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What We Will Miss
Graphic by Abby Miller
Seniors re ect on the things they will miss a er graduation
Laura Masoni masonlau000@hsestudents.org Abby Miller milleabi002@hsestudents.org
Anthony Acquisto “I guess having classes with all my friends and all the relationships I've built with the teachers and all the other students here.”
Sebastian Minton “What I am going to miss most about Fishers is having a nice place where I know all of my friends are going to be at school in one area.”
Maddie Taylor with her friends on the beach during spring break 2022. Photo courtesy of Maddie Taylor.
Graphic by Abby Miller
Maddie Taylor “One thing I’m going to miss about Fishers High School are all the friends I’ve made throughout the years. I feel like especially senior year has been the year that I’ve started talking to, and just making friends with people that I hadn’t in previous years. Since it’s our last year together, I feel that not only me, but everyone is kind of coming closer together since we’re all leaving next year. Especially through these next weeks with all of the senior activities, events and stu , I feel like it’ll be a really good way to just kind of come closer as a class and just appreciate all the time that we have together. Especially since I’m going to a di erent college, I feel like I’m going to miss all of the friends that I’ve made. Being able to come home and see them during breaks will be really nice.”
Audrey Blanner “ e pizza calzones have got me through some really tough times here. When things are looking rough ahead, I’ve always been able to count on them. I’ll de nitely miss that comfort.”
Zoe Hall “I'm going to say probably just my friends. To be honest, the relationships were so fun. at, and I'll miss a few of the teachers because some of them did have like a really big impact on me throughout these four years. A lot of them helped me in the direction of what I kind of want to do in college. I’ll miss some of the extracurricular activities. Some of them I genuinely liked. I always liked orchestra, I thought that was really fun.” 3
1. Zoe Hall at a cross country meet in 2019. Photo courtesy of Zoe Hall. 2. Erin Kemp with her friends on the beach in Florida on spring break 2022. Photo courtesy of Erin Kemp. 3. Graphic by Abby Miller. 1 2
Erin Kemp “I will miss not your close friends, but more of your distant friends. e people that you see in class. It's going to be really sad just not seeing their faces every day because in quarantine we really saw what it was like to not interact with the people that we’re not immediately close with. It’s going to be really sad like letting go of those not super close friends but like the friends that you talked to like every other day in like a regular class setting.”
James Basso studying with some of his underclassmen friends. Photo by Abby Miller
James Basso “What I'll miss about Fishers are all my underclassmen friends. My juniors and my sophomores, I don't have any freshman friends, but my juniors and my sophomores I’ll miss. I'm going to miss [Dean] Schooley, I'm going to miss Dean Miller, I'm going to miss Dean Williams, I'm going to miss Sivak. ey are all very wonderful people. I'm going to miss Mr. Byrd doing tra c duty in the morning, screaming at cars going by. I'm going to miss the H hallway bathroom, the downstairs H bathroom. I'm going to miss moments like these when I'm being interviewed for the newspaper because I'll probably never be this important ever again.”
Graphic by Abby Miller