interface, its use requires little extra familiarisation time. However, due to the complexity of the design methods, it is essential that the user has the required knowledge in the field of steel constructions. The design of the cellular beam is done by using the ArcelorMittal ACB solver. The application range is limited to simply supported beams within any 3D steel building. The beams are fabricated from I-shape hot-rolled profiles with circular openings. The upper chord and the lower chord may be from different base profiles and of different steel grades. Scia Engineer is provided with a library of fabricated cross-sections delivered by ArcelorMittal. The internal forces from any cellular beam are generated by the Scia Engineer solver in predefined sections of the beam. They are generated on different posts along the web openings. These internal forces are used for the check of the Arcelor beam by the ArcelorMittal solver according to EC3 - Annex N: ENV 1993-1-1: 1992/A2.

Main Features The program performs resistance checks at the Ultimate Limit States (cross-section resistance,

Highlights ► Integrated in Scia Engineer for a complete


building analysis. ► Cooperation with ArcelorMittal design institute. ► Fast overview of (non) satisfying members. ► Choice of Scia Engineer steel section library: Arcelor catalogue available.


plate or local buckling, lateral torsional buckling) according to the principles of Eurocodes 3 (Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Annex N: Openings in webs. ENV 1993-1-1: 1992/A2.) The program calculates the maximum deflection for any combination defined by the user at the Serviceability Limit State. The user has to check himself whether the calculated deflection meets the appropriate criteria for the project and, if necessary, whether pre-cambering is needed. Before commencing the detailed calculations, the program first performs preliminary checks, ignoring completely the presence of web openings. Should any design criterion be exceeded, a warning is displayed: it is assumed that the configuration to be solved is out of the program scope. As a consequence, the user should modify the dimensions of the beam.

Definition of the openings The following dimensions are relevant: • Opening diameter; • Distance between openings from centre to centre (or intermediate posts width); • Left (and / or right) end post width. Those dimensions have to be consistent with geometric requirements resulting from the cutting process of the base sections and are thus dependent on the base sections dimensions: • Depth; • Flange thickness; • Web-flange transition radius. In order to make the input easier and error free, the program provides a library of fabricated cross-sections delivered by ArcelorMittal. The number of openings, as well as the final depth of the cellular beam (once welded), are derived from the beam but can also be modified by the user.

Ultimate Limit State For each ULS combination, the program will check in succession the resistance at each web opening location, then the resistance at each post location, and finally, the lateral torsional buckling resistance. The following ultimate limit states are considered: • Cross-section resistance at post locations (taking account of the class of the section); • Shear buckling (transverse shear force); • Weld resistance to longitudinal shear; • Flexural buckling of posts; • Cross-section resistance at opening locations; • Lateral torsional buckling.

Required module: esas.00

Cold formed steel design according to EC-EN1993-1-3

Steel designer

Cold formed steel members are made from structural quality sheet steel and are formed to the final shape either through press-braking blanks sheared from sheets or coils, or more commonly, by roll forming the steel through a series of dies. No heat is required to form the shapes (unlike for hot-rolled steel), which gives them the name “cold-formed steel”. Cold formed steel members and other products are thinner, lighter, easier to produce, and typically cheaper than their hot-rolled counterparts. A variety of steel thickness is available to suit a wide range of structural and non-structural applications. The steel design module according to EC-EN1993-1-3:2006 for the design of coldformed steel members is integrated within the existing design of steel members according to Eurocode and is an extension to the standard steel code check (esasd.01.01). This module covers the following: • Determination of the initial shape; • Calculation of the effective section properties including local and distortional buckling; • ULS design checks; • Special considerations for purlins restrained by sheeting.

Supported cross-section types The following cross-section types are supported for the generation of initial shape and effective cross-section: • Standard profile library cross-sections; • Cold formed pair cross-sections; • General thin walled sections; • General sections with thin walled representation; • Thin walled geometric sections; • All other sections which support the centreline and do not have rounding. Using the general cross-sections editor, it is possible to draw user-defined cross-sections with Included in P E

Required module: esas.00

the integrated drawing tools or to import crosssections from dxf- or dwg-files. The average yield strength is supported as implemented in EN 1993-1-3. This option is editable in the case the fabrication type is set to cold formed. The choice between ‘Roll forming’ and ‘Other method’ will adapt the k factor as described in EN. In the design, the steel core thickness (excluding coating) is used instead of the total thickness of the cross-section. The metallic coating thickness is input by the user and the ‘core thickness’ is then calculated and displayed.

Determination of the Initial Shape When a cold formed section is selected from the standard library or when it has been imported via the general cross-section utility, the initial shape of the cross-section is automatically calculated and divided to several parts and visualized. Supported element types (I (internal

Highlights ► Fully integrated cold formed checks in the

standard Scia Engineer EN 1993 steel design environment, including mixed material structures. ► Detailed analysis of the effective shape, including distortional buckling for edge stiffeners, double edge folds and internal stiffeners. ► Advanced checks available as web crippling and shear in case of sections with stiffened webs. ► Special purlin design checks including free flange geometry, advanced loading determination…. ► Available for arbitrary cold formed sections, including the average yield strength and steel core thickness. ► Implementation of the latest EN 1993-13:2006 (including the 2009 correction sheet).



Steel designer

Cold formed steel design according to EC-EN1993-1-3

element), F (fixed element - no reduction is needed), SO (symmetrical outstand element), UO (unsymmetrical outstand element) and reinforcement types (RUO)) are automatically associated during this process. These elements are taken between the roundings and in case there is no rounding, the part is taken between the crossing points of the centre lines. The generated initial shape can be viewed and modified by the user. The initial shapes can be checked manually, before being applied to the model, for compression and bending according to both local axes.

Effective shape For the initial shapes within Scia Engineer, the elements are determined between the roundings. For the calculation of the effective width, however, the notional width is used. This is specified in EN 1993-1-3 art 5.1 and figure 5.1 pp 19. The effective width based on the notional width is recalculated again to determine the effective width of the element in Scia Engineer. For the definition of the compression and bending stresses the code does not require use of iterations, stiffener iteration and overall cross-section iteration, but these can be selected optionally in the steel setup of Scia Engineer.


The effective width of Internal Compression Elements and Outstand Compression Elements is calculated according to EN 1993-1-5 art.4.4. The procedure for determining the effective width/ thickness of plane elements with edge stiffeners is given in EN 1993-1-3 art. and art. The procedure for determining the effective width/ thickness of elements with intermediate stiffeners


is given in EN 1993-1-3 art. and art. The obtained effective sections can be displayed graphically.

Section and stability checks The general Scia Engineer steel code check can be run, including AutoDesign and Single Check. Additional information can be defined on the steel member to specify the boundary conditions: • Member buckling data; • LTB restraints; • Stiffeners; • Diaphragms. Diaphragms are used in the same way as currently implemented in Scia Engineer. Bow imperfection for LTBII and the national annex parameters are supported as well.

Section Checks In contrast to EN1993-1-1, there is no classification for cold formed sections according to EN1993-1-3. Since the checks depend on effective properties calculated in the cross-section manager, the cold formed EC-EN checks are not valid for haunches and arbitrary members or for members which do not have the initial shape. In such cases the default EN 1993-1-1 code check will be executed. The following section checks are executed: Axial Tension, Axial Compression, Bending Moment, Shear Force, Torsional Moment, Local Transverse Forces, Combined Tension and Bending, Combined Compression and Bending, Combined Shear, Axial Force and Bending Moment, Combined Bending and Local Transverse Force.

Stability Checks The following stability checks are performed: Flexural Buckling, Torsional and Torsional-Flexural Buckling, Lateral-Torsional Buckling (LTB is done completely according to EN 1993-1-1. For the calculation of the elastic critical force, the cubic equation algorithm is used), Bending and Axial Compression, Bending and Axial Tension, Combined Bending and Tension check. For the calculation of bending and axial compression, EN 1993-1-3 allows two possibilities, so the user can choose: • EN 1993-1-1 interaction according to article 6.3.3 (the cold–formed sections will be seen as class 3 or 4.); • Alternative method according to EN 1993-1-3 article 6.2.5(2).

Purlin design For the cross-sections that meet all requirements of Chapter 10, the reduced default checks are executed. This means that not all default checks will be executed and that the special purlin checks according to Chapter 10 will be performed (Diaphragm on the compression side, Diaphragm on the tension side, Definition of the free flange geometry, Determination of the equivalent lateral load, Determination of the lateral bending moment, Determination of the distance between anti-sag bars, Determination of the lateral spring stiffness, Buckling resistance of the free Flange).

Cold formed steel design according to AISI NAS 2007

Steel designer

Cold formed steel members are made from structural quality sheet steel that are formed into shape either through press-braking blanks sheared from sheets or coils, or more commonly, by roll forming the steel through a series of dies. No heat is required to form the shapes (unlike hot-rolled steel), and thus the name cold-formed steel. Cold formed steel members and other products are thinner, lighter, easier to produce, and typically cost less than their hot-rolled counterparts because of the weight reduction. A variety of steel thickness is available to meet a wide range of structural and non-structural applications. Cold formed steel possesses a significant market share because of its advantages over other construction materials and the industrywide support provided by various organizations that promote cold-formed steel research and products. The steel design module according to AISI NAS 2007 for the design of cold-formed steel members is integrated within the existing design of steel members according to AISC (IBC2006) and is an extension to the standard steel code check (esasd.01.05). This module covers the following: • Determination of the initial shape; • ULS Design Checks including distortional buckling and web crippling; • Special considerations for purlins restrained by sheeting

Supported cross-section types The following cross-section types are supported for generation of the initial shape and effective cross-section: • Standard profile library cross-sections; • Cold formed pair cross-sections; • General thin walled sections; • General sections with thin walled representation; Included in P E

Required module: esas.00

• Thin walled geometric sections; • All other sections which support the centreline and do not have rounding Using the general cross-sections editor, it is possible to draw user-defined cross-sections with the integrated drawing tools or to import crosssections from dxf- or dwg-files.

Determination of the Initial Shape When a cold formed section is selected from the standard library, or when it has been imported via the general cross-section utility using the thin-walled representation, the initial shape of the cross-section is automatically calculated and divided to several parts and visualized. Supported and automatically associated element types are: • I (internal element); • F (fixed element - no reduction is needed); • SO (outstand element (symmetrical)); • UO (outstand element (unsymmetrical));

Highlights ► Fully integrated cold formed checks in the

standard Scia Engineer EN 1993 steel design environment, including mixed material structures. ► Detailed analysis of the effective shape, including distortional buckling for edge stiffeners, double edge folds and internal stiffeners. ► Advanced checks available as web crippling and shear in case of sections with stiffened webs. ► Special purlin design checks including free flange geometry, advanced loading determination…. ► Available for arbitrary cold formed sections, including the average yield strength and steel core thickness. ► Implementation of the latest EN 1993-13:2006 (including the 2009 correction sheet)



Cold formed steel design according to AISI NAS 2007

Steel designer

• RUO (Reinforced Unsymmetrical Outstand Reinforcement types) The generated initial shape can be viewed and modified by the user. This generated, or adapted initial shapes, can also be checked manually for compression and bending according to both local axes before being applied to the model.

Effective shape Calculation of the effective widths always starts with the determination of the stress in the compression element. The obtained effective sections can be displayed graphically.

Section and stability checks Section Checks The following section checks are executed: axial tension, axial compression, bending moment, shear force, torsional moment, local transverse forces, combined tension and bending, combined compression and bending, combined shear, axial force and bending moment, combined bending and local transverse force. Stability Checks The following stability checks are executed: flexural buckling, torsional and torsional-flexural buckling, lateral-torsional buckling, bending and axial compression, bending and axial tension, combined bending and tension check. For determining the torsional-flexural buckling resistance, the general cubic equation is applied. Additional steel member information


In general, the additional information on the steel member to define the boundary conditions of the selected members are available in accordance with the basic steel code checks: • Member buckling data;


• (double) LTB restraints; • Stiffeners; • Diaphragms Also Second Order analysis according to Appendix 2 is supported. Diaphragms and one flange sheeting fastening Diaphragms are used the same way as currently implemented in Scia Engineer. The available lateral strength is checked and the torsional stiffness of a member can be augmented. Scia Engineer also supports flexural and compression members with one flange fastened to sheeting as specified in AISI NAS 2007 when the conditions are applicable. Web crippling data Web crippling concerns the local failure of the web due to a high local intensity of the loading. This typically occurs at locations of point loads on a purlin or at connections between the purlin and rafter (since the rafter is in fact a support for the purlin and this support-”reaction” can again be seen as a local point load on the purlin). The web

crippling check is executed only for shear force Vy in the positions where there is a skip-change in the shear force diagram but it can be disabled by the user.

Lapped purlin design C-sections and Z-sections can be so-called ‘lapped’ which implies that they are shoved one in the other, which means that separate purlins are combined into one long continuous purlin. This lapped length zone can be introduced by the user symmetrically or asymmetrically. When the check is executed in a section located in the lapped zone, the check is executed using the combined strength of both sections. The overlap can optionally be fully braced at the bottom flange. The lapped length can be optimised by the application based on a user defined dimension list.



Steel designer

Connections rigid frame

The Scia Engineer frame connections module is a powerful program for designing rigid and semirigid steel frame connections. Years of experience and customer-led developments combined with use of the graphical Windows environment resulted in the frame connections module. The structural engineer can use this interactive graphical tool to design bolted and welded connections according to Eurocode 3 regulations.

Working with frame connections The Scia Engineer graphical environment hosts the structural model for designing connections. The user can mouse-click on the nodes to be checked, and enter connection details for such elements as haunches, stiffeners, angles and bolts into a clear dialogue window. An open bolt library facilitates bolt and anchor choice, with all elements visible on the screen. The user-editable program offers all significant factors and coefficients for checking, including: • Safety factors; • Geometrical defaults; • Bolt positions limits, bolt intermediary distance limits, minimum weld sizes; • Slip and moment factors for preloaded bolts;

• Force transference from node point to connection point; • Triangular stiffener shapes; • Column base concrete and anchor data. Following the calculation process the program displays the allowable and actual connection forces within the critical load case/combination, as also the limiting part of the connection. The module also shows the rotational stiffness of any selected connection. The stiffness diagram enables the user to classify the connection as hinged, rigid or semi-rigid. The program compares the stiffness of the connection with the stiffness used in the calculation model, and warns the user if this difference is outside allowable limits. The calculation process automatically takes the stiffness of the connection into account, as linear or non-linear spring. This automated closed-loop system enables the engineer to use simpler and cheaper semi-rigid connections in the field. The program sends the detailed calculation note to printer or document. The “detailed connection drawing” (esadt.02) wizard module automatically generates detailed dimensioned drawings for all parts of the connection.

Highlights ► Full integration into the main graphical user


► Simple design, fast assessment, detailed


output, clear drawings within several clicks.


Included in P E

Required modules: esas.00 or esas.01.

Connections rigid frame

Rigid connection calculations; • Beam-to-column connections: bolted with endplate or welded connection (knee, cross, single T, double T);

• Beam-to-beam connections: endplate type beam splice (plate-to-plate connection);

and RHS beam sections, both for major-axis bending configurations; the column element can be an I section (including variable height) in major-axis configuration, or an I-section in minoraxis bending configuration. The calculation process takes account of the following types of stiffeners: • Profile or plate haunches; • Web doublers; • Backing plates; • Triangular and rectangular stiffeners.

; • Column base: bolted base plate connection.

In column base calculations the process takes account of the following types of stiffeners: • Profile or plate haunches; • Triangular and rectangular stiffeners; • Shear iron; • Flange wideners. The process supports straight, hooked, curved and circular plate anchors, and anchors made of plain or high-bond bars.

Checks to Eurocode 3

The program supports “beam-to-beam” and “column base” symmetric and asymmetric I sections (including variable height) and RHS sections, both for major-axis bending configuration. It supports “beam-to-column” symmetric and asymmetric I sections (including variable height)

The calculation is checked according to: Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings EN 1993-1-1 2005 Annex J EN 1993-1-8 2005 CIDECT regulations apply for RHS section column bases, and plate-to-plate connections with RHS sections - authors J.A. Packer, J. Wardenier, Y. Kurobane, D. Dutta, and N. Yeomans.

Design Guide for rectangular hollow sections (RHS) joints under predominantly static loading CIDECT Köln, 1992, Verlag TUV Rheinland

Steel designer


The algorithms and methods described in these references calculate connection limit states. The formulae in the respective national codes (EC3, DIN 18800 T1 or BS 5950-1:2000) calculate the capacities of the underlying steel parts, using EC3 capacities in default. EC definitions regulate the design of any concrete parts. The process checks rigid connection bending moment (major axis bending), shear force and normal force failure levels and the following critical conditions: • Column web panel in shear, column web in compression, beam flange and web in compression, haunch in compression, column flange in bending, column web in tension, endplate in bending, beam web in tension, bolts/anchors in tension, bolts/anchors in shear, bolts/anchors in bearing, and concrete in compression.

Seamless integration with structural analysis Researchers can directly take the results from the Scia Engineer modules for structural analysis, or from third party programs using an ASCII file. The results of the connection design and part drawings are available in the project document.



Steel designer

Connections frame pinned

Scia Engineer Connections frame is a powerful program for designing rigid and semi-rigid steel frame connections. Years of experience and customer-led developments combined with the graphical Windows environment resulted in the Connections frame module. The structural engineer can use this interactive, graphical tool to design bolted and welded connections according to Eurocode 3 regulations.

Working with frame connections The Scia Engineer graphical environment hosts the structural model for designing connections. The user can mouse-click on the nodes to be checked, and enter connection details for such elements as haunches, stiffeners, angles and bolts into a clear dialogue window. An open library facilitates bolt and anchor choice, with all elements visible on the screen. The user-editable program offers all significant factors and coefficients for checking, including: • Safety factors; • Geometrical defaults; • Bolt positions limits, bolt intermediary distance limits, minimum weld sizes; • Slip and moment factors of preloaded bolts;

• Force transference from node point to connection point. Following the calculation process the program displays the allowable and actual connection forces within the critical load case/combination, as also the limiting part of the connection. The program sends the detailed calculation note to printer or document. The “detailed connection drawing” (esadt.02) wizard module automatically generates detailed dimensioned drawings for all parts of the connection.

Pinned connections Frame pinned connections are connections which do not transfer any moment, since the connection design ensures a gap between the beam flange and the column flange. The program supports beam-to-column connections such as knee, cross, single T and double T. It also supports the following: • Plate welded to beam web and welded to column flange; • Plate bolted to beam web and welded to column flange; • Angle section bolted to beam web and bolted to column flange; • Short endplate welded to beam web and bolted to column flange.

