Central Focus March 2010

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Student consumers merely follow trends p. 8 - Blanket battles Snuggie p. 10 FRANCIS HOWELL CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL VOLUME 13 ISSUE 6


What’s your motive? Consumerism, social networks drive teen charities

New superintendent chosen Dr. Pam Sloan to begin leadership July 1

Wilbourn triumphs Senior wins state wrestling champ

iPad baffles Latest product confounds fans





Page designed by Brett Story and Kayla Mugler

Visit us on the web today at www.FHCtoday.com.




FocalPoints One of the most unusual beauty pageants is based on a species in Star Trek. The Miss Klingon Beauty Pageant contestants are judged based on beauty, talent, and personality. The 2007 winner is pictured in the screengrab below.



A Swedish hockey referree died when he was hit in the back of the head with the puck.


A nine-year-old in Staten Island, New York was threatened with suspension from school when the principal saw he had a Lego figure with a two-inch toy gun.


FHC’s own wrestling duo Brandon and Terrel Wilbourn were named state champions. Brandon in the 152-pound weight class and Terrel in the 130pound weight class. See page 15 and FHCtoday. com for more.



After River City Casino petitioned to have a street changed to its name, other establishments in St. Louis are petitioning the county to have their street names changed. Businesses like McDonald’s have proposed “Quarter-Pounder Drive” and White Castle has proposed “Slider Boulevard.”

Winter homecoming turned out to be a flop, with only 85 tickets sold. It did beat the seven tickets that were sold for last year’s 80’s mixer.


Men’s figure skater Johnny Weir received personal threats after wearing a fur costume for one of his programs. The Olympic figure skater could not leave his room in the Olympic Village for several nights because of the threats from anti-fur activists.



Tufts University in Massachusetts has incorporated YouTube into its application process. Over 1,000 applicants have sent in video clips of themselves and their interests to give the university a better idea of their whole personality.

FHC girls swimming and diving was able to send 4 girls to state. Swimmers included seniors Shelby Aleksick and Katie Carroll and freshmen Natalie Kinzer and Alison Strickler.

Alexis Bledel revealed in an interview that she would be up for the making of a Gilmore Girls movie.


Letter from the editor W

ith the evolution of the Internet and Children, and To Write Love on Her Arms. modern technology have come many The intentions behind these organizations

opportunities to support organizations. After are good. In this issue, the Central Focus

the recent Haiti earthquake, $10 could be staff looks at the motive behind the donation; donated simply by texting Haiti to 90999. these organizations provide patrons with

Money could be sent via www.redcross.org/en/ merchandise when they donate to the cause. donatemoney and other websites. Justgive.org Has consumerism conquered charity? Why do and networkforgood.org take donations for you donate? What’s your motive? multiple charities.


creation and development of charitable

Opportunities like these encouraged the



as TOMS, Invisible

Photo by Chelsea Carroll

Kayla Mugler Page designed by Chelsea Carroll

An Invisible Children bracelet rests in its packaging box, which tells the story of the child who has been affected by the conflict in Africa. The bracelet was handmade in Uganda, Africa.

ACT test strategies See page 4 | Texting while driving law examined See page 6

Wired Next Dr. Pam Sloan selected as superintendent for FHSD

By Kayla Mugler Print Editor


n July 1, Dr. Pam Sloan will take over as the superintendent of schools for the Francis Howell School District. Dr. Sloan is currently serving as the Chief Academic Officer for FHSD. The announcement regarding


this decision was made on Friday, February 12, 2010. “I am honored to be selected for this leadership position, very excited and proud to be able to lead and guide our next steps in the improvement process,” said Dr. Sloan. Dr. Sloan said at the Feb. 12 press conference that she will strive to

Please read more | SLOAN, PAGE 5

Photo by Kelci Davis

The FHSD Board of Education names Dr. Pam Sloan the new superintendent effective July 1. Dr. Sloan spoke about how she will improve the teaching and learning throughout the district.

Students prepare for approaching AP exams By George Yu Copy Editor

At the end of a semester, those who are not seniors take the final exam as an assessment of their knowledge. Although many seniors are subject to the stress of finals, 87 seniors last year took the Advanced Placement tests. Current policy gives final exam exemptions for the class in which a student is taking the AP exam. Central offers 13 AP courses, from art history to calculus. “[Statistics teacher] Mr. Schneider really wants people to take the AP test,” said senior Brittni Collins. “It’ll help people who aren’t good test takers to improve their test-taking abilities

and do better in other math classes.” Since AP courses are viewed as equivalent to college courses; the curriculum is more challenging. “Comm. arts and stats especially is really about how in-depth you have to be with your answer,” said Collins. AP students are planning ahead; the course itself and the test both serve that purpose. “The AP tests will prepare me better for college,” said senior Richard Pham, who is taking six AP classes. “I’m curious to see how I will do, because I’ve only taken one so far.” Both Collins and Pham agree that cramming will not help them do well on the AP test. Students need to study in advance of the tests, which

Amount of total tuition

take place the first two weeks of May. “[Art history teacher] Mrs. McCune gave me some books Taking AP exams can save students up to $2,465 at the University of to read, and I already bought the Missouri-Columbia. The AP tests begin the first full week of May. AP book for physics,” said Pham. 3 AP credits If students are seeking college 2 AP credits 20% or $1,473.6 credit, it is necessary to verify if 13.3% or $982.4 their college accepts the AP tests. “I applied to most of the top [colleges], but I’ll probably go to whichever I get accepted to or gives me the most scholarship money,” said Pham. “Most of the 1 AP credit schools I’m applying to don’t give 6.7% or $491.20 4 AP credits college credit for the AP test.” 26.7% or $1,964.8 In contrast, all of Collins’ college 5 AP credits credits will transfer to University of

33.3% or $2,465

Please read more | AP , PAGE 4

Page designed by Alaina Babb

Source: University of Missouri



March 5, 2010


Test-takers enlightened Directions: This article consists of 12 paragraphs. In each paragraph lies important tips which will help you achieve a better ACT score. Be sure to underline and/or circle key facts as you will not be tested over this information.


By Alaina Babb Wired Editor

from page 3 Central Missouri, which she plans on attending. She also earned college credit through University of MissouriSt. Louis’ Advanced Credit program. In this parallel option to the AP test, students pay a discounted college course fee and receive the same grade as in their high school class. There has always been an increase in the number of students enrolling in AP or UMSL AC courses. “This year, I anticipate the number being higher because we added the 11th grade AP Language and Composition,” said guidance counselor Dr. Joyce Gang. “During some of these [past years], Missouri was offering free or reduced costs [for AP tests], so that increased the numbers.” Alumni Kevin Robb, who is a freshman at Truman State University, took a total of six AP tests his junior and senior years. Even between his AP classes, there was a difference in structure. “[Calculus teacher] Mrs. Spoede and Mr. Schneider devoted a large amount of class time to working on practice tests,” said Robb. “[Chemistry teacher] Mr. Koz and [U.S. history teacher] Mr. Ricker, due to the sheer volume of material they had to cover in class, could not devote much inclass time to AP study, but they did provide us with several practice exams to work on in our own time. All four teachers helped prepare me by being excellent instructors over the course of the year and giving me a firm knowledge of the material.” Robb’s high AP scores enabled him to skip Truman classes (and their cost) which he had taken in high school. “I entered Truman with 32 credit hours from AP exam scores,” said Robb. “Specifically, I earned credit for Chemical Principles I, Calculus I and II, U.S. History I and II, College Physics I and II and Basic Statistics.” Robb devoted time outside of school to preparing for AP tests. “Times varied, but I probably spent roughly eight to ten hours studying per exam outside of school,” said Robb. “The night before the test I got a good night’s sleep, and I made sure to eat breakfast that day.”








Last year, over 46,900 students took the ACT; however, the average score is only 21.6. This score will get you admitted to college, but is not likely to obtain many academic scholarships without a high GPA or class rank, according to dese. mo.gov. The only likely thing many students who take the ACT can do is to either become a genius and time travel into the past and raise their GPA or start studying harder. Being that the ACT is a standardized test, many students like senior Haley Worner believe there is no way to accurately and efficiently study for it. “I studied a little,” said Worner. “I wish there were ways to effectively study for [the ACT] besides knowing the math equations for that section. You know there will be a distance and midpoint question, and some sort of algebraic function to find out how many apples Suzie has left.” But not everyone believes achieving lower scores is due to lack of effective studying. Senior Emily Beckmann believes the standardized test leaves people without interest and more than stressed. “It is really tedious and boring throughout the whole test, because it’s basically your high school final and you have to take it, which makes the pressure of it worse,” said Beckmann, who took the test twice to recieve a higher score of 31 for Bright Flight. “The fact that a lot of scholarships depend on your score makes people nervous every time, because that’s how they’ll pay for college.” Even though certain scores can be explained with a wide array of reasons, many scores can be inproved with a few, simple tips. According to actstudent.org, all of the math problems can be solved as long as students commit a few simple formulas to memory: y=mx+b, the distance formula, the area of a triangle and square, and basic knowledge of trigonometry. Also, a lot of students will make the mistake of not bringing a calculator at all because they hear from friends that you cannot use one. However, as long as the calculator that the student intends to use meets the requirements, it may be used. Another fact given from ACT’s website is that a majority of students worry about the science section, studying hard when they do not need to. All teens need to do is practice reading graphs and diagrams. “I hated the science section because the first time I took it, I tried reading the long paragraphs about the experiments and didn’t have enough time to understand them and answer the questions,” said Beckmann. “So I ended up just guessing on

a lot of the questions.” Overall, the best way to study for the ACT is to not stress and practice the simple skills rather than the complex ones. Maybe students here will find themselves with better scores.

