A Publication of the Florida Independent Automobile Dealers Association
May 2010
Information and Insight for Florida Used Car Dealers
Beyond Brand Awareness Page 4
FIADA Knocks out curbstoners Page 6
Page 10
Sine Die Page 16
May 2010 — Independent Dealer —
Comfort Inn 1013 East 23rd St. Panama City, 32405
FIADA Office 1840 Fiddler Court Tallahassee
NORTHEAST FLORIDA Adesa Jacksonville Auto Auction 11700 New Kings Rd. Jacksonville, 32219
Gulf States Auto Auction 6615 Mobile Highway Pensacola, FL 32526
Insurance A/A of Clearwater 5152 126th Ave N. Clearwater, 33760
Ramada Inn Tampa 11714 Morris Bridge Rd. 1-75 Exit 265 Tampa
CENTRAL FLORIDA Manheim’s Imperial Auto Auction 3300 County Line Rd. Lakeland, 33811
Ocala Driver’s License Office 110 SE 25th Avenue Ocala, 34471
Manheim Central Florida Auto Auction 9800 Bachman Rd. Orlando, 32824
Manheim Remarketing Site Orlando/Ocoee 1275 E. Story Road Winter Garden, 34787
Manheim Ft. Lauderdale 5353 State Road 7 Davie, 33314 Adesa Miami/Insurance Auto Auction of Miami 12700 NW 42nd Ave Opa Locka, 33054
MAY 2010
JULY JULY2010 2010
JUNE 2010
May 5-6
June 3-4
Orlando/Winter Garden
July 8-9
May 6-7
Orlando/Winter Garden
June 5-6
July 10-11 Tampa
May 8-9
June 7-8
July 12-13 Ocala
Orlando/Winter Garden
May 10-11 Ocala
June 9-10 Lakeland
July 14-15 Lakeland
May 12-13 Lakeland
June 9-10 Pensacola
July 14-15 Pensacola
May 15-16 Ft. Lauderdale
June 12-13 Ft. Lauderdale
July 17-18 Ft. Lauderdale
May 18-19 Panama City
June 22-23 Tallahassee
July 20-21 Panama City
May 22-23 Orlando
June 26-27 Orlando
July 24-25 Orlando
May 24-25 Jacksonville
June 28-29 Jacksonville
July 26-27 Jacksonville
May 24-25 Clearwater
June 21-22 Clearwater
July 19-20 Clearwater
May 26-27 Miami/Opa Locka
June 23-24 Miami/Opa Locka
July 21-22 Miami/Opa Locka
View Course Descriptions and Register at www.FIADA.comwww.fiada.com
— Independent Dealer — May 2010
MAILING ADDRESS 1840 Fiddler Court Tallahassee, FL 32308
TELEPHONE (850) 385-2712 (800) 237-0448
FAX (850) 385-3251 WEBSITE www.FIADA.com
Greg Edwards President Jim Kagiliery Chairman of the Board Jeff Gann Senior Vice President Jeff Zupec Secretary Dino Mercurio Treasurer
Mario Allmond Regional Vice President Brandi Noegel Regional Vice President George Hickey Regional Vice President Steve Marbais, CMD Regional Vice President John Cousins Regional Vice President
Steve Jordan Executive Director Larry Peters S. Allen Monello, D.P.A. Terry Myers Instructors Sarah Langley Membership Coordinator Alex Romans Education Coordinator Christy Taylor Editorial/Advertising
Send address changes to: FIADA • 1840 Fiddler Court Tallahassee, FL 32308 (850) 385-2712 • Toll Free: (800) 237-0448 Fax: (850) 385-3251 • www.FIADA.com Volume 1 No. 3 The Independent Dealer is a publication of: Florida Independent Automobile Dealers Association, 1840 Fiddler Court, Tallahassee, FL 32308. The magazine is published every month in Tallahassee and distributed to Florida new, used, wholesale and lease/retail car dealers. Advertising rates are available upon request. The statements and opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of Independent Dealer or the Association. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers, or their identification as members of FIADA, does not constitute an endorsement of the products or services featured.
