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“Shining a Light on “As-Built” Nuclear Facilities with 3D Imaging”

Paul T. Nicholas Key Account Manager AREVA Inc Al Casas PLM Sr. Energy Consultant DASSAULT SYSTEMES

Metrology Services !   Purpose  Provide an overview of AREVA metrology business and

technical processes that service the nuclear and commercial power industries !   Process  Metrology Integration  Case Studies that support current industry needs

!   Payoff  Knowledge of metrology processes and integrated approach that

adds value and success to nuclear and commercial industry projects

AREVA Metrology Services. - AREVA Metrology Proprietary - p.2

Presentation Objectives !   Metrology Services Background !   Metrology Technology Integration - Precision Measurement and Laser Scanning !   Case Studies  Laser scanning and surface modeling to support planning,

design and simulations  MSU transformer replacements (recent discovery)  Onsite Piping Modifications support (FAC and PSW)  MSR Component Replacement

!   Questions?

AREVA Metrology Services. - AREVA Metrology Proprietary - p.3

Metrology Services !   Why Utilize Metrology Teams?  Nuclear and Commercial Industry Demand  Technicians understand construction processes  Integrate metrology technologies with design, fab,

and implementation processes  Apprentice program that effectively trains young

technicians in the classroom and in the field (real mentorship)  Training facility that efficiently prepares

technicians for field support Supports engineers and skilled craftsmen in the field for design, fabrication and implementation AREVA Metrology Services. - AREVA Metrology Proprietary - p.4

AREVA Metrology Services

Seamless Flow of Metrology Data Minimizing Project Risk AREVA Metrology Services. - AREVA Metrology Proprietary - p.5

Metrology Services – Technology Integration Laser Tracker

+/- 0.001”


+/- 0.002” AREVA Metrology Services. - AREVA Metrology Proprietary - p.6

Laser Scanning

+/- .25 inch

Industrial Total Stations

+/- 0.015”

Laser Scanning & 3D Modeling

Tools for Remote Viewing, Collaboration on Planning and Pre-Job Briefs

AREVA Metrology Services. - AREVA Metrology Proprietary - p.8

Scanning and 3D Surface Modeling   Performed Laser Scanning services for 31 operating plants within North America.

•  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Calvert Cliffs 1 & 2 Callaway Catawba 1 & 2 Crystal River 3 Davis Besse DC Cook 1 & 2 Diablo Canyon 1 & 2 Ft. Calhoun Ginna Hope Creek - BWR McGuire 1 & 2 Millstone 2 Monticello Oconee 1, 2 & 3 Prairie Island 1 Palisades Salem 1 & 2 St Lucie 1 & 2 San Onofre 1 & 2 South Texas Project 1 & 2 Surry 1 Turkey Point 3 & 4 TMI

Full Containment Scans were completed at TMI and Ginna with 3D Surface Models created for the Containment Areas

AREVA Metrology Services. - AREVA Metrology Proprietary - p.9

Metrology Services Laser Scanning

!   As-built Surface Characterization of Survey Areas   Remote Viewing (TruView)   Pre-job briefs   Team Communication   Outage lay-down planning   Interference detection

!   3D Model Creation?   Create accurate 3D as-built models of the plant as

needed.   3D Model uses •  •  •  •  •

Load Path planning New Pipe routing New Equipment installation Simulations Design Support

Control Network System AREVA Metrology Services. - AREVA Metrology Proprietary - p.10

MSU Transformer Replacements !   Tru-Views and Surface Model Eliminate ERF’s !   Planning and Communication !   Installation, Training and Better Performance !   Improved Efficiencies in Schedule and Logistics


AREVA Metrology Services. - AREVA Metrology Proprietary - p.11

Precision Measurement Support

Aid in design, fabrication and installation of all piping and components in the plant.

AREVA Metrology Services. - AREVA Metrology Proprietary - p.12

Steam Generator Replacement Survey existing SG Scan and Model for Travel Path Survey new SG Overlay the two data sets Determine final preps SG removal and location of existing piping !   Overlay data sets of final preps and final position of existing piping !   Readjust preps and final survey to verify fit-up prior to SG loading !  !  !  !  !  !