Page designed by Brett Story and Alaina Babb




March 5, 2010



Night of diversity proves successful

“I thought the night was very successful and went very well,” said Gasper. “The conversations were good and there were interesting perspectives that were given.” As the night started, assistant

principal Mrs. Marty Davis walked on stage and introduced what cultural diversity is and what our school and district has been doing to help conquer racism and prejudice.

“One of our goals is to bring awareness to cultural diversity, not only at Francis Howell Central, but to the whole community,” said Mrs. Davis. “I’m very, very proud of everything they’ve done with this event.” After a small speech, a video called “Lunch Date” was shown. It was a black-and-white film that featured a woman and a black man who has seemingly stolen her lunch. At the end, she finds out that he never stole her lunch, but rather she stole part of his lunch. The video became the conversation piece when the crowd was asked to split up into small groups and discuss what they had seen. “I think it’s a very profound video and adds humor to a subject that’s hard to discuss,” said Mrs. Miranda Moeller, the program director for the Cultural Leadership group. Mrs. Moeller was at the event with her group of students from all over the St. Louis area. “Cultural Leadership is a program for sophomores and juniors in the area,” said Mrs. Moeller. “We work with kids and schools to dismantle racism and prejudice.” The group was warm-welcomed at the event as they helped lead

Dr. Sloan embodies the two most important characteristics for which the board was looking: focusing on student success and having integrity and high moral standards.

student performance through the Professional Learning Communities’ school improvement model,” said the Board of Education press release. Principal Sonny Arnel believes that Dr. Sloan is the right choice for superintendent. “I’m ecstatic about it. She’s wonderful. She’s who I was hoping for,” said Dr. Arnel. “We both taught at North, and she has always been someone who has very high expectations but a sense of sensibility, and she is strong in her positions.” Dr. Sloan said she does not have any earth-shattering alterations to make, because this work has already been done. She said it is all about the details now. “I don’t plan to make any sweeping changes,” said Dr. Sloan. “We have been working on improving our practices these past few years. The teachers and admin have all worked on the major components of improving teaching and learning — curriculum, instruction, and assessment. As with anything, once you have been doing it for a while, there are adjustments to be made along the way — some fine tuning to our work.” Dr. Renée Schuster is the current

superintendent of schools. Dr. Schuster believes that the district is in a good place already, but that things will continue to get even better. The Board has been and will continue to work on a strategy for the new leadership. “I look forward to working with Dr. Schuster, our current superintendent, and the Board to work on a transition plan,” said Dr. Sloan. According to Dr. Sloan, this shift in administrative leadership should not look much different than it does now. “Dr. Schuster and I worked very closely these last few years as a team and have similar philosophies on teaching and learning. Our focus and passion are the same — making sure that our kids get the best education possible,” said Dr. Sloan. “Our kids get one chance to pass through PK-12 education, and it the responsibility of the adults in the system to make sure that we provide a solid foundation for all kids.” Dr. Arnel does not predict a lot of differences either, at least in the very near future. “Based on her role currently, I don’t see any changes that would come,” said Dr. Arnel. However, new roles offer new

By Alaina Babb Wired Editor

As senior Vichi Paillan walked into the auditorium for Black, White and Shades of Gray night hosted by Cultural Diversity Club, he was pleasantly surprised with what he saw. “I really liked the set-up that they had,” said Paillan. “The quote on the screen was cool.” As people walked into the auditorium, they saw a quote from Mahatma Gandhi on a projector screen, which read “Anger and intolerance are the twin enemies of correct understanding.” Junior Steven Gibson believes that it was the perfect quote to open the night. “It really explained what the night was going to be all about, opening up dialogue between people and letting them start talking about anything,” said Gibson, who is the president of the Cultural Diversity Club. Paillan and Gibson were two of many people at the event who enjoyed the whole presentation, including students, parents and staff representing all schools from the district. Also in attendance was Mrs. Jennifer Gasper, communications specialist for the FHSD district.

Sloan from page 3 improve teaching and learning conditions in the district. “I want our schools to be more than test scores and budgets,” said Dr. Sloan. Dr. Sloan sees imminent trials ahead for educators and students. Because of the members of FHSD, said Dr. Sloan, these trials can be overcome. “As I begin my tenure as the next Francis Howell School District superintendent, I believe the primary learning challenge for today’s students is to be prepared to compete in a world without borders,” said Dr. Sloan. “We are facing unprecedented learning challenges, and it will take the commitment of the full community to make sure that we are aptly preparing our kids for a 21st Century world. The strength of Francis Howell lies in its total community—we have great kids, outstanding teachers and administrators, support staff, community members and a dedicated Board of Education.” According to Mr. Mike Sommer, president of the Board of Education,

Photo by Chelsea Carroll

Students and faculty discuss their perspectives on racial issues at Black, White, and Shades of Gray night. The event was hosted by the Cultural Diversity Club and Cultural Leadership in the auditorium on Feb. 7.


I don’t plan

on making any sweeping changes ... there are some adjustments to be made along the way. ”

— Dr. Pam Sloan

Dr. Sloan has been in the district for 17 years. She began her work in 1993 as a communication arts teacher at Francis Howell North. In addition to teaching at North, Dr. Sloan has been an administrator and an academic officer in FHSD. “While at FHHS, she led the academic charge of increasing

Look at a photo gallery of all the night’s games and events, including the Fish Bowl.

Page designed by George Yu and Brendan Kinnison

discussion groups and the game of the night, called Fish Bowl. In this game, students of one race sat in a circle and students of another race were seated on the outside, surrounding them. Then, each group was asked questions and given time to respond and later switched places. “We asked questions like what would we rather be called: African American, black, or brown, and what do you feel America would be like without color,” said Keilah Johnson, a member of Cultural Leadership. “The responses were great and lighthearted, and really helped to break the ice.” Overall, the night was a success, according to the Cultural Diversity Club and Cultural Leadership. “We as people were meant to live in communities and when things divide us, we are not a functioning community. So this event went extremely well towards breaking the ice and making a better community,” said Mrs. Moeller. For more information on Cultural Diversity Club, contact Mrs. Lisa Milos in room 245 and for more information on Cultural Leadership, you can call 314-7253222 or visit their website, www. culturalleadership.org. perspectives. Dr. Arnel disclosed that Dr. Sloan “lives by” a quote from Oprah: “once you know better, you do better.” “Once she’s in a different position, she may make changes,” said Dr. Arnel. “She does have a very different style. Everyone brings different strengths and weaknesses.” Though Dr. Sloan said she was not aspiring to be superintendent prior to Dr. Schuster’s resignation announcement, she is rising to the position feeling “honored” and “proud.” Dr. Sloan said she does not plan to leave FHSD. “The superintendency is not something that was in my long-range plan because I anticipated that Dr. Schuster would be the superintendent for a very long time, and I liked the work that I was doing and was not seeking to be a superintendent elsewhere,” said Dr. Sloan. “I love FHSD and the work we are doing to improve learning opportunities for all of our kids. The work of improving student learning is not easy, and it is changing quickly. It is very rewarding to see more kids graduate and have a wider range of career opportunities after leaving FHSD.”



March 5, 2010



New law is deterrent to texting By Alli Keisker Staff Reporter

Over the past decade, cell phones have become more popular and so has texting while driving. Now Missouri has begun to follow in Illinois’ footsteps, creating the “texting while driving” law. It came into effect in Missouri on Aug. 28, 2009. The law bans drivers under the age of 21 from texting and driving. While police officers are more likely to stop younger drivers that are suspected of texting while driving, the sponsor of the bill, state senator Ryan McKenna, has promised to address the issue of texting while driving again next year to make the law apply to drivers of all ages because he feels it’s not just teenagers who are texting while driving. “I thought it was a horrible public policy for the state to say that if you’re 22 years old, it’s a safe practice,” said McKenna, according

to www.kansascity.com. Many people have come close to crashing due to texting while driving; therefore, it is very dangerous and can sometimes be fatal. Not only do officers and senators agree with this law, but some students like sophomore Hannah Koester do too. “I think it’s a useful and important law that can save many lives,” said Koester. “My dad’s a cop and he said that nearly everyday there is a problem involving someone texting while driving.” Currently 22 states have banned texting while driving to some extent. Getting a ticket due to texting and driving is classified as a primary offense, meaning you can be pulled over even if they only suspect you of texting while driving. Sophomore Jordan Peasel feels that many still do text while driving, and although it is illegal, they never get caught.

“I think it’s a good law to have. It keeps people more focused on the road,” said Peasel. “It’s just one less distraction for the driver.” Nearly 40,500 of 265,000 drivers involved in car crashes in Missouri were under the age of 21 and were texting while driving, according to www.nbcactionnews.com. The new law has caused students to be more cautious about using their phone and driving, but some that never did, still won’t do it. “I would never use my phone while I drive,” said Koester. “I feel out of control if I do anything else while I’m driving. It makes me feel vulnerable.” A ticket can cost up to $200, and drivers who are caught texting and driving will receive two points added to their driver’s licenses. Having points on your drivers license causes your insurance payments to go up and after so many points you can get

Page designed by Alli Keisker

Photo by Zac Hebert

Missouri’s law prohibits drivers under 21 from texting. Sen. Ryan McKenna stated plans to prohibit all drivers from texting while driving.

your license suspended and taken away. The State Highway Patrol has issued just 13 tickets for the offense statewide, resulting in only eight convictions, according to Jefferson City Police.

The new law appears to be working in many states, leaving less accidents caused by texting and driving; but the law may change in the future and apply to everyone, not just 21 and under.