Highlights ► Full integration into the main graphical user


interface. ► Simple design, fast assessment, detailed output, clear drawings within several clicks.


It also supports symmetric I-section beam elements for major axis bending configurations; the column element can be a symmetric I-section in major or minor axis configurations. Included in P E

Required modules: esas.00 or esas.01.

Connections frame pinned

Checks to Eurocode 3 The calculation is checked according to: Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings EN 1993-1-1: 2005 The referenced algorithms and methods calculate the limit states of the connection. The formulae in the respective national codes (EC3, DIN 18800 T1 or BS 5950-1:2000) calculate the capacities of the underlying steel parts, using EC3 capacities in default, for other codes such as NEN, CM, ÖNORM and CSN. The program checks the following pinned connection critical conditions: • Beam web in shear; • Beam web in tension;

• • • • • • • •

Column flange in shear; Column flange in tension; Column web in tension; Plate, angle section, endplate in shear; Plate, angle section, endplate in tension; Bolts in tension; Bolts in shear; Bolts in bearing.

Seamless integration with structural analysis Researchers can directly take the results from the Scia Engineer modules for structural analysis, or from third party programs using an ASCII file. The results of the connection design and part drawings are available in the project document.

Steel designer

95 esasd.03

Steel designer

Bolted diagonals

The Scia Engineer Bolted diagonals module facilitates the design of bolted bracing and other diagonal elements, following Eurocode 3 requirements. In most cases, the bracing element will be bolted to a gusset plate, so the program will check bracing element and bolts as well as the gusset plate. The automatic optimisation feature will determine the number of bolts required, as well any needed direct bracing element-to-column connections in such structures as tower masts and racks.

Working with bolted diagonals The Scia Engineer graphical environment facilitates connection design. The user mouseclicks the nodes he or she wants to check. The program stores connection and node properties, and recalculates values after changes to the structure. Users can easily copy connections to other nodes of the structure. Input required for a gusset plate connection: • Gusset plate thickness; • Weld size; • Bolt type; • Number of boltrows (one or two); • Number of bolts (program determines number of bolts per boltrow);

Highlights ► Full integration into the main graphical user


► Simple design, fast assessment, detailed


output, clear drawings within several clicks.


• Plate and diagonal bolt pitch and end distances. The user needs to enter only the plate bolt positions and minimum width: the program does not draw up the geometry but it does calculate the required length of the weld between gusset plate and structure. An open library provides a choice of bolts, and the screen displays all elements. It can also display Eurocode 3 bolt position options. The program provides all significant design factors and coefficients in user-editable form. These include:

• Basic EC3 data including safety factor values; • Bolt position and intermediary distance limits, minimum weld sizes; • Slip factor and preloaded bolt moment factors; • Default spacing and end distance values. The program gives connection allowable and actual forces for any critical load case combination. The user can select outputs in three forms: brief, normal and detailed, choosing the contents for each level, with calculation notes being sent to printer or added to project document. The program automatically changes output figures Included in P E

Required modules: esas.00 or esas.01.

Bolted diagonals

following any user-generated changes to the structure. The “detailed connection drawing” (esadt.02) module automatically generates detailed drawings.

Connection types Two connection types: • Bolted connection between gusset plate and diagonal element (angle, channel, I-section); • Bolted connection between column (angle, cold formed) and diagonal (angle, channel, RHS, cold formed).


Steel designer

Connections checked according to: Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings EN 1993-1-1: 2005 Checks: • Bolt shear resistance; • Bolt bearing resistance; • Bolt slip resistance; • Gros section of the diagonal and the gusset plate; • Net section of the diagonal and the gusset plate.

Seamless integration with structural analysis The Scia Engineer structural analysis modules directly provide calculation results, sending the results of the connection design and part drawings of the connection elements to the project document.

97 esasd.06

Steel designer

Connections expert system

Designing economic steel frame connections has never been simple. There are a great number of parameters to choose from -including bolt grades, bolt positions, and types of haunch, stiffener and backing plates - and there are no generally accepted design rules. The expert system implemented in Scia Engineer enables each engineer to use all available knowledge to come to an optimal solution. The program gives useful proposals selected from the standard connection tables such as DSTV and Stahlbau Kalender 1999. Experienced designers will appreciate the facility of storing their own connection data and of automating their working processes.

Working with the expert system The Scia Engineer expert system applies to all steel frame connections including bolted, welded and pinned types. When the user selects a node, the expert system searches the template library for matching connections, and the program offers up a list of matching connections and their integrity checks (actual internal force divided by allowable internal force). The program considers several criteria to select matching connections, including joint type, geometry, cross section and steel qualities.

Highlights ► Full integration into the main graphical user


interface. ► Library with both pre-installed and userdefined connections, including calculated load bearing capacity.


The list displays the name of the connection, the integrity check, the bolt grade, and the connection source. The screen shows a drawing of the connection concerned. For welded and bolted beam-column and beambeam connections, the system bases the integrity check on moment capacity. For bolted base plate connections, the system bases the integrity check on moment capacity and normal force capacity. For pinned connections, the system bases the integrity check on shear force capacity. The system can define a priority (1 to 5) for each connection in the template library. This priority arrangement represents user preferences: some companies will prefer connections using the same bolt diameter, other companies will prefer a minimum number of bolts. The user can also influence the search process in other ways to obtain only the desired connections. Combinations can include: • Neglect connections with low priority; • Limit integrity checks - for example, between 0.75 and 1; • Exclude certain bolt types - for example, 10.9 bolts; • Place limit on sources to be used (see further); • Defining tolerances for geometry checks, profile characteristics, and steel qualities. After the user has selected a template, the connections program processes connection calculations. When tolerances limits for the search process are large (such as the tolerance for the angle between column and beam), there can can be a difference between the template library bearing capacity figure and the actual bearing capacity.

The template library The user has access to a large number of predefined templates and user-defined templates in the template library, which also stores geometrical data together with bearing and stiffness property figures. The ultimate limit state of the joint dictates capacity and stiffness values.

Predefined templates The following tables form the source of the predefined templates: • Bemessungshilfen für profilorientiertes Konstruieren Auflage 1997 Stahlbau-Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Köln Stahlbau Kalender 1999; • Bemessungshilfen für nachgiebige Stahlknoten mit Stirnplattenanschlüssen Ernst and Sohn, DSTV, 1999, Berlin. These DSTV tables contain practical solutions. Scia has provided a supplementary set of predefined templates including haunch specifications. The predefined DAST-DSTV templates concern only beam properties, not column properties. When column flange thicknesses are not sufficient, the program adds stiffeners and backing plates to DSTV rules.

User defined templates The designer can add Scia Engineer-calculated connections to the expert system. The library will give access to Scia Engineer-calculated bearing capacity figures. Included in P E

Required modules: esasd.02, esasd.03.

Connections grid pinned

The Scia Engineer connections grid module is a powerful program for designing steel frame connections known as grid pinned connections. Years of experience and customer-led developments combined with the graphical Windows environment resulted in the Connections module. The structural engineer now has an interactive, graphical tool to design of bolted and welded connections according to Eurocode 3 regulations.

Working with connections grid

The user-editable program offers all significant factors and coefficients for checking the following: • Safety factors; • Geometrical defaults; • Bolt positions limits, bolt intermediary distance limits, minimum weld sizes; • Slip and moment factors for preloaded bolts. Following the calculation process the program displays the allowable and actual connection forces within the critical load case/combination, as also the limiting part of the connection. The program sends the detailed calculation to printer or document. The “detailed connection drawing” (esadt.02) wizard module automatically generates detailed dimensioned drawings for all parts.

Pinned connections Grid pinned connections are connections which do not transfer any moment. This is because there is a gap between the supported and supporting beam. The program supports the following connection elements: • Plate welded to supported beam web and welded to supporting beam web; • Plate bolted to supported beam web and welded to supporting beam web; • Cleat section bolted to supported beam web and bolted to supporting beam web; • Short endplate: welded to supported beam web and bolted to supporting beam web. The program also supports symmetric I-sections for major axis bending configurations. Included in P E

Required modules: esas.00, esas.01.

Steel designer

The Scia Engineer graphical environment hosts the structural model for designing connections. The user can mouse-click on the nodes to be checked, and enters connection elements - such as cleats, endplates, stiffeners, bolts and notches - into a clear dialogue window. An open bolt library facilitates bolt and anchor choice, with all elements visible on the screen.

Checks Calculations to: Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings EN 1993-1-1: 2005 The referenced algorithms and methods calculate the limit states of the connection. The respective national codes (EC3, DIN 18800 T1 or BS 59501:2000), depending on the national code setup provide the formulae for calculating the capacities of the underlying steel parts. Other codes - such as NEN, CM, ÖNORM, and CSN - use the default EC3 capacities. For pinned connections the program can check the following critical conditions concerning shear and normal forces: • Supported beam web in shear; • Supported beam web in tension; • Supporting beam web in shear; • Supporting beam web in tension; • Plate, angle section, endplate in shear; • Plate, angle section, endplate in tension; • Bolts in tension; • Bolts in shear; • Bolts in bearing.

Seamless integration with structural analysis Researchers can directly take the results from the Scia Engineer modules for structural analysis, or from third party programs using an ASCII file. The results of the connection design and part drawings are available in the project document.

Highlights ► Full integration into the main graphical user


► Simple design, fast assessment, detailed

output, clear drawings within several clicks.



General arrangement drawings

There are several types of line grid available in the program: • Rectangular; • Oblique; • Polar; • Free lines. The final line grid may even be composed of several partial line grids. The 2D line grid also offers automatic generation of sections based upon the individual grid lines.

Steel detailer

Storeys - general tool for the definition of plan views International studies point out that in 3D modelling about 30 - 40% of the time is spend on creating the model. The remaining time is used for the production of drawings for all parties involved in the building process. By cutting this remaining time representing 60 - 70% of the whole project process by, let us say, half, the performance increases significantly. Scia Engineer is equipped with tools for the fast preparation of general arrangement drawings. Scia Engineer automatically generates plan views, vertical or arbitrary section views through a structure by a certain set of planes. The drawings are then generated from these plan views and sections. The drawings are made according to rules defined by the user, which makes it easy to maintain e.g. a unified company style. The generated drawings can be further processed and e.g. basic dimensions lines or adjustable labels can be automatically added. The generated drawings can be edited in the integrated editor. Other elements such as dimension lines, labels, leads and other graphical entities (solids, surfaces, lines, curves, texts) can be added manually. The final drawing containing

Highlights ► Fast and simple generation of drawings in


user-defined section. ► Automatic generation of detailed connection drawings. ► User-friendly management of generated drawings and pictures. ► Export of drawings to CAD programmes. ► 2D/3D line grids. ► General arrangement drawings for steel and concrete projects. ► Drawing styles - customizable layout of drawings.

esadt.01 / esadt.02

frames, title blocks, etc. is composed of several partial drawings and is stored in the Paperspace Gallery. Integrated regeneration tools update the generated drawings so that they reflect the state of the structure after any changes made to the model while keeping the manually added entities (dimension lines, labels, etc.) untouched.

Shape of the structure Scia Engineer keeps two shapes (models) of each member: analysis model and structural model. The former is necessary for accurate calculations, the latter for quality drawings. This is rather easy thanks to, among others, the member parameters called ‘CAD type’ that defines the member priority in the joint connecting the member to the rest of the structure. Other CAD properties of each member (eccentricities, longitudinal offsets, end-cutting toggle, etc.) enable the user to generate the shape to be displayed in the drawings. The General Arrangement Drawings functionality offers even more. Member offsets can be applied to the drawing only. There is no need to manipulate the analysis model in order to get the drawing right.

2D and 3D Line grids - general tools for the definition of sections The 2D and 3D line grids are not only tools for graphic input of the structure. They also facilitate the orientation of the user in the considerable amount of visual information in the graphical window, as individual lines of the grid have its name (letter or number) which is displayed with the grid.

Similar to the creation of sections by means of line grids, storeys can be used to generate plan views. In combination with the 2D line grid functionality they provide powerful tools for the production of drawings. The storeys are also useful for the modelling of the structure.

Sections A section is a basic entity used for automatic generation of drawings. The section is defined by its geometry and rules that control the generation of the drawing (see section Drawing styles below). The plan view or section is created simply by clicking a number of points in the graphical window. And when using line grids and storeys life becomes even easier. The selection of individual planes, defined by line grids or storeys, directly generates plan views and sections. The applied drawing style then defines the layout of the drawing. Plan views and Sections can be selected in 3D model view and their parameters can be modified in the traditional property dialog. The user can control the way in which they are displayed. Each section has a section plane, front plane and back plane. Elements which are in between the front plane and back plane are drawn in the 2D drawing. The drawing rules define the style in which the parts of the entities located between the front and back plane are displayed.

Drawing styles The heart of the GA drawings lies in the drawing styles and rules. The drawing rules determine how the model is transformed into a 2D representation. They consist of filters (object type, materials…), format properties (line style, pen width, colour) and what-to-represent (centre line, contours, section). Autolabeling and autodimensioning of openings, anchor bolts and purlins can be configured in the drawing styles as well. Included in P E S

Required module: esa.00.

General arrangement drawings

The key part of GA drawings is controlled by four style managers: • Drawing-style Manager; • Label-style Manager; • Dimension-style Manager for dimension lines; • Hatch-style Manager. The Drawing styles are arranged by a standard database manager, which means that they can be easily transferred to other projects and shared by several users.

Drawing manager

Steel detailer

The Drawing manager manages all available sections and plan views. This utility has a dual purpose: • Basic properties (scale, prefix of picture name, hidden lines options, etc.) can be changed. Display variables (e.g. view direction, depth of section, horizontal and section plane offset, etc.) can be set • Drawings can be opened in the 2D editor for customization: extra dimensions can be added, labels can be moved, etc.

Picture gallery - efficient handling of pictures Pictures generated by program wizards or saved from the graphical window are sent to the library of pictures and images which is called Picture Gallery. The user has an immediate preview of all pictures and can edit their properties. Any picture can be modified in the internal graphical editor. The user can add dimension lines, texts or standard graphical shapes, as well as edit line thickness, style and colour. The layer manager makes it possible to set selected parts of the picture as hidden or frozen. 3D clipping and picture border settings are available for adjusting a part of the structure to be displayed. The Gallery editor can also be used as an efficient drawing tool for preparation of 2D pictures or charts.

Paperspace - tool for final general arrangement drawings In the paperspace editor the user can compose the final drawing layout. The paperspace environment can be used to: • Insert pictures from the gallery; • Insert pictures from a saved file stored in internal Scia Engineer format (ep3, ep2, epd); • Insert bitmap image (bmp); • Insert basic graphical entities, (lines, curves, texts); • Insert plane section entities, i.e. section (line grid) or plan views (storey);

• Insert document items: i.e. all tables which are available in the document can also be inserted to the paper. The graphical environment of the paperspace editor allows for the fast preparation of stamps including inserted logos, automatic texts, frames etc. Any drawing can be saved as a template, which produces its automatic loading at the moment of creating a new paper. Together with the use of “automatic texts” (e.g. project name, author, date, time, etc.) this is a very efficient way of producing quality automatic drawings. All pictures inserted to the drawing keep their 3D information, which enables additional changes to their properties (e.g. scale, rendering or hidden line mode, view direction).

Detailed connection drawings A wizard for generation of pictures of steel connections and their parts is also available. The wizard generates pictures for the connections inserted in the completed structure. With the wizard setting it is possible to produce pictures for all or selected connections. If the option “generate pictures for connection parts” is chosen, the wizard makes detailed pictures for individual connection particles, including main dimension lines. All generated pictures are stored in the gallery and can be edited in the internal graphical editor, including display parameters (e.g. size of clipping volume, scale). Finally, they can be inserted in the general arrangement drawings.

esadt.01 / esadt.02


Concrete designer

Calculation of reinforcement in beams and columns according to EC2

EC2 reinforced concrete beams and columns analysis is a Scia Engineer module for the calculation of reinforcement in beams and columns. The program is completely integrated with Scia Engineer modules for structural analysis. With this module the structural engineer has an interactive graphical tool at his/her disposal for the calculation and checking of required reinforcement areas (longitudinal reinforcement and shear reinforcement) according to the regulations given in EC2 EN 1992-1-1.

Working with the module RC beams and columns The design and check of the structure is done in the graphical environment of Scia Engineer. The beams to-be-checked are selected graphically with the mouse pointer. Graphical functions such as Pan, Zoom in/out, Zoom Window, user-defined viewpoint, selection by the intersection line, etc. make the work easy, even in complex structures. The input of concrete cover and reinforcement bars is done in a clear dialogue window. The program decides whether the selected member is a beam or a column according to the membertype property. For beams basic reinforcement can be introduced. The program then calculates, if necessary, the additional reinforcement. In order to calculate columns, also the model column method is implemented. The advantage of this method is that a linear calculation is sufficient for the calculation of reinforcement in columns subjected to bending and axial force and it takes into account second order effects. After the calculation, the required longitudinal reinforcement and shear reinforcement can be

Highlights ► Design of theoretical reinforcement.

► Slenderness, crack control, check of


stirrups distance, response check , capacity check. ► Bill of reinforcement. ► New set of concrete grades according to EN 1992-2. ► Calculation of Concrete characteristics. ► Overall check. ► New intuitive setups.


represented graphically in the 3D view of the structure. Extra options can be chosen for the calculation (calculate compression reinforcement, check of reinforcement percentage, weight of the reinforcement, etc.). It is possible to compose the graphical output of more than one type of data. The following data can be shown in one screen: • Cross section characteristics with or without the reinforcement such as: the area of the cross section, the moment of inertia…; • Moments, shear forces, normal force, recalculated moments, recalculated shear forces; • Longitudinal reinforcement (total reinforcement or basic reinforcement and additional reinforcement), shear reinforcement, reinforcement percentage, weight of reinforcement. The option single check (SnapCheck) can be used to view the stress-strain diagrams of every element based on the calculated internal forces.

It is even possible to input user defined internal forces (without inputting loading). Also the crack-check for selected serviceability limit state combinations based on the required reinforcement areas can be carried out. The results of this check are the crack width, the minimum area of reinforcement for controlled cracking, the maximum diameter, the maximum bar distance and the maximum spacing between stirrups. All items can be inserted into the document and can be adapted to meet the user’s wishes. The document can be active which means that some values can be changed in the document and the model will automatically adjust to this change. Scia Engineer also provides an integration of the design and checks. The user is able to perform more checks in one operation by means of “the overall check”. With this option the user will save a lot of time and clicks and will have a better overview on the Included in C P E

Required modules: esas.00 or esas.01.

Calculation of reinforcement in beams and columns according to EC2

overall calculation. The main benefit is that the user is able to perform more checks for all types of concrete 1D elements in one step.

