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Element 5: Intelligent Self-maintaining and Repairing Operational Facility Last Updated Friday, 05 June 2009 10:42

Scope Intelligent Self-maintaining and Repairing Operational Facilities provides the mechanisms for utilization of data to manage the actions necessary to ensure conditions and performance necessary to enable safe, secure and continuously optimized maintenance and operations.

Founding Team Arizona State University, Dr. Allan Chasey (Team Champion) Broadband Energy Networks, Larry Silverman, John Sanislo and Mitch Carr Burns & Roe, David Pruett ConocoPhillips, Alan Tough, Bart Neighbors and Robert Trosper DuPont, Judy Passwaters and Dr. Farshad Amir General Services Administration, Mark Levi Intel, Mike Alianza, Michael Fenstermaker, Joe Gonzales, Dan Hodges, Chris Michaelis, Lama Nachman, Bob Predmore, Pete Rubino, Steve Bowers and Greg St.Clair Hanyang University Ansan, Saumya Swain Hatch, Mike Coles Kirk McElwain National Research Council of Canada - Institute for Research in Construction, Dr. Russ Thomas Natural Resources Canada, Meli Stylianou NRX Global, Scott Frazer ON Semiconductor, Eric Treese Operations Management International, Steve McNicol Penn State University, Vince Allen The Procter & Gamble Company, Gil Torres Purdue University, Dr. Luh-Maan Chang SaveEnergy Engineering, David Katz Skire, Paul Verveniotis Software Innovation, Ray Simonson, Scott O'Neill and Paul Sunderland Teng Solutions, Tom Lohner Texas A&M University, Jorge Vanegas University of North Carolina, Toby Considine U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bill East VTT, Arto Kiviniemi

Premise of the Tactical Plan

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Future capital facilities will be planned, designed, constructed, operated, and maintained in such a way that the built environment will change dramatically. This transformation will improve the quality of life and workplace productivity by providing a healthier, safer, more secure and pleasant work environment. As indicated by the title, future facilities will be Intelligent (efficient and effective utilization of data), Self maintaining (self monitoring system of systems), Repairing (action taken to ensure operational status), Operational (facility/structure condition necessary for process or company needs to meet or facilitate change in the business environment), Facility (building/structure/plant that is design/constructed/operated/maintained for an intended purpose).

Vision The Vision statement describes what is wanted in the future.

Future capital facilities will be programmed, designed and constructed to be an intelligent integrated system of systems. These intelligent systems will utilize the data flow from self monitored equipment and systems to manage the actions necessary to ensure conditions and performance necessary to enable safe, secure, and continuously optimized facility operations. Data from these systems will be utilized in the Asset Lifecycle Information System (ALIS) (as described in Roadmap Element 9) to give facility owners/operators/service providers powerful capabilities for determining the best response to changes in business and/or environmental requirements to ensure continued support for the facility for the intended use, now and in the future.

Facility systems will be totally integrated to utilize data generated during operation to automatically and autonomously activate built-in mechanisms to perform required maintenance and/or repair functions. If necessary, instructions will be automatically communicated to external support systems when the required actions are beyond the capabilities of the built-in mechanisms. A comprehensive network of sensors and decision support systems will provide continuous visibility of operational status and performance, providing trends for systems and flagging problems with recommendations for external intervention.

Information from the embedded systems will provide feedback to future programming/design/ construction operations in support of the business and/or regulatory environment to ensure optimal facility utilization, even during response to crises.

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Current Problem The Current Problem statement describes the existing situation.

Operation and maintenance (O&M) of capital facilities is focused on responding to conditions affecting day-to-day facility performance or to immediate system problems that degrade facility operation. Consequently, billions of dollars of capital assets today are not supported by or are completely lacking in adequate tools for facility monitoring or real-time condition assessment. Even though current generations of equipment or process systems incorporate capabilities for monitoring, control, and performance prediction, these capabilities are unique to their specific systems, and integration with legacy systems to make use of historical data is impractical at best.

Design of new facilities and major upgrades also tends to respond to current business needs. Issues such as aging of structures and equipment deterioration, and long-term replacement of aging and/or outdated systems or equipment and eventual facility decommissioning receive only limited attention in the program planning and design stage. Incorporation of new technologies in existing facilities is done when the investments can be justified by near-term, bottom-line returns. Feedback from the O&M function to the planning and design functions is limited due to the lack of useful data that is available on current facility systems operations or performance. In other words, risk aversion and strong pressure to limit costs often drive facility designers and owner/operators to emphasize near-term needs ahead of long-term performance.