Living a double life See page 8 | Children conform to parents’ political ideas See page 9

Heard Be

Dreams disappear



here were times we dreamed of being astronauts, firefighters, police officers, and doctors. Every single one of us had a dream in the life ahead in a world where we assumed anything was possible. Fame and fortune were just subsidiaries of the great glory waiting ahead, so far away, yet so easily imagined. But as we escaped the 1990’s into our adolescent years, we found the world a little more demanding and a little less appreciative. We found that there were billions of other people in the world who had that same spark of

By Brett Story Design Editor

Lackluster lifestyle erases youthful ambition

Please read more | AMBITION, PAGE 9

Graphic illustration by Brett Story

Hate groups push limits of free speech The First Amendment guarantees freedom of speech and expression in public and By Cory Schmitt Copy Editor private in the United States. However, there is now an alternative forum for expression and speech to be heard: the internet. Facebook allows a forum for everyone around the country and world to express and spread his beliefs and voice his opinions in ways never thought possible years ago. One such group titled “F*** the troops” proclaims a message of hate and rudeness towards our American soldiers, marines and pilots fighting at home and overseas. The group proclaims that if you do

not support the war, that you must also not support the troops fighting. This philosophy is absolutely ridiculous. Do you think the soldiers fighting overseas want to shoot and kill? It is their duty to fight for our country, and that is just what they are doing. Facebook should remain a forum for expression, but Facebook should have a policy limiting this speech. They are a private company and have the power to control what is published on the site. While the First Amendment guarantees this group’s right to proclaim these beliefs, it is bad taste and disrespectful to the country we live in. The First Amendment sadly allows groups like “F*** the troops” to abuse this right and exist despite the hateful message toward a sector of society.

Members of the Armed Forces fight and die every day to allow Americans back home to keep their privileged lives of freedom and security. When they come home after months, even years of overseas fighting, they do not just go home to hugs and support, but now hate and insults. How demoralizing is that to a U.S. soldier, marine or pilot? Sure, the soldiers do not have to face this prejudice in person, but just knowing that it is out there is just as demoralizing as facing the hate head-on. Facebook should remove the group over its clearly hostile message towards our armed forces. The group is not only offensive to families of soldiers, but also offends the Please read more | FACEBOOK, PAGE 9

Illustration by Brett Story

Many Facebook groups exist to protest the “F*** the Troops” group. Attempts have been made to remove the group, but all have failed.

Page designed by Megan Berberich



March 5, 2010


Staff cartoon by Zac Hebert


Forced to live double lives

Homosexuals not allowed to openly serve Picture yourself in Afghanistan. T a n k s surround you and the threat By Megan of roadside Berberich bombs is BeHeard Editor constant. Death is not just an idea but a reality. Worst case scenario: if you were to get killed, the last thing you would want is for your husband/ wife to be the last person to find out about your death and to feel alone without the support of the military family for the rest of his life. This idea might seem ludicrous, but this is exactly what happens to homosexual soldiers under the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy.

Staff editorial: conforming

Charitability is becoming side effect of coolness


he world has never seen a Gucci model walk down the runway wearing Livestrong wrist bands. Versace has not designed a piece centered around a T-shirt bearing the To Write Love on Her Arms brand. Calvin Klein has not put a pair of Toms shoes on any of its models. Not even in a Gap commercial have we seen its dancers/models adorned in Invisible Children’s apparel. No fashion designer has ever incorporated the merchandise of a charitable organization into its spring line, and yet we have seen such become fashion fads just the same. Recall first the days when it was “cool” to collect as many different Livestrong wrist bands as possible. Kids would literally show up to school day after day, arms covered in what seemed like at least a hundred different rubber bracelets. For many organizations at the time, this was an enormously easy advertising campaign. Thousands of different bracelets were produced to promote the various organizations and their

They are forced to live a double life. Under the policy, they are not allowed to serve in the military openly. I feel disgusted when these men and women fight for our country and protect our citizens and the same citizens they are protecting are some of the same people who are forcing them to hide their true identity. Joan E. Darrah served in the Navy for 29 and half years. She had to hide her 19-year relationship with her partner Lynne Kennedy from the military. Every day, she always had a fear that she would say something about her relationship and she would be outed and fired from the job she loved. “I had to pretend to be straight,” said retired Navy Capt.

causes. And while this undoubtedly turned around a good amount of money for many, what is unfortunate is that for most, this was basically a side effect. The true intent behind purchasing these, for many, was not to give money to those organizations, but to collect the bracelets to be considered cool and trendy. We have and will continue to see examples like this. In one sense, it is fortunate that the merchandise of charitable organizations becomes fads and trends; this does generate a lot of funds, with a good portion supplied by many that otherwise would not necessarily give to the organization. However, as nice as it is that the money does get there, there is another aspect. That is the true heart behind the donation, the true support for the cause, the part that gives the money not to be reimbursed with a t-shirt, but to be reimbursed with the feeling that they made a difference, that they helped to make the world just a little bit sunnier.

Page designed by Megan Berberich

Darrah, according to cnn.com. She told Kennedy never to call at work unless it was a dire emergency.They could not attend church together and they generally stayed out of sight of anyone, afraid their relationship would be uncovered. This is not a life anyone in our country should have to live, especially someone who has dedicated his or her life to protect others. If straight men and women are allowed to get off the trucks and lovingly embrace their spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend after a long tour overseas, then it is completely necessary that homosexuals should be able to come home to their significant others and embrace them just as thousands of straight soldiers do.

Cartoon by Zac Hebert



HOT BOX LOVE IT 1. Wilbourn state champs 2. Spring break 3. The Academy Awards

4. 2010 Winter Olympics

Dreams from page 7 youthful ambition in their childhood. We have these dreams, yet somehow ten Americans per 100,000 find it better to commit suicide than to live out their lives according to the National Institute of Mental Health, the St. Louis County Division of Human Services recorded 630 homeless people on a single night in

March 5, 2010 2008, and unemployment rates are at 9.7 percent in America, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. One must wonder how many more spend their lives unhappily at monotonous office jobs, sitting in a cubicle on an unimportant floor without a window in sight. I want to know where we decided our dreams had to be compromised. Maybe American society has become jaded. As a teenager, I often look at adults in their dreary day-to-day standards

with dismay, trying to find a hint of hope in the lackluster lifestyle to await me. I refuse to spend every day waiting for the weekend, because I plan to make the week my weekend and my weekend an adventure. Sure, I will be refused the adventure found in movies, I will not be in some grand seat of executive or legislative power, and I will not travel to the deep reaches of space, but I can still plan a grand escape. In ten years, I will find myself far

Family politics

Opinions formed at the dinner table LIKE IT 1. 100.3 the Sound 2. Spring Training 3. McDonalds’ Frappe

4. “Alice in Wonderland”

LEAVE IT 1. Winter Homecoming 2. Make-up days 3. Cold weather

4. Toyota recall

Web Poll

What is your favorite winter Olympic sport to watch?

37% Ice Skating

On the night of President Obama’s last State of the Union address I was intently By Katie Schlimpert listening while TheScene Editor walking on the treadmill, away from the rest of the world. My opinions regarding the different issues in the speech were formed from my own mind and heart, and not diluted from parents or political figures. I was impressed, moved, and at some points I was incredibly worried about issues presented by the president, but somehow nothing worried me quite as much as when I headed home from the gym and switched on the computer. What I found, well, let’s just say was unnerving for a person who really takes an interest in politics and the opinions and motivation behind them. A child, no older than 10 years old, had told his mother that all of the government’s problems had started when President Obama stepped into office, and she decided to proclaim that opinion to the world via her Facebook status. For most people, this wouldn’t pose such a problem. Actually, I’m sure many people agree with the child’s statement and have already decided to turn the page, fearful this editorial is taking a turn on a liberal rampage, but for me it is deeper than an opinion against President Obama. It is the one problem that I can hardly stand to talk about. The problem is the fact that the opinion had been accepted from the mind of an ignorant child. It’s the neverending cycle of ignorance that just continues to tumble on that keeps me up at

night. Well, maybe that’s a little melodramatic, but what other way is there to describe the sheer anguish that wells up inside me when I see parents, teachers, media front men, whoever, pass down the torch of ignorance to unsuspecting beings? People should be able to form their own opinions, and I cannot stress that enough. I have heard so many kids say they’re on this side or that, but when asked to explain their opinions their rebuttal comes up short. The majority of people who claim to be informed are only as informed as what their parents care to let them believe or think about. They lack the knowledge that stems from curiosity and a sense of self worth when it comes to educating oneself on world affairs. Children of politically charged parents, or those who belong to a strong political family, simply don’t stand a chance. Their views are, more often times than not, tainted from the start. The second a child is old enough to understand t h e connection between a person and an opinion; it is pounded into their brain. There sadly is no escape for a child with a meek voice in a family with strong political

Page designed by Brett Story

opinions. I wish with all of my being that someday the masses will learn to look past the mainstream opinions of particular political parties. I sincerely hope opinions formed around what mommy and daddy say or what religion forces people to believe will be expelled, and opinions will be based on true feeling and intellect. It’s a far stretch, but I may just have enough faith in humanity to keep on hoping.



away from the repetitive suburbs, somewhere considered not so safe. I can travel romanticized cities at night, with their bright city lights, or find myself along the rainy Oregon countryside. The future is mine. I, for one, am not going to waste it on the boring and the drab; I am going to savor every lasting moment I can find in the world. This is my new childhood dream: to take every day for mself, give everything I have to everyone that deserves it, and to live.


from page 7 for which they fight so hard. Exceptions have been made for First Amendment in the past, why can one not be made again? Facebook previously banned Holocaust denial groups and KKK groups back in May 2009. In my mind, a group attacking the Armed Forces is no different than a group attacking any other demographic of society. Other hate groups have been taken down; “F*** the troops” should be next in-line.