Seamless integration with structural analysis The results of the calculation (linear or nonlinear calculation) are taken directly from the Scia Engineer modules for structural analysis. The results are available also in the document of the project.

Input facilities All important factors and coefficients of EC2 EN 1992-1-1 are proposed by the program and are editable by the user in an intuitive setup.

Beams and columns are calculated according to “Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings”. Beams The internal forces are derived from the selected load case, combination or class. These internal forces are used for the calculation of the required longitudinal reinforcement according to the calculation methods of EC EN 1992. The minimum and maximum reinforcement percentages are checked according to art. Also the bar distance is checked according to art. 8.2. The calculation of shear reinforcement can be carried out for beams with a constant or a variable depth. Also the percentages for shear reinforcement are checked according to art. 9.2.2. The crack proof calculation is done according to art. 7.3. Columns The internal forces follow from the selected load case, combination or class. Second order effects are not taken into account in a linear calculation. In order to take these effects into account, a non-linear calculation has to be carried out or the model column method has to be applied. Bi-axial bending can appear in 3D structures and is taken into account in the calculation of reinforcement in rectangular columns through the application of the next formula with α = 1.4 (this value can be edited by the user or can be calculated by the program for the most optimal reinforcement): Mbd Mbu



Mbd Mbu



Concrete designer


The minimum and maximum reinforcement percentages are checked according to art. 9.5.2. The diameter of bars and the distance between bars are calculated according to art. 9.5.2, 8.2 and 9.2.3.

Supported cross-sections The following cross-sections can be used in the design: Beams; • • • • • • • •

Rectangular section; Circular section; T section; Rectangular hollow section; I section; U section; Composite section; All composed sections implemented in Scia Engineer; • Haunch; • Section with variable height. Columns; • Rectangular section; • Circular section.

National annexes (esa.00) It is possible to define a specific national Annex for the new Eurocodes. In these national annexes the user can find the values of the parameters defined on a national level in Scia Engineer. The system library collects all national annexes for Eurocode 199X series: combinations (1990), loads (1991), concrete (1992). Clicking on a specific setup button the user goes directly to a specific setup part in which the individual national parameters can be reviewed, changed and stored.

103 esacd.01.01

Design of reinforcement for beams and columns according to DIN 1045-1

user. The document can be active; this means that some values can be edited in the document and the structure model will reflect the changes automatically.

Concrete designer

Seamless integration of the parts of the structural analysis Reinforced concrete beams and columns analysis DIN 1045-1 is the Scia Engineer module for RC beams and columns analysis according to the new German RC code. The module integrates seamlessly with the Scia Engineer modules for structural analysis. This module offers structural engineers an interactive and graphical tool for the calculation of the amount of reinforcement theoretically needed (longitudinal reinforcement and shear reinforcement) according to DIN 1045-1.

Using the module RC beams and columns analysis The design and checks of RC structures are performed in Scia Engineer’s graphical environment. The members to-be-checked are selected graphically using the mouse pointer. Graphical functions (pan, zoom in/out, zoom window, user-defined view point, selection using intersection lines, etc.) make this a simple task even in complex structures. Input of concrete cover and reinforcement bars is done in a well arranged dialog. Depending on the member properties, the program decides if the selected member entity is a beam or a column. For beams, one can define basic reinforcement. The program then calculates the additional reinforcement.

Highlights ► Design of theoretical reinforcement.

► Slenderness, crack control, check of stirrups


distance, response check , capacity check. ► Bill of reinforcement.


For columns design, apart from the precise non-linear calculation, the use of buckling data in column calculation (paragraph 8.6.5) has been implemented. The advantage is that a linear calculation of columns is formally sufficient: Effects of the second order theory are taken into account in applied formulas. After the analysis, the required longitudinal and shear reinforcement can be displayed in the 3D view of the structure. Multiple options can be selected for analysis (determination of pressure reinforcement, check of reinforcement percentage, etc.). It is possible to compose the graphic output of different displays for separate functions. The following information can be displayed in the screen: • Moments, shear forces, normal forces, reduced moments, reduced shear forces; • Longitudinal reinforcement (total reinforcement or basic reinforcement plus additional reinforcement), shear reinforcement, degree of reinforcement, weight of reinforcement. In Scia Engineer, you can use the option Single check to view the stress-strain diagrams of each element with regard to the current internal forces. These input internal forces can be changed by the user, should an alternative check be required or wanted. A crack proof for selected serviceability combinations can be performed, based on the statically required reinforcement. The results of this crack proof are crack width, minimum reinforcement area according to the required crack width, maximum steel bar diameter, maximum distance between bars and maximum distance of stirrups. All steps of the check can be inserted into the project document and adjusted by the

The results of the calculation (linear or nonlinear calculation) are taken directly from the Scia Engineer modules for structural analysis. The results are presented also in the project document.

Input possibilities All important parameters and coefficients according to DIN 1045-1 are offered as application defaults and can be edited by the user. Calculation Beams and columns are analysed according to DIN 1045-1 (7/2001): “Tragwerke aus Beton, Stahlbeton und Spannbeton - Teil 1: Bemessung und Konstruktion”. Beams The internal forces are derived from the selected loadcase or loadcase combination and used for the calculation of the statically required longitudinal reinforcement according to chapter 10 “Nachweise in den Grenzzuständen der Tragfähigkeit” (ULS). The shear check (determination of shear reinforcement) is performed according to paragraph 10.3 for beams with constant height of cross-section. Reduction of shear reinforcement due to axial compression forces and determined statically required reinforcement is taken into account. Columns The internal forces are derived from the selected loadcase or loadcase combination. The linear calculation does not take into account the effects Included in C P E

Required modules: esas.00 or esas.01.

Design of reinforcement for beams and columns according to DIN 1045-1

Concrete designer

of the second order theory. To take non-linear effects into account, you need to perform a non-linear calculation or use the buckling data in column calculation.

Supported cross-section shapes

For three-dimensional structures bi-axial bending can occur. When designing rectangular columns, the bi-axial bending is determined by using the interaction formula with an exponent of 1.4:


Mbd Mbu



Mbd Mbu



Minimum and maximum areas of reinforcement are taken into account or revealed according to chapter 13 “Konstruktionsregeln”. The minimum reinforcement for crack limiting is calculated according to paragraph 11.2.2. The maximum diameter for members and the maximum spacing of members for crack proofs are calculated according to article Art. 11.2.3, table 20 and 21. The crack width is determined according to article 11.2.4 equation (135).

The following cross-sections can be used during the design:

• • • • • • • •

Rectangular cross-section; Circular cross-section; T profile; Rectangular hollow profile; I profile; U profile; Composite profile; Any composed cross-section implemented in Scia Engineer; • Haunch; • Cross-section with variable height. Columns; • Rectangular cross section; • Circular cross section.

105 esacd.01.02

Design of reinforcement for beams and columns according to NEN 6720

Concrete designer

With the detailed check, performed on a specific position in the bar, one can quickly, and graphically, have a look a the detailed results of e.g. occurring internal forces, the strains, the steel tensions, the height of the concrete pressure zone and the details of the tensionstrain diagram. Reinforced concrete beams and columns analysis is the Scia Engineer module for the calculation of reinforcement of beams and columns. With this module the structural engineer has an interactive graphical tool at his disposal, for the calculation of the theoretical required reinforcement amount (longitudinal reinforcement and shear reinforcement) according to the regulations given in NEN 6720.

Working with the module RC beams and columns The designing and checking of the construction is done in the graphical environment of Scia Engineer. The beams to check are selected graphically with the mouse. Graphical functions such as Pan, Zoom in/out, Zoom Window, a free viewpoint, selection by crossing line, etc. make the work easy, even on complex structures. The input of concrete cover and reinforcement bars can be performed in a clear dialogue window. The program decides whether the selected element is a beam or a column based on a member type property. For beams basic reinforcement can be introduced. The program then calculates the additional reinforcement. The concrete data of an element can be easily copied to other elements. If some input data have to be modified, it can be easily done in the

Highlights ► Design of theoretical reinforcement.

► Slenderness, crack control, response


check, capacity check. ► Optimisation of reinforcement. ► Bill of reinforcement.


properties dialogue window of the element. By using the filter selection it is possible to quickly modify the properties of multiple elements. After the calculation, the required longitudinal reinforcement and shear reinforcement in the selected elements can be represented graphically on the 3D view of the structure. For the calculation many options can be chosen: whether calculate compression reinforcement or not, check of reinforcement percentage, etc. The results of these checks and the calculation information are given by means of “mistakes” and “warnings”. These can be given either graphical or numerical in the document. After the default reinforcement calculation a reinforcement optimisation calculation can be done, in this way the theoretical needed reinforcement fulfils the crack control requirements. It is possible to compose a graphical output with more than one set of data. The following data can be shown in one detailed output screen: • Normal force; • Shear force; • Moments; • Theoretically calculated longitudinal reinforcement; • Theoretically calculated shear force reinforcement (stirrups); • Number of required reinforcement elements for a specific diameter. Also, a “crack control” for the selected serviceability limit states combinations based on the required theoretical reinforcement can be carried out. The results of this control are the maximum diameter of the reinforcement elements, the maximum spacing between these elements and the crack width.

The occurring forces can be manually changed as to effect a quick control. The user can set the numerical output to the printer or to the document, it can contain e.g.: • Selective output for load case, combinations, class, extreme, selected elements…; • Selection on document chapter for input data, explanations of symbols…; • Filter of output: search for extremes according to various criteria; • Showing the calculation information provides the opportunity to trace the result of the calculation, e.g. was the result determined by minimum reinforcement…. All items of input and output can be inserted in the document and can be adapted to the users requirements: • Layout of texts (type, height, thickness, colour of characters); • Layout of tables (outline, background colour); • Title page, headers and footers. It is also possible to change the composition of the tables, but then it is necessary to get the module esa.06 Productivity toolbox.

Seamless integration with structural analysis The results of the calculation (linear or nonlinear calculation) are taken directly form the Scia Engineer modules for structural analysis. The results are available in the document of the project.

Input facilities All important factors and coefficients of NEN 6720 are proposed by the program and are editable by the user. Included in C P E

Required modules: esas.00.

Design of reinforcement for beams and columns according to NEN 6720

Calculation Regulations for concrete structural requirements and calculation methods (VBC1995); NEN 6720. Beams

Concrete designer

The internal forces are based on the selected load case, combination or class. These internal forces are used to calculate the theoretical required longitudinal reinforcement according to art. 8.1. The minimum reinforcement percentages are checked according to art. and can be extended by a percentage. The calculation of shear reinforcement is carried out according to art. 8.2 for beams with a constant depth. This takes into account the modification of the shear stress caused by axial forces. For cross sections with variable height or more than one concrete quality the width bw can be entered, and the concrete quality which should be used can be selected. Columns The internal forces are based on the selected load case, combination or class. In a linear calculation second order effects are not taken into account. In order to take these effects into account an ec-method calculation has to be carried out. In 3D structures bi-axial bending can appear. In the calculation of reinforcement in rectangular columns bi-axial bending is taken into account by the use of an interaction formula. Hereby the occurring moments are compared with the ultimately admitted moments. The formula is derived from a collapse diagram. The minimum and maximum reinforcement percentages and distances are checked according to art. 9.11.5. The maximum diameter of the bars and the maximum distances between the bars are calculated at the crack width calculation according to 8.7.2 or 8.7.3.

Beams; • • • • • •

Rectangular section; T section; Rectangular hollow section; I section; U section; Section with variable height.

Supported cross-sections


The following cross-sections are checked according to NEN 6720:

• Rectangular section; • Circular section.

107 esacd.01.03

Concrete designer

Design of reinforcement for beams and columns according to ÖNORM B 4700

The reinforced concrete beams and columns analysis ÖNORM B 4700 module is designed for the analysis of RC beams and columns according to the Austrian code for concrete structures. The module is part of the Scia Engineer structural analysis system. The structural engineer can use this interactive graphical tool to design the theoretically required reinforcement area (longitudinal reinforcement and shear reinforcement) according to ÖNORM B 4700 regulations.

Working with the RC beams and columns analysis module The Scia Engineer system provides a graphical environment within which to design and check RC beam structures. The engineer can use the mouse pointer to select the beams to check, thus eliminating the need to work with time-consuming node and member calculations. Computer graphical functions as Pan, Zoom in/out, Zoom Window and free viewpoint make the work easy, even for complex structures Concrete cover and reinforcement bars are entered in a clear dialogue window. Depending on the bar properties, the software detects if the selected member is a beam or a column. A basic reinforcement (basic net) can be defined for beams. The program can perform additional reinforcement calculation. The replacement beam

Highlights ► Design of theoretical reinforcement.

► Slenderness, crack control, check of stirrups

distance, response check, capacity check.


► Bill of reinforcement.


method (Art. has been implemented for designing columns in addition to the non-linear calculation. The advantage of this method is that the linear calculation is formally sufficient for dimensioning the columns: The 2nd order effects are taken into account in the formulas. After calculation, the longitudinal and shear reinforcement needed can be drawn in the 3D view of the structure. A number of settings can be set for the calculation (calculation of compression reinforcement, check of amount of reinforcement, etc.). Several single function displays can be combined in the graphical output. The following data can be displayed on screen: • Moments, shear forces, axial (normal) forces, reduced moments, reduced shear forces;

• Longitudinal reinforcement (total reinforcement or basic reinforcement and additional reinforcement), shear reinforcement, reinforcement ratio, weight of reinforcement. In Scia Engineer the option “Single check” can be used to review stress-strain diagrams for each element relating to the current internal forces. These input internal forces can be modified by the user if another check is needed. A crack proof can be performed for the applied serviceability combinations based on the static required reinforcement. The results of the crack proof are crack width, minimum reinforcement area according to the required crack width, maximum steel bar diameter, maximum bar distance and maximum stirrup spacing. Each step of the check can be included in the Included in C P E

Required modules: esas.00 or esas.01.

Design of reinforcement for beams and columns according to ÖNORM B 4700

project document and be modified to suit the user requirements. The document is active: this means that some values can be modified and the structural model will mirror those changes automatically.

Seamless integration of the components of the structural analysis The calculation results (linear or non-linear calculation) are taken directly from Scia Engineer module for structural analysis. The results are available in the project document.

Input facilities

Concrete designer

The program offers all the significant factors and coefficients used in ÖNORM B 4700, and the user can edit these.

Calculation Beams and columns are analysed according to ÖNORM B 4700 (2001-06-01) regulations: “Stahlbetontragwerke: EUROCODE-nahe Berechnung, Bemessung und konstruktive Durchbildung”. Beams The internal forces are determined from the selected load case or combination and used to analyse the statically required longitudinal reinforcement according to chapter 3 “Nachweise der Tragsicherheit” (ULS). The shear check (determination of shear reinforcement) is performed according to Art. 3.4.4 for beams with constant cross-section. The reduction of shear reinforcement due to normal forces and required longitudinal reinforcement determined statically are taken into account.

Minimum and maximum amount of reinforcement are taken into account or determined according to Art. 3.4.9. Crack width limitation is controlled as per Art. 4.2. The maximum diameter of bars regarding the calculated crack width results from tables 8a, 8b, 9, and 10; the maximum bar distance depends on the reinforcement area and the bar diameter.


Supported cross-section

The internal forces result from the selected load case or combination. The linear calculation does not consider the effects of the 2nd order theory. To take non-linear effects into account, a non-linear calculation has to be performed or the buckling data has to be used in column calculation. In 3D structures bi-axial bending can occur. When designing rectangle columns the bi-axial bending is considered by using the interaction formula with exponent a = 1,4:

The module can check the following cross-sections:

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Beams; • • • • • • • • • •

Rectangular; Circular hollow; T profile; Rectangular hollow; I profile; Channel section; Compound section; Any Scia Engineer composed section; Haunches; Variable height;

Columns; • Rectangular; • Circular.

109 esacd.01.04

Concrete designer

Design of reinforcement for beams and columns according to BAEL

BAEL reinforced concrete beams and columns analysis is a module for the design of reinforcement in beams and columns. The module is fully integrated into Scia Engineer. It provides the structural engineer with an interactive graphical tool for the calculation of required reinforcement (both longitudinal and shear) according to provisions defined in BAEL.

Work with the module The design and check of the structure is made in the graphical environment of Scia Engineer. Beams that should be checked are selected graphically using the mouse pointer. Graphical functions such as Pan, Zoom in/out, Zoom Window, user-defined viewpoint, selection by intersection, etc. make the work easier, even for complex structures. Concrete cover and reinforcement bar properties can be input in a clear dialogue. The program automatically determines whether the selected element is a beam or a column. In beams, basic reinforcement can be introduced. The program then calculates additional reinforcement that is necessary to ensure the required strength of the member. For columns, also the model column method has been implemented. The advantage of this method is that a linear calculation is sufficient for the calculation of reinforcement in columns subjected to bending

Highlights ► Design of theoretical reinforcement.

► Slenderness, crack control, response


check, capacity check. ► Bill of reinforcement.


and axial force and it takes into account the second order effects. After the calculation, the required longitudinal reinforcement and shear reinforcement can be represented graphically in the 3D view of the structure. Single check can be used to view the stressstrain diagrams of each member. Also a crack check for selected serviceability limit state combinations based on the required reinforcement can be carried out. The results of this check are: • Crack width; • Minimum area of reinforcement for the required crack width; • Maximum diameter, maximum bar distance and maximum spacing between stirrups. All items can be inserted into the document and adapted to meet the user’s wish.

Seamless integration with structural analysis The results of the calculation (linear or nonlinear calculation) are taken directly from the Scia Engineer modules for structural analysis. The results are available also in the document of the project.

Input facilities All important factors and coefficients of BAEL are proposed by the program and are editable by the user.

Calculation Design of reinforcement; • Shear reduction; • Shifting of moment line; Included in C P E

Required modules: esas.00, esa.00.

Design of reinforcement for beams and columns according to BAEL

• Calculation of required longitudinal reinforcement; • Calculation of required shear reinforcement; • Cross-sections composed of two materials. Crack proof; • Minimal required longitudinal reinforcement for initiation of cracks. Check; • • • •

Reduction and shifting of moment diagram; Check of longitudinal reinforcement; Check of shear reinforcement; Cross-sections composed of two materials.

Concrete designer

111 esacd.01.06

Concrete designer

Design of reinforcement for beams and columns according to SIA

SIA reinforced concrete beams and columns analysis is a module for the design of reinforcement in beams and columns. The module is fully integrated into Scia Engineer. It provides the structural engineer with an interactive graphical tool for the calculation of required reinforcement (both longitudinal and shear) according to provisions defined in SIA.