Contents May 2010
For members of the Florida Independent Automobile Dealers Association
C O LU M N S & F E AT U R E S 2
FIADA Offers Education Opportunities On Line and On Site.
We’ve Got You Covered
Greg Edwards
President’s Message
Steve Jordan
Larry Peters and S. Allen Monello, D.P.A.
Executive Director’s Message Technically Speaking FIADA Wins in the Bottom of the 9th FIADA’s SB 1182/HB 631 passed unanimously. Get a play-by-play of how the session went down.
New Benefits From NIADA
Want to Win $10,000?
John Grant, FIADA Lobbyist
Legislative Update Fast Cars and Freedom: FIADA’s Annual Convention & Expo
D E PA R T M E N T S 22
Member News & Notes
Internet Extras
UPCOMING EVENTS July 16-17, 2010 FIADA Board of Directors Meeting PGA National Resort & Spa Palm Beach Gardens, FL
October 15-16, 2010 FIADA Annual Convention & Expo Tradewinds Resort St. Pete Beach, FL May 2010 — Independent Dealer —
Beyond Brand Awareness BY GREG ED WARDS
ortune 500 companies have no problems earmarking big budgets to build their brand, and with good reason--aside from the actual product or service they produce a business’ corporate identity is probably the most important element of its success. What your brand says about you, how it is perceived and how well it is remembered are the first steps to a customer relationship, and in many cases can be what keeps bringing them back.
Legislative Committee and members were able to effectively share our message at the capital. The goal was to show legislators, industry partners, government agencies and other groups interested in transportation and small business issues that our Association is passionate, committed and tenacious when it comes to issues involving independent dealers. The bill’s unanimous vote in both houses tells me we were effective.
The companies who are good at effectively communicating their brand to the masses are able to condition their customers into unwavering loyalty. Whether it is warranted or not, the corporate name and logo have such presence that shoppers consistently choose them over any competitor, every time. The power of a good brand can overcome or overlook differences in price, any inconvenience in attaining the product and even the lure of a wider selection of choices offered by a competing brand. Whether it is soft drinks, airlines or car manufacturers positive brand awareness is essential to a company’s success.
The spring brought us victory in the legislature, but that does not mean the summer is time for vacation! Now, we need to focus our attention to building our brand among the independent dealers in our state who are not FIADA members. We need to work until everyone knows the benefits of membership, and understands how important their membership is to the industry as a whole. Bottom line: if we want to continue to speak louder in Tallahassee, we need more members. So, for the future of our industry, let’s all commit now to spreading the word to our local dealers and persuading them that the investment of a dues check will pay off big in the end.
The Florida Independent Automobile Dealers Association has spent nearly 70 years building its brand. It is safe to say there is no other group in the state that is as well established, comprehensive in benefits or better respected when it comes to serving independent auto dealers. The innovation, ingenuity and integrity of our leadership over the past seven decades sets the standard for dealer associations throughout the country and we should be very proud of what we have accomplished. This past legislative session FIADA was able to build upon our brand awareness in Tallahassee. Working behind the scenes on SB 1182/HB 631 our Executive Director Steve Jordan, Lobbyist John Grant, — Independent Dealer — May 2010
Coming off the heels of our April Board of Directors meeting, you can rest assured that the FIADA leadership continues to seek new opportunities for dealers through additional benefits, continued service and professional development programs. Mark your calendar for our next board meeting July 16-17 at the PGA National Resort in Palm Beach Gardens. Your input is welcomed and encouraged! Don’t forget also to register early for the FIADA Annual Convention & Expo, October 15-16 at the Tradewinds Resort in St. Pete Beach. You can find a registration form in this magazine on page 19 and 20. It’s going to be a “Fast Cars & Freedom” weekend full of education, exhibits and entertainment. www.fiada.com
