CONNOLLY CALLS FOR A BUS RAPID TRANSIT SOLUTION TO PUT ORDER ON GALWAY’S TRAFFIC Fianna Fáil’s Manifesto supports Public Transport Systems within our cities that are more reliable, affordable and attractive to use Fianna Fáil’s Galway West Candidate,John Connolly supports a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system to aid the resolution of Galway’s traffic congestion . To date, there has been a Regional Implementation Strategy put forward by an Independent Provider; the Sólás Uirbeach Iompair na Gaillimhe (SUIG) BRT is a Galway based solution that has been designed to serve all land uses of the City and is in accordance with previous studies undertaken for local authorities in Galway. The SUIG BRT system intends to accompany the N6 Transport Project to satisfy the Public Transport element that has been included in the overall development. The SUIG BRT system is one of three that has been designed along with SUIL (Limerick) and CIC (Cork). The SUIG BRT system aims to relieve 40% plus of the single car commuting traffic on to a reliable, affordable and fast Public Transport system. John Connolly highlighted that “The BRT system would also be a good test to see if a Light Rail System could actually work in the long run. The report on the SUIG BRT system outlines the case studies of cities with operational BRT systems the cases that notably stood out were Jonkoping ,Sweden and Lorient, France which is a twinned city with Galway. Both cities also have satisfactory road networks that accompany a reliable Public Transport system. With 77,000 plus Commuters using Galway’s Infrastructure daily , the SUIG BRT system initially intends to attract 40% of these commuters into using Public Transport instead of relying on the Private Car. Schools ,Work and Recreational traffic would find an easier route to their destination avoiding the peak time gridlock arriving in a relaxed state due to free flowing transit of a well placed BRT system. As Fianna Fáil had supported Public Transport systems in the past ,such as LUAS in Dublin and Bus Eireann Projects, we understand that Regional Cities are in need of similar systems ” The SUIG BRT report can be viewed online :