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Research Story: Matt Muzzatti

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Hey, Mom! What’s for breakfast?


Hey, Mom! What’s for breakfast?

How about a crunchy container of crickets? Around the world, about 2 billion people eat insects as part of their regular diet. Matt Muzzatti, a PhD student in Biology, is researching edible insects in collaboration with Entomo Farms, North America’s largest cricket company. He notes that: “Insects are a sustainable and nutritious alternative protein source, and a potential solution to the problem of food insecurity.”

An Entomologist at Heart

Muzzatti is fascinated in the diversity of insects and their use as model organisms to study questions related to ecology, evolution and agriculture. His favourite method of eating insects is by adding a dash of cricket powder when baking or in marinades.


Carleton is All About Sustainability

Carleton has become a leader in environmental and sustainability action. While supporting researchers, such as Muzzatti, to focus on research in this area, the university has also created programs such as a new Collaborative Specialization in Climate Change.

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