Internationalisation Salzburg University of Applied Sciences

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Internationalisation Salzburg University of Applied Sciences








General Information


Disciplines Overview


Bachelor Degree Programmes in Engineering


Master Degree Programmes in Engineering


Success Stories | Degree Programmes in Engineering


Bachelor Degree Programmes in Business & Social Sciences


Master Degree Programmes in Business & Social Sciences


Success Stories | Degree Programmes in Business & Social Sciences


Bachelor Degree Programmes in Design, Media & Arts


Master Degree Programmes in Design, Media & Arts


Success Stories | Degree Programmes in Design, Media & Arts


Bachelor Degree Programmes in Health Studies


Master Degree Programmes in Health Studies


Success Stories | Degree Programmes in Health Studies


Fachhochschule Salzburg GmbH

Campus Urstein

Salzburg University of Applied Sciences (SUAS)

Campus Kuchl

International Office

Directions to Urstein/Kuchl available on:

Urstein Sued 1 | 5412 Puch/Salzburg | Austria, Europe

phone: +43-(0)50-2211-1033

fax: +43-(0)50-2211-1039 email:


Mag. Raimund Ribitsch and Doris Walter Managing Directors

Prof. Mag. Dr. Gerhard Blechinger Rector

MMag. Teresa Rieger, MPA Head of Department, International Office

Welcome to Salzburg University of Ap-

our international partners in order to

dent mobility is complemented with in-

plied Sciences! Salzburg University of

build and expand global research net-

ternationalisation@home activities; here

Applied Sciences is an Austrian insti-

works and to promote all-level mobility

SUAS enables students to experience

tution that commits to providing high

for personal development and teaching


quality tertiary education, living and

excellence. Moreover, we act as a pivot

without having to leave their home

supporting diversity as well as spotting

point for knowledge transfer between

country, e.g., in form of virtual class-

and developing potentials. We offer 27

the international research communities

rooms that they share with students at

degree programmes on Bachelor and

and regional industries.

partner universities, international lectu-

Dear Partners, Dear Students,

Master level that are clustered into the



res delivered by visiting teachers and

4 disciplines engineering, business and

Our graduates need to meet the chal-

scholars from all continents, tandem

social sciences, media, design and arts

lenges of a rapidly changing and incre-

learning and joint study trips, to name

as well as health studies. Currently,

asingly gobal world; challenges that we

but a few.

SUAS educates more than 2,700 ac-

strive to prepare them for by constant-

tive students.

ly updating our curricula with a focus

Internationalisation is not possible wit-

on international as well as intercultu-

hout strong partners around the globe.

As a major player in Austrian tertiary

ral learning outcomes. To provide a

Thank you for being a strong partner in

education we focus on strong ties with

comprehensive picture, outbound stu-

international education!


AUSTRIA Austria in the spotlight Located in the very heart of Europe,

as a rich culture. Austria strongly values

entrepreneurship. In many areas, Austri-

Austria is home to spectacular natural

and promotes Europeanisation and in-

an higher education institutions have ac-

landscapes, has a rich, imperial history

ternationalisation to enhance economic

complished outstanding achievements

and shows a sense of tradition as well

success and political stability. All these

on an international level and have thus

as innovative spirit. The Austrians and

factors make Austria an attractive place

created a reputation of quality teaching.

their lifestyle are best described with

for studying, working, and living.

Altogether Austria offers a broad spec-

the German word Gemütlichkeit and are

As a study location, Austria is charac-

trum of educational opportunities, with

famous for their hospitality. The country

terised by three key aspects: state-

a special focus on practice-oriented de-

offers a high quality of living, excellent

of-the-art research, a long tradition in

gree programmes at the universities of

health and environmental standards, so-

higher education, and an atmosphere

applied sciences.

cial security, economic stability as well

conducive to creativity and innovative

Studying at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences In terms of its population, Salzburg is the

(SUAS) offers interdisciplinary bachelor

has become an excellency-providing

fourth largest city in Austria and the cap-

and master programmes geared to the

pillar in Austria’s educational landscape.

ital of the Austrian federal state Land of

needs of the labour market in the inno-

The two campuses in Urstein and Kuchl

Salzburg. The city is known for hosting

vation-oriented areas of four disciplines,

are interdisciplinarily connected and offer

the world’s most famous annual event

namely Engineering, Business and So-

a wide range of teaching and research

for classical music – the Salzburg Festi-

cial Sciences, Media, Design and Arts,

tools including the Marketing Research

val. Salzburg is also the birthplace of the

and Health Studies. SUAS is located on

& eTourism Lab, a robotic laboratory

composer and child prodigy Wolfgang

the outskirts of the City of Salzburg and

and the MediaLab. Furthermore, SUAS

Amadeus Mozart and serves as the set-

is easily accessible by train and other

features strong and reliable industry and

ting of the eternally popular musical play

public transport. Since its establishment

business ties (including regional authori-

and film The Sound of Music. The city

in 1995, SUAS has grown continuously,

ties), innovative and application-oriented

centre was declared a UNESCO World

expanding teaching and research capa-

research, an exemplary student-teacher

Heritage Site and is internationally re-

bilities as well as infrastructure to comply

ratio and state-of-the-art infrastructure.

nowned for its baroque architecture.

with the highest academic standards.

Salzburg University of Applied Sciences

With more than 2700 students, SUAS


Internationalisation at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences SUAS actively participates in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the international scientific community to assure and increase its academic quality. SUAS pursues three major objectives with its internationalisation activities: firstly, to prepare graduates for their future workplace in a global economy by focusing on intercultural, social and international competence. Secondly, to participate in European as well as international mobility and project activities as a key aspect of quality assurance that goes hand in hand with including different learning and teaching styles and, thus, enriching perspectives. Thirdly, to commit to helping both students and staff develop their personalities and careers through mobility and internationalisation activities.


Salzburg University of Applied Sciences offers interdisciplinar y bachelor and master programmes geared to the needs of the labor market in the innovation-oriented areas of Engineering, Business and Social Sciences, Media, Design & Arts and Health Studies. 05

SALZBURG International Network and English Degree Programmes The cooperation network of the Salz-

and resources for mobility activities as

SUAS’s target areas. Three degree pro-

burg University of Applied Sciences

well as potential for joint research and/

grammes (one bachelor and one mas-

consists of more than 130 partner in-

or teaching projects. In order to main-

ter programme in Tourism Management

stitutions on every populated continent.

tain a high level of excellence, exist-

and one master programme in Applied

Partnerships are carefully selected and

ing partnerships are evaluated against

Signal Processing) are fully taught in

rely on mutual trust and respect for cul-

these criteria as well as the scope of

English and cater to international stu-

tural differences. It is also important to

joint activities on a yearly basis. Geo-

dents, who constitute roughly 50% of

note that international partnerships are

graphically speaking, English-speaking

the regular student population of these

forged with the intention of adding val-

countries, Scandinavia and Southeast

programmes. More fully English-taught

ue for both partners. New partners are

Europe constitute the focus areas with-

programmes are intended to be imple-

diligently screened for high academ-

in Europe. Globally, the Asia-Pacific


ic standards, adequate infrastructure

region as well as North America are

Mobilities All first cycle curricula (bachelor pro-

for highly qualified students and for staff

degree in Applied Signal Processing,

grammes), feature mobility windows for

members seeking professional develop-

which recruits students from across the

students and integrate compulsory work


globe and provides a blueprint for similar

placements. All second cycle curricula

joint activities in other disciplines.

