FIDIC Future Leaders Booklet - Sustainability

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FIDIC Future Leaders –Sustainability 2024

A FIDIC Conference Booklet prepared by the FIDIC

Future Leaders Advisory Council

September 2024


The FIDIC Future Leaders Advisory Council (FLAC) was established to bring together a group of professionals under the age of 40 and is appointed by the FIDIC board to advise FIDIC on a number of activities and operations and provide opportunities for future leaders to participate actively in FIDIC with their peers and to develop the next generation of leaders in the consulting engineering and wider infrastructure sector.

The primary functions of the council are to:

• Engage with future leaders in the consultancy and engineering sector to promote FIDICs activities.

• Work with FIDIC to create targeted activities for its Future Leaders programme.

The FLAC provides opportunities for future leaders to participate actively in FIDIC with their peers and to develop as the next generation of leaders in the consulting engineering and wider infrastructure sector

This publication forms part of this remit. It is important that future leader’s voices are heard if the industry is to move towards the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs), net zero and beyond.

The contributions in this report explore the issues currently faced by future leaders but also considers the issues that the next generation of future leaders may face.


Foreword from FIDIC

Future Leaders Advisory Council


I am pleased that the FIDIC Future Leaders Advisory Council (FLAC) is represented strongly at the conference through the Future Leaders Symposium and the publication of the Future Leaders’ Booklet.

This year marks an important milestone and a first for us, as in this eighth year of publishing our booklet we have had such a great number of good quality applications that we will be publishing not one but three Future Leaders’ Booklets around different themes.

What an achievement! I would like to take this opportunity to thank those that led the Future Leaders before me, the team within the Future Leaders’ Advisory Council and the secretariat at FIDIC who have all supported the bold aim for this programme to go from an ambitious idea to the achievement it is today.

The three booklet themes this year, I believe, represent the breadth and importance of the challenges we are facing. They are:

• Technology and AI

• Sustainability

• Challenges and opportunities for infrastructure delivery

As we fast approach 2030 and the need to hit the SDGs, net zero is also increasingly just over the horizon. The work we are doing today will form part of our net zero future and so it is important we are proactive in everything we design to meet such a goal.

Technology also continues to evolve it was not long ago that remote working was thrown into the future and artificial intelligence seems to be another significant shift that we refuse to ignore at our own peril.

There are several ways in which the world could potentially change as technology and AI continues to evolve:

Enhanced decision-making: AI can provide valuable insights and recommendations, helping you make informed choices in various areas of life.

Improved efficiency: Technology and AI-powered tools can automate routine tasks, saving you time and effort.

Access to information: technology and AI can help you find relevant information quickly and efficiently.

New opportunities: AI like the technology that came before it will open up new career paths and entrepreneurial ventures.

It is therefore fantastic to see the sector, be it the leaders at the top or the young engineers entering the industry, aligned to an extent which has never happened before. Tomorrow’s challenges are now today’s challenges - and we must deliver.

The conference theme, Transforming lives with infrastructure: Investing in and building a better world for all, could not be more appropriate given that the challenges above will have significant effects on how we, live, work and interact and we must not leave anyone behind.

Having the voices of upcoming and young engineers will be important as they continue to bring new and innovative points of view towards project delivery and the development of wider infrastructure.

We hope that you enjoy reading the articles that future leaders have prepared and find the content and context both interesting and valuable as we move towards a more sustainable, equitable and possibly technology-driven future.

Dr Rodrigo Juarez Chair - FIDIC Future Leaders Council

Presenting Authors

Acknowledging the seriousness of the sector to address the challenges of the UN SDGs and net zero and recent climate events that range from fires to floods, the FIDIC Future Leaders Council Advisory wanted to provide a platform for future leaders in the consulting engineering industry to share, reflect and come forward with new ideas or challenges.

We invited Future Leaders to reflect on the challenges and how we can not only approach the future but also consider that a different approach will also have additional or new benefits to economies, societies, and nature as a whole.

It is important that as a sector and as a society, individuals look forward to the opportunities in the V-U-C-A (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) world despite how it impacts consulting engineering, infrastructure development, attraction, retention, and development of Future Leaders.

For this, the FLC selected, as presenters, the authors whose articles best reflect the above principles.


• Keziah Theresah Quarshie, Ghana

• Wojciech Szewczak, United Kingdom

Presenting Authors

Green infrastructure – A case for implementing lifecyle assessments of infrastructure in Ghana

Keziah Quarshie is a budding engineer with Delin Consult in Accra, Ghana. She graduated from the University of Nottingham, UK with an MEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering. Thereafter, she worked with Sweco, a Swedish engineering consultancy in the United Kingdom, for two years where she received her graduate engineering training. She worked on a number of transportation and urban regeneration projects. She is very passionate about sustainability and building resilient infrastructure. She has presented her ideas across various panels including the Ghana Infrastructure Conference in 2022 under the theme, financing sustainable urban transport. She continues to advocate for sustainable building and encouraging efforts towards net zero.

