BREAK DOWN OUR WALLS / BUILD HIS KINGDOM UP Our church is at a critical juncture…
More than that, though, for nearly two years we’ve been talking, listening, studying, and praying… We have been asking ourselves, “How can we continue to foster unity among our church family?” “How can we better equip disciples?” “How can we reach more people and tell them about Jesus Christ?” “How can we be better stewards of the church God has entrusted us with?”
Of course, a church is more than a building... But we also know our building has an important part to play. Our building will either limit us, or it will empower us to enact our vision to love God and love people, and to seek, grow, and send.
We can better unite our church. Better disciple believers. We can better reach those around us.
It’s clear that our building is hindering us: Sunday School classes are meeting in offices and a trailer. And where will we put new classes? Our hallways are congested. Our Preschool & Children’s areas are dated and vulnerable. Our contemporary worship services meet in a gym. We have exhausted shortterm solutions. We need long-term solutions.
we can do even more! aren’t we compelled to act?
That’s why, by aligning our physical campus with the vision that God has given us, we are doing our “next right thing.” Now is the time to physically and spiritually renew and reinvigorate Forest Hills Baptist Church. It’s time to Break Down Our Walls—to build His kingdom up—both on this corner and in our community. As a church member recently said, “It may seem to be about the building, but it’s really not. It’s about the Great Commission.”
PRAYER prayer starts it all. Nothing prepares
our heart to respond to God like seeking His heart through prayer. Don’t rush it; the longer you pray “God, show me how to give,” the more ways He can reveal to you.
• Father, because You say we cannot serve two
masters, help us not to desire the treasures of the earth, but instead to desire and acquire treasures in heaven. (Matthew 6:19, 24)
• Lord, as You feed the birds of the air and clothe the grass of the field, help us to trust You to provide for our needs even as we seek You first. (Matthew 6:30, 33)
• As Moses prayed for Joshua and the Israelite army, Lord, remind us to intercede for Pastor Sam, our Elders, and our church leadership as they rely on You through our expansion. (Exodus 17)
• Father, just as the church of Acts 2, we recognize
that You are adding to our number every day. Help us to provide the space needed to nurture and shepherd the children, families, and individuals who come to Forest Hills Baptist Church. (Acts 2:47)
• As You told Moses, “You are to receive the offering for Me from each man whose heart prompts him to give,” let us recognize a calling from You—not from man or by manipulation or guilt. (Exodus 25:2)
• Dear Lord, You are able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to Your power at work with us, so prompt us to be a part of something that will “blow us away.” (Ephesians 3:20)
• We know, Lord, that You are growing us and
stretching us, and that You will fully resource us in what You are leading us to do. And so we thank You in advance for opening our hearts to give! (2 Corinthians 8:5)
PREPARATION The process of deciding what amount to give is exciting because of the contribution we will make to God’s Kingdom! Your financial involvement in this campaign is first and foremost a decision between you and the Lord. Giving is an act of worship, but it must come from your heart to please God—not from your checkbook just to satisfy a program. For most of us it is easy to find what is pleasing to us. However, we should each seek a commitment decision that is pleasing to God. As we seek a decision that is please to God, our faith will likely need to be stretched through prayer and the leadership of the Holy Spirit.
Here are a few questions to help you determine if a commitment amount is pleasing to God:
• Does this amount really require me to trust God? (2 Corinthians 9:6-8)
• Does this amount represent a genuine sacrifice? (2 Samuel 24:24)
• Does this amount express the level of thanksgiving I have for the ways Christ and His church have blessed my life and family? (Psalm 54:6)
Look for and anticipate peace from God that surpasses all understanding after making a prayerful and proportional commitment that’s pleasing to Him.
This may be experienced in different ways: a confirming word or situation, a general sense of calm, or sensing God’s perfect will. Reaching our capital campaign goal of $9,910,000 depends on each of us “stretch-giving.” And with prayer, creativity, and sacrifice, it is possible for everyone! Remember, strive to respond in proportion to God’s blessing and provision in your life. This will be different for each of us. The Apostle Paul says that gifts are “acceptable according to what a person has, not according to what he does not have” (2 Corinthians 8:12). God gives resources to different people in different amounts—He’s interested in our hearts, not just the amount we give.
“But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand… Lord our God, all this abundance that we have provided for building you a temple for your Holy Name comes from your hand, and all of it belongs to you.” 1 Chronicles 29:14-16
PRACTICAL STEPS Has God placed a specific number on your heart and mind that seems impossible? Maybe you want to give, but just don’t see how you can squeeze any more out of your budget. Are you asking yourself, “How can I give my best?” Here are some creative ways to give that you may have overlooked... Each one requires sacrifice, but like King David said, “I will not offer up to the LORD anything that costs me nothing!”