(master programmes) include at least

SUAS currently operates two double

one module with a focus on intercultur-

degree programmes with a Swedish

Staff mobility for teaching and training

al communication and/or cross-cultural

and a Japanese university – both serve

purposes are actively encouraged and

management and offer the opportunity

as models for future double degree en-

supported by SUAS in order to develop

of student mobility for study or research.

deavours. They are considered an op-

staff and to ensure the high academic

As Austrian universities of applied

portunity to provide pooled resources

quality of its curricula. Staff mobility is in-

sciences do not offer third cycle degree

and enhanced expertise beneficial to all

tegrated into the development strategies

programmes, SUAS has entered part-

partners involved. A recent local coop-

for researchers, teachers and adminis-

nerships with national and international

eration with the Paris Lodron Universi-

trative staff and plays an important role

universities to facilitate doctoral studies

ty of Salzburg resulted in a joint master

with respect to career advancement.


Internationalisation@home While mobility activities represent a piv-

and/or materials used, globally recruit-

al opportunities. Furthermore, SUAS

otal factor for internationalisation, In-

ed guest lecturers and guest profes-

has been eligible for Fulbright guest

ternationalisation@home (IaH) activities

sors and offers additional activities like

professorships since the academic

are regarded as equally relevant, espe-

tandem learning, cultural programmes

year 2013/14. SUAS actively supports

cially in view of the fact that not every

(e.g., International Christmas), dance

guest lecturers and guest professors

student can spend time abroad. IaH at

and cooking events, and the organi-

both before arrival and during their stay

SUAS ensures international elements

sation of an International Day to inform

in matters such as accommodation

in all curricula through course design

students and staff about internation-

and visa issues.


Partnerships are carefully selected and based on mutual trust and respect for cultural differences. It is also important to note that international partnerships are entered into with the intention of adding value for both partners.

Project cooperation under Erasmus+ SUAS has devised and implemented a

run one of the seven Austrian govern-

the respective fields transferred to the

strategy for research and the transfer

ment and industry-funded Josef Ressel

classroom. Together with the Interna-

of research findings to the degree pro-

Centres for research on the future-ori-

tional Office, a research coordinator

grammes, the scientific and wider com-

ented topic of smart grids. Additionally,

informs staff on cooperation possibili-

munity (especially business partners)

SUAS commits to integrating research

ties within Erasmus+ and other funding

as well as the general public. Research

findings into teaching. This is ensured


activities primarily focus on the applied

by the fact that researchers are typically

sector and are often executed in co-

also involved in teaching activities. As

operation with industry and business

a result, curricula are continuously up-

partners. SUAS has been selected to

dated and the latest developments in



One-third of the 2700 students are part-time and appreciate the advantages of modern architecture as well as the excellent environment for learning and research.




Staff Members



Books and Media

Bachelor and Master Programmes In 27 bachelor and master programmes students receive instruction and training tailored to their interests and talents.

In addition to our 320 experts from various disciplines, 900 external lecturers offer further application-oriented know-how and insights.


External Lecturers

140 110

Incoming Outgoing Students Students Partner Institutions On an international level, the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences is part of a network of high-quality and active partnerships, which includes 100 Erasmus+ partners and 30 overseas partners.


Erasmus+ Outgoing Internships

The Salzburg University of Applied Sciences actively promotes the international exchange of students through study and intern abroad programmes. This enables students to acquire essential intercultural and international qualifications, which are increasingly valued and demanded in the global job market.

130 09





> Forest Products Technology & Timber Construction

> Business Management

> Information Technology & Sys-

> Innovation & Management in

tems Management


> Forest Products Technology &

> SME-Management &



> Smart Building

> Social Work

> Applied Image and Signal

> Innovation in the Field of


Social Profit

> Smart Buildings in Smart Cities

> International Executive Master Programme in Hospitality Management (Vietnam/Salzburg)



> Design & Product Management

> Biomedical Sciences

> MultiMediaArt

> Occupational Therapy

> MultiMediaTechnology

> Nursing > Midwifery > Orthoptics > Physiotherapy > Radiation Technology > Salutophysiology for Midwives




Forest Products Technology & Timber Construction The degree programme Forest Prod-

ing or technology project as well as in

ucts Technology & Timber Construction

an interdisciplinary project. Several of

focuses on technological, economic

these projects are open to exchange

and planning activities pertaining to all

students. Additionally, exchange stu-

areas of timber and timber construction

dents are offered courses in the fields

as well as related industries. The pro-

of wood engineering, construction en-

gramme offers three areas of speciali-

gineering and chemistry.

sation: Forest Timber Technology, Timber Construction as well as Furniture

Years / Duration: 3 years / 6 semesters ECTS credits: 180 Language of instruction: German, courses in English Contact details: Web: disciplines/engineering

and Interior Construction. In each semester, students are involved in a build-

Information Technology & Systems Management This bachelor programme offers a com-

uable insights and practical experience

prehensive university education in the

in their professional field. In accordance

field of information technologies comple-

with their individual preferences, students

mented by managerial and social skills

can specialise in one of the following four

training. It has been developed in con-

focus areas: Intelligent Energy Systems,

sultation with industry partners and pays

Mechatronics, Media Informatics, or

tribute to the latest developments and

Network & Communication Technolo-

research. Graduates of the programme

gies. Additionally, students can obtain

are IT experts with business and man-

advanced industry certifications (Cisco,


agement competences. An integrated

Total Quality Management, Project Man-


work placement in cooperation with

agement) or spend one semester abroad

partner companies gives students val-

at one of our partner institutions.

