I would like to say thank you for taking the time to read my CV and explore my work in this portfolio.
This architecture portfolio contains a sellection of my undergraduate projects from the first year (2018) until the first semester of my third year (2021) at the University of Huddersfield, one month (2020) of virtual design workshop with CA.UK.IN studio, and more personal work such as sketching and photography.
I am grateful that I am on my way to pursue my passion all the way to the UK, considering that I have always wanted to be an architect for as long as I can remember. Therefore, I am very keen to gain professional experience and progress to become a Part One Architecture Assistant in 2021 after I graduate.
Being highly fascinated by people’s background and their culture, reading as well as travelling are my way to immerse myself. I love to observe how the culture impacts the architecture in different places and constantly challenge myself by frequently travelling alone. I believe those interests and experiences help develop me into a thoughtful future architect that hopefully will help shape the environment by solving critical problems and responding to the user’s needs, well-being, and happiness.
Architecture aside, I am a proactive, hard-working, and creative individual who always strives for improvement. If I am not travelling or working, you can probably find me painting those places I have travelled to in my room, reading books about any kind of subjects in the corner of the library, or hanging out and cooking together with my family and friends.
+44 (0)7888571690
41 Lancaster House, Huddersfield

Conscientious and ambitious architecture student with a specific interest in user well-being and happiness. Possesses a wide skill set, including hand drawing, model making, and architecture software. Managed to utilise good teamwork, communication, and time management skill by joining academic societies, becoming a society president, and working part-time as the University Student Ambassador. Keen to progress into Part One Architectural Assistant role in 2021.
2018 - 2021 : Bachelor of Art in Architecture (Hons), University of Huddersfield, UK
Expecting First Degree - First Year : 84.8% // Second Year : 83.8%
Dissertation : Designing Delight - Using Design Framework(s) as Narrative in Architecture That Can Contribute to People’s Positive Emotions and Well-being

2017 - 2018 : Creative Art Foundation, University of Huddersfield, UK - Average mark : 80%
2014 - 2017 : National High School, Petra One High School, Indonesia - Top 10 highest achiver among 350 students
2020 - 2021 : - RIBA Future Architects Student Mentoring Scheme, with Stoddart Architecture
- The Architectural Imagination, by Harvard University and EdX.org
- South Pacific Prototype Housing,Virtual Design Workshop, by CA.UK.IN Studio
- Sustainable Building Design, by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and EdX.org
2019 - 2020 : Student Ambassador for Art, Design, and Architecture, University of Huddersfield
Positively represented the university and the course by giving university tours
2018 - 2019 : Student Helper for Enrolment Days, University of Huddersfield
Demonstrated good ability to multi-task by checking if the student has pre-enrolled
Petra One National High School in Surabaya, Indonesia
2019 - 2020 : Peer Mentor, University of Huddersfield
Supported new students settle into their course by giving insights and guidelines
Architecture Academic Representative, University of Huddersfield
Played active role in being the voice of change that representing students on the course
President of University of Huddersfield Indonesian Society, University of Huddersfield
Developed a strong organisation skill by organising university events with hundreds attendants
Committee of Indonesian Student Association in the United Kingdom
Fostered networking skills and teamwork by supporting department of external affairs
Member of Academic Societies, University of Huddersfield
Member of Architecture Society and 3D Modelling Society
2018 - 2019 : - Vice President of University of Huddersfield Indonesian Society
- Committee of Indonesian Culture and Art Festival 2019 in Leeds
2019 - 2020 : - West Yorkshire Society of Architects Outstanding Achievement Student Year Two
- Woman in Property Student Award Yorkshire and North East 2020 Regional Winner
2018 - 2019 : - West Yorkshire Society of Architects Outstanding Achievement Student Year One
- Work exhibited at university End of Year Show and Queenstreet Market Huddersfield
2017 - 2018 : - Letter of Commendation for Overall Performance in Creative Art Foundation
- Paintings framed and displayed in university class and hallways
Reading, favourite genre behavorial science
Painting Places, favourite medium watercolour
Travel and Photography, posting it in my blog
Bilingual, native in Indonesian & fluent in English
Study tour to Italy Travel to France & Greece
Jon Bush, First and Second Year Lecturer J.Bush@hud.ac.uk
Danilo Di Mascio, Lecturer and Dissertation Tutor D.DiMascio@hud.ac.uk
Travel to Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Italy, and Slovakia
BA (Hons) Architecture in Huddersfield, UK
Join online courses, virtual design workshop, RIBA mentoring scheme
Student Well-being Pavilion // Huddersfield, UK // 2020 // Third Year - Design Studio Five and Dissertation

The site is located next to the University of Huddersfield Art, Design, and Architecture new Barbara Hepworth Building. It is a relatively flat site, but there is 6 metres drop height difference in the south area near the canal. There is no specific size for the pavilion, the size is determined by the nature of the event and the constraints.
Designing a contemporary pavilion building focusing on the theme of well-being (e.g environmental, physical, cultural, etc) for the University of Huddersfield students, defined by the ‘new normal’ in Covid-19 pandemic. My design-research dissertation topic is related to well-being and happiness, hence I use this design studio project as the dissertation design output.