May 2010 — Independent Dealer —
FIADA Knocks Out Curbstoners BY STE VE JORDAN
n Friday, April 30, 2010 at 4:51 p.m. the Florida House of Representatives voted unanimously 119-0, passing HB 631. Through this bill and the Senate counterpart SB 1182, which also passed unanimously, the FIADA landed a knock-out punch on curbstoners who illegally park their vehicles for sale without a dealer’s license. These non-licensed sellers will now need to think twice before trying to side-step the system or they will face much stiffer penalties in light of Florida’s new law (pending a signature by Governor Charlie Crist). During the 2010 Legislative Session, one of the most commonly asked questions I got speaking with legislators about HB 631 was, “OK, now what is curbstoning again and why is it a problem?” Non-licensed sellers, curbstoners, enterprising criminals, burned-out or uninsurable dealers, and others park their cars for sale illegally on the side of the road or on property they do not own without permission. In turn, these individuals mar the community landscape, avoid
good deal. Whew! Deep breath. In short, curbstoners skirt the system and care only about turning a quick buck, darn the consequences. With the passage of this bill, some of the problems with exacting a consequence to curbstoning were addressed, the dragnet of enforcement got larger, and the monetary fines increased. At a recent Automobile Dealers Industry Advisory Board meeting, the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) reported that during fiscal year 2008-2009, 11,643 vehicles got “Red Tagged” by the DHSMV for being illegally parked for sale. Of these cars, only 64 were towed and removed. That’s right; ½ of 1 percent of cars illegally parked for sale get towed away by law enforcement. The reason why this happens is because under the Uniform Traffic Citation (UTC) language in current state statute, if a car was parked illegally for sale, a law enforcement officer had to either issue a citation in person or post a red tag on the windshield giving the offender a 24 hour right to cure the problem or move the car. As you can see, nearly all the problems got cured within a 24 hour period as the curbstoners just moved their cars (often to another location) and thumbed their nose at the law. That was a big problem with an ineffective enforcement solution.
The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) reported that during fiscal year 2008-2009, 11,643 vehicles got “Red Tagged” for being illegally parked for sale...only 64 were towed and In our bill, the solution with the new removed. paying sales tax on cars they sell without a license and pass along the car’s problems – title or mechanical – to unsuspecting consumers that think they are getting a — Independent Dealer — May 2010
law eliminates the UTC language and the 24 hour notice. Once this bill goes into effect, if a car is illegally parked for sale – as already defined by current law – “a law enforcement officer, compliance www.fiada.com
officer, code enforcement officer from any local government agency, or supervisor of the department may issue a citation and cause to be immediately removed at the owner’s expense any motor vehicle that is found in violation…” This coupled with the existing definitions will give us the teeth we were looking for. If you’re just tuning in, the existing law already defines specifically what determines whether or not a car is illegally parked for sale. For example Florida Statute 316.1951 says: - “It is unlawful to offer a vehicle for sale if the vehicle identification number has been destroyed, removed, covered, altered, or defaced, as descriced in s. 319.33(1)(d)…”
Often in a curbstoning sale, the last registered owner isn’t necessarily the person attempting to sell the car. That is why the shiny, new $100 fine stays with the car, not the registered owner.