March 5, 2010


Fabric flies in heated debate Classics reign supreme By Alaina Babb Wired Editor

I have never really understood the concept of infomercials with really bad advertising for a really bad product, like the Egg Genie (because boiling an egg on the stove is so much harder?) and the Loud ‘N Clear, which is the hearing aid that allows old people to hear clear across the room and even around corners. The worst product one can think of is the ever-popular Snuggie. This over-commercialized thin fleece blanket provides little warmth and is known to cause the occasional shock of static electricity. When you and your significant other cuddle up on the couch, you will find yourself receiving a pretty big shock. The only real solution to this problem that has been found is to spray it with static guard at a close range, leaving it static free! However, it only lasts about an hour, about the time you actually get warm, and it will smell extremely unpleasant for even longer. True, the Snuggie is unlike the regular blanket because it has sleeves. If by the time your parents allow you to use the remote, you have have learned how to stick your hand out from underneath the blanket and change the channel, or better yet, wear a long-sleeved shirt,

there is little hope for you. Another great aspect of this wonderful product is the fact that it provides absolutely no warmth for your back. Like many of the commercials, when you are at your child’s soccer game, your arms will be warm, but the freezing wind blowing towards your back will leave you cold and wishing for a thick, warm blanket. Not a Snuggie. As with many infomercial products, there are always unnecessary upgrades and bonuses, like the Snuggie for your dog, or your child, the Snuggie for two and Snuggies with special leopard or zebra designs! The only problem is, when would a dog need to reach for the remote? Correct me if I am wrong. In one commercial, people are shown wearing them on airplanes. Too bad the snuggie cannot even fold down into a small compact size! I am going to stick with my good, old, wool blanket. It may not have fancy sleeves, but it does have special designs. My blanket may need to be wrapped around me, but at least I do not run the risk of being shocked to death. I can rest assured that when I get cold on an airplane, my blanket will be able to fit into my carry-on bag.

Editors and Staff

Kayla Mugler Ted Noelker Zac Hebert Alaina Babb Megan Berberich Bryan McCreary Katie Schlimpert Margaret Borgmeyer Brett Story Cory Schmitt George Yu Allie Corrier Mollye Doering Hannah Ibos Michael Jeter Alli Keisker Brendan Kinnison Kyle Kofron Damiana McGraw Jesse Patch Morgan Vetter Kelci Davis Jessica DiMariano Chelsea Carroll Mr. Matthew Schott

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Alaina Babb

Innovation embraced By Kyle Kofron Staff Reporter

Alaina thinks blankets are the practical way to stay warm.

The better product: snuggies or blankets? Kyle Kofron

Kyle thinks unique products are worth giving a try.

Letters Policy

The Central Focus is produced monthly as an integral part of the Newspaper Production class at Francis Howell Central High School. Students learn all aspects of printed media production and are responsible for contributing to each issue. The Central Focus is a public forum for the students at Francis Howell Central High School. The staff ’s editorial policy is available in Room 139. The staff welcomes comments and suggestions from the student body. All letters to the editor must be typed and no more than 300 words. Names must be included with the submission of the letter, but may be withheld at the request of the author. The staff reserves the right to withhold content at its discretion.

In a world of freezing temperatures, harsh winds and fierce snow, it is close to impossible to stay warm. The problem persists when one attempts to perform functional everyday activities such as use a remote, answer the phone, work on your laptop or hold a baby. The solution to this predicament and many more can be answered simply by a revolutionary new invention called the Snuggie. A Snuggie is a very peculiar work of art. Simply said, it is a blanket with sleeves. Contrary to popular belief, the Snuggie is not a backwards robe. Snuggies have a very simple design, unlike a confusing robe. The basic design is a six-foot by four-and-ahalf foot fleece rectangle with cleverly placed sleeves long enough for any size arm. This simple engineering guarantees the user a pleasantly warm and comfortable experience. I admit, robes offer the same comfort and warmth, but in a much more ridiculous looking medium. You see, the problem with robes is that they are not long enough to reach past one’s ankles. This can be deadly, for the risk of frostbite during the winter season is too great

to even consider a robe. One of the best qualities about a Snuggie is its versatility. One moment you are surfing the Internet on your laptop while enjoying the warmth of your zebra print Snuggie. The next moment, the backwards Snuggie transforms into Jedi Knight attire. Complete the look with a light-saber; top it off by choking enemies via force and dueling in volcanoes. Let’s see a robe or blanket do that! Of course, there are always Star Trek fans out there who continue to disagree with the majestic grace of the Snuggie. Sure, jackets have zippers for lasting stability, but they are certainly not the idol of comfort. For example, the first thing everyone does when they get home after a long day is take off their shoes and jacket. This is promptly followed by putting on slippers and plopping on the couch, where a cozy Snuggie awaits. Meanwhile, the sad jacket is abandoned by the door, next to the dirty sneakers. To all you naysayers out there, open up your hearts to something new, something better. You will be pleasantly surprised with your initial reaction. Looking at everything with an open mind will open up endless possibilities of hope and prosperity.

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The results of last month’s PCP about airport security:

Francis Howell Central High School 5199 Highway N St. Charles, Mo., 63304 Phone: 636.851.5636 Fax: 636.851.4111

Page designed by Kyle Kofron

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March 5, 2010



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Margaret Borgmeyer is journaling her thoughts on human behavior and life. She is staking a stand against the phrase “FML.�

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March 5, 2010

Message in the m

Students embody charities By Kayla Mugler Print Editor

Some give money. Some give money to a cause in exchange for merchandise. Some dedicate their time to advocating a cause. Senior Liz Caro, TOMS shoes campus representative, decided to make her patronage more than just money. Caro owns six pairs of TOMS shoes, which range in cost from $34 to $98. In the spring of 2009, Caro became a campus rep. for the organization. “I chose it because I thought it was really unique. There’s a lot of organizations that donate money for stuff but not that meet an actual need, and I know that shoes are a necessity in so many countries,” said Caro. TOMS shoes was founded by Blake Mycoskie in 2006. For every pair of TOMS bought, one pair is donated to a child in need. “Walking is often the primary mode of transportation in developing countries. Children can walk for miles to get food, water, shelter and medical help,” said TOMSshoes.com. “Wearing shoes literally enables them to walk distances that aren’t possible barefoot.” A campus representative’s job is basically to spread the word about TOMS. “My job was just to promote [TOMS] around my school and then

around my community,” said Caro. Caro reportedly wishes to be Caro sponsored two events last like Mycoskie by creating her own spring: Style your Sole, where organization. participants decorated their TOMS “I’ve always wanted to start my own at the Realm, and One Day Without nonprofit organization. I’ve always Shoes, where barefooted students been into clean water, so if I could do walked a mile through Cottleville. 20- something with that, that’d be great,” 30 students participated in each event, said Caro. said Caro. Senior Lydia Rudigier aspires to T h o u g h impact people according to around the world Caro it is hard to by becoming gauge success in a medical I think that’s what this area, she said ambassador she could feel a t h r o u g h this world needs change. UNICEF, the — for us to take our “I’ve definitely United Nations noticed that a talents and put them Children’s Fund, lot more people and working know what with refugees in on a bigger scale. TOMS is, and Ghana. they associate “I want to do me with it, so I — senior Lydia Rudigier that because it’s know they were contributing a listening to me,” lot of the stuff said Caro. that’s going on T h r o u g h in Africa,” said this experience, Caro gained a new Rudigier. perspective. Her plan involves a more permanent “I learned that it’s hard work to get stay in Ghana than just a short trip. an organization like that going. I didn’t “I will set up my own practice and even have the whole US, just my school, work with a bunch of families and and it was still hard to promote,” said help them and just let them know Caro. “I really admire Blake Mycoskie that people still care about them,” said because he’s changing the world, and Rudigier. “I want to let them know it’s hard.” they’re not forgotten and inspire hope

in them.” Senior Matt Mason, like Caro, tried to become a campus representative for TOMS. However, he was disappointed to find that they didn’t show a need at that time for more reps. He emailed them in July 2009 and got an email back at the end of September. “They got a lot of interest in the program,” said Mason. “I thought it would be a great opportunity.” Mason believes in the organization’s goal and has tentative plans to intern with TOMS after college. “They’re not trying to make money off people. They’re trying to provide children with a necessity they wouldn’t get otherwise,” said Mason. Caro encourages students to involve themselves in anything that benefits others and interests them. “Do your research. Find something that you care about. If you care about dolphins, find something that helps them,” said Caro. “If you care about it, you will be passionate and it will be easier to work for and help those organizations.” Rudigier, too, advises students to support things that matter to them. She believes that people should use what they have been given to change the world. “I think that’s what this world needs—for us to take our talents and put them on a bigger scale,” said Rudigier.


