Central Focus March 2011

Page 1


Hockey club claims first Challenge Cup pages 15, 18

Budget woes force proposed job cuts




*icons in blue represent a proposed job elimination at FHC *icons in red represent a prosposed job elimination in FHSD


Ge ing to 95


Delve 3-6


Be Heard 7-10


Letter from the 18 editor

In Focus 12-14

Sweat 15-18

The Scene 19-23



LOVE IT 1. State rankings 2. Suessical anticipation 3. Spring break


4. Showcasing art students

e hear that the district must surmount a deficit of $10.3

million the next school and we hear that 95 staff positions need to be terminated. This






menancing, but it is difficult for most high school students to grasp.

1. Grammy winners 2. Preapring for prom

So while the big picture of the

3. Silver Shield announcements

impending cuts facing our district is

4. Class rings

important and threatening, the the smaller, more precise picture has a greater impact on students. At Howell Central, eight teaching positions need to be vacated. Eight faces students see and interact with daily. To these faculty that may lose their jobs, the number 95 means very little. In this issue of the Central Focus, the staff decided to focus on the smaller, more personal aspects of the impending cuts. Rather than focusing on the district level, we focused on the changes coming to our school next year. We hope readers will look


Cover With an extreme economic crisis hitting the Francis Howell School


Cory Schmitt

Print Executive Editor Francis Howell Central High School 5199 Highway N St. Charles, Mo., 63304 Phone: 636.851.5636 Fax: 636.851.41

LEAVE IT 1. Summer school class changes 2. Lady Gaga mimicking Madonna

District, budget cuts are starting to

3. AP exam prices raised

4. Predictable Oscar winners

hit home and affect Francis Howell Central. It was announced 95 teach-

ing positions will be cut from the

district, and the eight of these must come from FHC.

Page design by Maddie Wilson and Ted Noelker

beyond the sheer numbers and look instead at a deeper level.


Editors and Staff

Cory Schmitt Print Executive Editor Ted Noelker Multimedia Executive Editor Kelci Davis Visuals ExecutiveEditor Brendan Kinnison Delve Editor Alli Keisker Be Heard Editor Ellen Hinze Sweat Editor Anna Gingrich The Scene Editor Sean Carroll iFocus Editor Mikelle McClintock Communications Editor Michael Roundcount Business Manager Claire Henderson Copy Manager Karley Canova Staff Reporter Lizzi Holland Staff Reporter Patrick Hurley Staff Reporter Destiny Pipkin Staff Reporter Kamrie Reed Staff Reporter

Dylan Richardson Julianna Smith Victoria Walker Maddie Wilson Jolie Denton Jessica DiMariano Scott Kenkel Savannah McEachern Mr. Matthew Schott

Staff Reporter Staff Reporter Staff Reporter Staff Reporter Staff Photographer Staff Photographer Staff Photographer Staff Photographer Adviser

Letters Policy

The Central Focus is produced monthly as an integral part of the News Production class at Francis Howell Central High School. Students learn all aspects of media production and are responsible for contributing to each issue. The Central Focus is a public forum for the students at Francis Howell Central High School. The staff ’s editorial policy is available in Room 139. The staff welcomes comments and suggestions from the student body. All letters to the editor must be typed and no more than 300 words. Names must be included with the submission of the letter, but may be withheld at the request of the author. The staff reserves the right to withhold content at its discretion.


Split lunches abolished for the 2011-1012 year p. 4 Conference schedule changed p. 6

3 Some question reason for summer school By Brendan Kinnison Delve Editor

Art classes expand By Karley Canova Staff Reporter


ur school puts emphasis on students’ talent through a variety of programs. Whether it is academically, theatrically, or athletically, there’s plenty for students to participate and show their true colors in. However, there has been exceptional growth in our art department. “I don’t know another school who carries six full-time art teachers,” said Mrs. Judy Switzer, who teaches six of the seventeen art classes offered at

our school. Other schools, however, are downsizing their art departments “[Other schools] aren’t invested enough, numbers aren’t there, declining enrollment perhaps. There’s a lot of factors.” said Ms. Amy Roesslein, who teaches Painting I and II, and Drawing I and II. The art department gets money from the district. Teachers list items that they will need during the Please read more | Art, PAGE 4

Photo by Jessy DiMariano

Senior Logan Whitworth sits down in Ms. Switzer’s sixth hour sculpture class and coils his clay on the turn table. The students were starting to work on their next project, a shoe made out of clay.

Central Focus March 11, 2011


In the past, summer school has carried the preconceived notions that only students who fail a class are the ones who spend their summer in the classroom. This is becoming less and less true. More and more students are spending their summer in the classroom picking up an extra credit, rather than taking the class during the normal school year. “The majority is remedial, but it is a great option for kids who would like to get elective credits,” said Guidance Counselor Mrs. Kathy Bargeon. With the Credit Enrichment Program, students may take classes that they have not yet taken but that they also need to graduate, such as physical fitness classes or personal finance. This creates an opportunity for students to take a required semester class in only 20 days, or 4 school weeks, from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. each day. The days range from one to two classes depending on how many the student would like to take over summer. Two classes, will equal six hours as opposed to one class equaling three. “I think summer school is a good idea for kids that don’t necessarily need it. It helps to get those classes you need to graduate out of the way, such as personal finance. A few weeks is much better than a whole semester,” said senior Allie Corrier. “Plus, with that out of the way, you have the chance to take more classes you want to take rather than the ones you need to take. It really just takes a load off. Plus, you get to have awesome teachers like Mr. Myers, and don’t waste your summer away.” Page design by Brendan Kinnison




Central Focus March 11, 2011

Page design by Brendan Kinnison

Three instead of five? Split lunches may be abolished in the 2011-2012 year By Victoria Walker Staff Reporter

Beginning in the 2011-2012 school year, the school is deciding whether or not to eliminate split lunches from schedules. The school is trying to find the best way to reach the amount of minutes that students must be in class that is required by the state, Principal Sonny Arnel said. To accomplish this, the school day will be starting at 7:20 a.m. next year, rather than 7:25 a.m., as it has been. There are currently five lunch periods, two of them split lunches: 4B and 5A. Dr. Arnel is pushing for those two lunches to be eliminated next year. He sees them as a time consuming distraction from classroom activities. Dr. Arnel put it in the following example: students take a few minutes to get settled into class, then when lunch is a few minutes away, they stop paying attention to wait for the bell. They go to lunch and their attention is shifted from

the classroom to whatever is being served in the cafeteria that day, then they come back to class and time is taken up by the passing period. More time is taken up getting settled back into the classroom and the teacher trying to get their attention set back on the subject. Then once again at the end of class, students begin to pack up and more time is thrown away. Much class time is wasted simply by interrupting it for lunch. “I think [having a split lunch is] kind of distracting. You don’t always get to eat lunch on a regular schedule,” senior Dylan Flood said, referring to the days when teachers send students to another lunch period because of a test or other assignment that requires no distraction from the classroom environment. Flood also commented that in the beginning half of class he is thinking about food, then after lunch he is “trying not to fall into a food coma.” “Split lunch is horrible,” said Mrs. Erin Thurston. “Before lunch

all [students] will talk about is how hungry [they are and] it is difficult to get back on task after lunch.” Thurston also commented that it depends on the group of students. Two years ago she had a class with a split lunch that never had any issues. She also pointed out the lost time before lunch and at the end of class, as well as the fact that it is hard to plan class when there is a 15 minute activity but 20 minutes until lunch. The five minutes between is like dead space. Junior Coleen Lewis had an entirely opposite opinion from Arnel, Flood, and Thurston. “[I think sp would show] more negatives than it would positives,” Lewis said. She enjoys having a break in the middle of class, but admits that coming back to class can be difficult to focus again. She also pointed out that on days where 4a and 4b eat together and 5a and 5b eat together, the lines are so long that there is no time to eat. She would rather the split lunches be left alone.

Art from page 3

Photo by Kelci Davis

Senior Toni Hoesel rubs a mixture of water and clay onto the tip of her shoe to smooth out the imperfections. Hoesel was working on a TOMS style shoe.

Photo by Kelci Davis

As she cuts out a circle in her clay, sophomore Hannah Yoder concentrates to keep a steady hand. She already finished the sole of her shoe and was starting the front.

According to Roesslein, the amount of enrollment, great teachers, and positive attitudes help out our district. “I believe it helps us. I really do,” said Roesslein. At Howell Central, the art department makes it a point to advertise and spread the word about anything and everything that is going on. They make posters, announcements, and showcases in the hallway. They make it easy for students to get involved, which helps them build up their experiences and skills. “I think that as a department, we’ve been aware for a long time that our program will be in jeopardy,” said Ms. Switzer. “We have to make sure we are involved in the school and community.” Before a student can take ceramics, painting, graphic design, etc., they have to take Introduction to Art, which is the foundation class for all of the other divisions of the art department. This class introduces students to the basics of each medium that would be used in other possible art class choices, such as clay,

Photo by Savannah McEachern

Junior Jasmane Davis hands the cashier the money for her lunch that day. Students will no longer be having split lunches in the years to come.

Take art classes early. We want

to know if you're interested right away.

— Ms. Amy Roesslein, Fine Arts department chair pastels, and sculpting tools. There are approximately 250 new students who join Introduction to Art each year. For students who are serious about joining an art class and really developing their art, there are a large amount of programs that the school offers currently, and new ones that will come out in 2011 - 2012. “Take art classes early,” said Ms. Roesslein. “We want to know if you’re interested right away.” Getting involved early will help students have an easier time landing a spot in the area that they want. Currently, the school offers studio nights, in which art class members can stay after school and work on art projects that they need to finish for class, personal work, or to build their portfolio. “It definitely gives me the time

to work on art, considering my AP classes. My life during swim season is pretty much school, work, diving.” said senior Brittany Robinson, a member of the National Art Honor Society. Next year, our school will be holding new classes and programs, such as an AP art studio class and club. These courses can help a student achieve advanced placement in college credit and an opportunity for students to develop portfolios for possible scholarships. The portfolios have to meet the requirements of specific colleges, including a number of pieces and types of mediums. They then go to the National College Board to be judged and scored. “It’s nice for us as a department to offer as many electives as we do,” said Mr. Bobby Storts, who teaches Graphic Design I and II, and the foundation class Introduction to Art. According to Mr. Bobby Storts, it is much harder for students to fit these classes in their schedules with as many credit requirements as there are necessary to graduate high school. “The more options made available, [the more it] allows the student body to have a more rounded education,” said Mr. Storts.


