4 minute read
Access to Music
Crescendoing costs
Price tag on music education makes it inaccessible for students.
Arranged by Madelyn Lerew lerewmad000@hsestudents.org
Music has always been an escape for me, whether I am creating it or listening to it. I have been extremely lucky to be provided with the resources that have allowed me to develop this passion. As a low brass player, my instruments have always been expensive, but between school rentals and my parents being able to a ord to buy me a trombone, I have always had an instrument to play. is is not the reality for all students who have a lower socioeconomic status or are
in a school district with a poorly funded music program. is is why it is necessary to invest more money into our in a school district with a poorly funded music program. is is why it is necessary to invest more money into our ne arts programs and allow more students the opportunity of participating in band and orchestra. ne arts programs and allow more students the opportunity of participating in band and orchestra. Music is an elective regarded as non-essential towards preparing you for your future. e Indiana core 40 diploma Music is an elective regarded as non-essential towards preparing you for your future. e Indiana core 40 diploma requires no ne arts credits to graduate, and the academic honors diploma only requires two. Music should be of requires no ne arts credits to graduate, and the academic honors diploma only requires two. Music should be of
higher importance when receiving credits for graduation. According to a Penn Medicine news report, playing an higher importance when receiving credits for graduation. According to a Penn Medicine news report, playing an instrument helps to keep your brain healthy by engaging major parts of the central nervous system and tapping into instrument helps to keep your brain healthy by engaging major parts of the central nervous system and tapping into the le and right sides of your brain. Students should be encouraged to participate in music classes rather than it the le and right sides of your brain. Students should be encouraged to participate in music classes rather than it being treated as extra for those who can a ord it. being treated as extra for those who can a ord it.
Not only does music engage your brain and help keep it healthy, but it can also improve test scores. A study published in the Journal of Neuroscience that focused on a music program in Los Angeles, California showed that kids involved in this program scored higher on reading tests and had a 43% higher rate of going to college when compared to their peers not participating in the program. Music is so important because it helps students achieve
goals and see improvement in themselves on something they are passionate about. For some people, seeing the quality of their musicianship go up is more rewarding than an A on a math test. erefore, providing opportunities where students can see themselves achieve goals helps keep them engaged in their schoolwork. where students can see themselves achieve goals helps keep them engaged in their schoolwork. Involvement in music extends outside of class, with our school o ering di erent extracurricular music programs. Involvement in music extends outside of class, with our school o ering di erent extracurricular music programs.
Two of the biggest, and most costly programs, are Indiana State School Music Association (ISSMA) solo and Two of the biggest, and most costly programs, are Indiana State School Music Association (ISSMA) solo and ensemble contest and marching band. Both programs allow students to better ne-tune their musical abilities as well as receive a score for their performance. Despite the bene ts of participating in these programs, many students will nd themselves priced out of even registering. e cost to participate in one year of marching band at our school
is $850. ISSMA, while signi cantly less costly, also requires payment, with solos at ISSMA contest being $15 and ensemble fees being $7. Included costs of ISSMA are buying the music to perform and hiring a piano accompaniment for a solo. e costs associated with ISSMA must be paid again if you or your group quali es for state. Creating opportunities for students to participate in music should be of higher priority to school districts.
Students’ learning environment is greatly improved when they are given the freedom to have artistic creativity. Students’ learning environment is greatly improved when they are given the freedom to have artistic creativity. While core classes such as math, English and science are important, they need to be well balanced with other classes While core classes such as math, English and science are important, they need to be well balanced with other classes that inspire creativity in students. By providing more funding to school music programs, we allow more kids the that inspire creativity in students. By providing more funding to school music programs, we allow more kids the opportunity to be creative and expand their horizons. opportunity to be creative and expand their horizons.