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TOGETHERNESS Dear Friends, The end of the year is coming soon and we will be tempted to do a recapitulation, or a "balance sheet" for the year 2011. It does not really matter how the year was, but what kind of lesson we got from it and how we are handling our present. At the end of this week we will live the magic date, 11-11-11, and with Yogaprasad we would love to invite you to "One-ness" Meditation in true spirit of Togetherness. Some of us are working on it already from Friday 4-11, but even if you are reading these lines just now, join us,11-11-11 wherever you are, at 11.11 AM and/or PM, for peaceful meditation on “I m Pure, Positive and Prosperous”. You can check more on FB group Yogaprasad 28365214869/, and it does not matter if you did not meditate with us all week long. Just join whenever you can, and let s make the planet vibrate in Pure, Positive and Prosperous vibes! In this issue we present the amazing yoga and spiritual teachers...and I m grateful to all of them for accepting to share their Love and Wisdom with us! Yours Misa

NEXT ISSUE THEME: INTENT 2012 FIRST article sent on email win t-shirt Free Hug Yoga!!! FHYT DREAM TEAM

Misa Derhy http:// freehugyoga

Prasad Rangnekar

email us:

Mohyna Srinivasan http:// mohynasrinivasan.typepad. com/an_alchemists_blog/

Noemie Derhy


WHY FHYT? The day my daughter forget her poster “FREE HUG”, I brought it to school. While sitting in cafeteria of the school, everybody passing around stopped at my table and asked: where is the free hug? When it is happening? This was the moment I felt: we are all missing a hug sometimes. And Free Hug Yoga was born. FHY Times is just the extension of practice, creating the space where we can share freely our experiences, skills, learnings, ideas. Where we can inspire or get inspiration, where we are free to be who we are, where we can dare to share our creative side. Or just spend some nice time together! Free hug is just a hug without any expectation. It is act of love, compassion, consideration and open heart for all. You give it or you receive it, but there is no accounts of hugs, no taxes and no rates and interests. It is just for free, and it feels good, warm, soft, safe.How it feels for you? Write us your experiences...and we publish them! FHYT



Truth of Togetherness by Prasad Rangnekar

The science of yoga makes us realize that being a separate, unique individual though necessary for our growth, is not an end in itself. A>er all an individual is a part of the world which is made of pairs of opposites. As one matures on the path of yoga one’s awareness of one self and outside world expands. Only then we recognize that we are not isolated, separate beings, but in truth are related to one another. This recogniBon is one of the most important steps on the path of self realizaBon. In Bhagvat Gita this concept is menBoned as the path of “Humanness”. Humanness is togetherness and vice versa. Being together and feeling the integrity, much beyond personal chaos and suffering is a secure feeling. In Eastern spiritual methods based on Buddhism it is called “Sangha”. In Yoga it is called “Satsang”. “Sat” means Truth and “sang” means togetherness, thus it means “coming together in light of Truth”. A true pursuit of spiritual path comes with its own blows and punches. An honest assessment of the skeletons lined up in the closet of our mind can be a “Himalayan task”. The neophyte on the spiritual path does need nurturing, care, tenderness. That is why the concept of Satsang was generated, so that the aspirants can come together in a secure way, feel belonged to the pursuit of Truth at an individual and on group level and finally enjoy the joy and happiness of just being together. Being together and feeling belonged is a maOer of conscious choice. Many a Bmes as we walk on the spiritual path we feel a sense of alone-­‐ness, as if no one understand us. If this feeling persists, it can throw the aspirant off balance, generaBng emoBons of low self worth and lack of belonging. The reason this sense of so called “aloneness” arises is because Yoga allows us to become more aware of ourselves, become more vigilant about what throws us off track and allows us to take responsibility of our lives. If we look around, the masses don’t really do that. People are very secure in their own comfort zone and don’t mind trading their infinite freedom for limited happiness. Patanjali in his Yoga Sutra menBons some important qualiBes we need to culBvate to bring about stability of emoBons. These emoBonal qualiBes help us in creaBng a sense of togetherness and union in a social set up thus helping us purify our mind in present moment. He tells us that the mind becomes purified by culBvaBng feelings of friendliness towards those who are happy, compassion for those who are suffering, joy towards those who are virtuous, and neutrality towards those we perceive as wicked. These are the four legs of the stool on which the Heart of Love is placed and worshipped. Through this manifestaBon of Love the Being in Human form extends in acBon. A social group, even though it is a “Satsang” in light of truth, will for sure have undercurrents of human emoBons. Many a Bmes our behaviors are not under our conscious control and therefore such unconscious (continue next page)

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behaviors or aTtudes in a Satsang setup can create disturbances. I have seen many such “like-­‐minded” spiritual groups formed in order to grow together, fall prey to some individual’s sense of gaining power or someone else’s need for acknowledgement or affirmaBon. This is how togetherness is compromised. But, this all can be avoided if the parBcipants arrive on a consensus to not let individual interests dominate that of a group, and remember again and again to be honest to the group dynamics, a>er all Satsang is the basis of growing together in light of Truth and for Truth. Reminds me of a beauBful line from Saint Jnaneshwar, where he menBons “aikyabhavachi onjali” means just like two hands come together to greet Namaste, let two people come together and becomes one in humility and purity. As poet Kahlil Gibran says, “Let there be spaces in your togetherness. . . . Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone, even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.” On the path of self development the view of “togetherness” also evolves. When we begin, in ignorance, bound by unconscious tendencies we feel “together” with our sorrow, our limits and our helplessness. Staying in this Bght togetherness is a choice and wanBng to be liberated from it requires a strong sense of commitment, energy and faith. Just as in some relaBonships, the togetherness becomes co-­‐dependence rather than independence. Later on as we grow a liOle in our own nature and as we accept our want to liberate, we seek togetherness in like-­‐minded people. Here is the patch where excitement, joy and laughter jingle in every step of the path. Yoga methods of kirtans, bhajans, group prayers and meditaBon unites the heart beats and allows the surge of the soul to fill up the unexplored spaces of pure potenBal. For a Bhakta, a true devotee, drowning in this state of togetherness with Divinity in itself is the end. For some reason there is no hurry, rush or seeking any more during the Bme of togetherness. The whole pursuit of happiness seems like a meaningless quest as nearness to God is “ The” happiness during this Bme. Like the scene in Samuel BeckeO’s play. ESTRAGON: What am I to say? VLADIMIR: Say, I am happy. ESTRAGON: I am happy. VLADIMIR: So am I. ESTRAGON: So am I. VLADIMIR: We are happy. ESTRAGON: We are happy. (Silence) What do we do now, now that we are happy? VLADIMIR: Wait for Godot. This “Godot” in our case is the ulBmate stage of “togetherness,” the state of constant Union with your True self in its flowered PotenBal. In Yoga this state if called Samadhi. In the UlBmate stage of self development where the surrender manifests and the individual will is in total Union with the Divine will, the “togetherness” is not sought anymore. This is because the fullness is found, you are together with yourself always. Happiness through togetherness is no more a need because Life itself becomes Bliss. Bliss is independent of anything or anyone as it exists by itself. As Yoga says, we are Love inherently. The journey of yoga starts from neediness of love from external sources and ends in becoming Love absolute. The journey of togetherness is from “Satsang” (coming together in light of Truth) to becoming the “Sat” (Truth itself).

