WHAT’S IN A NAME: A STYLE LED BULBS Have you ever wondered why A style LED bulbs are called A style? The science behind the naming is a simile between an upside-down pear and the shape of the bulb. • The upside-down shape distributes the light in an omnidirectional area thus covering a large space.
• Two most commonly found A style bulbs are A19 and A21. • The number denotes the diameter of the bulb at its widest point divided by eight. • Therefore, A19 is a pear-shaped bulb having a diameter of 2.4 inches. • Similarly, the A21 bulb will have a diameter of 2.65 inches. These bulbs are mainly used in showrooms, retail stores, track lights Household use, study room, living rooms, kitchens entrances, lobbies, reception area, hotel areas and the likes of such.