Indian Silk Industry ‘turns over a new leaf’ with novelty
Article Abstract: Indian silk industry has shown significant growth both domestically and internationally fuelled by new innovations in the field. The ability of the industry to grow is combined with huge innovation opportunities coupled with the skills of the craftsman. The state of Tamil Nadu has come up with a new way of extracting silk from cocoons without killing the silk worms. These eco friendly silk saris are made using eco-friendly methods of cultivating mulberry silk from the ‘Bombyx Mori’ worms. As such it is an ‘Ahimsa Sari’. The Sericulture Research Institute of Andhra Pradesh has developed a virus-resistant transgenic silkworm. This silkworm would help in stabilizing silk yield levels by reducing uncertainties like viral outbreaks and this research has also helped in understanding the traits which induce silkworms to eat only mulberry leaves. These silk worms were subjected to various tests to confirm if the virus resistant trait would be transferred to the next four generations of worms. Read More about Indian Silk Industry @ Fibre2fashion