Years / Duration: 3 years / 6 semesters ECTS credits: 180 Language of instruction: German, courses in English Contact details:



Engineering Smart Building The Smart Building degree programme

mation technology and specialisations

provides training for the next generation

in the field of smart buildings. Along

of engineers in the construction trade

with a holistic and systematic consider-

and ensures that they maintain a ho-

ation of the smart building, the empha-

listic outlook while tackling the issues

sis also falls on the process of dealing

related to futuristic and sustainable

with natural resources in a responsible

construction. The programme focuses

manner that also takes economic inter-

on constructional engineering, building

ests into account.

technology, energy technology, infor-


Years / Duration: 3 years / 6 semesters ECTS credits: 180 Language of instruction: German, courses in English Contact details: Web: disciplines/engineering



Applied Image & Signal Processing The international joint master pro-

tems, media security, computational

gramme offered by the Salzburg Uni-

geometry and machine learning. Grad-

versity of Applied Sciences in cooper-

uates benefit from our departments’

ation with the University of Salzburg.

excellent business networks and have

After having acquired solid foundations

the opportunity to begin their academ-

in mathematical modeling and algo-

ic careers by joining one of the active

rithms for image and signal processing

research groups for their master thesis

during the first two semesters, students

projects. This can also be done in an

in the third semester can specialise in

international context during a semester


two of the following areas: medical

abroad supported by our worldwide


imaging, platform specific signal pro-

academic network as preparation for

cessing, data science, biometric sys-

future PhD studies.

Years / Duration: 2 years / 4 semesters ECTS credits: 120 Language of instruction: English Contact details:

Information Technology & Systems Management This programme offers an attractive

Processing & Robotics, Adaptive Soft-

combination of expert IT knowledge

ware Systems, e-Health, Computer

and modern IT management compe-

Networks & IT Security, and Energy

tences. The education is grounded in

Informatics. Students can apply and

the latest research and linked to in-

expand their theoretical knowledge and

dustry demands. It provides a broad

build professional networks during their

understanding of current and evolving

one-year industry/research project. Re-

technologies as well as in-depth tech-

search stays at such renowned partners

nical knowledge in specialisation areas

as Cornell University, Carnegie-Mellon,


related to the department’s research

University of Maryland and the double


streams. In line with their interests and

degree programme with Halmstad Uni-

intended career paths, students focus

versity in Sweden provide further inter-

on two of the following areas: Signal

national career opportunities.

Years / Duration: 2 years / 4 semesters ECTS credits: 120 Language of instruction: German, semester in English Contact details:




Forest Products Technology & Management The effective utilisation of materials

ment personnel in various areas of the

and energy resources is becoming an

forest products industry and in related

increasingly important challenge for

fields such as bio-energy. The Depart-

our economy and society. One way

ment of Forest Products Technology is

companies can react to this situation

representative of the Forest Products

is by developing new materials and

Society (FPS), Europe Section, whose

products from available and sustaina-

president Prof. A. Petutschnigg is the

ble natural resources. The master pro-

head of the degree programme. Due to

gramme Forest Products Technology &

the excellent contacts with international

Management targets these challenges

partners, the third semester of the pro-

directly by educating students to be-

gramme is fully taught in English and in-

come qualified leaders and develop-

ternational students are most welcome.

Years / Duration: 2 years / 4 semesters ECTS credits: 120 Language of instruction: German, semester in English Contact details: Web: disciplines/engineering

Smart Buildings in Smart Cities The aim of the master programme

with regards to nature, people and the

Smart Buildings in Smart Cities is to

environment. In the Smart Cities mas-

meet the needs of increasingly net-

ter programme, the students decide at

worked-thinking engineers in the fields

the start of the second academic year

of building and district renovation and

between specialising in either Integrat-

integrated energy systems. In doing so

ed Energy Systems or Building and

a special focus is put on the interac-

District Renovation.

tion between technology and energy

Years / Duration: 2 years / 4 semesters ECTS credits: 120 Language of instruction: German, courses in English Contact details: Web: disciplines/engineering


SUCCESS STORIES Degree Programmes in Engineering

Information Technology & Systems Management ITS has become an important innovator

will provide transparent access to all rel-

Intelligent Maintenance Planning:

throughout the region and beyond by

evant legal documents.

In cooperation with the industry part-

integrating its research competences in


software and network technology, smart

Josef Ressel Center for User-Cen-

self-learning tool has been developed

grid and IT security, industrial signal pro-

tric Smart Grid Privacy, Security and

utilising machine and sensor data from

cessing as well as automation technol-

Control: This center develops meth-

industrial production lines. Signals are

ogy and robotics. Three recent projects

ods to safeguard user data in future

analysed in real time and compared

reflect these pursuits:

energy (smart) grids. The requirements

with features computed from historical

regarding user privacy and data secu-

data to detect and classify maintenance

EU Project Openlaws: Together with

rity are met with state-of-the-art cryp-

situations. Applicable measures are au-

partners like the University of Amster-

tography. Additionally, functionality is

tomatically selected and maintenance

dam or the London School of Econom-

provided that is critical in future grids

personnel are guided by augmented

ics, an open legal information platform

for the integration of renewable energy


will be developed. The planned system


International Conference on Processing Technologies for the Forest and Biobased Products Industries The aim of the 3rd Conference on Pro-

at Campus Kuchl and scientifically sup-

previous successful editions held in St.

cessing Technologies for the Forest and

ported by Cost Action “Bringing new

Simons Island, Georgia, USA (PTF BPI

Biobased Products Industries (PTF BPI)

functions to wood through surface mod-

2012) and Kuchl/Salzburg, Austria (PTF

was to facilitate interaction between sci-

ification” (FP1006), the Forest Products

BPI 2010). The high quality of the papers

entists, researchers and experts from

Society (FPS), the International Union of

offered at the conference represented

companies who gathered in Kuchl from

Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO),

the knowledge and experience of sci-

September 24th–26th 2014 to share

the University of Tennessee in Knoxville

entists and experts from universities,

their new studies and the results of scien-

(UT), the University of Natural Resources

research institutes and companies from

tific activities. This edition of the confer-

and Life Sciences, Campus Tulln (BOKU),

the field of forest products, wood-based

ence was hosted and organised by the

and Transilvania University of Brasov

composites, wood chemistry and renew-

Salzburg University of Applied Sciences

(UTBv). The conference built upon the

able energies from wood.


© Holzcluster

SUCCESS STORIES Degree Programmes in Engineering

Research & innovation network “Alpine Construction” Smart Building is an active partner in

building materials, building techniques,

vation of smaller buildings (residential,

the research and innovation network

expertise and sustainability with Alpine

tourism etc.) with holistic redevelop-

“Alpine Construction” (“Alpines Bau-

building tradition.

ment concepts. The project entitled

en”). A main driver of the economy

“R&I Network ‘Alpine Construction’”

in the project region of Upper Bava-

Particularly in the growing market of

supports SMEs in this area. Any mis-

ria/Salzburg/Tyrol is the construction

renovating older buildings, there are

sing expertise, methods and skills are

sector, which largely consists of small

opportunities for SMEs to further de-

developed and procured through co-

and medium-sized enterprises (skilled

velop Alpine building stock intelligently

operation with regional research fa-

crafts and trades, planning, services

through access to innovative concepts

cilities like the Salzburg University of

– also extending beyond the building

and technologies. Furthermore, SMEs

Applied Sciences (Smart Building). At

industry). What is described here as

can create a niche for themselves in

the same time, the research and trans-

“Alpine construction” is the compe-

previously disregarded demand struc-

fer programme is tailored to meet the

tence of SMEs in combining regional

tures, such as the step-by-step reno-

companies’ requirements.