Technologies for sensing and intelligent control are evolving rapidly, but their high cost has limited their application to processes with critical requirements for quality, safety, or similar high risk factors. Sensing systems and methodologies are needed that provide a broad base of measurements necessary for truly understanding the state of the facility down to the level of individual systems, processes, equipment, and structures. Pressing needs also exist for facility assessment tools, facility performance modeling capabilities, capture and management of lifecycle data, and predictive maintenance to develop a deeper understanding of the physics of a given facility - material properties, process dynamics, etc. - to enable accurate interpretation of sensor data by both monitoring systems and human overseers.

Changes in the market, regulations, liabilities, and new requirements in response to homeland security needs add to the complexity owner/operators face in assessing requirements for facility

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maintenance, modification, and other lifecycle actions. The information required to accurately assess the current landscape is often missing, inaccurate, and difficult to translate to useful forms. Owner/operators have a wealth of data, but no protocols for interoperability to support integrated decision making. Universal and open communication standards are needed to enable industry-wide interoperability and improved efficiencies. Both technical and financial parameters must be harmonized in new ways to facilitate the sustainability of lowest lifecycle costs.

Potential Benefits & Opportunities Implementing fully integrated intelligent facility concepts will dramatically change our built environment. This transformation will improve the quality and productivity of the workplace by providing a healthier, more pleasant, convenient and effective work environment. Intelligent facilities will enable owner/operators to significantly reduce the cost of operating and maintaining existing capital facilities, improve operational availability and reliability, reduce liability, and enhance responsiveness to changes in the business environment. Intelligent facility technologies will maximize the ability of the capital asset to deliver best value over its full lifecycle. Fast, proactive response to changing business requirements and dramatic reductions in failures, accidents, and associated risk and liability will aid operators in understanding the consequences of their strategies on future operation and provide the benefit of saving billions of dollars annually across the industry by providing optimal facility performance.

Intelligent facilities will also provide the means for capturing the critical information needed to engineer future facilities for radically improved performance, cost-effectiveness, and lifecycle sustainability. These technologies will also offer the potential to capture a wealth of operational performance data that can be fed back to planning and design functions to benefit future programs.

This element will integrate emerging technologies to improve industry's ability to operate and maintain capital facilities more effectively, affordably, and responsively from their first day of operation to the end of their useful life. Modeling and simulation tools offer the capability to optimize operations for long-term performance and sustainability - and the capability to use the design models to manage facilities with far greater effectiveness. Intelligent sensing, intelligent control, and information integration technologies offer continuously improving capabilities to predict and monitor facility and process health and performance. This will enable owners/ operators to make better decisions in all aspects of facility management in response to the business environment.

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Access to information will allow all service providers to improve operating efficiencies and to offer new and enhanced services. Whether the service providers are life safety related or task (contract) related, operating efficiencies allows improved use of resources while reducing risk and liability.

Specific benefits to stakeholders are cited in the table below.

Stakeholder Specific Benefit Owner/Operators (including O&M)/Commercial Real Estate - Continuous optimization of performance and profitability across the entire facility life - Reduced risk, liability, and total cost of ownership - "Disaster-proof" operations - Improved ability to respond to changes in the business environment -Facility condition assessm Occupants/Tenants/Service Providers - Access to information for optimizing operations and tasks

Architects - Feedback of O&M experience and lessons learned to continuously improve design of future facilitie Design/Engineers - Feedback of O&M experience and lessons learned to continuously improve future facility designs - Enable effective facility upgrades, renovations, and conversions to alternate use Construction - Radically reduced time and cost of operational startup and handover -

Accelerated ramp-up to full operating capability

Material/Equipment/Technology Suppliers - Greatly expanded opportunity for product evolution to support next-generation facilities in all sector Insurers/Finance/Energy Providers - Reduction and control of risk (perception)

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Element 5: Intelligent Self-maintaining and Repairing Operational Facility Last Updated Friday, 05 June 2009 10:42

Potential Barriers & Challenges Many potential barriers and challenges exist for implementation of intelligent self-maintaining and repairing operation facilities. Understandably, first and foremost in any Owner's business plan is cost. Many of the current real estate processes have different underlying objectives. Developers, constructors, building operators and occupants each want to maximize their benefits from the building. New energy and environmental regulations are adding complexity and volatility in the integrated decision making process. Owners and developers must recognize that initial higher capital costs may be needed to provide the technology and programming of the systems in order to achieve sustainable lower operating costs. Unfortunately, the ability to quantify the benefits further hampers effort to add cutting edge technologies early in a project to gain lifecycle benefits. The greatest challenge in creating a new technology is the rollout cost of the first systems. Unless development funding is provided by government or large corporations, business investors will demand profitability within months, not years. Early cost savings should be explored possibly by integrating systems where they already exist.

