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Head Girls’ Message

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Cappucino Broad

Cappucino Broad

Head Girl’s message

The end of 2020 is almost upon us. A very eventful year that we will no doubt tell stories about for many years to come. This pandemic has affected all of our lives in so many ways, and how we faced the challenges and set about making the necessary changes says a lot about how we are as individuals and a community. What is abundantly clear, is that the IBSB community is driven by innovation and perseverance, fostering a positive ‘Can do’ culture, educating its pupils into glass half-full, solutionorientated, future leaders.

Adapting to a fully online environment was the main goal this past term. Not only were we successful in achieving our aim as school community, but we managed to achieve much more: a greater number of House Competitions than ever before, more student contribution in assemblies, and even coming up with new ideas such as the weekly news division. “An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty”- Winston Churchill.

Congratulations to the students that participated in these events and won awards, and thank you to the teachers that organised them and went out of their way to keep the school spirit alive and well. Although these weeks have been quite relaxing learning from within the comfort of our own homes, I must say I look forward to hopefully seeing you all back in school after the Christmas break, happy and healthy. Until then, enjoy your lessons in bed and the joy of hidden snacks off camera.

Your Head Girl,

Year 13

To the Year 11 students and my fellow sixth formers, good luck revising for your midyear mocks, keeping in mind that the end of year exams are just around the corner! With all that said, I need to continue with my algebra revision. Have a great break everyone!

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