TEEN PREGNACY A Thesis. I am doing a paper on Teenage pregnancy and the health risks it poses to the teen and unborn child. I am having a real hard time coming up with a great thesis statement.. Thesis on Teenage Pregnancy. I am doing a paper on Teenage pregnancy and the health risks it poses to the teen and unborn child. I am having a real hard time coming up with a great thesis statement.. Teen Pregnancy Essay Examples. 539.362.721.7.. I need a great Thesis statement...Teenage Pregnancy. Teen Pregnancy I need a great Thesis statement...Teenage Pregnancy. Teen Pregnancy Essay.I have no idea how to write a thesis statement. My thesis paper is on how sex education can prevent teen pregnancy. This what I have so far(in the quotations) "Sex Education taught in the school system can help teens realize the consequences of having pre-martial sex and prevent teenage pregnancy.. how can i go about writing a thesis statement for my res