4 minute read
Those behind the scenes help keep school moving forward
Thanksgiving is upon us once again, and reminders to be thankful are here. Last year, a majority of the feelings of gratitude were aimed at essential workers, and rightfully so. Heroically, they were on the frontlines of the pandemic serving the ill with dwindling supplies amidst increasing cases. Now, while still facing issues from the pandemic, the vaccine has helped lessen the load on essential workers. This year, the thing that people should be most thankful for are the people quietly working behind the scenes to ensure we have some semblance of normalcy. This time last year, HSE Schools had recently gone virtual again. After roughly two months of 50/50 in-person education, Hamilton County saw a surge in cases that led to the decision. That period was one of loss. Deaths per day from COVID were peaking while many families could not get together for the holiday and many traditional activities like Thanksgiving parades and football games were either canceled or held without spectators. It was different. A year later, we are better but not completely better. The vaccine is here, but not without controversy. Mask mandates remain in place in some locations, but they are optional elsewhere. During this period where we still are facing dangers from the pandemic but also enjoy some aspects of normalcy, it is important to be thankful for the people doing the little things to keep things moving forward. At FHS, these are the people behind the scenes. The secretaries make sure to keep all the information this school takes in and inform FHS staff members and students with the information that they need. Nurses and athletic trainers work tirelessly to make sure our student population is healthy and continue doing the activities we love. Whenever a teacher is absent, a substitute teacher is ready to keep a class running on a moment’s notice. Without the people who quietly take action to keep the school running, the school would hardly function. This is true of the community at large as well. If we did not have workers to run the stores, clear the streets and protect the community, the city as a whole would struggle. This Thanksgiving, these are some of the people we need to be especially thankful for. As Thanksgiving comes and goes, remember these people and their hard work that quietly keeps things moving forward.
Due to the substitute teacher shortage, classes have regularly been forced to sit in the CCA and do online assignments. Without subs, more students will be missplaced, leading to more trouble. Photo by Nate Albin.

Editorial Policy Mission Statement
Tiger Topics Tiger Times is the offi cial monthly newsmagazine of Fishers High School. It is distributed free to approximately 3700 students and over 300 student personnel. It is designed, written and edited by students. Opinions expressed in the newsmagazine do not necessarily represent those of the adviser, administration or staff . Letters to the adviser may be submitted to A218, and must contain the writer’s phone number for verifi cation. Letters to the editor will not be published anonymously. If there is any incorrect information, corrections will be made in the next issue. As the student-run newsmagazine of FHS, Tiger Times is dedicated to providing the staff , students and community of FHS with a timely, entertaining and factual publication once a month by the means of public forum. In publishing articles that students enjoy reading, we are furthering both the educational experience and the expansion of FHS culture. Th e staff works to create a sense of unity and awareness and allow the students of FHS to have a better insight to the world around them



1. Friendly root vegetable 2. Topic that sparks controversy at family gatherings 3. Birdception 4. Vessel for a hodgepodge of ingredients 6. Maize loaf 9. Founding father who wanted the turkey to be the national bird 10. The brown snow covering Mt. Mashed Potato 11. Lazy person’s Black Friday 13. Protein source in the comics section 18. Lane Ki n’s favorite breakfast food 20. Thanksgiving soymeat in avian form 21. Common post-Thanksgiving activity 24. Teddy bear lling or Thanksgiving side 26. Masculine turkey with a sandwich named a er him at Jimmy John’s 29. Brick and mortar department store that sponsors a parade
5. Cattle wranglers of the NFC East 7. A pumpkin’s nal resting place 8. Jamestown residents 12. Woven horn of plenty 14. Still hasn’t kicked the Thanksgiving football 15. Ocean Spray’s hallmark juice 16. April owers bring this singular colonial ship 17. Scrumptious Middle Eastern country 19. Is the Pope Catholic? 20. Black Friday Eve 22. Old-fashioned breakfast food 23. Full moon closest to the autumn equinox 25. Commonly diagnosed a iction a er Thanksgiving dinner 26. A bird’s leisurely morning jog 27. Tisquantum 28. Kings of the jungle that probably shouldn’t be allowed to play football 30. Fowl beard