Central Focus March 11, 2011

Page design by Kamrie Reed


Turmoil hits home


Exchange student shares information about Middle East countries uprising By Kamrie Reed Staff Reporter

Political riots broke out in Egypt and Libya during the month of February. These protests have had a ripple effect on surrounding countries in the Arabic community. The position for Egypt’s president is now open, and it is a race to see who will win control of the country. Elections are scheduled for August. Now, the citizens and politicians are faced with the question of

who will rule their country in the future. An organization called the Muslim Brotherhood could be one of the upcoming rulers, or Egypt’s incumbent vice president. “If the Muslim Brotherhood takes over, Israel will have a big problem,” said junior Abdallah Youset Abdo. Abdo is a foreign exchange student from the country of Jordan, which is located to the east of Israel and east of Libya and Egypt. Many surrounding countries’

politicians, such as those in Syria, Hezbollah and Iran, have high hopes that the Muslim Brotherhood will seize power. Meanwhile, protests and riots have spread throughout the region, with governments in Iran and Libya fighting uprisings, often violently. The United States has many close ties with Israel, a mostly Jewish country, and has greatly helped Israel in the past with political issues. However, the

controversy comes with the clash between Egypt and Israel, whose citizens are mostly Muslims and have harsh feelings towards people of Jewish decent. Other countries, such as England, have been fully supportive of the latest uprisings in these Arabic countries. Egypt and Libya have both been under a dictatorship for around 40 years. Many of the surrounding countries, such as Jordan, have been waiting for the citizens to overthrow the

government. “This [rebellion] should have happened a couple of years ago. Everything happened this year. We are not scared because [they are] rebelling for truth, not something wrong,” said Abdo. These countries are now looking for more change and want more of a democracy. “It is not easy to get what you want. If you want change, this whole mess has to happen in order [for it] to get better,” said Abdo.

MCT Campus

Shell casings litter the road to Port Brega, the site of heavy fighting between revolutionaries and forces loyal to Moammar Gadhafi, on March 2.

Teachers hold key for ACT success By Karley Canova Delve Editor

Over the years, teachers and students have been improving techniques and lesson plans to help students do the best they can do on the ACT. From 2007 to 2010, our school’s average ACT score has gone from 22.4 to a 22.8. We are now tied with Francis Howell North for the highest composite, or overall, score out of 36. “Students have told us that they have gone up [from a score of ] 18 to 24, and even a few points is huge,” said Ms. Vicki Pohlman, 11th grade English teacher To help these students, teachers do a variety of activities and practices to guide them. Students can take

the ACT however many times they would like, on the dates that they are offered. They are urged to take the test more than once. “The first time is to get used to it,” said Mrs. Jessica Bulva, head of the English department. Taking the ACT during junior year is strongly recommended; however, the school starts preparing the students their sophomore year. During this time in their high school experience, students take the PLAN test, which will give students an approximate score of where they would be placed if they took the ACT. Students will also take a practice timed ACT their junior year, at least once a quarter in Ms. Pohlman’s

Students have

told us that they have gone up [from a score of] 18 to 24, and even a few points is huge....

— Mrs. Vicki Pohlman, English teacher

class. These are graded and compared to a chart that will tell them the equivalent grade if it were the ACT. “Most of it is practice,” said Ms. Pohlman.

The teachers then focus on what they need to teach the students based on these scores. They use Study Island practices and similar wording and terminology that appear on the ACT while teaching so that the material is less alien to the students. “We teach the literacy skills, and how they will appear on the ACT.” said Ms. Pohlman. In the math department, teachers give practice tests and teach students how to properly use the tools they are given during the test - their brain and their calculator. “[We teach them] where their mistakes might be, and how to rule out stupid answers,” said math teacher Mrs. Tiffany MacMillan. Mrs. MacMillan teaches at least

one problem directly out of the ACT packet a day. She also lends out graphing calculators for those who do not have any of their own. “Exposure is probably one of the key elements,” said Mrs. MacMillan. Outside of school, students can also buy books or go online to get extra practice. The top three books sold to help students are McGraw Hill, Kaplan, and Princeton Review. They range from prices of about $20 to $35. Also, free ACT preparations and sample tests are found all over the Internet. The ACT website contains links and suggested reading to help students. “Understanding how the test is made is the key issue,” said Ms. Pohlman.




Central Focus March 11, 2011

Page design by Cory Schmitt

Conferences conflict Parent-teacher conferences dates change due to snow days By Maddie Wilson Copy Manager

Despite having announced in February that parent-teacher conferences had been cancelled for all secondary schools as part of the newly approved snow day makeup schedule, district administration has released a statement saying that conferences are officially back on the calendar. This conflicting news has sent a ripple of chaos and confusion through both faculty and students, prompting questions over whether traditional conferences are worth the hassle. The district’s original calendar for the 2010-2011 school year included two conference days: Oct. 22 for fall conferences and March 25 for spring conferences. On these days, regular school would not be in session; instead, parent-teacher conferences would take place in the morning. History department chair Ms.

Lisa Niswonger said that she liked this traditional schedule. “We [teachers] love to talk to parents,” Ms. Niswonger said. “[But] some parents aren’t able to get away [to conferences] in the evenings.” After the district cancelled eight days of school earlier this year due to inclement weather, district administration was forced to reconsider these previous plans; subsequently, the school board voted Feb. 3 to adopt a modified make-up schedule for secondary schools. Among the changes was the decision to turn March 25 into a regular school day instead of a conference day. District officials said that parents and teachers were informed of the decision and were told to be prepared for further information from individual schools about potential options. Mere weeks after this announcement, however, the district revealed on their website that

secondary spring conferences were back on. The statement, included in a document addressing frequently asked snow day questions, cited “a number of inquiries [requesting conferences] from parents” and “an error in counting teacher work days” as some of the reasons why conferences were reinstated. According to the district, after the conference day was initially cancelled, the number of work days for secondary teachers was one less than their contracts required. Adding conferences back into the calendar, the document claims, “corrects this error and the inequity between elementary and secondary [work days] that it caused.” After these developments, individual buildings were left to create their own schedules for conferences. Francis Howell Central has opted to devise this semester’s conference schedule based on teacher preference.

An e-mail with several time options for the conferences was sent by Dr. Sonny Arnel to all teachers, who then voted for when they would like conferences to be. The official dates for spring conferences are now Thursday March 10 and Wednesday March 23 from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. each day. “Dr. Arnel has been very good about communicating to us [teachers],” said Ms. Linda Scott, science department chair. Still, the complicated process of scheduling and rescheduling conferences has raised questions about how important spring conferences really are. Ms. Scott said that she has mixed feelings about conferences. “For year long classes, [conferences] are less important in the spring,” Ms. Scott said. “[But] I can see for a semester class why it would be important. I think we could get away with one night [of conferences] in the spring.”

The growth in popularity of technology available to parents may also affect conference attendance. Ms. Scott and Ms. Niswonger agree that increased email use and programs like Parent Portal, which allows families to see students’ grades online, may be affecting the importance of conferences. “With Parent [Portal], many parents watch [their student’s] grades so carefully, that they contact me first,” said Ms. Niswonger. “I’m finding that I’m having fewer parents take advantage of being able to come in for conferences.” Sophomore Lydia Colvin also believes that conferences have become less necessary. “My mother is online every day looking at my grades,” she said. “I think it’s a sufficient substitute for conferences. Unless I have an issue with a teacher or something drastically changes my grade, I don’t plan on going [to conferences].”

Heard Be

Vandalism of artwork in restrooms p. 9 Lack of respect for recruited soldiers p. 10

Passion for the shot

Former athlete shifts dedication across the sideline


y heart races. I can feel the muscle slamming into my rib cage over and over again. There are only three minutes left in the game. Three minutes to drive the ball straight into the back of the net and save the game. I mentally predict a playBy Kelci Davis Visuals Executive by-play moments before it happens: Editor a sudden cross to the left, tactfully played back to the defense, lobbed down to the corner, a deadly cross in front of the goal. Leg pulled back and ready. “Snap”. I lower my camera. For just a moment, I discreetly smile as the girls’ soccer team celebrates its victory before returning the viewfinder to my trained eye and continuing to forever capture their moment of triumph. Three years ago, I would have been celebrating on the other side of the lens. Screaming my lungs out at my team’s victory as sweat rolled down my face. Eleven years of failure, pain, sacrifice, triumph and perpetual motivation had been built into muscle memory and technical skill that I learned to utilize every time I stepped onto the pitch. From an early age, soccer became the epicenter of my entire life, my love/hate relationship that I wouldn’t have given up for the world. At least, until the fall of 2007. Culminating injuries marked my entire soccer career, a lifelong journey highlighted with countless ankle sprains and strains that slowed me down, concussions that worried the MDs, a neck sprain, tendonitis and countless scars Please read more |Passion, PAGE 8

Photo by Savannah McEachern

During one of the first practices of the season, sophomore Kelci Davis shoots the varsity and JV girls soccer team as they warm up and run drills. Davis worked with photography in elementary school for fun, but did not get serious about her work until joining the staff of the Central Focus.