Join us in our Facebook group Yogaprasad.


Hong Kong October 2011 In October, Free Hug Yoga Times travelled. We met in Hong Kong and thanks to Yoyo, dear yogini and friend, we presented FHYTimes during the Free Hug Yoga Night . Thanks to all participants and also to all who made donation to Un toit a Bombay, french association taking care about children in slum in India.

You Tube video explaining how the FHYTimes works and hopw you can participate...Nono dixit, Yoyo traduce in...CANTONESE! Have fun!

Perles of Wisdom MAHATMA GANDHI *An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind. *I do not know of any religion apart from human activity. It provides a moral basis to all other activities which they would otherwise lack, reducing life to a maze of ‘sound and fury signifying nothing.’ * That economics is untrue which ignores or disregards moral values. The extention of the law of nonviolence in the domain of economics means nothing less than the introduction of moral values as a factor to be considered with regulating international commerce. * Economic equality is the master key to nonviolent independence. * I must confess that I do not draw a sharp line or any distinction between economics and ethics. *The spirit of democracy is not a mechanical thing to be adjusted by abolition of forms. It requires change of heart. *Nonviolence is the summit of bravery. * Our contribution to the progress of the world must, therefore, consist in setting our own house in order. I m dedicating this page to Jeenal Mehta Fonseca, dear teacher and friend from Yoga Institute in Mumbai, on her way to Brazil with her husband Daniel. Wishing you both lot of peace and light, and thank you Jeenal for sharing your love for Gandhiji with your students.

Spirit of Togetherness by MOHYNA SRINIVASAN

The world’s 7 billionth person was born on 31st Oct, 2011. This was not so much a fact as a symbolic event. For it is impossible to decide who is the world’s 7 billionth person. However many countries decided to celebrate this event by selecting one baby born that day and giving him or her the honor. There are 7 billion of us on the planet now! The last time we crossed the billion mark was in 1999, when we were 6 billion people on Planet Earth. It is a staggering thought indeed. What keeps this world of 7 billion souls working properly? For me it comes down to the spirit of togetherness. For no matter how different we are and how far apart we may be, it takes little to feel we are together, anyway. I was on holiday in Bali, but constantly sent photographs of the places we visited, the food we ate, the people we were with, to my daughter who is studying in the US. And through those words, pictures and emotions, we were ‘together’. While I was in Bali, Misa and another dear friend and our dear teacher were in Hong Kong at a yoga workshop. But they often thought of me and felt we were ‘together’ anyway. It is through our thoughts that we feel a spirit of togetherness. Whereas our thoughts can make us sad, distant and apart, they are equally powerful in keeping us connected, positive, happy and strong -­‐ together. With a dedicated and regular practice, we realize how connected we all our. Our heart allows us to love and respect those around us, even people we may not know, for there is a connection between all of us, of that there is little doubt. During a recent heart meditation, one yogini commented how she saw all the persons in the room connected to the other at the heart as if she was seeing a room with laser light streaking through it. There are those who feel such a huge expansion of their heart and of themselves during meditation, that they feel as if they have engulfed the entire room with their presence. They feel ‘as one’ or ‘together’ with all those present and even those who may not be present, but are in their conscious and sub-­‐conscious mind. (continue next page)

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For me personally, I experience a feeling of tenderness towards one and all. It does not matter who the person may be – whether I know him or her, like him or her, but in that moment of letting go and feeling ‘together’ with the universe, I feel kindness, compassion and joy at simply being with another. Maybe that is why, after our last powerful meditation session, three of us students and our teacher stood together, drawn into a tight circle Global True happiness is when the Love love and joked and talked for several minutes. For quakes, tsunamis (continue nextof page) that is within us finds expression those minutes, everyone forgot family, appointments, shaking the geographic, insocial, external activities. roles, duties, positions and priorities. We just enjoyed political and ~ Amma moments of pure togetherness. The laughter was economic worlds. Looks “Before you diagnose yourself like time for some genuine, the jokes spontaneous. We were there for each with depression or low filtration, high time weselfother and no other reason. Truly, we were just four, but esteem, changedfirst, our make Value sure you are we could as well have been connected to all 7 billion not hanging with system fromaround "consumer souls on the planet. Our feelings were of the same base" to "compassion assholes.” ~ William Gibson magnitude.


base", Only when the last tree has been cut Don’t what you the are being get down;let Only when in the way of what you might last river has been become. ~Harry Palmer. poisoned; Only when the last fish has been Just askedOnly my Mama what she'd caught; then will weiffind say she that had money the microphone for cannot eaten..its the wholebe planet: "Accept where time we wake up. you are as where you're supposed Rangnekar toPrasad be." ~Elena Brower

