Volume 16, Issue 8

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Page 2 Tiger Times May 2022 Table Contentsof Features 04 Mental Health 06 Exams 08 Palladium Arts & Culture 10 Decades Music 12 Prom 14 Robotics Sports 15 Boys Golf 16 Uni ed Track 18 Girls Tennis Opinion 19 Financial Illiteracy in Sports 20 Media Depiction of Drug Use 22 Editorial Online Check forsherstigertimes.comoutourlateststories! On the clock by Features editor Lily Thomas Check us out on social media! @fhstigertimes Cover graphic by Malak Samara, Veda Thagudu and Katrell Readus. Cover photos by Emerson Elledge, Veda Thangudu and Katrell Readus.

Sta Pro le Tiger Times Page 3 Tiger Times Staff EditorialReportersBoardNate Albin Editor-in-Chief Emilia Citoler Ava Hunt Andrew Haughey Online Editor Fletcher Haltom Opinion/Copy Editor Social Media Director Lily Thomas Features Editor Emma Tomlinson Arts & Culture Editor Nicholas Rasmusson Sports Editor Kristen Rummel Design Editor Emerson Elledge Ben Grantonic Laura Masoni Abby Miller Katrell Readus Ben Rosen Sydney Territo Veda Thangudu MadelynAveryLerewRoe Kindell Readus

“Remember all the work and e ort that you've put forth and know that this is your opportunity to make it count,” Daub said. “You have the motivation somewhere inside of you, even if it's really deep down, you have to nd it.”

over about what she has already learned.“Justgive yourself a week so you can look over every unit and just focus on things that you struggle with and just feel con dent at the end of the day,” Ibrahimpatnam said.

As the school year comes to an end, nal exams are approaching sooner than most have expected. Even sooner come the Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) exams for the academically competitive students. A er two years of not having complete AP and IB exams, the administration has reinstated them this May. Students have been preparing themselves for the potential college credit they may earn if they perform well on their exams. AP exams started on May 5. e past couple of years, the exams have been modi ed due to school closure, but this year, it is back to regular and complete AP exams.

“I can't care about the AP test more than [the students] do, '' Daub said. “I can give you all the materials to prepare. But ultimately, [the students] are the ones who are searching for college credits, not me. So you have to put in all of that work.”

According to AP statistics teacher Kristin Daub, teachers recognize that the AP exams are stressful. “ e students have to trust that as the teachers we've been preparing for this big test,” Daub said. “[ e time and e ort students put in] will be rewarded when it comes time for the exam.” In Daub’s view as a teacher, it is tough if students are apathetic and lack motivation, since it is very di cult to overcome that.

Veda Thangudu thangved000@hsestudents.org

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Sophomore sinceAcademy.practicingIbrahimpatnamSaanvisuggeststhroughKhanShendsithelpfulitisjustpracticeoverand

According to Daub, everyone wants to spend time outside, since it is getting warm. is can be a distraction from preparing for the exams towards the end of the year. It is really easy for students to let their guard down because the end is in sight.


AP, IB students prepare for nal exams

As a way to prepare for the AP exam, Daub’s classes have been playing review games and going over past exam questions.

IB exams started on ursday, April 28. Some students have their exam split up into two parts and each part is taken on di erent days. ey are shorter than AP exams, taking about 45 minutes. R G E D G F N I E O T R V I

“It's helpful to put ourselves in [College Board’s] mindset to be able to critique our own work and to grade ourselves from their perspective, just to see how they would take the answer that you've put forth and graded on their scale,” Daub said.

conceptsExplain to others Get together in groupsstudy positiveStay

According to Gabbard, IB teachers are helping the students with review and coping strategies for students to feel they can represent their best selves the day of the exam. “I'm checking up with students, [I ask] ‘Have you been sleeping?’, ‘How are you eating?’” Gabbard said. “[I say] ‘I want to make sure that you're okay, take a walk.’ Do these things that also are self care for students because students and adults equally need that.

it was a lot of pressure to meet deadlines.“Ithasa ected my mental health a lot,” Mandava said. “I've cried so many nights because we've had very long essays to complete by a deadline. I'm feeling a little stressed just because I don't know if I was taught everything I needed to be taught, but also managing my time between all [of my IB classes is di cult.”

Academics will ow a er that.” Mandava found the Pomodoro technique very helpful for studying. e idea is for students to study for 25 minutes then take a ve minute break. is helps the brain tackle large tasks by dissecting them into smaller ones and completing each segment one by“Setone.aside time now to [study], and really stick to it because May is coming faster than we realize,” Mandava said. “I would also say time management is key because if you don't set aside the time, you're not going to study as much,”AsGabbard re ects on how eager she and all the teachers have been to see what students accomplished, she waits for the sense of completion and relief, for teachers and students. “I can't wait for them to be satis ed,” Gabbard said. Study tips from Study Link. Graphics by Veda Thangudu.

