FIADA 1940-2015
Information and Insight for Florida Used Car Dealers
EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT available through Aug. 31!
We’re giving away a diamond at the Annual Convention and Trade Show. Find out how to win. SEE PAGE 20.
August 2015 — Independent Dealer — 1
2 — Independent Dealer —August 2015
Dealer Independent
MAILING ADDRESS 1840 Fiddler Court Tallahassee, FL 32308 TELEPHONE (850) 385-2712 (800) 237-0448 FAX (850) 385-3251 WEBSITE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Jim Winterick, Sr. President Paul Matton Senior Vice President Dino Mercurio Chairman of the Board
Contents August 2015
For members of the Florida Independent Automobile Dealers Association
C O L U M N S & F E AT U R E S 4
President’s Message Jim Winterick, Sr.
Executive Director’s Message Lisette Mariner, CAE
Selling Across Borders Terry Myers offers a few important reminders when selling to customers from Canada and Mexico.
Phil Risley Regional Vice President
Keys to Insurance Insurance Agent of Record Kevin O’Connor
Govinda Romero Regional Vice President
Member News
FIADA 2015 Annual Convention and Trade Show The tentative schedule is out, and your chance to register for the 75th Anniversary Celebration is here.
21st Century Word of Mouth Social Media and online reviews are the new way customers are hearing about your dealership. Are you prepared for this new way of marketing?
A Look at Current Legal Issues Attorneys Tom Hudson and Nicole Munro recap recent federal and legal developments of interest to dealers.
Industry News
Christopher Leedom Regional Vice President Steve Marbais, CMD Regional Vice President
FIADA STAFF Lisette Mariner, CAE Executive Director Terry Myers Educational Instructor Jason Berthiaume Education and Marketing Coordinator Amelia Tillman Membership Director Christy Taylor Editorial/Advertising
Send address changes to
FIADA • 1840 Fiddler Court Tallahassee, FL 32308 (850) 385-2712 • Toll Free: (800) 237-0448 Fax (850) 385-3251 • The Independent Dealer is a publication of: Florida Independent Automobile Dealers Association, 1840 Fiddler Court, Tallahassee, FL 32308 The magazine is published every month in Tallahassee and distributed to Florida new, used, wholesale and lease/retail car dealers. Advertising rates are available upon request. The statements and opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of Independent Dealer or the Association. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers, or their identification as members of FIADA, does not constitute an endorsement of the products or services featured.
FIADA 1940-2015
This month we took inspiration for our cover from the 1953 film “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes,” where the iconic Marilyn Monroe reminded everyone that “Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend.” We’re giving away a 1 carat diamond at the Annual Convention, and thought this theme was quite appropriate for the occasion. While the film version of Gentlemen Prefer Blondes was made in the 1950s, the original Broadway production starring Carol Channing first hit the stage in 1949. Get the details of our diamond giveaway on page 20! Information and Insight for Florida
Used Car Dealers
available through Aug. 31!
We’re giving away a Trade Show. Find diamond at the Annual Conve out how to win. ntion and SEE PAGE 20.
Scott Lanier Regional Vice President
Lisa Compagno Treasurer
Brad Joel Secretary August 2015 —
Independent Dealer
August 2015 — Independent Dealer — 3
special meaning to used car dealers. In my experience this is he FIADA statewide convention is October 22 – 24 a self-help business. Help us help you. and will be centrally located in Orlando at the Hilton in Lake Buena Vista. Are you in, yet? Have you What price is membership? Less than most expect. I can tell registered? Are you planning on attending? Are you prepared you this unequivocally, non-membership and no association for an experience of how to run a better automobile business? can be disastrous to your business and bottom line. I am in There will be educational training sessions which qualify toward 2016 license renewal, motivational sessions and moneyWe are dealers working for our fellow dealers and making new ideas from industry leaders. We will have an exhibit hall need everyone’s support. Together, all of us can make full of vendors with exciting cutting this profession better. Together, we are stronger than edge ways to improve your customers alone. experience, better ways to improve your bottom line and experience on how our customers buy vehicles in this business to make money. To pay my employees a good the new millennium. You can stay informed at the legislative wage. To provide a quality experience for my customer. To sessions that will provide updates on state and national topics build long-term equity. To profit from my investment. To about where business is going in the future. Of course, you raise the perception of the public about our business. To pass can’t forget the constant exchange of money-making and something on to those who will follow. To know the quiet money-saving ideas you’ll get from our fellow dealers. contentment that I have added something of value to this profession. Do you add to our profession, or are you only a If you are already a member of the FIADA, you qualify taker? Don’t be that dealer who makes a living on the efforts for an early bird sign-up savings through the end of this of others. If it is not your job to improve our profession, then month. If you are not a member, sign-up now for special whose is it? savings available only to you. We, the Independent Dealers of the state of Florida, come together once a year for this We Independent Dealers have many shared interests that can convention. If you are serious about this business you cannot only be resolved by our combined efforts. In unity there is afford to miss it! strength. We are dealers working for our fellow dealers and need Join us—we are your association! everyone’s support. Together, all of us can make this profession better. Together, we are stronger than alone. Many Jim Winterick, Sr. government entities come into play in our business. The old FIADA President adage, “I’m from the government and here to help you,” has a
4 — Independent Dealer —August 2015
We’re hiring your new F&I manager. Find out when they start. Visit
Protective Asset Protection has been serving auto dealers of all sizes for 50 years. We know your job is tough – that’s why we’re in the process of getting you some help with your finance and insurance solutions. So, be on the lookout for your new addition. We’ll be making the big announcement soon.
Protect Tomorrow. Embrace Today.™ Vehicle Protection Plans I GAP Coverage I Credit Insurance I Limited Warranty Products Dealer Participation Programs I F&I Training I Advanced F&I Technology
Contact Protective’s Florida representative, Chris Behrens at 866 452 7335 A “National Corporate Partner” has met stringent NIADA criteria demonstrating that it can provide valuable products and services to NIADA members. No legal partnership has been created by the granting of this status, but NIADA does receive compensation from Protective. Limited Warranty Products, Vehicle Protection Plans (VPPs) and GAP are backed by Lyndon Property Insurance Company in all states except NY. In NY, VPPs are backed by Old Republic Insurance Company, Limited Warranty Products are backed by Western General Insurance Company and GAP is not available. Credit Insurance is backed by Protective Life Insurance Company in all states except NY, where it is backed by Protective Life and Annuity Insurance Company.