- “It is unlawful to knowingly attach to any motor vehicle registration that was not assigned or lawfully transferred to the vehicle pursuant to s. 320.261…”
- “It is unlawful to display or offer for sale a vehicle that does not have a valid registration as provided in s. 320.02…” - “A vehicle is subject to immediate removal without warning if it bears a telephone number that has been displayed on three or more vehicles offered for sale within a 12-month period. - “It is unlawful for any person to park a motor vehicle… upon a public street or highway, a public parking lot, or other public property, or upon private property where the public has the right to travel by motor vehicle, for the principal purpose and intent of displaying the motor vehicle thereon for sale, hire or rental…unless specifically authorized…” This solution will give the DHSMV much needed enforcement help by putting more “feet on the street” at the state, county, municipal, and local code enforcement levels to assist in monitoring and moving on these infractions. Additionally, the immediate removal authorization will get rid of the offending vehicle and hold the illegal seller accountable…immediately, with no right to cure. Often in a curbstoning sale, the last registered owner isn’t necessarily the person attempting to sell the car. That is why the shiny, new $100 fine stays with the car, not the registered owner. The newly passed language addresses this www.fiada.com
issue by saying, “…and the owner shall be assessed a penalty as provided in s. 318.18(21) by the government agency or authority that orders immediate removal of the motor vehicle. A motor vehicle removed under this section shall not be released from an impound or towing and storage facility before a release form prescribed by the department has been completed verifying that the fine has been paid to the government agency or authority that ordered immediate removal of the motor vehicle.” So, in addition to all the normal towing and storage fees, the offender will have to pay $100 – as defined
in s. 318.18(21) – and complete the DHSMV release form to get the car back. This could total hundreds of dollars in fines, towing, and storage fees per infraction. HB 631 addresses a lot of other technical issues related to motor vehicle transactions and dealer operations, but the biggest priority held by the FIADA Legislative Committee during the 2010 Legislative Session was to write greater penalties into law relating to the ongoing curbstoning issue and take us one step closer to the elimination of illegal competition by unlicensed car sellers altogether. After passing unanimously in both the Florida House & Senate chambers, this bill’s next stop is the Governor’s desk for signature. Although we don’t expect a veto from the Governor, we do expect curbstoners to pay attention, because life is about to get a lot harder in the State of Florida if you try to sell a car illegally without a license. Since 1940, the FIADA has been working to protect the interests and image of the used car industry and advance the cause of the legally licensed dealer and the passage of HB 631 does just that. We have already started the conversation with the DHSMV and other major industry stakeholders on the next steps needed for those who continue to try and operate outside the lines. Stay tuned for more updates from Tallahassee as we keep a watchful eye on the legislative policy and detail that can make your ability to operate as a dealer better.
May 2010 — Independent Dealer —
Use Your Compliance Tools BY LARRY PE TERS AND S. ALLEN MONELLO, D. P. A .
hen your car is not running right, many of you will break out the tool kit and start checking your car for problems. Once the problem is identified, you will then purchase parts and begin replacing the bad parts with new ones. Your tools will come in handy as it is next to impossible to replace anything on vehicles without tools. Some of the tools are simple, like a screw driver or wrench and in other cases, a sophisticated computer software product is necessary to read the vehicle’s internal computer chip to determine what a problem is. Likewise, your “compliance tool kit” contains many tools, some of which are simple and others more complex. Regardless of what compliance tools you have in your kit, the one key in making your tools work is you and how you implement them. You are the one who can walk around your dealership and fix things instantly. But, of course you have to “walk around” and look and listen at things objectively. Some business management gurus simply call it “management by walking around.” How creative! The good news it works. As this “tool” relates to compliance, you can simply walk around and see, for instance, how your business is complying with the FTC Safeguards Rule. Do your own risk assessment. Do you see documents with customer “non-public information” lying around accessible to anyone? Do see unlocked file cabinets and desk drawers? Do you hear sales reps repeating things like social security numbers or customer account numbers in earshot of anyone who might want to write that info down? How about the Red Flags Rule? Do you listen to what your staff says when they are dealing with customers and there may be an address discrepancy or some other matter that must be dealt with to authenticate your customer’s identity? Another management phrase is “inspect what you expect.” Know what’s taking place at the dealership by looking and listening and fixing problems yourself. Of course, there are other compliance tools available to you. Many are provided to FIADA members by just logging in to the member’s section. Click on the “Dealer Resources” button and there they are. Do you need a Motor Vehicle Installment Seller License? The answer is there. Do you have — Independent Dealer — May 2010
a repo question or need to see a sample letter? Yep, those are there too. How about this one: A law enforcement officer says you cannot drive a vehicle off the lot with a dealer plate for personal use. The answer is there too. It’s a memo from the DMV Director that says you can! There are many more, all you have to do is open that “tool kit” and look for the topic. Other tools are also just a click away. For example, you can verify the title, lien, odometer, and brand status of a vehicle by going to the Highway Safety and Motor Vehicle website at www.flhsmv.gov and clicking the “Motor Vehicle Check” button under the Vehicle Tags and Titles section. You can also verify if a driver license is valid by clicking “Driver License Check” under the Driver License section. It’s just that simple. Finally, you can go to the Department of Revenue’s website at www.myflorida.com/dor and click the button at the top that says “Taxes” and then click Forms and Publications under the Quick Links to the left of the page. This will take you to the various DOR forms. Scroll down to “Sales and Use Tax” and then scroll down to GT-400400. This is the latest Tax Information for Motor Vehicle Dealers Manual. This is the manual that was developed for dealers and it is full of information regarding taxes you have to collect, how to fill out a return, how to handle out-of-state sales, other state tax rates and more. As you can see, there are many compliance tools available to you to help keep your dealership running smoothly and, when necessary, to make any necessary repairs. Most are just a few clicks away, so keep your “tool kit” handy. The material contained in this article is for informational purposes only and not intended to serve as legal advice. Dealers are strongly encouraged to have all of their internal policies and procedures reviewed by their attorney.