Tiger Times Page 7Features “Teachers are excited about the levels that students have been able to accomplish,” said Jennifer Gabbard, the HSE school district IB coordinator. “I'm excited and very proud of [IB students]. I'm looking forward to the opportunity for them to feel that for themselves.”SeniorAbhinav Mandava is currently involved in ve IB classes that he will be taking exams for. ese include IB German, IB year.examslonglist.”andwritingmanaginglot,”IBIBApplicationsMathematicsandInterpretation,Psychology,IBEnglishandBiology.“BlockschedulehelpsaMandavasaid.“I'vebeenmytimebyjustallmyassignmentsoutdoingthemlikeato-doMostIBclassesare2yearsandstudentstaketheattheendoftheirsecondAccordingtoMandava,


Music in the ‘60s typically revolved around blues, rock and bubblegum pop genres. It was common for the lyrics to re ect love, freedom, unity and occasionally, psychedelia.

“Like Melanie Martinez remade ‘Pity Party’ [which was originally sung in 1960 by Lesley Gore] in her own style; I loved it.”

“ ere are a lot of remakes that people do of past songs,” Shaw said.

Music is one of the many ways to showcase constant history. Not only does it give a look into the problems of people in the past, but it gives listeners a sense of understanding and empathy because music can allow listeners to live vicariously through the lyrics. “Our generation [being] connected to the past through things like music o ers a unique perspective into what life was like years ago,” freshman Adriana JosephsonMoreover,said.music from the past gives people a direct line to learning more about their culture. A common habit of musicians throughout the years was the creation of music that was relevant to their lives and represented a collective ideal during that time period.

“Not only is it important, it is just interesting to broaden what you know about your own culture. “ Many modern artists are inspired by and incorporate aspects from the past. is can include using speci c instruments from the past or taking the format of songs from back then and using it as a guide. For example, Harry Styles’ latest song, ‘As it Was,’ has an ‘80s inspired sound and music video.

1. Sophomore Lane Kemper’s art is inspired by the music they listen to. Photo used with permission of Lane Kemper. 1 May 2022

“It is just so important to learn from history and to see something amazing that someone else did and you want to learn from it,” sophomore Lane Kemper said. “We turned [past music] into our own. [We have] incorporated it into our lives because we see it, it’s cool and we want to be a part of that.”

Music allows for society to be connected to other cultures, new perspectives and di erent ideas. It even has the power to connect people today to people from the past through their common love. While the style and meaning behind it constantly evolves as society does, modern music still takes inspiration from past decades as far as 60 years ago.

For Josephson, ‘60s music had always been in the background of her life, but she became interested in the decade of music in 2018. Her father introduced ‘60s rock to her and they would listen to it together. “I love that [‘60s music] has brought me closer to my family and that we have bonded through it,” Josephson said. “I have a lot of fond memories with my family listening to ‘60s music and memories of how it has inspiredAccordingme.” to Psychology Today, the reason ‘60s music is still listened to today is because people consider the time period as a social and cultural revolution and connect the music to that, viewing music as documentation of the positive changes.“Ithink 60’s music just holds up very well,” Josephson said. “People like [‘60s music] because it really inspires them. Maybe part of the reason why people still listen to ‘60s music is the nostalgia it brings, even if you weren’t around for that‘60sdecade.”music re ected a lot of the world from the youths’ eyes since rock stemmed from their rebellious tendencies. For Josephson, the history behind that decade inspires her in a way that no other decade could.“Ithink what makes ‘60s music di erent than [others] is that it represented a changing world,” Josephson said. “If you listen to early ‘60s music versus late ‘60s music, it’s so entirely di erent.”

“I think 2000s music has brought our generation together, and other decades of music did that as well,” Josephson said. “Music in general just brings people together. You can reminisce about songs you used to listen to or even discuss your favorite genre or songs with a person. I think it’s very

Music in the 2000s mostly stayed as small, fragmented trends rather than a revolutionary emergence of new styles of music like past decades. e most known genre of the 2000s was emo, which is considered a subgenre of indie music.