Work with the module The design and check of the structure is made in the graphical environment of Scia Engineer. Beams that should be checked are selected graphically using the mouse pointer. Graphical functions such as Pan, Zoom in/out, Zoom Window, user-defined viewpoint, selection by intersection, etc. make the work easier, even for complex structures. Concrete cover and reinforcement bar properties can be input in a clear dialogue. The program automatically determines whether the selected element is a beam or a column. In beams, basic reinforcement can be introduced. The program then calculates additional reinforcement that is necessary in order to ensure the required strength of the member. For columns, also the model column method has been implemented. The advantage

Highlights ► Design of theoretical reinforcement.

► Slenderness, crack control, check of


stirrups distance, response check , capacity check. ► Bill of reinforcement.


of this method is that a linear calculation is sufficient for the calculation of reinforcement in columns subjected to bending and axial force and it takes into account the second order effects. After the calculation, the required longitudinal reinforcement and shear reinforcement can be represented graphically in the 3D view of the structure. Single check can be used to view the stressstrain diagrams of each member. Also a crack check for selected serviceability limit state combinations based on the required reinforcement can be carried out. The results of this check are: • Crack width; • Minimum area of reinforcement for the required crack width; • Maximum diameter, maximum bar distance and maximum spacing between stirrups. All items can be inserted into the document and adapted to meet the user’s wish.

Seamless integration with structural analysis The results of the calculation (linear or nonlinear calculation) are taken directly from the Scia Engineer modules for structural analysis. The results are available also in the document of the project.

Input facilities All important factors and coefficients of SIA are proposed by the program and are editable by the user.

Included in C P E

Required modules: esas.00, esa.00.

Design of reinforcement for beams and columns according to SIA

Calculation Implementation of prestress materials in the material database. Design of reinforcement; • Buckling lengths are taken into account; • Reduction and shifting of moment diagram; • Calculation of longitudinal reinforcement and shear reinforcement; • Determination of required additional reinforcement; • Cross-sections composed of two materials. Crack proof (adapted from EC2);

Concrete designer

• Crack width; • Maximal diameter and distance of shear reinforcement; • Required longitudinal reinforcement for cracks.

PNL 1D (adapted from EC2) Bending stiffness calculated from bending moments. Checks; • • • •

Reduction and shifting of moment diagram; Check of longitudinal reinforcement; Check of shear reinforcement; Cross-sections composed of two materials.

113 esacd.01.08

Concrete designer

Design of reinforcement for beams and columns according to BS 8110

Reinforced concrete beams and columns analysis is a Scia Engineer module for the calculation of reinforcement in beams and columns. The program is completely integrated with Scia Engineer modules for structural analysis.

Working with the module RC beams and columns

It is possible to compose the graphical output of more than one type of data. The following data can be shown in one screen: • Moments, shear forces, normal force, recalculated moments, recalculated shear forces; • Longitudinal reinforcement (total reinforcement or basic reinforcement and additional reinforcement), shear reinforcement, reinforcement percentage, weight of reinforcement.

The design and check of the structure is done in the graphical environment of Scia Engineer. The beams to-be-checked are selected graphically with the mouse pointer. Graphical functions such as Pan, Zoom in/out, Zoom Window, user-defined viewpoint, selection by intersection line, etc. make the work easy, even for complex structures.

The option Single check can be used to view the stress-strain diagrams of every element based on the calculated internal forces. These forces are editable by the user. Also a crack check for selected serviceability limit state combinations based on the required reinforcement areas can be carried out.

The input of concrete cover and reinforcement bar properties is done in a clear dialogue window. The program decides whether the selected element is a beam or a column according to the member-type property. For beams, basic reinforcement can be introduced. The program then calculates the additional reinforcement.

All items can be inserted into the document and can be adapted to the meet user’s wishes. The document is active which means that some values can be changed in the document and the model will automatic adjust to this change.

With this module the structural engineer has an interactive graphical tool at his/her disposal for the calculation of required reinforcement areas (longitudinal reinforcement and shear reinforcement) according to the regulations given in BS8110.

After the calculation, the required longitudinal reinforcement and shear reinforcement can be represented graphically in the 3D view of the

Highlights ► Design of theoretical reinforcement.

► Slenderness, crack control, check of


structure. Many options can be chosen for the calculation (calculate compression reinforcement, check of reinforcement percentage, etc.).

stirrups distance, response check, capacity check. ► Bill of reinforcement.


Seamless integration with structural analysis The results of the calculation (linear or nonlinear calculation) are taken directly from the Scia Engineer modules for structural analysis. The results are available also in the document of the project.

Input facilities All important factors and coefficients of BS8110 are proposed by the program and are editable by the user.

Calculation Beams and columns are calculated according to “British Standard 8110, structural use of concrete, Part 1. Code of practice for design and construction and part 2. Code of practice for special circumstances”. Beams From the selected loadcases or combinations the internal forces are determined. These internal forces are used to calculate theoretical longitudinal reinforcement along the beams according to art. 3.4.4. Minimum and maximum reinforcement percentages, mentioned in clause 3.12.5 and 3.12.6, can be taken into account during calculation. The calculation of shear reinforcement is performed according to clause 3.4.5. During this calculation support enhancements (moment and shear force capping) can be taken into account. Columns From the selected loadcases or combinations the internal forces are determined. In elastic calculation, no second order effects are taken into account, so for more reliable results a second order calculation should be considered. Included in C P E

Required modules: esas.00, esas.01.

Design of reinforcement for beams and columns according to BS 8110

Bi-axial bending can occur in 3D structures. For calculation of reinforcement in rectangular columns double bending is taken into account with the following equation: Where a = 1.4 Mbd Mbu



Mbd Mbu



Also for columns the minimum and maximum reinforcement percentages according to clause 3.12.5 and 3.12.6 are verified.

Supported cross-sections The following cross-sections can be used in the design: Beams; Symmetric and asymmetric I section; T section; Rectangular section; The above mentioned sections with variable depth.

Concrete designer

• • • •

Columns; • Rectangular section; • Circular sections.

115 esacd.01.09

Concrete designer

Fire resistance EN 1992-1-2

The fire resistance EN 1992-1-2 is a Scia Engineer module for checking both reinforced and prestressed concrete 1D members (beams and colums) according to EN 1992-1-2. The program is fully integrated with Scia Engineer modules for structural analysis and with modules for checks of reinforced and prestressed concrete members according to EN 1992-1-1.

Working with fire resistance EN 1992-1-2 The Scia Engineer system provides a graphical environment within which the fire resistance checks of reinforced and prestressed concrete cross-sections are performed in a similar way to regular concrete code checks. The members to-be-checked are selected graphically using the mouse. Graphical functions such as Pan, Zoom in/out, Zoom window, user defined viewpoint, selection by the intersection line etc. make the work easy, even for complex structures. 3D structure views graphically represent the integrity check. Colours give a clear overview of any over-dimensioning and unsatisfactory parts of the structure.

Highlights ► Full integration into the module for the

design of concrete structures.

► Graphical and tabular output.

► Three types of checks: detailing provisions,


simplified calculation method, advanced calculation method.


The output produced by the module may include: • Automatic search for extremes: critical load case/combination, critical beam; • Highlighting of unsatisfactory beams; • Explanation of warning and errors that occurred during the check. The option “single check” can be used to view the stress-strain diagram, strain and stresses over the height of the section, distribution of temperature and 3D interaction diagram.

Input Before a fire resistance check can be performed, it is necessary to define distribution temperature curves in the temperature curves library. One item of the library can contain more temperature curves and users can interpolate between them. The temperature curve is used for the definition of the accidental thermal load with the following basic properties: • Side of cross-section which is exposed the fire (+Z,-Z,+Y,-Y); • Temperature distribution curve; • Number of cross-section layers to be used for the integration of the temperature distribution curve required to obtain the equivalent linear temperature load and for calculation of crosssection spalling. The program offers all significant fire resistance factors and coefficients that can be further edited by the user: • Basic fire resistance settings for fire resistance EN 1992-1-2: • Type of calculation for the evaluation of time resistance R and critical temperature

Theta_cr for detailing provisions; • Reduction factors mu_fi for columns and detailing provisions; • Reduction factor for design of load level for simplified method; • Tabulated data of minimum dimensions of cross-section and minimal axial distance of reinforcement from the edge exposed to fire for basic members (beams, columns, slabs and hollow core slabs); • Fire resistance safety factors; • In the Concrete member data the user can define the following fire resistance properties for each member: • Type of beam used for members of type “beam” (simply supported member and continuous beam); • Exposure conditions for type “column” (one side or more than one side); • Type of calculation used for calculation of fire (time resistance) R and critical temperature Theta_cr for detailing provisions; • Type of member used for prestressed members (only statically determined structures without redistribution of secondary forces caused by prestressing due to fire can be checked).

Checks Three types of checks have been implemented for 1D members: • Detailing provisions (tabulated data), chapter 5; • Simplified calculation method (zone method), annex B.2; • Advanced calculation method.

Detailing provisions This type of check uses tabulated values that are for the basic types of members prescribed in the code. It checks the dimensions of the crossIncluded in P E

Required module: esas.00.

Fire resistance EN 1992-1-2

Concrete designer

section and the distance of the reinforcement from the edge of the cross-section exposed to fire. Assumptions of this approach: • Height of the cross-section is not reduced; • Material characteristics of the reinforcement and concrete remain unchanged; • Temperature across the height of the crosssection can be read from the temperature curve, calculated according to the code or input by the user.

Simplified calculation method This type of calculation allows for the following checks: • Method of limit strain; • Interaction diagram (resistance check). Assumptions: • The calculation of internal forces assumes or does not take into account the following: • Thermal expansion coefficient of concrete changes depending on the temperature (art.3.3.1(1)); • Height of the cross-section is not reduced according to the temperature;

• Material characteristics of reinforcement and concrete do not change depending on the temperature; • Stress-strain diagrams of concrete and reinforcement do not depend on the temperature; • The following are considered in the fire resistance check: • The height of the cross-section is reduced (zone method), annex B2 in EN 1992-1-2; • Material characteristics of the reinforcement (table 3.2(a), 3.3) and concrete change (table 3.1) change depending on the temperature; • Stress-strain diagrams of concrete (Figure 3.1) and reinforcement (Figure 3.3) depend on the temperature.

Advanced calculation method This method represents a physically-andgeometrically non-linear calculation that uses the following input values: • Reduced cross-section height (zone method); • Stress-strain diagrams of concrete (Figure

3.1) and reinforcement (Figure 3.3) change according to the temperature; • Material characteristics of the reinforcement (table 3.2(a), 3.3) and concrete change (table 3.1) depend on the temperature; • Thermal expansion coefficient of concrete calculated for the given temperature in the centre of gravity of the cross-section (art.3.3.1(1)).

Supported cross-section and members All types of 1D concrete members (beam, column, slabs, hollow core slabs) and concrete crosssections can be checked using the detailing provisions and automatic calculation according to code or user-input. The calculation from temperature curve applies only to rectangular sections. The Simplified calculation method supports all non-prestressed structural members with rectangular section and statically determined prestressed structures. Advanced calculation runs only for non-prestressed members of rectangular cross-section.



Concrete designer

Design of reinforcement for walls, plates and shells according to EC2

EC2 reinforced concrete plates and walls analysis is a Scia Engineer module for the calculation of reinforcement in plates and walls. The program is completely integrated with the Scia Engineer modules of structural analysis. With this module the structural engineer has an interactive graphical tool at his/her disposal for the calculation of required amount of reinforcement according to the regulations given by EN1992-1-1.

Working with the module RC plates and walls The design and check of the structure is done in the graphical environment of Scia Engineer. The plates or walls to-be-checked are selected graphically with the mouse pointer. Graphical functions such as Pan, Zoom in/out,

Highlights ► 2D reinforcement design, shear proof


and crack proof for two- and three-way reinforcement nets. ► Impact of shear on longitudinal reinforcement. Reliable control of the stiffening concrete strut. Code related assessment of minimum reinforcement restrictions. ► Averaging strips to eliminate singularity stress peaks. ► Intuitive setups. ► The mass of the reinforcement as a result. ► The 2D design internal forces can be reviewed. ► Checks and drawing of cracks.


Zoom Window, user-defined viewpoint, selection by intersection line, etc. make the work easy, even for complex structures. The input of concrete cover and reinforcement bars is done in a clear dialogue window. The program calculates two or three required layers of reinforcement on both sides of the plate. The layers of reinforcement do not have to be placed orthogonally. They can be oriented in any direction to each other. It is also possible to calculate the reinforcement with a different thickness than the one defined in the model. The same is valid for walls in addition it is also possible here to work with one layer reinforced walls that are used in practice for thin plates.

Output The graphical output will show all kinds of interesting results: • The design internal forces that are used for the calculation of the reinforcement; • The required reinforcement in every layer (also for crack control) together with background calculation details that give the user more insightfulness; • The mass of the reinforcement; • Several options for the display of results: isobands, isolines with or without labels, coloured or greyscale, sections, user scale isobands, etc; • Graphical output in a section across the structure; • Results in the nodes or centre of an element; • The graphical output can be exported (BMP, WMF, DXF, DWG, VRML, 3D PDF, etc.). Included in C P E

Required modules: esas.00 and esa.01.

Design of reinforcement for walls, plates and shells according to EC2

All items can be inserted into the document and can be adapted to meet user’s wishes. The document can be active which means that some of the input values can be changed in the document and the model will automatically adjust these changes.

Input facilities All the important factors and coefficients of EN1992-1-1 are proposed by the program and are editable by the user.


Concrete designer

Plates and walls are calculated according to “Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures Part 1: General rules and rules for buildings”. Internal forces of elements are calculated in the direction of the layers of reinforcement. The reinforcement is calculated from these internal forces and introduced limitations. The required area of tensile and compression reinforcement is calculated in every element and in every node of every element. The program can also carry out the calculation of required reinforcement based on a crack proof.

Seamless integration with structural analysis The results of the calculation (first order or second order calculation) are taken directly from the Scia Engineer modules for structural analysis. The results are available also in the document of the project.

119 esacd.02.01

Concrete designer

Design of reinforcement for walls, plates and shells according to DIN 1045-1

RC plates and walls analysis DIN 1045-1 is a Scia Engineer module for the analysis of reinforced concrete plate and wall structures (structure systems walls, plates and shells). It integrates seamlessly with the modules for structure analysis. This module gives structural engineers an interactive and graphical tool to design the reinforcement (theoretically) needed as well as to perform RC checks according to DIN 1045-1.

Using the module for RC plates and walls analysis according to DIN 1045-1 Design and checks of plate and shell structure models take place in Scia Engineer’s graphical environment. The slab members to-be-checked are selected using the mouse pointer. Graphic functions (pan, zoom in/out, zoom window, userdefined view point, selection using intersection lines, etc.) make this a simple task - even for complex structures. Input of concrete cover and reinforcement geometry is done in a well arranged dialogue. The module determines the required reinforcement of two- and three-layer reinforcement meshes which cross section sides are independent of each other and can

Highlights ► Calculation of required reinforcement area


in three specified directions. ► Manual input of reinforcement. ► Averaging strips to eliminate unrealistic peaks.


be laid out more or less arbitrarily. In real life two-layered, orthogonal reinforcement meshes are most often used. Their geometry is-from the application POV-one of a number of infinite equivalent possibilities. The module determines the required reinforcement of two- and three-layer reinforcement meshes which cross-section sides are independent of each other and can be oriented more or less arbitrarily. In real life two-layered, orthogonal reinforcement meshes are most often used. Their geometry is - from the application point of view - one of a number of infinite equivalent possibilities. The Scia Engineer module for 2D design calculation is unique with respect to the functionality and faithfulness to the codes. For example, you can perform the design with cross-sections different from those selected for the FEM analysis of the structural model. This is especially useful for anisotropic continuums. Two more examples: The minimum degree of tension reinforcement is, by default, automatically determined according to the requirements to avoid brittle failure (§ 13.1.1(1)), unless the user enters his/her own minimum reinforcement term for tensile reinforcement (cf. Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 3/2003). The modern view of the Eurocodes regarding interaction m/n-v in RC (§10.3.4(9)) is taken into account in the application of a 2D method specially developed for Scia (cf. Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 6/2000).

Output Graphical output displays all kinds of relevant results: • Statically required reinforcement for any

reinforcing family (including crack proof); • Several options are available for display of results: isobands, isolines with or without labels, coloured or greyscale images, user defined isoband scaling, etc; • Graphic output in arbitrarily oriented structure sections; • Interpolated or direct display of results Included in C P E

Required modules: esas.00 and esa.01.

Design of reinforcement for walls, plates and shells according to DIN 1045-1

referring to nodes or elements; • Graphic output can be exported (BMP, WMF, DXF, DWG, etc.). Numerical output to printers and documents is controlled by the user: • Selective output for loadcases or combinations, display of envelopes, selected components, selected entities, etc; • Output filter: analysis of extremes according to different criteria. All parts of results can be inserted into the document and adjusted by the user. The document is active, i.e. some values can be edited right in the document and the model will reflect such changes automatically.

Input possibilities

Concrete designer

All important factors, coefficients and conditions of DIN 1045-1 are used in proper default settings. They can usually be changed by the user.

Design The internal forces of the FEM analysis are converted by a one-time transformation algorithm into design forces acting in the direction of the reinforcement. Based on those internal forces the reinforcement is determined, taking into account all relevant code conditions (e.g. minimum and maximum reinforcement). The cross-sectional area needed for tensile and compression reinforcement is calculated for each entity node. The calculated, correct, statically required ULS reinforcement will be used (if required by the user) as the base for the serviceability proof (SLS check, crack proof). If needed, it is scaled up to meet the requirements of the proof.

Seamless integration with the modules for structure analysis The internal forces for RC design (linear or nonlinear calculation) are taken from Scia Engineer modules for structural analysis. The results are presented also in the project document.

121 esacd.02.02

Design of reinforcement for walls, plates and shells according to NEN 6720

Concrete designer

Calculation of reinforcement in plates and walls according to NEN 6720 Reinforced concrete plates and walls analysis is the Scia Engineer module for the calculation of theoretically required reinforcement in plates and walls. The program is completely integrated with the Scia Engineer modules for structural analysis. With this module the structural engineer has an interactive graphical tool at his/her disposal for the calculation of required amount of reinforcement according to the regulations given in NEN 6720.

Working with the module RC plates and walls Both the design and check of the reinforcement of the structure is done in the graphical environment of Scia Engineer. The beams/2D elements to-be-calculated are selected graphically, single or multiple, with the mouse pointer. Graphical functions such as Pan, Zoom in/out, Zoom Window, user-defined viewpoint, selection by intersection line, etc. make the work easy, even for complex structures. The concrete properties of the plate can be copied easily to other plates. If certain input data have to be modified, it can be easily done in the property dialogue window of the element. By using the filter selection it is possible to quickly modify the properties of multiple elements.