August 2015 — Independent Dealer — 5
oin us at the Hilton Orlando, Lake Buena Vista Hotel, as we celebrate our 75th Anniversary. We are so excited to let you in on some highlights of this year’s convention. We have so much in store for you! They say “diamonds are a girl’s best friend.” Well, we will not only have Marilyn Monroe to greet you on the red carpet, but we also have a chance for dealers to win a diamond with a retail value of $5,000. Dealers, just register to attend the convention at and you’ll be automatically provided an opportunity to win! Friday night during the opening of the Exhibit hall you will have an opportunity to exchange your ration card for a “diamond.” Bring your “diamond” to the jeweler and he will let you know if you won the real thing. A lot has changed in the automobile industry since 1940. Education is a key component of the convention. Dealers can earn their 8 hours of continuing education by attending sessions. We’ll have industry experts to talk about legal issues, regulatory changes, how to increase profit and much, much more. We’ll open with Pam Grimes from Proctor 6 — Independent Dealer —August 2015
University. Pam will share insights from her 18-plus years in automobile dealer operations, including the establishment and management of Proctor University, established in 2012 to provide high quality continuing education for staff for the purpose of maximizing performance/productivity and to support a strong business
culture. Representative Greg Steube will highlight what happened this past session and what to expect in 2016. NIADA Executive Vice President, Steve Jordan will provide an inside look at federal legislation such as the much talked about open recalls. Representatives from DMV will discuss changes at DMV and compliance. Rob Sickles with Broad and Cassel will point out legal cases that can cost you your business. Jon Leedom of Paymaxx Pro will present on payment processing issues facing the auto industry. Kelley Blue Book and vAuto will be onhand to provide updates about the latest technology available to dealers buying cars online. We’ll also have panels on buying at auction, marketing and selling online, hot topics in Buy Here, Pay Here, and many more. As always you’ll also have an opportunity to ask your burning questions to get the most out of your educational experience. There’s always time to catch up with old friends and make new ones. An opening reception Thursday night will kick off networking. Relax by the pool, enjoy some 1940s music, a drink and appetizers. Friday there is breakfast
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August 2015 — Independent Dealer — 7
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and lunch. Saturday you’ll have time to continue the conversations and catch up with your new friends for breakfast. Round out the entire convention by joining us at the closing reception Saturday after the last session. Remember, Saturday is when we announce the 2015 Quality Dealer of the Year. Come celebrate with your newly installed board of directors during the Saturday keynote session with Kenn Kington. As a former top ten salesman with a Fortune 500 Growth company, Kenn will share a witty and inspiring keynote address that’s sure to inspire and entertain. Kenn Kington has been performing for over 25 years and is one of today’s most sought after comedians and speakers. Kenn has appeared on Comedy Central, is one of the most popular comedians on satellite
radio (Laugh USA & Blue Collar Radio) and is selling out clean comedy shows nationwide. We’ll also have a special giveaway during that session. It’s back… the ring toss last year to benefit the Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches was a huge success. We were able to raise over $1,000 for the program. We want it to be even better this year. Be sure to stop by the Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches booth for a chance to win a beverage and contribute to a worthy cause. The Youth Ranches is a charitable, non-profit corporation, chartered in the state of Florida; which operates four residential programs: Boys Ranch, Youth Villa, Youth Ranch/Safety Harbor, and Youth Ranch/BradentonSarasota; two camping programs: Youth Camp and Caruth Camp; and other family services around the state. The
Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches and its programs are primarily supported by voluntary gifts and some support from other public sources. Their mission is to prevent delinquency and develop strong, lawful, resilient and productive citizens who will make a positive contribution to our communities for years to come. We are excited to partner with FSYR to help raise awareness and contributions to such a worthy cause. All of this would not be possible without the support of our sponsors and exhibitors. A special thank you to our marquis sponsors AutoZone and the Cox Automotive Companies. See a listing of our current sponsors on page 20. Take advantage of early bird rates and register today!
8 — Independent Dealer —August 2015
August 2015 — Independent Dealer — 9
Selling Across Borders BY TERRY MYERS
You are up-to-date with the laws regarding domestic sales of used cars, but do you know what to do when the vehicle transfers out of the country?
ongratulations! You did a sale and trade with a Canadian or Mexican resident and they are driving the new vehicle back to their country! Does your deal jacket contain: •
HSMV 84061? Declaration Affidavit for a Motor Vehicle Which Will Titled and Registered In Another State or Country. This is required documentation that the customer accepts responsibility for tagging and registering their vehicle in their home state or country. This does not apply when the dealership does the mandatory title and registration for Florida titled vehicles. PROOF that 6 percent sales tax was charged and collected? Since there are no reciprocal sales tax agreements between countries, the Florida sales tax of 6 percent must be applied when the customer takes possession or control of the vehicle inside
10 — Independent Dealer —August 2015
Florida. Do not apply a county tax on non-Florida sales. •
PROOF that a Temporary Tag was issued and applied to the legally designated tag display area of the vehicle? The tag must contain the name and address of the titled/registered owner and their corresponding address in the FRVIS database when the vehicle leaves the dealership. You do not put other country or state hard tags on non-Florida vehicles. PROOF of valid Driver’s License and Insurance? It is illegal to allow someone to drive on the roads of Florida without these proofs. Also, it is the dealer’s responsibility to verify that insurance is active whenever a Temporary Tag is issued. Imagine the blow-back if there is an accident and the dealership
authorized an illegal activity. Talk to your attorney and insurance company about this one. What about the Canadian or Mexican vehicle you took in trade? Here’s what you need: •
Proof of the Custom’s Importation form? Often the customer enters the US on vacation and intends to return
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PROOF that someone from the a Regional Office of the Division of Motorist Services has performed a VIN Verification statement for inclusion into the Deal Jacket, prior to offering the vehicle for sale. Dealers may not do a VIN verification on Non-US vehicles.