Organizations to pull fund By Katie Schlimpert TheScene Editor

Organizations like TOMS shoes, Children, and To Write Love on Her have a focused area of aid, and they a focused market of products created funds and awareness for their separat These organizations and their mer seem to function for a good and wh purpose, but what about those who these items? Is their sole motive to help a cause because they are g interested in aiding it, or is the con them overriding the initiative to car “Buying things from organizati help other people is just a plus to ou consumerism,” said senior Dylan G “Regardless of why you bought it, yo helping.” Invisible Children sells bracelets an TOMS sells shoes; To Write Love Arms has various products to prom message, but for what purpose? Th good. Many people are drawn into a its organization’s creative means of pr its message rather than the message i “If a person truly cared about a ca wouldn’t need to purchase anythin senior Erin Richey. “They would just A popular and growing trend is the and promotion of TOMS shoes. Acco their website, tomsshoes.com, they h main goal and that is to get people to shoes in order for them to give a pair t

Page designed by Brett

March 5, 2010


merism helps

use consumerist ideas ds for noble causes

Invisible r Arms all also have d to raise te causes. rchandise holesome purchase actually genuinely nsumer in re? ions that ur natural Gauldin. ou’re still

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in need, or as they term it, “one for one.” “I love the shoes, and I think they serve a great purpose. It makes more sense to buy something when you know a simple purchase could end up benefiting someone else,” said senior Shelby Brodland. There is another side to the story. Buying shoes, bracelets, or t-shirts may help someone in suffering, but what happened to giving just for the good of a cause? “If someone really cares about helping to resolve an issue they don’t look for anything to gain. If a person bought a pair of TOMS, they would give that pair away, too, resulting in two shoes for those in need instead of one,” said Richey. The nature of society today inherently drives people to give but also wonder what they get in return. “There is nothing wrong with buying shoes, regardless if you care about the cause or if you just want the shoes. Consumerism is going to happen, and if you really want to be an advocate for a cause, it means a lot more than just buying a bracelet or a pair of shoes,” said senior Elizabeth Eikmann.

Story and Kayla Mugler






March 5, 2010


Internet compounds charities’ impact Invisible Children, TOMS, TWLOHA, raise awareness via social networking sites By Margaret Borgmeyer Communications Editor

With the use of the internet, three charities are hitting the mainstream into many young people’s lives. To Write Love On Her Arms, TOMS Shoes, and Invisible Children all use the internet to further the involvement that their followers have with the charities. By putting advertisements on popular sites such as Facebook and Myspace, the population of teens becoming involved with charities is greatly increasing. To Write Love On Her Arms (TWLOHA) is a non-profit “movement” whose focus is to help people find hope in their lives. Sophomore Madison Mendel has been interested in TWLOHA since the beginning. “TWLOHA was founded by

Jamie [Tworkowski] in 2006, because his friend was a heavy meth user and she cut [herself ], and they took her in until she eventually died,” said Mendel. Bands such as Paramore, Anberlin, and Hawthorne Heights actively support TWLOHA. “I found TWLOHA because back 2006, Paramore was really involved with them,” said Mendel. By creating a support-like group, members find and give help to those struggling with depression, selfinjury, addiction, and suicide. By joining TWLOHA’s Street Team, you will join those representing TWLOHA across the nation. As a part of TWLOHA’s Street Team, members are expected to support and help those is need. “I think it is a really good cause. I have had friends go through this. My friend said he wanted to commit suicide and I gave him the link to the site and he found a hot line on there t o

call, and now he is a lot better,” said Mendel. Those in search of help put posts on forums to which any member can reply; some post blogs simply looking for friends and others are cries for help. TOMS is an organization founded in 2006 by Blake Mycoskie that gives children shoes. The company stands on the premise that for every pair of shoes bought, a pair of shoes is donated to a child in need. Because walking is the primary source of transportation in many growing countries, it’s essential for kids to have healthy feet. Shoes prevent feet from getting cuts or scrapes, making it easier on children who have to walk for miles to simply get life’s necessities. On the TOMS website, many different means of support are shown such as going barefoot for a day, wearing TOMS everyday, or hosting a “Style Your Sole” party (where buyers decorate their TOMS). Invisible Children is a charity helping children in Uganda, Africa. Uganda has been in a civil war since the early 1980s. The biggest threat to the children and people of Uganda is the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA). The LRA now takes children from their villages and makes them become child soldiers. The child soldiers in Uganda are commonly referred to as invisible children, giving the charity its name. Sophomore Claire Henderson found out about Invisible Children in seventh grade when representatives of Invisible Children visited her school with a fundraiser supporting the charity. “They are helping those kids who are being so corrupted and

mistreated as well as supporting the AIDS epidemic in Africa, which is a cause I am passionate about,” said Henderson. The people of Uganda have now been forced to live in small, crowded villages which could be attacked by the LRA at any time. In the Invisible Children movies, viewers see the profiled lives of children living in fear but holding on to hopes and dreams. Each movie comes with a bracelet hand-made by someone in Uganda. “In Africa, there are kids who are being abducted from their homes and families and are being trained as child soldiers to kill their families and [whoever else] they are told,” said Henderson. You can help children in Uganda by becoming a sponsor of a child, giving one time donations, giving a child a scholarship, shopping the Invisible Children store, or by simply spreading the story.

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The inside scoop on tryouts See page 17 | Cheerleaders distract See page 18

Sweat Bourn to succeed After two years of injuries, Wilbourn prevails

By Bryan McCreary Sweat Editor

Collapsing to the ground in the warm-up area of what was his home for two days, senior Brandon Wilbourn shed tears signifying the closing of a four year varsity wrestling career capped off by winning an elusive state championship. A championship that had always been within reach Please read more |

but never achieved. “Tears of joy,” he said. “I finally have gotten the monkey off my back.” After three years with the weight of not winning a state title, it took just two days for WIlbourn to mark his place in Spartan wrestling history, and finally remove the monkey that had beared the weight of years past.

Bourn, PAGE 16

Photo by Zac Hebert

Senior Brandon Wilbourn flexes for the crowd as the referee raises his arm in victory after winning his match, which will send him to Fargo, North Dakota in July for the national championships. Wilbourn defeated Jeff Shell in the 152-pound state championship match.

Boys basketball excels in unlikely situations By Cory Schmitt Copy Editor

Imagine the prospect of performing sub-par in conference games, but excelling in out-ofconference tournaments multiple times with numerous awards and trophies, this is the reality of the varsity boys basketball team over the past number of seasons. Having had its share of troubles in the past against opponents, the basketball team has not been able to secure a winning season in five years. Because of this inability to obtain a winning record, the team has seemingly struggled. However, there has been one bright spot for the team over the past few seasons: out-of-conference tournaments.

This success includes 1st and 3rd place finishes in the Gene Steighorst Invitational Tournament in Hillsboro, Missouri in 2007 and 2009, respectively. And in 2006 , the team secured a victory over Dallas South Oak Bluff High School in the Savvis Shootout at the Savvis Center. It is clear that success in the Gateway Athletic Conference (GAC) has not been on the same level as success in out-of-conference tournaments. The team finished the season with a record of 1-5 in the GAC, and a record of 10-17 overall, the team had struggled against many teams over the course of the season. However, according to assistant coach Brian Cissell, this is

not because the team plays any differently than they play against non-conference teams. “Over the past few seasons, the GAC has been loaded with many talented and competitive teams,” said Cissell. “ The team’s performance gets warped when they play some of the very talented teams in the county.” Mr. Cissell believes that the amount of talented players other schools have has made it much more challenging for the team to compete, excel and succeed in conference play. “There is so much individual talent in the county that it is hard for one school to really break out in the conference,” said Mr. Cissell. Some players feel that the team plays harder against teams in the conference opposed to teams faced

in the non-conference schedule and tournments. “When we play GAC opponents there is more determination to win,” said senior point guard Paul Haluszczak. This does not explain the gap in performance between GAC teams and non-conference games. Many of the teams faced in the Gene Steighorst Tournament have not been the same caliber as opponents in the GAC. Those teams, including Hillsboro High School and other Jefferson County schools do not have the amount of talent as teams in the GAC have. Because of the talent of teams in the conference, the Spartans continue to struggle against local teams, but excel against out-of-

Page designed by Bryan McCreary

conference teams. During conference play, the team stays in most games and always fights, but rarely have been able to close out the game and come away with a victory. However, a further testament to the success of the basketball team in tournaments is the teams run to the semifinals in the district tournament following only one win against conference opponents during the regular season. The team defeated the Fort Zumwalt North Panthers by a 29 point margin in the first game at districts, the largest margin of victory during the entire season. And although the team lost it’s semifinal match against Francis Howell High, the team did not give up.



March 5, 2010



Bourn with will to overcome STATS Brandon Wilbourn Senior Age 18 Weight class: 152 lbs.

Freshman year record: 48-4, Third place Class 4 State at 125 lbs.

Sophomore year record: 39-4, Second place Class 4 State at 135 lbs. Junior year record: 47-2, Sixth place Class 4 State at 145 lbs.

Photo by Zac Hebert

Senior Brandon Wilbourn struggles with Jeff Shell of Francis Howell North in the 152-pound championship match at the Missouri state wrestling tournament. Injuries robbed Wilbourn of the chance to compete for a title in the last two seasons.

Bourn from page 15

Senior year record: 52-1, Class 4 State Champion at 152 lbs.

2008 USA Wrestling Freestyle All-American at 140 lbs. fith place 2009 USA Wrestling Freestyle All-American at 152 lbs. fourth place

The monkey Wilbourn spoke of first appeared during his first state title run, which ended with a third place finish. Since that year, his state tournament success has been hindered by his inability to remain healthy. Not content with Wilbourn losing, that monkey would re-emerge in both of the following years in the form of neck and knee injuries. The injury-prone Wilbourn suffered a title-hope-ending injury in his sophomore season which was plagued by a neck injury that dismantled his hopes to continue competing in the late rounds of the tournament. He finished in

second place. With hopes of returning the next year healthy and ready to win, Wilbourn healed his injury and entered the offseason looking to get stronger, quicker and better fit to win himself a championship. According to assistant coach Bill Mitchell, Wilbourn wrestled and trained 365 days that year to better prepare for the upcoming season. As he pushed forward, Wilbourn entered his junior season stronger and ready to take on another weight class. He had moved from his former weight class of 135 lbs. to 145 lbs. “He never quit,” said Mitchell. “In all my 15 years of coaching, I have never, aside from former FHC wrestler Kyle Bradley, seen anyone work like he does. His drive to be the best that there is has gotten him

to be the wrestler that he is, and he is definitely something special.” After a strong season Wilbourn had set himself up for a deep run in the state tournament. However, his hopes of redemption quickly dwindled when the monkey found its way back to his wrestling career and afflicted him yet again. This time it was an injury to his knee, and much like the outcome of the previous year, he was unable to finish wrestling in the tournament, taking sixth place. Wilbourn had one final year to make his dream into a reality, and he would stop at nothing to make this dream come to life. Wilbourn headed into his senior year, once again stronger, and looked in the face of another weight class. He lost just one match during the regular season, in a meet where he

Photo by Zac Hebert

Senior Brandon WIlbourn strains to lift his opponent, Jeff Shell of Francis Howell North, off the ground. Wilbourn also beat Shell when they faced one another in the regular season.

had moved up one weight class in order to wrestle Drake Houdashelt of Fort Zumwalt West. Having placed first in his 152pound weight class in the district tournament, he headed into state with a head of steam. Knowing that this was his last chance to prove himself created a sense of urgency about him. “I knew that this was my last chance to get my state title,” said Wilbourn. “This was my time, and nobody else’s. I have been determined since the beginning of the season.”