However,cool.” there are Arts & Culture

Tiger Times Page 11 Music in both the ‘70s and ‘80s is known as the new wave era. is is because it was a pop oriented version of punk music that was considered to be more sophisticated. e era was characterized as being abstract and using subjective symbolism, as well as experimenting with new Like ‘60s music, new wave music tended to talk about real world problems from the time such as discomfort with the economy and social norms. Senior Michael Grudis sees the messages in ‘70s music as a way for him to self-re ect. “[ e songs I listen to] inspire me to not take myself too seriously and become more observant, open minded and critical of the world around me,” Grudis said. Not only did the new wave era teach Grudis life lessons and changed his world view, but it also in uenced the way he dresses. Grudis realized that his out ts re ected those of the artists he listens“X-Rayto. Spex’s lead singer Poly Styrene is just super cool with her voice, fashion and general attitude,” GrudisWhatsaid.makes ‘70s music so enjoyable for Grudis is the relatability it relays. Most of the writers during that era started out as average people who just liked creating music. Knowing that made Grudis feel more connected to those artists and the messages they would convey in their art. “To me, the ‘70s were a transitional period where a lot of techniques and diverse voices emerged and that makes it unique,” Grudis said. extremely popularized during this decade. A lot of the messages conveyed included the youth being tired of empty promises from the world around them.Shaw did not enjoy ‘90s music at rst, but as time went on, she grew to love the decade’s music. She credits most of that change to the fact that it brought her and her family closer which made the music more enjoyable. “My parents would play [‘90s music] because they loved that music,” Shaw said. “So then I would listen [and] get into it more. Kemper sees ‘90s music as more than just good music that is enjoyable. ey usually nd great inspiration from the decade, to an extent that their art usually has incorporations of it. “[‘90s music] is what I listen to when I’m painting,” Kemper said. “It’s comfortable and it just helps me to feel good.” ‘90s music was able to set many precedents for how the music world would look later on. Kemper believes that due to in uential music in the ‘90s, music now has the opportunity to be able to develop the way it has. “You see how [‘90s music has] grown over time [with artists] like the Foo Fighters,” Kemper said. “ ey have adapted to what people want, but they also kept what they However,learned.”thereare still distinct di erences between music in the ‘90s and more modern music. Shaw believes artists such as Ariana Grande and Dua Lipa are good artists, but they do not have the same connectivity as artists back“You’rethen.not going to see a band of friends that came together in high school and decided to make music today,” Shaw said. “ at’s not the pop stars that a lot of people listen to today.”

With that being said, mini-genres of music throughout the 2000s allowed for more variety and helped both artists and listeners nd music that was just right for them. “Music today is on a much wider spectrum than ever before with artists that make up brand new genres every day,” Grudis said. “ e lines between styles are a lot more blurred as inspirations blend through time.”Due to the broader variety of music, artists are able to express themselves better through their music. For example, emo was a style of punk that had more emotional lyrics. Not only does this make music more vulnerable, but it also makes it more “[Emorelatable.music]is relatable and real because it sends a message and it has a meaning,” Kemper said. “Music is something that is expressive and emotional and very meaningful for me. To see something that incorporates the ‘90s grunge, but also has a lot of emotion, that is very special to me.”

Music has the ability to connect people together, even as far as 60 or more years ago. Whether that be through an appreciation for the lyrics, an interest in history or the fact that it can be inspirational, music throughout the decades impacts life today and will continue to a ect the society.