I m less interested in crossing Whoever invented the bridges, as much as building phrase ‘I’m bored’ bridges. For myself and others. probably had nothing ~ Cora Wen better to do. 'Sri Gawn Tu Fahr' "So I got interested in how do we, in an age where yoga is becoming increasingly popular ...goes canoeing in a and increasingly paired with river without water. Let rock concerts, wine tasting, ´s see how it goes! :) hula hoops and so forth, Jitka Pibilova preserve the fundamental rigor of the practice, the fundamental sanctuary that a disciplined life yields so that the person who needs a sober, sane and profound access point to the teachings still has it in 200 years? in 500 years? ~ Christina Frosolono Sell

To make a start, let us resolve to feel connected – truly connected with at least one person a day. Have one moment of togetherness per day (it can be physical or virtual.) Then before time, we will also be celebrating our 7 billionth connection! PS – And don’t forget to connect with yourself!! You are one of the seven billion!

http:// mohynasrinivas / an_alchemists_ blog/

Yoga as “-ISM” or Union by Indu Aurora My little understanding is Yoga is union. Everyone has a different path to reach the same goal but I do disagree to the “ism” that it is becoming. In my teaching tenure of 13 years, I have been often asked…so what style of Yoga do you teach? Seems like a valid question from people who are exposed to many different styles and schools. I have personally been trained by a Kriya Yogini (Mrs Shashi Khosla), gained my academic certification (Yoga Shiromani and Yoga Bhaskar) from Sivananda Institute in India, been bestowed “Yoga Ratna” from “Advaita Vedanta” follower Swami Shankara Saraswati, Brazil, following the guidelines of Swami Veda Bharati of Himalayan Yoga tradition, but I say “I teach YOGA!” Yoga is union, union of all that you have assimilated from various masters, institutions, books, lectures & conferences in your journey to self-knowing and evolution. Union of your experiences, your courage, your passion, your love, your identity, your strength, your weakness…Why bind yourself to one style of Yoga when entire universe is nothing but YOGA. Yoga is freedom from the bondage of do’s and don’ts. It is an experiential science. Why not be free from bondages and yet be united to all! Yoga is not a religion; some people misunderstand by connection Yoga with various Hindu Gods and Goddess, by doing this we are making it attractive to some yet loosing some those who feel insecure that it might be a trap for conversion of the religion. However, the truth is, it is not. Yoga does not belong to any particular sect…it is universal knowledge, a universal treasure, cosmic wisdom with its roots in merging back to where we originated from… Why are we attached to making it a particular style and moreover my institution is better than others, my teacher is better than yours, and my style is superior than someone else’s? I guess amidst this race we are forgetting that we are loosing the purpose of Yoga…we are loosing the sight of togetherness. Aren’t we confusing the budding YOGIS and YOGINIS? So which style should I learn? Which school should I go? Do not misunderstand me as if I am against all the various styles we have out there but I am a little disappointed in what it is becoming or has become. I am a little disappointed in those teachers or Masters who have branded or patented Yoga. How can something like Yoga, the knowledge that is coming directly from cosmos be owned or patented by anyone. How can we have copyright on Yoga? (continue next page)

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Instead of learning all the 8 steps…people are either learning either Asanas (posture) or Dhyana (Meditation) or Pranyama (breathing technique) or Pratyahaara (detachment and introversion of senses). Why not learn everything! In order for us to practice Meditation, we have to learn Detachment, to learn Detachment properly we need to know how to tame the breath by learning Breathing techniques and to learn Breathing techniques; we have to be able to sit in cross legged position for comfortable time period and for that we have to learn Posture. To master Postures you have to master the moral percepts and be disciplined (Yama and Niyamas). Therefore, you see how they are interconnected and interdependent, there is togetherness, and there is union. Let Yoga be Union and not be-come an “ISM” The answer is surely not in isolation of one from another, be it religion, style or countries, Yoga cannot belong to any particular country as boundaries and names are created by human being. Yes, it may have been realized and experienced by some people who were ready to take the journey within on one part of the globe, but how does it matters, what matters it the message they had to share after experiencing it, else why would Yoga be called Yoga in the first place. Think about it……

Indu Arora is a highly accomplished international speaker, acclaimed Yoga Therapist, Master Teacher, Healer and Author, with more than 30,000 hours of experience. A true Yogini by Karma, she has a Doctorate in Alternate Medicine (MD), a Medicinal Herbalism degree (BMHS), and a diploma in Naturopathy (ND) and Magnetic Therapy. Awarded with Yoga Shiromani and Yoga Bhaskar, she has a Grand Parenting E-500 T-500 experienced registered yoga teacher certificate from Yoga Alliance. Dr. Arora is also pursuing her PhD. in Metaphysical Sciences from University of Metaphysical Sciences, CA.

You can find her on:

I cherish very particularly Indu Aurora’s contribution and big heart full of Love and humble nature, as we met at the moment of my pain and she was here for me without “knowing” me, graciously sharing her wisdom with us ... Today, I m expressing by those lines my deep gratitude to her...Namaste.

Christina Sell There is not really need to introduce you Christina Sell... but in case you don t know her yet, read the next few lines: “Christina Sell has been practicing yoga since 1991, and teaching since 1998. She is the author of the books Yoga From The Inside Out: Making Peace with your Body Through Yoga, and My Body is a Temple: Yoga as a Path to Wholeness. She is the author of Yoga International magazine's Art of Asana columns for 2012 as well as a monthly columnist for Origin Magazine. Known for her precise teaching style, her passionate presentation and her sense of humor, Christina’s classes are challenging fun and inspiring. Christina is dedicated to helping people of all ages and abilities experience the joys of practicing yoga. She maintains an active teaching schedule conducting workshops, trainings and classes locally, nationally, and internationally. Christina resides in Austin, TX where she lives with her husband, two retired greyhounds, and two cats.” I m grateful to share with you the new projects of Christina and Darren, and, as Chrisitna wrote herself, “we can all turn our attention away from the reasons why we "left" Anusara

