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Allen West and Ronna McDaniel: Messages from the Top

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Guidance From the Top on Down-Ballot Voting


On September 16, the Williamson County GOP held a rally in Georgetown to celebrate keynote speakers Ronna McDaniel, Chairman West (center) with local state and county elected officials and candidates National GOP Chair he ardently supports in his down-ballot message. and Texas Chair Allen West. While Williamson County. As he closed, he spoke emoadvocating for the platform and President Trump, tionally about the vote itself. “There are Soldiers, they extolled the need to get out the vote, and Sailors, Marines, Coast Guardsmen standing on focus on down-ballot races. ramparts 18-30 hours at a time for you. There are

McDaniel shared personal stories about grow- police officers wondering if someone will step up ing up in a political family, and her daily remind- to their patrol car and empty a mag in their head. ers that living in the United States is a privilege They are out there for each of you. The very least and blessing that should not be taken for grant- you can do is stay in that line, and in that booth, ed. “Donald Trump did not have to take this job, for as long as it takes to vote—from the White and we are sick of bureaucrats not getting things House to the school house. If you don’t, I will find done. Not just his appointments in the Federal you.” courts, but he just brokered another Middle East His last remark was met with applause and peace deal, which affects every one of us.” laughter, and he later explained that when we

She encouraged attendees to find five people seek those five people, we look outside our echo and talk about the platform. In 2016, she worked chambers; find those who do not already agree, in Michigan, and that five-person commitment and convert three of them. “Start by asking them, helped them win the state by just 10,000 votes. ‘Is this really what you want for your children?’” “Just the people in this room can make that West’s take-home message: “You cannot go in difference. This is what we wanted four years ago and just hit that box that says, ‘All Republicans’. and our country—our future—is at stake.” You must exercise the resolve and discipline to stay in the voting booth and vote for each poWHEN ALLEN WEST TALKS... Chairman West was very passionate about what each of the races means for Texas. “Austin no longer represents what Stephen F. Austin fought for, and it is sad we can only have 50 sition. This is not just about voting for President Trump, for Senator John Cornyn, or even your member of Congress, all very important races, indeed. However, it is crucial that Texans continue down the entire ballot. people in church, but local Walmarts and Home “The progressive Socialist left only needs nine Depots have open doors. Texas is the battlefield.” seats to take the Texas House, so find out who He praised local candidates, and their commitment to stand in the gap for each person in your Texas Republican State House member is and support them.”

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