” 18

Smart Building is an active partner in the research and innovation network “Alpine Construction” (“Alpines Bauen”). A main driver of the economy in the project region of Upper Bavaria/Salzburg/Tyrol is the construction sector, which largely consists of small and medium-sized enterprises (skilled crafts and trades, planning, ser vices – also extending beyond the building industr y).


Business & Social Sciences Business Management The bachelor programme Business

Students are familiarized with success



factors and mechanisms of business-

high-quality, comprehensive and uni-

es, learn to understand corporate

versal tertiary education for careers


in business management and entre-

and evaluate risks. Due to their prac-

preneurial success. Our teaching staff

tice-oriented formation, graduates of

– a balanced mix of academic lectur-

the programme quickly integrate into

ers and practitioners from the industry

corporate processes and can choose

– prepares students for management

from an array of professional activities.

positions in global business by teach-

Recent graduates have mostly start-

ing tools, theories and practical imple-

ed their professional careers as junior

mentations of business management.

managers or management assistants.







Years / Duration: 3 years / 6 semesters ECTS credits: 180 Language of instruction: German, courses in English Contact details: Web: disciplines/business-and-social-sciences

SME Management & Entrepreneurship The bachelor programme SME Man-

how to deal with resource and compe-



tency bottlenecks. Students learn to ad-

high-quality, comprehensive and univer-

dress issues such as financing, recruit-

sal tertiary business management edu-

ing and retaining high-skilled staff in a

cation focusing on the particularities of

solution-oriented way and build a sound

small and medium-sized enterprises as

basis in strategic management as well

well as start-ups. In this programme,

as process and project management.

students learn to create and apply inno-

They learn how to pursue innovations,

vative solutions to master the challenges

develop new business models, and how

in today’s ever changing business envi-

to initiate and set up trans-regional busi-

ronment and to achieve sustainable cor-

ness activities. In addition to business

porate success. The programme high-

and leadership competencies, students

lights the advantages of the traditionally

acquire social skills vital for successfully

long-term oriented SMEs and discusses

managing SMEs.



Years / Duration: 3 years / 6 semesters ECTS credits: 180 Language of instruction: German, courses in English Contact details: Web: disciplines/business-and-social-sciences



Business & Social Sciences Innovation & Management im Tourismus (German) Innovation und Management im Touris-

ism products and services. The direct

mus is a part-time programme ideal for

link between theory and practice, and

those interested in studying tourism

a hands-on approach from the onset

with a regional focus. State-of-the-art

allow students to successfully apply

content in hospitality and destination

their knowledge and innovative ideas

management, marketing, and business

directly into the workplace. Alumni also

planning as well as the emphasis on

become entrepreneurs and important

new media and eTourism create a solid

players in the field; thus strengthening

knowledge base for the development

the programme’s connection to the in-

and implementation of innovative tour-


Years / Duration: 3 years / 6 semesters ECTS credits: 180 Language of instruction: German, courses in English Contact details: Web:

Innovation & Management in Tourism (English) Innovation and Management in Tour-

The international environment with

ism is a part-time bachelor programme

teachers and students from all cor-

conducted completely in English. It fo-

ners of the world supports intercul-

cuses on creative thinking techniques

tural understanding and engagement.

as well as technical know-how in the

This programme is interdisciplinary in

fields of hospitality and destination

structure and approach, and allows

management, business planning, and

students to become innovative practi-

marketing. The emphasis on new me-

tioners and leaders in the field. Thanks

dia and eTourism prepares students for

to this unique combination, graduates

the specific challenges of the informa-

are well-equipped to operate in a global

tion society.



Years / Duration: 3 years / 6 semesters ECTS credits: 180 Language of instruction: English Contact details: Web:


Business & Social Sciences Social Work Social work is a worldwide discipline that

right balance between empathy and pro-

deals with the theory and methodology

fessionalism requires not only knowledge

of professional support for individuals in

and skill but also a dignified personal

vulnerable situations. Extensive knowl-

profile. In the part-time bachelor pro-

edge about the problems people may

gramme for Social Work, there is a focus

face, theoretically grounded methodol-

on inter- and transdisciplinary teaching,

ogy for the initiation of social work and

the practical application of knowledge,

management of social services make

and the link to a variety of disciplines

up the qualifications of this programme.

such education, political science or psy-

Legal, societal and economic expertise

chology. Students learn about the social

also plays a significant role in this field

conditioning factors and their modes of

because social work experts often find

action based on social problems, social

themselves in conflict-laden situations.

change and the (re)design of social reali-

Professional behaviour while finding the

ties using innovative solutions.


Years / Duration: 3 years / 6 semesters ECTS credits: 180 Language of instruction: German Contact details: Web: disciplines/business-and-social-sciences

Legal, societal and economic expertise also plays a significant role in this field because social work experts often find themselves in conflict-laden situations. Professional behaviour while finding the right balance between empathy and professionalism requires not only knowledge and skill but also a dignified personal profile.



Business & Social Sciences Innovation & Management in Tourism In this international management-based

nowned experts. Academic and practi-

master programme, students gain spe-

cal inputs both constitute an important

cialised knowledge in the fields of Ex-

part of the curriculum. Case studies,

perience Design, Entrepreneurship and

projects, research activities, business

Product Development. This includes


different approaches and methods

as well as foreign languages deliver a

within the range of eTourism, authen-

unique combination of content which

ticity and sustainability. This top-level

expands the career prospects of future

training entirely taught in English is con-

thinkers, doers and leaders in all areas

ducted in small groups guided by re-

of tourism and beyond.



Years / Duration: 2 years / 4 semesters ECTS credits: 120 Language of instruction: English Contact details: Web:

Social Innovation Innovations are not only important in

social science and social work arena,

technical and economic areas, but also

and even politicians have recognized

particularly in the social sector. This re-

the need for social innovation. This is

alisation has become more apparent

reflected on the one hand in the in-

in recent decades. The welfare state

creasing number of university courses

has been subject to great changes,

and master programmes, and on the

which in turn impacted the education

other in research funding and policies

and health care systems, pensions,

on a European level. The master pro-

care (of the ill), migration and integra-

gramme Innovation Development in the

tion agendas and many other socially

social profit sector offered at the SUAS

relevant issues. The theme „social in-

takes account of these developments

novation“ has therefore been discussed

and offers a current and internationally

intensively for some time within the

competitive course.