Sustainability is a critical issue for the future of the built environment and the construction industry. Current global trends in consumption and emissions are indicative of the urgent need for the building industry to rethink its resource use and greenhouse gas emissions. The lifecycle assessment (LCA) is a vital tool globally for assessing and managing the environmental impacts of buildings. Despite its effectiveness in promoting sustainable construction, Ghana has limited familiarity with using LCAs, hindering broader adoption of sustainable construction practices

Efforts to improve building efficiency and increase sustainability in the building sector has sparked an exploration of tools to facilitate this increased environmental consciousness. Although there is a lack of research in how these tools can be implemented in building design and construction (Antón & Díaz, 20141), there is an apparent increase in the adaptation of life cycle assessments in the building industry. Although still a work in progress, lifecycle assessments initially developed for assessing the environmental loads of industrial products have been used as an environmental impact assessment tool in the building industry since the late 1990s (Petroche, et al., 20152; Buyle, et al., 2013; Guinee, et al., 20113).

Lifecycle thinking and the consequential lifecycle assessment framework and methodology was conceived in the late 1960s as a response to growing concerns about environmental degradation and pollution, from an increase in production across many industries (Bjørn, et al., 20184). Lifecycle assessment is a tool increasingly applied in the building and construction sector to mitigate the adverse environmental effects of buildings (McGrath et al., 20135). This approach offers stakeholders in the industry a quantitative analysis of a building's environmental impacts, revealing opportunities to enhance efficiency and curb damaging environmental impacts across its entire lifecycle and thereby reduce environmental harm. Europe and Asia have spearheaded the use of LCAs within their respective building industries by making it an integral component of sustainable construction


1. Antón, L. Á. & Díaz, J., 2014. Integration of LCA and BIM for Sustainable Construction. International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering , 8(5), pp. 1378-1382.

2. Petroche, D. M. et al., 2015. Life cycle assessment of residential buildings: a review of methodologies. WIT Transaction on Ecology and the Environment , Volume 194, pp. 217-225.

3. Guinee, J. B. et al., 2011. Life Cycle Assessment: Past, Present and Future.

4. Bjørn, A., Owsianiak , M., Molin, C. & Hauschild , M. Z., 2018. LCA History. In: S. I. Olsen , R. K. Rosenbaum & M. K. Hauschild, eds. Life Cycle Assessment: Theory and Practice. Cham: Springer International Publishing, p. 17

5. McGrath, T. E. et al., 2013. Retrofit versus new-build house using life cycle assessment. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Engineering Sustainability, 166(3), pp. 122-137.

Keziah Theresah Quarshie, Ghana

Presenting Authors

Green infrastructure – A case for implementing lifecyle assessments of infrastructure in Ghana

(Guinee, et al., 20116). In Europe, several projects under the EU-funded Horizon 20207 research programme have included LCAs as part of their sustainability assessments. These assessments often focus on factors such as energy efficiency, carbon emissions, resource use, and overall environmental footprint (European Commission, 2020). On the contrary, there is still a lack of the use of LCA in the African region. The push for achieving net zero emissions requires collaborative efforts worldwide and thus it is necessary that all countries are actively working towards this. However, the limited adoption of LCA in Africa is troubling, considering its established benefits for sustainable building practices (Karkour et al., 2021). Global compounding efforts are pivotal in achieving net zero emissions, underscoring the need to address the lack of LCA research in Africa considering its benefits.

Ghana, a West African country, has produced only 5-10 LCA applications, highlighting a significant gap in this area (Karkour, et al., 20218 To understand the reasons behind the lack of LCA research in the Ghanaian building industry, it is essential to first examine the status of sustainable building construction in the country. Recognised as key drivers for implementing LCAs, sustainable building practices play a crucial role in this context. Therefore, evaluating the current state of sustainable construction in Ghana is vital to this research. Additionally, it is important to identify the drivers of lifecycle assessments in other countries and assess their effectiveness in the Ghanaian context. The assessment of these drivers will give insight to the possible barriers to lifecycle assessments of buildings in the Ghana and provide recommendations for overcoming them. LCA in BIM is an application of LCAs that offers a unified working environment, enabling effective communication and seamless information flow within building projects (Antón & Díaz, 20149). This integration allows designers and stakeholders to access comprehensive information about the environmental, economic and social aspects of a building design, fostering a collaborative effort to reduce the building's environmental impact. The combination of BIM and LCA enhances data management and assists LCA practitioners in making informed decisions to improve building sustainability (Carvalho et al., 202010; Antón & Díaz, 201411).