Terry LB Myers is an author, lecturer, FIADA instructor and FADS owner/instructor. Terry can be reached at (727) 804-7375 or tmyers@ Feedback is appreciated and encouraged. Copyright 2015.
倀氀愀愀漀爀洀猀 圀攀 伀û攀爀
in the same vehicle. When the customer innocently decides to sell or trade their vehicle while inside the US, the customer needs to be directed to contact U.S. Customs, declare and obtain an Importation document and then provide a copy to the dealership for their files. Accepting the vehicle by trade or purchase without a copy of this document means the dealership participated in an “illegal act,” which is a Federal law violation and may be accompanied by stiff penalties. (Thank you to Randy Loso, Region VIII Administrator, for bringing this to my attention during a recent training session.)
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Can’t find what you’re looking for? Call us at (800) 237-0448. is the online hub for all your member benefits and services. Members can log-on any time to get education, information and current events. has a complete resource library available for dealers and their staff as well as helpful links, and virtual courses. August 2015 — Independent Dealer — 11
Insurance Predictions The Best Insurance is for the New Year Membership BY KEVIN O’CONNOR, INSURANCE AGENT OF RECORD
am excited to announce the resurrection of “Keys to hen got in the insurance business in 1984, Insurance, ” aI column I wrote for many yearsback in this I immediately became active in the Florida magazine throughout the 1990s and up until 2005. The Association of Insurance Agents (FAIA). It was column touched on the subjects relating to the insurance just assumed that anyone serious about being successful needs of the non-franchised motor vehicle dealer. in the industry was going to be part of it. The membership dues for this FAIAmonth, aren’t cheap. pricing today is based on Starting we willThe be doing a quarterly edition agency size, starting at $600 for a small one-man shop of the column. We plan to discuss subjects such as risk and can be as ideas muchtoashelp $9,370 for ayour national broker. Even management reduce insurance costs and with thoseunnecessary high dues it’sclaims, hard tochanges find aninagency that hasn’t eliminate insurance market joined. I’m trends really surprised every independent conditions, in pricingthat andnot coverage availability, new dealer in the state of Florida is not an FIADA member. At products available to the dealer industry and more. $325, the dues are a bargain and a great investment. Why would anyone not join? This past year was a challenging year in our business,
especially here in Florida. A new “wind modeling” system Many long-time FIADA remember my way mentor, was implemented which members completely changed the Terry Lunsford. I went to at work for Terry 1986 and carriers look certain areas.back This in new system he immediately introduced me to the FIADA. He had been identified that non-coastal areas had an active FIADA supporter even was an Eagle Award moreand hurricane exposure than was winner. He was FIADA’spreviously Agent of Record many years believedfor and pricing and passed that torch to me when he retired 1993. He of policies werein revised taught me at an early stage of my career that the accordingly.dealers The in the association are the cream of the crop–the claims businesses fromwe wanted as clients. He was right. 2012’s
Hurricane Twenty-two years later that premise still holds true. Sandy had Insurance companies and bonding companies all realize a devastating that the dealers in the association are collectively better effect on thea Dealers risk. This isn’t to say that there aren’t some great dealers Open Lot insurance that for whatever reason haven’t joined marketplace. yet, but thoseAs who a are members are often looked more favorably upon by result, the insurance insurance carriers. They tend to take the business carriers aremore now seriously, are better educated and better looking more informed closely at about flood exposure than ever before making
12 — Independent Dealer —August 2015
it difficult to find policies on dealers that never had an statutory changes that affect the way they do business. issue in past years. These changes caused a number of They have access to legal advice that may help them avoid insurance companies to withdraw from the Florida market lawsuits and have made the connections with their peers or limit what they offer causing a supply and demand issue that are critical to success. which subsequently raised rates. On the positive side, the insurance industry has record surplus capital thanks in We have pushed these points with the insurance industry large part to lower than expected catastrophe losses over and they agree. I’ve been able to negotiate a 10 percent the last few years and increased investments yields. Most discount on bonds for FIADA members. Many of of the insurance industry analysts expect the trend of our insurance carriers will also apply extra credits for increasing rates to slow or even reverse in the near future. members—some quite substantial. Just one of the many Unfortunately there are no crystal balls to tell us what to reasons to join this great association. expect in 2014. All we can do is keep a close eye on the industry and do our best to keep the readers of this column The FIADA convention is another great benefit of ahead of the curve. membership. It, like the FAIA convention, is a great venue for networking opportunities, continuing education, On a personal note, I wanted to thank the FIADA Board discovering the latest products available and just plain of Directors for the vote of confidence in electing us their having some fun. The insurance convention has as many Agent of Record. Our team of insurance professionals as 4,000 attendees between agents and vendors each year. specialize in your industry and make it our job to know The amazing thing is that’s coming from only 2,139 agency how your business works and understand what your members! Imagine what would happen if we were able to dealership needs to best protect your assets. We are get the same kind of participation from the auto industry. available for questions from any association member Think of the visibility FIADA could get with lawmakers whether they are clients or not and we will do our best to and government agencies, if we could get our attendance answer those questions in a completely impartial manner. up to those numbers. I know I will be at the FIADA Annual Convention this year, so I hope to see you there, too. We hope that Keys to Insurance is an informative and interesting column and proves to the readers that insurance On a personal note, I’d like to say I am extremely proud to can be fun. be given the opportunity of being a part of this association. Over the almost 30 years I’ve been involved, I feel like I’m as much a part of your industry as I am of mine. It’s Kevin O’Connor of Dealers Insurance Services, Inc. is the allowed me to build career-long clients but even more FIADA Insurance Agent of Record. If you have insurance importantly to me, lifelong friends. related questions, contact FIADA at (800) 237-0448 or visit the DIS website at
In today’s competitive marketplace, independent dealers need every edge they can get. Speed and access to the right information can make all the difference at the finish line. Auto Data Direct (ADD) offers Florida dealers a singlesource, web-based solution to work smarter, faster, and more efficiently. ADD’s dealer tools put real-time data, paperless lien processing, print-on-demand tags and more right at your fingertips, giving you that competitive edge.