For example, energy consumed by our buildings over their lifecycle must be recognized as having significant social, financial and environmental costs. The use of intelligent and integrated systems provides the opportunity to use intelligent algorithms to maximize occupants' comfort, increase worker productivity and also contribute to optimization of valuable energy and water resources. The energy cost savings provided by the investment in intelligent systems will provide both the building owner and the local utility with a platform for win-win opportunities.

Another major challenge will be the acceptance and use of an open communications protocol. Ownership of the intellectual property and the willingness to integrate and use open protocols challenges the traditional competitive advantage goals of technology companies. In designing and constructing a self maintaining facility the challenge which must be overcome is standardization in instrument level network architectures and software object models. Any given facility is currently an amalgamation of several different manufacturers' products. Manufacturer's will embed self-maintaining, self-repairing functionality within their equipment as a cost effective method of achieving "intelligence," standardization becomes essential to assure the interoperability of a self maintained facility. To date several manufacturers have attempted to implement "Open Architecture" standards with limited success, partly due to competitive reasons. More importantly, no manufacturer wants to fully commit to an open architecture standard unless they are confident that the standard will be accepted by the market place. As a result, open architecture offerings by various manufacturers have been at best tentative (and correspondingly expensive).

Within the last decade, exchange of information between back office computer systems such as

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SAP software with process control systems has occurred. This has enabled the enterprise to bring together production parameters (like specific machines, operator, time of production) and customer information (warehouse locations, customer name, contact information). This breakthrough permits a vast knowledge base to track latent defects in production and make immediate management decisions such as product recalls. Similarly, the time is ripe for integration of back office systems with direct digital control (DDC) systems for the purpose of intelligent building operations. First, the DDC systems must be expanded to use a new class of sensors that have not yet been defined. The rest is software. Current software development tools are adequate for this task. The challenge is to form a capable team under leadership with a vision. The benefits of this integration include real time cost tracking in existing accounting systems, accumulation of data for planning, programming and budgeting decisions, and implementation of building control strategies by management directly. Barriers to this development include the lack of accessibility to the source code of the existing systems. This could be overcome by 3rd party license agreements.

Risks and liability insurance issues will need to address the ultimate accountability of software errors and omissions. High levels of redundancy may be required to ensure accuracy of information that will have predetermined automated response with little human review or intervention. An efficient and reliable system must be installed that can withstand a failure at any point in the system. Encapsulation and abstraction will enable control systems to protect their core functions, while exposing their operation to the enterprise, and operation to supervisory input.

Another barrier is not in the technology, but in the implementation of the technology. Design teams, construction teams, maintenance organizations all will face new challenges within the personnel involved. - Design teams must develop new understandings for implementation of intelligent building systems and technologies. An integration designer will be needed to develop the integration concepts and the design protocols. - The construction process will be different and new skills will need to be implemented within the trades to integrate the new intelligent systems across the project. Qualified contractors will be difficult to find and the traditional approach to independent system installation will need to change to ensure proper integration across the entire project. - Maintenance personnel must become familiar with yet another system that could be viewed as a technology that will force them from their current position. Implementation of a new integrated "intelligent system" will not take away jobs, but will simplify procedures and increase the productivity of the maintenance staff. - Businesses are not organized to allow for effective or efficient use of data. Integration across/between units is often obscured by the view of the mission that a unit has a part of the whole. The sharing of data or the coordination of the use of information is not well understood,

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so efficiencies are lost.

Education will be a key for all those involved with the design, construction, commissioning and maintenance. For the intelligent building systems to be designed and installed effectively, a total team effort will be required. Owners must clearly impart foresight to insure that proper budgeting and schedule can be implemented.

Codes and Standards must be updated to allow for implementation of new technologies. Codes and code interpretation can significantly affect the process for installation, making the opportunity to install less attractive. Codes will need to be rewritten and updated to provide the flexibility needed for a safe and functional installation. Policies within organizations will also need to be updated to understand the implications and protection of data, information and the use of that data as appropriate for the organization.

Goals The Goal statement describes what is expected to be achieved.

This element will deliver cost-effective solutions, adaptable to specific operations, to determine optimum facility operating conditions, maintain operations within the performance envelope, provide real-time condition assessment, predict problems before they arise, and enhance performance of the asset over its lifecycle.

O&M decisions and service functions will be based on a fully integrated consideration of all lifecycle, environmental, cost, and performance factors supported by accurate, current, and complete data captured from the installed technologies and fed to the Asset Lifecycle Information System.