AREVA Metrology Services. - AREVA Metrology Proprietary - p.13

Onsite Support for Feedwater Piping Implementation

Support for Implementation AREVA Metrology Services. - AREVA Metrology Proprietary - p.14

CCW Core Drill Layout Project !   Global Control Network System !   Risk Mitigation (Drawings??) !   Confidently Drill the Right Location !   Savings to Customer (Materials)

AREVA Metrology Services. - AREVA Metrology Proprietary - p.15

Condenser End Bell Design and Fabrication • Laser Tracker technology • Collect as-built bolt hole configuration • Provide data to aid in design and fabrication

Reverse Engineering AREVA Metrology Services. - AREVA Metrology Proprietary - p.16

EPU and MSR Replacement !   Weld outlet flange before outage !   Flange height and rotation !   Inlet Pipe considerations !   Foundation height and shims

AREVA Metrology Services. - AREVA Metrology Proprietary - p.17

EPU and MSR Replacement !   Lessons learned   Consider temperature   Support implementation   Cold spring considerations   Survey inlet and foundations

after MSR egress

AREVA Metrology Services. - AREVA Metrology Proprietary - p.18

Integrated Metrology Support !  !  !  !  !

Conceptual Design Laser Scanning Prior to Demolition Generate 3D Surface Model Overlay As-Built 3D Model to Design Check for Interferences/Adjust

!   Verify Mock-Up with Photogrammetry !   Implementation – Service as Needed   Provide Real Time Layout Services to Forecast Critical Locations AREVA Metrology Services. - AREVA Metrology Proprietary - p.19

See What You Mean

Common Challenges our Customers Face

!   Operator and Team Safety !   What if you could virtually simulate your key processes against your schedule to train your project team?

Copyright Dassault Systèmes – 2009 All rights reserved

!   Hazardous Area Exposure Tracking !   What if you could model aggregate exposure based on people and tasks? !   Schedule Acceleration or Conformance !   What if you could virtually model your schedule to ensure compliance and optimization?

Dassault Systemes Confidential

3D Virtual Maintenance Planning of Plant Assets 4a

Create Simulations for activities with clash detection. "



Simulate mechanical kinematic equipment removal and placement." 6b

Import and Link Schedule and Resource information
 to 3D WBS."



1 Import 3D data, laser scan, xCAD and 2D."

Update Master Schedule with optimized Project Plan. Save history and capture knowledge."

Create Human task simulations and validate against ergonomic requirements (e.g. QHSE,


OSHA). Create work instructions."

Study alternative sequences and optimize schedule. "

Create detailed planning activities and prepare simulation."

Copyright Dassault Systèmes – 2009 All rights reserved


Capture data


Data Conversion and Preparation


Develop Operations and Asset Performance Scenarios

Simulate and Capitalize

Scheduler Planner

Safety Expert

Domain Expert

Improve Best Practices Add New Scenarios Dassault Systemes Confidential

Project Mgr



Train worker in 
 VR interactive environment. "

Reuse for Training

Copyright Dassault Systèmes – 2009 All rights reserved

Slide Sub-Title

Dassault Systemes Confidential

Virtual Training and Virtual Maintenance Planning DELMIA and 3DVIA Virtools Positioning – standalone or together

Drawings, xCADPlant

Link to Schedule 3D Master Model


Copyright Dassault Systèmes – 2009 All rights reserved


Laser scanning

Virtual Training for Operations & Maintenance Learning - Immersive -  Interactive -  Real-Time -  Multi- User -  Internet, Intranet, VR

3D Virtual Maintenance Planning of Plant Assets - Detailed Planning & Validation -  -  -  -

Link Schedule to 3D CAD Ergonomics studies Kinematics Robotics

Project, Data, Information and Asset Integrity Management Enterprise system integration (ERP, MRO, xCAD Plant, Scheduling information etc.) Dassault Systemes Confidential