Years / Duration: 2 years / 4 semesters ECTS credits: 120 Language of instruction: German Contact details: Web: disciplines/business-and-social-sciences


Business & Social Sciences Business Management The


methods, strengthen their innovation,

Management provides universal and



abstraction, and integration skills, rec-



ognize patterns and execute tasks with

building on the key aspects of busi-


a holistic approach. Within the lecture

ness administration. Today’s business

format “student studies”, students take

landscape is coined by short product

over project responsibility and find solu-

and innovation cycles and increasing

tions to self-chosen, real-life corporate

competition. To prepare future manag-

tasks that complement the set curricu-

ers for change and risk environments,

lum. Moreover, students fine-tune their

students learn how to master increas-

social skills and learn how to deal with

ing complexity and overcome insecuri-

tricky and stressful situations.

Years / Duration: 2 years / 4 semesters ECTS credits: 120 Language of instruction: German, courses in English Contact details: Web: disciplines/business-and-social-sciences

ties by applying team-oriented working

To prepare future managers for change and risk environments, students learn how to master increasing complexity and overcome insecurities by applying team-oriented working methods, strengthen their innovation, abstraction, and integration skills, recognize patterns and execute tasks with a holistic approach.



Degree Programmes in Business & Social Sciences Interdisciplinary Collaboration of Business & Tourism eTourism & Marketing

ing and, ultimately, transferring scientific

Joint lecture pools for students

Research Lab

findings to the scientific community, ac-


The joint research lab established in

ademia as well as the industry.

the SUAS Business and Tourism pro-

2015 is designed to achieve excellence




grammes have established joint lecture

in scientific and applied research while

To meet technological requirements,

pools to supplement the degree pro-

facilitating student projects. Its main

the lab is equipped with state-of-the-

grammes. Both regular and exchange

focus lies on user acceptance, usa-

art technologies, featuring eye-tracking

students benefit from additional perspec-

bility testing as well as virtual reality in

devices to determine visual marketing

tives made available to them through

the context of tourism and business re-

metrics and virtual reality devices for

these optional lectures outside the for-

search. The SUAS eTourism and Mar-

360° experiences. Recent projects in-

malised curriculum structure. Some of

keting Research Lab is set up to serve

cluded research activities for interna-

the joint lectures are especially designed

as a major collaboration and meeting

tional corporations such as Red Bull

to provide students with a comprehen-

place for researchers, teachers and stu-

but also small players like a regional

sive understanding of region-specific

dents – a space for generating, discuss-

flag ads supplier.

economic and cultural aspects.

The main goal of the newly established

where students work on real-life or mock

class projects into real companies and

degree programme SME Management &

business projects – students face the

have become start-up entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurship is to prepare students

challenges related to developing, creating

Practical implementation is a key focus

for the particularities of this company type

and marketing new and innovative prod-

at SUAS, but it could crumble quite eas-

and related challenges – and thus, to help

ucts and services. The first class of 2014

ily without sound theoretical knowledge.

students develop entrepreneurial spirit.

has already turned this lecture format into

To achieve excellence in theory teaching,

Studying textbooks can only take stu-

a huge success by actually starting up

our teaching staff engage in international

dents so far, which is why the programme

three companies from the ideas gener-

research activities and have become val-

offers creative lecture formats such as

ated within these innovation classrooms.

ued members to the international scien-

the innovation classroom. Within these

With the support of the on-campus start-

tific community (e.g., in the fields of crisis

classrooms – a lecture & practice format

up centre, two student teams turned their

management and family firms).

Learning interactions


Get started for an international career in tourism Internationalism and intercultural com-

span from professionals to academics,

with companies such as Alaska Airlines



or a combination of both. In some cas-

and Österreich Tourismus) and later

sustainability, are at the core of the

es, they bring their expertise back to

went on to manage its satellite office

Innovation & Management in Tourism

SUAS as lecturers.

in New York. She is currently based in



programmes. Field trips, study ex-

Salzburg sharing her new media ex-

changes, interaction with local and

Lisa Brandstötter, BA, who is currently

pertise in the frame of her own start-up

international experts, research activi-

teaching Internet Economy in the BA

media agency Boom Creative Lab. As

ties and projects that fuse regional and

programme, was an IMT student herself

she states herself, the international envi-

global outlook – all these are anchored

and completed her semester abroad

ronment, reputation of the programme,

in the curricula designed to support

in Alicante, Spain. After graduating in

content specialization and the great

students become global citizens. This

2012, she spent two years in the USA,

support by the staff of the tourism pro-

approach proves to be successful as

working for a social media agency in

gramme formed an ideal basis for the

graduates take on diverse paths that

tourism in Portland, Oregon (together

start of her international career.

Success factors and approaches

last fifteen years lead to an enormous

vation orientated corporate culture.

for social-profit organisations to

pressure for social-profit organisations.

In successful organisations innovations

develop their culture of innovation

Consequently social-profit organisa-

have a high corporate value. Further-

(by Nikola Leitenmüller-Wieser, MA)

tions have to generate permanent in-

more such organisations have a pro-

novations and build up a professional

found knowledge of creating and de-

Innovations play an important role in the

management innovation. The results

veloping their culture of innovation. The

daily business of for-profit companies,

of the literature as well as the research

high complexity of the topic requires

but also influence socio-political debates

of this master thesis point out that the

the integration of a concept of inno-

and emerge on Social Managers' to-do

foundation of a sustained corporate

vation which considers the individual

lists. The changing social environment

success is a lively culture of innovation.

characteristics of social-profit organ-

as well as the current social problems

The author could identify nine success

isations, as a base for the changing

and the major structural changes in the

factors as base elements for an inno-


Culture of innovation






Design, Media & Arts Design & Product Management The bachelor programme Design &

They are able to perform the various

Product Management serves as a so-

design and product management tasks

lid basic training in both design and

ranging from the first creative product

product management. In their third se-

idea, the initial draft and finalised ver-

mester, students have the opportunity

sion, all the way to the market launch.

to specialise in industrial, furniture or in-

Graduates are also familiar with market

terior design. Students receive a cross-

research and design testing, plus they

disciplinary education and acquire the

are able to keep track of the overall ob-

skills and knowledge to meet the needs

jective even when dealing with a spe-

of small and medium-sized companies.

cialised area.