National green building rating systems have incorporated LCAs to address carbon emissions and offer a thorough assessment of environmental performance. The United Kingdom and the United States were key players in influencing the growth and development of global and country specific green building rating schemes (Geng, et al., 201212). Since then, approximately 600 new green building rating systems have been established (Doan et al., 201713). Extra credits are awarded for using LCAs in the rating process. BREEAM 2018 includes credits for LCA appraisals with approved tools, and LEED and Civil Engineering Environmental Quality Assessment and Awards Scheme (CEEQUAL) certifications also offer additional credits for incorporating LCA (RICS, 201714; Doran, 2018; Circular Ecology, n.d.15)

Sustainable construction, therefore, has been identified as one the major drivers for the implementation of lifecycle assessments. The lack of LCA research in Ghana could be attributed to the status of sustainable construction in the country. Ametepey et al. (2015)16 investigated the level of sustainable construction in Ghana and found that the built environment industry has been unsuccessful in implementing sustainable construction tools and techniques. They attributed this failure to five major barriers: financial, technical, knowledge and awareness, socio-cultural, political and leadership. This claim is

6. Guinee, J. B. et al., 2011. Life Cycle Assessment: Past, Present and Future.

7. European Commission. "Horizon 2020 Funds 22 New Projects to Ensure the Sustainable Management of Land and Waters." Last modified May 19, 2020.

8. Karkour, S. et al., 2021. Status of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in Africa. Environments, 8(2), p. 10.

9. Antón, L. Á. & Díaz, J., 2014. Integration of LCA and BIM for Sustainable Construction. International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering , 8(5), pp. 1378-1382.

10. Carvalho, J. P., Alecrim, I., Bragança, L. & Mateus, R., 2020. Integrating BIMBased LCA and Building Sustainability Assessment. Sustainability, 12(18), p. 7468.

11. Antón, L. Á. & Díaz, J., 2014. Integration of LCA and BIM for Sustainable Construction. International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering , 8(5), pp. 1378-1382.

12. Geng, Y., Dong, H., Xue, B. & Fu, J., 2012. An Overview of Chinese Green Building Standards. Sustainable Development , 20(3), pp. 211-221.

13. Doan, D. T. et al., 2017. A critical comparison of green building rating systems. Building and Environment, Volume 123, pp. 243-260

14. RICS, 2017. Whole life carbon assessment for the built environment. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 31 May 2021].

15. Doran, D., 2018. BREEAM – Why whole building life cycle assesssment (LCA)?. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 31 May 2021]

16. Ametepey, O., Aigbavboa, C. & Ansah, K., 2015. Barriers to successful implementation of sustainable construction in the Ghanaian construction industry. Procedia Manufacturing , Volume 3, pp. 1682-1689.

Presenting Authors

Green infrastructure – A case for implementing lifecyle assessments of infrastructure in Ghana

supported by Dadzie and Ohemeng-Ababio (2014)17, who noted a general lack of awareness about green building strategies and insufficient governmental and institutional policies promoting sustainable construction practices. However, Ayarkwa et al. (2017)18 highlighted that, while Ghana does have laws and regulations regarding sustainable construction, the main issue lies in the enforcement of these policies. It is worth noting that there are some initial efforts, such as the EDGE (Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies) tool developed by the International Finance Corporation and adopted by the Ghana Green Building Council, encouraging sustainability.

Future leaders can promote the implementation of LCAs in the Ghanaian building industry, through several strategies. Advocating for legalisation and policy development are key strategies that the Ghanaian government, through the Land Use and Spatial Planning Authority, could mandate LCAs as part of sustainable infrastructure development. Requiring proof of LCAs before awarding building permits, overseen by the Statutory Planning Committee within the metropolitan, municipal and district assemblies, would enforce this.

The government can also foster a supportive environment for sustainable building design by offering tax rebates and subsidies for LCA-assessed buildings. This would reduce the costs associated with LCAs and promote sustainable options. Furthermore, government advocacy for green buildings can increase demand, supported by fiscal policies that boost supply. Additionally, integrating core LCA programmes into built environment curricula is crucial. This fosters industry-academia relationships, promotes further LCA research, and helps develop country-specific databases and guidelines reflective of Ghana's building economy.

17. Dadzie, J. & Ohemeng-Ababio, E., 2014. Barriers to Sustainable Construction in the Ghanaian Construction Industry: Consultants Perspectives. 7(1), p. 134.

