FIA Club Activities 2012/2013

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Safety of Seniors' Mobility

Light Motorcycle Safety

Long Short Walk for Pedestrian Safety

Road Safety must Start with Children

Cycling Safety Campaign

SOS Childrens' Village Drawing Competition


Rollover Simulator


CONTENTS AAU (UGANDA) & AA (UK) ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3 AAT (TANZANIA) & ACA (FRANCE) � ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4 ACI (ITALY) ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������5 ACM (MOLDOVA) & ACP (PORTUGAL) ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������6 ACR (ROMANIA) & ADAC (GERMANY) ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������7 AMCC (SERBIA) & AMSM (MACEDONIA) �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8 AMZS (SLOVENIA) ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9 ANWB (NETHERLANDS) & ATCUAE (UNITED ARAB EMIRATES) ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10 BIHAMK (BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA) & HAK (CROATIA) ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 11 HAK (CROATIA) & IAM (UK) ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12 LAMB (LATVIA) ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 13 LAS (LITHUANIA) & ÖAMTC (AUSTRIA) ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 14 RACC (SPAIN) ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15 RACE (SPAIN) & SATC (SLOVAKIA) ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 16 SA AA (SOUTH AFRICA) & TCB (BELGIUM) ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17 TCB (BELGIUM) & TCS (SWITZERLAND) ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 18 UAB (BULGARIA) & UAMK (CZECH REPUBLIC) ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19


Dear All, Every six seconds someone is killed or injured in a road accident. Every day 3,500 people are killed on the world’s roads. Unless urgent action is taken, the UN predicts that annual road deaths will rise to 1.9 million by 2020. These shocking statistics highlight the need to act now on road safety. The 2011-2020 ‘Decade of Action for Road Safety’, endorsed by 100 governments, has the goal to “stabilise and then reduce global road fatalities by 2020”. In real terms, this could mean 5 million lives saved and 50 million injuries prevented. This document outlines the wide range of different activities organised over the past year by the Motoring and Touring Clubs across Europe, the Middle East and Africa which make up FIA Region I. Many of the projects have been made possible by the support of grants provided by the FIA's dedicated “Action for Road Safety” campaign. We hope you find inspiration from this document for new projects and initiatives to save lives on our roads in support of the Decade of Action's goals. Yours sincerely,

Thierry Willemarck

Jacob Bangsgaard

President, FIA Region I

Director General, FIA Region I



Driver Skills and Capacity Development for Automobile Association of Uganda Driver Instructors

Parent-Driver Contract and Smartphone Technology to Support Young Driver Training

Better driving schools produce safer drivers. With this in mind,

Young drivers are at an increased risk of collisions because they

this project developed the AAU’s driving school into one of

lack experience, and are more likely to engage in behaviours that

excellence. A new driving curriculum was implemented, and the

result in the demands of the driving task exceeding their ability.

marketing of the driving school services was improved, while still

A proven technique for reducing the collision risk is for parents

providing drivers value for money.

to have a role in pre-test training and in enforcing an informal

FIA Grant Funded Project

graduated licensing policy post-test. This project developed a new training package as a ‘proof of concept.’ It involved parents in young drivers’ early driving, with smartphone-based monitoring and feedback used to support an informal graduated licensing approach, and to introduce telematics-based insurance.

FIA Grant Funded Project



Boda Boda Training

Senior Driver Workshop

Unlicensed and new Boda Boda riders (drivers of two or three

The Automobile Club Association (ACA) – in partnership with the FIA,

wheeled vehicles) pose a serious road safety problem in Dar el

and within the framework of its programme “Action for Road Safety”,

Salaam. This seven month pilot project in the city trained 700

launched a national programme for road safety awareness and

of them. The training programme was in partnership with the

prevention among senior drivers. The first “Senior Driver Workshop”

Tanzanian Ministry of Home Affairs, and included courses on;

was held in Paris 13 February 2013.

defensive driving; the advantages of wearing reflective stickers;

In 2013, the workshop will be organised in 10 cities across France

the reinforcement of three wheeler canopies; and the installation

(Paris, Reims, Strasburg, Dijon, Lyon, Clermond-Ferrand, Orléans,

of safety belts.

Bourg-en-Bresse, Saint Etienne, and Mulhouse), These “Senior

FIA Grant Funded Project

Driver Workshops” are presented by road safety professionals, and will invite senior drivers to make self-assessments of their driving abilities after, typically, being behind the wheel for 30 or 40 years.