Read more about Brandon Wilbourn’s championship weekend at FHCtoday.com

Photo byZac Hebert

Senior Brandon WIlbourn stands atop the podium after winning his first state championship. Wilbourn won this state championship in the 152-pound weight class.

Page designed by Morgan Vetter



March 5, 2010



Ten things you need to know

Tryouts according to baseball coach Ray Howard


Make sure that you are completely prepared for the week of tryouts, both physically and mentally. If you aren’t ready to compete for a spot on the team, you are not likely to get one.

Try to relax throughout tryouts. It is probably the hardest thing to do, but if you are nervous you may not play to your full potential.

Photo by Zac Hebert

Senior Captain Brian Midden grabs a rebound after a missed shot. Midden has played on the varsity team for the past three seasons.

Captains lead way Leaders take charge of team on, off court By Bryan McCreary Sweat Editor

Setting into action a well-oiled machine is a task that is not a process taken lightly. The cog in the metaphorical engine that makes the entire mechanism successful is one that is considered to be one of the the key processes to a pleasing end result. That vital gear is a leader, a controlling motivator: a team captain. On every team, in any sport, there are those players who stand out, the players who take control and take on the role as playing coaches. Howell Central has its fair share of student athletes who assume that position. In any variety of ways they lead their respective teams and provide physical, mental and emotional guidance to help better the team. According to senior varsity basketball forward and team captain Brian Midden, there are a number of different reasons that the presence of a captain is necessary for a team’s success. “We understand the other player’s situations better, and a lot of the time we have closer relationships with our teammates than our coaches do,” said Midden. Midden feels that a captain is more than just a cheerleader. A captain takes on many responsibilities. With the title of captain, one takes on tasks and challenges that other athletes do not. Their everyday tasks far out-weigh that of other players and for that reason they must be more

focused on what they are expected to do. According to Midden, it starts off the court, and every single decision a captain makes has an impact. He feels that if he as a captain makes bad choices that it will set a precedent to the rest of the team that will imply that it is okay to make poor judgement calls. “There have been many times where I have had the chance to do something that could be bad for the team, and I make sure that I do everything that I possibly can to avoid those situations,” said Midden. Just as different sports require different equipment and different types of talent to excel in them, each different sport requires different attention to detail from their respective captains as well. Every sport has different mentalities or strategies that go into a winning game plan. The very dynamic of each sport brings the necessity for variation. “Wrestling is a different sport than most any other that I’ve seen, and as a leader it is something that I have to take into account,” said senior Brandon Wilbourn. “The physical strain is very present in the sport, but what a lot of people don’t realize is just how much leaders have to do on the mental side of the sport.” Keeping teammates’ heads in the match is one of the most important parts to being a captain in the sport of wrestling according to Wilbourn.

Making sure they are focused on exactly what they are trying to accomplish helps to reassure that they are going into each and every match with the right mental mindset. Often times it does not just come down to making sure that the team is focused. Sometimes it comes down to calming someone down when all the nerves are overtaking them prior to a match. Wilbourn said that he is constantly trying to make sure the team is ready for whatever comes its way. There is more than the “go, team, go” aspect to the captain’s everyday duties. When it comes to setting an example for other student athletes, junior girls basketball captain Stacey Belt feels that taking control of your actions both while in the heat of the competition as well as in the relaxation of downtime is more important than almost anything else. “No matter where I am at, I feel like it is important to try and set the best example I can,” said Belt. As the machine runs with fluidity and ease many do not see the behind the scenes work that is put in by these athletes that take the team on their back and attempt to carry them as much as possible. Without the ignition of a car, the car sits still and one will get nowhere. Captains know what they must do to lead through example. So when it is time to start the ignition they know when it is time to gas up, and start on their way.


Hustle no matter what you are doing. It will catch the coach’s eye, and that can never hurt your chances.

Separate yourself from the rest of the athletes trying out. Do not be just like everybody else; prove that you really want a spot on the team.



Go above and beyond what the coaches ask you to do. If you just do the minimum requirements, it will not leave a lasting impression in the coach’s mind.

Listen to everything the coaches say. The better you listen, the better chance you have at doing what is asked of you correctly.



Concentrate on playing like you were just at a practice. Staying loose can make a player that much better during tryouts.

Never give up on yourself or making the team. If you give up, then why are you still trying out?




When you are doing conditioning, run your hardest. Even if you are not the fastest person, your hustle will show.

Lastly, have fun with it. If you are trying out for something, it is most likely because you love it, so go out and show that emotion.

Page designed by Cory Schmitt and Bryan McCreary



Sweat: Editorials

March 5, 2010


Free agents

Power houses

This coming off-season, the NBA may have the best set of free-agents it has ever had. With big name players like LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and Amare Stoudemire, everyone wants to know where they are going in the off-season. There is a lot on speculation of where By Michael the reigning MVP, LeBron James, is going Jeter Staff Reporter to go. I hope that he leaves Cleveland to go get as much money as he can. If LeBron leaves Cleveland for money, it may start a trend with other players to go to teams where they can get paid the most. This trend of players going where they can get the most money may keep all the NBA teams very even. These free agents can turn teams around and could change the entire face of the NBA. With these great free agents those teams could turn into playoff contending teams. Too many people feel that players like LeBron James will stay in their home towns. The truth is, the NBA players are only concerned about making as much money as they can. It seems like there are no more NBA players that care about the game of basketball. They are all in it for the money. Either way, this NBA off season seems like it could be an interesting one.

Cheerleaders distract M o s t schools have a cheerleading squad, but what is it really doing for the school? Why do we By Mollye Doering Staff Reporter have these girls (and Tim Ryan) chanting ‘go, fight, win’ at certain school sporting events? They are there to support the basketball, hockey, football, soccer and wrestling teams. The big question that comes up is, are they distracting the players from playing to their fullest ability? “I don’t even hear the cheerleaders,” said junior wrestler Justin Ulrich. “I’m too focused on the match to notice anything other than what I’m doing. When I do glance up though, I’m looking at the time, not their fancy floor cheers.” I understand that everyone wants fans to cheer them on; when no one is at the game, it is fine that the cheerleaders are there. Someway, I feel that the cheerleaders are there so the fans watch them, not the athletes who are playing.

In reality, the fans in the stands are there to watch the game. The cheer squads (varsity, junior varsity, fresman, and the hockey cheerleaders) make me question if they are there for the althelets or to get their shot of fame. Do the cheerleaders really think that screaming at the players will make them play harder or do better during the game/match? I was a cheerleader my freshman year. I found that it is pointless to cheer for athletes who do not even pay attention to me. If they are watching the cheerleaders, their attention is not focused on the game like it should be. For football season, we were allowed to hoot and holler all we wanted. There were no limitations as too how high we could toss the top girl, but we were not allowed to cheer during plays. So for the minute to two minutes that they were on a timeout or play recall, we were allowed to cheer the guys on; then it was time to turn around and watch them play again. During soccer season, we did not have any room to cheer. We were about five inches away from the field.

The Cheerleaders are forced to cheer for a sport that no one attends. Could the real reason that our teams have not been living up to past seasons be because of our cheerleaders now? Cheerleaders are different than the fans in the stands, they are on the field/court where the players can physically see and hear them all the time. The fans are not the main thing the players see, so their attention is not focused on them. Why do we need them to tumble across the floor and jump up and down every time our team achieves a point? Personally, they should preform at halftime and that is it. I believe they are a distraction to not only the athletes, but everyone attending the game. Cheerleaders are here for our entertainment much like most other athletes. Unlike soccer and football, cheerleading cannot be a professional career. So consider this- is this ricky socalled sport really necessary in order for our football and basketball teams to succeed in a win? In my opinion, it is absurd.


Compared to the college football ranking system and playoff set-up, nothing can look as tragic or unreasonable; however, this college basketball season has opened my eyes to the corruption of the NCAA’s basketball system. Can someone answer me the seemingly simple question of why By Bryan teams like Connecticut and North Carolina McCreary Sweat Editor are still even in the NCAA tournament mix? North Carolina has a record of 15-14 and people are still referring to them as a powerhouse? Connecticut is just as pathetic having a 17-12 record. Why are teams like Rhode Island and Richmond who have 20-7 and 22-7 records not getting any attention? Small teams rarely have the chance to prove themselves against the so-called big boys in the NCAA and so far when they have had the chance, they have not disappointed. Take once upon a time lowly Temple University for example. When facing the Villanova Wildcats (at the time No. 3 in the country), they dismantled them and won by ten sound points. I understand that good teams are considered to be good because of history, and a rare upset is bound to happen, but if lesser teams had more chances to pull these upsets, we would see them more often.