• Commit anticipated salary increases, overtime possibilities or planned bonuses
“You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.” 2 Corinthians 9:11
• When substantial commitments such as daycare
payments, mortgage payments or college tuition are complete, divert those resources to the capital campaign
• Take a more inexpensive vacation, like going
somewhere closer to home, or cutting it to three days instead of a week
Find ways to reduce your food budget. Whether it’s clipping coupons, taking fewer trips to Starbucks, or cutting back on eating out, the money you save can turn into thousands of dollars over the course of a year!
• Delay buying that new car or new appliance for your home
• Earn income from your unique skills—such as
knitting, scrapbooking or painting—or consider a temporary job or contract work in your field of expertise
• Consider giving appreciated assets such as stock, bonds, real estate, etc.
• Commit future income tax refund checks to this project
• Consider postponing retirement until the end of
your three-year pledge period or work an extra year beyond retirement to enable additional giving
Again, these are just a few ideas that can help you be able to increase your commitment. You may want to combine one or more of these ideas, or come up with some of your own!
HOW TO MAKE YOUR PLEDGE After prayerful consideration, I / we plan to give a total of $ to help renew the campus of Forest Hills Baptist Church. The gift will be given accordingly:
one-time gift during the next 12 months or
annually for 3 years or
monthly for 36 months or
other giving schedule (outlined on reverse) or
gifts other than cash
TOTAL over 3 years
SIGNED NAME PHONE EMAIL Please bring your completed pledge card with you to church on Commitment Sunday, May 21.
The figure you write here represents the full
In this section, you'll inform us of how
the campaign above and beyond your regular
three-year period.
amount you'll give over the next three years to tithes and offerings.
the church will receive your gift over the
If circumstances require you to extend your
Some may find it advantageous for tax reasons
outline your giving schedule on the back.
value of those assets here.
pledge, write in the amount of the gift here and
to give appreciating assets... Indicate the current
Remember to bring your completed pledge card with you on Commitment Sunday, May 21.
FULFILLING YOUR COMMITMENT GIVE ON-SITE Simply place your check in the offering plate when it’s passed during any of the Sunday morning services, indicating on the memo section that it’s part of your Break Down Our Walls commitment. Be sure to include your name and address on any check or envelope in order to receive credit for tax purposes.
GIVE ONLINE There are several benefits to online giving for both you and FHBC, including convenience, security, and simplicity. To give online, go to
ONLINE BILL PAY You can use your bank’s website to send a check to FHBC via the Bill Pay option. Just direct your bank to send your check to 2101 Old Hickory Blvd., Nashville, TN 37215. Please put “Break Down Our Walls” in the memo section.
IN THE MAIL Mail your gift to 2101 Old Hickory Blvd., Nashville, TN 37215. Again, be sure to include your name and address on any check or envelope in order to receive credit for tax purposes and write “Break Down Our Walls” in the memo section.
FROM PASTOR SAM… COMMITMENT PRECEDES PROVISION When God called Abraham to sacrifice his beloved son Isaac in Genesis 22, He was asking for something that made no sense to Abraham. Yet, God always has a purpose in everything He does. Among the things God was up to: 1. He was seeing what was Abraham’s first love. 2. He was asking Abraham to sacrifice that which was most cherished by him. 3. He was calling Abraham to trust Him when He didn’t understand. 4. He was testing Abraham to demonstrate his faith for Isaac’s sake.
When Isaac asks his father on the way to the place of sacrifice, “Where is the sacrifice?” Abraham simply replied, “God will provide.” Just before Abraham took the life of young Isaac to offer him as a sacrifice, there appeared in the bush a young ram. God indeed provided that which was needed in response to Abraham’s willingness to obey the seemingly unreasonable command by God. One of the spiritual principles of scripture is that God honors those who honor him. When God issues a command or challenge, it is a test of our faith. If we obey, He will honor our commitment and make provision. Our faith is most persuasive when it is most greatly tested.
The Break Down Our Walls campaign offers the opportunity for the faith of every church member to be tested, demonstrated and honored by God. He truly will honor those who honor Him in ways that are “exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we could ever ask or think” (Ephesians 3:20). As we lean into the future, learning from the past, may we live fully in the present by offering to God in a sacrificial way to His ministry at Forest Hills Baptist Church. May every participant in this campaign see again (or learn for the first time) how truly commitment precedes provision.
Sam Boyd, Senior Pastor
commitment Sunday is may 21 Three Services | 8:30, 9:45 & 11am | Sanctuary