As juniors and seniors anticipate the long awaited prom and start preparing for the event by picking out dresses or suits, planning promposals and deciding what their plans will be a er the dance, a lot of thought and time goes into the planning of the actual event. Promotion, theme execution and preparing the venue are some of the tasks the junior sponsors and class o cers take on in order to ensure prom is successful. “I personally love the opportunity to serve our students in our community by [planning prom with the junior class sponsors],” junior class sponsor Stephanie Gutting said. Junior class o cers are typically given the task to promote prom and relay the correct information to the rest of the juniors and seniors. is includes basic information like where prom is being held but also speci c information such as how to park at the venue and how to get tickets for guests. A lot of planning goes into the promotion to guarantee that the event goes smoothly. “I think promoting the right information is important because if people are informed they are more likely to go,” junior class o cer April Brownell said. “I love promoting or nding creative ways to push out information. is year when I got an email asking if I could help promote information about the dance I was very happy to do so.” In order to make prom more engaging, a theme is chosen every year that makes sense with the circumstances. is year’s theme is the ‘Roaring 20s.’ “We are super excited to have that theme because we wanted to do it in 2020 but prom got canceled,” prom supervisor Sarah Riordan said. “So we were really excited to actually get to redeemWhile2020.”thetheme is important, the venue is just as essential to the success of prom. According to Riordan, the venue should be the bigger focus because a new one is chosen every year which means the overall feel of prom is “Everyunpredictable.yearthevenue changes the feel of the energy,” Riordan said. “[ is year] we are going to the children’sGuttingmuseum.”believesthat not only does the children’s museum emulate high energy, but it also allows students to relive their youth while also being at an event that symbolizes their transition into adult life. “I think this is such a cool venue because the children’s museum is nostalgic for most of us,” Brownell said. “To be able to come back as upperclassmen will feel like a full circleDuemoment.”tothepopularization of the event, a lot of planning has been put into it from the sponsors. According to Gutting, planning with her co-sponsors, Riordan and Phillip Albonetti, made it more enjoyable. “I love working with Mrs. Riordan and Mr. Albonetti,” Gutting said. “ e three of us are sponsors together and we just have so much fun planning. Everything is just very fun with the two of them.” As much as planning may be fun for the sponsors, as prom approaches, they become heavily preoccupied with the work and ensuring that everything comes“Everytogether.dayis super busy right now,” Riordan said. “But it is a nice lead up to the event. We put a lot of time and e ort planning it, so it is a lot of fun on the adult side to see it come to fruition.”Tothe sponsors, they see the kids’ happiness as compensation for the e ort they put into the event. Riordan said that it was satisfying seeing her students start to get excited for prom because she felt a sense of ful llment since she was a part of the planning for“[Iit. am most excited to] see all the kids dressed up and happy,” Gutting said. “I love being at prom and seeing the accomplishment, especially from theFurthermore,seniors.” prom is about the bigger picture of high school. Junior class o cer Malik Arab believes that it shows students that the high school experience is about more than just studying and being stressed about school.

“My biggest piece of advice would be that you are only going to have so many proms, like whether or not you are scared to go,” Arab said. “ e worst case scenario is you have a bad time. On the other hand, there is so much room for just having fun and you do not want to risk missing out just because you were nervous to go.” out

Junior class sponsors, o cers prepare, promote prom Malak Samara samarmal000@hsestudents.org

“I think especially a er COVID, prom this year [focused on] supporting our seniors and juniors,” Arab said. “I think it is a really good way to nally reconvene a er COVID’s [e ects].” Prom is believed to be an essential American cultural event. It is a symbol of learning, friendship, school spirit and the sense of community the school can bring out in all of the students.

“I love the holistic part of high school,” Riordan said. “I love the extracurriculars, I love the spirit days, I love Friday night football games. I think this is a huge motivation for me to see kids enjoying something besides just their academics.”However, some students in the past did miss out on the essential high school experience because of COVID-19. Gutting hopes that students now will take advantage of going to prom this year to make up for missing out on many events because of the pandemic.

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Picture perfect prom

Robotics team works to build their bot robot.”Within the team, there are six subgroups: mechanical, fabrication, CAD (design), electrical, programming, and media. Sophomore Ava Ferguson is a part of the CAD team and prides herself on the contributions she’s been able to make, both to the team and to The Fishers robotics team receives their challenge information on January 8th. For the following 2 months, they work hard to build and design components, which will eventually come together to form their bot. “Our first competition was in Kokomo from March 5 to March match but to also have new strategies, both offensive and defensive,” said Ferguson. The team’s most recent competition was the state championship at Rose Hulman. Their alliance (paired with teams 4272 and 6498) finished in third place and team 5010 placed 7th in the state. Ferguson 1. Senior Bella Roberson takes off the sign from the robot after a competition. 2. A volunteer engineer 2 1

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Geared for success

Graphics by Madelyn Lerew. part of golf is making a long putt.”Other members of the team have a more recent start, beginning to play the sport pre-pandemic. One reason is injury from other sports. It can push people into golf, due to it being less physically demanding. “I’ve played golf for three years,” Major said. “I used to play baseball, but I hurt my knee. Over COVID, I got intoStartinggolf.” the sport from an early age allows you to gain experience and expertise. Coach Mozingo is a perfect example of this, as he began playing early in life and continues the sport with coaching.“Istarted playing when I was about ve years old,” Mozingo said. “I played for my high school team and in college.”eteam participates in matches each week, taking buses to the home golf club of the school they are playing at. “We have matches twice a week and every Saturday,” Stewart said. “ e courses change every time we play.” e team itself is split in two, with junior varsity (JV) and varsity. Players who are a part of varsity compete to play in yearaoccurtournamentsstate-runthatduringandertheschoolends.“eJVteam nishes up their season on May 21 with their Turnersville invite and then sectionals for the varsity team are on June 6,” said Mozingo. “We’re o to a pretty good start but there’s always room for improvement. ey’re working hard at the games and hopefully, we’ll continue to see some improvement as we move along.” e sport of golf in nature is a very individual game. Playing together with a small group of players from your school allows for the team aspect of high school sports to still shine through. “It’s a little more intimate with only 14 know“Mozingoguys,”said.eabilitytoeachone of them individually and to know their games improve. As we move through it’s nice to be able to see that component.”andcomponentindividualtheteam