18. Ayarkwa, J., Acheampong, A., Wiafe, F. & Boateng, B. E., 2017. FACTORS AFFECTING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION IN GHANA: THE ARCHITECT’S PERSPECTIVE. ICIDA 2017-6th International Conference on Infrastructure Development in Africa, pp. 12-14.

Presenting Authors

Pioneering sustainability: How EU regulatory frameworks shape global infrastructure

Wojciech Szewczak is an Associate Director at Ramboll Management Consulting, working with clients in the infrastructure sector and delivering strategic sustainability consulting services. With ten years of experience, he combines technical expertise with business strategy and broader sustainability aspects to create transformational results for his clients.

Throughout his career, Wojciech has been privileged to advise clients on integrating sustainability into their strategic frameworks. His approach goes beyond compliance, identifying innovative ways to enhance operational efficiency, reduce environmental impact and foster social wellbeing. One of his career's most challenging yet rewarding experiences has been supporting National Highways in developing and implementing its environmental sustainability strategy.

Wojciech is a member of FIDIC’s Future Leaders Advisory Council. He received an Outstanding Achievement recognition at the FIDIC Future Leaders Awards 2023 in Singapore for influencing the UK's infrastructure sector.

Infrastructure is crucial in pursuing a sustainable future as the foundation of economies and communities. Sustainable infrastructure is not a luxury but necessary, requiring environmentally responsible investments that promote social welfare and economic development without depleting natural resources. Regulatory frameworks are essential for promoting sustainability and aligning economic activities with the urgent need for environmental stewardship. Leading this regulatory transformation is the European Union, whose comprehensive directives are reshaping the infrastructure landscape and exerting significant global influence.

EU regulatory frameworks for sustainable infrastructure

Perhaps the overarching EU Green Deal is the most notable of the regulatory frameworks. This strategic blueprint aims to transform the EU into a fair and prosperous society with a modern, resource-efficient economy by 2050. The Green Deal's implications for infrastructure are profound. It propels the implementation of green technologies and ensures that public and private infrastructure investments align with its sustainability criteria. The EU has stimulated a wave of innovation and collaboration by establishing these rigorous standards and providing a roadmap for the transition to a green economy. Moreover, the Green Deal, with policies such as the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) and the EU Taxonomy Regulation, puts sustainability at the core of financial decision-making, driving investors towards projects with positive environmental impacts. This regulatory framework supports the EU's environmental goals and has overarching ripple effects, influencing global markets and encouraging international stakeholders to pursue longevity, resilience and responsibility in their infrastructure ventures.

The SFDR aims to standardise environmental sustainability reporting in the infrastructure sector, ensuring transparency and comparability of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) disclosures. Infrastructure assets that promote environmental or social characteristics (Article 8) or target sustainable investment (Article 9) must follow SFDR's Level 2 Required Technical Standards, which define the technical details for compliance in sustainability reporting.

The EU Taxonomy is an EU classification system that promotes environmentally sustainable investment and prevents greenwashing. It offers a set of metrics for evaluating the sustainability of infrastructure investments, assisting investors and policymakers in distinguishing projects that truly contribute to environmental goals. A practical example is its application in assessing electric mobility projects, like EV infrastructure, to ensure they align with environmental targets such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving air quality. Therefore, The EU Taxonomy thus functions as a comprehensive guide for sustainable investments, particularly in green infrastructure.

Wojciech Szewczak, United Kingdom

Presenting Authors

Pioneering sustainability: How EU regulatory frameworks shape global infrastructure

The global influence of EU regulations

EU policies are a strong force in setting high standards that ripple through international markets, influencing policies and practices far beyond its borders. As global players seek access to the lucrative European market, adhering to these high sustainability benchmarks becomes good practice and business. Consequently, non-EU countries are increasingly harm-harmonising regulations with European standards, recognising the benefits of environmental conservation and improved market access. Therefore, the SFDR and EU Taxonomy regulations are crucial in promoting transparency, offering distinct guidelines, and boosting the development of sustainable infrastructure investments.

Advocacy and partnerships

Achieving global sustainability in infrastructure is a collaborative endeavour necessitating the active engagement of advocacy groups and the formation of strong public-private partnerships. Organisations like the World Wildlife Fund and the Climate Bonds Initiative work tirelessly to advocate for green policies. Partnerships between government bodies and private investors multiply the reach and impact of sustainable infrastructure projects, bridging the gap between policy ambition and real-world implementation.

Challenges and opportunities

Non-EU countries face countless challenges in aligning their infrastructure standards with those of the European Union, from financial constraints to technological readiness. However, these challenges are counterbalanced by opportunities for growth and innovation. Countries adapting EU-like sustainability measures can emerge as leaders in green technology and ecologically responsible practices, carving out competitive advantages in the burgeoning global market for sustainable infrastructure.

