Connecting brands with people Does changing logos put new life into brands

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Connecting brands with people Does changing logos put new life into brands?

Article Abstract: Clothing fashion brand reflect the creativity of the genius fashion designers . Brand logos facilitate the apparel companies to create proper branding and earn customer loyalty. Brands sometimes change their existing logos as a part of their brand repositioning exercise. Business that seek to establish relation ship with their target market consider a logo makeover to reposition themselves. But the questions that spring up then are: 

How appropriate is it to change an existing logo?

How can the changes be done without alienating the old customers, and attract new ones?&

What is the right time for a change?

As markets change, new competitors spring up, and customer’s expectation varies, businesses may want to change their branding at some point. Some brands are changed becauseit is dated, and aged, but some brands are strong becausethey are dated, and retro. Learn More about Connecting brands with people Does changing logos put new

life into brands @ Fibre2fashion

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