Central Focus

March 11, 2011


7 Customers show no courtesy to worker Since the beginning of our childhood, we are taught to respect. Parents constantly reinforce the By Ellen Hinze ‘please’ and Sweat Editor ‘thank you’ rules of society. Teachers then further these skills by applying the starting foundations of social skills and moral beliefs. There are implied public rules in American society and table manners that need to be followed. So why is it okay to treat food service employees with the opposite of respect and the opposite of manners? Treating the person that is kind enough to give you food with a smile as if they are lower than you isn’t a very wise decision for a customer to make. They handle the customers’ food. If they wanted to, they could do anything to that food without the customer ever questioning anything. Regardless of how consumers of the food treat the server, they expect the finest treatment. I work at a fast food restaurant, and I have experienced this firsthand. People think they can walk all over you, no matter how you treat them. This brings us to part one of my epic story: “The Order.” One day, I was working the register on a busy Friday night. We were short-handed, and the lobby was full of customers who were trying to find flaws so they had something to complain about. One lady (we will call her Customer A) placed her order and took a seat, happy and content. Then the next person (Customer B) walked up and ordered the same thing as Customer A. Which brings us to part two: “The Dispute.” Customer A’s food was ready, so I called out her order. What do ya know, the oh-so-impatient Please read more | Fast food, PAGE 9

Page design by Alli Keisker


Be Heard

March 11, 2011

Fast food from page7 Customer B stands up first and comes to get the food he assumed was his. Then, being the nice person I am, I said, “I’m sorry, Customer B, but your food is not ready yet. This is Customer A’s food, I apologize for the wait. It should only be a little while longer.” This was not good enough for Customer B and he took - no, grabbed - the food right out of my hands and left in a huff. Which brings us to part three: “The Rage.” Customer A then sees that Customer B got food before her. And you know the rule: no cuts. So she - who, might I add, missed the entire exchange I had with Customer B before - just assumed I gave the food to him to... ruin her day... So she stands up. Looks at me. Stares at me. Glares at me. Walks to the counter. Taps on the counter. Coughs obnoxiously. Stomps her foot. Makes statements. Looks at me. Looks at food. Me. Food. Me. Food. PROFANITIES. Customer A starts yelling at me for not giving her food that I don’t have. And it wasn’t a quiet yelling. She was not using her indoor voice. So now we have part four: “The Act.” If you know anything about me, you know I tell people like it is, and I don’t hold back. Unfortunately, I am paid to keep calm and be nice no matter what. Lucky me. Now that customer A was done with her fit, all eyes were on me to see what the next move would be. So I look at her. Stare at her. Glare at her. Walk to the food. Point at the food. Look at the food. Her. Food. Her. Food. Deep breath. Smile. Pick up food. Hand food to her and say, “Thank you for choosing (insert restaurant here). I hope you had a pleasant experience. Do come again, I look forward to it.” The end. Now that you have peeked into the life of fast food servers, maybe you will think before you glare or stomp or cause a scene. When you do, that poor little girl at the register gets yelled at; she gets reprimanded and it could cost her the job. Manners are like a different language, they can easily be misinterpreted to mean something totally opposite of what the speaker is trying to say. The better one’s manners are, the more understanding they will have.


Central Focus

Page design by Alli Keisker

Staff editorial

Cartoon by Schott Kenkel

Changes cause concern A decrease in teachers threatens classroom quality

It’s incredulous to think the Francis Howell School District is throwing education into the bargain bin along with all the unimportant afterthoughts of our society. The very thought of us actually learning something can be idealistic at times and it has become normal when we, as students, do not understand the material as easily as we thought we would. The teachers who walk these halls hold the sole job to help their students through the trials and tribulations of grammar and synthetic division, laws and life. Even today, that can be a stretch in the classroom. Next year’s drastic budget cuts will determine what teachers, and students, are able to handle after an exponential increase in work and a decrease in communication. There are a lot of things wrong with the education system in the U.S. It doesn’t help when caring school districts cannot help their students because they do not have

classroom and find our hands raised the funds. The government must in the air for ten minutes before the work to keep from putting schools overstressed teacher manages to get districts in lose-lose situations. Our to our question that we realize this leaders must take the time to look is affecting us. In many situations, at and focus on the specific points if we are in the system understanding that need to be the material changed instead It is up to our really well and of forcing want to advance schools to make system leaders to our education, uncalled for cuts pull our education we can’t because in their budgets. we have to wait The news that out of the bargain on our other all first year classmates (who teachers may be bin... really shouldn’t let go and that be in the class at the number of all) to catch up. students per If this pattern continues with what class will increase at FHC is deeply the model for next year looks like, concerning; news which many people, especially the teachers, then don’t be surprised to see even a good student’s grades start to slip in are still trying to struggling to one subject or another. The goal of comprehend. education is to prepare students for Attempting to cram three extra the real world, but if this purpose students into a classroom probably is whittled down to just letting us does not seem like any kind of get by then we will be in for rude epidemic. It’s not until we get into the

awakening after we leave these halls. Many students don’t realize how one additional student can impact a teacher’s work load. There is one extra desk to fill, five extra questions to answer and twenty more papers to grade. A teacher’s time will be spent grading an extra five-page essay instead of helping students who still can’t put together a threeprong thesis. Overall, it is inevitable that the downfall of our economy is going to hit even harder in these halls. As districts struggle to cram students into classrooms, the quality of education will be sacrificed. Corners are being cut all across the nation, and government officials as well as administrators must be sure that they are not sacrificing the education and thereby the future of our generation. It is up to the system leaders to pull our education out of the bargain bin and give students and teachers and chance of success.

word of mouth word of mouth THOUGHTS ON THE STORIES WE COULDN’T FIND SPACE FOR word of mouth word of mouth

King Leo

King Leo to Xerxes, we offer our thoughts on issues we couldn’t get into the paper.


DECA is going to The Lake of the Ozarks over spring break for their State competition.


Drumline will be attending the St Charles comeptition at Francis Howell North on March 12.


This semester, senior Ryan Tebeau received the Chick Evans Scholarship. He will be attending Mizzou with a full ride scholarship.


Winter guard recieved third place at O’Fallon Town Ship High School on Feb. 26.


THE SCALE: Word On a scale of


Central Focus March 11, 2011

Page design by Alli Keisker

Be Heard


Art work flushed down the drain

Photo by Scott Kenkel

Students from Art Club’s art work is displayed in the bathrooms. The art work had been gradually painted on the stalls over the past few years.

Photo by Scott Kenkel

Various paintings are featured on both inside and outside of the stalls.

Passion from page7 I wear like badges of honor. Each broken bone withered down my body until daily pains, ones that I still feel to this moment, somehow broke my lifelong drive. One game, just another game, I fell to from my most devastating injury: a snapped ankle which brought me to my knees in a second. In the scheme of the game, it was an anti-climatic moment. I was never one to go down with pain, so when I dropped to my knee, my teammates and coaches looked around confused - all trying to find who I knelt in respect for. Unbeknownst to them, my cleat had caught an inseam in the AstroTurf - when my body moved to go one way, my ankle stayed as still as stone. “Snap.” Ever since, I tried to mask my pain. After my games, I’d cry during the car rides home so none of my teammates, my makeshift sisters, could see me weakened. Time continued to beat me down, and with nearly unbearable pain, a disgraceful dictator of a coach and the realization that this sport was defining everything in my life, I was about to walk away. I tried one last time: my final game with Tony Glavin Soccer Club.

Photo by Scott Kenkel

Art Club members spend their free time after school replicating these paintings.

Midway through the game, I broke into tears. In that moment, everyone knew. My dad who had supported my insatiable love for the game knew. My coaches, who taught me everything I know, knew. Worst of all, my teammates bowed their heads and knew. In a split second I had made the hardest decision of my life. It was over. I was done. Anyone who plays a sport long enough, especially any other athlete who had their parent as a coach, knows that the game is their life. Your friends all play on your team, homework is done in the car on the way to practice and meals consist of pure carbohydrates, proteins and sugar. Before middle school, I had never really noticed my lack of social life. I hadn’t yet comprehended that their might be another way of life other than the one I had been living for so long. I was unaware of the multitude of options waiting right in front of my unseeing eyes. The last time I took off my sweatdrenched jersey I remember being entirely perplexed. I laid the green cloth beside me and avoided looking down, knowing the number 14 was staring right back up at me. I hadn’t the slightest inclination of where to turn or where to even start. I now had nights and weekends off for the first time. In the midst of it all, I was faced with one question that baffled

Ar t work around our school is taken for granted. I know from p e r s o n a l experience that the head of art By Scott Kenkel Staff Photographer club, Ms. Amy Roesslein, puts so much heart and dedication into projects that she and the art club take on. The bathroom stall painting project, for example, cost art club around a hundred dollars, but the dollar amount isn’t the biggest expense. Roesslein and the Art Club met twice a week for four months and worked at least an hour or two a day on the restroom project, and ironically, its main purpose was to put an end to restroom graffiti. Art Club has been known to work countless hours to shed a new light on our restrooms, only to have them written over with vulgar filthy and snide remarks about the female

anatomy. In case you don’t venture into the restroom too often, I am talking about the little pen or pencil written messages that spell out different parts of the male or female anatomy. Not creative poems or thoughtful remarks to accompany the painted images they’re written over, just a single word written, just because. As an artist, this infuriates me. I don’t care where the art is, it’s art, period. For far too long it has gone unnoticed, unappreciated, and unrecognized not only in school, but in society as a whole. Art students recreate classic pieces of art on the bathroom stalls and, unfortunately, they are continuously looked over. A majority of the time “the guys” are too busy reading about how “gangsta” this one dude is or reading meaningless four or five letter words that they, for reasons unknown to me, find entertaining. Students fail to realize that everything costs money. These arrogant individuals who find it

entertaining to deface artwork, whether it be on canvas or bathroom stall, need be punished, but the question is how? Administrators can’t tell the identity of the individuals who are going about committing these deviant acts. Their markings are done behind closed doors, so unless we can somehow manage to convince these people to cease, Art Club’s sweat and money is just wasting away. What kills me isn’t just the fact that artwork is being defaced, but that the time, heart, dedication, and money that was put into these stalls has been dismissed and unappreciated. I will say that we need to stop the madness, but unfortunately our administration is blind to who the culprit truly is. So we can only hope that our ever-so-immature group of small time vandals will recognize how ignorant this apparently “humorous” act really is, and find it in their hearts to put an end to their actions.