The European Union's regulatory frameworks play a crucial role in advancing global sustainability in infrastructure. These sustainability standards are not limited to the EU region and are creating new opportunities for international cooperation and development. As we move further into this century, global leaders, businesses and civil society need to adopt these frameworks, share knowledge and strongly advocate for sustainable investments. This approach will help secure our ecological future and contribute to building a more resilient global economy.

Recognised Authors

In this section, we would like to highlight the contribution of notable authors with exciting articles.

They have provided us with opinions, experiences, and innovative ideas on how to evolve and adapt to changing technologies, the challenge of net zero and develop the skills and talent the industry needs to lead such transformative infrastructure development.


• Thiago Dantas, Brazil

• Melissa Rigo, Brazil

• Lorena Oliveira, Brazil

• Juliana Scanoni Silva, Brazil

• Thiago Melo, Brazil

• Artur Henrique de Morais Brito, Brazil

• Mai Tanaka, Japan

• Jonah Marie V. Malolos, Philippines

• Joanne Marie P. Vizcarra, Philippines

• John Michael B. Gargullo, Philippines

• Jacqueline Sampah-Adjei, Ghana

• Irene Yeboah, Ghana

• Edward M. Melomey, Ghana

• Uzair Osman, South Africa

• Omaira Jajbhay, South Africa

• Renesh Maharaj, South Africa

• Haswinati Katakweba, Tanzania

• Wojciech Szewczak, United Kingdom

Recognised Authors

ESG perspective in logistic route planning from a multicriteria approach

Thiago Dantas is a project manager at TPF Engenharia, the Brazilian subsidiary of the multinational Belgian group, TPF S.A. He graduated in civil engineering and post-graduated in transport infrastructure. He is also certified as a Project Management Professional (PMP®) by PMI.

At TPF, Thiago started his career 14 years ago as an inspector and has worked on roadways and railways projects over the years. Today, he is a reference in the company as a manager and as a Building Information Modelling (BIM) and infrastructure expert.

Melissa Rigo is a civil engineering student at the Federal University of Paraná and has been working at TPF Engenharia for two years. As an intern, she assisted in the development of feasibility studies for railway projects and pavement designs for highways. Today, she is an engineering assistant and works with Thiago Dantas on the technical development of road and railway projects, including their management. She is interested in topics such as ESG, AI, and transportation, and brings an innovative and dynamic perspective to the projects she participates in, aiming to combine the best of these three areas for the benefit of stakeholders.

Defining paths for linear infrastructures is a significant engineering challenge. Due to their robustness and extent, designing the routes for highways, railways, and pipelines involves analysing a variety of factors from vastly different dimensions. One of the major case studies in Brazil is the route study of the Nova FERROESTE, a railway designed to connect the centre of the country to the coast, linking the largest grain production centers to the port of Paranaguá, one of Brazil’s main export portals, with an extension of 1,300km. This study was conducted by the TPF-SENER Consortium between 2021 and 2022, and once implemented, the project will enhance cargo logistics efficiency, reducing costs and carbon emissions in its operation.

Due to its length, the route of this railway crosses areas with vastly varied characteristics concerning climate, topography, vegetation, population density, agricultural production and several other factors. In the study, 35 essential criteria were selected to define the route, across five main dimensions - environmental, physical, socioeconomic, market and logistics. To provide a more objective and weighted analysis, the primary decision support tool used for route optimisation was a multicriteria approach through the Analytic Hierarchy Process and the Weighted Linear Combination , to synthesise the results of the variable combinations into maps. The Analytic Hierarchy Process is one of the most widespread decision support methods, formulated in the 1970s by American Thomas L. Saaty, who used his knowledge in psychology and mathematics to establish a decision support tool, especially in cases where multiple factors influence the analysis.

This approach consists first on choosing and defining sufficient and necessary variables for the study object. After defining, these variables are processed, compiled and geoprocessed, aiming to develop a multicriteria corridor that will guide decision-making for the best route. In this procedure, there is a crucial process which is the modelling of the selected variables in the geographic space, the representation of the variables influencing the infrastructure route on maps composed of numerical attributes that can be combined or ‘crossed’ with each other to generate an intelligible result.

Thiago Dantas, Brazil
Melissa Rigo, Brazil

ESG perspective in logistic route planning from a multicriteria approach Recognised Authors

By prioritising the variables, which AHP allows the decision-makers group to assign weights to each variable, spatially representing these on maps, and combining these variables through WLC, a synthesis map is obtained. In this map, the numerical attributes of each pixel represent how favorable or unfavorable each portion of the studied area is for the railway passage. This map is usually called a friction surface.

