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Y3 Trip to Antipa Museum

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PwC România

PwC România

by Alison Tansley, Year 3 Teacher

Educational trips are a part of the rich curriculum that we offer here at IBSB. They are an extension of our children’s education intended to challenge them not only academically, but also socially and emotionally. These educational visits are an important part of our commitment to widen pupils’ understanding of the world around them, adding value to the curriculum being studied.

Learning about Ancient Greece in class and completing some narrative writing, we wanted to add to the children’s experiences by going to Antipa Museum to see the animals in the natural history exhibition. The aim was that the children would choose two animals from which to create an original ‘hybrid’ creature. They would then give them additional powers and features, with this new creature they created then featuring in a creative narrative story.

The students really enjoyed seeing all the exhibits representing animals and their habitats found on various continents around the World. Ella Menner commented, “I did not know that there were so many different insects”, Noga Chizik was surprised to see that the Golden Eagle was such a large bird of prey, and Helena Holmes said, “I didn’t realise that the Whales were so big”.

The exhibits showing some of the traditional animals found here in Romania, such as the Brown Bear, the Bison, and the Wolves were very popular; particularly the rather gory display of a Wolf attacking a Rabbit. You know a trip has been a success when in the student feedback form a number of students asked when we could go again.

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