Highlights ► Calculation of required reinforcement area

in three specified directions.

► Manual input of reinforcement.

► Averaging strips to eliminate unrealistic




The concrete covers are calculated on the basis of the environmental class and they can be changed afterwards. For plates it is possible to input a basic net. The program than automatically calculates the additional reinforcement. The internal forces of the elements are calculated in the reinforcement directions. With these new forces and the introduced calculation rules, the reinforcement is calculated. The program calculates two or three required layers of reinforcement on both sides of the plate. The layers of reinforcement do not have to be placed orthogonally. They can be oriented in any direction to each other. The required tensile, compressive and shear reinforcement is calculated in each element and in each node of the element. Which calculation rule caused the required reinforcement result is recorded during the calculation. This status can always be checked in the document, the result of the reinforcement is traceable. It is possible to calculate the reinforcement with a different cross-section than the one defined in the model. Besides this it is possible to effect an optimised reinforcement calculation, in this way the result will satisfy the theoretically required quantity and the crack width requirements.

Output The graphical output will show all kinds of relevant results: • The required reinforcement in every layer; • Several options for the display of results:

isobands, isolines with or without labels, coloured or greyscale, sections, user scale isobands, numerical values, etc; • Graphical output in a section across the structure with extreme values on the section line, possibly with difference in colours if certain values are exceeded or not; • Results in the nodes or centre of an element; • The graphical output can be exported (BMP, WRL, EP3, EMF, WMF, DXF DWG, etc.). Numerical output to the printer or to the document is controlled by the user: • Selective output for loadcases or combinations, envelopes, selected elements…; • Traceability of the results: are the results based on minimum reinforcement, crack width calculation, theoretically needed reinforcement…; • Filter for the output: search for extremes according to various criteria. All items can be inserted into the document and adapted to meet user’s wishes; • Layout of texts (type, height, thickness, colour of characters); • Layout of tables (outline, background colour); • Title page, headers and footers. It is also possible to change the composition of the tables, but then it is necessary to get the module esa.06 Productivity toolbox. The document is active which means that some values can be changed in the document and the model will automatically adjust to these Included in C P E

Required modules: esa.00, esa.01, esas.00 or esas.01.

Design of reinforcement for walls, plates and shells according to NEN 6720


Input facilities All important factors and coefficients for reinforcement calculation are proposed by the program and are editable by the user: • Minimum repartition reinforcement; • Minimum and maximum reinforcement percentages; • Environmental class; • Concrete cover; • Crack variables.

Seamless integration with structural analysis

Concrete designer

The results of the calculation (first order or 2nd order calculation) are taken directly from the Scia Engineer modules for structural analysis and used in the reinforcement calculation module. The reinforcement results are available also in the document of the project.

123 esacd.02.03

Concrete designer

Design of reinforcement for walls, plates and shells according to ÖNORM B 4700

The RC plates and walls analysis according to ÖNORM B 4700 module is designed for the analysis of RC plates and walls (construction systems walls, plates and shells). The module is part of the Scia Engineer structural analysis system. The structural engineer can use this interactive graphical tool to design the theoretically required reinforcement area and to carry out concrete code checks according to ÖNORM B 4700 regulations.

Working with the Analysis of RC plates and walls according to ÖNORM B 4700 module The Scia Engineer system provides a graphical environment within which to design and check plates and walls structures. The engineer can use the mouse pointer to select the Slab members to be edited. Computer graphical functions as Pan, Zoom in/out, Zoom Window and free viewpoint make the work easy, even for complex structures. Concrete cover, cross-section and reinforcement geometry are entered in a clear dialogue window. The module determines the required reinforcement area of dual or triple web reinforcement meshes that can be arranged arbitrarily and independently of each other at

Highlights ► Calculation of required reinforcement area

in three specified directions.

► Manual input of reinforcement.

► Averaging strips to eliminate unrealistic




Included in C P E

Required modules: esas.00, esa.01.

Design of reinforcement for walls, plates and shells according to ÖNORM B 4700

both sides of the section. Within the application the geometry of the most often used dual web orthogonal reinforcement mesh is only one of an infinite number of equivalent options. The 2D design module of Scia Engineer is unique in terms of features and codes. For example, you can use other sections for the design than the one defined for FEM analysis of the mechanical model. This is especially useful in the case of anisotropic continuums. Two more examples: The pressure state at the initial crack (crack height ht, coefficient k) will be accurately determined in the 2D continuum according to §4.2.2(2), image 34, formulas (65) (67) (see Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 3/2003).

Output facilities The system provides a graphical environment to display all types of relevant results: • Statically required reinforcement for each reinforcement family (incl. crack check); • Results can be displayed using several options: isobands, isolines with or without labelling, coloured or grey scale, user defined isoband scaling, etc; • Graphic output in arbitrarily cross-sections; • Interpolated or direct node or element related display of results; • Graphic output can be exported (BMP, WMF, DXF, DWG, etc.).

The program offers all the significant factors and coefficients used in ÖNORM B 4700, and the user can edit these.

Design The internal forces of the FEM analysis are converted into design forces in the direction of the reinforcement using a unique transformation algorithm. Based on those internal forces, the reinforcement is designed according to the code requirements (e.g. minimum and maximum reinforcement requirements). The required sectional area of the tension and compression reinforcement is calculated in each element node. You can use the determined statically required ULS reinforcement as the basis of the SLS check (crack width limitation).

Concrete designer

The modern agreement of the Eurocodes regarding interaction m/n-v in RC is taken into account according to § by a 2D method developed for Scia (see Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 6/2000).

Input facilities

Seamless integration with the structural analysis modules The internal forces for the RC design (linear or non-linear calculation) come from the Scia Engineer structural analysis modules. The results are available in the project document.

The user can send numerical output to a printer or into the document: • Selective output for load cases/combinations, display of envelopes, selected components or elements…; • Output filter: Evaluation of extremes according to different criteria. Each part of the result check can be included in the document and be modified according to user requirements. The document is active: this means that some values can be modified and the model will mirror those changes automatically.

125 esacd.02.04

Concrete designer

Design of reinforcement for walls, plates and shells according to BAEL

BEAL reinforced concrete plates and walls analysis is a module for the design of reinforcement in plates and walls. The module is fully integrated into Scia Engineer. It provides the structural engineer with an interactive graphical tool for the calculation of required reinforcement (both longitudinal and shear) according to provisions defined in BAEL.

Working with the module RC plates and walls The design and check of the structure is made in the graphical environment of Scia Engineer. Surfaces that should be checked are selected graphically using the mouse pointer. Graphical functions such as Pan, Zoom in/out, Zoom Window, user-defined viewpoint, selection by intersection, etc. make the work easier, even for complex structures. Concrete cover and reinforcement bars can be input in a clear dialogue. The program calculates two or three required layers of reinforcement on both faces of the plate. The layers of reinforcement do not have to be placed orthogonally. They can be oriented in any direction. It is also possible to calculate the reinforcement with a different cross-section than the one defined in the model.

Output The graphical output shows all kinds of interesting results:

Highlights ► Calculation of required reinforcement area

in three specified directions.

► Manual input of reinforcement.

► Averaging strips to eliminate unrealistic




Included in C P E

Required modules: esas.00, esa.01.

Design of reinforcement for walls, plates and shells according to BAEL

• Required reinforcement in every layer (also for crack check); • Several options for display of results: isobands, isolines with or without labels, coloured or grey scale, sections, user-scale isobands, etc; • Graphical output in a given section across the structure; • Results in the nodes or centre of elements; • Graphical output can be exported (BMP, WMF, DXF, DWG, etc.).

Input facilities All the important factors and coefficients of BAEL are proposed by the program and are editable by the user.

Concrete designer

Calculation Internal forces of elements are calculated in the direction of the layers of reinforcement. The reinforcement is calculated from the internal forces and takes into account the introduced limitations. The required area of tensile and compression reinforcement is calculated in every element and in every node of every element. The calculation of required longitudinal and shear reinforcement is based on ultimate limit state conditions and on the initiation and propagation of cracks.

Seamless integration with structural analysis The results of the calculation (first or second order calculation) are taken directly from Scia Engineer modules for structural analysis. The results are available also in the document of the project.

127 esacd.02.06

Concrete designer

Design of reinforcement for walls, plates and shells according to SIA

SIA reinforced concrete plates and walls analysis is a module for the design of reinforcement in plates and walls. The module is fully integrated into Scia Engineer. It provides the structural engineer with an interactive graphical tool for the calculation of required reinforcement (both longitudinal and shear) according to provisions defined in SIA.

Working with the module RC plates and walls The design and check of the structure is made in the graphical environment of Scia Engineer. Surfaces that should be checked are selected graphically using the mouse pointer. Graphical functions such as Pan, Zoom in/out, Zoom Window, user-defined viewpoint, selection by intersection, etc. make the work easier, even for complex structures. Concrete cover and reinforcement bars can be input in a clear dialogue. The program calculates two or three required layers of reinforcement on both faces of the plate. The layers of reinforcement do not have to be placed orthogonally. They can be oriented in any direction. It is also possible to calculate the reinforcement with a different cross-section than the one defined in the model.

Highlights ► Calculation of required reinforcement area

in three specified directions.

► Manual input of reinforcement.

► Averaging strips to eliminate unrealistic




Included in C P E

Required modules: esas.00, esa.01, esa.00.

Design of reinforcement for walls, plates and shells according to SIA

Output The graphical output shows all kinds of interesting results: • Required reinforcement in every layer (also for crack check); • Several options for display of results: isobands, isolines with or without labels, coloured or grey scale, sections, user-scale isobands, etc; • Graphical output in a given section across the structure; • Results in the nodes or centre of elements; • Graphical output can be exported (BMP, WMF, DXF, DWG, etc.).

Input facilities

Concrete designer

All the important factors and coefficients of SIA are proposed by the program and are editable by the user.

Calculation Internal forces of elements are calculated in the direction of the layers of reinforcement. The reinforcement is calculated from the internal forces and takes into account the introduced limitations. The required area of tensile and compression reinforcement is calculated in every element and in every node of every element. The calculation of required longitudinal and shear reinforcement is based on ultimate limit state conditions and on the initiation and propagation of cracks.

Seamless integration with structural analysis The results of the calculation (first or second order calculation) are taken directly from Scia Engineer modules for structural analysis. The results are available also in the document of the project.

129 esacd.02.08

Concrete designer

Design of reinforcement for walls, plates and shells according to BS 8110

Reinforced concrete plates and walls analysis is the Scia Engineer module for the calculation of reinforcement of plates and walls. The program is completely integrated with the Scia Engineer modules of structural analysis. With this module the structural engineer has an interactive graphical tool at his diposal for the calculation of the theoretical required amount of reinforcement according to the regulations given in BS8110.

Working with the module RC plates and walls The design and check of the construction is done in the graphical environment of Scia Engineer. The beams to check are selected graphically with the mouse pointer. Graphical functions as Pan, Zoom in/out, Zoom Window, a free viewpoint, selection by crossing line, etc. make the work easy, even on complex structures. The input of concrete cover and reinforcement bars is done in a clear dialogue window. The program calculates the two or three required layers of reinforcement on both sides of the plate. De layers of reinforcement do not have to be placed orthogonaal. They can be placed in any direction to each other. It is possible to calculate the reinforcement with a different cross-section than the one defined in the model.

Highlights ► Calculation of required reinforcement area

in three specified directions.

► Manual input of reinforcement.

► Averaging strips to eliminate unrealistic




Output The graphical output will show all kinds of interesting results: • The required reinforcement in every layer (also for crack control); • Several options of showing results: isobands, isolines with or without labels, coloured or greyscale, sections, user scale isobands, etc; • Graphical output in a cross-section of the structure;

• Results in the nodes or centre of an element; • The graphic output can be exported (BMP, WMF, DXF, DWG, etc.). Numerical output to the printer or to the document is controlled by the user: • Selective output for loadcases/combinations, envelope, selected components, selected elements…; • Filter for the output: search for extremes according to various criteria. Included in C P E

Required modules: esas.00, esa.01.

Design of reinforcement for walls, plates and shells according to BS 8110

All items can be inserted in the document and can be adapted to the users wish. The document is active which means that some values can be changed in the document. The model will automatic adjust to this change.

Input facalities All important factors and coefficients of BS8110 are proposed by the program and are editable by the user.

Calculation Inner forces in the elements are recalculated into the reinforcement directions. With these new forces, and the restrictions inputted, the calculation of reinforcement takes place.

Concrete designer

The area of tensile- and pressure reinforcement required in each element and in each node of the element is calculated. If wanted the structural reinforcement for deep beams, or pressure reinforcement can be calculated. Besides this the structure can be checked if correction to the reinforcement have to be made to comply with the rules for cracking.

Seamless integration with structural analysis The results of the calculation (first order or 2nd order calculation) are taken directly from the Scia Engineer modules for structural analysis or from third party programs (by means of an ASCII file). The results can be added to the document of the project.

131 esacd.02.09

Concrete designer

Code dependent deflection concrete beams and columns

Civil engineering concrete structures can be subject to excessive deflection as phenomena such as crack propagation, and concrete creep and shrinkage reduce their innate stiffness. Any structural analysis must take these effects into account. The Scia Engineer software system has a module that can process physically non-linear analyses of code dependant deflections (CDD) for reinforced concrete beams. This module enables the user to analyse concrete beams and columns in terms of non-linear stress-strain relationships in concrete, including the effect of cracks. In addition, it is possible now to make simplified calculations on deformation caused by concrete creep. The distinctive features of CDD analysis of 1D concrete members in Scia Engineer include: • The capacity to make stiffness calculations concerning the non-linear stress-strain relationships in concrete and its reinforcement; • The user being able to input real (practical) reinforcement figures or use program generated reinforcement figures for analysis; • The user being able to modify the calculated necessary reinforcement area using a multiplication factor when the program generates the necessary reinforcement figures for CDD calculations;

Highlights ► Calculation of deflections based on


regulations stipulated in standards.. ► Long-term deflection obtained as multiple of short-term deflection and creep coefficient. ► Two-step process: 1. linear calculation + input of reinforcement + calculation of cracks and their effect on stiffness. 2. calculation with modified stiffness.


• The program can calculate concrete creep deformation figures for selected combinations. It does this twice - once using the standard concrete modulus of elasticity, and once using the effective modulus of elasticity. The difference between the two figures is considered as the creep deformation figure; • The capacity to assess total deformation and deformation caused by short-term loading. In order to calculate code dependant deflections (CDD) in concrete, the user needs to do the following: • Define any physical non-linear concrete combinations; • Run a linear analysis; • Input real (practical) reinforcement figures or

have the program calculate any necessary reinforcement figures; • Run a non-linear analysis using the Concrete CDD option; • Display and study the linear/CDD/CDD results including creep deformation figures. CDD calculations use the following national codes: • Eurocode 2; • NEN 6720; • CSN/STN 73 1201; • DIN 1045; • Önorm B4700; • BS 8110.

Included in C P E

Required module: esas.00.

Code dependent deflection concrete plates and walls

Civil engineering concrete structures can be subject to excessive deflection as phenomena such as crack propagation, and concrete creep and shrinkage reduce their innate stiffness. Any structural analysis must take these effects into account. The Scia Engineer software system has a module that can process physically non-linear analyses of code dependant deflections (CDD) for reinforced concrete beams. This module enables the user to analyse concrete plates and walls in terms of non-linear stress-strain relationships in concrete, including the effect of cracks. In addition the user can make simplified concrete creep deformation calculations.

Concrete designer

The distinctive features of the CDD analysis of 2D concrete members in Scia Engineer include: • The capacity to make stiffness calculations concerning the non-linear stress-strain relationships in concrete and its reinforcement; • Using program generated necessary reinforcement figures in any analysis; • Modifying the calculated necessary reinforcement area by multiplying it with a factor given in concrete setup; • Calculating concrete creep deformation for selected combinations. This can be done twice, once using the standard concrete modulus of elasticity, and once using the effective modulus of elasticity. The difference between the two figures is considered as the creep deformation figure; • The capacity to assess total deformation and deformation caused by short-term load. In order to calculate code dependant deflections (CDD) in concrete, the user needs to do the following: • Define any physical non-linear concrete combinations; • Run a linear analysis; • Have the program calculate any necessary reinforcement area figures; • Run a non-linear analysis using the Concrete CDD option; • Display and study the linear/CDD/CDD results including creep deformation figures. CDD calculations use the following national codes: • Eurocode 2; • NEN 6720; • CSN/STN 73 1201; • DIN 1045; • Önorm B4700; • BS 8110.

Included in C P E

Required module: esas.18.

Highlights ► Calculation of deflections based on

regulations stipulated in standards..

► Long-term deflection obtained as multiple of

short-term deflection and creep coefficient.

► Two-step process: 1. linear calculation

+ input of reinforcement + calculation of cracks and their effect on stiffness. 2. calculation with modified stiffness.



Concrete designer

Physically and geometrically non-linear calculations of reinforced concrete beams

This module allows the user to perform advanced non-linear calculations in concrete frames in a very user-friendly and easy way. It takes account of the physical non-linear stiffness of concrete, so that the user is able to model concrete structures as close to reality as possible and thus find the most economical design. The analysis process may include other types of non-linearity such as geometrical. The user can define physically non-linear stressstrain diagrams for individual concrete grades, reinforcements or masonry materials - for all the codes available in Scia Engineer. He or she can define such diagrams as parabolic, bi-linear (linearconstant) or polygonal and can derive them from the stress-strain relationship defined by a national code or specify them themselves. Operators use this stress-strain diagram to calculate non-linear axial and bending stiffness values around the local y- and z-axes. The crosssection can contain various concrete grades, can be of any shape, and can include reinforcement or not. This means that users can make advance concrete calculations for such items as columns, continuous beams, and tunnels subject to soil loads. As this module is also suitable for parameterised structures, the user can generate several typical structure templates in the quest for the most economical design: a lattice girder slab manufacturer might want to have as much abovesupport reinforcement as possible; a construction company might prefer to have the least amount of above-support reinforcement as possible. The

Highlights ► Physically and geometrically non-linear

analysis of concrete frame structures.

► Slabs and members made of other material

than concrete are treated linearly.

► The effect of cracks, plasticity and other

factors on the stiffness taken into account..