me: what does a thirteen-year-old do for fun? Over halfway through seventh grade and I had no idea. The rest of my middle school years consisted of a tight group of friends blended with teenage angst and infatuation. My adrenaline rushes no longer came from sprinting down an open field and chasing down an opposing player, rather from sprinting down a street and making a scene with my friends, my makeshift brothers. Yet, I remained feeling slightly empty. I lost an outlet for my passion, for my drive and was hollow. I had lost my reason. That is, until I made a split-second decision my freshman year and walked into room 139 and stepped onto the Central Focus newspaper staff. Deep within my skull, I knew I wasn’t supposed to be there. I had never taken photojournalism or journalism, never held a camera worth more than about three hundred bucks, and would have guessed that the inverted pyramid was some kind of masonic sign or something like that. Not your ideal staff member. The adviser, Mr. Matthew Schott, was entirely skeptical of my journalistic worth, as was the entire editorial board. Still, no one was more skeptical than myself. As I quietly sat in the background of

a classroom, without the slightest inclination of where to turn or where to even start, I thought I had made a horrid mistake. Then, I was handed a camera. One that was probably worth more money than all the birthday checks I’d received in fifteen years added together. I was scared to death of it, but when I raised the small, square, viewfinder to my untrained eye, I was in my element. It never occurred to me that I had a true, strong, natural talent in anything. Honestly, I wouldn’t have even guessed it until Mr. Schott told me so after I shot the 2009 Homecoming football game. As he told the entire staff about how impressed he was by my actions, I beamed and tried to hide that it was one of the proudest three minutes of my life. From that moment on, I’ve lived behind a camera lens. I made it my job to capture life, to hold a moment still forever. My life has become capturing life, and I am insatiable. I could never stop shooting. Instead of elbowing an opponent in the side to blow off steam, I capture another player doing just that. The camera symbolizes my duty, entertainment and has even become my source of therapy. Photojournalism makes me face fears I never knew I had, and allows

me to triumph over them. From holding my face two inches from an unpredictable tarantula to taking pictures of a fallen hero’s, L. Cpl. Phillip Vinnedge’s, funeral through a tear-blurred viewfinder, I’ve been put in terrifying and morally-conflicting situations but remained strong thanks to my unbreakable belief that one photo can change the world. My goal has changed. No longer do I look to bury a ball in a net; rather, I look to induce someone’s emotions with a single image. My friends have changed. No longer do I have a family of soccer players; rather, I have an irreplaceable staff of brilliant journalists supporting me. My life has changed. No longer do I run from practice to practice and from game to game; rather, I sprint along the sidelines and push through crowds to get that one, special shot. My passion, however, has not changed. The touchline between the open field and the sideline is about three inches thick. It took me three years to cross those three inches, and despite everything I once loved so passionately, I’d never think of stepping back. The same drive I was born with runs through my veins at a thousand miles per hour. My passion has merely changed course. So I raise my camera, focus the lens and hold steady. “Snap.”


Be Heard


Central Focus March 11, 2011

Page design by Julianna Smith

They fight for your rights Students who become soldiers deserve appreciation for their choice

To be a soldier takes courage and strength, not only externally, but internally. Many students argue that no By Julianna Smith Staff Reporter one should vow to join the military for a “corrupt” government. But if someone does not defend us, who will? Who will at least attempt to risk their life to save yours? Who will fight for your freedom? Many people across the United States do not realize what we actually do have in this country compared to others, and they take advantage of the many opportunities and advances we have. We have the luxury of fresh pure water exiting a spout just from the flick of a lever, access to food right inside our six feet by five feet pantry, and the click of a button for technology entertainment. Not to mention, we have the ability to love who we desire without a planned family, and a woman now has the ability to have the same rights and liberties as a man. If a team did not form together to protect us, we

would have nothing. We live in a corrupt government, right? Is that what we juveniles think? How much of us ACTUALLY do know the truth about our country’s situation and how the government is handling it? Sure, maybe you think it is going downhill compared to the past, but that is not an accurate reason to say we are “corrupt”. We have abilities and opportunities that no other country has seen before, so to keep this country alive and push the faith of our will-power, we need soldiers to defend and support us. We would possess the qualities of a developing country if we did not have our advantages and opportunities that we do here. Like in India, where women are valued as nothing, population is accelerating because they do not possess the knowledge of birth control methods, and women are having up to eight children in their lifetime. Even electricity is bare minimum and is very rare in a household. Women and children walk miles every day for small amounts of water, and almost every family lives on less than two dollars a day, according to

Cartoon by Alli Keisker

Ms. Paula Pettig. Though many Americans and even us students are not too happy with the government and economy at this moment, at least take pride in your soldiers who risk their life to try to defend your life and liberties. That includes supporting

your peers who decide to join the military, because someone has to defend you and your family’s rights. And if you will not defend them, take pride in and appreciate your peers that do. I just believe that every individual, including students, should realize

Hiding inner realities what trust you believe you have with that person. I am shocked at the number of two-faced students. Quite frankly, I hope this gets you fired up. I hope you call me a hypocrite; it’s just fuel for the fire. Would you like to know why I purposefully try to alienate myself except for a select group of people? For one, those are the only people I feel comfortable trusting. Second, they tend to be the only people who do not fall for the stupid crazes. The most boring thing would be perfectly excitable. To put it simply, I despise the other students; they are not even remotely on the same level as us. We grow up from being freshman; well, ideally, that is what is supposed to happen. You all know the things I am saying are true; we have all been there. We have all had that friend who we trusted that stabbed us in the back. We all know the kids who bully and beat down, we know what it feels like to be cheated. You learn more lessons from just going to school than you ever will in class. What I have learned is that life just goes on; I’ve stopped caring. Call it apathy, call it anything, I do not care. It is just too bad some people cannot mature; they never will. So I left them behind.

Check out our blogs at monday Savannah McEachern tuesday Tori Walker wednesday Sean Carroll

Graphic by Julianna Smith

Looking around the school lately, I have noticed quite a few things about people, not a single aspect being positive. I’ve made a lot of changes lately; I’ve made friends By Brendan and cut others off. I’ve Kinnison realized that everyone Delve Editor comes to that point where they realize who the people around them really are. I had surrounded myself with horrible, ignorant and untrustworthy people. The people who I thought were friends all turned out to be Judases; I was appalled. The lack of trust and respect that takes place in high school is disgusting. You should all be ashamed. Guys go around trying to hook up with any girl possible, putting just the minuscule chance of anything higher up than their friends, the people who actually care about them. Whereas girls go around flaunting and acting all stuck up, then act confused when they end up with a guy who is a jerk and only wants their body; it is what you asked for, babe. And don’t you dare try to tell anyone your secrets; they will be roaming the halls before you can even walk away, no matter

the sacrifice our soldiers make for us, and that is not about working for the government. No matter how corrupt a government is or is not, someone has to defend this country and every individual, for all the freedoms we do have and enjoy, as we strive for the pursuit of happiness.

thursday Lizzi Holland friday Kamrie Reed saturday Cory Schmitt


Central Focus

Month XX, 20XX

Page design by Michael Roundcount





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Purchase your copy of the 2010-11 edition of the Odyssey for just $65! Stop by Room 139 for details!


In Focus


Central Focus March 11, 2011

Page design by Cory Schmitt


Getting to the bot Copy Manager

When the Executive Cabinet (Superintendent and Chief officers) created their budget proposal to present to the Board of Education for the 20112012 school year, they set forth a list of “guiding principles”. These were the guidelines they used while considering budget and staffing reductions. We contacted FHSD Chief Financial Officer Kevin Supple and asked him to explain what each of these guidelines meant, and how the Executive Cabinet used them to created the budget proposal.

1. Take care of people “The Executive Cabinet recognizes that reductions in the number of staff members are not just numbers on a page, but that real people, members of the FHSD family, are impacted. We wanted to ensure that there was an opportunity to speak one-onone with any individual who was identifiable in the proposed reductions. We did not want anyone to learn of the possible reduction of their position by reading it in the newspaper.”

2. Provide for a safe and orderly learning environment “FHSD utilizes the Professional Learning Communities (PLC) model of school improvement. Robert Marzano, one of the gurus of PLCs, describes a safe and orderly learning environment as an essential school-level factor. If teachers and students do not feel safe, they will not have the necessary psychological energy for teaching and learning. Without a minimum level of safety and order, a school has little chance of positively affecting student achievement. We kept this principle in mind as we made our recommendations for staffing reductions.”

3. Minimize the impact on the classroom as much as possible “Research shows that the classroom teacher has the greatest impact on student achievement. We know that ancillary services are important. However, we worked to preserve classroom instruction as much as possible when making our recommendations for staffing reductions.” PRINCIPLES | Continued on Page 14

What is deficit spending? According to Chief Financial Officer Kevin Supple, deficit spending is when the District budgets expenditures in excess of the anticipated revenue.

Why was deficit spending requested for this budget?

“The administration asked to make strategic use of a portion of its fund

balance reserves in order to lessen the impact of the anticipated decline in state and local revenue for 2011-2012,” Supple said.

How much does the district have in its reserves?

“The District started this fiscal year with $35.5 million in reserves. Because FHSD relies heavily on local revenue, a fund

balance equal to 20 percent of its budgeted expenditures is necessary to provide the cash to meet operating expenses from the beginning of the fiscal year ( July 1) until the receipt of property tax revenue in December. The $35.5 million represents a 20.5 percent fund balance reserve of projected 2010-2011 expenditures,” Supple said.

Where $7.3 million in reductions comes

in teaching positions cut

By Claire Henderson

$3.0 million in deficit spending


Guiding principles explained

One dean of students

The administrators will delegate duties out during summer meetings. Principals will have more duties and the greatest impact seen by students will be increased caseloads by each principal, according to Associate Principal Diana Allen.

ISAP and Study Halls to share the same room

In order to save a staff position, ISAP and all study halls will take place in Room 3. The impacts on students will not be tremendous but the duties for ISAP teacher, Stephen Meyer will increase next year.

Department chairs to lose second plan hour

Department chairs will no longer have two plan hours. By reducing the amount of plan times, the school hopes to save a teaching position.

No staff in Writing Lab

In order to minimize staff reductions, the writing lab will no longer be staffed. Students will not be able to drop-in for help on essays throughout the day. The room will only be unlocked when teachers have requested access to the room for their classes, according to writing lab teacher Kathryn Mastorakos.

Special Ed. pos

Workload will increase on but the impact on specia will be minimal. “We will whatever we can to serve said Special Education d Mrs. Mary Boyd.

Three teaching to be vacated

In order to meet the targ cut, the school will need a total of three teachers. may be vacated in the co departments. Teaching p vacated will be announce on March 22.

Timeline for sta decisions

March 22: Staffing plans building sent to district o March 25: Open position internally March 31: Reduction in f be presented and approv Education meeting. March 25-April 5: Interna candidates interviewed April 6: Any unfilled posit for candidates outside of Howell School District.



Central Focus March 11, 2011

Page design by Cory Schmitt | Photo by Jessy DiMariano

ttom line

Gifted program cut in half

Cuts are not only hitting Francis Howell School District, but many others across the St. Louis region. Here’s a peek at what other districts are looking to cut for the upcoming school year. Fort Zumwalt R-II School District intends to cut $3.6 million from its budget for 2011-12 Rockwood School District is planning to trim $8.0 million from its budget for 2011-12 The Mehlville School District is intending to slice $4.6 million The Wentzville School District is bucking the trend and plans to hire 25 teachers for 2011-12.

