Creative Portfolio

Page 1


& Cu r r ic u lum V i t a e

Table of Contents

About Branding Logofolio Merchandise Packaging Social Media Content

About Defining myself as an adaptive, hardworking and creative individual. I’m passionate about art,graphic design and marketing. I do have interest in musics, fashion, and honestly anything related to creative industry. I have completed my bachelor’s degree in Name :

Faturachman Gianjaya




17 May 1998

Contact : / @fgianjaya / fgianjaya Whatsapp / +62 89663870355

feel free to contact me.

Management, Faculty of Economy and Islam Business at Bandung Sunan Gunung Djati UIN in 2020. Always willing learn new things to help develope my skills and grow profesionally. As i am also able to work individually or in a team.

Educ at i on


To o ls


B r an d in g

A d o be P h oto s h o p

Faculty of Economy and Islam Business

Lay o ut in g

A d o be I llu s tra to r

UIN Sunan Gunung Djati

P ack ag in g d e s ig n

A d o be P r em ie re P ro

Bandung, Indonesia, 2016 - 2020

P h o t o e d it Dig it al imag in g B as ic P h o t o g r ap h y

E x p eri en ce

Lan g uag e s : Indo nesia & Engl ish

Elok Nusantar a


Travel Agency


as Graphic Designer

as Graphic Designer

Bandung Thrift Weeke nd


Event Organization as Graphic Designer

Advan ta g e s

Inter est

C r e at iv e


F as t le ar n e r

G r ap h ic D e s ign

Brand Clothing

A d ap t abilit y

M us ic

as Social Media Admin

E n jo y e x p e r ime n t in g

F as h io n

R e s p o n s ible

E x t r e me Spo rt

T e amw o r k

N at ur e

J Glow Be auty

ManA Foo & Cof


Food & Beverages

as Freelance Graphic Designer

as Graphic Designer

KODIMS KODIMS namely Kopi and Dimsum, basically is a street food dimsum restaurant, the identity came with collaboration between coffee shop and dimsum shop. We want to make the brand looks interesting from distance on the street. Using the military base system, Kodims branches are in several places in Bandung.

Crea t i v e Por t f o li o

B r a n d I d e ntity


Crea t i v e Por t f o li o

B r a n d I d e ntity


Dimsum Packaging

Crea t i v e Por t f o li o

B r a n d I d e ntity

Coffee Packaging


Crea t i v e Por t f o li o

B r a n d I d e ntity


ARANA Arana symbolize a sense of connection between the beauty of tea created by “Arana” to becomea unity. Basically is a bottled milk tea with premium powder with many pleasures as it designed for the active worker.

Crea t i v e Por t f o li o

B r a n d I d e ntity


Crea t i v e Por t f o li o

B r a n d I d e ntity


Crea t i v e Por t f o li o

B r a n d I d e ntity


Crea t i v e Por t f o li o

B r a n d I d e ntity


Sooji Sooji is a shoe perfume made in 2020. Starting from daily activities, which often use shoes. So that it causes bacteria and odor because is used all day. Therefore Sooji is here as a solution to overcome the problem that occurs in the smell of shoes.

Crea t iv e Portf o li o

B r a n d Id e ntity


Crea t iv e Portf o li o

B r a n d Id e ntity


Crea t iv e Portf o li o

B r a n d Id e ntity


Crea t iv e Portf o li o

B r a n d Id e ntity



Crea t iv e Portf o li o

Lo g o f o li o



Crea t iv e Portf o li o

Me r c h a nd ise


Crea t iv e Portf o li o

Me r c h a nd ise


Crea t iv e Portf o li o

Me r c h a nd ise



Crea t iv e Portf o li o

P a c ka g i ng


Crea t iv e Portf o li o

P a c ka g i ng


Social Media Content

Crea t iv e Portf o li o

P a c ka g i ng


+62 896 6387 0355


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