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Visit and see why thousands of Florida dealers use ADD’s time- and cost-saving services. ADD is an FIADA Preferred Partner Use promo code FIADAELT at sign up and receive free activation.
1.866.923.3123 August 2015 — Independent Dealer — 13
New Members
JULY 2015
Renewing Members
JULY 2015
A TO Z AUTO BROKERS INC Palm Beach Gardens, FL Ann Saiz Sponsor: Kevin Scott
GPS TRACKING USA INC. Lutz, FL Steve Travers Sponsor: Don Scott / Kevin Scott
30+ Year Members America’s Auto Auction Jacksonville Edison Bridge Auto Sales Mike Kashtan’s Superior A/S Richard Bell Auto Sales
Jacksonville, FL Fort Myers, FL Pinellas Park, FL Deland, FL
ARTURO CASTANEDA Fort Myers, FL Sponsor: Terry Myers
GREENWAY AUTO SALES Jacksonville, FL Dorio Nuhanovic Sponsor: Kevin Scott
20+ Year Members Park Motors, Inc. Skipper Limited, Inc.
Jacksonville, FL Graceville, FL
10+ Year Members Car Credit World Imports USA, Inc.
Tampa, FL Jacksonville, FL
AX MOTORSPORTS INC Miami, FL Luis Hedo Sponsor: Kevin Scott CB EVERETT LLC Wilton Manors, FL Christopher Boswell Sponsor: Terry Myers CENTEC UTILITY EQUIPMENT Sarasota, FL Guerin Johnson Sponsor: Terry Myers CESAR MACUARE Tampa, FL Sponsor: Terry Myers CGH LEASING Vero Beach, FL Emanuel Catalano Sponsor: FIADA DAD’S AUTO SALES OF OCALA, LLC Ocala, FL Douglas Mayo, Jr Sponsor: Kevin Scott DAVID JOHNSON’S AUTO SALES Orange City, FL David Johnson Sponsor: Kevin Scott DOUBLE RV Pompano Beach, FL Leonardo Littlejohn Sponsor: Terry Myers
LOCAL PERK, INC. DBA MLC MOTORCARS Commerce Twsp., MI Mark Mechigian Sponsor: FIADA M & M AUTO BROKERS, INC. Okeechobee, FL Mitchell Vitella Sponsor: FIADA MDC CAPITAL LLC Miami, FL Alvaro Montilla Sponsor: Amelia Tillman RICHAD JOVEL Cape Coral, FL Richard Jovel Sponsor: Terry Myers RPT SALES & LEASING Orlando, FL David Charles Sponsor: FIADA SPEED DIGITAL Charlotte, NC Justin Wood Sponsor: FIADA
Under 10 Year Members Ally SmartAuction Apex Auto, Inc. Auto Sales of Winter Garden, LLC Coastline Motor Company DEALERPLATFORM LLC Direct Auto Exchange, LLC Fire House Auto Sales Inc FL Sunshine MC Parts Company, LLC Floorplan Xpress LLC-OK Florida Credit Union G & D Auto Sales Corporation Haims Motors Inc High Tech Locksmiths Killgore, Pearlman, Stamp, Ornstein & Squires, P.A Millennium Luxury Coaches Moffa, Gainor, & Sutton, PA Port Motors, Inc. Pro Car Sales, LLC RPF Sales Showcase Auto Brokers USA, Inc. Strategic Dealer Services Sun Financial Holding LLC Sys2K Title Technologies, Inc.
Auburn Hills, MI Apopka, FL Winter Garden, FL Shalimar, FL Neptune Beach, FL Tallahassee, FL Sebastian, Kissimmee, FL Oklahoma City, OK Gainesville, FL Tampa, FL Hollywood, FL Miami, FL Orlando, FL Sanford, FL Tampa, FL West Palm Beach, FL Quincy, FL Jacksonville, FL Panama City Beach, FL Irving, TX Hollywood, FL Altamonte Springs, FL Dallas, TX
Rejoining Members
JULY 2015
STRATEGIC AUTOS Safety Harbor, FL Godwin Ikpekpe Sponsor: Terry Myers
B & C AUTONET Port St Joe, Billy C Quinn Jr Sponsor: Amelia Tillman
PETERSON MOTORCARS West Palm Beach, FL Eric Peterson Sponsor: Amelia Tillman
TRACY MONIZ Jacksonville, FL Sponsor: Terry Myers
CAPITOL MOTORS Jacksonville, FL Hedar Khlaf Sponsor: Amelia Tillman
RENT A WRECK USED CAR RENTAL AND LEASING Laurel, MD Andrew Latridis Sponsor: Amelia Tillman
14 — Independent Dealer —August 2015
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August 2015 — Independent Dealer — 15
16 — Independent Dealer —August 2015
e v i t HOTEL: a t n Te SCHEDULE Thursday, Oct 22, 2015 3:00 - 7:00PM 6:30 - 8:30PM
Registration Open Welcome Reception
Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista
FRIday, Oct 23, 2015 7:30 - 4:00PM 8:00 - 9:00AM 9:00 - 10:15AM 10:15 - 10:45AM 10:45 - 11:00AM 11:00 - 12:00PM 12:00 - 1:30PM 1:45 - 2:45PM 1:45 - 2:45PM 1:45 - 2:45PM 3:00 - 4:00PM 5:00 - 9:00PM
Registration Open Breakfast Opening Keynote with Pamela Grimes, Proctor University Member Meeting/Elections Coffee Break Panel Discussion Networking Lunch Breakout Session A Breakout Session B Breakout Session C Division of Motorist Services Update Exhibit Hall Grand Opening, 1940’s Theme Party and Dinner
1751 Hotel Plaza Blvd, Lake Buena Vista 1-800-HILTONS OR (1-800-445-8667) There is a FIADA Room Block at the Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista. You can reserve your room by calling the number above and mentioning group code “FIA”. You can also book your room through the FIADA Group Page, using the same code. Reservations must be made by September 20, 2015 in order to qualify for the group rate of $139 (plus tax).