Self-maintaining, self-repairing facilities, systems, and equipment will enable safe, secure, continuously optimized operations with near-zero downtime and with no undue effects to health, safety, or the environment.

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These systems will feed information into the Asset Lifecycle Information System making the data available in every phase of the lifecycle, from project planning and design to construction and to eventual facility decommissioning. The integration of this data fabric will enable better decision making at all levels and through all stakeholders.

Strategy for Achieving the Goal The strategy statement describes how we see the goal being achieved.

Intelligent, Self-maintaining and Repairing Operational facilities, systems, and equipment will enable safe, secure, continuously optimized operation with near-zero downtime and no undue effects to health, safety, or the environment. The resulting reduction or elimination of catastrophic accidents and safety/health/environment risks - including acts of sabotage or overt attack - will redefine business models for facility liability. The resulting new business models will make it practical and profitable for all stakeholders to team in "shared reward" arrangements where no party has to assume unfair business risks.

Capital facilities will be managed using accurate model based simulations of processes, physical structures, and functional operations that are embedded in the Asset Lifecycle Information System and continuously updated by data received from the intelligent network installed in the facility. Actual operations and performance will be continuously compared to the model. These simulation models will enable a full understanding of technical and business issues associated with every aspect of lifecycle performance. Assessment models will be based on a fully integrated consideration of all lifecycle, environmental, cost, and performance factors. The technologies deployed will support real-time condition assessment and problem prediction, and enhance performance of the asset over its lifecycle.

Through implementation, emerging technologies will demonstrate how industry's ability to operate capital facilities more effectively, affordably, and responsively across their entire lifecycle can be improved. Cost-effective applications will be delivered that are adaptable to specific operations - determining optimum facility operating conditions and maintaining operations within that performance envelope. Achieving the vision of totally sensed, monitored, and intelligently operated, controlled, and maintained facilities requires the development of a broad spectrum of technologies tailored to different types of facilities. Low-cost, multi-spectral sensors insensitive to harsh process environments and networked to monitoring and control systems will provide accurate, real-time visibility and control of all aspects of facility performance and condition.

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The program strategy will focus on evaluating and demonstrating best-in-class technologies that companies can put to use in the near term. An incremental rollout of technologies will allow building an integrated suite of tools and systems that support the ultimate vision while supplying value to the stakeholders in the near term. The objective is to show benefits at each step in the development of an intelligent self-maintaining, repairing operational facility.

The program will develop and demonstrate a "toolbox" of technologies and capabilities enabling: - Low-cost, reliable sensing to enable comprehensive facility monitoring and command/control - Operational performance monitoring and condition assessment of different types and classes of capital facilities - Modeling of the performance and condition of a capital facility across its entire life cycle. This includes 4-D simulation for accurate forecasting of O&M requirements and evaluation of the impact of planned or potential actions/events - Integration of equipment, systems, and processes with the Asset Lifecycle Information System - Harmonization with other technical, socio-economic and environmental objectives such as LEED, Sustainability, and Energy Star

The following table illustrates the business case for Intelligent Self Maintaining and Repairing Operational Facilities:

Challenge Potential Solution Direct Business Benefit Cost Totally sensed and wired equipment, processes, systems, and facilities - Reduce and/or prevent failures and performance degradation with the most judicious use of O&M r - Fast, automatic, effective response to problems, trends, and emergencies - Real-time visibility and control of performance in response to changing business requirements

Interoperability and Implementation Comprehensive Knowledge capture of O&M and performance data - Improve design of new and modified facilities/structures/plants that are more cost-efficient to opera - Ensure integration of data with facility models - Allow transparency of operations with knowledge available to all stakeholders

Risk and Liability Enhanced processes and tools for extrapolating current facility state data to - Reduce cost/increase profitability through improved ability to identify and address problems before - Facility condition assessment will lead to better and more effective use of funds

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Implementation Knowledge Accurate modeling and high-fidelity visualization of options and issues in sup - Reduce cost/increase profitability through improved accuracy and effectiveness in planning for faci

Codes, Standards and Policy Provide flexibility to install new technologies for intelligent automation and co - Improve installation abilities/capabilities to reduce cost and improve operational and maintenance e

Focus Areas & Projects The focus area section describes what we are going to focus on, and specific projects are proposed within each focus area. Focus Areas are the broad description of what this Roadmap element is going to do. Each focus area will be addressed through several projects, conducted over time. The project titles are linked to the detailed project descriptions.