FIA Grant Funded Project



Ambassadors of Road Safety

Light Motorcycle Safety

A better educated road user makes mobility safer for all. This

New technologies can offer ways to improve the safety of the

project offered free safe driving courses to foreigners living and

most vulnerable drivers. This project, carried out in cooperation

driving in Italy. After attending the course, the participants were

with ADAC, RACC and AMZS, researched the latest technologies

certified as “Ambassadors of Road Safety�, and then committed

available to improve the safety of motorcyclists. After this was

themselves to promoting respect for the Highway Code and to

completed, training courses for motorcyclists were organised to

raising awareness of the road safe rules within their families and

teach them how to use the new technologies.

national communities.

FIA Grant Funded Project




ACP Student’s Drive Camp

Higher standards mean safer roads. This project aimed to increase

In order to try and reduce the number of young people involved in

driver standards and road safety management in: public sector

car crashes, this project organised an information campaign to

fleets; private maxi-taxi operators; and among commercial fleets.

target young people who haven’t yet got their driving licenses. In so

The project was supported by Alex Wurz, former F1 pilot and

doing, it also increased the awareness among teachers, parents,

double champion of Les Mans 24 Hours who visited Moldova

and wider society of the importance of bringing up young people

in February 2013 and spoke at the road safety workshop for

who are safety conscious on the roads.

managers responsible for compliance with road safety measures in car fleets.

FIA Grant Funded Project



One Second in Your Life The programme was targeted at children aged between 6 and 14

"On-Board Rescue Sheet" - Development and Coordination in Different European Countries

years of age, and involved the establishment of 40 ‘Road Safety

Emergency services can save time, and therefore lives, by having

Laboratories’ in schools, one in each county of Romania. Schools

the right information when a car crash occurs. This project’s goal

selected to host labs had to have at least 2,000 students every

was to have an ‘On-Board Rescue Sheet’ in every car in Europe.

year. The labs were equipped with a laptop computer, projector,

These sheets were specifically prepared by car manufacturers,

projection screen and six panels illustrating road safety themes,

and provided rescuers with the necessary information needed to

along with methodological notebooks which were formulated by

optimise their time at accident sites.

road safety specialists.

FIA Grant Funded Project

FIA Grant Funded Project



Portable Traffic Polygon

Baby On Board Sticker Campaign

Most child road traffic deaths occur at the beginning and end of

As part of AMSM’s activities for the Decade of Action, this project

each school year. Children aged 7-9 years are the most vulnerable

promoted the first “Baby on board” sticky label ever made in the

group. This project aimed to reduce these deaths through an

Macedonian language, in order to improve road safety of infants.

awareness campaign targeted at children. The project taught

The “Baby on board” sticky labels were promoted on social media

the children theoretical knowledge of, and gave them practical

and distributed free of charge.

experience in, traffic situations

FIA Grant Funded Project




Workshops for Senior Drivers

This project was for the women members of AMZS (or members of

There have been many innovations that had occurred in safety, and

sister clubs). The aim of the event was to promote safe, economical,

in the field of transport in general, over the last few decades. This

and off-road driving, while also having an enjoyable time.

poses a problem to senior drivers, as they may not have kept up to

This event took place over two days. On the first day, a round table

date with all these advances.

was held with the title, ‘The changing role of women on our roads’.

This project gave senior drivers the opportunity to assess their

On the second day, there was a very special social event held in

current driving fitness, and to increase their driving fitness through

Vransko, where there were presentations of, and opportunities to

training courses on how to correctly assess and react to dangerous

sample, products and services from the world of beauty, health and

situations. This was achieved through workshops that covered: the


effects of ageing on drivers; driving and braking; reacting to dangers

FIA Grant Funded Project

and obstacles; and driving in roundabouts.

FIA Grant Funded Project



Safe Cycling network

Pedestrian Safety in the UAE

Keeping up with the latest road safety requirements can be difficult,

Pedestrian safety will be a leading priority for police across the

but is necessary. This project made this necessity less demanding

UAE in 2013. A third of road deaths in the first 10 months of 2012

by developing ‘proactive toolkits’ that road authorities used to

were pedestrians. There were 151 people killed in 954 pedestrian-

improve their road infrastructure in a way that met the most recent

vehicle incidents across the UAE. According to these numbers,

road safety requirements for cyclists and new vehicles. Furthermore,

pedestrian crashes make up nearly 18,6% of traffic accidents in the

the toolkits supported cost-effective decision making.