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Putting together a team

Teeing o into the season, the boy’s golf team’s 14 players are out on the green. Under the direction of head coach Michael Mozingo, the team has played in nine-hole matches and invitationals so far this season. e team started their season before spring break with tryouts. “We had 28 boys tryout this year and we ended up keeping 14,” Mozingo said. “We had a number of rounds that they played, along with taking a look at their swing and grading them on skills both on the range and short-game areas.”Fiy percent of the people from tryouts that made it onto the team began practices in order to prepare for their matches. ey practice Monday through Friday in Noblesville at Purgatory Golf“SomeClub.days we’ll play nine holes, and other days we’ll be at the driving range or putting green,” sophomore Will Major said. Due to the unique skill set that golf requires, making it onto the team requires prior experience. Sophomore Ryan Stewart, for example, has played with his family in the past. “I started playing golf four years ago when my parents taught me,” Stewart said. “My mom’s whole side of the family plays golf, so I was put into it. My favorite Boys golf team uni es more as season continues Madelyn Lerew lerewmad000@hsestudents.org

“Being able to witness the growth of all of our students, watching them compete, but mostly watching them laugh, smile and enjoy each other as teammates [is my favorite part about Uni ed Track],” Schooley said. “I’m happy because they’re happy.” According to Myers, students who are considering joining the Uni ed Track team do not have to worry because whatever their ability is, it will work with the team and everyone is going to be supportive regardless of participants’ capabilities.

Tiger Times Page 17Sports the team for four years. He recalls how the Uni ed Track team performed last year. “It was the rst time in program history that we got the state runner up,” Lake said. “We were also going into state as seventh in the state and we still ended up getting state runner up.”Half of the team receives special services and half of the team does not. Junior Helen Myers has been on the Uni ed Track team for three years. “[Exceptional learners] get a whole lot of enjoyment out of it [like] cheering and being cheered on,” Myers said. According to Maggie Sweeney, assistant coach of Uni ed Track, the students have great attitudes and focus on helping each other throughout the season. Due to moving to Fishers about a year ago, coaching the Uni ed Track team helped her meet new people.“ey formed pretty tight bonds with each other,” Sweeney said. “I see a lot of students together that look like they’ve been friends for four or ve years, but they say they met in uni ed track this year or last Accordingyear.” to Myers, being on the team de nitely helped her social skills, and helped her meet a lot of people she would not have met“Everyoneotherwise.supports everybody and it’s really fun to just see everyone working together and helping everybody go at their own pace,” Myers said. Myers believes it has been a great experience being on the team. Additionally, running and being around supportive people has helped her de-stress. At the same time, schoolwork and other extracurricular activities add on to her“Ischedule.look[ahead] if I know what I will have to do and try to balance that out over nights,” Myers said. “I try to balance it so I’m not completely overwhelmed one night.”Asthe school year approaches the end, it is very stressful for Schooley. He has plenty to do as an administrator, adding to his duties as the head coach. “ ings can get pretty hectic,” Schooley said. “I make it a point to nd time to destress and relax as much as I can, but it can be a challenge.”Schooley’s favorite part of the school year is the pure enjoyment that all the team members get from being on the team and watching students challenge themselves with new skills.

“One of my best memories is last year we had this meet that was at Pendleton and they started playing music,” Myers said. “We were all just hanging out and dancing and walking around the track, it was reallyAccordingfun.” to Lake, the team is a very inclusive and cordial environment to be in and it has made a gigantic impact on his life because he made some of his best friends on the team.

“I have a new said.SweeneyMaggiecoachassistantTrackUnime,”impressingalwayskidsevent,singleeverymemoryfondtheareed

According to Schooley, being on the Uni ed Track team is the best environment for improving the students’ socializing skills.

Freshman Leah Hruskoci (right) supports Fishers High School alumni Lauren Shields at the Uni ed Track meet against HSE on Thursday, April 28, at Fishers High School. Photo by Veda Thangudu.

“ is team provides all students with an amazing opportunity to be vulnerable, to be themselves out there and to do something that may be uncomfortable,” Schooley said.

“One of the great things that I nd in track is that it allows people with disabilities to participate in a varsity sport,” Lake said.