Yoga and toward the future vision that is calling us into its realm”. There is a plan for Yoga School, dedicated to teach all who wish practice, teach and share the light and wisdom. I will make the last quotation of Christina’s blog, as it is the essence of her evolution and present moment: “So, to be clear, let's all think "school, not style." Think "trainings, not trademarks." Think "affiliation, not certification." Please, read her blog to read her passionate and heart full writing:

Intensive Program 2012

Live the Light of Yoga: The Path of Practice 100-Hour Intensive with Darren Rhodes and Christina Sell Dive into traditional teachings of yoga and learn how to live your live fully and authentically with this 100-hour intensive. Dates: Part 1: Jan 18 - 23, 2012 Part 2: Mar 7 - 12, 2012 Part 3: May 16 - 21, 2012 Daily Schedule: Wed–Mon: 8:30am-12 & 2-4pm Located at YogaOasis Central (2631 N. Campbell Ave., Tucson, AZ) This three part 100-hour program is suitable for anyone who wishes to pursue a deeper experience of yoga as well as anyone interested in teaching. The Intensive is a prerequisite for the Teacher Training program. Topics and focus includes: Detailed and experiential exploration of asana (yoga postures), yoga philosophy, anatomy components for a strong & safe practice, fundamental pranayama (breathing techniques), meditation, journaling & introductory sanskrit studies. Rate: $1650, or $600 per part. (For the $1650 rate, tuition must be paid in full upfront.) Required Books: Light on Yoga Light on Pranayama Yoga Resource Yoga from the Inside Out My Body is a Temple

Cora has been studying Buddhism since 13 and has been committed to practicing Yoga to develop compassion and joy since 1994. After a stressful Ivy League education and fervent career as Vice President of a bank, she left corporate America finding her passion in yoga, and has been leading workshops and retreats internationally since 1996. She is an avid and focused practitioner of Hatha yoga, and has been influenced by renowned teachers including Judith Hanson Lasater, Erich Schiffmann, Patricia Walden and Rodney Yee. From 1996–2003, she had a private teaching apprenticeship with Erich Schiffmann, and since 1998 assists Judith Hanson Lasater in teacher training and therapeutic workshops. Featured in many regional newspapers and magazines, Cora is an Experienced RYT500 with Yoga Alliance and one of the first Advanced Relax and Renew Trainers of Restorative Yoga. Many students have discovered the complimentary path of meditation with yoga through Cora’s passionate and enthusiastic guidance.

November & December Workshop Schedule EASING INTO THE HOLIDAYS ~ Prajna Yoga Belmont CA ~ Nov 12 If you're feeling more stress and less joy as we come into this busy time of year, join Cora for an afternoon of easing into the holidays. This workshop is a massage for your body from the inside out -- like a full-body stretch, bubble bath and whatever other self-care favourite of yours all rolled into one. Who knows, you might even leave wanting to carve a turkey or wrap some presents -- or approach your to-do list with a smile! WOMEN'S WISDOM WEEKEND ~ The Alternate Path Woodside CA ~ Dec 2-4 Yoga balances body, mind and spirit: eases and facilitates flexibility in body and mind, and builds the strength and stamina to proceed peaceably in life. This weekend includes gentle yet powerful and rejuvenating classes to balance you. Sink into delicious supported poses and find the sweetness of Santosha (ease). Yoga illuminates the unseen and unveils energy below the surface. EASING INTO THE HOLIDAYS ~ Brentwood Yoga Brentwood CA ~ Dec 4 With her signature blend of therapeutic yoga in a vinyasa flowing style, Cora will have you floating out the door after this class. Cora leads a rejuvenating practice to open, stimulate and balance energy. She draws awareness into the subtle body with breath and attention, and flows in harmonious sequences. Be strong as bamboo, bend as grass, and as delicately as any flower, Bloom where you are. Cora guides us with passion and enthusiasm! YOGA BLOOM 500RYT ADVANCED YTT ~ Nishkama Yoga Cleveland OH ~ Dec 7-11 Develop insight and gain some invaluable tips for teaching through a 5-Day Advanced Teacher Training focusing on therapeutic yoga, alignment, theme develpment and sequencing. Cora's teaching style is as dynamic as the the practice of Yoga itself - blending and bending to meet the needs of the teachers and students in the room. Each session will be a mix of asana, discussion and demos. These sessions are open to all. Teacher Trainees will submit assignments to receive additional hours toward 500RYT certification.

Break The Norms on Togetherness by Chandresh Bhardwaj Chandresh Bhardwaj is founder of 'Break the Norms' and is based in New York. He's an

ardent student of spirituality and has been learning the ancient science of spiritual wisdom through sages and monks in India.Via Break the Norms, he reaches out to a wider audience and help them reach their full potential with power of inner self. The concept of being together is so hyped and yet so less utilized. The human race needs to revisit the whole science of togetherness. We need to start being together with our inner self to begin with & then followed by the beings surrounding us. For example, the word 'soulmate' is so unfairly restricted to just romantic couples. Rather it should apply to the entire globe. Soulmate literally means friend or mate of the soul. Imagine a world where we treat everyone as a friend of the soul! Wouldn't that be wonderful? His Holiness Dalai Lama always spread the fragrance of interdependence. Let's live the interdepedndant way. The best example to learn from is the mother-child relationship. A child becomes a child because of mother. A mother gets title of mother only because of child. No matter how many arguments or hardships happen, mother-child never stop loving each other. The bonding is so strong that nothing can shake the relationship. This is exactly how we need to build the togetherness in our souls. If not now, then when? If not you, then who else? Break the Norms (BTN) is a center of self discovery, personal growth and increased well being, located in Hicksville, New York. BTN offers a variety of personal development programs aiming to uplift your soul and transform your over all being. We use sacred teachings of ancient Eastern traditions of healing, meditation, transformation. Through a holistic approach, we nurture the seeds of consciousness to awaken your inner self and realizing your highest potential. BTN aims at hitting hard on the usual, conditioned way of thinking. Our programs are created to help you tap into your hidden potential, break your patterns and reach out to new horizons. It helps you to do the possible and eventually impossible. Life is a journey so step up and enjoy the ride while you let yourself explore the unknown and‌Break The Norms!