Larry Peters and Allen Monello are managing partners in the Automotive Industry Center for Excellence, LLC (AICE) and consultants to FIADA. If you have questions related to compliance issues or of a technical nature, you www.fiada.com
can reach them at (800) 237-0448.
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May 2010 — Independent Dealer —
FIADA took to the field as the bills began their way through a total of six different committees between the House and Senate. Executive Director Steve Jordan and Lobbyist John Grant were there at every stop, as was the voiced support of dealers through phone calls to committee chairs and members. Grant says that member involvement really made a difference.
for records storage and title and registration paperwork. As the session neared its end, and the budget issues became all-consuming for legislators, it looked as if there would not be enough time for SB 1182/HB 631 to complete the process and come to a vote in the house and senate floor. In the Legislature, there are no extra innings, so with only hours left before adjournment, it was now or never for the bills.
“From the first day of the session I knew that our worst enemy was the clock and we had to really fight to get our bill on committee agendas. As it was, we achieved final passage less than two hours before the legislature adjourned,” Grant said. “What we “People in the legislative arena know did in the passage of HB 631 was hen the Legislative season better now what we do and who we monumental and while I worked hard opened in Tallahassee, are,” FIADA Lobbyist John Grant at getting it done, it would not have everyone knew it was going said. “This victory helped us politically been possible without the constant to be a tough one. With a $3 billion because our members got involved help of Steve Jordan and the legislative dollar deficit to deal with, and more through our use of legislative alerts and committee,” Grant said. “The local than 3,000 bills filed between both calls to legislators from their voting calls and involvement from our chambers Legislators would have to constituency.” members made a big difference. It was work quickly and efficiently to make it definitely a team effort.” all happen. FIADA’s legislative team The final votes on SB 1182/HB 631 was prepared for a tough game, and ready to go to bat for SB 1182/HB 631 were unanimous in both houses, which Heading into the off-season with a was an accomplishment in itself. Even new “brand awareness” in Tallahassee, at every trip to the plate. in committee the bills were received FIADA will not be sitting the summer favorably and had good support with out. If there is one adage that is Rep. Rachel Burgin introduced HB only minimal concern. The critique especially true in politics it is that 631 in the House and Sen. Victor from a few committee members helped there is strength in numbers. Building Crist sponsored SB 1182 in the Senate. FIADA rewrite membership will be crucial over the Both portions of the next year to continue the legislative legislators bill to address momentum. The other strategy will took control concerns, without be to shore up the FIADA PAC of their bills, losing the core Fund, allowing the Association to pitching objectives of the support candidates who are friendly them to original legislation. to its agenda—something particularly committees The end result important in an election year. for inclusion would be a longon their awaited change “We need to let our presence be known agendas, in the law that in the August primary and in the working Rep. Rachel Burgin Sen. Victor D. Crist helps level the November general elections,” Grant with playing field for said. “Hopefully all our members staffers and independent dealers in areas such as will get involved at the local level and chairmen to steer them through curbstoning, losing money on unpaid support candidates who, once elected, committees and building consensus tag fees and streamlining processes will support us and our industry.” among members.