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Page designed by Michael Jeter and Mollye Doering

Leno, Conan feud See page 20

| Gaga’s creativity begs esteem

See page 21

Scene The

Main Street eats Braddens provides delectable dishes, less satisfactory service


By Hannah Ibos Staff Reporter

There are restaurants up and down Main Street in St. Charles, all of them boasting great food at great prices. With so many choices, it is difficult to know which restaurants are truly Please read more |

living up to the standards they are presenting. One place that is sure to provide a good meal at a reasonable price is Braddens, located at 515 S. Main Street. There is a wide variety of food to please anyone’s tastes and a warm atmosphere to match. Overall, it

Braddens, PAGE 23

Photo by Zac Hebert

Braddens sits at 515 S. Main Street in downtown St. Charles. Owners Alice and Don Stoviak told Suburban Journals that they met co-owner and chef Wayne Davis at a bowling alley.

Apple’s iPad fails to ignite interest By Kyle Kofron Staff Reporter

Apple’s most recent product rises mixed feelings in Apple fans. On one side of the spectrum, people love the iPad, but on the other side, people are opposed to the idea of an oversized iPod touch. “I’m not a fan,” said alum and dedicated Apple advocate David Sears. “I think that Apple could have done a lot better. Overall I don’t feel that it fills a void in the computer market that Apple is trying to fix.” Clean and simple, the iPad is a device used for accessing, organizing and enjoying every type of media the world has to offer. Whether it be music, movies, internet, books or apps, the iPad is prepared to

handle anything. The two familiar designed for the iPhone and iTouch, arise for third parties to create “They should have made it different stores used now—iTunes and the along with applications designed apps which will be just as easy to from the iPod Touch because it is its App Store—will exclusively for download and use on an iPad as they own product, so it should have its still work on the iPad. New are on any iTouch. own design.” it, but Apple opportunities The iPad’s design and interface When designing the iPad, Apple has introduced are two of its most notable attributes knew people were familiar with a third store resembling a huge the interface, which means people called the iBook iTouch. This has had instantly know how to use the iPad Store with the negative effects on just from previous experience with capability to consumers desiring iPods. download and a new and fresh Apple’s past agreement with store books. look for the new AT&T has had consumers dreading Along with product. iPhones and avoiding them the addition “ I ’ m altogether due to the minimal of the iBook d i s a p p o i n t e d reception coverage. Apple has not Store, the iPad with the design,” cut its ties with AT&T yet and is compatible said freshman continues to settle with mediocre with almost all Christian Brown. service, but a good thing has arisen Photo by MCT Campus of the current Apple’s newest product, the iPad, features characteristics similar to the Please read more | ipad, PAGE 21 a p p l i c a t i o n s iPod Touch but on a larger screen. It was released in America on Jan. 27.

Page designed by Kayla Mugler


March 5, 2010

tune in volume my style delish

Late-night battle sparks outrage By Cory Schmitt Copy Editor

Photo by MCT Campus

Fans of comedian Conan O’Brien protest his departure from NBC. O’Brien was the host of “The Tonight Show” for seven months, before leaving the show and network following a dispute over the timeslot of the show.

‘Idol’ delivers again By Allie Corrier Staff Reporter

From “Pants on the Ground” to grown men referring to themselves as “blossoming flowers,” American Idol has a lot in store for viewers this season. American Idol Season 9 has toured many cities: Boston, Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles, Dallas, Orlando, and Denver. “American Idol is really good this season,” said sophomore Joseph Hall, a frequent American Idol viewer and lover of music. “They seem to be letting in less and less bad people in and more talented people in.” There have been many memorable auditions this season: good, bad and humorous. One remembered throughout America is the infamous General Larry Platt, better known as “Pants on the Ground Guy.” The 62-year-old entertainer auditioned during the Atlanta tour of the show. Platt got his nickname, “General,” for his heroic efforts on behalf of the civil rights movement. Another remembered performance is Neil Goldstein’s. “I thought this guy was joking

around,” said junior Patrick Hurley. “I mean come on, who refers to themselves as ‘blossoming flowers?’ And then when he sang, oh man.” Goldstein is a self-professed “geek” with a love of books and computers. Overcome with nerves, Goldstein gave a shaky rendition of Meatloaf ’s “Rock and Roll Dreams Come True.” Fortunately not all were bad auditions, according to the judges. Some of the few that brought hope to the competition were Andrew Garcia and Didi Benami. Both of the singers had emotional backgrounds and had something to prove. Garcia had gotten into some trouble during his more youthful days while Didi had dealt with the death of her best friend (who pushed her to audition in the first place). Garcia’s performance of “Sunday Morning” blew all of the judges away, even Simon. “I thought Andrew Garcia was original and he himself just seemed like a cool person,” said Hall. Benami’s emotional performance of “Hey Jude” won all of the judges’

hearts, except Simon. But with her performance of Idol judge Kara DioGuardi’s song “Terrified,” Benami won over all of the judges. “Didi’s performance was emotional. She had a very difficult time and it showed in her performance, in a very good way and then at Hollywood, she did outstanding,” said senior Emily Vivio. So far, American Idol Season 9 has been a hit, and Hall loves it. “This season just seems so much better than all the other ones. Personally, I think it’s because of the judges this year,” said Hall. New judge Ellen DeGeneres has officially taken over as the fill-in for Paula Abdul. DeGeneres brings years of experience in front of a live audience as the host of “The Ellen DeGeneres Show,” now in its 7th season, and the host of the 79th Annual Academy Awards. “She will represent ‘Idol’ viewers on the panel as an ardent music lover; she will give the at-home viewer a real voice to be on the judges’ panel. I think she’ll be a great asset to the show,” said Vivio.

Page designed by Cory Schmitt

The not-so-private fallout between NBC, Conan O’Brien and Jay Leno over “The Tonight Show” has left NBC’s image shattered and O’Brien’s future uncertain. It has Leno returning to his spot following the 2010 Winter Olympics, after he vacated the spot last June. Some followers of late-night television saw the failure coming. “I think it was a stupid move to move Leno to primetime in the first place,” said junior Michael Roundcount. Ratings of “The Tonight Show” tanked after O’Brien took control of the show in June of 2009. Ratings for the show in November were 2 million viewers less than the amount of viewers Leno had in 2008. However, low ratings on “The Tonight Show” were not the killers for Conan’s tenure. Leno’s own “The Jay Leno Show” suffered from low ratings, which caused affiliates to lose viewership for their news

programs. Roundcount believes Leno’s style of comedy is better suited for latenight as opposed to primetime. “Leno’s comedy is a bit more mature than O’Brien’s,” said Roundcount. “He catered more to late-night viewers, so he had higher ratings.” Other viewers were outraged by NBC’s course of action in dealing with the issue. “It’s unfair to Conan that they didn’t offer him his show in the same timeslot,” said senior Emily Dorn. Dorn believes that O’Brien was better suited for “The Tonight Show” because of his comedy targeting the younger population, the kinds of viewers NBC wants to attract. While Conan’s future remains uncertain, Dorn hopes to see him again on television. “It would be nice to see him hosting a show again,” said Dorn. “I really enjoy watching him.” NBC’s buyout of O’Brien’s contract states the earliest he can join another network is this coming fall.

Photo by MCT Campus

Kara DioGuardi takes an important role as judge in season nine of “American Idol.” DioGuardi joined the ranks of judges and brought the number of judges to four.


March 5, 2010

tune in volume my style delish

Gaga deserves respect in sea of conformity

Senior Megan Huffman saw how influential and unique Gaga was in concert in St. Louis on Jan. 7. “She allowed you to come out of your shell, and brought a lot of confidence to a huge group of people” said Huffman. “She’s not portraying someone she isn’t. She

just wants everyone to be themselves. I felt more confident to dance and bust a move.” Zollner was at the same concert and felt a similar impact. “She makes people realize it’s okay to be yourself,” said Zollner. “She stands for individualism. I like what

Lady Gaga stands for, it’s cool. She says things and actually stands up for what she says.” Lady Gaga is now influencing thousands, but before she became a star, she was influenced by some major icons. “I always loved rock and pop and theater. When I discovered Queen and David Bowie is when it really came together for me and I realized I could do all three,” said Gaga on her website. Huffman and Zollner were amazed by how fantastic her show was. “Each song played off each other more like a musical and the choreography was amazing,” said Huffman. Though she was not sure what to expect, Zollner was pleasantly surprised with the whole performance. “She seemed more normal than people would expect,” said Zollner. “I was impressed because she never stopped performing and the choreography was constant.” If anything, Lady Gaga deserves respect because she is a true artist.

screen uses the same shortcuts as the iPhone and MacBook’s track pad. One drawback of the iPad is that it does not support flash files. This means no internet games, FaceBook video, vimeo, YouTube, etc. This problem may be fixed with a software update or a new version of the iPad in the future, but for now, no flash programs on the iPad. Apple did, however, remedy the YouTube issue by making a YouTube app that makes YouTube 100% functional

only within the application. Additionally, the iPad lacks a camera. However, the iPod Nano has a camera now, but it has not become standard for all products following that to also have a camera. Again, consumers will have to wait for the next version of the iPad that might fix these issues. “I can’t believe Apple didn’t think of a camera,” said Brown. “A camera would have made up for the rest of the iPad’s problems.”

Overall, the iPad is a device that accomplishes what it is intended for. It does have its flaws just like every other first-generation device from Apple. As more versions are released, the notable improvements will overcome the bad in the iPad. If consumers do not mind no flash support, no camera and an otherwise boring design, then the iPad is perfect. But for all patient customers should wait for Apple to perfect the iPad in future generations.

