South-South Cooperation Conference on Sustainable Consumption and Production – IFAD Brazil Portfolio Brasília, Brazil 6 April 2017
IFAD in Brazil and in the World • IFAD is the unique International Financing Institution – IFI for Agriculture of the United Nations System. It is among the world’s 10 largest Multilateral Development Banks. • It was founded in 1977 to mobilize resources for investment in agriculture and rural poverty alleviation. • IFAD portfolio under implementation, including co-financing: » World= US$ 17.6 billion (total historic); US$ 13 bln (ongoing) » Latin America= US$ 1.5 billion (on-going) » Brazil= US$ 450 million for 350.000 families
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Key Intervention Areas – IFAD in Brazil
IFAD Projects under Implementation - Brazil
Investment portfolio by Project - Brazil
New Projects Under Design – IFAD in Brazil Design Period 2016-2017: 1. Maranhão Rural Development Project (MARPA) 2. Production Transformation in Pernambuco Zona da Mata and Agreste 3. New Grant in M&E, Knowledge Management and Policy Dialogue 4. New Grant with Embrapa: South-South Cooperation
New IFAD Grant for KM, M&E and Policy Dialogue – Brazil 1. PMU in Salvador, Bahia
2. Implementation Period: 3 years (2017-2019) 3. Implementation Agency: IICA 4. Supervision: FIDA 5. IFAD Financing : USD 2.5 million 6. Co-financing (NE states and others): USD 0.98 million
Grant Programme Sustainability IFAD in Brazil 1. Essential
through existing IFAD projects and other co-operation initiatives 2. Leveraging best practices from both IFAD and non-IFAD Projects, e.g. Project Dom Helder, Gente de Valor, FIDA Mercosur 3. Partnership building and synergies with other development banks and multilateral agencies – World Bank, UN, CAF, IDB
IFAD Portfolio Expansion in Brazil 2016 - 2017
Portfolio rising to USD 560 mln or 370 thousand families Expansion to Other biomes and states: Maranhão: Pré-Amazônia Pernambuco: Zona da Mata In the east coast
Obrigado! IFAD– International Fund for Agricultural Development Via Paolo di Dono, 44, Roma, Italy Brasil: Escritório Compartilhado das Nações Unidas Praça Municipal Thomé de Souza, S/N, Edifício Elevador Lacerda CEP 40.020-010 Salvador-BA, Brasil Tel. (+5571) 3183-5715/5700