2 minute read
Wrestling Goals
Wrestling with responsibilities


How the routines and expectations of wrestlers a ect their lives
Avery Roe roeave000@hsestudents.org
This season, the wrestling team is pushing to get past issues in their lineup such as injuries and illness, this means practicing hard and working towards wins. e team’s practice schedule consists of both morning and a er school practices limiting athletes out of school availability. Sophomore Chayce Yant has been wrestling for three years and notices the changes he has to make to his schedule once the season starts. “It impacts my schedule a lot as I do not have time to do anything outside of school and wrestling,” Yant said. “I have to nd time outside of practice to keep priorities, like school, in check.” Having years of experience does not only increase the players ability to nd tools and strategies to perform better. Junior wrestler Zach Pence has found an increase in con dence when it comes to his goal for the season. “I’m trying to be a state quali er this year and I think that has shi ed to being more doable this year since I’ve gained more experience,” Pence said. Senior Anthony Riley is going into his sixth year of wrestling this season. Over the years he has found ways to take care of his body between meets and practices. He improves his immune system with vitamins and emphasizes the bene t of ice baths for physical recovery. “For all the physical things I must stretch and make time to take ice baths,” Riley said. “ is helps me not risk any injury when my body is sore and tired.” Despite individual e orts to stay healthy and safe, the team cannot stop illness or injuries. Riley was impacted at the end of last season when he got injured. He spent that recovery time working on his overall health and working towards being able to have a full practice again. “We’ve just had some sickness and injuries in our lineup that we’re working through,” Pence said. “Our young guys are really stepping up though.” Even in the struggles of the sport, which Riley and Yant have found the biggest to be cutting weight, there are ways to keep their bodies healthy while doing it. e two boys have both used forms of dieting to cut their weight. “One thing I do is meal prep and try to eat as healthy as possible to keep my weight down and stay healthy,” Yant said. In the middle of a demanding season, it can be di cult to stay on top of work and manage time. Riley has found himself devoting the season to wrestling and school only. “I must reduce the distractions and things that can waste my time during the season,” Riley said.