Years / Duration: 3 years / 6 semesters ECTS credits: 180 Language of instruction: German, courses in English Contact details: Web:

MultiMediaArt The degree programme MultiMediaArt

Elective courses such as game design,

is all about cross-media conception and

motion graphics, film documentation,

design as well as the combination of gra-

conception, or media scenography allow

phics, moving images, interaction and

the students to find a more specialised

audio. Various creative disciplines are

focus. Hands-on projects provide stu-

involved while students collaborate on

dents with the opportunity to apply their

films, computer animations or interactive

newly acquired knowledge and gain new

projects. After the basics are covered du-

insights. To ensure our graduates are

ring their first year, the students specialise

equipped with a wellrounded education,

in one of four areas: computer animation,

we also offer courses in media and art

media design, film, or audio.

theory, producing and management.


Years / Duration: 3 years / 6 semesters ECTS credits: 180 Language of instruction: German, courses in English Contact details: Web:





Design, Media & Arts MultiMediaTechnology Students of MultiMediaTechnology help

principles of media informatics and soft-

shape the future of digital media, crea-

ware development, students specialise

te new mobile or web-based platforms,

in either web or game development. The

or may invent a new generation of video

primary focus areas of the degree pro-

games and interactive applications. The

gramme are programming, web tech-

bachelor programme in MultiMedia-

nologies, games, computer graphics,

Technology takes 6 semesters and is a

mobile applications, human computer

practice-oriented, engineering-focused

interaction, and augmented / virtual

education paired with the development

reality. Together with artists from the

of creative software projects at the inter-


face between people, media and tech-

work on numerous creative-technical

nology. After completing the basic cour-

projects that test their technical experti-

ses about the theoretical and practical

se and prepare them for the job market.



Years / Duration: 3 years / 6 semesters ECTS credits: 180 Language of instruction: German, courses in English Contact details: Web:


The bachelor programme in MultiMediaTechnology is a practice-oriented, engineering-focused education paired with the development of creative software projects at the interface between people, media and technology.






Design, Media & Arts Design & Product Management The master programme Design & Pro-

the future success of the company. For

duct Management focuses on profes-

this complex task, it is necessary to re-

sional strategic designs and – since

cognise correlations and coordinate the

branding is an integral component of the

various creative, economic and techni-

design process – marketing skills so that

cal aspects. Furthermore, graduates of

our graduates are both strategically-

the master programme are capable of

minded designers and creative mana-

coordinating the tasks performed by the

gers. Designers and product managers

involved experts and of optimising the

play an essential role at the company –

overall result of the design and product

they are strategists and visionaries in the

management process within the com-

innovation process and therefore key to


Years / Duration: 2 years / 4 semesters ECTS credits: 120 Language of instruction: German, courses in English Contact details: Web:

MultiMediaArt Over the course of four semesters, this

and solutions and communicate these in

master programme helps students de-

various forms of media. The structure of

Years / Duration: 2 years / 4 semesters

velop advanced artistic competences for

the programme is based on the typical

ECTS credits: 120

the conception, creation and manage-

project phases – development of ideas,

ment of multimedia. The primary focus

concept, draft, execution and release.

of the programme is the development

MultiMediaArt is all about intertwining

and execution of sophisticated cross-

different disciplines. In addition to the

media projects. With current media and

creative specialisations of media design,

art theories in mind, students work on

computer animation, film and audio, stu-

projects that reflect the social tendenci-

dents can also choose to focus their stu-

es and trends, they develop new content

dies on management & producing.


Language of instruction: German, courses in English Contact details: Web:





Design, Media & Arts MultiMediaTechnology Over the course of 4 semesters, the

lity, Augmented Intelligence, and Lean

master programme in MultiMediaTech-


nology provides a professional specia-

The goal of the MultiMediaTechnology

lisation in either Web Engineering or

programme is a highly focused, IT-ori-

Game & Simulation Engineering. Stu-

ented education that provides gradu-

dents learn about the conception and

ates not only with software-technical

development of innovation projects in

skills but also with the competences

the areas of Digital Entertainment, Web

needed to adapt to specific tasks in the

& Social Media as well as Collaborati-

creative industries. Students interested

on, Interface and Interaction Techno-

in starting their own companies recei-

logies. They spend two years working

ve guidance during the programme’s

with designers on the conception and

courses and coaching. A number of

development of their master projects.

our graduates have become successful


entrepreneurs. Apply now to see if you




courses on Augmented & Virtual Rea-


Years / Duration: 2 years / 4 semesters ECTS credits: 120 Language of instruction: German, courses in English Contact details: Web:

can follow suit!

Over the course of four semesters, the master programmes in Design, Media & Arts help students develop advanced competences for the conception, creation and management of innovative projects."



Degree Programmes in Design, Media & Arts Student project “Porsche Design” The specialisation project during the

“Porsche Design Studio” in Zell am See.

Above, the image on the left shows the

third semester of the master program-

For this reason, one of the two brands

project of Philipp Santl, DPM students,

me illustrates the interconnected nature

has been pre-specified as “Porsche

which impressively illustrates the impor-

of product management and design.


tance of a brand-adequate approach: The

Students freely choose the product or

high-end flashlight for Porsche Design are

interior they would like to design for this

The process of designing an item for two

a functional and handy tool for any situation

project. However – and this is the core

different brands makes strategic brand

whereas the version for Fatboy is a trendy

task – they have to develop it for two

positioning more tangible and it is, in fact,

lifestyle product that improves your festival

different brands, and therefore submit

the differences between the two that add

experience. This illuminated armwrist/ligh-

two projects in the end. In recent years,

significant value.

ting device connects to the device of your

this course has been supported by the

friends and helps you find them.

Adventure in virtual reality QUANERO – that’s the name of Salzburg

staurant responsible? To help you make

all the students who worked on this pro-

University of Applied Sciences’ first vir-

sense of the events, it is possible to fast-

ject, Quanero was their debut as game

tual reality computer game. Students of

forward and rewind the story as well as

developers. Nonetheless, it was of the

MultiMediaArt and MultiMediaTechno-

to switch between the perspectives of

upmost importance to them to create a

logy developed the game for their final

various characters. Over time, a compre-

game of high quality. For this reason, the

project of the bachelor programme. In

hensive picture of what happened be-

team hired professional actors for the ro-

order to play Quanero, you have to wear

gins to take shape. One particular chal-

les of various characters, digitalised their

a VR headset such as the Oculus Rift or

lenge for the developers was to guide

movements and then transferred them

the HCT Vive. Immediately after putting

the players’ focus in the right direction.

onto the 3D characters in the game. The

on the headset, you find yourself in the

Wolfgang Stockinger, author of Quane-

team’s next step is to expand on the pro-

virtual setting of a restaurant in the future.

ro, explains: “When playing a VR game,

ject during their master programme. An

But something is wrong: There appears

users always have the option to freely

initial version of Quanero is available for

to have been an explosion. The player

move their heads and change their field

download on the website.

