best known for his strategic accomplishments, including China and Détente. His record is more complex. Ambassador Hugo Llorens, a 36-year veteran U.S. diplomat, will provide his perspective on the Nixon era and cover the major issues, but also analyze Nixon’s leadership style, his global view and enduring legacy. Sugar in Florida: A Critical History $25 / $30 • Option #1 – January 25 at 2:30 – 4pm, Tuesday GO4443 – Moorings Park Grey Oaks (South Naples) • Option #2 – February 11 at 1:30 – 3pm, Friday GL4444 – Moorings Park Grande Lake (Southeast Naples) • Option #3 – March 8 at 1:30 – 3pm, Tuesday NC4445 – FGCU Naples Center OL4446 – Online via Zoom Speaker: Nicholas Penniman Choose one of the course options above. The history of sugar in Florida is a tale of experimentation and entrepreneurs, early mistakes and later successes, politics and money. Now the nation’s leading sugar producer, Florida’s agro-industry is dominated by two companies with profits assured by a federal subsidy program that costs taxpayers billions each year. We will discuss the effect of sugar on human health, Florida’s ecosystem and money in politics, all in an attempt to understand how we got to this point and what we can do about it. Presidential Wives: Remember the First Ladies $25 / $30 January 26 at 10 – 11:30am, Wednesday MP4447 – Moorings Park (South Naples) Speaker: Jeff Margolis The role of America’s First Ladies is an unsought, unpaid position with no formal job description. However, that has not stopped the wives of our Presidents from having a voice. While many of these women had no formal education, their writings tell a great deal about their lives, both public and private, as well as the causes they have championed. This presentation examines some of the books written by the female residents of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with a unique perspective of the Presidency that often eludes us. Nicolay & Hay: We Are Lincoln Men $25 / $30 • Option #1 – January 26 at 10 – 11:30am, Wednesday NC4448 – FGCU Naples Center OL4449 – Online via Zoom • Option #2 – March 9 at 1:30 – 3pm, Wednesday BR4450 – Brooks Commons Club (Bonita Springs) Speaker: Lynn Brand Choose one of the course options above. This lecture will explain the dedication of Lincoln’s young private secretaries, John Nicolay and John Hay, to preserve the memory of Lincoln after his assassination. It will describe how these two men were able, after many years and obstacles, to write the definitive biography of their beloved boss thereby setting the record straight as to the cause of the Civil War. We will also describe the long history of what happened to Lincoln’s numerous Presidential papers after his death along with the role his son, Robert Todd Lincoln, played in preserving his father’s memory.
Immokalee’s Fields of Hope $25 / $30 January 26 at 1:30 – 3pm, Wednesday NC4451 – FGCU Naples Center Speaker: Carlene Thissen Based on the speaker’s book, Immokalee’s Fields of Hope, this presentation gives a brief history of Immokalee, beginning with its Seminole Indian, white, black and Tejano residents. Then, for the people who live there today, with personal or family backgrounds from Mexico, Haiti and Guatemala – the speaker will weave the political histories of their home countries with the personal stories they have shared. The Golden Age of Spain $25 / $30 January 25 at 10 – 11:30am, Tuesday MM4452 – Military Heritage Museum (Punta Gorda) Speaker: Jaha Cummings This lecture focuses on the 800-year period of the Moorish Empire in Spain (711CE – 1492CE); a time in which the cultivation and proliferation of Jewish and Islamic mystical traditions and scholarship were at their height. The resulting impact on academic, scientific, artistic and spiritual life throughout Europe arguably laid the foundation for the Renaissance, and later, the Age of Exploration. Current U.S. National Security Challenges $25 / $30 • Option #1 – January 27 at 10 – 11:30am, Thursday BV4453 – Bentley Village (North Naples) • Option #2 – March 21 at 10 – 11:30am, Monday NC4455– FGCU Naples Center OL4456 – Online via Zoom Speaker: Jeffrey Steinberg Choose one of the course options above. This lecture examines the current National Security Strategy of the United States and considers its challenges around the globe, including the reemergence of Russia, China’s global role, regional challenges from North Korea, Iran and non-state challenges (global organized crime and drugs, terrorism, financial and economic stability, immigration crises). We discuss the scope of these challenges and potential policy options. China’s Expansion to the Seas $25 / $30 January 27 at 1:30 – 3pm, Thursday NC4457 – FGCU Naples Center OL4727 – Online via Zoom Speaker: Lyle Bultman The People’s Republic of China has expanded its sphere of power and influence in the East and South China Seas. The impact of their approach has affected the entire Asian region and international relations. Is this the next international danger flashpoint? What are their goals and what can/should be done to curb their expansion? What does this mean for future U.S./China relations?
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