Virtual Training for Operations & Maintenance Learning EDF - Crane operations simulator Electricity de France is largest WW electricity producer from nuclear plants: 58 units in operation since 25 years Solution Description   Power plant crane manipulation   Multiuser and collaborative application   Realistic rendering

Business Benefits:   Service continuity/no costly plant interruption for training

Copyright Dassault Systèmes – 2009 All rights reserved

  Scalable, low cost, light and mobile simulator

See Video - 3DVIA_EDF_Nuclear.wmv

Dassault Systemes Confidential

3D Virtual Maintenance Planning of Plant Assets Industry Challenges


How to validate complex Maintenance and Refurbishment project activities? HOW


How to improve Maintenance quality, safety and efficiency, and easily explain and share information? HOW

To perform effective Human Posture analysis, Accessibility and Operations studies

1. Validating complex project activities 2. Capitalizing knowledge 3. Training workers prior to outage

Copyright Dassault Systèmes – 2009 All rights reserved

To identify equipment installation and removal path without clashes and enough clearance

To plan and simulate viable Mechanical and Equipment Kinematics

Dassault Systemes Confidential

3D Virtual Maintenance Planning of Plant Assets Reference: Reactor Coolant Pump replacement project

Plant Name and Site: - Waterford 3 (W3) in Louisiana, USA - Reactor Type: PWR (Pressurized Water R.) - Turbine Manuf.: Westinghouse - Operation Date: September 1985 -  License Exp. Date: 12/18/2024 Business: - Power Provider with Output of 10,949 MW - Owning & Operating 10 sites w/12 units -2nd Largest Nuclear Fleet Owner in USA

Solution Description:   Define and simulate removal path for major equipment replacement (RCP – Reactor Coolant Pump)   Analyze potential interferences and study alternatives   Plan for human interaction and crane operations

Copyright Dassault Systèmes – 2009 All rights reserved

  Using DELMIA to perform planning and simulation

Business Benefits:       

Reduce planning risk – ‘on time and on budget’ Identify any unforeseen challenges early in the planning phase Increase Safety for workers Integrate with scheduling system and optimize Master Schedule Dassault Systemes Confidential

Copyright Dassault Systèmes – 2009 All rights reserved

Reference: Reactor Coolant Pump replacement project

Dassault Systemes Confidential

TMI – Steam Generator Removal Virtual Simulation

Copyright Dassault Systèmes – 2009 All rights reserved

!   V5 PLM – Study by AREVA SGT on DELMIA/Primavera Integration in support of TMI SGR.

Dassault Systemes Confidential

Peach Bottom - Virtual Simulation of Torus Recoat

Copyright Dassault Systèmes – 2009 All rights reserved

!   V5 PLM – TODAY - Peach Bottom simulation of Torus recoat process using telerobotics to minimize dosage & maximize safety.

Dassault Systemes Confidential

3D Virtual Maintenance Planning of Plant Assets Reference: Reverse Engineering for Maintenance Operations

Business: -  Energy provider to over 3.5 million customers in Quebec, Canada -  2008 Revenues: CAD12,717 ($ M) -  2008 Employees: 23,345 -  Number of hydroelectric generating stations: 59 -  Total installed capacity: 36,429 MW

Solution Description:   Capture the plant and equipment in a virtual 3D model   Simulate the dismantling, moving and reassembly of equipment inside the powerhouse of the Manic-3 hydro power generation station Copyright Dassault Systèmes – 2009 All rights reserved

  Using CATIA to create the 3D model and DELMIA to perform simulations

Business Benefits:       

Shorten refurbishing schedule by more than three years Save CAN$50M Export optimized and validated schedule back to Scheduling system Simulate each movement with a precision of a few centimeters Dassault Systemes Confidential

Dassault Systemes Confidential

Copyright Dassault Systèmes – 2009 All rights reserved

Copyright Dassault Systèmes – 2009 All rights reserved

Solution Areas - HSE – Safety Planning, Bio-Mechanics

Dassault Systemes Confidential

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Lifelike Experience

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Realistic Simulation

Virtual Construction and O&M Planning

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