now faces the task of reconstructing the

of view. We had to pay close attention

progression of events. What led to the

to guiding the players in such a way that

explosion? Is one of the guests at the re-

they don’t miss any relevant events.” For


“Coati” – From the lecture hall to a startup Software developers are familiar with the

The search function allows programmers

ter graduation. At this location, the team

problem: A programme that has been

to find important sections of the code

of five completed their software and de-

running for several years requires main-

quickly. This means they can start wor-

veloped their business plan.

tenance or an update. Unfortunately, the

king on the programme without losing

original team of developers isn’t available

much time,” explains Eberhard Gräther,

An idea conceived at Google

anymore and familiarising yourself with

who founded “Coati” together with four

The student had the idea to develop

the old codebase takes valuable time.

fellow MMT students after they had com-

“Coati” during an internship in San Fran-

pleted the master programme.

cisco. “I worked for Google and spent a

“Coati”, a startup company founded by

lot of time reading unfamiliar code. Our

graduates of the degree programme

Support at the FHStartup Center

tool would have been a huge time saver

MultiMediaTechnology, has developed

The Salzburg University of Applied Sci-

back then,” reveals the lead developer.

a solution for this issue. “Our software

ences played a significant role in the de-

“Coati” is now available for the program-

helps programmers find their bearings

velopment of this software by providing

ming languages C and C++. For this

when working with unfamiliar source

support for the young entrepreneurs.

market launch, the startup is offering at-

codes. “Coati” provides an overview and

As fellows of the new FHStartup Center,

tractive licence models for private indivi-

a graph visualisation of the relationship

they were offered to use a free office in

duals and companies.

between objects, classes and functions.

the Meierei building (Campus Urstein) af-

“Origin” – The recreation of evolution on your smartphone App developed by the Salzburg Uni-

their final project for the bachelor pro-

can, for instance, watch how a creature

versity of Applied Sciences wins Eu-

gramme. The creative smartphone app is

develops in a certain climate,” explains

ropean Youth Award

one of the winners in the category “Con-

MMT student and programmer Katrin

Digital products that add social value in

necting s: arts | games | diversity.”


tal protection or interculturality – those

Origin allows the player to recreate evo-

The creatures come to life with the use

were the winners of the European Youth

lution in – what may be considered – a

of augmented reality technology. Parti-

Awards (EYA). Among the 13 internatio-

digital sandbox. Players have the oppor-

cularly impressive is the successful com-

nal award winners was a bachelor pro-

tunity to find out how different creatures

bination of a digital application with an

ject that had been developed at SUAS.

are affected by different environmental

analogue game board that allows play-


ers to modify the virtual world. A team of

Creating digital creatures

“With our app, you can create digital

six students spent half a year intensively

Students of the degree programmes

creatures with different characteristics

working on the project.

MMA and MMT developed “Origin” as

and modify their environments. Then you

areas like health, education, environmen-



Health Studies Biomedical Sciences Laboratory results form the basis for

on practical training, quality management

many clinical diagnoses. They serve as

and organization. The bachelor program-

foundation for preventative measures and

me prepares students for occupations in

for monitoring the effectiveness of treat-

the areas of laboratory and functional di-

ments. Many metabolic processes and

agnostics. Their medical, scientific, tech-

genetic characteristics can be identified

nological, and methodological knowledge

in bodily fluids, tissues or cells. The goal

enables them to measure and evaluate

of the degree programme is to train stu-

various laboratory values. With the com-

dents to independently conduct biome-

pletion of the degree programme, gra-

dical analysis processes in laboratories,

duates are legally permitted to work as

clinics, health care centers and research

Biomedical Scientists (Biomedizinische/r

facilities. In addition to medical and sci-

AnalytikerIn) in the medical diagnostics

entific knowledge, an emphasis is placed

area of laboratory medicine.

Years / Duration: 3 years / 6 semesters ECTS credits: 180 Language of instruction: German Contact details: Web: disciplines/health-studies

Occupational Therapy Our Occupational Therapy programme

participation� in the context of action sci-

is in line with international standards and

ence in regard to persons with disabili-

equips students with the most up-to-

ties, after an illness or injury at any age.

date knowledge from the field. According

Thanks to this degree programme, gra-

to Austrian law, graduates are automati-

duates are able to carry out the occupati-

cally permitted to work as occupational

onal therapy process independently and

therapists. The programme is modelled

autonomously. The practical training is

after the Canadian Model of Occupa-

an integral component of the programme

tional Performance (CMOP) and the In-

and must be completed in the following

ternational Classification of Functioning,

areas: Paediatrics, hand surgery/ortho-

Disability and Health (ICF). It focuses on

paedics, neurology, psychiatry/professi-

the topics “activity and action as well as

onal integration, and geriatrics.


Years / Duration: 3 years / 6 semesters ECTS credits: 180 Language of instruction: German Contact details: Web: disciplines/health-studies


Health Studies Nursing People in the nursing profession work in

ses. They also successfully complete

all fields related to health care. What is at

well-founded scientific training at the

the heart of the training concept is edu-

university. The training will help them

cation based on good foundations and

become sought-after employees in va-

focused on practical experience. The

ried fields. The degree programme also

training takes place in hospitals, estab-

provides a strong foundation for further

lishments for longterm care, home care

studies and practice in special care-rela-

services and other health care facilities.

ted fields such as counselling, research,

Graduates of this degree programme

management and apprenticeship.

are qualified to practice as trained nur-

Years / Duration: 3 years / 6 semesters ECTS credits: 180 Language of instruction: German Contact details: Web: disciplines/health-studies

Midwifery The Midwifery programme educates

has undergone a reorientation after tho-

24 bachelor students every 3 years,

rough examination. The traditional “art

Years / Duration: 3 years / 6 semesters

who are fully qualified midwives imme-

of midwifery” is underpinned by new sci-

ECTS credits: 180

diately upon graduation. Current evi-

entific insights. There has been a para-

dence-based content and its immediate

digm shift from a pathogenetic to a salu-

practical application during each of the

togenetic stance – along with our focus

6 semesters form the backbone of the

on the field of physiology. This forms the

programme. In the 5th and 6th semes-

basis of our training during the first few

ter, students have the option of going

semesters. In later semesters, students

abroad during their 12-week internship.

learn about the development of patholo-

Salzburg is a particularly interesting lo-

gical processes and about the scientific

cation for the training of midwives as the

issues as they pertain to midwifery.

