3 minute read

Embracing WaterSmart

by Ann Marie Kennon

photo by Trey Evans


Liberty Hill has joined forces with the WaterSmart program to empower residents with a cutting-edge system to help save water in homes and businesses. Trey Evans, the city's water superintendent says Liberty Hill recently launched the smart Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) meters program to provide:

  •  A user-friendly method for water customers to log in and see how much they use on an hourly basis, as well as see the consumption that occurs and how it may affect their water bill.

  •  Leak Alerts, which enables citizens to receive an email (or text) alert when the amount of water moving through the meter continuously reaches a specific threshold.

  •  Conservation Tips — ways to conserve and/or possibly receive rebates through the EPA.

  •  Real-time data for water usage.

  •  A means to identify issues and message the utility directly.


Since 2010, the U.S. Department of Interior Bureau of Reclamation has been seeding local water-efficiency solutions and encouraging watershed partnerships through grants from the WaterSmart Program. Liberty Hill leadership are hoping every resident will want to join a community of mindful individuals who are making a real difference by signing up for this initiative. Whether you are a homeowner, renter, or business owner, as a user, you will be able to find out where and when you are using the most water.


High-tech AMI meters have digital technology and wireless communication capabilities to collect and transmit data about water consumption to the utility provider and the consumer.

But Liberty Hill’s WaterSmart Program is more than just practical tips and financial savings. Trey says, "Each one of our AMI meters has the capability to store and send data every hour. This information is then sent to a network of data collectors and repeaters we've strategically placed around the city. This information is then compiled and organized into our WaterSmart software. It's an opportunity to be part of a community united by a common goal the conservation and responsible management of our water resources."


Through comprehensive usage data, customers gain valuable insights into household or business water consumption patterns. Users can discover hidden culprits behind a higher-than-normal bill or uncover areas where simple modifications can result in substantial savings. Armed with this knowledge, everyone can make informed decisions that align with their financial goals, while simultaneously conserving water resources.

Scan the code to sign up online then do one thing each day to conserve; perhaps keep a catch bucket in your sink when you are waiting for the tap water to get hot, then use that leftover water for houseplants. Or turn the water off when brushing teeth or shaving. Check for leaks: turn off all the faucets and other water outlets and check the scale on the meter to see if it's moving.

Make every drop count!

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