The main application of friction surfaces is to serve as the basis for optimal path studies. This optimal path is determined by the least possible friction on the route between an origin point and a destination point. In this surface, each pixel of the image assumes the value of the least cost possible path between origin and destination, what represents how "costly/ difficult" it will be to cross each position in developing the path. In map algebra, the values assigned to each pixel depend on the complexity of the area to positively or negatively impact the infrastructure passage.

The multicriteria corridor, which represents a lower cost (less friction) corridor, is defined after weighing the friction surface and the distance between the origin and destination points. Thus, an algorithm is developed whose functionality is to generate paths of greater and lesser favorability, and lesser accumulated cost between origin and destination, using an equation that considers the cost function. Figure 1 represents the case of applying Multicriteria Analysis in the feasibility study of the Nova FERROESTE. In green, the corridors most favorable for the railway passage are highlighted, considering the proportionality among all 35 studied variables.

The application of the method in this railway-focused case yielded very satisfactory results, significantly impacting the project's subsequent stages. It is worth noting that this is a highly flexible methodology, which can be similarly applied to the study of other linear infrastructures but can also be adapted to serve as a decision support tool in various other applications, such as investment plans, zoning and expansion plans, selection of construction methods and any decisions involving highly complex and diverse dimensions variables. The great strength of the method lies in the ability to transform the complexity of challenges into smaller criteria that can be independently analysed, measured and compared to arrive at a weighted decision.


Recognised Authors

Decarbonisation in construction: Challenges and innovative solutions

Lorena Oliveira is director of quality and innovation at TPF Engineering, with almost ten years' experience in the company. She has a PhD in production engineering and a master’s degree in civil engineering from the Federal University of Pernambuco. She also has a postgraduate degree in project management from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation and in advanced topics in business management from Pearson College London.

Lorena is PMP, ACP and Scrum Fundamentals certified, with expertise in project management, quality and BIM. In addition to her work at TPF Engineering, she is an educator at the Project Management Institute, coordinates ABCE's Innovation Committee and is a mentor at Porto Social.

Civil engineer from the University of Pernambuco and Environmental Biologist from the Federal University of Pernambuco. Innovation coordinator at TPF Engineering, working to promote and disseminate digital solutions involving sustainability, drones, virtual and augmented reality, business intelligence and BIM. Coordination of new product development. Winner of the World Hackathon - Autodesk University in New Orleans, USA. Leads the Interoperability front of the BIM Quality Circle at TPF.

Thiago Melo is a civil engineer from UFPE and the Technical University of Berlin, a cost engineer from IBEC, and holds a master’s degree in civil engineering from UFPE with an emphasis on energy efficiency. He is also a specialist in decarbonisation strategies for projects and organisations. With over ten years of experience in consultative engineering, he has participated in the development of various types of infrastructure with different complexities, working as a works inspector, designer, estimator, manager and consultant. An enthusiast of sustainability and efficiency in all its aspects, Thiago believes that with a technical and focused perspective, engineering can ensure fair and sustainable development.

Lorena Oliveira, Brazil
Juliana Scanoni Silva, Brazil
Thiago Melo, Brazil

Recognised Authors

Decarbonisation in construction: Challenges and innovative solutions


Construction is responsible for around 39% of global CO2 emissions, contributing significantly to global warming (Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction, 2021). In Brazil, the construction sector is the third largest consumer of energy (including electricity, fossil fuels and other sources) and the largest consumer of electricity, accounting for around 15% of total energy consumption and 51% of electricity consumption (EPE, 2022). With global sustainability targets becoming increasingly stringent, the need for decarbonisation in the sector is urgent. In this context, the promotion of sustainable practices and the adoption of innovative technologies are essential. Future leaders play a crucial role in implementing these practices, shaping a more sustainable future for the industry. As Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock and a leading ESG advocate, said: "Companies that fail to adapt to the new reality and commit to sustainability are doomed to failure in the long term." This kind of leadership and vision is essential to drive decarbonization in the middle and ensure a sustainable future.

The importance of decarbonisation

Decarbonisation involves reducing CO2 emissions throughout the life cycle of products and operations. In the construction sector, these emissions have a significant impact and result mainly from the intensive use of energy during the production of materials and the construction phase such as the extraction of raw materials, processing, transportation and building operations to demolition. In addition, post-construction usage also consumes a significant amount of energy over time. According to the 2023 IPCC report, global emissions need to be reduced by 50% by 2030 to limit global warming to 1.5°C, highlighting the urgency of discussing and implementing decarbonisation strategies in the sector.