10 — Independent Dealer — May 2010
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PAID ADVERTISING May 2010 — Independent Dealer — 11
(Excerpted from NIADA’s Association E-Notes)
NIADA & Auto Search Technologies Team Up for a Brand New Association Web Site Auto Search Technologies (AST), a National NIADA Member Benefit Program, has been chosen to create a brand new web site for NIADA. AST specializes in award winning dealership web site designs and search engine optimization for both franchise and independent dealers. AST has also graciously donated their time and resources with the design of many State Association web sites over the past few years. “Michael Jackson and his great creative team at AST has done some magnificent work for our members and state associations and have provided them with the most sophisticated yet easily manageable online tools,” said Mike Linn. “AST has many great ideas in store for our new national web site, including many applications and social network tools.” Development of the new site is already underway. Stay tuned for the new web site unveiling later this summer! In the meantime, visit www.autosearchtech.com/niada and see how AST can assist in developing or updating your dealership web site today! Carfax Launches New History Impact Tool... Carfax has enhanced its Vehicle History Reports with a new tool – the Carfax History Impact. Every used car has a unique history that differentiates its value from other like vehicles. By analyzing market pricing and millions of used car transactions, the Carfax History Impact reflects the amount consumers have adjusted a vehicle’s retail book value based on the information in Carfax Vehicle History Reports. Dealers are using this tool to better determine the right price for their cars. “Before putting any car on our lot, it’s important for us to know what a customer might expect to pay for that car,” said John Donnelly of Findlay Automotive Group. “The Carfax History Impact gives a clear understanding of how information reported to Carfax adjusts the retail book value that our customers already use in their research. We’re confident that our vehicles are priced competitively in the market and we’re holding gross on each sale.” Dealers have long considered vehicle history as a key factor when evaluating and pricing used cars for their inventory. The Carfax History Impact gives dealers new insight about the market value to help stock the right cars at the right price. In addition, used car shoppers have more confidence during the buying process knowing how much the market value is adjusted based on vehicle history. Carfax worked with thousands of dealers to develop the Carfax History Impact. For the past several months, the Carfax History Impact has appeared on all Carfax Vehicle History Reports run by subscribing dealers. “For years used car shoppers have asked for help determining how vehicle history affects value,” said Larry Gamache, communications director at Carfax. “The Carfax History Impact shows you how much more or less than retail book value other consumers pay based on the reported history, taking the guesswork out. Having more information about what the customer expects to pay at retail helps dealers acquire vehicles at the right price and ultimately make more money.” Carfax subscribers are encouraged to contact their Carfax Account Manager for more information. 12 — Independent Dealer — May 2010
NIADA’s Offers advantage benefits card to members Advantage Benefits Card has joined the NIADA National Member Benefit Program to bring savings on Rx prescriptions, dental, vision, Lasik and hearing services to members, their employees and families. As an FIADA member, have access to this benefit because of your concurrent membership with NIADA. The ABC Card combines several non-insurance programs into one, easy to use, e-membership card. The program can save 10 – 65%, depending on the type of service and where the provider is located. Savings average 20% on prescriptions, 20 - 40% on dental, 10 – 50% on vision (including Lasik) and 35 – 65% on hearing services. There is no cost for the ABC Card and savings begin immediately. To enroll and print your ID card, go to http://www.theabccard. com/?groupID=NIADA. Enter NIADA as the Group name and enter your information to print your ID card. Then present the ABC eMembership card to a participating provider. Providers can be located on the website or by calling customer service, 888-908-8987, option 1. The ABC Card is NOT insurance, but provides discounts at certain providers for health care services. The member must pay for all health care services at the time of service, but will receive a discount from those providers who have contracted with the program operator, Executive Vision Benefits, Inc (EyeBenefits). They can be reached at 888-908-8987. Please see http://www.theabccard. com/?groupID=NIADA for more information on the Advantage Benefits Card. www.fiada.com
© 2010 ADESA, INC.
