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Springing back into school

Students talk about plans they had over spring break

Madelyn Garber garbemad000@hsestudents.org


With the arrival of spring comes the quick approach of spring break, a time when students receive a break from school and some go on vacations to relax or visit family.

Junior Peyton Reed did many things over the course of spring break, and despite not going anywhere for break, she did enjoy the time spent with other people.

“My favorite part of break was probably that Friday or Saturday after break started, my brother and I went to this pond at 11:00 a.m. because my brother likes fishing, and I read a whole book during that time,” Reed said. “And then afterwards, because I just sat there that whole time reading, we took the Monon trail into downtown Fishers, and we walked around and we went to Target, and got lunch together. I really enjoyed that loves spending time with her brother and how they get along very well.

“My brother and I don’t fight. That was more of the earlier years. Now we just get along and enjoy hanging out together,” Reed said.

Meanwhile, junior Reese Koontz explained how even though she was in another state, she was still spending time with her family.

“I went to Florida, where I spent time with my grandparents because we don’t see them often throughout the year, and we see them every spring break,” Koontz said.

Spring break held lots of happy memories, some of which are traditional events. Reed expressed how she and her brother regularly hang out together.

“Here recently, since my brother has formed a fishing

As fun as being on a break from school can seem, some students used the break to complete schoolwork, and could even feel like it was required of them.

“Over spring break, I did absolutely nothing, except for schoolwork,” Reed said. “I got a bunch of stuff done. I finished the IBLP that all my classmates were stressing about this week, over break. I re-recorded and edited an entire movie for my film class. I did a lot of schoolwork, and I felt very productive.”

However, some classmates were not as diligent about getting schoolwork done over break.

“Heck no, I didn’t do anything over break because school sucks and I wasn’t going to do work over a break,” Koontz said.

While some students used the time to focus on school or family, others saw spring break as an opportunity to visit colleges and see future career/college paths.

“I went to Chicago to visit colleges, like Northwestern and University of Chicago. And I worked at Hawthorne’s Country Club,” junior Lexi Burke said.

Some students found that spring break had its downsides as well. Reed discussed how her English work was her least favorite part.

“Probably working on my IBLP for my English class, over the novel, Nonexistent Knight,” Reed said. “It took me four days, and I was ready for it to be done.”

Meanwhile, Koontz thought the worst part of the break was obtaining a very large sunburn on her back after lying in the sun for an hour.

“My least favorite part of break was falling asleep in the pool, on a raft, and I woke up and I was really burnt on my back, because it was like an hour later,” Koontz said.

Students seemed split in the middle, as to whether spring break is placed well within the school semester.

“I feel like spring break is a long time from winter break, but it’s okay because of the three day weekends we got earlier this semester,” Koontz said. “So overall, I think it’s placed well.”

Meanwhile, Reed feels that spring break could have been placed a little earlier.

“I feel like if anything, a week earlier would’ve been good,” Reed said. “Just because I don’t think it’s good that we go to break, but when we get back, we are calm, just to be reminded we have all this work coming up and to an end in this short amount of time.”

Overall, as much as students enjoyed the much-needed break, and they loved having the opportunity to do tasks that normally, could not be completed while in school, many students are happy to be back in session.

“I’m happy to be back in school,” Reed said. “Just because I am happy to have my routine and schedule back down.”

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