I choose emotional and mental well-being as the theme, considering that mental health is a big issue among UK university students. The design narrative uses two design frameworks (WELL and Positive Design) that have been scientifically proven to contribute to people’s positive emotions and well-being. Because of the freedom given, the ‘Positive Design Framework’ is used to determine the spatial arrangement. The ‘WELL Framework’ factors, are framed into three categories (nature, building, and people) then integrated into the building design. Then I create ‘personas’ to show how people use the pavilion and their journey to improve well-being.
The site is quite big, so the building will just use half of the site and leave the rest for the landscape. To address the 6 metre drop, a ramp and two external staircases with a sitting area are created.
A simple form mum view of bition space is versity building, the more private

form is used to get the maxithe canal. The public exhiis located closer to the unibuilding, with 6 metre tall, while private space is 4 metre tall.

Since there are courtyards on the inside, the roof is sloped towards it, while most of the room will have a flat roof. The pavilion has overhangs for shading and to make the entrance more prominent.

The landscape will have Barbara Hepworth Sculpture, surrounded by reflective pools and gardens, in which people can sit mindfully to contemplate the art and nature.

Harris is a second-year photography student. Lately, he feels like his day, or maybe even his life is very stale. Nothing exciting seems to be going on. He has been told by his friends that the building next to Barbara Hepworth is awesome, it is a well-being pavilion that held art exhibitions by students, so Harris decided to finally check it out. He finds the ramp particularly interesting, the way it is surrounded by the garden, and he can see the exhibition peaking through. Going in, he is surprised to find the interplay of the spaces with nature. The combination of natural light coming in with the mechanical light provide a unique feature for his photographs. The pavilion stimulates new opportunities for him. He is excited again with the potential of having his work exhibited inside. The art exhibition project in the pavilion help Harris to commit to a new goal and explore new possibilities, he is now excited to learn more about his subject.

Keara is a final year postgraduate architecture student. She pursues her childhood dream despite people telling her she is better off just continuing her family business. That is why Keara is anxious all the time. These days, she is very overwhelmed and keeps on getting panic attacks. Keara just got an email about a workshop session in the pavilion, that will cover the topic of how to manage anxiety. She starts doing the tips given by the psychologist and the panic attacks become shorter and less frequent. Kearat also tries out meditating in the pavilion, loving the space and the panoramic view of the garden and the reflective pool. The natural light coming in makes her feel happier somehow. Not to mention the sound insulation is excellent in the pavilion. The pavilion helps her to live more at the moment instead of stressing out about the unknown future. She becomes a calmer and more grounded person, thanks to the building.


Rully is a PhD art and design student. On the outside, his life seems perfect, he is charming and successful. On the inside though, he feels very numb. He knows he is depressed and thinks about harming himself or commit suicide once in a while. Hence, he decided to make an appointment to talk to the counsellor in the Well-being Pavilion. He is a bit nervous, but find that the path leading to the room is very calming and secretive. The panoramic view towards the canal combined with the white brick material provides a serene effect. After talking to the psychologist, they decided to make an appointment for him once a week. Rully joined the group meditation for mindfulness-based therapy, and six months in, he finally feels joy again in the little things. Whenever he feels down, he goes to the pavilion, to sit and enjoy the view. The pavilion helps Rully to remember his meaningful value and to address his long term issue.


Morecambe Bay is located in the Northwest of the UK. The bay is a beautiful place with a lot of narratives and history, yet it is also dangerous, with its quicksand and high tides. There are a lot of tragic drowning stories since the tide can be as high as 9 metre tall. That is why a refuge tower is needed, it will be located every 500 metre alongside the line shown on the map.
// Second Year - Design Studio Three

The tower has to be a minimum of 5 metre tall with a 3 metre block concrete foundation underneath, it also has to be easy to construct using local materials available. Moreover, the design has to be driven by the narratives or history of the site. Another challenge of this project is to make the handcrafted 1: 20 model using a real concrete block.


The design is driven by the narrative that the bay is a dangerous place with its tragedies, I wanted to design something useful that can function not just as a simple refuge tower. Lateriscope is a combination of the word lantern and periscope, using both as building instruments. The periscope enables people to see and check if the tide is coming soon from the mirror in the middle. When they are up, they can switch on the light button that allows the tower to light up to confirm that the refugees are safe. The slightly tilted steel facade is for the strong west wind to go up and not directly hit the wall. The windows are positioned towards the south to capture the natural sunlight and to allow summer wind to come in.

