School Registration Form COBIS-MUN Conference Intercontinental Hotel, Bucharest, Romania Hosting School: International British School of Bucharest Date: 3–6 March, 2016 Teacher/Delegate fee: 600 euros (including 3 nights twin share, all food during the course of the 4 day programme, Thursday tour of Bucharest, all conference related costs) To register your school for the COBIS-MUN 2016 Conference, please complete and return to: cobismun@ibsb.ro School Information School Name School Address City Country Postal Code Coordinating Teacher's Information Title First Name Last Name Position E-mail Address Number of MUN conferences attended in the past 5 years (please tick the relevant box) More than 10 5-10 1-5 None Do you have students you would like to propose as chairs? (NOTE: chairing positions are only open to students with previous MUN experience and ideally with previous chairing experience). Yes No If yes, please provide contact details for interviews to take place June 15-16: 1. Name ___________________
Email: __________________
2. Name ___________________
Email: __________________
Schools to be informed by Friday 19 June, if their application has been accepted. Late applications may be accepted after this date where places are still available.