Project Type: Academic 3rd year, Individual, 2012/ Gerrerd & George,Toronto, ON
This unique condominium project was initiated to introduce mixed-use living and amenities to the deprived neighborhood of MossPark. Oneofthemajorproblemsinthe area was the homogeneous population with lower income living in the area due to a lack of facilities and a concentrated area of shelters. This project was introduced with partnership from private investors and Toronto Housing to improve the neighborhood and attract people from different socioeconomic backgrounds. This was a proposal to add a modern condominium with amenities that address new and existing people's needs. The new condominium would host 60 units ranging from bachelor to two-bedroom suites. 20% of this unit would be part of Toronto Housing as a rent-geared-to-income program. The ground floor was a completely dedicated mix of commercial and amenities for the people living in the building and the neighborhood. This project was the kernel of further development and brought attention to other investorsinthecommunity.

Respecting building height limits with the surrounding buildings in the neighborhood was an important factor for consideration in designing this condominium building. The new proposal kept the height to 7stories(22m)withgroundfloor
Proposed site Allen gardens
1.Community Centre
3.Healthcare Centre
5 Community Kitchen
The design was a principle surrounded by the core value of 'community'. When we think about a typical modern condominium downtown, we instantly think about floor-to-ceiling glass facades with an extravagant gym and swimming pool. This building deviates from exorbitant to take on a more humble approach respecting the site's history and current state. We stick to the core values of community growth, people, collaboration, and sustainability. The proposal also focused on Allen Garden which was opposite side of the street. Bringing in the nature indoors was crucialelementofthedesign.

The condominium was designed predominantly with the students, young family, and senior population in mind. This area was close to TMU so there were a lot of students that needed a suite to live in. Also, as per the Toronto Social Housing, there was a lack of units for seniors, vulnerable youth, and single parents. Considering these factors, the condominium has about 80% units dedicated to1bedroomandbachelorsuits.
Residential Floors
Project Type: Academic, Team Project, 2013/ Coventry University, UK
It was a proposal to build and renovate the Sir John Laing Civil Engineering Building to create a sense of identity, learning environment, and community to enhance students' experience to promote campus integration. The new building should be efficient to adapt teaching, learning, and research demands for both current and future studentsandstaff.
All spaces were designed in a way that will enable people to use and maintain them efficiently.Thenewbuildingcomprisingthree stories includes state-of-the-art structural laboratories, an architectural studio, a lecture theatre, classrooms, computer labs, a cafe, and offices. This building was designed with sustainability and value engineering in mind.Sinceitwasacollaborativeproject,my rolewastobrainstormideasfordesign,build models, and site plans, produce renderings, andassembletheprojectsforsubmission.