rainbow kids yoga Rainbow Kids Yoga is an international Yoga Teacher Training company, specializing in 3-Day Kids & Family Yoga Teacher Trainings, 200 Hour Family Yoga Trainings, Partner Yoga Trainings and Family Yoga Retreats. It was founded by Yoga teachers Gopala Amir Yaffe and Katya Fialkova in 2008, with the intention of giving as many people as possible the tools to teach fun, engaging, and creative Yoga classes for children and families. RKY offers a variety of unique, family and community-focused Yoga trainings ALL OVER THE WORLD. Our trainings offer a well rounded, in-depth learning, with practical theory, discussions and TONS OF FUN! These days, RKY has evolved into a family business, managed by Gopala and his partner Angel, inspired by their three children, Emily, Olie and Delphin.


CHRISTINA SHANTI is Yoga Teacher & Montessori Teacher is in the process of setting up Yoga classes for Kids & Families, in Dublin. You can find Christina in Anahata , Dawson street 8, Dublin 2 every Sunday mornings. or in yoga workshops and Yoga Teacher trainings.

Sebastian Pucelle and Veena Sethi Bangkok October 2011 P

They did it! Even if the Bangkok Yoga Festival was cancelled due to natural disaster hitting Thailand once again and have flood are making the life of thai people very difficult, Veena and Sebastian met and did their best given the circumstances. Veena, magic organization fairy, put together in literally few hours Yin Yoga Workshop with Sebastian, and all yogis who could make it DRY just came to get together, to feel warm and togetherness...We have to share this beautiful moments with all of you, especially in the issue called Spirit of Togetherness, because this is the real one. Bravo Sebastian and Bravo Veena, see you in December in Bangkok on the “new� festival and thank you for such a lesson in yogis positiveness and flexibility!

FOR ANY HELP YOU CAN PROVIDE TO PEOPLE OF THAILAND, PLEASE CONTACT DIRECTLY VEENA: She is giving her best energy in the front line to help Sathya Sai organisation of Thailand, Sai Prashanti Thailand, to organise help trough Selfless Seva. Contacte her. Love All, Serve All.

Our FAN OF YIN group on Facebook:

THE TRUTH OF LOVE by James Cowan James is friend, adventurer, life coach and reiki healer. Right now he is on the path of his life dream...and we are waiting for more of his sharing!

(1) Origins In the beginning all we knew was true love from our authentic self. We gave our love without hesitation because that was all we knew. We giggled and gurgled and were happy without abandon. Gradually over time ‘big people’ did things to encourage or ‘buy’ our love – with sweets, toys, playtime. That made them happy at the time. They didn’t realise our love was there already, all they had to do was be, and our love would flow. This conditioned us to attach happiness with acquiring ‘things’. But things don’t last, they were eventually taken away, and because of the attachment so too did our happiness move away. Over time our hearts became blocked as we started to protect our things in fear that they would be taken away. We built a fence around our heart. Instead of sharing our love we learnt to keep it in. We didn’t realise we were blocking love not only from others but from ourselves. We saw ‘big people’ getting pleasure from things out there, and that taught us that we should do the same, seek our happiness out there. Little did we know that happiness is already within us, we have just forgotten… The truth of pure love is the love we gave in the beginning before we were offered things to attach to; pure love given freely because that is who and what we are. (2) Right Now If you knew love as “I am” If you knew yourself as love You would never want anything ever again You would never attempt to take anything from anyone ever again You would realize YOU don’t ever ‘need’ anything – only your body has needs but YOU don’t You would become naturally detached from and intimately connected to everything and everyone There would no longer be any dependency on anything or anyone No-one could ever hurt you and you could never intend to hurt another You would know you could never lose anything ‘real’ … ever again You would be able to respond to the needs of others without suffering yourself You would know exactly what makes other people so unhappy And you would know the secrets of being happy yourself If only you knew But you do know Don’t you remember?

ASB ONLINE ACADEMY Share and collaborate online, real-time to create Documents, Spreadsheets and Presentations. Learn how by joining our Google Docs course. Sign up at: The Academy has released the next dates for the PD course, 'Learning with Web 2.0 Tools - K-12'. It's starts on January 16th, sign up early, it's filling up fast: professionaldevelopment.htm

“The ASB Online Academy was founded with a mission to provide an effective, accessible, anytime, anywhere online learning environment that encourages collaboration, shared passion and a desire to develop 21st century skills that support lifelong learning.”

• • • • • • • •

Technology Basics Collaboration Social Technology 21st Century Information Management Digital Photography Productivity tools Mobile Devices ASB Digital Toolkit (a free course for all new ASB Parents)

The Academy has just released dates for it's Blogging course. Check them out and sign up at:http:// Do you feel like your River of Digital Information is constantly over-flowing? Join our River Of Information course starting 24th of October, to learn how to use a web-based tool and simple RSS feeds to manage all of your online data in one place. Sign up at: Netvibes allows you to create a personal dashboard of all of your favorite blog feeds, newspaper and magazine feeds, podcasts and even all of your social networking sites in one place. Join our River of Information course to learn how to use this free tool! Sign up at: adultlearning.htm Create a Free iTunes account, not linked to a credit card, if you have children who will use your iPad. Join our iPad intro course to learn how, sign up at: http://

Debbie is a Post-16 (high school and adult education) teacher from the UK. She has taught Information Technology and Literacy within the Further Education and Community Learning Sector in the UK for seven years prior to moving to India three years ago. Since then, Debbie has worked with local NGOs in India teaching English as well as working with ASB to promote Digital Literacy within the Parent Community by offering Parent Technology courses on a variety of topics. Debbie has a fascination for emerging technology and gadgets and believes that all adults can learn to use a range of technology to enhance their lives both personally, professionally and where relevant, to help support their children manage their online lives both safely and responsibly.