To achieve sustainability goals, it is essential to adhere to global initiatives such as the Paris Agreement, signed in 2015 by 196 countries, whose aim is to limit the rise in global temperature to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels by significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In addition to the Paris Agreement, other relevant initiatives include the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are a set of 17 objectives aimed at ending poverty, protecting the planet and ensuring that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. The Science-Based Targets Initiative helps companies set science-based emission reduction targets to keep global temperature rise below 2°C. The Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition promotes the implementation of carbon pricing policies to reduce CO2 emissions. In parallel, the UN Race to Zero Campaign mobilises a coalition of leadership initiatives that aim to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Challenges in implementing decarbonisation strategies

The implementation of decarbonisation strategies faces several challenges, including economic, technological and cultural barriers. The high costs of sustainable technologies and materials are a significant economic barrier. In addition, the lack of adequate data and tools to measure and reduce CO2 emissions represents a technological challenge. Culturally, there is resistance to change, with established industry practices that hinder the adoption of new approaches, such as the continued use of traditional high-emission materials, conventional construction processes that do not incorporate modern energy-efficient technologies, resistance to innovation and organisational change and little training and professional capacity-building on sustainable construction best practices. Taking emissions reduction into account from the earliest stages of the project makes it possible to further reduce the building's impact throughout its life cycle. This reinforces the importance of regionalising data, providing a solid basis for the analysis of embodied CO2 emissions and enabling the adoption of more efficient practices that are appropriate to the local context.

Innovative solutions for decarbonisation

Digitalisation and the application of innovative technologies play a key role in achieving sustainability and decarbonisation in the construction industry. The use of methodologies such as Building Information Modeling (BIM) has stood out in this quest. BIM enables the creation of three-dimensional digital models that integrate information on geometry, materials and construction processes. And when integrated with analysis platforms such as Power BI, it allows scenarios with lower emissions to be simulated, identifying ways to improve the sustainability of projects in the pre-operational phases. Complementing BIM, Building Energy Modeling (BEM) focuses on simulating the energy use of buildings, including geometric description, materials used, lighting and HVAC systems, as well as integrating data on the local climate and thermostat settings. This methodology helps to obtain green certifications, qualify for incentives and control energy performance in the operational phases of buildings, resulting in more efficient and sustainable buildings.

Recognised Authors

Decarbonisation in construction: Challenges and innovative solutions

In addition to these technologies, ongoing research into the development, certification and use of low-carbon materials is essential. These materials emit less CO2 during production and construction, helping to reduce global emissions. In Brazil, the Brazilian Chamber of the Construction Industry has been promoting actions to encourage the sector's transition to a low-carbon economy, highlighting the importance of environmental certifications and efficient management of natural resources.

As a response to the urgent need to reduce CO2 emissions in construction and serving as an example of the creation of innovative technologies, TPF Engineering has developed a tool called Embodied Carbon Analysis (ACI), designed to help identify and implement the best decarbonisation practices in the pre-operational phase of construction projects.

Integrated with BIM and Power BI, the tool allows you to simulate and analyze various construction scenarios, identifying the most efficient solutions in terms of cost and CO2 emissions. ACI's differential is the combination of carbon quantity and cost, aiming for the most cost-effective solutions possible. The tool uses Lifecycle Assessment (LCA) methodologies and regionalised data, offering a detailed analysis of materials and their emissions. In preliminary studies, TPF's carbon footprint calculator proved capable of reducing the amount of embodied carbon by up to 37% and reducing the total cost of the projects analysed by up to 30%. This significant reduction highlights the potential of digital and innovative solutions to transform the construction sector, making it more sustainable and efficient.

The role of future leaders in decarbonisation

Future leaders have a key role to play in promoting and implementing decarbonisation practices. Through innovation, education and adapting to new technologies, they can positively influence the industry. Initiatives led by young professionals, such as the use of digital tools to optimise projects and the promotion of sustainable materials, are concrete examples of how they are shaping a more sustainable future. The Brazilian government is also encouraging the construction of zero carbon buildings, known as net zero. This project, supported by the Global Environment Facility and the United Nations Environment Programme, aims to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from the construction sector by improving the political-institutional framework, pilot projects, implementing technological innovations, training and disseminating good practices.


Decarbonisation in the construction industry is essential for mitigating environmental impacts and achieving global sustainability goals. The first crucial step in this process is to measure the amount of CO2 emissions. With an analytical understanding of emissions, it is possible to identify the main sources of impact, enabling the adoption of effective decarbonization strategies and, if necessary, the implementation of offsets. The adoption of innovative solutions, such as TPF Engineering's Embodied Carbon Analysis, demonstrates how technology can contribute at this stage. Future leaders play a crucial role in implementing these practices, promoting a more sustainable future for the construction industry. A continuous and collaborative effort is needed for these initiatives to become the norm, transforming the construction industry into a greener and more responsible sector.