► Iteration and secant method, Newton-


Raphson, applied.


codes allow for some redistribution of internal forces resulting from the physical non-linear behaviour of concrete, so the user is in a position to recommend the most economical design for any particular client. The user can apply such physically and geometrically non-linear calculations to both twoand three-dimensional frame structures. If the model for the structure under analysis contains a plate (or more generally a shell), the program analyses the model, taking the plate or shell as a linear element. The same approach is applicable to beams made of material other than reinforced concrete. The program takes into account the effect of cracks, plasticity and other factors on reinforced concrete beam stiffness. It does this by using real non-linear calculation procedures such as the Scia Engineer Newton-Raphson method. It is possible for the user to select which nonlinearity system to use: it could be (1) physical, (2) geometrical, or (3) both. The results for each calculation clearly show the cracked cross-section and the calculated axial and bending stiffness for each cross-section. The user can check each cross-section individually using the single check dialogue format, displaying the applied loads and resulting stresses and strains in the (reinforced) cross-section. The program can send all of these results to documentation and produce neat and insightful calculation output.

Required module: esas.01.

Punching shear check for selected cross-section types

Punching shear check This module performs the punching shear check. It calculates the required reinforcement in critical sections and checks the resistance of a the plate against punching in these sections. It also determines shear stress in the critical section.


Concrete designer

• Circular and rectangular cross-sections can be analysed. Other cross-section shapes are automatically transformed to rectangles; • The procedure of the check consists of several steps: • Set up - input of default values for parameters used in the assessment procedure; • Punching data - specification of check parameters for individual members; • Punching check - execution of the check itself.

Features and functions; • Design of required reinforcement in critical sections in accordance with EC2, CSN, STN, ÖNORM, NEN, BS, SIA and DIN; • Check of plate resistance against punching in critical sections according to technical standards (concentrated loads from columns or supports perpendicular to the lower surface of the plate) for selected load cases; • Check of shear stress in the critical section; • Definition of the geometry - support in a corner, along the edge, inside of the plate; • Technological openings are taken into account in the calculation of the perimeter length of the critical section; • Possibility to define square or prismatic column heads; • Data for the punching shear check are taken from the calculation model of the analysed plate; • Tensions can be taken from the results of the calculation of the model or defined manually by the user; • Punching shear check can be performed for (1) an automatically calculated required amount of the main reinforcement in the slab or for (2) a user-defined main reinforcement in the slab; • Tool tips graphically describe properties in the punching data dialogue; • New service for multi-punching (check of several points at the same time): • Three check points (none, node, global); • Unit check with graphical interpretation; • New documents and tables for multi punching; • New document for single check with clearer layout. Included in C P E

Required modules: esas.00 and esa.01.

Highlights ► Check of plate resistance against punching. ► Check of shear stress in the critical section. ► Technological openings taken into account.



Concrete designer

Structural reinforcement for beams and columns

The module structural reinforcement for beams and columns esacdt.01 is extended by the possibility to define anchorage details for longitudinal and shear reinforcement through bends and hooks. As two “independent” models of a structure are defined in Scia Engineer (analysis model for input and calculation, and structural model for drawings), also the longitudinal and shear reinforcement can be displayed in two models; • Analysis model of the reinforcement applies in checks according to national standards and in non-linear calculation of deformations or redistribution of internal forces of concrete beams and columns; • Structural model of reinforcement has been implemented for the needs of drawings and export and import of reinforcement into and from CAD systems. This reinforcement can be inputted manually by the user or it can be calculated and inputted automatically by Scia Engineer (in combination with esacd.01). The anchorage in the form of hooks and bends is defined always in the structural model and, therefore, is neglected in calculations and in checks. Its purpose is related exclusively (1) to the display in the graphical window, document and drawings in Scia Engineer and (2) to the exchange of data with specialised programs for the preparation of drawings of reinforcement.

Highlights ► Automatic design of anchorage details for

longitudinal and shear reinforcement.

► Verification of detailing rules.

► Professional presentation of designed


► Automatic practical reinforcement design. ► Reinforcement around openings and in


variable profiles.


The anchorage can be defined for: • Stirrups (shear and torsion); • Longitudinal reinforcement (bending). Anchorage properties: • The default properties of anchorage details can be adjusted separately for individual projects or globally for all projects; • The anchorage can be displayed in a different colour than the reinforcement that is taken into account in calculations; • The program is able to check the minimal anchorage length for stirrups in accordance with the specified national standard. If the anchorage length does not meet the stipulated conditions, the program modifies it accordingly; • Individual anchorage properties can be parameterised. This feature makes it possible to prepare user templates; • The anchorage length can be applied to both open and closed stirrups; • The anchorage details are available for all types of cross-sections; • The user himself can choose the position of the anchorage on a stirrup; • The user can also automatically input reinforcement around openings. Display modes for anchorage in the graphical window, document and drawings: • 3D display style including the anchorage details; • Drawing of individual reinforcement bars in a beam. Included in C P E S

Structural reinforcement for beams and columns

Check of structural reinforcement (esacd.01 required) The practical reinforcement can be used to perform a check of the reinforcement. The check can be done for an entire member or an individual section. A check can be performed, using the option “capacity check” or the option “stress-/strain check’. The checks can be executed at three different levels dependant on the details that are needed for the calculation the user can choose a level for the representation of the results. The first level is a 3D plot on the screen which can show a unity check or one of the calculated capacities (moment, normal force, shear force, torsion):

Concrete designer

A second level of checking is a numerical output in tables, here the user can have a clear numerical overview of all the checks that can be done such as a check for the moments, the shear force, the normal force and torsion. A third level of checking (section check) is described more in detail in the following text: • Capacity check The capacity check calculates the extreme allowed interaction between the normal force N and the bending moments My and Mz. In theory this is a 3D diagram (interaction diagram), but Scia Engineer allows the user to make horizontal and vertical sections. The axis of the diagram has an axis for the normal force Nx, the bending moment My and the bending moment Mz; • Stress/strain check The stress/strain check is a completely different method. This method uses an iteration routine to calculate an equilibrium, based on the internal forces, the crosssection, the material properties and the reinforcement layout. However, this method does not calculate extreme values such as the interaction diagram, but it calculates the state of the equilibrium for that cross-section. The calculation also contains the height of the concrete compression zone, curvatures, stresses, strains and forces. The stress/ strain check works for every interaction of the normal force with uni-axial or bi-axial bending moments.

137 esacdt.01

Concrete designer

Practical reinforcement in slabs

This module allows the user to define a practical reinforcement layout in a slab or wall. The user easily enters details such as the necessary diameters, cover and bar centres which are then automatically inserted in the slab. The graphical representation of the 3D reinforcement bars allows an easy and user-friendly review of the locations and diameters of the bars. The reinforcement schemes can be used in a calculation of the physical non-linear deflection of the plates and walls. The schemes can be defined as meshes, a set of bars or individual bars. The anchorage length can be set in a very user-friendly way. In all, this module is a very easy and powerful module for the definition of practical reinforcement schemes in slabs and walls. The user defines the reinforcement by using the standard graphical tools of Scia Engineer. The reinforcement schemes have individual properties like diameter, cover and bar centres. All these properties can easily be parameterized using the module esa.11. The user can also pick a mesh of bars from the system library of reinforcement meshes. The geometry of the scheme can be defined by using a table editor and direct input. The reinforcement bars are used in the calculation of the code dependent deflections in the plates. Based on the creep factor and the reinforcement, the immediate, total and additional deflection can then be calculated by using the module esas.19.

Highlights â–ş Intuitive and simple input of steel

reinforcement bars in plates and walls..

â–ş Precise drawings, accurate calculations,


perfect documentation and presentations of reinforced slabs.


Included in C P E S

Required modules: esacd.02.xx, esas.19.


Strand-patterns enable the user to quickly and easily model pre-tensioned/post-tensioned concrete members in accordance with their daily practice. The user utilises what is termed borehole and strand patterns in order to input individual strands and adjust their properties such as the initial stress, debonding length, draping distance, type of strand, etc. The user can store the borehole- and strand-patterns in libraries and retrieve them back when needed; thus attributing to a standardised company-wide solution for strand layout in members. Consequently, the application of this module in combination with the module for parameterisation provides the user with the best solution for precast pre-tensioned members.

The input dialogue for strand patterns is straightforward and corresponds to the needs of design practice. The user can see in one glance the centre of gravity for both the prestressing and cross-section. For asymmetrical cross-sections like T-shapes used at ends of bridges this contributes to a proper design of prestressing. The table of geometrical data calculates on-line the data related to the prestressing and cracked concrete section while the user is still inputting the strand layout. These data include, for example, the moment of inertia, area of concrete without the strands, section modulus at top fibres, etc. The user is able to easily assign debonded and draped strands. Even curved members can be prestressed using the draping functions. All prestressing materials can be used, like wires, strands and bars. This means that structures like asymmetrical T’s, hollow core slabs, double T’s, foundation piles, lattice girder slabs, and others can be modelled. All entered data can be reviewed in the graphical window of Scia Engineer and, if necessary, easily adapted. View parameters help the user to change the picture of the strand pattern according to the company practice; the same picture will be stored in the document. Other Included in E

Required modules: esa.00.

Concrete designer

The philosophy of what is termed a “super-user” enables the customer to assign a “super user” who can create and maintain strand patterns and individual templates/parameters. An “ordinary user” is then only able to use the templates with strand patterns created by this “super user” in a quick and easy way, without the possibility to use a noncompany strand pattern or to enter incorrect input values. The library can be stored by the “super user” on the company server and it can be even made accessible to customer’s clients through the Internet. Various data for the cross-section can be imported from DWG or DXF file, attributing to a quick conversion of old calculation practice into the new Scia Engineer integrated solution.

Highlights ► User-defined templates for prestressing

data available for printing include, for instance, the initial stresses, borehole patterns and strand properties. This module is used in combination with the modules “construction stages’, “time dependant analysis” and “prestress checks’. This module can NOT run without module esas.40: “calculation of prestressed structures’.

reinforcement in pre-tensioned/posttensioned concrete members. ► Fast re-use of templates in other projects. ► Parameterisation of the reinforcement templates. ► Possible to input bore holes patterns by means of a dwg/dxf file. ► Asymmetrical strand patterns.




Concrete designer

Post-tensioned or external tendons “Post-tensioned or external tendons” allow the user to model in 3D, and in a practical way, tendons for beams, columns, walls and plates. The user can directly draw an internal or external tendon, or alternatively, he can base the design of a post-tensioned tendon on a library of standard “source” geometries. The source geometry represents a part of the tendon, e.g. the straight part at the end of the tendon, the curved part with the minimum radius above the support or the part at midspan. Source geometries can be merged together to define the practical geometry of the tendon in accordance with a common engineering practice. Tendon geometries can be also easily imported from XML, DWG or DXF files. During the design, i.e. prior to calculation, the user can quickly review the estimate of losses, which attributes to a quick and practical design. After a successful calculation, all the relative geometry data and tendon properties can be printed in a user-friendly style. Additionally, all (geometrical) properties of the internal or external tendon can be parameterised, thus contributing to a fast and easy design of repeating or relatively standard prestressed structures. Tendons can be defined for any type of structure: bridge, slab in a building, wall or beam. The following codes are supported: DIN, ÖNORM, CSN, NEN, ENV and the latest EN code. The

Highlights ► Direct input of internal and external post-

tensioned tendons.

► Import of tendon geometry through DXF,


► Export of tendons to CAD programs for the


finalisation of drawings.


tendon can be curved in the XZ-plane and/or XY-plane. Consequently, the user is capable of modelling almost any prestressed structure, whether with or without internal or external tendons. The user can define all the necessary properties of the tendon, such as the anchorage set, initial stress, friction properties, etc. Moreover, the user can specify the method of stressing (only from the beginning, from the beginning and re-stressed from the end, etc.), and the type of short-term relaxation. Usual prestressing materials/elements like wires, strands, cables and bars are defined in the default material library. Common relaxation tables are defined by each national code and can be adapted according to the user’s or manufacturer’s requirements. When the design of the tendon is complete,the user can export the tendon to a CAD-program for the finalisation of the drawing. The calculation document plots all necessary data, results and properties of the tendon. All relevant data are

embedded in the user-perfect document of Scia Engineer and require no extra handling at all. The application of post-tensioning together with the module for parameterisation enables the user to define perfect templates of post-tensioned structures in an easy, practical, project-defined or company-defined way. The document is always exactly according to the engineer’s wishes or practice. Moreover, each individual document can be defined separately for each external party, so an external auditor can have a more detailed document (graphically or numerically) than a colleague. This is all changed on a click of a button. This part of the module is used in combination with the modules “construction stages’, “time dependant analysis” and “prestress checks’. This module can NOT run without module esas.40: “calculation of prestressed structures’. The whole package of prestress modules is today the best solution for the calculation of pretensioned or post-tensioned structures. Included in E

Required module: esas.00.

Checks of prestressed beams according to EN 1992

“Checks of prestressed beams” is an advanced module for users of modules for the calculation of prestressed beams and construction stages. Beams can be of any cross-section and can be modelled in frame-XZ or frame-XYZ projects. There is no difference between 2D and 3D structures. The module can be used with or without the TDA (Time Dependant Analysis) module. The graphical window provides an easy check of the cross-section response, cracks, shear forces, torsion, principal stresses and capacity. All the defined construction stages can also be easily taken into account. The development of concrete strength and stiffness over time is taken into consideration in the model. Additionally, the check of allowable concrete and tendon stresses and the shear in the construction joint can be performed.

Concrete designer

Working with the prestress checks The user works in a fully graphical environment. After a successful calculation of a prestressed beam, the user can easily perform the required checks for individual construction stages. Thus, the check can be performed for any time instant of the structure lifespan! For instance, the required reinforcement can be determined at the ULS. The calculation of longitudinal reinforcement takes into consideration the user-defined tendons/strands and soft steel reinforcement. All data are clearly displayed. The check of the cross-section (strain, stress, force) has its own tab-page for internal forces resulting from (1) prestressing (primary/secondary), (2) dead and (3) life load. It is even possible to perform the check of individual tendons, strands, reinforcement bars or concrete fibres. Aging of young concrete is properly applied in the model, i.e. the concrete strength and stiffness depends on the time of casting. The loads, strains, stresses and internal forces for uni-axially and bi-axially loaded cross-sections can be reviewed in a 2D or 3D graphical window. Both initial and resultant state of the stresses, strains, etc. can be evaluated. The initial state is the state of the cross-section in which all dead loads including prestressing have been applied; the resultant state is the state of the cross-section in which all loads (dead and live loads including prestressing) have been applied. The operating stress in the prestressed tendons/ strands is the stress including the losses due to creep, shrinkage and relaxation. This analysis can be done according EN 1992-1-1 (buildings)

Included in E

Required modules: esas.27, esas.40.

Highlights ► In combination with construction stages

and time dependent analysis represents a unique tool for analysis of prestressed concrete structures. ► Speed up of hardening by heating of concrete during production. ► The anchorage length is calculated automatically according to EC. ► Check of principal stresses. ► Tendon materials/diameters acc. latest prEN 10138.



Concrete designer

Checks of prestressed beams according to EN 1992

or EN 1992-2 (bridges). Additionally, the losses due to elastic deformation are taken into account. Special arrangements have been done for precast concrete according chapter 10 of EC2. The moment capacity of the whole beam can be calculated for the resultant vector moment of My and Mz - the moment around y-axis and z-axis respectively. This capacity can be easily compared to the governing forces. The capacity of a single section can be checked using the interaction diagrams of N, My and Mz. The allowable stresses are checked according to clause The influence of environmental classes, soft steel reinforcement amount and location of the prestressing reinforcement can easily be verified for individual construction stages. The principal stresses can also be verified and checked acc. EC2.



The module “prestress checks according to EN 1992� is an easy-to-use tool for engineers who need to check reinforced, prestressed beams according to the ultimate and serviceability limit states. There is no difference between uni-axial or bi-axial bending. All construction stages can easily be respected. The model takes into account the rheological aging (development of concrete strength and stiffness over time). The program operates easily and intuitively. The graphical output helps the engineer gain an insight and allows him to come to a more efficient design. The regenerable document bundles the calculation results and provides a sound and neat graphical output.


Prestressed checks NEN

“Checks of prestressed beams” is an advanced module for users of modules for the calculation of prestressed beams and construction stages. Beams can be of any cross-section type and can be modelled in as well 2D frames as 3D frames projects. The module can be used with or without the TDA (Time Dependant Analysis) module. The graphical window provides an easy check of the cross-section response and capacity. All defined construction stages can also be easily taken into account. The development of concrete strength and stiffness in time is taken into consideration in the model. Additionally, the check of allowable concrete and tendon stresses can be performed.

Working with prestress checks

All data are clearly displayed. The check of the cross-section (strain, stress, force) has its own tab-page for internal forces resulting from (1) prestressing (primary/secondary), (2) dead and (3) life load. It is even possible to perform the check of individual tendons, strands, reinforcement bars or concrete fibres. Aging of young concrete is properly applied in the model, i.e. the concrete strength and stiffness depends on the time of casting. The loads, strains, stresses and internal forces for uni-axially and bi-axially loaded cross-sections can be reviewed in a 2D or 3D graphical window. Both initial and resultant state of the stresses, strains, etc. can be evaluated. The initial state is the state of the cross-section in which all dead loads including prestressing have been applied; the resultant state is the state of the cross-section in which all loads (dead and live loads including prestressing) have been applied. The operating stress in the prestressed tendons/strands is the stress including the losses due to creep, shrinkage and relaxation. Additionally, the losses due to elastic deformation are taken into account. The moment capacity of the whole beam can be calculated for the resultant vector moment of My and Mz - the moment around y-axis and z-axis respectively. This capacity can be easily compared to the governing forces. Included in E

Required modules: esas.40, esas.27 or esas.38.

Concrete designer

The user works in a fully graphical environment. After a successful calculation of a pre-tensioned beam, the user can easily perform the abovementioned checks for individual construction stages. Thus, the check can be performed for any time instant of the structure lifespan! For instance, the required reinforcement can be determined. The calculation of longitudinal reinforcement takes into consideration the user-defined tendons/strands and soft steel reinforcement.

Also the capacity of a single section can be checked using the interaction diagrams of N, My and Mz. The allowable stresses are checked according to clause 8.1.7 and 8.7.4. The influence of environmental classes, soft steel reinforcement amount and location of the prestressing reinforcement can easily be verified for individual construction stages.

Conclusion The module “prestress checks according to NEN 6720” is an easy-to-use tool for engineers who need to check reinforced, pre-tensioned beams according to the ultimate and serviceability limit state. There is no difference between uni-axial or bi-axial bending. All construction stages can easily be respected. The model takes into account the rheological aging (development of concrete strength and stiffness over time). The program

operates easily and intuitively. The graphical output helps the engineer gain an insight and allows him to come to a more efficient design. The regenerated document bundles the calculation results and provides a sound and clear graphical output.