By Victoria Walker

The Hazelwood School District expects to see a $3.2 million shortfall from the state.

Staff reporter

SOURCES: The St. Louis Post-Dispatch


s for each office. ns posted

force (RIF) to ved at Board of

al transfer

tions posted f the Francis

22 staff positions, including technical and special education paras and cafe aides will be cut.

Capital: $100,000

District cuts: $208,500

get of 8 positions to layoff . Positions ore education positions to be ed in a meeting

Building administrators: $408,500

g positions

According to Chief Financial Officer Kevin Supple, “each building and department was charged with reducing their budget by 10 percent. It was not possible to specify the exact reductions, as FHN may choose to do something very different from FHC. This line item is the estimated reduction that come as a result of each building and department doing its 10 percent cut.”

Support staff: $448,610

n the teachers, al needs students continue to do e students,” department chair

General spending $1,504,627

s and how it impacts Howell Central General budget reductions


On Feb. 17, the FHSD Board of Education voted 7-0 to approve a budget that will cut $7.3 million in expenses in the 2011-'12 school year to curb the $10.3 million deficit. This translates to 95 staff positions to be terminated districtwide and a slew of other cuts across the district.

What are other districts doing?


In Focus

Last month, the district’s Board of Education voted to cut the gifted program, also known as the SEGA and Spectra classes. The high schools have all been cut to half time and the middle schools, with the exception of Bryan, have been cut to one to three hours a day. Bryan was able to keep its full time program, Ms. Sharon King, the Spectra instructor, said. This means that the Spectra room will only be able to hold classes for three hours, and the room will only be open to drop-in students during those three hours. Spectra is a self-directed learning program, where students are able to choose a project to work on that interests them and may go into full detail on that project. Working with the other gifted students is a good environment to work in. It’s like a “think tank,” said junior Nick Deckard. Tracy Walker, who took Spectra in the 20042005 school year, put together an entire binder full of information on being a pediatrician. Walker looked at colleges and programs, the cost of college, chose a school to attend, planned out classes, studied the birth rates in the counties of Please read more | Gifted, PAGE 14

Seniors Dami McGraw and Max Muholland and freshman Stephen Eastman work on projects in the Spectra room. Next year, the option to take Spectra as an elective class will be eliminated and the room will only be available to drop-ins three hours a day.


In Focus


Central Focus March 11, 2011

Gifted from page13

and enjoys learning about, King said. “I could take classes others couldn’t,” said sophomore Amy Sweeney, Missouri, chose a county she referring to her being in upper level would like to work in, and then did English and math classes throughout all of the research about creating her high school experience. Sweeney was in the SEGA her own business there. Her college teachers were very impressed, King program during middle school. Thanks to her said. being able to Walker was advance in math overly prepared The drop out rate and English, for college and Sweeney will her career, and for gifted students classes that had many of the challenge her major decisions i 18 percent. At more and will be other students Central, it is zero. able to choose had yet to make more classes to out of the way, — Nick Deckard, take, such as ready to jump junior Spectra member calculus, a class right in. not all students Projects are meet the not the only requirements for thing that being in the Gifted Program can help during their high school years. Another student from the SEGA students do to achieve their goals in life. Students can work on any type program shares positive thoughts of project they choose to learn about, about the class. “Good habits, organization, and from applying to colleges, finding a college, studying for the ACT, friends,” were found in SEGA for researching, creating portfolios, sophomore Kyle Pyatt. He said writing music, poetry, or stories, any without the program, kids wouldn’t project that a student really gets into be able to reach their full potential.

Page design by Cory Schmitt

These students have special needs; it is a special education class, just on the high end of the spectrum. These children work and process information faster than the average student and need something to challenge their mind so they do not become bored with their studies. “The drop out rate [nationally] for gifted students is 18 percent. At Central, it is zero [because they have the gifted program to challenge themselves],” Deckard commented. With the cuts to the program, very few hours will be allotted to this group’s needed educational help. “Overall, we’re going to be losing a lot,” Deckard said. Students will be missing out on hours and resources, and many students will be unable to utilize the classroom at all if they’re unable to drop in during the three hours the classroom will be open. Overall, they are missing out on the opportunity to excel and exceed beyond expectations, to push themselves to their full potential, and to take the time to learn about things that are important to them and projects that will help them with their futures.

Principles from page12 4. Make based on needs

decision learning

“We use data to inform our decisions regarding the areas where more support for student achievement is needed. In making the proposed budget reductions, we tried to preserve funding for those supports that we believed would best lead to improved outcomes for students.”

5. No class averages over the MSIP minimum standards

“The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) establishes class size standards. Currently, due to reductions in state funding, the DESE is not holding school districts accountable for maintaining class size standards. However, we believe it is important to continue to meet the established class size standards, and our recommendations were

made with this principle in mind.”

6. Find improved efficiencies and equity, where possible

“ We looked for every opportunity to complete our work in a more efficient manner, leading to cost savings that were used to maintain additional staff positions. We also looked at the relative staffing levels at various buildings (e.g., across all 5 middle schools) to determine if personnel and other resources were equitably distributed.”

7. Maintain collaboration time

“One of the tenets of PLCs is the ability for teachers to work collaboratively on ways to improve student learning. Over the past several years, we have made changes to schedules that allow for regular collaboration among teachers. Our recommendations for budget reductions were made with an eye towards maintaining the ability of teachers to be able to.


Winter sports recap

Sensations Hockey The Sensations dance team


won the state title, below, placing first in jazz and second in hip-hop “I was in shock when I found out that we won since Sensations has never gotten a state title before,” junior Hannah Greco said.

Hockey ended their season with 23-3 winning the state title for the first time in school history. “It’s a tremendous honor. The guys definitely deserved the win,” junior Chase Rey said.

Please read more | See FHCtoday.com and PAGE 24

Please read more | Hockey, PAGE 18

Girls swimming

Alison Strickler went to state for 50 and 100-freestyle placing tenth in both events. “I got my best times ever at state. It felt great swimming faster than I ever have before,” Strickler said. Please read more |See FHCtoday.com


The wrestling team placed second overall in the state championship and had ten state qualifiers. One qualifier was Terrel Wilbourn, above, who battled his way to his third state title. “We made history! We had the best finish [at state] in our school history. With seven medalists, we had a very accomplished season,” Coach Steven Cross said. Please read more | Wrestling, PAGE 17

Central Focus March 11, 2011 FHCtoday.com/Sweat

Girls Boys basketball Thebasketball boys basketball team, above,

The girls basketball team, left, made it to the district finals, but fell to Fort Zummwalt South. “I think our season has gone well. We had 20 wins making it a great season,” junior Jazmine Davis said.

beat Howell for the first time since 2007 and ended their season 1214. “We won more games than we have in the past, we could have done better but we accomplish a lot,” junior Ryan Miller said.

Please read more | See FHCtoday.com

Please read more | Basketball, PAGE 16

Page design by Ellen Hinze


Central Focus March 11, 2011

Page design by Maddie Wilson

FOCUS Senior guard Andrew Tedder finds success on court and off with determination, hard work

By Lizzi Holland Staff Reporter

Thomas Edison said that success takes 10 percent inspiration and 90 percent perspiration, which explains how senior Andrew Tedder has gone so far in his sports related endeavors. Tedder is a leading basketball team member, often playing as a guard. Regarding Edison’s famous words, perspiration is never lacking on the basketball court. Tedder began his journey when he was merely five years old, when his entire family was either coaching or playing basketball themselves. This is why Tedder would consider his grandfathers, uncles, and all immediate family positive role models, both in life and basketball. However, family is not the only influence on Tedder’s perseverance. “I always like to

with baseball and volleyball, which are watch Michael Jordan videos because he changed how the game was played,” two other sports he partakes in, could enhance his coaching abilities. said Tedder. Along with passion, Tedder Perhaps it is because Tedder watched has confidence in his abilities. He so many basketball videos that he remembers junior year and described considers his knowledge of the game the anxiety he one of his biggest used to experience strengths, the other being his poise [Tedder] is a great before a game. However, with an while on the court. teammate who I can additional year Despite both his came additional talent and love for always count on, on confidence. the game, Tedder “Now, as a senior, cannot say that he and off the court. He I have been through will play once he is always works hard it all before,” said out of high school. Tedder. “If I do get Even though he -Ryan Tebeau nervous I just think does not see himself about how many on the court in the times I have practiced and that helps future, he would like to be an influence build confidence.” for other basketball players. And practice he does, with team “Someday I would like to be a coach practice everyday after school and at because I have always been involved in least once every weekend. However, basketball and being a coach [would Tedder remains optimistic about it, be] the next best thing. Plus, I love saying that once games begin, practices watching the game,” said Tedder. are not as extreme. His passion for basketball along

“Before games get started, we practice really hard to get into shape, but then once games start we still go hard, but not as much conditioning,” said Tedder. With frequent basketball practice along with other sports, school and friends, everything could become overwhelming. Somehow, Tedder manages it all with a positive attitude and respect for his fellow teammates and his coach. His positive outlook is why his teammates feel the same appreciation towards him. “[Tedder] is a great teammate who I can always count on, on and off the court. He always works hard and tries his best,” said senior Ryan Tebeau. It is this dedication that has gotten Tedder far in his basketball-filled life. “I wouldn’t say [basketball] interferes with the rest of my life,” said Tedder. “The rest of my life can interfere with basketball because during the season I try to be as focused as possible. If I wasn’t then it would be unfair to my coach and my teammates.”