Sagar Upadhyay Photography

“What makes me photograph is just the simple beauty, the brilliance of silence, the very art of light, which is an art itself, when it slides down from rays to the tree, an the shadows which dance to the notes of the wind.........the way it kisses a face, the way it sparkles into someones eyes, the way it rests on a chair, on a woman's body, the purity of nudity , the essence of femininity.........and the silence, ......................Photography gives me silence, the space, that moment which is so present in its peak of glorious beauty, the nature of existence which is ever new, ever blooming ever existing around us, It always talks to us in the language which only can be felt, and this is the bliss of having a medium in hand which sometimes can capture what the soul sees through the eyes..........I am a lover of light, beauty, woman an chair and thats what I like to photograph an try to make a poem through my photographs. “ Sagar

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Prasad Rangnekar

Now Starts The Yoga Exploration Unlike many other scriptures the Yoga sutra starts with a very typical sentence. “atha yoganushasanam” is probably the line that launched many a ships of inner explorations in the oceans of unknown. The meaning of the first word “atha” is ““Now Then, Therefore...” and the second word “anushasanam” means administration or discipline. This style of starting the scripture in the sense of continuity is very typical with the Sutra style of writing. As we can see the first sutra seems like it is continuing from some point mentioned earlier… that’s why the use of the word “atha” meaning, now then, therefore etc. The choice of words is not random. It has been used to mention a prequalification for the student; that only someone who has done the needed preparatory groundwork can be initiated with a “Now Then, Therefore...” What is this ground work? Let us try to understand. The second word is “anushasanam”. The common meaning of this word is discipline. But if we look deeper one of the meaning of this word is also “being responsible”, or to “govern”. If we really understand what Patanjali is saying here, it can serve as motivation on one hand and also a warning on the other. He is saying, “Now then, the methods of yoga for those who are responsible for self and others will be administered”.

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There are a few things we all need to understand before pursuing the ideals laid down in the Yoga Sutra. 1) Yoga Sutra as a science of psychology is for those who have

somewhere deep within accepted the fact that they are ultimately responsible for their own lives. They may be upset, impatient, angry but somewhere inside there is a knowing that “I” am responsible for my own freedom and my own limitations”. Yoga Sutra will really become practical when this attitude of “being responsible for my own life” becomes the basis. Only then each exploration (anusandhana) and the wisdom coming through it will be correlated to the conscious will, thus creating an integrated transformation. Because of this the aspirant who walks on the path is also called “adhikari” means the one who has the responsibility / right towards self transformation. If this quality of being responsible is avoided then the Yoga Sutra will remain just a mere theoretical essay. 2) Only when you accept responsibility towards your own

transformation you will be able to motivate yourself thus looking at yoga as discipline (anushasanam) and not as a recreational, fitness activity. 3) When the yogic explorations are looked at as a discipline, you live

in a constant attitude of valuing your present. This is because what has passed has already been enquired upon and assimilated, the




IMPORTANT This section is completely for free. We want to informe you about what we love, what we tryed, what we find out and share it with you. We pay our bills and our sharing is done on personal experience or apreciation. Feel free to write us about what great you are doing!

10-DAY AYURVEDIC YOGA INTENSIVE WITH PRASAD RANGNEKAR Toronto-Canada This November we are pleased to host world renowned Master Yogi, Prasad Rangnekar. Enjoy 10-days of Yoga, Ayurveda and Meditation for an integrative approach to healthy living. 18.11. - 27.11.2011 10-DAYS: $1275.00 To register, e-mail: Space is limited.


Sexual Health, Freedom & Pleasure in Mind, Body & Spirit ~ Ireland's inaugural Bliss Festival ~

Yoga Teacher Training course with Deep Kumar Saturday, February 18, 2012 at 10:30am Sunday, May 20, 2012 at 5:30pm YOGA DEEP, LOT 516, NO.31 JALAN CINTA ALAM, COUNTRY HEIGHT The 3 in One International Yoga Deep (200– hour) program is ideal for passionate students of yoga and aspiring teachers. This course is specially designed to create awareness in individual practice and deepen the understanding of teaching. It is recognized by Yoga Alliance (America), International Yoga Federation (Europe), Hatha yoga Institute (India) and Prescriptive Fitness (Australia).

~ Dublin ~ ~ Saturday February 4th 2012 ~

Who am I?

~ 9am - 11pm ~ Please, have a look, and come to participate on first Bliss Festival in Dublin!

Workshop with Misa Derhy at Studio PURE Zborovska, PragueCzech Republic November 26.11.2011, 10am-5pm. Contact: http:// Veronika Carmanova. + BlissFestival You can also contact Beth Wallace on

your trash, my treasure

about nobaii

A small amount of consciousness can significantly change the quality of life for everyone on our planet. Today mass consumption and production is a major cause of growing landfills, deforestation, and increasing CO2 emissions. Helping to reduce mass consumption and production, becoming ethical consumers, and sharing skills and services with communities in need are some ways of doing your part. Think about it, eventually there could be less to throw away, we could be spending less, needing less, and really helping each other when resources are in need. The nobaii community is a place where goods and services are offered for free. Not only are we doing something for the environment, but we are doing something for each other. You can make the difference. Open your mind and together we can start to take care of each other and our planet.