Highlights ► A state-of-the-art tool for the analysis

of prestressed concrete structures, in particular in combination with construction stages and time dependent analysis.. ► Check of principal stresses. ► Check of shear stress between connection plane.



Concrete designer

Prestressed checks CSN

“Checks of prestressed beams� is an advanced module for users of modules for the calculation of prestressed beams and construction stages. Beams can be of any cross-section type and can be modelled in as well 2D frames as 3D frames projects. The module can be used with or without the TDA (Time Dependant Analysis) module. The graphical window provides an easy check of the cross-section response and capacity. All defined construction stages can also be easily taken into account. The development of concrete strength and stiffness in time is taken into consideration in the model. Additionally, the check of allowable concrete and tendon stresses can be performed.

Working with prestress checks The user works in a fully graphical environment. After a successful calculation of a pre-tensioned beam, the user can easily perform the abovementioned checks for individual construction stages. Thus, the check can be performed for any time instant of the structure lifespan! For instance, the required reinforcement can be determined. The calculation of longitudinal reinforcement takes into consideration the user-defined tendons/strands and soft steel reinforcement.

Highlights â–ş A powerful and unique tool for analysis of


prestressed concrete structures, especially if combined with construction stages and time dependent analysis.


All data are clearly displayed. The check of the cross-section (strain, stress, force) has its own tab-page for internal forces resulting from (1) prestressing (primary/secondary), (2) dead and (3) life load. It is even possible to perform the check of individual tendons, strands, reinforcement bars or concrete fibres. Aging of young concrete is properly applied in the model, i.e. the concrete strength and stiffness depends on the time of casting. The loads, strains, stresses and internal forces for uni-axially and bi-axially loaded cross-sections can be reviewed in a 2D or 3D graphical window. Both initial and resultant state of the stresses, strains, etc. can be evaluated. The initial state is the state of the cross-section in which all dead loads including prestressing have been applied; the resultant state is the state of the cross-section in which all loads (dead and live loads including prestressing) have been applied. The operating stress in the prestressed tendons/strands is the stress including the losses due to creep, shrinkage and relaxation. Additionally, the losses due to elastic deformation are taken into account. The moment capacity of the whole beam can be calculated for the resultant vector moment Included in E

Required modules: esas.40, esas.27 or esas.38.

Prestressed checks CSN

of My and Mz - the moment around y-axis and z-axis respectively. This capacity can be easily compared to the governing forces. Also the capacity of a single section can be checked using the interaction diagrams of N, My and Mz. The allowable stresses are checked according to clause 6.1.1. The influence of environmental classes, soft steel reinforcement amount and location of the prestressing reinforcement can easily be verified for individual construction stages.


Concrete designer

The module “prestress checks according to CSN 73 6207� is an easy-to-use tool for engineers who need to check reinforced, pre-tensioned beams according to the ultimate and serviceability limit state. There is no difference between uni-axial or bi-axial bending. All construction stages can easily be respected. The model takes into account the rheological aging (development of concrete strength and stiffness over time). The program operates easily and intuitively. The graphical output helps the engineer gain an insight and allows him to come to a more efficient design. The regenerated document bundles the calculation results and provides a sound and clear graphical output.

145 esacd.04.07

Concrete designer

Checks of hollow core slab according EN 1168

In conjunction with Scia ODA the user has a very powerful tool, which calculates and checks hollow core slabs with or without openings in a very fast and user-friendly way. With “check of hollow core slabs” the user can easily and quickly perform checks according EN 1168, in addition to the normal EN 1992-1-1. The various checks include splitting, punching and shear/torsion interaction. Using the general cross-section module the “main user” is able to define his customized set of hollow core cross-sections.

Finally the (R&D) user can calculate so-called load-capacity diagrams. Using the batch processor module the user can calculate the maximum span for a predefined template of a hollow core slab. He can research the influence of individual parameters, like load, concrete grade, time of loading, creep factor, set of strand patterns on the maximum allowable span.

This module was developed in collaboration with engineers with expertise in precast concrete resulting in an effective approach to every day engineering problems. Using the “main user” philosophy the lead engineer defines a template calculation / document of a hollow core slab calculation in Scia Engineer which means that the “common users” can run this template in Scia ODA or Scia Engineer. They only need enter the parameters defined by the “main user” thus reducing the possibility of mistakes and in the meantime reduce the cost of repetitive engineering considerably. The library of cross-sections can consist of each kind of composite hollow core slab. The “main user” can easily parameterize the thickness of the topping. Then the common user can pick a set of hollow core he wants to calculate and pick the appropriate strand patterns for it. Automatically after document regeneration the checks are performed and the user sees if the hollow core slab is ok or not.

Highlights ► A state-of-the-art tool for the analysis


of prestressed concrete structures, in particular in combination with construction stages and time dependent analysis.


Required module: esas.00.

Voided slabs

The use of voided slabs is getting more and more attention in the market because of its numerous advantages. The concept of a voided slab is very simple. Void plastic formers are placed between the upper and lower static reinforcement of a concrete slab. They replace concrete in zones where it has no structural benefit. Main benefits are: • The floor weigh is up to 35% lower compared to solid slabs; • It is possible to create larger spans; • More open floor layout i.e. use of less columns.

Concrete designer

The engineer can use generic features available in Scia Engineer such as loading, combinations, reviewing of results, checking of deformations. Above these generic features there are also more specific features available for voided slabs (design code: EC-EN) such as: • Library with types of void formers; • Automatic determination of voided slab zones; • Adaptation of stiffness; • Calculation of longitudinal and punching reinforcement.

Modelling of voided slabs Modelling of voided slabs is based on the generic capabilities of Scia Engineer. The engineer creates a standard analysis model including loads, load cases, combinations, etc. A typical set of load cases are: 1. Self weight panel + topping, 2. Permanent load on the floor, 3. Live load on the floor, 4. Wind load effects from building sway. The combinations for the calculation of the reinforcement and internal forces are standard Ultimate Limit State combinations and the Service Limit State combinations according to Eurocode.

Design of voided slabs The design is executed in the same way as for solid composite slab. The reduced self weight and adapted stiffness are taken into account. Void formers (Balls or Spheres) have to be left out in areas where the shear exceeds the reduced shear capacity of the voided slab. These areas are replaced by solid concrete. This occurs principally near columns and walls where shear forces are relatively high. Punching checks are done as for a solid flat slab due to solid areas around columns. The floor can be checked by standard Scia Engineer modules according to BS 8110 (esacd.02.09), EN 1992-1-1 (esacd.02.01) and

Required module: esas.00.

EN 1992-1-2 (Fire) (esacd.07.01). The voided slab customization is developed according to the Eurocode. Void formers

Highlights ► Full integration in Scia Engineer. ► Link with Allplan for detailing.

► Predefined libraries of void formers.

A predefined library of void formers is available in Scia Engineer.

► Respecting the new EC EN.

Determination of voided slab zones

► Automatic determination of zones in which

The user is able to use common results, uz, Rz, Mx, My, Mxy, Vzx, Vzy, to analyze the floor. Especially for voided slabs a special function has

► Automatic adaptation of stiffness and self

► Made together with know-how coming

directly from the market.

voided slabs are not allowed.

weight for voided/solid zones.

► Practical rebars and shear reinforcement.



Voided slabs

Concrete designer

been developed in order to check the area for which the shear capacity of the floors with void formers is failing. Scia Engineer will determine automatically in which regions voided slabs are not allowed. Subregions out of massive concrete will be created. Scia Engineer will do the adaptation of the self weight and stiffness in order to have the correct results. These layouts can be exported to a DWG file or directly to Allplan. Afterwards the user can create a reasonable ball arrangement for manufacturing in e.g. Allplan. Rebars Also the longitudinal reinforcement in the slab can be designed in Scia Engineer (module esacd.02 is needed). The user can use the existing module for design of reinforcement according to BS 8110 and/or EN 1992-1-1 for all reinforcement in all directions. The user can define the cover, the environmental class and the diameters of the reinforcement per side of the slab. All reinforcement layers can be stored in an asf-file. This file format is used for export of reinforcement from Scia Engineer to Allplan. Shear reinforcement The standard punching shear check module (esacd.03) can be used for the check of punching shear above a support. This module is enhanced to check punching shear in voided slabs too. The module checks the punching shear in all necessary perimeters and plots the reinforcement numerically. For voided slabs the theoretical shear reinforcement can be transformed to a practical arrangement using a set of practical links. The arrangements of the punching reinforcement are a practical interpretation of EC2.

148 esacd.11.01

Advanced functionality Additionally it is possible to override the designed reinforcement by a user-defined reinforcement. Complementary checks for horizontal shear at the interface between precast and site execution concrete are available. According to the new EN code, clause 6.2.5, the check of the connection plane (interface) between the precast panel and topping can be performed. The user is able to define the roughness of the top of the panel and the panel thickness for the check. The reinforcement contributing to horizontal shear resistance is punching shear reinforcement (first limit), lattice girder reinforcement (second limit) and lattice girder plus ball cage reinforcement beyond second limit i.e. in the voided area. The output of all checks can be directed to the Scia Engineer Document.

Interoperability Finally, the model including the reinforcement can be sent to Nemetschek Allplan for further detailing and finalization of the drawings incorporating automation that makes the total process very economical.

Composite steel-concrete beams EC-EN 1994, BS5950

The EN 1994 and BS5950 composite steelconcrete beam code check modules design composite beams and are an integrated part of the Scia Engineer structural analysis system. The structural engineer can use this interactive graphical tool to carry out automatic stress, stability and stiffness checks of composite beams at final (composite) stage and at construction (non-composite) stage. It includes also the fire resistance design for composite beams.

Design procedure The composite design is defined on 2D and 3D steel beam structures. All design parameters are introduced according to the Scia Engineer standard through libraries linked to steel beam properties, including slab data, 1D member data, etc. The following libraries are available in Scia Engineer: • 2D reinforcement mesh; • Profile decks; • Pre-cast slabs; • Shear connectors; • Insulations Design parameters Props may be used at the construction stage to reduce deflections and prevent the capacity of the steel beam from being exceeded before the concrete gains sufficient strength. If the beam is propped during construction, construction stage check and design is not necessary. All beams may be designed assuming that the whole loading acts on the composite member at the ultimate limit state. If the beam is un-propped, construction stage checks are necessary. Pre-camber can also be accommodated. Users may control floor vibration by specifying acceptable deflection limits and the natural frequency limit of the beam.

Required module: esas.00.

Designer of other materials

The following topics are covered: • Final stage (composite) and construction stage (non-composite) design calculations for ULS, SLS and fire limit states; • Use of standard and user-defined profiled steel decking; • Use of solid slabs, haunched solid slabs and hollow core slabs; • Propped and unpropped construction of the beam; • Floor load generation for secondary beams; • Use of normal weight (NWC) and light weight concrete (LWC); • Use of headed shear connectors, Hilti, channel and bar-hoop connectors

Slab types The software supports the following types of slabs: • Solid slabs cast in-situ; • Haunched solid slabs cast in-situ; • Precast hollow core slabs; • Composite in-situ concrete and profiled steel deck Shear connectors Composite action between the steel beam and the concrete slab is developed by the use of appropriately designed and detailed shear connectors. Shear connectors can be selected from a library. Various types are supported like stud, channel, bar hoop and Hilti. Final stage composite beams are considered as continuously restrained. Point and Distributed restraints applicable for the construction stage checks may be specified by the user at the top, bottom, top+bottom or centre of the beam. Reinforcement Mesh reinforcement acts mainly as an anti-crack steel but also as a transverse reinforcement. Top face mesh reinforcement contributes to the longitudinal shear resistance of the slab in vertical planes, but does not contribute to the ‘tunnel shaped’ shear surface around the shear

Highlights ► Integrated in Scia Engineer in the composite

design tree for complete building.

► Linked to our proven EN1993 and BS2000

steel code check for the construction stage design. ► ‘Check’ modes checks your preferred beam section(s) or provides a single check option. ► Designs for final and construction stages: Wet and dry concrete density with(out) propping. ► Deck profile options: Select from the commercial (UK) product library, or create your own user-defined sections. ► Slab type options: Choice of lightweight concrete, solid slabs, haunched slabs and hollow core pre-cast units. ► Choice of Shear Connector types: Commercial (UK) product library of stud types, headed connectors, channels and bar hoops. ► Choice of Scia Engineer steel sections, hot rolled: I-sections, RHS, SHS and fabricated I-sections

esascd.01.01 / esascd.01.09


Composite steel-concrete beams EC-EN 1994, BS5950


Fire resistance

If the user wants to place loose bars in troughs of profile decks or in haunched solid slabs then the Rebar option should be used, since mesh is not practical in this case.

Calculation results are displayed in the standard Scia Engineer presentation graphics or in a user friendly, self-explanatory explorer-tree type layout. The results are offered in several levels of detail, from summary to in-depth calculation report.

Fire check on the composite section can be performed as part of the composite design.



Uniform, Point and Distributed dead or imposed loads may be specified for construction and final stages according to the Scia Engineer standard. Beam loadings can also be defined as area loads through load panels which distribute the area load to beams.

There are two printout options available; detailed and simple page summary. Both can be previewed on-screen prior to sending to the document or printer.

connectors. Bottom face mesh or bars are usually not provided in profiled deck slabs since the deck serves this purpose.

Designer of other materials

Design stages The stages are considered and need to be defined when the functionality ‘composite’ is selected. The following stages are considered: ‘construction stage’ (steel beams only) and ‘final stage’ (composite). Loads are defined for each stage individually. The design of the construction stage is enabled with the regular EN1993 and/or BS5950 design check in Scia Engineer.

150 esascd.01.01 / esascd.01.09

The Scia Engineer print preview and document can of course be customised with the user’s company details and logo.

For this, the user has to specify a temperaturetime curve, fire resistance period and requirement for protection. The temperature-time curve could be a standard temperature-time curve, external fire curve or hydro carbon curve. Fire insulation type can be specified as well. The user can choose the following from a standard library: • Manufacturer name; • Encasement; • Insulation type.

Composite steel-concrete columns

Composite columns composed of concrete-filled steel tubes (CFT) have become increasingly popular in structural applications around the world. This type of column can offer many advantages, such as high strength, ductility, and large energy absorption capacity, as well as increased speed of construction, positive safety aspects, and possible use of simple standardized connections. Furthermore, today’s possibility to produce concrete grades with higher compressive strengths allows for design of more slender columns, which results in larger floor space.

Composite Column Sections Design checks can be carried out for six rolled or welded types of composite sections as illustrated in the table below.

Composite design checks can be carried out both for a linear and non linear combination. Parameters involved in the check that are unique to linear / non-linear combination are discussed for both type of calculations. Linear combination; • Second order effects: The applicability is checked according to clause 5.2.1(3) of EC-EN. If applicable, these are incorporated in accordance with clause; • Member imperfection moments: The influence of geometrical and structural imperfections is taken into account through the equivalent member imperfections as mentioned in table 6.5; • Modified moment: The moments obtained from the linear static analysis are modified on the basis of the second order moments and imperfection moments are calculated as stated above. Non-linear combination: • Second order effects: these are not taken into account in the non-linear calculation; • Member imperfections: If the non-linear analysis is carried out without considering the imperfections in the analysis then these imperfections are accounted for in the design check in accordance with Table 6.5; else if the non-linear analysis is carried out considering the imperfections then these imperfections do not form a part of the design check; • Modified moment: The moments obtained from the non-linear analysis are modified by adding the imperfection moments if the same are not incorporated in the analysis;

Required module: esas.00.

Designer of other materials

Methods of analysis

• Axial check: It must be noted that in the case of an axial check for a non linear combination, no separate buckling check is carried out. That means that the axial resistance is taken as the plastic moment of resistance of the composite section (obtained as described in section 4.1.1 below) and the corresponding utilization is defined as the ratio of axial force at the section to the plastic resistance to compression.

Design checks: Ultimate limit state The checks are performed according to EN 1994-1-1:2004. The design checks for composite column sections are based on the simplified method of design which is applicable to prismatic column sections with doubly symmetric sections. Different checks are performed. Resistance of members in axial compression: This type of check contains: • The plastic resistance to compression of the composite section; • Calculation of the elastic critical normal force; • Calculation of the effective flexural stiffness; • The influence of long-term effects: reduction of the modulus of elasticity of concrete; • Use of European Buckling curves; • Calculation of non dimensional slenderness; • Evaluation of the buckling resistance to compression; • Calculation of the utilisation ratio for the resistance in axial compression

Highlights ► Support of 9 cross-sections in this module.

► The analysis can be carried out for a linear

or a non-linear combination.

► Possibility to create user-defined concrete


► This module takes into account the time

dependent effects by computing the flexural stiffness. ► ULS check includes Pure axial, Combined axial plus uniaxial bending, Combined axial plus biaxial bending, longitudinal shear check, Transverse shear check. ► Possibility to have a detailed output with all intermediate calculations and used clauses



Composite steel-concrete columns

Designer of other materials

Combined compression and uniaxial bending: The resistance of a member to combined compression and uniaxial bending is evaluated by means of an interaction curve (clause Combined compression and biaxial bending The resistance of the section under combined compression and biaxial bending is evaluated according to clause equation 6.47. Influence of transverse shear on resistance to bending The influence of transverse shear forces on the resistance to bending and normal force is considered when determining the interaction curve as per clause Shear resistance Longitudinal shear at the interface between concrete and steel is verified in accordance with clause

Design checks: Fire exposure For the fire resistance calculation refer to EN 1994-1-2:2005.


Following are the calculation models used to check the resistance of a column in a fire situation: • Fully concrete encased sections: Check in accordance with the Tabulated data in Table 4.4; • Partially concrete encased sections: Balanced summation model as described in Annex G; • Concrete filled circular hollow sections and concrete filled rectangular (or square) hollow sections: Generalised design method as described in clause as well as the alternative design method described in Annex H.


Timber code check for EC5

Stress and stability check of timber members according to Eurocode 5 Timber code check is a Scia Engineer module for the design of timber structures. It is an interactive, graphical tool for automatic stress and stability checking (buckling, lateral torsional buckling) of timber members according to the ultimate limit state. The program is fully integrated with the Scia Engineer modules for structural analysis.

Working with timber code check The design and check of timber profiles is performed in the graphical environment of Scia Engineer.

Designer of other materials

The beams to-be-checked are selected graphically by a mouse pointer or through standard filters for selection. Graphical functions such as Pan, Zoom in/out, Zoom Window, etc. and user-defined viewpoint make the work easy, even for complex structures.

