Gift guide for those on a budget Homemade gifts are found to be more cost-efficient, personal Emilia Citoler
he holiday season brings plenty of exciting opportunities to see family, connect with loved ones and also brings the season of giving. For many, gift-giving is a physical manifestation of their feelings towards whoever is receiving the gift. Some relish in the task of finding an object to give, while others find the task daunting. Not only is giftgiving time consuming, it can be considered pretty expensive. “I’ve definitely spent more than $200 on gifts before,” senior Grace Harley said. “I like finding really special gifts for my friends and family, which ends up being pretty expensive.” Especially for students who have limited incomes, the season of gift-giving can take a stressful turn. With gift exchanges for family, friends, and clubs, the total can easily rise over $100 dollars when purchasing each gift. This is where homemade gifts are found to be costeffective and a great alternative for those on a budget. “I may not be the most creative but I still like to make my gifts occasionally,” senior Jack Douthit said. “As cliche as it sounds, it is the thought that counts.” Homemade gifts are not only cost-effective, but can feel way more personal and meaningful than simply clicking “add to cart.” Homemade gifts are also a great way to practice sustainability and reduce waste produced from the holiday season. Plenty of store-bought gifts end up shoved in a closet or thrown away. “I love making my own
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Tiger Times
gifts,” senior Hannah Kmetz said. “I find it so much easier to make something rather than try to find something that is everything that I want.” Making all your gifts by hand can be a daunting task, as it can be time-consuming and require a good amount of attention to detail. Kmetz advies to start early and keep focus on the end product. Ornaments If your recipient participates in Christmas, a homemade ornament may be the way to go. Craft stores, like Michaels or Hobby Lobby, have all the materials needed for under $15. Grab a wood ornament and picture of your choosing and you have a heartfelt gift within minutes.
Ornaments Materials Needed:
- Clear ornament
- Picture of choice - Glitter/stickers/ribbon - String - Mod Podge
Instructions: 1. Cover the front side of wood ornament with layer of mod podge. 2. Cover with glitter. 3. Once dry, flip the ornament and cover the other side with mod podge. 4. Cut picture to size and place onto ornament. 5. Cover picture in a layer of mod podge. 6. Thread ribbon through the hole at top and create a knot so that the ribbon forms a loop. 7. Done!
Cake Pops Ingredients:
- Packaged cake mix of your choice and respective ingredients - 1 bag of chocolate melts - Lollipop sticks - 1 tub of icing - Sprinkles of your choice
1. Prepare box cake mix according to the package.
2. Let cake cool for 5 minutes and then mash. v 3. Roll the mashed cake into balls and place lollipop stick into middle. 4. Melt the chocolate melts and dip the cake balls in, covering the entire surface. 5. Decorate to your liking. 6. Place in fridge to cool for 2-3 hours and enjoy!
Baked Goods Baked goods are perfect for the holiday season, whether the mix is store-bought or completely homemade, baked goods are almost always appreciated. Before baking, make sure to know if the recipient has any dietary restrictions. “Cakes are super easy to make and don’t take too long,” Kmetz said. “You can decorate them any way you want and create something beautiful and tasty.” Other treats that can be made include brownies or cake pops, adding fun sprinkles or colored icing can add a fun holiday twist.
December 2021