By Megan Berberich BeHeard Editor

The radio cannot be turned on for more than 10 minutes and it seems as though it is inevitable that you will hear a Lady Gaga song. Born Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, this 23-year-old singer is creating quite a stir in the music world. She walks into a room and eyes automatically turn to her. This woman oozes extraordinary. Any awards show she goes to, there will be talk of her because of her outlandish wardrobe. Some may say they do not like her, but they cannot deny that she is breaking stereotypes in the business. Upon first hearing or seeing Lady Gaga one may think she might be just another one hit wonder. Senior Alex Zollner was one of the many skeptics at first. “At first I thought she was just another one of those mainstream artists but when I saw she wrote her own lyrics, I started to really respect her as an artist” said Zollner. Lady Gaga is not afraid to be different in anything she does. “My goal as an artist is to funnel a pop record to a world in a very interesting way,” said Lady Gaga on her website.

iPad from page 19 from this. Owning an iPad will cost $30 a month for an unlimited data plan, which means as much internet surfing as one’s heart desires. The 9.6-inch diagonal screen allows users to view the entire width of a webpage instead of scrolling back and forth. The multi-touch

Photo by MCT campus

Lady Gaga breaks into a vocal solo on stage at the 2010 Grammys. Gaga began writing her fist piano ballad at the age of 13.


music reviews

Road Trip

Playlist By Megan Berberich

1. “No You Girls” Franz Ferdinand

2. “About a Girl” The Academy Is...

3. “I Wish (Skee-lo cover)” The Secret Handshake

4. “Oxford Comma” Vampire Weekend

5. “The Road” Frank Turner

6. “Love Today” Mika

7. “Joy Ride” The Killers

8. “I Gotta Feeling” Black Eyed Peas

9. “Hello, Brooklyn” All Time Low

10. “Chokechain” 3OH!3

Upcoming local shows KIllswitch Engage The Pageant

John Mayer Scottrade Center

Jay Z Scottrade Center

Flogging Molly The Pageant

March 15

“This Addiction” by Alkaline Trio

“Of Men and Angels” by The Rocket Summer

“ The Family Jewels”

by Marina and the DIamonds

See full reviews on our website, FHCtoday.com Page designed by Megan Berberich

March 19

March 20

March 10


March 5, 2010

tune in volume my style delish “It is like when someone calls you beautiful, and you finally believe them, not just because they said it, but because deep down you knew all along that you really were.”

- junior Jennifer Faron

Acceptance Media sets unrealistic body standard for models, women By Katie Schlimpert TheScene Editor

“If you are not confident, the make-up and hairspray does not make up for it. However, if you are not physically beautiful, confidence can make up for a few zits or imperfections.”

— senior Hannah Artman

“Girls cannot have a positive body image unless they are comfortable with the way they look and carry themselves with confidence.” — senior Erika Lorenz

“Why go through life worrying about how you look or what people think of you? Life is too much fun to sweat the small stuff. ”

— freshman Rachel Eikmann

Spring has already started to burst onto the scene, people are itching for the sun, and swimsuits are starting to line the racks in stores. The second the sun starts to shine, popular magazines like Seventeen and Teen Vogue often start their campaigns for healthy teen body image during swimsuit season, while managing to use the same stick thin models to pose on their teen-forward pages. Full-figured models like America’s Next Top Model winner Whitney Thompson and St. Louis native Jennie Runk are the exception to the unnatural standards the modeling industry has created for women and men alike, but why are there not more covers featuring models like these beautiful, average-sized women? “I don’t understand why there aren’t more plus size models to represent the average-sized girls,” said senior Caitlyn Rose Larame. Reality show America’s Next Top Model brought the modeling industry into the average home. After ten cycles, Thompson, a full-figured model, won the competition against some extremely skinny models. According to fashionmodeldirectory.


com, Thompson wears a size 12. “When Whitney won, that was awesome, but I still don’t get why size 12 is considered plus-sized,” said sophomore Caitlin Eshenroder. “I’ve even heard girls talking around school that say size seven is too fat.” Runk is working to change not just the way the modeling industry views women but the way women view themselves. In her interview with StyleList, she made it clear that no one is talking badly about skinnier girls, but that it’s time for women to love themselves for who they are. “Marilyn Monroe was a size 12 and people fawned over her, but in today’s world she’d be fat,” said Larame. Standards of beauty are set by what is seen in the media, whether it be on television, in magazines, or movies people are being affected by the cookie-cuter beauty standards they see day after day. “Models and media have been setting standards of what beautiful is, and they are just too high,” said freshman Rachel Eikmann. “I don’t think models should be a size zero, because it’s not realistic for a lot of people.”

See more responses from girls about how they feel toward body image and what it means to be confident.

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“When I see others who are confident, it makes me want to be postive about myself and show the world who I really am.” — sophomore Kayla Kammermeyer

“It is something you have to learn, but once you do, it changes your whole outlook on life because you are not trying to please everyone else for once.” — senior Brittany Hayes

“I feel confident because I have so much joy. I want to share my joy with others, and there is no possible way I can do that if I am shrinking back from opportunities and hiding in self-pity.” — senior Mary Ferch

“In all honesty, I think I would have to say that the most beautiful person I have ever met was by no means someone that would be cast as the stereotypical cheerleader in a movie.” — sophomore Madison Mendel


March 5, 2010

tune in volume my style delish Braddens from page 19

was a pleasant experience dining at this Main Street eatery. When it comes to food, Braddens has a lot to bring to the table. There are a lot of different options for a delicious dinner. From pasta to soup to salad to steak, you will not be at a loss when it comes to choices. A tasty pasta dish that I would suggest to future diners would be the fettuccine. Proclaimed on the menu as “the best in town,” this pasta features a rich, super-cheesy sauce that makes it taste almost more like a classy version of mac and cheese. It also comes with a fairly large salad, full of fresh veggies, and two pieces of garlic bread for $12.99, a pretty reasonable price for the amount of food it comes with. If you do not feel like eating a full meal, or just want to spend a little less money, then you should choose one of the many sandwiches on the menu. Sandwiches are only about $7 to $10 and come with your choice of french fries or homemade chips. I would suggest the homemade chips, as they are super crunchy and taste fresh, whereas the french fries are nothing special. A good choice of sandwich to get here is the Philly steak sandwich. Served on french bread, this combination of roast beef, onions, pepper and Swiss cheese is a delicious, salty treat. Another great choice is the Reuben

Photo by Zac Hebert

Braddens, located at 515 S. Main Street, decorates its railing with garland fronting the exterior of the red brick building. According to Suburban Journals, Braddens was named after the owner’s grandson.

sandwich, filled with corned beef, sauerkraut, Swiss cheese and topped with Thousand Island dressing. While the food here is good, there is more to a restaurant than just that. The service at Braddens was, for the most part, good. The servers were friendly and accommodating. The warmness of the staff was a plus, along with their vast knowledge of the menu and specials, but I did find a flaw with the otherwise nice

service. The length of time between ordering and actually getting the food was a little excessive. Once the meals were finished, it also took a long time for the check to arrive at the table, which unnecessarily prolonged the dining experience. Once I finish the meal, I am typically ready to leave, and waiting so long for the check does not account for a leisurely time, it leads to boredom.

Overall, I would rate the service at Braddens as decent. The atmosphere at this restaurant was warm and inviting. The decor was nice, with red brick walls and fancy stained glass windows and lights. There was also a fireplace, which makes for great dining in these chilly temperatures. It was not very crowded, so you could sit anywhere you wanted. It was also very clean and neat, which added to

the inviting quality of the place. The outside of this eatery reflected the quaint interior. The red brick exterior gave it an old-fashioned charm, and definitely made it look inviting. When the warmer temperatures finally arrive, there is also a nice outdoor patio for dining. Despite the fact that it is winter, the patio was still neatly kept up, showing Braddens devotion to cleanliness. For the most part, my dining experience at Braddens on Main Street, St. Charles was a good one. The high quality of the food extended into the atmosphere and service staff of the restaurant as well, making this eatery a prime choice. While the prices are not exactly inexpensive, they are reasonable considering the amount and quality of the food you get for the price. Also, while the service was warm and friendly, the slowness of it detracted from my overall enjoyment. However, dining at Braddens was still a pleasant experience that I would suggest to anyone planning a trip to Main Street. For more information on this tasty eating establishment, visit Braddens website, braddens.vpweb.com. Here, you can find a variety of general restaurant information, as well as a complete menu, pictures and even the restaurant’s first-ever televised commercial. There are also printable coupons and specials available exclusively on the site, as well as a list of all of Braddens upcoming dining events.

Did you miss our deadline?

Visit your neighborhood store for any of our 5 great tasting meals under 550 calories 6170 Mid Rivers Mall Drive Saint Peters, MO 63304 636.447.8532

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Page designed by Hannah Ibos



March 5, 2010



Bringing home glory Varsity wrestlers return winning third place overall

Senior Brandon Wilbourn embraces Coach Steve Cross after winning first in the state championship. Wilbourn finished with a record of 52-1.

Junior Terrell Wilbourn receives two points for a successful reversal. Wilbourn placed first in the 130-pound weight class.

The referee lifts junior Justin Dickey’s hand in victory. Dickey won fifth place in the 145-pound weight class.

Senior Brandon Wilbourn celebrates victory after winning the 152-pound state title.

Junior Ben Henson lifts his opponent in the air. Henson left state winning fifth place in the 125-pound weight class.

Freshman John Wood stares his opponent down as they each try to gain an advantage. Wood ended the season with a record of 48-3 and was second in the 119-pound weight class.

Photos by Zac Hebert | Page designed by Kelci Davis

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