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“People have good relationships with the coaches, which makes us all have good attitudes,” junior Izzy Mokra said.The culture on the team rarely ebbs and flows with the year and team, and rather changes based on a member’s perspective and experience on the team. With Mokra being on the team for three years, Beehler for two years, and Luckuck just this year, they have a lot of variety in their perspectives on the culture and how to preserve it. Luckuck does not know what the culture is like during the off season, as she will experience her first off season after this year, but looks forward to it.

when creating a team culture.


The tennis team will go to get smoothies after practices and get ice cream after matches if there is time withsoconnectbecauseteambackeachandeachcongratulatetoothertobuildotherup.“Wehavemoralewewelleach other,” Luckcuck said. “It gets a little bit easier for us to just communicate given that it is a

Emma Beehler said. It has often been said that tennis is as much a mental game as it is a physical one. It is not uncommon for tennis players to struggle with their mental health as a result of the sport, like the famous tennis player, Naomi Osaka. Osaka even withdrew from the 2021 French Open due to her struggles with her mental health. This makes it crucial for a team to care and support each other, as the sport is already so mentally draining.

“In the years moving forward, I think I will try to generally be a friend to the other freshmen,” Luckuck said. “I know it is difficult to be a freshman on the team without having any youth, like friends who have experienced this before. So I will just generally [be] looking out for freshmen and [give] them advice that I think will help preserve the kindness that we show.”

Even if the FHS girls tennis team members dread the score of love, that does not stop them from loving each other on and off the court. The FHS girls tennis team’s strongest asset is not their serves or justevents.groupsgoingoutsideincludesAddisonactivities,”amembers.best,thatcultivatestheitthroughoutperformancetheseason,istherelationshipsteamintentionallywitheachotherservesthemtheaccordingtoteam“Weusuallyengageinlotofteam-buildingfreshmanLuckuck.“Thatinpracticeandofpractice,liketorestaurantsandandothergroupWealsofocusongenerallybeingkind to each Luckuckother.”believes that the team starts to become close when the season occurs. Girls tennis is a spring sport, therefore the team has known each other for the better part of a school year when the season starts.

1 3

Girls tennis team finds success on court, friendships off court Emerson Elledge elledeme000@hsestudents.org 2

1. Sophomore Caroline Ober starts to serve at a match on May 7. 2. Sophomores Cassie Mauer and Emma Beehler drink and rest between matches on May 7. 3. Ober smiles and talks to the tennis coach on May 7. Photos courtesy of Morgan Wright.

tennis team, want to help each other get Coaches often are the ones to foottocoachesTherefore,offquo,establishonandthecourt.thetendputthefirstinthedoor

Together, we swing In tennis, love is another word for a score of zero.


There are a total of 151 Major League sports franchises spread across 52 cities in the United States and Canada. These organizations are full of talented players, some making more than six-figure salaries. However, many of these players will experience their last time on their respective courts or fields only five to six years after theirOncefirst.the bright stadium lights enter their rear-view, many enter a state of financial instability if it had not been entered youngplayersthisfederalcollegeAssociation,thenewfoundwhentoorAoverownwhiletotheiruseThesecommunities.underprivilegedcomingthosespecificallytheiradvantageorganizationssportsProfessionalpreviously.teamsandtakeofathletes,fromorganizationstheseplayersfortalentsandhungergrowandsucceedleavingthemtotheirdevicesafterhandingbundlesofmoneyandlistfamewithnoinstructionguidance.Thisforcesplayerstrustthemselvesorothersitcomestomanagingtheirincome.A2019studyconductedbyNationalCollegePlayersfoundthat86%ofathleteslivebelowthepovertyline.Itisfrompoolthatalargenumberofarepulledtothepros.Anypersonaligningwithor

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The average professional athlete is likely to retire before they hit age 30, according to the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC). Hence, this leaves players with, at most, five years of work with the necessary brain development to make sound Leavingchoices. the mistreated players a substantial amount of time to waste away a fortune well earned, but ill-managed in attempts to keep up with the stereotypical appearance of famous and talented athletes including the luxury brands, fast cars, designer drugs, and extravagant parties that mirror that of only Gatsby However,himself. money, fame and a need for appearances are bound to make the real task at hand more difficult.These pro athletes, many coming dream.“security”aspirationatratherwhetherconnectionstrustedandlearndecades.buildswhotheirhowawingfield,moreunderprivilegedfromcommunities,oftenlacktheknowledgetomanagethelargesumsofmoneytheyareearning.AccordingtoSportsIllustrated,theyfocusongettingonthescoringpointsandfansthanfiguringouttoresponsiblyhandlemoney.ContrastthatwithsomeoneinheritsfamilywealthorabusinessorcareeroverTheyhadthetimetoaboutmanagingthatmoneyanetworkoflong-standing,andknowledgeabletohelpthem.Thisbegsthequestionastoornotanathletewouldplaytheirrespectivesportstheprolevelandlowertheirandmaintaintheofnotachievingtheir

