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Head Girl’s message

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PwC România

PwC România

by Maria Sticlea, Year 13

As Term 1 swiftly comes to an end, I almost cannot believe that the Christmas holiday is already here, livening the atmosphere after an incredibly busy first half of the year. With competitions such as the Sir Winston Churchill Debate Championship and WordFest, CAS events such as the Halloween Party and World Gold Day, eventful trips abroad, and the upcoming Winter Ball and CAS Winter Fair, our school has seen more and more events taking place, keeping everyone engaged and lifting spirits even as the weather starts to slowly become more chilly.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have made this first term so successful: parents, teachers, and students, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to organise events, animate the school community, and celebrate achievements together as we move towards a new year, with even more activities, celebrations, and successes. I know that many may be feeling stressed or overwhelmed by the workload so far this year, but I hope that this will subside as we settle into the next term and recover any lost time.

Before the year is over, or indeed before we restart our regular routines after the holiday, I’d like to urge you to take some time and reflect on everything that has taken place in 2022, and especially the events detailed in this very magazine, including how we have developed as a community and how we can move forward. As the academic year progresses further, I hope that we will see even more involvement in school events and extracurricular activities, even if most of the older students, myself included, will become increasingly concerned with exams and university applications.

As I approach the end of my Head Prefect message, I truly hope that I and the rest of the Prefect team have done our roles justice so far, that students’ voices have been adequately heard, and that all students are happy and comfortable at school. If you are able to take the time to read through this edition, I hope you will find a source of inspiration and happiness for the coming year.

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