October 22: A Fresh Start

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7 Mr. Andy Messerli and his students work together to comprehend the complexeties of music theory. This class has faced many changes over the years, going from Central’s smallest class, to it’s largest. Photo by Aniya Sparrow

Finding the Tempo

Positive attitudes help AP Music Theory students adjust to large class size By Analiesa Hollowood “I know originally, this class before us was extremely small and was Staff Reporter taken in a choir room whereas this year we had 30 some odd kids shoved Tucked away within room 005b, during first hour every morning, in a closet and I think it works the same honestly. I think we’re closer students from all different backgrounds and experiences sit for AP Music together. And we could sing more often because you know we’re not in Theory, taught by Mr. Andrew Messerli. This fine arts credit explains in masks and we don’t have to worry about social distancing,” Lashley said. depth what makes up music, tackling topics such as chord progression and The day-to-day class hasn’t changed much over the years either; the interval notation. Historically one of the school’s smallest classes, this year routine of things hasn’t changed and the only difference has seemed to has brought on record-breaking numbers of enrollment; a class that was be simple and fixable attention issues. This year students are able to rely once 12 has turned to 30. The class that was once canceled is now stronger on more people than before due to the enrollment flux and this has led than anyone could’ve imagined due to the to a tighter bond than could have been imagined attitudes of the students taking it. Cassie Heyn, a before. senior involved in marching band, pep band, and “When somebody has a problem with a many other musical escapades, took this class to particular concept, people are able to jump in. understand the music she performs better. Everybody has their own strengths and weaknesses “I took this class because I was curious and so students that might struggle with one area are always interested in music. I wanted to take it able to help with another. I see this continue on for a while and just never had the opportunity not only in our classroom but into the rehearsals as before this year,” Heyn said. well when I see the students later on for Symphonic Music theory can be a difficult subject to Band, Wind ensemble, and marching band,” Mr. grasp, especially for those not heavily involved Mr. Messerli passionately explains chord progressions Messerli said. in the fine arts. What makes up music isn’t to his first hour class. This is just one of many topics Even though it isn’t as well known as other often given much thought to those who do not covered in AP Music Theory. Photo by Aniya Sparrow. classes, and was nearly cancelled before this year, specifically study it. Theory tackles what music those enrolled in AP Music Theory believe deeply is composed of and separates it from simple noise, a complex and difficult that it is important to the culture of FHC. thing worthy of years worth of study. Mr. Messerli describes music theory. “I feel like we need to have classes like [AP Music Theory] for people “We’re talking about how music is built, the construction of it, the that are still interested in music but don’t want to go through the whole building blocks of it. A choir and a band might be talking more about thing of multiple music classes. It’s a music opportunity for people that the performance aspect. [Theory] is looking behind the curtain a little aren’t in a band or choir; you don’t have to be in a band class to take the bit. Here’s why composers choose this chord. Here’s why this note works class. You can just take the class if you want to,” Heyn said. where that one might not. So it’s all about the construction of music,” Mr. Despite the class’s history and near cancellation, AP Music theory’s Messerli said. future is strong and promising. Enrollment is on the upward trend and This bizarre and unprecedented situation, which could have led to the passion of the students taking it does nothing but pave the way for some uncomfortable class periods, is surprisingly seen as a positive future success. Like many fine arts programs, it’s the students that make for its students. The tight first-hour classroom, previously a ping pong it special and the passion they have is strong. The course seems to not be storage closet, could have led to animosity between its inhabitants, but going anywhere any time soon and its impact is only growing. the perseverant tone has remained consistent and strong in the pupil’s “I’m happy to see so many students wanting to take music theory. attitudes. Liam Lashely, a senior and choir representative shares some I mean, it’s a challenge having a lot more students in there, but it’s a positive aspects of the class size. challenge I’m glad to take on,” Mr. Messerli said.

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