Famers fortunesfumble Sport’s relationshipparasiticwith athletes Katrell Readus readukat000@hsestudents.org

falling into this 86% who are drafted onto a pro team is suddenly dropped into wealth and fame they have no experience with beyond possible daydreams and media portrayals. Regardless of financial upbringing, any young person entering the professional sports world is at an age too young to handle and manage the things it has become synonymous with. On average players are under 20. Therefore, these individuals host a mind in which the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain that responds to situations with good judgment and an awareness of long-term consequences, is not fully developed and will not be until the age of 25 or so.

“During my 16 year NBA career, I saw newly retired teammates lose everything to financial schemes and scams, dishonest or unqualified advisors and reckless spending only a few years after leaving the league.” Chris Dudley

“ e Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House a er that, had two enemies: the antiwar le and black people. We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or Black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and Blacks with heroin and then, criminalizing them both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings and vilify them night a er night in the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course, we did, John Ehrlichman, former domestic policy chief under Nixon told Harper’s writer Dan Baum in a 2016isinterview.tacticofraiding homes and arresting leaders was not something the police force at the time took on lightly; they used this to cripple the Black Panther party and strike fear into an already fearful Black community. As Black leaders like Fred Hampton were killed in their homes, and activists like Angela Davis were put to trial, the nightly news vili ed them. Parading Black citizens We Most common among these code words in media coverage of drug use is ‘urban’ – code for Black or Latino and ‘suburban’ or ‘rural’ – code for white. Heroin users are usually cast as urban dwellers and therefore the appropriate targets for law enforcement and prosecution. ‘Suburban’, in contrast, is used to mark whiteness. is same media has convinced us to associate the word suburban with the American dream, the white picket fence in an a uent neighborhood. ese code words, while they can be used with good intentions, promote a harmful narrative that furthers the assumption and stereotype that Black people belong in dirty cities laced with drug use. While race is rarely mentioned explicitly in media coverage when it comes to drug use by white people, instead, being le unmarked is a hallmark of whiteness.“eunmarked category against which di erence is constructed.” said George Lipsitz, American Studies scholar and professor in the Department of Black Studies at the University of California.“Whiteness never has to speak its name, never has to acknowledge its role as an organizing principle in social and cultural relation.” With the anti-Black rhetoric pushed forward by former presidents and generals in the War on Drugs, Nixon and Regan cursed the Black community, sentencing them to negative, unnecessary and unwarranted associations via media as well as in the eyes of uninformed people looking at the community through a distance lens.

ese awed and governmentorchestrated perceptions of Black Americans have adapted and pushed its way further and further into the media, now doing so in a way that is not too blatantly problematic. It, like many acts of racism in this country, remains hidden. In this case, it is hidden in the mind’s association with a certain language.Whilewhite race is not explicitly mentioned in drug stories, it shows itself in coded terms. As professor of urban studies at Queens College and City University of New York, Dana-Ain Davis notes: “When used indexically (a linguistic expression whose reference can shi from context to context.), code words or phrases are deployed to create racial meaning that generates a sort of pathological pro ling of groups without direct reference to race.”

Opinion Tiger Times Page 21

It is widely believed that addiction is a compulsion that can take hold of anyone regardless of race, sex, age or nancial status. While that may be true, the way that society looks at or casts judgment upon victims of drug dependency is speci c, especially when it comes to race. In the early sixties, drug use became popular and even became mainstream amongst young and, speci cally, white adults. en, former President Richard Nixon was strongly opposed to this development, calling it “public enemy number one” and decided that the best way to handle it was to criminalize drug use by spinning the narrative and aligning it to what they described as ‘radical’ Black powerDrugmovements.usestillhas much harsher consequences for people of color. People of color receive longer sentences as well as more aggressive punishments for actions on par with or of a lower level than that of their white peers. e most notable example of this is an era and a political tactic known as ‘ e War on Drugs.’ is ‘war’ was o cially declared in 1971 by former President Ronald Reagan. Pitched as a government-led initiative, the ‘war’ aimed to stop illegal drug use, distribution and trade by dramatically increasing prison sentences for both drug dealers and users. ough the operation is technically the creation of Reagan, its real, nameless beginnings can be attributed to his predecessor. President Nixon worked hard during his time in o ce to appear tough on crime, as well concerned with foreign a airs, but always had underlying motives for his campaigns. ese motives included targeting Black people and the ‘anti-war le .’ across television sets like livestock, branding them as drug distributors and addicts forced a narrative that Black people are only capable of crime and destruction. It is notions like these that the Black communities are still unable to shake.