Video Game Museum // Huddersfield, UK // 2019 // First Year - Design Studio Two
The site for this project is an enclosed area called Hawksby Court. It is mainly used as a parking lot, so most people do not notice or enter the site often. The site is located along the New Street in the Huddersfield town centre, hence the easy pedestrian access with two nearby bus stops and a train station located within 5 minutes walk.
Video games have become a rapidly growing multi-million industry. However, in the UK, there is just one video game museum located in Sheffield. This project hopes to foster the relationship between the town’s natural qualities and digital video game art. The site feels abandoned and old, so it is quite hard for the building to attract visitors.

The museum is five storeys tall and has a pathway to make the main entrance more noticeable. This building has 3 entrances, to the shop, the internet cafe, and to the museum itself. In addition, it has a roof garden/ balcony on each floor, each of them facing the sun, and uses rain as its self-water system. Since the museum does not need much light, the windows are slitted down instead of up to create an interesting facade while at the same time still allow little light to come in. It uses white brick for the main facade material for the building to have a clean futuristic look while blending with the surrounding Yorkshire stone buildings.
Since the building has to have multiple floors, there is an emphasis on the height difference to make it less intimidating. A pathway is created to make the entrance to the site more noticeable.

The museum space ed vertically, each ferent function. office, playing space,

space arrangement is divideach floor containing a diffunction. It has internet cafe, shop, playing area, gallery, workshop space, and rooftop cafe.
Instead of regular blocks, the shape is more irregular. The 3 entrances are emphasised by the form. The window shape compliments the form and creates a more dynamic shape between floors.

Rather than having just one roof garden on top, there is one on each floor. The garden is positioned to maximise the sun-light and collect the rain as its self-water system.


Pentecost is a lush, mountainous island that stretches north to south over some 60 kilometre. The mountain range, of which the highest is Mount Vulmat marks the dividing line between the humid, rainy eastern coast and the more temperate western coast. Vanuatu lies within the South Pacific cyclone belt, with the cyclone season usually runs from November to April.

The South Pacific is one of the most natural disaster-prone regions on earth. Tropical cyclones in the South Pacific occur throughout the year. The outcome of this project is to produce a prototype post-disaster housing in Vanuatu (focusing especially on the Pentecost Village). The house has to be cheap and simple to construct, yet permanent enough to stay.


The main modular space will be 4x4x3 metre, with timber as the main structure and using local bamboo as the wall. Each basic house consists of four main modular boxes and contains two bedrooms and one living space. The kitchen and washing space is shared between the two houses. If the community has become more settled after the post-disaster, or maybe the family wanted to have a bigger space, then they can upgrade the house by adding two more bedrooms. The house is monopitch to reduce the wind impact, the house is lifted to reduce the flood risk. In addition, it has solar panels and rainwater collection.


Library and Eatery // Huddersfield, UK // 2020 // Second Year - Design Studio Four

The site is located in the middle of the civic centre area, and right now it is occupied by a civic centre municipal building, which will be knocked down later on. What is interesting about the site is that it has an underground bridge nearby that strategically connects the site to the bus station, leisure centre, car park, and the Huddersfield town centre.

Students are given the freedom to design a building that will contribute to the renewed vitality of Huddersfield. The building proposal has to be meet the need of local people, but at the same time attracts visitors to Huddersfield. Moreover, it should strive to generate the community spirit in the area while responding to social, political, and technological changes.

I decided to design library and food court space, combining both with garden area to generate a sense of community in the site, while keeping it up to date with latest social and technological changes. Inspired by the underground bridge on the site, I’m taking advantage of the natural topography (2-metre slope) by raising all the garden boundaries and pathways in 2-metre height while having the building and surrounding external space on ground zero. The library and food court sit on the ground level with the cafe as its connector. The public space is disabled friendly, using many ramps alongside external staircases.

The public space is taking advantage of the sloping site to mimic the underground bridge. As the result, it creates an interesting public path with garden areas surrounding the building.
The building public area sit ating the illusion underground. mer sun and


and surrounding external sit on ground level zero, creillusion of the building being underground. It also reduces the summaximise the winter sun.
The skylight for the library allows indirect sunlight to come in, while direct sunlight will be coming to the food court. The building also has a roof garden and outside sitting area for the visitors.

To make it more interesting and to compliment the space, there are height differences on the second floor. The library area is 6 metre tall while the eating area is 5 metre tall.

The library is oriented toward the sunlight, yet it is shaded with the garden to avoid glare. The food court is located directly in front of the car park for easy ingredients and waste delivery. The smell and noise will be reduced by the garden outside. Lastly, the cafe will be the connector in between spaces.

All the main entrances are designed according to the site axis. In addition, there are also several entrances to the rooms so that visitors can go straight to the desired spaces. There are a lot of gardens with sitting areas, located in front to encourage people to spend time outside with nature.

Ground level 0

Raised 1 Metre high
Raised 2 Metre high
Stairs from 2 M to LV 0
Stairs from first floor to LV 0

(A) Ramp from 2 M to LV 0
(B) Ramp from 2 M to 1 M
(C) Ramp from 2 M to bridge
(D) Ramp from 1 M to LV 0
Personal work including freehand sketching using multiple mediums and travel photography