SATURday, Oct 24, 2015 8:00 - 9:00AM 9:00 - 10:00AM 9:00 - 10:00AM 9:00 - 10:00AM 10:15 - 11:45AM 12:00 - 2:30PM 2:45 - 3:45PM 2:45 - 3:45PM 2:45 - 3:45PM 4:00 - 5:30PM 5:30 - 7:00PM
Breakfast with Exhibitors Breakout Session A Breakout Session B Breakout Session C Keynote Speaker: Comedian Kenn Kington and Awards Ceremony Lunch with Exhibitors & Exhibitor Giveaways Breakout Session A Breakout Session B Breakout Session C Panel Closing Reception
Get the latest Convention schedule and info at
August 2015 — Independent Dealer — 17
Company:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________ City, State, Zip:_____________________________________________ Phone:___________________________________________________ Fax:______________________________________________________ E-mail:___________________________________________________ Website:__________________________________________________
EARLY BIRD (3/1 - 8/31)
REGULAR (9/1 - 10/16)
ON-SITE (10/17 - 10/24)
] $249
] $299
] $349
Badge Name:___________________________________________________________
] $195
] $195
] $195
Badge Name:___________________________________________________________
] $195
] $195
] $195
] $100
] $100
] $100
] $99
] $124
] $149
Badge Name:___________________________________________________________
] $299
] $349
] $399
Badge Name:___________________________________________________________
] $195
] $195
] $195
Badge Name:___________________________________________________________
] $195
] $195
] $195
] $100
] $100
] $100
] $124
] $149
] $175
SINCE 1940
FULL ACCESS PASS Badge Name:___________________________________________________________
ADDITIONAL FULL ACCESS PASS (Available with purchase of Full Access Pass)
SPOUSE FULL ACCESS PASS (Available with purchase of Full Access Pass) Badge Name:___________________________________________________________ EDUCATION PASS (Does not include meals) Badge Name:___________________________________________________________
SPOUSE FULL ACCESS PASS (Available with purchase of Full Access Pass) Badge Name:___________________________________________________________ EDUCATION PASS (Does not include meals) Badge Name:___________________________________________________________
FULL ACCESS AND SPOUSE FULL ACCESS PASSES includes all meal functions, seminars and exhibit hall access and is eligible for continuing education credit. Additional Full Access passes and Spouse pass are only available with a Full Access registration. Valid FIADA membership required for FIADA member registration rates. CHILD REGISTRATIONS AVAILABLE Contact FIADA at (800) 237-0448 for details and to register.
] I have enclosed a check made payable to FIADA
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Name (as it appears on card):_____________________________________ Company:______________________________________________ Credit Card Billing Address:______________________________________________________________________________________________ Credit Card Number:________________________________________________________________
Exp Date:_________________________
Authorized Signature:_______________________________________________________________ CC Security Code:___________________ CANCELLATION POLICY: If cancellations are received in writing before 5pm on Monday, September 21, 2015, we will refund your registration fee. If cancellation is received between 9/22/15 and 10/11/15, we will refund your registration fee less a $25 processing fee. Fees cannot be refunded for registrations cancelled after 10/11/15 or for no-shows. PHOTO/VIDEO RELEASE: By registering for the 2015 FIADA Annual Convention, I hereby grant permission to use any and all photographic imagery and video footage taken of me at this event and activities pertaining to this event, without payment or any other consideration. I understand that such materials may be published electronically or in print, or used in presentations or exhibitions.
HOTEL INFORMATION: Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista. Hotel stay is separate from convention registration. Reservations must be made BEFORE SEPTEMBER 20, 2015 to qualify for group discount of $139 per night (plus tax) For reservations call (800) HILTONS/(800) 445-8667. Mail: 1840 Fiddler Court, Tallahassee, 18 FIADA, — Independent Dealer —August 2015 FL 32308
Fax: (850) 385-3251
Online: (800) 237-0448
LAST CHANCE to earn a FREE registration to the FIADA Annual Convention AND hotel accommodations at the Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista!
Recruit new members
Receive a full access pass to the FIADA Convention.
Recruit new members
Receive a full access pass and a hotel stay.* *(one room/3 nights at the Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista)
There’s still time to get in the game before the contest ends Aug. 31, 2015!
CONTEST LEADERS Lisa Compagno, Palm Tree Auto Jennifer Finlay, AutoMaxx Frank Fuzy, Century Motors Paul Matton, Park Auto Mall Don Scott, Wayne ReAves Mark Walzer, Paradise Motors
Congratulations to the following members who currently lead the Earn Your Stripes contest:
FIADA 1 9 4 0 -2 0 1 5
August 2015 — Independent Dealer — 19
20 — Independent Dealer —August 2015
One lucky dealer is going to walk out of the Annual Convention and Trade Show with a certified 1 carat diamond valued at over $5,000! When you check-in at the registration desk, you will receive a ration card for one diamond. Anytime the Exhibit Hall is open, take this card to the Manheim booth in exchange you will
receive a bag that has a stone inside. Take it to the Beverly Hills Jewelry booth and the gemologist will tell you if it’s the winning “diamond.” When you win, you will receive a loose, round, brilliant cut diamond weighing 1.00 carats, graded E color and 11 clarity. Beverly Hills Jewelry can also help you choose a setting for your new diamond.