Project details can be viewed by downloading the PDF. The project template applied to each project includes: Project Title, Objectives / Deliverables (what result), Purpose / Business Driver(s) (why), Ties / Dependencies / Overlaps (with other projects or Elements) (constraints, boundaries), Urgency / Time line (when), Process / Activities (how), and Resources (who). Each project will be more fully defined as time progresses. At this point the project descriptions should indicate what the project will do in sufficient detail to get potential participants interested and to understand the timing and dependencies between projects. Timing or scheduling of these projects is presented in the section, the Seven-year Timeline.

E5-FA1: Facility Condition Assessment - Provide an integrated system to assess condition of the capital facility and all of its major components, identify maintenance and repair requirements, and support evaluation of risk and ROI to determine optimal timing of maintenance, repair and/or replacement actions. This system will provide real time information for daily management of efficient and effective maintenance and repair that ensures the facility will continuously perform within design specifications. It will also provide information, such as lifecycle cost, necessary to support objective corporate level planning for long term facility investments. Implementation of this system will entail identification, evaluation, improvement and integration of low-cost, reliable sensing and information processing technologies.


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E5-FA1-P1 Real Time Facility Condition Assessment

E5-FA2: Facility Performance - Develop a comprehensive capability to model the performance of a capital facility compared to operational performance criteria. This model will be developed using condition and other assessments across the entire facility lifecycle, from inception of operations to eventual decommissioning. It will allow the incoming operations team to quickly move the completed facility to operational status and develop complete and accurate forecasts of operational and maintenance requirements.


E5-FA2-P1 Lifecycle Facility Performance Modeling and Simulation E5-FA2-P2 Automated Startup and Continuous Commissioning

E5-FA3: Information Exchange - Provide intelligent systems to communicate information across the facility lifecycle on operational performance and requirements to support business decisions. The systems will support daily operational needs as well as provide feedback of performance for design and operations of next generation capital expenditures.


E5-FA3-P1 Real-time O&M Information Exchange E5-FA3-P2 Integration with the Asset Lifecycle Information System (ALIS)

E5-FA4: Intelligent Materials - Implement, monitor, and develop materials, technologies and systems that enable capital facilities to perform maintenance and repair with minimal human guidance and intervention. Facilitate sensor technology development that will be capable of self-testing and self-certification for reliability and assurance of data integrity.

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E5-FA4-P1 Self-Maintaining, Self-repairing Facility Systems E5-FA4-P2 Sensing Technologies for Building Performance

E5-FA5: Catastrophic Event Mitigation and Recovery Technologies - Identify, develop and implement technologies and systems that support the mitigation of risk of catastrophic events, support planning for rapid disaster response and recovery, and initiate real-time responses to mitigate the impact of a catastrophic event.


E5-FA5-P1 Catastrophic Event Mitigation and Recovery Technologies

E5-FA6: Automated/Integrated Decommissioning and Demolition (D&D) Techniques and Technologies - Identify, develop and implement intelligent techniques for efficient, safe, economical, comprehensive decommissioning and demolition, including reuse and recycle, of different types of capital facilities.


E5-FA6-P1 Automated/Integrated D&D Technologies and Techniques

Seven-year Timeline A timeline is proposed for the projects within this tactical plan.

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Assumptions used for the seven-year timeline shown below: 1. Preparation for each project will take about 3 months (1 quarter). Preparation includes identifying funding, resourcing and project set-up. Preparation time is included in the following timelines. 2. Project teams will form and disband for each project (unless the team wishes to continue to do another project). Yr 1

Yr 2

Yr 3

E5-FA1: Facility Condition Assessment E5-FA1-P1 Real Time Facility Condition X Assessment

Yr 4


E5-FA2:Facility Performance E5-FA2-P1 Lifecycle Facility Performance X Modeling and Simulation X

E5-FA2-P2 Automated Startup and Continuous X Commissioning E5-FA3: Information Exchange E5-FA3-P1 Real-time O&M Information X Exchange X

E5-FA3-P2 Integration with the Asset Lifecycle X Information System (ALIS) E5-FA4: Intelligent Materials E5-FA4-P1 Self-maintaining, Self-repairing Facility X Systems E5-FA4-P2 Sensing Technologies for Building X Performance E5-FA5: Catastrophic Event Mitigation and Recovery Technologies E5-FA5-P1 Catastrophic Event Mitigation and X Recovery Technologies E5-FA6: Automated/Integrated D&D Technologies for International Recycling

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Automated/Integrated D&D Technologies X and Techniques

Organizations Working in Focus Areas -

Center for Intelligent Maintenance Systems Continental Automated Buidlings Association

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