The new building was blended with the existing fabric on campus promoting campus integrationtoincludestudents'needsinthe center. In the existing space, there was a lack of student-friendly spaces and almost non-existent pedestrian-friendly paths. It wasachievedinthisdesignbyincreasingthe current footprint. The new building has been extendedonthesouthsidewheretherewasan existing parking lot and also added floor to create more spaces for facilities. The building focuses on creating an inviting entrance, student-friendly spaces, and maximizing the streetscape; making it pedestrian-friendly. It was important for us tofocuswhenthestudentswalkedthroughthe doors,theyfeltasenseofcommunity.
Hierarchu & Relationship
Concept Programs
Building materials were one of the important considerations when designing this building at the time. Considering the tectonic characteristics of the material and how it's going to play light and shadow on the facade toprovideidentitytothisbuilding
Autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC)
Copper: Flat-Seam field formed wall system
Zinc- Copper Alloy: flat-Seam field formal
Double glazed with low e-coating finish
Thenewbuildingshouldbeefficienttoadapt teaching, learning and research demands for both current and future students and staff. All spaces should be designed in a way which will enable people to use and maintain it efficiently.Overall,thenewbuildingshould create a friendly and important image on the campusfabric.alittlebitofbodytext
Vinyl PVC frame
Project Type: Academic 3rd Year, Individual Project, 2012/Hunstville,ON
The concept of the Genius Studio was to explore the correlation between materiality andaestheticsinasmallspace.Thepurpose of this studio was for an individual who needs a quiet space to focus on their work and studies. It was designed keeping in mind, the client's essential needs where they could live for a few days or longer to focus on their goals and passion. It was a two-storey structure in the wood 200 sq ft of space, considered a tiny home. It was challenging to fit all the necessities in a compact space. Natural materials like wood andmetalwerechosenforthislittlestudio space. The playfulness of using material that ages with time creates expression with thesurroundinglandscape.
I have always been fascinated by materials thatchangetheirpropertieswithexposureto theenvironmentthroughtime.Materialwasan important consideration when designing this tinystudiohome.Copperwasusedastheskin on the facade and the roof. The copper gave thebuildingasculpturalquality.
It is a soft malleable metal used in the building industry for a long time. Copper turns green due to oxidation that depends on environmental conditions like temperature, humidity,andexposuretowater.Typicallyit takes between 5 to 20 years for copper to develop green colour. Not only is it aesthetically pleasing but the green layer protects the copper underneath from further corrosion. Over time it increases durability protectingagainstenvironmentalelements.
For the interior, Black Spruce was used. It is a local soft wood that is commonly available everywhere in Ontario. The light coloured textured beautiful vein of this wood shows consistently straight grain. It was chosen for its accessibility and its characteristic of workability. This wood was not listed on CITES meaning it's not endangered. The black spruce has a life span of 150 to 200 years which makes this material a perfect choice in terms of sustainability
Project Type: Professional, Team Project, 2015-16/Toronto, ON
While working in the corporate world for years,Ihadtheopportunitytobepartofan interior design team where we worked on RBC CorporateofficeinDowntownToronto.
My role was to create construction drawing sets, administer, document specifications, communicate design changes, and more. It was a valuable experience in the real world, and I learned a lot about the design world and itsprocesses.
It was six floors of fit-out renovation. The office interior was designed with modern contemporary in mind. Open office plan minimizing cubicles to promote collaboration and communication among co-workers. We put importanceonnaturallightwherepossibleas it was surrounded by a glazed facade. This office minimalist design focuses on neutral colours and clutter-free space. Multi-usage spaces were for relaxation or informal meetings like, break rooms, wellness areas, and lounges to support personal well-being andsocialinteraction.
Project Type: Design Competition, Individual Project, 2024/ Winnipeg, MB
Last year, I entered an architecture competition called "warming hut". It would be a temporary shelter at the Fork Historic Site. This would host passersby and skaters besidetheRedRivershelterfromthesevere coldofWinnipeg.
Nestaweya is a Cree word meaning 3 points' meet up from different tribes gathering places from different directions of the rivers in the region. The three entrance reminiscences of the past meetings and resting points for today's visitors. The interior of the space would be cozy with enough seating for about 4-6 people. The interior was inspired by wigwam dwelling by the aboriginal tribes. The outer shell is painted with an aboriginal motif like the turtle which symbolizes harmony with the environment. This warming shed proposal was asoftnudgetoappreciateourpastandlook forwardtoourpresent.
Theouterskinisveryimportantofthis warminghut.Theoutershellislight nylonfabricwithpolyurethaneliquid membrane.Itispaintedbyaboriginal artistsinboldandstrongmeaningfulart tolivenupthelocalspirit.
Thedomestructureislightsteelframing togivetheform
Thedomestructureislightsteelframing togivetheform
Thecarouselsteelplateframingthat holdsthesteelplate
3CurveEntranceinattempt todivertthewindentering directly
Centremovingwheeltochange thedirectionoftheentrance
Floorofmodularrubbermat foreasydrainage
Seatingbenchcoveredwithfelt tofeelwarmandcomfortable
My idea of a warming hut is a response to recognize the sensitivit site's history in the modern age. haveconsideredthefunctionality-th dome shape addresses the region' winterweatherandalsotakesadvanta as well. The dome would be mounted carousel that can change the manually using wheels in the centr simple shape and change of th roundabout protects visitors from d weather elements and keeps the insi andcomfortable.
Project Type: Personal, Designer and Builder, 2020/ Toronto, ON
During Covid, I had to move to a new apartment when there were not any furniture store in business. I have always been fascinated by Japanese tea ceremonies. The significance of the ceremony in Japanese culture is to bond between host and guest and also to gain inner peace. I got myself a new challenge to build a tea place to suit the urban home settings to escape from hustling city lifestyle. With no previous woodworking experience, I took my learning from YouTube. I bought planks of wood and tools from Home Depot and started building. This place was designed with an induction stove to make tea instead of a traditional fire pit. After 3 months of working and a few complaints from neighbors, I have a Japanese tea place in my living room for myself to read and have tea. Also sometimes I have friends and family over as well. Designing a space on paper was not too difficult but practically building it was another story. I learned a lot about the correlation between designing and building itphysicallythroughthisproject.

The idea was to build the Japanese tea space based on tatami mat measurements which were 3' by 6'. I have used 3 tatami mat configurations to make this layout. The cutout for the induction stovetop is in the middle so I can sit on one side and the guestcansitontheother. This platform is divided into 6 sections to haveaccessunderneathforstorage. BUILDING