FIADA Members enjoy FREE access to live webinars. Register at
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877-281-2360 August 2015 — Independent Dealer — 21
21st Century Word of Mouth BY STEVE SANTOSPAGO
Word of mouth is still a very effective form of advertising, it’s just that today customers are spreading the word online and over social media.
my just graduated from college and she is looking to buy a pre-owned BMW but, she has no idea which model or where she should go to purchase it. She makes a post on her Facebook page that she is looking for a car and asks her friends if they know which she should buy and from where. Her friend Mike comments; “You’d look sweet in a 3 Series.” Many of her other friends leave similar comments and she is steered into that model. But, the question still remains as to where she should procure the car. As she has the habit of doing with Spring Break vacations and buying anniversary dinner gift certificates for her parents she then heads to Google to search for who in her area will be the best bet for her to do business with. She creates a Google search with the following information in the search box; “Pre-Owned BMW reviews”. Amy is one of the 83 percent of consumers these days who search on line prior to ever calling a dealership and that percentage is growing every day.
visits Google, searches many web sites and looks at a lot of trucks. During his search he noticed a listing for a dealer at the top of the search page that notes the word “reviews” after its listing. He clicks into the information and reads what others have had to say about interacting with this business. He called and made an appointment with that one store and buys the
truck. After delivery he then went back to the web and posts his own review about his experience. Mary is expecting a child and needs a minivan or midsize SUV. Because it’s easier than driving around to different business over the weekend Mary Tweets out her need and gets involved in a long conversation thread filled with suggestions from her friends and family. With so many suggestions she gets confused and resorts back to how she found all the baby supplies, furniture and other amenities she will need for her soon to be arriving child. She goes to Google to find out what others in her same situation had to say. As with Bill from the above example, she finds what she feels would work for her but, two dealerships seem
Bill just started a landscaping business and his partner suggests they buy a pick up rather than a dump bed. Because time is money to him now, he researches online to find it. He too 22 — Independent Dealer —August 2015
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August 2015 — Independent Dealer — 23
WORD OF MOUTH continued from Page 22.
to have the near exact Honda Pilot. However, one of these dealers has reviews listed on their Facebook and Web page and the other does not. Feeling more comfortable after having read the reviews posted she calls and arranges time to visit the one with the reviews. Her feeling of comfort gained from reading about other customers experiences outweighed even the advice from her sister, girlfriends and neighbors. In each case the first thing these folks did was talk about it. Odds are that most of if not all of that conversation will take place on Facebook or Twitter. They each involve themselves in consumer behavior which entails reading reviews. Amy, Bill, and Mary engaged in 21st Century word of mouth. The meteoric rise and growth of web sites such as Angie’s List, Trip Adviser and Rate My Professor indicate the growing number of those in our country who value user reviews. Relaying personal experiences in this manor is not a trend, it has become common place. Smart, innovative
If you are not paying attention to what is being said about your business on the web then you are not doing all you can to succeed. Those who do will prosper. Those who don’t will fall by the wayside. businesses who seek long term growth are keen to pay attention to these reviews and in many cases use them to shape improvements in products which best fit the trends they observe in what consumers have to say. Bottom line, if you are not paying attention to what is being said about your business on the web then you are not doing all you can to succeed. It’s that cut and dry. Those who do will prosper. Those who don’t will fall by the wayside. You owe it to yourself, your employees and those who depend on your ability to manage your business successfully to pay attention to this news. The hotel, restaurant, academic, technology and franchise car dealership worlds have adopted “review centric” mentalities. It is high time that those in your end of the automotive market do as well.
As mentioned in CBT News in May of this year: “Consumers are 90 percent more likely to visit a dealer’s website and 5.3 times more likely to convert to a lead after reading positive reviews or seeing an above average rating for that dealer online” Become one of the dealers that has done what it takes to stay current. Recognize that buying trends are evolving and have been riding a tidal wave of change which will not stop. Give yourself and your business all the advantages available and you will be glad you did. Steve Santospago is with DealerRater. He can be reached at (781) 697-3565; Email: ssantospago@ |
Your FIADA membership now gives you premium perks in the FIADA Members Only Lane at these participating auctions!
Manheim Jacksonville Every Thursday at 1pm. Call Toni Williams (386) 255-2500 ext 8893 or Gary Twelkemeier, Asst. GM (904) 768-9981 for details.
24 — Independent Dealer —August 2015
Bi-weekly since last November, the FIADA Lane has exciting benefits for members. Contact the sales team at (813) 620-3600 for more info.
The Florida Department of Revenue is initiating a statewide audit campaign against Florida used car dealers, starting late summer 2014. The Department obtained DMV records of all used cars sold in Florida and is comparing these records against sales tax returns filed by used car dealers. Based on this information, the Department will estimate what taxable sales should have been for each used car dealer and initiate desk audits, full audits, and criminal investigations based on the level of estimated underreporting. These estimates can be erroneous and do not take into account financing charges, repossessions, sales to out of state residents, or other factors that can affect sales tax. Even worse, it only takes $301 of collected but not remitted sales tax to face felony charges and up to 5 years in jail under FL law.
The Law Offices of Moffa, Gainor, & Sutton, PA concentrate in the area of Florida sales and use tax controversy and we are qualified to assist used car dealers in a defense against the Florida Department of Revenue. Whether you have underreporting, you’re not sure whether your company is ready for a sales tax audit, or you simply have questions about which FL DOR forms to file (e.g. Form DR-123), then please contact our law offices today for a FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION.