May 2010 — Independent Dealer — 13
The FIADA Special Membership Drawing is back! A portion of the ticket sales will be donated to the Florida Association of Food Banks, a network of food banks that covers all of Florida’s 67 counties.
1st Place—$10,000 2nd Place—$2,000 3rd Place—$1,000 $1,000 to the person who sells the winning ticket.
$25 per ticket or 5 tickets for $100.
Call (800) 237-0448 to get your tickets!
14 — Independent Dealer — May 2010
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he 2010 legislative session has concluded. It was fractious session to say the least and one that was almost entirely focused on the deficit laden budget and related items, such as Medicaid reform. In the end, the legislature passed out and sent to the Governor an appropriations bill of slightly more than $70 billion that relied on a gambling pact signed with the Seminole Tribe of Florida and federal Medicaid funds, which may or may not be forthcoming. Because of the attention to the budget, and Medicaid issues, FIADA knew it was going to be hard to achieve our goals this session. To recap, FIADA’s legislative plan was: 1. Pass our legislation on curbstoning and other related matters 2. Get a partial or total rollback of last year’s excessive fee increases 3. Defeat legislation that would be harmful to our dealer members 4. Increase the political awareness and involvement of our membership With the passsage of HB 631, we were able to accomplish objectives 1, 3 and 4. HB 631 passed on the final day of the session, in the Senate 38-0 and the House 119-0. This bill contains items that the association has long advocated and the changes we made will help the industry, better protect every dealer in Florida. We were able to convince the Senate that the fee increases should be totally or partially rolled back, but because the House could not agree, we will make this rollback a goal for next year’s session. 16 — Independent Dealer — May 2010
Not only did we pass our bill, but since it had to go through six different committees, our presence was made known to many legislators. We have made new friends with both legislators and staff who have a new awareness of who we are and what we do. Often the legislative task is not so much what we pass, but rather what we keep from passing. For example, there legislation was presented this session that would have overregulated an already tightly regulated debt collection industry. While it is true there are a lot of debt collection scam services that this bill would have been appropriate for, the legislation was drafted in such a broad way that it would have included every buy here pay here dealer. We were successful in getting the legislation redrafted so that our dealers were not included. Problem solved. Our success this year was in part due to the fact that we involved our members in a significant way. The Legislative Committee was deeply involved in the process every step of the way. We initiated the sending of legislative alerts asking our members to call their legislators and many did. There is nothing like a call from a home town voting citizen to get the attention of legislators. I want to thank every member who took the time to call and to tell you that you made a difference and that without you our bill might have died on the calendar. Now that the legislative session is over for this year, it is time to turn to focus on member involvement that effects the election process. We are more likely to get the attention of members of the legislature if we have helped to get them there and we will be discussing that in next month’s Independent Dealer.
May 2010 — Independent Dealer — 17
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Special 2010 Convention Pricing: Corporate Registration $249 and then $195 for each additional employee.
Family Registration $349 Includes dealer, spouse and kiddos.
Register now for the convention at www.fiada.com!
Make Your Hotel Reservations Now! Space is limited, so call today. Tradewinds Reservations: 800.808.9833 Room Rate: $149/night (plus tax) You must mention you are part of the FIADA Annual Convention to receive group rate. www.fiada.com
May 2010 — Independent Dealer — 19
Company:_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address:__________________________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip:___________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone:_______________________________________________ Fax:_______________________________________________ E-mail:_______________________________________________ Website:___________________________________________
(Please Note: fees in each category will increase by $100 after September 10, 2010.)
Badge Name: _ __________________________________________________ [ ] $249
Additional Attendee:_ _____________________________________________ [ ] $195
Additional Attendee:_ _____________________________________________ [ ] $195
Additional Attendee:_ _____________________________________________ [ ] $195
Dealership attendees will have access to all convention breakfast, lunch & dinner meal functions (including the Annual Banquet & Awards Ceremony and the Fast Cars & Freedom Gala Banquet), the Exhibit Hall, all Continued Education workshops, FIADA Certificates of Completion and all parties throughout the weekend.