Prom can also remind students of the more enjoyable parts of high school since it is supposed to be a carefree night spent with friends. Even so, there is a lot of pressure from peers and social media to dress or look a certain way, so it can be stressful to prepare for Furthermore,prom.there are a lot of responsibilities that only surface during the last couple months or weeks at the end of the school year. e end of a sports season puts pressure on the players to train as much as possible in order to do their best as they nish.

As the end of the school year approaches, a plethora of responsibilities that students need to take on come into fruition. is can include preparing for prom, studying for nals, Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, nishing up a sports season or performing in the nal concert. is can produce an unhealthy amount of stress and mentalEventsstrain.such as award ceremonies and spirit week are examples of positive end of the school year activities. It brings a sense of community without the stress of having to put in extra work in order to meet a deadline or heavily prepare for the event.

Moreover, a survey conducted by MentalHelp found that 31% of students surveyed reported that nal exams were their leading stress factor. Final, AP and IB exams are crammed into the last two weeks of school which can initiate a lot of added stress since there are so many exams to study for in order to keep grades up. According to the National Education Association, a lot of students go through the same levels of stress towards the end of the year. While some have di erent responsibilities, a lot of the stress comes from how much they are required to do all at once. Students feel the constant pressure that they have the ultimate deadline, the last day of school, where they can solidify the mark and impression they want to be represented by for thatStressyear.can generate abnormal mental reactions. Edutopia conducted a study explaining that the brain, under signi cant stress, can become hyperfocused, reactive and emotional. When the end of the school year completely get rid of the amount of stress we feel as the school year comes to a close, there are ways to combat and control it. Minimal habits we can take on include cutting out busy work and nding good time management skills to make more time for not only preparing for whatever responsibilities you may have, but also to take time for yourself and relax. More long-term mental habits we can participate in is expressing your emotions when you feel overwhelmed so you are not keeping them in. is way, there is no opportunity for your emotions to get in the way of your responsibilities or mental health. You can also try to nd activities that keep you calm and can take your mind o your stress for a little bit of time to get back into a better mental space. Most importantly, remember to be kind to yourself and both your physical and mental health.

The orchestra, band and choir performed at palladium on Tuesday, April 26. This is one of the many examples of end of the year responsibilities students take on. Photo by Emerson Elledge.

Acing the nal race

Students’ stress increases as they take on more responsibilities for the end of school

Page 22 Tiger Times

If you are not in a good place mentally, it will get in the way of your ability to do well with whatever you’re preparing for. Additionally, the things you

Tiger Topics Tiger Times is the o cial monthly newsmagazine of Fishers High School. It is distributed free to approximately 3700 students and over 300 student personnel. It is designed, written and edited by students. Opinions expressed in the newsmagazine do not necessarily represent those of the adviser, administration or sta . Letters to the adviser may be submitted to A218, and must contain the writer’s phone number for veri cation. Letters to the editor will not be published anonymously. If there is any incorrect information, corrections will be made in the next issue.

As the student-run newsmagazine of FHS, Tiger Times is dedicated to providing the sta , students and community of FHS with a timely, entertaining and factual publication once a month by the means of public forum. In publishing articles that students enjoy reading, we are furthering both the educational experience and the expansion of FHS culture. e sta works to create a sense of unity and awareness and allow the students of FHS to have a better insight to the world around them

Editorial Tiger Times Page 23

Editorial Policy Mission Statement

Crossword Key

Page 24 Tiger Times Crossword Down 1. Summer’s fruit, ____ Sugar 3. Commonly seen on pirate ships and at neighborhood pools 4. Appears on summer nights to light up the sky 7. Made on the beach and a home for sand 9.crabsAdelicacy made of graham crackers, marshmallows and chocolate 10. Fisher’s 4th of July day parade 11. “Hey boo boo, let’s go get us a pic-a-nic 15.basket!”How did the sea say hi to the shore? It ____ Across 2. The most forgotten June holiday, ____ 5.DayYou might see it flying with red feathers, but what is Indiana’s state bird named? 6. Usually open Memorial Day to Labour 8.DayThe mascot Mr. Mouse otherwise known 12.as A source of Vitamin D 13. The Roman goddess that June is named 1after4.“Baby, you’re a ____” 16. Shark food 17. To spend the night outdoors you need a name: ______________ 2 1 6 7 13 14 11 17 15 8 4 3 5 9 12 1610 DO NOT FILL YOUR SCANTRON BUBBLES LIKE THIS

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