August 2015 — Independent Dealer — 25
A monthly collection of selected legislative and regulatory highlights, and a recap of some of the many auto sale and financing lawsuits followed each month. COMPLIANCE TIP Most of the companies that buy your retail installment contracts are now subject to supervision by the CFPB. Would you like to see what the CFPB expects of those companies, so you will know what the companies will be expecting from you? If so, check out the Auto Finance Examination Guidelines on the CFPB’s web site. It’s like getting a peek at the other team’s playbook! FEDERAL DEVELOPMENTS Checked Your Pay Plan Lately? Signaling its interest in how compensation systems can harm consumers, the CFPB on June 5 ordered a California bank to pay a civil penalty of $228,000 for paying its branch managers based, in part, on the interest rates of the mortgage loans they closed. The Loan Originator Compensation Rule, which the CFPB enforces, protects consumers from being steered into costlier loans by prohibiting loan originators from receiving compensation based on the interest rates of loans they close. Even though the Rule doesn’t apply to car dealers, we believe that the CFPB might similarly challenge dealer compensation systems on other grounds. Title Lenders Take Note. On June 10, the FTC approved final consent orders with two car title lenders that allegedly failed to disclose important conditions and financing information about their loans. The orders prohibit First American Title Lending and Fast Cash Title Pawn from failing to disclose all the qualifying terms associated with obtaining a loan at its 26 — Independent Dealer —August 2015
advertised rate and what the finance charge will be after an introductory period. They are also prohibited from misrepresenting any material terms of their loan agreements. First American is also prohibited from stating the amount of any down payment, number of payments or periods of repayments, or the amount of any payment or finance charge without clearly and conspicuously stating all terms required by the Truth in Lending Act and Regulation Z. These cases were the first of their kind for the FTC, which characterized the cases as part of its ongoing effort to protect consumers in the short-term lending and auto marketplaces. Complain, Complain, Complain. On June 25, the CFPB went live with an enhanced public-facing consumer complaint database, which includes for the first time over 7,700 consumer accounts of problems with financial companies concerning mortgages, bank accounts, credit cards, debt collection, and more. The CFPB also wants input on whether there are ways to enable the public to more easily understand and make comparisons of the complaint information. In June 2012, the CFPB launched its Consumer Complaint Database, which includes basic, anonymous, individual-level information about complaints received, including the date, zip code, company, product, the issue the consumer is complaining about, and how the company handled the complaint. In March 2015, the Bureau finalized a policy to empower consumers to publicly share their stories when they submit complaints. Since the Bureau launched this
feature, more than half of complaining consumers have “opted in” to share their accounts of what happened. Now, these narratives, scrubbed of personal information, will be added to the complaint database daily. The CFPB says that the narratives provide context to complaints, are easily searchable, and help spotlight specific trends, and claims the narratives can help consumers make more informed decisions, encourage companies to improve the overall quality of their products and services and increase competition over good customer service. The narratives have been roundly criticized by industry as a one-sided mechanism that permits consumers to air unverified stories that companies cannot defend against. LITIGATION U.S. Supreme Court Holds that Claims Based on Disparate Impact Theory Are Valid Under Section 804 of Fair Housing Act: In an important victory for the federal government and housing advocates, the U.S. Supreme Court held that the FHA supported claims based on race-neutral policies that have the effect of disfavoring minorities. The decision has been closely watched by auto creditors looking for signals about how the Supreme Court might rule on the disparate impact theory under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act. The CFPB and the Department of Justice are aggressively pursuing disparate impact cases against indirect auto creditors based on finance rates set by dealers. Many observers have noted that the FHA statutory language and legislative history on which the decision is based differ significantly from the ECOA, leaving open the
August 2015 — Independent Dealer — 27
28 — Independent Dealer —August 2015
Tom ( and Nikki ( are partners in the law firm of Hudson Cook, LLC. (410) 865-5411 or www.
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Vehicle-Secured Creditor Had No Right to Recover From Third Party or Third-Party’s Insurance Company for Damage Caused by Accident with Debtor: A creditor had a security interest in a car involved in an accident. The debtor did not have liability or collision insurance on the car. Louisiana’s “No Pay, No Play” law prohibited the uninsured debtor from recovering the first $25,000 of property damage from the third party involved in the accident, or from his insurance company. The creditor sued the third party and his insurance company for the amount of its lien. The trial court granted summary judgment for the creditor. The third party and his insurer appealed. The appeals court reversed the trial court’s decision. According to the appeals court, the creditor was entitled to any damages or insurance proceeds the debtor could recover from the third parties as a result of the damage to her car. But, the creditor could not recover damages from the third parties unless they owed the debtor in the first place. Because the debtor had no insurance on her vehicle at the time of the accident, the “No Pay, No Play” law barred the debtor from recovering the first $25,000 worth of property damage she suffered. As a result, the creditor could not collect from the third parties. See M&M Financial Services, Inc. v. Hayes, 2015 La. App. LEXIS 1163 (La. App. June 5, 2015).
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question of whether the Court would reach the same conclusion under the ECOA. There is no case currently before the Supreme Court that presents this question under the ECOA. The decision is likely to leave the status of disparate impact claims under the ECOA uncertain. See Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs v. The Inclusive Communities Project, Inc., 2015 U.S. LEXIS 4249 (U.S. (5th Cir. (N.D. Tex.)) June 25, 2015).
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SINCE 1940
FIADA is your number one source for advice and information. Technical questions, legal questions, regulatory questions...bring them on! Our network of industry veterans, professionals and consultants can help you find the answers you are looking for. Members can call us anytime at (800) 237-0448 or access our online resources 24/7 at It pays to be a member! August 2015 — Independent Dealer — 29
INDUSTRY NEWS Fiat Chrysler Vehicle Buyback
As part of its settlement this week with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration over the mishandling of recall issues, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles must offer to buy back more than 500,000 vehicles – mostly Ram pickup trucks – from their current owners. The agreement requires FCA to contact the owners of those vehicles within 60 days to advise them of the details of the buy-back offer. No timetable has yet been determined on exactly when that might happen. Because of the short-term nature of a dealer’s ownership of a vehicle, it is very possible the manufacturer’s notice won’t get to dealers who happen to be in possession of a vehicle eligible for the offer. Dealers in possession of any of the affected models should check the vehicle’s VIN using the NHTSA lookup tool at to see if that vehicle is among those involved in the recall. If it is, contact Chrysler at 1-800-247-9753 or 1-800-8531403 for more information. Those vehicles include: 2009-2012 Ram 1500 2009-20011 Dodge Dakota 2009 Chrysler Aspen 2009 Dodge Durango 2008-2012 Ram 4500 2008-12 Ram 5500 2008-2012 Ram 2500 4x4 2008-12 Ram 3500 4x4 2008-12 Dodge Ram 3500 Chassis Cab 4x2 2008 Dodge Ram 1500 Mega Cab 4x4 The buyback price will be the purchase price paid by first purchaser, less a reasonable allowance for depreciation and not including the cost of modifications made after the first retail sale. FCA must also offer a premium of 10 percent above the buyback price to those opting for the buyback remedy on eligible vehicles that have not already been remedied. In addition, owners of the 1993-1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee involved in the fuel tank recall (recall No. 13V-252) that have not undergone the recall remedy can trade in the vehicle and receive a credit for $1,000 over fair market value toward a new Fiat Chrysler vehicle or the equivalent in parts/service. Owners who bring a 1993-98 Grand Cherokee or a 2002-2007 Jeep Liberty in for a recall repair will receive a $100 gift card. And owners of 1999-2004 Jeep Grand Cherokees that have not already participated in the service campaign can receive a $100 gift card when they bring the vehicles in for inspection in connection with this service campaign.