Badge Name: _ __________________________________________________ [ ] $349
Spouse Name:___________________________________________________ [ ] Included
Child Name:_____________________________________________________ [ ] Included
Child Name:_____________________________________________________ [ ] Included
Family Package attendees will have access to all convention breakfast, lunch & dinner meal functions (including the Annual Banquet & Awards Ceremony and the Fast Cars & Freedom Gala Banquet), the Exhibit Hall, all Continued Education workshops, FIADA Certificates of Completion and all parties throughout the weekend.
Badge Name: _ __________________________________________________ [ ] $195
Badge Name:____________________________________________________ [ ] $195
Continuing Education Only attendees will have access to breakfast & lunch on Friday and Saturday, the Exhibit Hall, all Continued Education workshops, and a FIADA Certificate of Completion.
PAYMENT METHOD [ ] I have enclosed a check made payable to FIADA [ ] I will be using a credit card Credit Card Type: [ ] Visa [ ] Master Card [ ] American Express [ ] Discover Name (as it appears on card):____________________________________ Company:_______________________________________ Credit Card Billing Address:______________________________________________________________________________________ Credit Card Number:_ _______________________________________________ Exp Date:_ ________________________________ Authorized Signature: X__________________________________________________ CC Security Code:______________________ CANCELLATION POLICY: Refunds may be honored with a 72-hour notice. Please submit cancellations in writing.
Please contact Tradewinds Resort directly at (800) 808-9833 and mention you are part of the FIADA Annual Convention to receive the group rate. Reservations must be made by Sept. 10, 2010 to receive the FIADA group discount of $149.00 per night, plus tax. This reduced group rate will not be guaranteed after this date. Reservations will be accepted upon a space available basis.
register online now at www.fiada.com
20 — Independent May 2010 Or Mail/Fax registration to:Dealer FIADA — • 1840 Fiddler Court • Tallahassee, FL 32308 • PHONE (800) 237-0448 • FAX (850) 385-3251
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FIADA mourns the loss of long time ocala dealer Joseph S. Curcio, 59, long time Ocala resident, died Tuesday, April 6, 2010 in Ocala. He was born July 30, 1950 in Brooklyn, NY. He was a beloved husband, father, grandfather, friend, and true family man. Joe was a devoted Catholic and is now with the Lord. He proudly served his country during the Vietnam War in the US Army Air Cavalry, and received an honorable discharge. He was a highly regarded and truly respected automobile dealer and owner of Joe Curcio Auto Sales Inc. in Ocala. Joe was a true “car man,� one of the last of a dying breed.
INTERNET EXTRAS FTC Extends Enforcement Deadline for Identity Theft Red Flags Rule
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At the request of Members of Congress, the Federal Trade Commission is delaying enforcement of the “Red Flags� Rule until June 1, 2010, for financial institutions and creditors subject to enforcement by the FTC. The Rule was promulgated under the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act, in which Congress directed the Commission and other agencies to develop regulations requiring “creditors� and “financial institutions� to address the risk of identity theft. The resulting Red Flags Rule requires all such entities that have “covered accounts� to develop and implement written identity theft prevention programs to help identify, detect, and respond to patterns, practices, or specific activities – known as “red flags� – that could indicate identity theft. You can download sample policies and procedures developed for dealers to be compliant with the FTC Red Flags Rule at www.FIADA.com. After log-in, click on Dealer Resources and then Federal Regulations to access the files in either PDF or Word format. Send us your news, announcements and photos to memberservices@fiada.com. www.fiada.com
www.fiada.com PAID ADVERTISING
May 2010 — Independent Dealer — 23
Highline every 4th Tuesday and Exotics every 2nd/4th Tuesday Heavy Truck & Equipment sales – call for details
Boat Sale 3rd Wednesday 10:00 a.m
24 — Independent Dealer — May 2010 PAID ADVERTISING