Timber code check EC5 After selection of a member, the results of the code check are displayed immediately in a clear dialogue window. A short overview, detailed stress and stability calculation (with output of the corresponding formulas of EC5), or the determining internal forces are displayed on the screen. All important data for this member are editable in this dialogue window. The effect of changes is calculated immediately. The full-automatic profile optimisation reduces the time required for the selection of appropriate sections considerably. You choose the maximum allowable unity check and a type of cross section. The program selects in almost no time the lightest profile that satisfies the code check for the selected members. For parametric sections, the user chooses which parameter has to be adapted (height, width, etc.). The unity checks are represented graphically in the 3D view of the structure. Colours give a clear overview of both oversized and undersized parts of the structure. Numerical output to the printer or to the document is controlled by the user: • Automatic search for extremes: critical loadcase or combination, critical beam…; • Output of oversized, optimal and undersized beams; • Free choice of output format:

Required modules: esas.00 or esas.01.

• Brief: only unity stress and stability checks; • Normal: ½ page with main data of a beam; • Detailed: 1 page per beam (with output of the corresponding formulas of EC).

Seamless integration with structural analysis The results of the calculation (first order or 2nd order calculation) are taken directly from the Scia Engineer modules for structural analysis. Cross-sections are changed directly in the calculation model. The results are available also in the document of the project.

Input facilities All important factors and coefficients for Eurocode 5 code check are proposed by the program and are editable by the user:

Highlights ► Full integration into the main graphical user


► Stress and stability checks.

► Graphical and tabular output.

153 esatd.01.01

Designer of other materials

Timber code check for EC5

• Basic data of EC5 (safety factors, service class, modification factors,…); • Buckling data: buckling lengths, sway system (with or without bracing),…; • Lateral Torsional Buckling data: LTB length; • Inactive parts to consider the influence of haunches, external reinforcement,…; • Profile type and timber grade are editable.

Stress and stability check The buckling length is calculated for each beam depending on the sway system (method of Wood). The beam members are checked according to the regulations given in “Eurocode 5: Design of timber structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings - ENV 1995-1-1:1993”. The stress check is performed in accordance with art. 5.1.: the section is checked for tension (art. 5.1.2.), compression (art. 5.1.4.), bending (art. 5.1.6.), shear (art., torsion (art. 5.1.8.) and combination of bending, shear and axial force (art. 5.1.9. and art 5.1.10.). The stability check is calculated in accordance with art. 5.2.: the beam element is checked for buckling (art. 5.2.1.), lateral torsional buckling (art. 5.2.2.), shear buckling (art. 5.6.) and combination of bending and axial force.

Supported cross-sections The following cross-sections can be checked: a rectangular prismatic section made from solid or glued laminated timber.

154 esatd.01.01

Design of aluminium structures - EN 1999

The design of aluminium structures according to EN1999 is providing Aluminium designers with a powerful integrated tool to check and (auto) design 2D and 3D structure as per EN1999. It is possible to design any graphical crosssection as it can be drawn by the user himself in Scia Engineer or imported from DXF, DWG or IFC or it can be a typical cross-section as delivered by the well-known Scia Engineer library. The user can define the section, (bow) imperfections, transverse welds, HAZ data and the existing tools as provided by the steel design modules. The design of aluminium is easy to learn and understand for existing as well as new customers as it is done in a similar approach as the steel design module. Any output can be handled in a typical Scia style.

Designer of other materials

For the use of this module, new materials have been added to the material database.

Main Features General environment The aluminium code check is implemented similarly to the steel code routines as implemented in Scia Engineer ( EC3, DIN18800,AISC ASD, AISC LRFD …). Included are: • Standard definition of buckling data and LTB data; • Standard warping check, performed as an elastic stress check; • Standard setup; • Aluminium member data (equivalent for actual steel member data); • Standard definition of LTB restraints; • Standard definition of stiffeners; • Standard definition of diaphragms; • Standard output facilities; • Optimisation. General cross-sections design (module ‘graphical section’) With thin-walled representation overlay for general cross-sections, showing the analytical section, any shape of the cross-section can be defined by the user. Aluminium material list from EN1999 Own user material input is allowed Aluminium setup The setup menu can be implemented equal to the steel setup and contains the following tabs:

Required module: esas.00.

• • • • •

Member check; Buckling defaults; Relative deformation; Alternative values; National annex.

Transverse Welds Transverse welds locally weaken a member and can thus have a large impact on the combined section/stability check. They can be defined as additional data.

Highlights ► Integrated solution.

► Conforms to the general application user


► Latest EN standard.

► Transverse and HAZ data possible.

► General cross-sections from dxf/dwg/IFC. ► Initial and reduced shapes, including

integrated cross-section classification tool.



Design of aluminium structures - EN 1999

Support for slender sections and HAZ data

Designer of other materials

The support for slender sections (class 4 sections) and HAZ data, is realized by the definition of the initial shape and reduced section properties. Classification of Cross-Sections Classification of the cross-section is realized by the definition of the initial shape. Classification is performed for each loading components separately. Setup parameters; • Code settings: In those cases where the code allows for different methods, the user can choose between the default and alternative method; • National Annexes: The Aluminium setup is prepared for the National annexes.

Other functionalities working with Aluminium LTBII LTBII is supported in the same way as for Steel; • Eigenvalue analysis for determination of Mcr; • 2nd order analysis according to code - elastic/ plastic; • 2nd order analysis - general Aluminium Slenderness In addition to the result values of Steel, the values of the applied bow imperfections e0,y and e0,z are available. Local Imperfections according to EC9 In the buckling data, the introduction of bow imperfections according to EC9 is supported. Manual input of Mcr


Moreover, the user can input the Mcr manually for a member.


Optimisation The optimisation routine is supported in the same way as for Steel. Re-factored single check Single check now supports the Scia Engineerdocument style (table composer) and gives the user a direct access to buckling data and buckling coefficients of a member.

Pile design, NEN 6740

Pile foundations are frequently the base of a structure. Piles are used to carry and transfer loads from the structure to the bearing layer(s) in the ground below ground level. To meet the requirements for an optimal design of the foundation and a more refined analysis of the structure, Pile design has been introduced in Scia Engineer. The pile design option helps the user to determine the required pile tip level and the bearing capacity at that tip level.

Design of foundations

Secondly, the verification option results in load-settlement curves from ULS and SLS and it calculates the pile settlement. The program also enables the user to generate non-linear functions from load-settlement curves. The generated functions can be associated with supports as non-linear springs.

Pile design The Pile design functionality is based on the program MFoundation by Deltares. The model together with supports of type Pile is created in Scia Engineer. After the structure is calculated and loads on the piles are known, data are sent to Pile Design from which the results are read back. These results include calculated pile tip level and loadsettlement diagram.

Soil profile CPT The soil profile CPT is a new library in Scia Engineer (comparable to MFoundation), it enables the user to generate soil profiles from CPT data. The generated soil profiles are used in Pile plan design/verification. The soil profile CPT (Cone Penetration Test) data are inputted as files in GEF-format (GEF - Geotechnical Exchange Format (ASCII)), or downloaded from the net, using the DINO database (DINO by TNO). Pile design offers direct access to DINO using convenient search criteria. Aditionally, the GEFPlotTool by Deltares can be used to digitize CPTs which are only available on paper. An automatic interpretation tool is used for generating the soil profile. It uses the stress dependent NEN rule for the interpretation. The predefined soils as defined in NEN 6740 are used by this interpretation tool. The GEF format contains the relevant CPT data: • the level; • co-ordinates;

• • • •

qc; friction; water pressure; friction number.

The availability of the above properties depends on the gef file. The program identifies the input data and generates the soil profile based on the input data and the interpretation rule.

Soil library Soil materials and their properties are specified in the Soil library. The database of soils used by the NEN model is a part of the installation of Scia Engineer and is loaded automatically.

Highlights ► An optimal design of the pile foundation is

carried out by means of a practical and userfriendly tool in Scia Engineer. ► Interpretation of CPT results to derive soil profiles. ► Non-linear functions can be generated from the Load-Settlement curves in order to improve overall results. ► Integrated access to the DINO CPT database by TNO. ► The user is able to enhance the pile design in MFoundation, using XML output.



Pile design, NEN 6740

Pile library The piles are defined in the pile plan library and are associated with supports. The pile properties specify the shape of the pile, pile type and some other parameters.

Design of foundations

skin friction. Furthermore, as result of the Pile plan verification, the load–settlement curves are automatically generated in the pile plan library.

Pile plan design Pile plan design enables the user to calculate the pile tip level. The design is performed only for bearing piles which are subjected to static or quasi static loads that cause compressive forces in the piles. Calculation of pile forces and pile displacements is based on a CPT test. Possibilities of tension in piles and horizontal displacement of piles and/or pile plans are not taken into account.

Pile plan verification


This option carries out all required calculations such as bearing capacity, settlement and negative


Automatic non-linear springs The user is able to generate non-linear supports from the load–settlement curves to use in soilstructure interaction calculation. Recalculating the entire structure using these non-linear functions will improve the overall results, itself leading to ‘new’ loads on the piles. With these loads, the process of pile-design, verification and calculation of the entire structure can be repeated to optimise the total design.

Printouts All output tables of Pile design are available in the standard document service of Scia Engineer. The output tables include both libraries (Soil data, Pile plan, Soil Profile-CPT) and design/checking results.

Pad foundation, EN 1997-1

The support type Pad foundation (previously called ‘Foundation block’) extends a wide set of support types in Scia Engineer. From now on, besides the stiffness which is taken into account under the structure, it is also possible to check the stability of the pad foundation according to EN 1997-1: Geotechnical design-Part 1: General rules, 2004. Three separate checks can be executed: • Bearing resistance check; • Sliding resistance check; • Eccentricity check. Furthermore, the AutoDesign tool is introduced to optimise the dimensions of the pad foundation. It is possible to input the maximum stress received from a geotechnical report and use this value for the automatic design.

Design and optimisation tools are available for single or multiple selected pad foundations as well as in the Overall AutoDesign for optimisation of all pad foundations in the model. Geotechnical combinations Set B and set C of the EN-ULS (STR/GEO) combination defined in EN 1990 are available for the foundation check. For the check a result class GEO is automatically created. This class contains all combinations of types: EN-ULS (STR/GEO) Set B and EN-ULS (STR/GEO) Set C. The latter is specifically used for Geotechnical Design according to Design Approach 1.

Pad foundation input Easy-to-use Pad foundation dialog is used for input of geometry and other properties of pad foundations. Moreover, the subsoil library is linked to the pad foundation properties.

Pad foundation stability check In general, three separate checks are executed: • A Bearing resistance check is executed according to art.6.5.2 and Annex D of EN 1997-1. The vertical design loading Vd should be equal or smaller than the bearing resistance Rd; • A Sliding resistance check is executed according to art. 6.5.3 of EN 1997-1. The horizontal design loading Hd should be equal or smaller than the sum of the sliding resistance Rd and the positive effect of the Included in P E

Design of foundations

The pad foundation properties are defined by: • Pad foundation geometry; • Subsoil properties.

Highlights earth pressure at the side of the foundation Rp,d; • An Eccentricity check is executed according to art.6.5.4 of EN 1997-1: special precautions are required for loads with large eccentricities. When executing the check, the safety and resistance factors which are applied depend on one of the 3 design approaches chosen in the geotechnics setup.

AutoDesign An optimisation tool for pad foundations is also available. This enables the user to search easily for an optimal geometry of the foundation block. The user can choose any of the pad foundation dimensions or even optimise several parameters in one step. This is called sensitivity optimisation: it verifies the sensitivity of different parameters to the check. The maximum check limit is configurable for each of the three main checks.

► Both the stability check and the autodesign

of pad foundations have an optimal performance speed.. ► User is able to check both the superstructure as the foundations.. ► Optimisation tool: the AutoDesign of pad foundations can be carried out in a fast way. The user is able to optimise one or more dimensions of the pad foundation. With the sensitivity optimisation, several parameters can be optimised together. Scia Engineer will give as final result a pad foundation with the most optimal geometry dimensions.. ► The AutoDesign of Pad foundations can be performed together with the AutoDesign of structures.. ► A detailed output with input data, results and used articles is available. This output can be sent to the document for the final report.. ► A unity check can be performed: this gives as result the most critical value of the three checks. This prevents that the user has to perform each check seperately.





Scia Engineer Pipeline

Scia Engineer Pipeline is a special program for design of continuous, variable supported pipelines. Some of the calculations that are possible with Scia Pipeline: • Horizontal directional drilling; • Sinking of floating pipelines; • Install pipelines from a floating ship or pontoon; • Pipelines in settlement sensitive soil; • Dyke crossings; • Install pipes in open trenches. The program has been developed in close co-operation with Visser and Smit Hanab and Grontmij.


A special wizard has been developed to be able to make the input fast and easy. The benefit of using the platform from Scia Engineer is that many existing functions can be used which have been tested all over the world. This improves the quality of the special pipeline program and also guarantees the continuity in the future; it is not a new stand-alone program that can only be used for pipeline calculations. The program can also be used for many other structural calculations. Within Scia Engineer Pipeline you can model 3D pipelines taking into account large displacements and deflections. The pipeline will have an interaction with the soil or only with water (sinking of pipelines). The whole calculation will be done in construction stages. For each stage the geometry and the soil properties can be defined and loadingand displacement history from the previous stages is taken into consideration. This implies that during the overall calculation, pieces of the pipeline can be removed or added, soil properties can be changed and loading can be added or removed. For each stage the force distribution and the deformation can be displayed. The check according to NEN 3650 can be done phase by phase (this check is optional). For other countries it is possible to implement other checks or the results can be saved in XML format so that the user can link it to his own checking program.

The input With a special wizard the whole geometry, the loadings such as internal pressure, weight of

Required modules: For esa.15: esa.00. For esas.31: esas.01. For esas.39: esa.01.

Vertical applications

The program is based on the renowed 2D/3D software called Scia Engineer: a worldwide used program for the analysis and design of all kinds of structures. In this environment, special additions have been developed for calculating pipelines.

Highlights ► The theory of large displacements is used. ► The soil properties are translated to non-

linear springs with multiple branches and an elasto-plastic behaviour. ► The friction between the soil and the pipe for axial displacement and rotation is taken into account.. ► There is a dependency between these two springs. ► The calculation is done with non-linear construction stages. Each next stage starts with the deformed shape of the previous stage. ► In each stage geometry and soil can be added or removed. ► The program takes into account the influence of internal pressure for the axial and the tangential calculation.. ► Along the pipeline the diameter and wall thickness can vary. ► In the program you can define flanges, reducers (symmetric or a-symmetric) and valves.. ► In the tangential calculation horizontal support pressure takes into account.

esa.15 / esas.31 / esas.39


Vertical applications

Scia Engineer Pipeline

filling and external water pressure, material properties, soil properties, settlements and uncertainty factors are defined simply. The pipeline can be straight or curved; in the curves special segments can be defined. The program takes into account the decrease of stiffness in the curves. Different branches of pipelines, connected to each other, can be defined. In the final geometry of pipelines the user can define compartments by using valves. In each compartment an internal pressure can be defined. The soil properties will be translated to non-linear springs including friction springs. These springs will have an elasto-plastic behaviour. When the wizard’s input is completed the whole model will be generated. More: the whole input can be adapted and new items can easily be added.

Axial Calculation and Results Upon completion of the input the axial calculation can be performed. For each stage the force distribution and the deflections in the axis line of the pipe will be determined. After the calculation the results can be presented graphically or numerically. All available functionality from Scia Engineer can be used. This means that from global to detailed, all forces, stresses and deflections can be examined. If needed, a stress check according to NEN 3650 can also be executed.

Tangential Calculation


After the axial calculation it is possible to do a tangential calculation for all sections or a selected group of sections along the pipeline, for a specific stage.

esa.15 / esas.31 / esas.39

The model for this tangential calculation will be generated automatically. This model is a 2D framework whereas the cross-section of the pipe is translated to a 2D beam model. The soil properties and the loadings coming from the axial calculation will be automatically translated to this new 2D model.

The support angle of the soil springs will be given as input parameter. The final result is that for the selected stage and the selected sections we will get the internal forces and the deflections along the cross-section. The result can be combined with the axial calculations and a check according to NEN 3650 can be done considering all possible stresses.



CAD (Allplan) applications

Allplan Steel design templates

Allplan Steel is a unique tool to model and design 3D steel structures, exploiting the benefits of parametric technology and the general 3D modelling functionality, based on the Scia Engineer graphic kernel. Input and modelling of a steel structure is based on templates, which allows an extremely friendly and fast way of input, as well as a high flexibility, because the standard set of templates, delivered with the program, can be extended or modified according to user needs and demands. With the Parametric modeller module it is possible to prepare an arbitrary member shape or a structural part, parameterize it and compose a dialog box to edit those parameters and its properties.

Standard templates, delivered as a part of the installation, are divided into several groups Line grids The 3D line grids inserted in the Allplan drawing allows an easy input of a 3D geometry, by means of the Allplan 3D graphic cursor. Rectangular, spherical, cylindrical grids can be defined quickly and easily and can be composed together into complex shapes.

Highlights ► 3D line grids.

► The “bill of material” is fully supported for

steel templates.

► A wide choice of templates is available from


single beams and columns, from portal frames to complex structures. ► Fully automatic interaction of connected members. ► The whole cross-section database of Scia Engineer is available and also a graphical cross-section editor.


Member templates A wide choice of templates is available. Single beams and columns, a set of portal frames, hunched or not, and truss girders of several shapes are available. The insertion function of templates has alternative modes, allowing both a graphical and alphanumeric input of member dimensions. This function allows changing standard parameters during the repeated input, including the change of the insertion point and rotation around any angle in 3D. All parameters of the whole template are stored within the template and can be changed additionally, as well as the properties of each particular member.

Allplan Steel design templates

Detailing templates

CAD (Allplan) applications

Special templates to input steel connections are available, as well as haunches and member openings. Also a member with variable profile can be easily created this way. Steel connections support fully automatic interaction of connected members, so everything is properly regenerated after e.g. lateral change of profiles of connected members or properties of the connection. Advanced templates A set of several complex structures is also delivered with Allplan Steel. This way it is possible to create a complete model of a certain repetitive structure type very quickly and then get the demanded structure via editing. Bill of material The Allplan functionality “bill of material” is, also fully supported for steel templates. Each member stores the value of its position number, which is calculated by automatic regeneration of position numbers or can be edited manually. Allplan is equipped with several predefined tables for the ‘steel’ bill of material, which can be extended or modified according to special user needs. Steel profiles of members are applicable to the most often used rolled profiles, but because the whole cross-section database of Scia Engineer is available in the background, it is possible to enter it and make any profile shape, combined with rolled and welded parts, etc. Also a graphical cross-section editor is available, so it is possible to create any profile shape that can by produced by means of welding or cutting from standard rolled or general geometrical parts. The generation of cutbacks in joints of members is fully automatic within members in a template.

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