Dealer Groups Defeat Recall Legislation The U.S. Senate passed this year’s Highway Bill without an amendment that would have forced car dealers to fix any recalls before selling a vehicle. The amendment, introduced by Sen. Richard Blumenthal, would have prohibited the sale or lease of used cars subject to a recall until the defect or noncompliance had been remedied. It was voted down 13-11 by the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, and was not included in the bill that won approval in the full Senate. The National Automobile Dealers Association, the National Independent Automobile Dealers Association, the National Association of Minority Automobile Dealers and the National Auto Auction Association opposed the amendment. Source: Used Car News Don’t forget to support the FIADA PAC fund and help give your association a voice in legislative efforts important to this industry. Donate online at
Renewal Time for Mobile Home and RV Dealers The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles reminds Mobile Home and Recreational Vehicle Dealer dealers that now is the time to renew your dealer license for licensing period 10/1/2015-9/30/2016. In July, the Department e-mailed renewal notices and applications to all 1088 licensed Mobile Home and Recreational Vehicle Dealers. A completed renewal application form (HSMV 86720, “Renewal Application for Motor Vehicle, Mobile Home, or Recreational Vehicle Dealers”), required documents and fee must be submitted to the local Regional Office responsible for your dealership. This form, as well as a list of regional offices and dealer training schools, is available at 30 — Independent Dealer —August 2015
JIM WINTERICK, SR. President Gulfstream Motor Credit Miami, FL (305) 253-2335
PAUL MATTON Senior Vice President Park Auto Mall Pinellas Park, FL (727) 639-1112
DINO MERCURIO Chairman of the Board Independent Credit, Inc. West Palm Beach, FL (561) 686-8673
LISA COMPAGNO Treasurer Palm Tree Auto Sales Stuart, FL (772) 288-2099
BRAD JOEL Secretary Splish Splash Auto Sales Princeton, FL 33032 (305) 258-1191
August 2015 — Independent Dealer — 31
SCOTT LANIER GOVINDA ROMERO PHIL RISLEY CHRISTOPHER LEEDOM STEVE MARBAIS, CMD Regional Vice President Regional Vice President Regional Vice President Regional Vice President Regional Vice President Autoflex LLC Credit Cars Marbais Enterprises, Inc. Cars & Credit of Jacksonville AutoMaxx Gainesville, FL Orlando, FL 32808 Ocoee, FL Jacksonville, FL Sarasota, FL (407) 468-9974 (407) 295-6211 (407) 877-7422 (904) 616-4074 (941) 309-1111
Manheim Daytona Beach 1305 Indian Lake Road Daytona Beach, FL 32124 386.255.2500 Sale: Wed 3 PM Total Resource Auction every Wed 2:30 PM Manheim Fort Lauderdale 5353 S State Road 7 Davie, FL 33314 954.791.3520 Sale: Fri 9 AM Total Resource Auction Tue 9 AM Ford Open Sale every other Fri Manheim Fort Myers 2100 Rockfill Rd Fort Myers, FL 33916 239.476.9800 Sale: Wed 4 PM Total Resource Auction every other Wed 3 PM Specialty Sale last Wed monthly 2 PM Galloway Direct Off Site Sale 2nd & 4th Tues 12 PM Manheim Jacksonville 10817 New Kings Rd Jacksonville, FL 32219 904.768.9981 Sale: Thurs 1 PM Total Resource Auction every Thurs 12:40 PM Manheim Lakeland 8025 N State Road 33 Lakeland, FL 33809 863.984.1551 Sale: Wed 2 PM Specialty RV/Boat Sale 1st Wed monthly 9 AM
32 — Independent Dealer —August 2015
Manheim Orlando 11801 W Colonial Dr Ocoee, FL 34761 Sale: Tues 9 AM Highline Exotic Sale Kicks off every 4th Tues 11 AM with Mercedes & BMW Chrysler Closed Factory Sale bi-weekly on Mon 12:30 PM GM Closed Sales bi-weekly on Mon 1 PM Nissan Infiniti Closed Sale 1st Wed monthly 9 AM Manheim Palm Beach 600 Sansbury Way West Palm Beach, FL 33411 561.790.1200 Sale: Thursday 9 AM Exotic Highline Sale every 4th Wed 9:30 AM Manheim St Pete 14950 Roosevelt Blvd Clearwater, FL 33762 727.531.7717 Sale: Thurs Weekly 2:30 PM inops Regular Sale 3 PM Manheim Tampa 401 S 50th St Tampa, FL 33619 813.247.1666 Sale: Thursday 9 AM Total Resource Auction Mon 9:30 AM at Cone Road location Ford Factory Sale every other Wed 10 AM Manheim Caribbean 1050 Carretera 865 KM 4.7 Bo. Candelaria Toa Baja, PR 00949 787.261.7300 Sale: Thurs 12 PM Salvage Sale Thurs 11 AM
Manheim Central Florida 9800 Bachman Rd Orlando, FL 32824 407.438.1000 Sale: Wed 9 AM Total Resource Auction Wed 8:30 AM “Manheim Imperial Nights” Sale Tues 4 PM Specialty Heavy Truck & Equipment Sale Second Thurs Monthly at 10 AM