Language of instruction: German Contact details: Web: disciplines/health-studies

content of the education provided here



Health Studies Orthoptics The practice-oriented Orthoptics degree

mine, treat and advise people of all ages

programme is based on scientifically

suffering from visual disorders and visual

sound parameters for a highly specia-

impairments, strabismus, amblyopia,

lised and future-oriented career in the

double vision and ocular motor distur-

healthcare sector. Orthoptics (Greek

bances as well as individuals experien-

for: correct, straight, binocular vision)

cing performance inefficiency or visual

constitutes a complex area of speciality

problems due to frequent screen work.

within ophthalmology. The professional

This programme offers training on a high

activity within this field focuses mainly

and internationally comparable level in-

on the eye and the central visual system.

cluding work placements abroad. The

Orthoptists are experts for the diagnosis

completion of the bachelor programme

of monocular and binocular vision disor-

entitles graduates to work as orthoptists

ders as well as for the treatment of dys-

within the occupational profile as defi-

functions of the visual system. They exa-

ned by law.

� 34

Years / Duration: 3 years / 6 semesters ECTS credits: 180 Language of instruction: German Contact details: Web: disciplines/health-studies

O r t h op t i s t s a r e e x p e r t s f o r t h e diagn osis of mon ocu lar an d bin ocu lar vision d is o r de r s a s w e l l a s f o r t h e tre at me n t of dysf u n ction s of t h e visu al system.


Health Studies Physiotherapy Physiotherapists use physiotherapeu-

physiotherapy, which includes profes-

tic measures that affect the musculo-


skeletal system, musculoskeletal de-

competence, self-competence, social

velopment and control as well as the

competence as well as strategic and

inner organs. Students receive sound

scientific competence. Graduates from

vocational training with strong action

the Physiotherapy programme are able

competence, which is complemented

to apply previously acquired as well as

by scientific, socio-communicative and

personally researched knowledge to

problem-solving skills. The qualification

new situations and implement it inde-

profile defines action competence in




Years / Duration: 3 years / 6 semesters ECTS credits: 180 Language of instruction: German Contact details: Web: disciplines/health-studies

Radiation Technology The Radiation Technology programme

of contact for patients and guide them

trains specialists for the use of medical

through the entire examination process.

imaging procedures, which are used in

The programme focuses on vocatio-

the special fields of radiodiagnostics,

nal training complemented by scienti-

nuclear medicine and radiation thera-

fic and socio-communicative compe-

py. Radiologic technologists have the

tencies. What makes this programme

medical, physical-technical and radio-

unique is the fact that graduates do not

logical-technical expertise to indepen-

only earn an academic degree but also

dently conduct check-ups and treat

the professional qualifications required

patients as per physician instructions.

for pursuing legally regulated health

At the same time, they act as the point


Years / Duration: 3 years / 6 semesters ECTS credits: 180 Language of instruction: German Contact details: Web: disciplines/health-studies



Health Studies

Salutophysiology for Midwives The master programme in Salutophy-

their daily tasks as midwives, students

siology teaches midwives the princip-

should tie this knowledge in with the

les of health research, stress research

principles and issues of the field. The

as well as the physiological and neu-

goal of the programme is the develop-

roendocrinological processes under-

ment of new therapeutic approaches

lying reproduction. Students acquire

for midwives that are in line with the bi-

knowledge about symmetric commu-

opsychosocial needs of pregnant wo-

nication, didactics, and scientific work.

men and their families.

For the master thesis as well as during

� 36

Years / Duration: 2 years / 4 semesters ECTS credits: 120 Language of instruction: German Contact details: Web: disciplines/health-studies

The goal of the programme is the development of new therapeutic approaches for midwives that are in line with the biopsychosocial needs of pregnant women and their families.

SUCCESS STORIES Degree Programmes in Health Studies

Discipline “Health Sciences” – Biomedical Sciences (BMS) Outstanding job prospects

theoretical and practical courses. During

based classroom, offering a wide

Graduates of this degree programme

the fifth or sixth semester, students can

spectrum of research topics. The pro-

are in high demand on the job market.

spend two to three months abroad as

gramme is involved in a number of dif-

Studies confirm employer satisfaction

Erasmus outgoing students. The ba-

ferent projects. These are related to the

with the competences and skills of the-

chelor degree also allows students to

promotion of health and prevention of

se graduates. There is virtually zero un-

pursue an academic career in the life

diseases, the use of wood for cosmetic

employment in this occupational area as


and medical products and the investi-

the demand in hospitals, private labora-

gation of the impact of environmental

tories, research facilities as well as phar-


factors on the human immune system.

maceutical and diagnostics companies

Science and research are part of the

The diversity of the projects reflects the

is large. The BMS degree programme

course programme. The practical ap-

versatility of this degree programme.

is defined by a thorough interlacing of

plication is performed in the project-

There is virtually zero unemployment in this occupational area as the demand in hospitals, private laboratories, research facilities as well as pharmaceutical and diagnostics companies is large. 37

ENNE Intensive Programme Once a year the partners of the “Eu-

sional backgrounds, setting ideals to

tencies. These goals are a main focus of

ropean Network of Nursing in Higher

define the future bachelor-level nurse in

the programme.

Education� (ENNE) meet at one of the

Europe, a nursing care plan for a patient

partner universities to participate in an

in a case study as well as some accom-

Job possibilities for nurses in Austria

intensive programme for one week. Stu-

panying cultural events. The program-

Nurses work in all fields related to health

dents and teachers from all partner ins-

me is organised to serve as a forum for

care. Sound practical training is cen-

titutions are welcome to attend. In the

European nursing students and nursing

tral to nursing education. It takes place

year 2016 the programme took place in

educators to compare the type of work

in hospitals, long term care settings,

Barcelona with 100 participants from 14

experience, skills, responsibilities and

home care services and other health

European countries working together for

cultural attitudes of nursing staff who

care facilities. Graduates of the degree

one week. The participants came from

share a common level of qualification

programme are licensed to work as

Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Scot-

and experience.

nurses according to Austrian law and

land, England, Sweden, Croatia, Czech

have additionally received a sound sci-

Republic, the Netherlands, Hungary, Es-

To reach the EU objectives set for health

entific education at a university of ap-

tonia, Finland and of course Austria.

care, health education puts great ef-

plied sciences. Furthermore, the degree

fort into providing students and health

programme sets a good foundation for

Programme topics included information

professionals with skills such as life-

further studies and work in special fields

on the countries and universities of the

long learning, critical thinking, evidence

related to nursing such as counselling,

participants, their personal and profes-

based practice and intercultural compe-

research, management and education.

� 38

Nurses work in all fields related to health care. Sound practical training is central to nursing education. It takes place in hospitals, long term care settings, home care ser vices and other health care facilities.

Imprint Content: Teresa Rieger and International Coordinators of the degree programmes international/international-office/ international-coordinators/ Layout: Ingeborg Schiller Grafik Design Photographs Salzburg University of Applied Sciences Corporate Communications & Marketing Tourismus Salzburg SalzburgerLand Tourismus Andreas Hauch As of November 2016, Subject to changes, printing and typesetting errors.


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