1 minute read
years 10 month
“ A good design is not only good by visualization,
but also decide by its contribution to surrounding context ”
R O F I A N M I F TA K H U L A K H YA , S . A r s
P e m a l a n g , 2 1 O c t o b e r 1 99 4
I was graduate as Bachelor of Architecture from Architecture Department Semarang State University (UNNES) Indonesia, period 2017. Experienced several years in architectural design & construction industry as Architectural Designer, handling architectural projects in such variety roles (from managing decks, drafting, 3D rendering, and so on). Involvements in some diverse projects, from public building, hospitality, to residential project. Currently working as Architectural designer at KREA Architects.
+6 2 82 3 28 64 9 56 4 Fian21arch@gmail.com Tangerang Selatan