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ISI BSO Inspection Report

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PwC România

PwC România

by Kendall Peet, Head of


For our current parents, you will have already received an email with a link to our most recent ISI BSO Inspection report, detailing the standard of educational provision at IBSB. The full report can be found on:


The first section of the report, pages 5-8, effectively addresses the ‘Inspection of Standards of British Schools Overseas’. In essence, this is the compliance portion of the inspection, which covers the following essential areas relating to the health and safety of the students and staff in school:

Part 3 Welfare, health and safety of pupils and other legislation

Part 4 Suitability of staff, supply staff and proprietors

Part 5 Premises and accommodation

Part 6 Provision of information

Part 7 Manner in which complaints are handled

In this area, schools either met or do no met the standards, with no other value judgement awarded. As was the case in our three previous ISI inspections, the report shows that we met all standards, with brief comments made about each standard met within the report, which I encourage you all to read.

Quality Of Education

In the second section of the report, ‘Inspection of Educational Quality’, pages 9- 14, the report reviews the:

Part 1 Quality of education provided (Quality of pupils’ learning and achievement)

Part 2 Spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development of pupils (Quality of the pupils’ personal development)

Headline judgements on educational quality include one of the following ISI descriptors: ‘EXCELLENT’, ‘GOOD’, ‘SOUND’, or ‘UNSATISFACTORY’, following the completion of the inspection visit.

In this section, IBSB was awarded the highest rating of ‘EXCELLENT’ in regards to both the Quality of education provided and the Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils.

In addition to these wholesale judgements, the report also identifies the impact of the curriculum, teaching, pastoral care, leadership, and management on the outcomes of pupils.

The three visiting inspectors in the final feedback meeting shared with the Senior Leadership Team how impressed they were by the dedication of our staff, the support of our parents, and the aspirational goal setting and evident work ethic of our students, who evidenced the benefits of High Performance Learning across the curriculum in manifold ways: ensure we met any and all recommendations made as soon as is feasibly possible, but certainly by the time we welcome the inspectors back onto campus for our next inspection visit in March 2026.

I would like at this point to personally thank our students, staff, and parents for contributing to what I think we would all agree was an extremely positive inspection. We can all be very proud of what we have achieved as a school community in recent years, despite the challenges faced by COVID. Student progress and attainment, already judged ‘excellent’, continue to improve year on year, evidenced by our annual assessment data, as does our graduate record to top universities around the world, so we have good reason to believe that our students will continue to thrive and achieve to the highest level.

Our pastoral care system has also been extremely successful in counterbalancing the challenges faced throughout the COVID pandemic, along with the pressures of modern life, with the sum of the contributions made by the Student Ambassadors, Senior Prefects, House Captains, Pupil Parliament, Student Executive Committee, Teachers, Student Counsellors, and Parents all combining together, in combination with a flourishing extra-curricular programme, to maintain an overall sense of improving student health and wellbeing, which I am sure we would all agree is just as important as the levels of academic success achieved.

As ISI inspections of British Schools Overseas are for the benefit of the pupils, inspections aim to:

• Provide objective and reliable reports which help schools to recognise and build on their strengths and to identify and remedy weaknesses

• Inform parents and the wider public of the quality of British Schools Overseas by placing reports in the public domain

• Help schools to improve the quality and effectiveness of pupils education

We will, therefore, be reflecting on the findings of the report and update our school development plan accordingly to

Thank you to our PTF for wonderful work you are doing to help build a stronger community, and to all our parents who have supported the PTF with funds and time, which together enables the PTF to make a significant contribution to the lives of our students and the wider school community.

I have said this many times before, and will continue to say it: working together as a whole school community, students, parents, staff, and our community partners, there is very little that we cannot achieve. There is also nothing more important right now than working together to prepare the next generation of leaders to go out into the world equipped with the knowledge, skills, and values to ensure that humanity not only survives, but thrives as custodians of planet Earth, fulfilling our moral obligation to all species with whom we cohabit this beautiful planet. The clock is ticking, and education is the key.

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