Tedder by the Numbers

Points in FHC vs. FHH game

Total points

26 232 21 Games played this season



{Tedder averaged 2.3 rebounds, 1.4 assists and 9 points each game} -


Central Focus March 11, 2011

Page design by Ellen Hinze



Wilbourn wins third state title Second place

Win (18-3): Zach Newman, Lee's Summit North (12-13) Win (8-2): Jordan Reisenbichler, Jackson (41-5) Win (5-1): Cole Baumgartner, Jeff City (43-4) Loss (5-2): Antoine White, Hazelwood West (25-0)

Matt Greene (171)

Third place

Win (7-2): Jeremy Howard, Raymore-Peculiar (31-13) Loss (9-6): Timothy Niewald, Seckman (30-11) Win (11-4): Jerret Franklin, Francis Howell (37-10) Win (4-1): Ryan Tulley, Marquette (39-10) Win (5-4, 8th period): Ryan Marble, Jackson (37-1) Win (4-3, 6th period): Derick Sanders, Blue Springs (12-3)

Andy King (152)

Fourth place

Ben Henson (119)

Win (6-0): John Oss, Ozark (39-12) Win (5-3): Gage Shaddox, Liberty (44-0) Loss (2-0): Michael Slyman, Lindbergh (31-1) Win (fall): Corey Matt, Seckman (29-13) Loss (6-2): Gage Shaddox, Liberty (44-0)

Luke Knoche (160)

Loss (8-7): Matthew Mosior, Maquette (28-14) Win (6-1): Andrew Bestgen, Lee's Summit West (29-17) Win (2-0): Sam Cyr, Waynesville (18-2) Win (4-2): Joseph Holden, DeSmet (40-8) Win (fall): Matthew Mosior, Maquette (28-14) Loss (6-0): Tyrone Williams, Hazelwood Central (20-6)

Fourth place

had been made. “I couldn’t even explain what was going through my mind when I won the title,” said Wilbourn. “There was so much emotion.” The fact that Wilbourn was wrestling his greatest rival made his third title more sweet than his sophomore and junior year victories over Bricker Dickson and Russell Coleman of Park Hill High School. “Keenan [Hagerty] and I have always been rivals,” said Wilbourn. “And since he had defeated me earlier in the season.” Coupled with a hurt knee, this victory was bigger than his prior victories. “It wasn’t just another victory to me,” said Wilbourn. “It was a harder earned victory because of my injury.” Wilbourn’s coach, Mr. Steven Cross was extremely impressed with his perseverance. “[The victory] really showed his toughness,” said Coach Cross. With three state titles, a combined 175-7 record, and the memories of a lifetime, Terrel Wilbourn, as stated on the cover of the December issue of ESPN Rise Magazine, truly does have a grip, a championship grip, on Missouri wrestling.

Three time state champion Win (20-4): Tyler Sonnabend, Parkway South (28-10) Win (fall): Chad Homan, Lee’s Summit North (30-6) Win (7-2): Blake Pepper, Seckman (23-2) Win (6-3): Keenan Hagerty, Blue Springs (42-2)

John Wood (135)

Fourth place

“I thought about forfeiting in my head when I first felt it,” said Terrel Wilbourn let out a scream Wilbourn. “I didn’t want to wrestle anymore.” as soon as the clock struck zero. And the thoughts began circling A scream of joy for the senior had just won his third consecutive through his brain. Should the twostate title in the Class Four State time state champion forfeit the match due to his injury or was it Wrestling Tournament. worth sticking A scream out? Wilbourn of revenge as glanced at the Wilbourn had It wasn't just scoreboard defeated the and made his only wrestler to another victory. It decision. defeat him in was a harder earned “I looked at competition all the clock and season. victory because of saw it was in B u t the third period perhaps most my injury. and I decided to importantly, a scream of pain — Terrel Wilbourn, stick it out,” said as the wrestler three-time state champion Wilbourn, who was hanging on overcame a to a 3-2 lead at third period that point in the knee injury to match. capture the title. But instead of hanging on, Even two minutes prior, a third title seemed out of reach. Keenan Wilbourn took to the offensive Hagerty of Blue Springs had gone instead. 15 seconds later in the after Wilbourn’s vulnerable right match and Wilbourn, albeit knee in an attempt to get the upper hobbling, flipped Hagerty to thunderous applause from the hand on his opponent. With 43 seconds left in the stands to make the score 6-2. A match, Hagerty’s strategy seemed to victory seemed assured. History have succeeded. Wilbourn, in agony, seemed assured. The clock read 0:00 and victory had come and history called out to the medical staff. By Cory Schmitt

Print Executive Editor

State champion

Senior overcomes injury to knee in final State wrestling outcomes Terrel Wilbourn (140) round match to claim championship

Win (18-5): Joshua Coquyt, Winnetonka (25-9) Loss (3-2): Greg Hegarty, Blue Springs (41-3) Win (12-9): Arthur Meyer, William Chrisman (34-11) Win (3-2): Andrew Niehaus, Lee's Summit West (29-4) Win (8-3): Harold Ritchie, Francis Howell North (40-3) Loss (2-0): Nick Olejnik, Lafayette (45-2)

Wyatt Miller (189)

Fifth place

Win (4-0): Chris Carter, Parkway North (40-13) Win (3-0): Willy Gray, Ozark (41-10) Loss (4-3): Lewis Foutz, Blue Springs (38-4) Loss (4-3): Steven Kingsolver, Lee's Summit (34-6) Win (3-1): Will Owens, Hickman (10-4)

Did not place

Cole Anderson (215) Loss (13-6): Donnie Horner, Blue Springs (39-6) Win (fall): Kenny Hanes, Fox (18-14) Loss (3-2): Jackson Hill, Lee's Summit (27-8)

Did not place

Brain Paur (Heavyweight) Win (opponent forfeited before match): Shawntez Hamilton-well, Rock Bridge (21-7) Loss (1-0): Nick Tufts, Northwest (45-4) Win (3-2): Lucas Slinkard, Jackson (22-12) Loss (injury): Ben Boyd, Rockhurst (31-3)

Did not place

Justin Dickey (145)

Win (8-1): William Whitney, St. Louis University (31-12) Loss (4-3, 6th period): Gabriel Asano, Wayensville (30-7) Loss (3-2, 8th period): Timothy Hoffman, Troy (33-16)

Photo by Kelci Davis

Senior Terrel Wilbourn grabs a hold of Seckmann’s Blake Pepper during the semifinals of the state wrestling tournament. Wilbourn would win the match 7-2 and go on to defeat Blue Springs Keenan Hagerty in the finals to claim his third state title.




Central Focus Month 11, 2011


Page design by Cory Schmitt

Hockey cheer receives Blue Angel By Claire Henderson Copy Manager

Photo by Savannah McEachern

Celebrating with the throng of fans at the Scott Trade Center in St. Louis, senior captain Adam Otten shows one of the championship trophies the Spartans received after defeating the CBC Cadets for the Challenge Cup. This was the first time in the club’s history they had won the title after losing in the semifinals the past three years. By Ellen Hinze Sweat Editor

Even though CBC has won 11 state titles in the team’s history, and even though CBC has a record of 28-2, and even though CBC beat the Spartans 6-1 earlier in the season, the Spartan hockey team prevailed and won the Challenge Cup for the first time in school history. The Spartans were the underdog in this fight for the state title, but with the offense the team brought to the game, the CBC Cadets failed to take the state title. “It’s a tremendous honor [to win at state,]” said junior forward Chase Rey. “The guys played well, and they definitely deserved it, our whole team played well, even the second and third stringers.” Senior forward Kyle Novak, Senior forward Adam Otten and Rey all contributed to the seven goals scored by the Spartans. “It was great getting the team started, but my teammates did most of the work I was just in the right place at the right time,” said Rey. Early in the game, the CBC Cadets scored the first goal, but within 70 seconds, Rey scored the first Spartan goal of the night.

Before the first period ended, Approximately one minute later, Rey fired in a second goal, bringing Otten and Novak both got behind the Spartans a lead they would not the Cadet defense and scored goals, relinquish. The lead would only grow bringing the score to 4-1 and adding to the barrier that the Cadets would as time went on. “That turned the tide, that gave not be able to overcome. The Cadets were not able to score our guys confidence thinking, ‘Hey another goal these guys aren’t until the end immortal,’” said of the second Coach Tom When you beat a quarter, despite Mueller. numerous Not only did team like CBC, you've the shots on goal by the Spartan beat the best. That's the Cadets. fans become “[ Junior] Zach more excited a hell of a program Grabowski made with the score the save and the in the game, over there. defense was able but according to Rey, the players — Tom Mueller, to hold them off did too. FH hockey club coach from getting any kind of second “You are shot or second always going to be excited but you have to keep your chances,” said Coach Mueller. “They did a great job of clearing the puck up head in the game,” said Rey. And that is just what the Spartans in front of the net.” Grabowski saved 45 shots from did. They kept their lead over the Cadets for the rest of the game going into the net as the Cadets because of the offensive and defensive fired away as they tried to catch up. Grabowski received the MVP award strategies they used. “We got in behind them enough for his performance. “Our goaltender stood on his head, times to spread them out a little bit and take them out of their game,” said made great saves all night long,” said Coach Mueller. Coach Mueller.

Although the game was won handily, the team did not know what outcome to expect. “It was a little scary coming over on the bus, because the guys were just totally totally quiet,” said Coach Mueller. “I couldn’t get a read on how they were reacting.” Before the game, Novak thought CBC would be a hard game to win if at all possible. When the Spartans played CBC earlier in the season and lost, some of their players were absent and the game was a lopsided defeat. The players who did not make it to that game were at a disadvantage in this game without the experience of playing CBC prior to the finals. Novak also believes that CBC was its own down fall. “When we beat SLUH, we were excited, but we didn’t know if we could keep up or not,” said Novak. “I didn’t know what to expect from them. I heard they were good, I just think they got a little cocky.” Novak thinks that with good reason. according to Coach Mueller CBC has have great talent and an outstanding coaching staff. “When you beat a team like CBC, you’ve beat the best,” said Coach Muller. “That’s a hell of a program over there.”

The Spartan Hockey Cheerleading Squad is a group of girls who work extremely hard to accomplish the goals they set forth at the beginning of the year. These girls have cheered their way to the top, winning the Blue Angel Award at the Mid-States Hockey Cheerleading Competition in January 30. This award is given to the best overall squad at competition “It’s a big deal because Central has never gotten the Blue Angel,” said senior captain Taylor Kitchen. At this year’s competition, the squad took first in cheer and second in chant, beating SLUH out for the Blue Angel award, who had won it for the past two years. “The competition was tough, SLUH was ready to win it again this year but we wanted to so much more!” said head coach Megan O’Brien. “When they finally announced who won, to hear our name being called was the most exciting moment in my 7 years of coaching. It was our moment and nothing else mattered.” With the addition of six freshman, returning cheerleaders were skeptical about the squad’s success. “They really amazed me at competition,” said Kitchen. “To be able to go out and perfect a routine like they did.” Kitchen also attributed much of their success to Coach O’Brien, who started coaching the squad last year. O’Brien admits that she pushed the girls hard during practices and they responded by working hard to get to the goals that they set. “I am by far one of the luckiest coaches,” said O’Brien. “I couldn’t ask for a better group of girls and I am excited to see where this program will go.” This cheerleading squad is only slightly different from the cheerleaders who cheer at basketball and football games. “The hockey cheer squad doesn’t build or stunt,” said sophomore Gabrielle Denney. “We do jumps and cheers.” The hockey cheer squad is rarely recognized throughout the school as a cheer squad, and some of the girls feel that this is unfair. “People say we aren’t real cheerleaders,” said Denney. “I don’t think they realize how much fun it is.”