UAE. The ministry of interior, with its traffic arm the directorate of

FIA Grant Funded Project

traffic coordination and with its partners, of whom ATCUAE is one of the major actors, has launched the “Pedestrian Safety is our Responsibility” campaign for the whole year of 2013. The campaign will be carried on various media platforms, including radio, printouts, television and social networking sites. It will focus on all road users with a particular focus on pedestrians. ATCUAE will work to promote “a culture of respect for the rights of pedestrians”.



Road Safety for Schoolchildren in B-H

Look and Click

The campaign, which was rolled out last October in support

Children, whether they are pedestrians on a pavement or

of the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety, has seen 50,000

passengers in a car, need to be taught how to keep themselves safe

schoolchildren in over 200 primary schools receive lectures and

from danger in traffic situations.

educational information about road safety. The talks and materials

This project has taught children, aged 6-7 years old, about traffic

also covered the correct use of child restraints, walking in impaired

safety in a fun and engaging way, by getting them to take part in

visibility conditions, bicycle riding and the regular use of bicycle

practical demonstrations.

helmets. The results have been impressive. According to statistics, since the start of the campaign there has been a 50 per cent reduction in the overall number of road accident-related deaths and injuries among children. The reduction in fatalities is even more impressive, with road deaths down by 69 per cent.

FIA Grant Funded Project

FIA Grant Funded Project



Rollover Simulator

Holding Back the Gears: The Ageing Process and Driver Safety

There are still significant numbers of drivers and passengers on

With no age limit on holding a driving license currently in place

Croatian roads who are not seat belted, and this leads to easily

in the UK and with drivers over 70 self-certifying their fitness to

preventable road deaths and injuries. This project recreated the

take the wheel, concern has been voiced in some quarters that

rollover effects in a simulator in order to get road users to realise

older drivers represent a risk to other road users. To test the

the necessity of wearing seatbelts.

validity of the claims this project commissioned Britain’s Transport

The simulator was demonstrated at road safety events and

Research Laboratory to look at how age affects drivers. Contrary to

secondary schools across the country.

widespread belief, the study showed that older drivers have better attitudes to safety and deal with hazards better than young drivers. They also make better use of experience to increase their safety margins on the road.

FIA Grant Funded Project



Safety for Senior Drivers in Latvia

Vehicle Inspections

Elderly drivers are disproportionally involved in car crashes. This

Vehicles not in proper working order can be dangerous. This project

project made the public aware of this fact, and also encouraged

drew motorists' attention to the risks and dangers of cars not in full

seniors to evaluate their driving abilities themselves. The project

technical order, and was run in parallel with a free of charge vehicle

hopes that its work will make roads safer for the elderly, and

testing service in various Latvian cities. Particular focus was put on

everyone else.

the benefits of the electronic stability program (ESP) devices, and

FIA Grant Funded Project

reducing CO2 emissions.

FIA Grant Funded Project



Informational Road Safety Campaign on Unsafe Repaired Vehicles

SOS Childrens' Village Drawing Competition

Old car fleets (over 14 years old) and ‘reincarnated’ cars (broken

With the focus on the urgent need to better protect pedestrians

cars that are unregistered in their own countries, but are given a

worldwide, the ÖAMTC and SOS Childrens’ Village International

new life in Lithuania) are a serious danger on Lithuania’s roads.

initiated a drawing competition at SOS villages in 10 countries from

This project created an awareness campaign to inform people about

across FIA Region I: Uganda, South Africa, Lebanon and Jordan,

the dangers of these cars, in order to try and reduce the number of

Bulgaria, Portugal, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Hungary and Austria. The

these cars on Lithuanian roads.

children were invited to draw a picture of their route to school. The

FIA Grant Funded Project

winning entry will be announced at the FIA Region I Spring Meeting on 14 May, with the winning prize being awarded to all children in the winning village.



