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The art of poster has always proved to be an effective psychological weapon and a powerful means of mass influence. Since February 24, 2022, from the very beginning of the massive invasion of the russian army into Ukraine, the poster has played an extremely important role. Many artists eagerly embraced the idea to exploit its possibilities, knowing that with art it is possible to directly influence the world. The poster, with its clear and powerful message, instantly signals changes in society, and thanks to the strength of its artistic expression, it can significantly affect human emotions. The communicative style of posters has led to their mass reproduction and rapid dissemination on social networks and helped support the fighting spirit of Ukrainians and their sense of unity. The expressive and simple, but extremely capacious images became a manifestation of the resistance that Ukrainians wanted to demonstrate to the whole world. Consequently, many artists from different countries also started to support Ukraine with their posters. Thus was born the idea of creating an international project “Poster against War”.


The main goal of the project is to give publicity through posters to the events in Ukraine, to raise awareness of the threat that russia poses to the world, as well as to express the steadfast attitude of artists who condemn the war and who are convinced that Ukrainians will fight for their independence till their last breath. One of the important tasks of the project is also to show the world that Ukrainians are not only a strong and courageous nation but also extremely talented and creative.

The project of an international exhibition “Poster against War” took shape at the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wroclaw in cooperation with the Wrocław Academic Center. The partners of the event are the National Science Centre, the Lviv Palace of Arts and the Leaders of Change Foundation. The research project includes not only an exhibition but also a review and analysis of dominant trends in the contemporary poster in Europe and the world. The extensive exhibition showcasing 100 designs was held at the Neon Gallery located at the Wroclaw Academy. On display here are works by authors from Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, Lithuania, Germany, Armenia, Austria, Great Britain, France, and Japan. Among the creators are well‑known artists and designers and those very young, students of art academies whose works, nonetheless, show a high level of craftsmanship and professionalism.

Posters differ in their individual approach to how the creative tasks are solved. Artists who are a particularly sensitive social group and part of the intellectual elite in this tense, difficult time of upheaval intuitively and subconsciously transform posters into artistic reflections and their own projections on the war. Unique images are made on the ground of creative reinterpretations and associations caused by the events in Ukraine. In their posters, the authors address not only the problem of war but also painful social issues and patriotic themes and reflect on the complex interactions of man with the world.

The authors use modern computer programs, often creating minimalist, economical in use of colour works with characteristic stylistic features of the poster language. Synthetic and dynamic forms and cropped images immediately capture attention of viewers. Among these compositions, there are also photo collages with incorporated texts, satirical hand drawings, and other elements. The variety of compositional solutions and means of expression confirms the originality of each artist’s work.

The international exhibition “Poster against War” will travel to various cities and countries. We dream that the final exhibition will be held in Ukraine, already in the time of peace, and the anti war poster will refer to the past history. We believe that the responsible task of artists, art critics, and cultural managers is to spread information about the anti war poster around the world as its position on the international front of art and culture is closely surveyed.

We want to thank the partners who joined in the realization of this project. We are grateful to all the artists participants of the exhibition and wish them that their works do good, move people’s hearts and fill them with peace and tranquility.

D.Sc. Olha Lukovska, prof. of the Ukrainian Academy of Printing in Lviv Prof. Wojciech Pukocz, Rector of the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wroclaw

Ľubomíra Chylová-Sekerášová / Любоміра Хилова-Секерашова

Plakat przeciw wojnie

Międzynarodowa wystawa projektów graficznych o tematyce antywojennej

Плакат проти війни

Міжнародна виставка графічних проєктів на антивоєнну тематику

Poster against the war

International exhibition of antiwar graphic design

Teksty / Тексти / Texts:

Olha Lukovska / Ольга Луковська

Wojciech Pukocz / Войцєх Пукоч

Wydawca / Видавець / Publisher: Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Eugeniusza Gepperta we Wrocławiu Академія Образотворчих Мистецтв ім. Євгеніуша Гепперта у Вроцлаві

The Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design pl. Polski 3/4, 50 156 Wrocław tel. +48 71 343 80 31, 32, 33, 34 www.asp.wroc.pl

Publikacja finansowana z funduszy Akademii Sztuk Pięknych im. Eugeniusza Gepperta we Wrocławiu Видання фінансується з фондів Академії Образотворчих

Мистецтв ім. Євгеніуша Гепперта у Вроцлаві

Publication funded by The Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław

Publikacja zrealizowana przy finansowym wsparciu Urzędu Miejskiego Wrocławia

Видання здійснено за фінансової підтримки міської ради Вроцлава

Publication released with the financial support from the City Council of Wrocław

Tłumaczenie / Переклад / Translation:

Dorota Kopacz Thomaidis / Дорота Копач Томаідіс

Olha Lukovska / Ольга Луковська

Redakcja / Редагування / Editing:

Olha Lukovska / Ольга Луковська

Wojciech Pukocz / Войцєх Пукоч

Anita Wincencjusz Patyna / Аніта Вінценціуш Патина

Tomasz Pietrek / Томаш Пєтрек

Korekta językowa / Мовна коректура / Proof-reading:

Anita Wincencjusz Patyna / Аніта Вінценціуш Патина (tekst polski / польський текст / Polish text)

Anita Wincencjusz Patyna / Аніта Вінценціуш Патина (tekst angielski / англійський текст / English text)

Olha Lukovska / Ольга Луковська (tekst ukraiński / український текст / Ukrainian text)

Wydanie pierwsze / Видання перше / First edition Wrocław 2022

Projekt graficzny, przygotowanie do druku / Графічне оформлення, підготовка до друку / Graphic layout and Pre-press: Tomasz Pietrek / Томаш Пєтрек, tomaszpietrek.com

Projekt okładki / Дизайн обкладинки / Cover design: Tomasz Pietrek

Nakład / Тираж / Circulation: 370 egz. / примірників / copies

© Copyright by Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Eugeniusza Gepperta we Wrocławiu, Wrocław 2022 Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone / Всі права захищені / All rights reserved

ISBN: 978-83-67584-09-8

Druk i oprawa / Друк і палітурка / Print & binding: ZAPOL Sobczyk Sp.k., al. Piastów 42, 71 062 Szczecin, tel.: 91 435 19 00

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