Sophomores choose rings fit for kings p. 22 Chicken choices expanded p. 23


19 Recording your own music By Brendan Kinnison Delve Editor

Fresh talent hits A FHC Freshman Talentpalooza winner, Charlie Grant, shares his inspirations.

By Mikelle McClintock Communications Editor

n unlikely, unexpected face appears on the blank, black stage. A young comedian steps to the microphone. With the very first joke from his stand-up routine, the audience roars with laughter. Joke after joke, he keeps their attention with funny sounds of German colors and possible flavors of Biblical characters. As he confidently crosses the stage back and forth, freshman Charlie Grant performs one of his many routines at Talentpalooza. “I’ve always loved making people laugh. It gives me a good feeling knowing that people like my jokes. It has motivated me to be even more goofy,” said Grant. His favorite joke is set up like this: Please read more | Grant, PAGE 21

Photo by Amber Roth

During his performance at Talentpalooza, freshman Charlie Grant falls to his knees to emphasize one of his punchlines. Grant also performed one of his routines at Saeger Middle School’s Variety Show when he was in middle school.

Central Focus March 11, 2011


Step 1: Start or join a band. Find people you know who play instruments or that are already in a band; see if they want to start one or if you can join theirs. Step 2: Write songs. Simply put, get your ideas flowing, write parts for all the instruments in the band. Step 3: Practice, practice, practice. You gotta practice those songs you wrote, you don’t want them to sound bad when you record. Step 4: Obtain some basic recording necessities. Stop by your local music shop to buy microphones and XLR cables, they can tell you which ones are best suited for your recording needs. A microphone will cost you anywhere between $50-200, with the average cost being about $80 for a pretty good one; XLR cables are about $430 depending on length and coating. A gold coating will provide the best sound possible. The next thing you need is a mixer; again, you can pick this up at your local music shop. You can get a simple four channel mixer for about $80-150. A mixer is what controls the sound levels of each recording track, they are also used for PA systems. Lastly you need a computer and some recording software. For Mac owners the clear and simple choice is garage band; for PC’s you can download a free program such as Audacity. Step 5: Record. Go instrument by instrument and record their part to the song. Start with drums, then guitar, then bass, and lastly vocals. If you don’t have a full set of drum mics you can mic a kit by simply using a mic for snare, bass, and overhead. If any guitar amps have a “Direct out” use that instead of a microphone. While recording vocals it is best to use a “pop filter” which will prevent any Please read more | Recording, PAGE 21

Page design by Anna Gingrich


The Scene


Central Focus March 11, 2011

Page design by Destiny Pipkin

Technology must-haves for college


to b



1. Laptop peripherals. If you opt for a netbook, you’ll want to consider an external DVD drive for loading up software that still comes on discs; a wireless keyboard and mouse.



Grade A college tech Head to college with the technology necessary to succeed By Lizzi Holland Staff Reporter

Preparing for college can be an exhausting and seemingly impossible task. Not only is the application process extremely long and overwhelming, there is another thing to worry about: what to bring. No responsible college student wants to begin his or her new life as an adult unprepared, especially when it comes to electronics. However, according to school counselors Mr. Trevor Wolfe and Mr. Tim Holmes, the truth is that while one might crave certain technology while away, technically speaking, nothing is needed while heading to college. Every electronic thing one brings is not necessarily needed for the classes — rather, for sanity. The number one thing one will want is a laptop, which seems like an obvious choice. A laptop is useful for writing term papers, checking email, and staying in contact with close friends and family.

Another useful duty of a laptop could be checking teachers’ websites, because some teachers use them for displaying due dates and assigning homework. “My parents are definitely going to get me a laptop,” said senior Samuel Holder. However, if an incoming freshman cannot afford one, he or she should be fine, considering that virtually all colleges have libraries that contain computers for student use. “Technology wise, I don’t think you’ll need anything because the school you are going to should have the basic things you’ll need,” said senior Allie Kettler. Another piece of technology that can be useful while at college is a GPS system. If the college one plans on attending is in either another state or in an unfamiliar area, a GPS system can help one find his or her way around. “A GPS is good if you’re moving somewhere far away so you don’t get

lost around campus,” said Mr. Wolfe. An iPod is another recreational item that can be of value while living the dorm life. Dorm rooms can be noisy at times, especially if one happens to have the misfortune of receiving a roommate who is not respectful of studying time. This is when an iPod can come in handy, for your roomate is a result of luck. Some find it much easier to concentrate on a typing a paper or preparing for a test when relaxing music is drowning out all distractions. Therefore, an iPod, or any type of MP3 player, is a useful tool for the college experience. A cell phone is another useful item that can make it easy to call a classmate or order the all-important pizza for a study session. Also, phones are yet another way of staying in touch with family and friends. One could simply buy a house phone, since many dorms have

phone jacks, but the more obvious choice would be a cell phone because most college students already have one anyway and cell phones typically have free long distance. The final item worth bringing is some sort of organizer. This can vary from an actual professional organizer to one that is already programed into your phone. Being unaware of due dates can be detrimental to college life because a professor is not going to repeatedly ask for assignments and is not going to remind students of test dates. Therefore, an organizer can cut down the stress of scheduling times to get all of the school work completed and turned in. An organizer can also get rid of the need for a standard calendar. The five aforementioned electronic devices can help college go a bit more smoothly. College is already a time of stress and confusion while starting out, so anything that can cut that down is worth looking into.

2. Thumb drive. Every college student, no matter what his or her choice of computer, ought to have a thumb drive—a USB plug-in suitable for carrying data from one computer to another. 3. Image-manipulation software. Your papers and presentations will be greatly enhanced by software that enables you to get your images into publishable shape. Free programs include GIMP and Picasa 4. Skype. A wonderful new addition to the college scene is Skype, a free program that allows you to videoconference with anyone, anywhere in the world, who has the service. 5. Digital video or “flip” camera. You’ll want to share videos of all your escapades with your friends. Photos by MCT Campus

tune in tune in REVIEWS OF MOVIES, TELEVISION SHOWS AND MORE tune in tune in

Spalding surpises herself, fans with unexpected Grammy win By Karley Canova Reporter

Esperanza Spalding, a 26 year old bassist, vocalist, and composer, won the 2011 Grammys award for the “Best New Artist” on Sunday, February 13.

According to Esperanzaspalding.com, Spalding said, “[It is] unusual for jazz artists to make this category.” Spalding’s fellow nominees include Justin Beiber, Drake, Florence and the Machines, and Mumford and Sons. Although, according to her website, Spalding complimented Justin Beiber and the other artists, their fans were outraged.

ABC News said the fans demanded to know how a “relatively under the radar artist” could out do their Beiber. Dana Chanell, freshman, listens to Spalding every once in awhile. According to Chanell, Spalding deserved the award. “She was so surprised,” said Chanell. “She was deserving, [considering] who she was up against.”


Central Focus March 11, 2011

Page design by Sean Carroll and Savannah McEachern

St. Louis lacks musical luster St. Louis is known as the “gateway to the west,” and yet when bands decide what cities they want to play in on tour they decide to avoid the so called “gate” as if it were the gate to purgatory. This is not By Sean Carroll iFocus Editor true about all artists, but over the past few years it’s become clear to me there just isn’t that much going on in the St. Louis music scene. Although, I’ve never been to a concert out side the greater St. Louis area, so I figured maybe that’s how it is across the nation; performances stay low key and one must be tuned in to find out who’s coming to town. These expectations, however, were dismissed when I went to a concert in Orlando, Florida and it gave me a new perspective on St. Louis’ music scene. It wasn’t drastic change or anything, but when I hear places like New York and Chicago are really great places to go hear music, it’s a disappointment to know that St. Louis is not among them. This common realization is found in many music enthusiasts here. “My brother is in a band and I would push him to go play in other places with better

Recording from page19


heavy exhales or pronunciations to be heard. Step 6: Mixing your track. Mixing is what is done in the recording program. You take all of the tracks from each instrument and combine them into the song. You can also change the volume, add effects, or tweak the sound in any way. This is how you perfect your song. Step 7: Play that funky music. You’ve finished mixing and now its time to listen to your newly created song! Keep in mind that to play in iTunes or upload to a website you must convert the file to an mp3, which can be done through the recording program. Simply export it as an mp3 file.

venues and crowds,” junior Chelsea Mohler said. For the local artists it’s also troubling because they barely get recognition. Sure they probably have gained fans through Myspace and other music sharing sites, but aside from that all they have is what is available locally. Most of time when a bigger name band name or artist comes to town, the local talent can join the shows as openers and that creates more buzz for them and could gain the potential record deal. What’s left to do is to improve what we have here because there are great venues and places like the Delmar Loop that have a great artistic atmosphere. The Pagent in Delmar was named the fourth best venue in the world according to the “Top 100 Worldwide Club Venues list in 2008”. This polular venue has been host to great bands like Angels and Airwaves and MuteMath. Places like Pop’s Bar and Blueberry Hill also have a great sound and offer a lot for bands and audiences. I think St. Louis has amazing potential to be a musical hot spot. If venues could model after some of our local leaders and increase in what we have already, I have no doubt in my mind that this city could be just as great of a music scene as cities like Orlando.