Safety of Seniors’ Mobility

Safer Roads Investment Plan for Catalonia Region in Spain

This initiative was created with the aim of decreasing the risk and

Efficient road maintenance is vital for safe roads. This project

number of fatalities and injuries of seniors on roads and streets

tried to position road maintenance as a key aspect of road safety

through an awareness raising campaign directed at seniors. The

policy during the Decade of Action. This was achieved by creating

project was initially piloted in in two cities, Barcelona and Madrid,

a communication strategy for 5,500 km of road improvements

but was designed so that it can be reproduced by other Clubs in the

in Catalonia, Spain. Additionally, the project made clear the

country, region, or anywhere else around the world, in the future.

contribution of road infrastructure to overall safety through

FIA Grant Funded Project

organising press conferences and technical workshops which disseminated the results and methodology of the safety plan.

FIA Grant Funded Project



Road Safety National Campaign

Regional Road Safety Day

The FIA’s Action for Road Safety Strategy document provides a

The Slovakian Automobile Club (SATC) promoted the Decade of

framework for a safer future. This campaign, in collaboration with

Action with a ‘Regional Road Safety Day’ at the main square in

local councils, promoted the strategy to the most important cities

the City of Nitr. A children’s traffic playground was equipped with

in Spain. There was a specific focus on high-risk groups: children,

promotional banners and posters, and each participant received

youths, and the elderly.

the Decade of Action tag, as well as road safety related materials.

FIA Grant Funded Project

Activities included a crash-test simulator presentation and a demonstration of the effectiveness of seat-belts and helmets. There was also a “Drunk Buster” (goggles which simulate the effects of impairment) to give an understanding of the dangers of visual impairment. The effectiveness of reflective clothing, the importance of first-aid, and also motorcycle safety equipment, were highlighted for participants. And a bicycle training course and a seatbelt effectiveness demonstration were organised for children.



Cycling Safety Campaign

Long Short Walk for Pedestrian Safety in Brussels

Many cyclists travel to work on Gauteng’s busy roads without the

The Brussels Transport community came together to participate

necessary protective clothing that would make them more visible,

in a Long Short Walk for Pedestrian Safety on 6 May 2013, led by

because they cannot afford to buy them. This project raised

European Commission Vice-President Siim Kallas, with the support

awareness among the local authorities about the reduction in

of Touring Club Belgium, to mark European Road Safety Day and the

cyclist deaths and injuries that can result from encouraging more

beginning of the UN Global Road Safety Week. UN figures show that

people to wear helmets.

more than 270,000 pedestrians are killed on the roads every year.

FIA Grant Funded Project

Over 15 similar Long Short Walks were held across the Region I on 6 May to support the UN initiative.

FIA Grant Funded Project




Road Safety Television Campaign

As cycling is becoming increasingly popular, Clubs are finding ways

On an average day in Switzerland, one child on his/her way to

to make cycling easier and safer for cyclists.

school gets run over by a car, more than 300 kids every year.

This project was an assistance service for cyclists. It was run not

These accidents always follow exactly the same pattern: pupils

only for cyclist roadside assistance, but also for medical help after

waiting at the pedestrian crossing, getting confused and irritated,

an accident or a fall.

because car drivers only slow down, and don’t come to a complete stop. To dramatize this tragic daily routine, and to prove that such accidents do not have to happen again and again, the campaign TV spot showed hundreds of Playmobil figurines in a circular setting. The film’s message to car drivers was: “So accidents like these won’t happen again and again. Always stop. Don’t just slow down.”



Children’s Drawing Campaign

Road Safety must Start with Children

The UAB recently sponsored a children’s drawing competition aimed

Teaching children road safety when they are young is the best way

at improving road safety awareness among young people. The

to ensure a safer future for the next generation. This project has

contest was organised in Bulgaria’s biggest ‘SOS-Kinderdorf’ village,

organised a series of "Road Safety Shows/Road Safety Days"

located in the town of Triavna. The UAB competition in Triavna

focused on pre-school and school children.

was so successful that the club is now exploring the possibility

Road safety topics were presented in an unusual, amusing, and

of staging competitions in other SOS villages around the country,

active show that the audience clearly enjoyed. These shows were

possibly leading to a national competition for the winners of regional

held in squares and towns in close cooperation with local schools,

events. Additionally, as a result of the success of the initiative, UAB

municipalities, police, fire brigades and rescue teams. At these

has confirmed that it will participate in a similar project initiated in

events there were seat belt and turnover simulators, and mobile

Brussels in cooperation with SOS Childrens’ Village International.

children playgrounds which were dedicated to the practice of traffic rules.

FIA Grant Funded Project

漏 2013 路 FIA Region I Office, Rue de la Science 41, 1040 Brussels, Belgium 路 +32 2 280 07 58 路

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