Tanya Lee Markul is the girl behind this project. We know her since while, because she is lovely Yoga Editor on Elephant journal! Oh yes, when you read the articles about yoga there, she is certainly not far. I was happy to discover “by accident� her other activity: recycling, giving, sharing and saving planet. it really other activity or just extension of what we already know about her? BRAVO Tanya, way to go! elephant-yoga/

Musing on Gratitude by Monica Angelucci I’m sitting in a little cafe in Wien immersed in the moment as emotions cycle through me. And the feeling that keeps running through my body is “grateful”. When I called my best friend Laurel last week in tears - she loved me. But then she said something surprising, “Don’t ask the universe for help, instead be grateful that the universe has already taken care of it.” And as I continued to meet obstacle after obstacle over the last week, whenever I began to falter her words would come back to me....again and again and again. And now looking back over the past few weeks, I can’t begin to recount the miracles that have taken place. But I have and can continue to thank the multitude of strangers and friends who stepped in (especially Lenka R & Jan Z) or gave encouragement (the rest of you) in my quest to continue to live & work legally in the Czech Republic. What is this “being grateful” and what does it mean “to be grateful”? This I ponder as I’m now sitting on the train traveling back to Praha with so much love and gratitude still flooding my heart. For me being grateful is about surrender - surrendering to the universe, knowing it works, knowing there’s a plan and then letting it magically unfold. It doesn’t mean you don’t work too. But it does mean that you end up working co-creatively. Together you create the present moment through your thoughts, words and actions...together you manifest the reality. And as I write this I am suddenly aware that this co-creation or synergy is actually reflective of what can happen in yoga classes. For me, the core of yoga is about getting students to really be present with their bodies, to take 90-minutes out of their week to truly turn off the mind & ego and allow the body to lead. Interestingly, when they do this they often find it is also about love and forgiveness...loving the body in that moment the way it is and forgiving the body for daring to be weak, inflexible, sick, overweight or just tired. It’s recognizing our imperfections, feeding them with love and then awakening to the knowledge that it is our imperfections which make us perfect. It takes a courageous person to go down into child’s pose when everyone else is in downward facing dog, to put your knees on the ground for plank when nobody else is or to lie down and do a reclining pigeon while other people are folded forward. It takes a lot of strength to say, “I’m really inflexible here” or “I’m weak here” or “I need a break” or “I’m done for the day”. It also takes a lot of flexibility of the mind to let go of the all of the preconceived notions we seem to have around what yoga class and yoga “should” look like and ultimately to surrender to what it really is or what it might be. (continue next page)

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Last Thursday night I came out of a class that I had subbed. I looked at Yogame studio owner, Jan, and smiling said, “That was great! We had so much fun!” And he looked at me in mock horror and with his fabulous accent replied, “But Monica, this is not a bar or a party, this is yoga class - you’re not supposed to have fun!” And truthfully, subbing another teacher's yoga class is often not fun. Rather it is generally incredibly daunting and challenging. Students get very attached to their teachers. It can be disconcerting to watch as students struggle to mask their disappointment - trying to work through letting go of their attachment. And teaching through this can be extremely painful if you don’t quickly release your own ego. You are the mirror for your students and you can choose two paths. You can choose to mirror your own disappointment in the fact that they’re disappointed - which I can pretty much guarantee results in an unsatisfactory experience for all parties involved. Or, you can invite them to work with you to create a new path - an unknown path that may or may not lead somewhere nice - but at the very least will be present, real and authentic. To do this requires courage, strength and flexibility of mind from everybody. And ultimately it requires a willingness to trust. Yoga class for me is an’s magical. It’s a space where multiple beings, who may or may not know each other, bravely step up and allow themselves to be egoless and vulnerable. And so for that 90-minutes, together we create an environment of openness, trust and yes often fun! What this means is students rest when they need to rest and they ask for help or modifications when a pose hurts or doesn’t feel right. It means students have the power to say no. In a way the poses cease to matter. They begin to melt into the backdrop as students choose to exercise their rights. And yet paradoxically all of the students remain part of the group...a whole that has suddenly become incredibly powerful and beautiful because it is fueled by individuals who in that moment are all really listening to and taking care of their needs. Thus each time I step into yoga class with my students, I am always excited by (and sometimes a little fearful of) the prospect of the unknown. But then the fear is banished as I wonder to the universe, “where will this 90-minutes take us today?” And so at the end, as the students lie still in savasana, I am perpetually overcome by love, awe and gratitude for the trust they elicit in themselves, each other and the process and their continued willingness to create this wondrous adventure with me. Monica is a certified 200 E-RYT Yoga instructor and has spent the last nine years studying and teaching various aspects of Yoga & Yoga styles. Prior to Yoga she studied karate and hapkido. She believes breath and bandha are the foundation of Yoga and are essential to moving in out of poses safely and effortlessly. Her teaching blends Vinyasa Flow with the underlying alignment principles of Iyengar Yoga and the breath principles of Svastha Yoga. She is living now in Prague and we are very exited to meet in few weeks in my home city!You can find more about her at and read her musing at http://


David Millner is Lightworker, Life Coach, Relationship Coach, Intimacy Coach, Masseur and Reiki Master working intuitively with Mind, Body & Spirit. If he is not on his boat, you can catch with him on FB. But you can always read him on How often do people try to be someone else? They put on an act, a front, a show. It means one thing – that they are not satisfied or content with who they really are. Behind that façade lie insecurities, they are inadequate, inferior, will be rejected. Often the act will include excessive boasting about material possessions or the places they travelled to, even inaccurate or misleading descriptions of career and jobs. And about sexual “conquests”, because that may be how they see relationships. Worse still, there are many people who are impressed by the false images. Just look at the mass of high circulation magazines about people who live false lives – the so called stars and starlets, the “in crowd”, followed by paparazzi, and with every secret of life on public display for money or prestige. They all carry high expectations, and few will be happy beyond fleeting moments. Expectations lead to disappointments. Money does not make millionaires happy. It does make life easier for those struggling without it of course. The same traits are seen throughout all stratas of our materialistic society and not confined to the “rich and famous”. To be false is to carry a burden, a secret guilt, trying to remember at all times the false character so as not to be caught out. Trying to be someone else just reinforces the belief that you are not good enough. It drains energy and serves little purpose. You will live in dread of being exposed, and being found out as the hypocrite, and fall hard from favour. We do not succeed in finding happiness as someone else. We are all unique and that uniqueness is what makes us special. Visualise the perfect scenario –“I am happy with who I am, I am content with being who I am, I am grateful for my uniqueness. I am proud to be me. I love myself – for only then call you truly love others” (continue next page)

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Real people respect others for being themselves, whether they like them or not. Do not respect false people. They can be so obviously false, that you could laugh at them. To be real, start by identifying (and write down) your core beliefs and truths, and also your vulnerabilities. Find out who you really are and what you believe in. Can you be yourself in every situation, with your boss, your partner, your mother-in-law, your best friends? How far do you compromise your true beliefs to “fit in”? What is the motivation and purpose in every thing you do? Is it for your higher good or to help others? If not, reconsider it. Spend time alone each day, get into the habit of regular meditation, and get to know the real you. You never know, you could have a pleasant surprise. You will become natural. Others will like and respect that, or move away from you. That does not matter. In turn you will like and respect those who are themselves being themselves. Remember that while you cannot choose your blood relatives, you can choose your friends, so mix with positive, true to themselves people, and be one yourself. Have an open mind, admit your errors, go with the flow of things and feel your self- esteem growing. Dress well and walk tall with confidence as you show off the real unique person that you are.