Photo by Michael Roundcount

The Scene

Grant from page19 “ For my birthday, I got a humidifier and a de-humidifier. I put them in the same room and let them fight it out.” He has been performing since 2007, with his first stage appearance at his church talent show when he was in sixth grade. Grant has participated in roughly seven talent shows, including his most recent, Talentpalooza, here at FHC. A career in stand-up comedy has always been a dream and a long term goal for Grant. “I kind of wanted to I kind of wanted to have my own show like all have my own show my favorite c o m e d ians like all my favorite on Comedy comedians on Central, like Jim Gaffigan Comedy Central. and Gabriel Iglesias,” Grant — Charlie Grant, said. freshman comedian His inspiration has not only come these famous comedians, but from his fans as well. Grant says that the people who laugh at his jokes give him the most inspiration. He keeps a YouTube channel, “otisgrant,” updated every time he has a gig and consistently obtains supporters. “I hope I surprised people with the talent show. I’ve always been the quiet, shy kinda guy,” Grant said. Being the first place winner of this year’s Talentpalooza, Grant was overwhelmed and overjoyed. Grant continued to be the talk of the school the following Monday after his performance at Talentpalooza. “People have been telling me that they wish they could have seen it,” Grant’s mother, Cyndi, said “I could’ve gotten a McDonald’s cheeseburger for all I care and still be this happy about getting first place,” said Grant. The money did not matter to him. The excitement of being on stage is good enough for him.

Photo by Michael Roundcount


Gaga grows on fans, critics By Dylan Richardson

Staff Reporter

Within the week of Lady Gaga’s new single “Born This Way” it was already breaking records in Itunes, made it’s way to the top of Billboard.com’s charts, and is being blared on the radio. Unless the majority of students spend their free time hiding from all of pop culture-dom “Born This Way” is already stuck in there

heads. To be honest, when I first heard the song, I was disappointed. To me, the song lacked any passion. I was expecting a few primal screams and shouts like in her song “Dance in the Dark”. Instead, it sounds simple, plain and like something any other normal pop star could create. After hearing the song a few more times,

though, I grew to love it. When you first hear the song you do not notice the tiny intricate parts of the song. Then Lady Gaga whipped out her big surprise, “Born This Way”’s music video. This trippy video made me take back any worries I had of Lady Gaga ever becoming even close to normal. I, for one, loved the meaning

behind the intro to the music video. Yes, the video was different, to put it nicely. But when I watch something made by Lady Gaga, I expect to be a little freaked out, scared, and grossed out, which of course, she delivered. The video’s concept was fantastic, and despite the random unicorn, I’m very happy with it.


The Scene


Central Focus March 11, 2011

Page design by Lizzi Holland

Rings fit for kings

2 13

Class of

Students debate necessity of class rings

By Destiny Pipkin Staff Reporter

Sophomore year is when high school is exciting. The fear of the big unknown school has subsided, students are presented with football games and dances, and the boredom of high school has yet to set in. On the day when all sophomores are called down to the auditorium to be introduced to the class ring brochure, Jostens sets a reminiscent mood for sophomores. The top ten songs of the year are played over the sound system, and a slide show of pictures taken at lunches rolls across the screen. Students are told by a Josten’s representative how one class ring will symbolize the entire four years spent here. “I’m getting a class ring to remember everything I have done in high school and to remember my whole high school experience,” said sophomore Morgan Mathis. Class rings can be designed to feature a student’s graduation year, extracurricular activities, and various other symbols. This year, students are

not limited to rings; class necklaces are being offered as well. Some students, however, do not find it necessary to spend around $300 on a ring to remember their years of high school. “I think there are better ways to preserve high school memories, like a yearbook,” said sophomore Chris Schukar. During the class ring assembly, as students enter the auditorium, a video is played with several elderly people explaining how their class ring has been a constant reminder of their years in high school; however, some students do not wear their class rings with as much dedication as those in the video. “I got a class ring because my parents were offering to pay for it; I most likely would not have bought it if I had to pay for it myself. I have better things to pay for,” said senior Malcolm Switzer. Money has become a deciding factor for a majority of students. “If I had the money, I would definitely buy a class ring to remember everything I have done

in high school,” said junior Alex Enloe. However, some students who did purchase class rings wish they had not. “I got a class ring, but I regret it,” said senior Jen Faron. “It was so expensive and I never even wear it.” If you are interested in a class ring from Jostens, you can visit their website to design your own ring before you order your ring, as well as check the price of the ring you design. There are alternatives to purchasing class rings from Jostens, the company from which Howell Central receives senior memorabilia and class rings. “I got my class ring from Walmart; it was only $81,” said senior Chelsea Hull. “It seemed like there was a lot more of a selection. There were even medical symbols you could get.” Class rings can be purchased in the jewelry department at Walmart. If you are interested in purchasing a class ring from Walmart, you can visit their website or make your order at the store’s jewelry department.


Companies offer feelgood fashion for no profit By Kamrie Reed Staff Reporter

When one first hears the phrase “non-profit”, they immediately think of donations. They sit there, pondering how much money this organization will cost them and how it may somewhat flatten their check book for the greater good. However, Bono, the lead singer of the band U2, has devised a not-profit organization that assists victims of aidsand gives back to the donater.

He has created a line of clothing and other products that, when bought, will donate up to 50% of their profits to an organization called RED.This organization’s primary goal has been to assist victims in Africa who suffer from AIDS and HIV. This nonprofit has partnered with large and well-known name brands to create products that are literally red and ironically support RED,

the organization. Thanks to Bono, name brands such as Nike, Apple, American Express, Gap, Converse, and many other companies now have made Red products. The current goal of RED is to have all children born AIDS free by 2015. So far, the organization has raised over $160 million for their global fund and has impacted five million people. RED has found a way to easily

motivate people to give to an organization but still allow those same donaters to have a product. People are being greatly impacted by this thought of creating products that have the ability to give back. RED’s success will continue to skyrocket, and with the encouragement of its buyers and partners, Africa will continue to receive assistance in this growing AIDS epidemic.


Central Focus March 11, 2011

Page design by Cory Schmitt

The Scene


Preparation for International Night begins once again By Brendan Kinnison Delve Editor

Photo by Jessy DiMariano

Construction continues on at the newest Chick-fil A store which is located by the intersection of Highway N and Mid Rivers Mall Drive, a few hundred feet from campus. Students were anticipating the resteraunt’s opening ever since the announcing banner was placed on the open lot in fall 2010.

Opening up opportunities Students anticipate Chick-fil A's opening day on April 14th By Kamrie Reed Staff Reporter

The Chick-fil-A franchise is now building a store on Mid Rivers Mall Drive. The building has come along rather quickly and will open on April 14th 2011. This new fast food place will hold a promotional raffle for new customers. Chick-fil-A is offering all customers who are 18 or older the opportunity to receive one free meal once a week for an entire year. This meal includes one chicken sandwich, medium waffle fries and a medium drink. The overall grand prize meal would be the equivalent of 250 from Chick-fil-A. Each contestant will receive a bracelet with a number that, if called by one of the sponsors, could be their golden ticket to free food for a whole

year. The participants must also have some type of ID that proves they are 18 or older. Each winner must remain in a designated area through out the entire event, but they are allowed bathroom breaks. If their number is called in the raffle and they are in the first one hundred, they receive the grand prize. In addition to these lucky winners, the sponsors of Chick-fil-A will also draw 10 more numbers. These people, whose number is drawn after the original 100 winners, will be called the alternatives. The alternatives will receive the grand prize if any of the intitial 100 winners break the contest rules. These alternates will also receive a $20 gift card to Chickfil-A. This practice is tradition when

Chick-fila A’s opens up a new restaurant, and many love the chance to win the grand prize. Senior Jen Faron is excited for this new restaurant and plans to participate in the contest. “Compared to the Valley and Chesterfield area, Mid Rivers has no selection [in restaurants]. It is nice to see that Chick-fil-A is coming for more of a variety,” said Faron. Junior Kara Schneider usually goes to Chick-fil-A on early release days. “I love their french fries, and it is real food, unlike Taco Bell,” said Schneider. Sophomore Alyssa Purdom believes the 18 and older rule to participate in the “First 100” is stupid because minors like herself can not participate.

“I don’t eat fast food often, but if I do, it is Chick-fil-A; it is prime fast food,” said Purdom. Many students are waiting in anticipation for this particular restaurant to open. Some hope to participate in the contest, while others are simply excited to have a good place to eat at on early release days. Senior Adrianna Corcione has a special strategy for winning the raffle: she is going to make her boyfriend participate in the contest for her. “Whenever I want Chick-fil-A [I willl tell my boyfriend] Chick-fil-A please,” said Corcione. Many students are drooling over the opening and can not wait for the place to start up the frying pan and open its doors.

The Foreign Language department will be hosting their annual International Night once again on April 5. Anyone is welcome to attend the event and enjoy in all it has to offer; students, friends and family can get into the event for two dollars. AP Spanish and French students will be hosting booths which represent different countries from all around the world. Various foods from the respective countries will be offered to participants to give them a taste of the popular food. Activities and games are planned throughout the night as well. “We are going to have a dance instructor there to teach foreign dances,” said foreign language teacher Ms. Lauren Barth. The night is also a time for language students to get more involved with their class and learn about other countries. “The Spanish five students all are in groups who have booths, each from a different country. Each table will have food and an activity or game,” said Barth. All students are encouraged to come out and enjoy the night of food, activities, crafts and games. International night is intended to be fun for all ages, not just high school students, so entire families are invited to come and experience all that is offered. Foreign language students have extra incentive to come, as they will also receive extra credit for their foreign language class by attending and participating in the activities offered for fun and education.




Central Focus March 11, 2011

Sensations take first at state

The varsity Sensations dance team competed for state at FHC on Feb. 26 and walked away with its first state championship.

Photos by Jessy DiMariano, page design by Kelci Davis

The varsity girls open up their dance with a mix of Nelly’s biggest hits. Their routine featured the song “Here Comes the Boom” during a breakdown as well as ASK DANI.

The varsity girls support freshman Stephanie Henry as she comes down from a lift. Henry also participated in dance all her years at Saeger Middle School.

Senior Ashley Hanne lifts herself up and holds the pose. The routines were made by Courtney Kassabaum and Kylie O’Brien.

Senior Tori Politte grasps her father and cries tears of joy after finding out the team took first. Politte said she “was glad to have gotten one before leaving FHC.”

After finding out the team took first in Division 6A, freshman Jordan Sneed screams in celebration with the rest of her team. “I’ve been doing dance for about 11 years already,” said Sneed. “I plan to continue to all through high school.”

Seniors Tori Politte and Ashley Hanne hold up the first place plaque. “It was a great ending to a great year,” said Politte.

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