You can also join David’s community at:

House of Light International Spiritual and Yoga Community Love is all there is


"Když už člověk jednou je, tak má koukat, aby byl. A když kouká, aby byl, a je, tak má být to, co je, a nemá být to, co není, jak tomu v mnoha případech je." Jan Werich ( 1978) CESKA REPUBLIKA Pisete cesky? Chcete se s nami podelit o vase postrehy, nazory, zkusenosti? Chcete prispet slovem, dilem nebo napadem k lepsimu zivotu na nasi planete? Jestli se vam u nas libi, radi vas prispevek otiskneme! Piste: a teba mate i hacky a carky...:)

Jiri Rotrekl


“Vyznávám se k toleranci vůči všem národům a kulturám světa, jsem zastáncem plurality a globalismu v jejich nejlepším slova smyslu...” Ctete vice od Jirky na jeho blogu...o toleranci, jak ji mozna u nas neznate!


Jo Ann Darby author of The Girlfriend Book & "MGFL", Much Girlfriend Love, Certified Personal Trainer, Licensed Medical Esthetican, owner of Skin Studio Medi-Spa, State Board Esthetics Educator, Fitness Advisor for Teen Tone Video Series( Four Seasons Entertainment), Featured in Muscle Media Magazine, Host of Girlfriend Approved Show- Ace & TJ Show thegirlfriendbook?sk=info “Our passion is to motivate, encourage, and uplift women by providing everyday advice for the extraordinary woman! Words of wisdom to give strength, and endurance to overcome the challenges of life. A sisterhood movement uniting women of all races and all ages. Thus, inspiring a renewed confidence that propels others in a positive direction.�

I don t know personally Jo-Ann Darby and I did not read the book. However I adore the group on FB, with uplifting posts and a lot of humor. When the day is grey, rainy, or just little down, here it the place to have nice time! Thanks to creators of the page and I will try to read the book till next issue! If you did, please share with us your insight! ~ Misa


Change perspective...and

you may find many other FUNNY VIEWS around you. Do you have funny picture? Did you creat one? Quotation? Point of view? Just share with us. EMAIL US! POSITIVE THINKER CLUB Great Group on FB . Their mission: OUR MISSION- TO ENRICH MIND, BODY AND SOUL CORE AREAS 1. Positive living, 2.On developing new habits 3.To live addiction free life 4.Harmony in relations. 5.Loving and healing yourself. 6.Health, wealth and Fitness 7. Spirituality 8.Humor happiness.withinyou/?notif_t=group_activity

FOUR FANTASTICS Mohyna Srinivasan is the novelist, yoga teacher and mother of two. She is finishing her second novel and watching the world around with sharpness and deep sensitivity. She lives in Mumbai, travel regularly in Asia and Europe and she just left her daughter in L.A. at chapter in the life of the familly! Indian in her Heart, international in her Mind, she deepen her practice uniting the both. The House on Mall Road: her first novel


Prasad Rangnekar is “born to be Guru�, as recently published by Yoga journal - Thailand. Born in India, he started with yoga at age of 9 because his mother wanted to tame the hyperactive child. Today, he is teacher, friend, wholehearted man showing the Light to many. Flying yogi par excellence, he travels around the globe spreading his infectious Love and Wisdom,working with the philosophy and science of Yoga to help people understand-Mind - Body integration , Self-Transformation and Self- Empowerment. Where to find him? On Facebook, on his website or in the flight or yoga studio in some city. If nothing work, be sure he is wandering in Himalayas meeting him-Self.


Misa Derhy is ...and right now you can find her finaly in Dublin, settling down her family (3 kids and husband), looking how to bring her dog in Ireland (wow, it is the hard part of the moving), and practicing karma yoga more then expected. Training her patience, she is cooking her projects for teaching yoga in Dublin and bringing friends to retreats in India, Bali and Europe. When she can, she organize also workshops for friends-teachers and accidentally put together Free Hug Yoga Times! 3.

Noemie Derhy is young woman nearly 15y, living in her 6th country, speaking 4languages and having a lot of character. She loves life and speaking truth. With many talents, she is the soul of Free Hug Yoga , her moms yoga activity, as she manage her blog and design t shirts for crazy yogis. The new project is to create collection for yogis AND slum children in India. We cannot wait! 4.

CAMUS STORY Camus is a lovely A little monk asked his master, "How should we live everyday? " The master answered, "we should eat when we are eating; sleep when sleeping." "Everybody do it day by day! " The little monk said. The master disagreed and explained, "people always tie millions of knots when they are eating; untie those knots when they are sleeping. " This lovely story always reminds me life is simple. We mays confused, upset, disappointed; We Mays happy, energetic, excited. Our minds change day by day, Time by time, Fact by fact. We are emotional, Even out of control. We are always mistreated By our dearest naughty mind.

girl I met in Hong Kong...she is a dreamer, she is herself, she looks for her Freedom and she live it fully. She writes also...and has all book in her Mind...FHYTimes is here to wait for her unfolding story! Keep writing!


HUG U- READ U-SEE U IN JANUARY 2012 Please, write us your comments, suggestions and inspirations. Share with us your workshops, retreats, dreams and projects. This e-zine is FOR YOU by YOU. and NOW ALSO ON FB: 213629895338319/

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