Recognised Authors

Does Brazil really need electric cars?

Civil engineer from the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), where he received awards for his academic performance and infrastructure engineer from the École Spèciale des Travaux Publiques in Paris, Artur is a development manager at TPF Engenharia in Brazil, with the goal of “Building the world, better”.

Currently pursuing a master’s degree at the University of São Paulo in production engineering focused on ESG, he has experiences in construction, projects and management contracts. Regarding his membership activities, he is currently vice-chair of the FIDIC Future Leaders Advisory Council and member of the FIDIC Digital Transformation Committee.

In recent years, we have experienced a huge growth in the climate changes, which is reflected in a higher frequence of extreme events. Floods in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (2024)1; Irma hurricane in the US, breaking the record of wind speed (2017)2; the historical drought in the Northern Hemisphere (2022)3; and the floods in Paris (2022)4 are becoming more recurrent.

In this scenario, the world needs to give a response to those events and one of the main solutions is the decarbonisation of the global economies, which means the reduction of the CO2 emissions to the atmosphere. Globally, one of the most important actions taken by the countries was the signature of the Paris Agreement in 2016, with the objective of limiting the temperature rise to 2°C above the pre-industrial levels, with a special effort to keep this rise to 1,5°C.

To tackle this issue assertively, it is of the utmost importance to understand the sectors with the biggest emissions rates. According to the Climate Watch’s Global Historical Emissions Control5, in 2021, the energy sector was the biggest CO2 emitter, representing 93,6% of the world's emissions (19,6 Gt of CO2). It was followed by Industrial Processes (6,1%), Agriculture (1,6%), Waste (1,2%) and Land-Use Change and Forestry (-2,5%). It is important to notice that the Energy sector comprises six subsectors, which emissions amount and relative importance are presented in Table 1. Despite Electricity/Heat represent more than half of the total emissions in 2021 (52,5% or 10,97 Gt of CO2), the Transportation sector accounts for 26,6% (5,56 Gt of CO2), which demonstrates the importance of the decarbonisation in this sector.






Artur Henrique de Morais Brito, Brazil

Recognised Authors

Does Brazil really need electric cars?

In this sense, the widespread production of electric cars seems to be a solution extremely desired, once it can reduce drastically the emissions of CO2 for the land transport, which accounts for a big amount of the transportation emissions. Their main benefits include the reduction of the greenhouse gas emissions, reduction of the noise pollution once they do not use a combustion engine, which also represents more internal space and comfort and, finally, also reducing the dependence of the world on fossil fuels.

However, one thing that is not very commented upon are the drawbacks of this model. First, the electric cars still have a high acquisition and maintenance costs, directly related to the expensive battery technology and components. This, in Brazil, has a huge impact, since the average income per capita is approximately 345 US dollars, according to the last IBGE analysis in 20246.

The second main issue is the necessary investment in the recharging infrastructure. For a country with continental dimensions like Brazil, the ciphers are extremely high and on one side the public sector is always pressured for cutting expenses and the necessity of investing in strategic infrastructure such as the requalification and construction of new roads and the expansion of the railway network. On the other side, the implementation of this infrastructure from a private actor may be unfeasible due to the high investments and the low demand.

A third main drawback is the environmental impact of the electric batteries, mainly for two reasons. Firstly, its production requires an intensive resource extraction, especially of rare elements and secondly, the recycling of the batteries is still a complex process and not yet very established. Other issues such as limited driving range, battery performance in extreme conditions both in hot and cold weather and the high recharging time are other barriers for this technology.

Finally, one important point to remember is that the emissions of an electric vehicle are as low as the quality of the energy that it is using and in this sense Brazil has a huge advantage compared to the rest of the world. We have one of the cleanest energy matrices in the world, as can be seen in Figure 1, which is mainly composed of hydraulic power, representing 61,9%7. Worldwide, the energy matrix is mostly based on fossil fuels, particularly mineral coal (36%) and natural gas (23%).

Despite this huge advantage for the use of electric cars in Brazil, we do have another important differential that is usually forgotten and that is ethanol. In 1975, the federal government created the Pro Álcool Program to stimulate the production of bioenergy in the country, in face of the petroleum world crisis that took place in the 1970s, raising the global prices with a huge impact on Brazil’s importations. The programme offered fiscal incentives and low interest loans to sugarcane producers and automotive industries that wanted to develop cars powered by ethanol. The programme was a success with the ethanol vehicles reaching 60% of the entire fleet in the beginning of the ’90s. However, in this decade, with the reduction of the petroleum price, the programme lost its strength, but a new crisis in 2003 revived it and stimulated the creation of the Flex motors, powered by both gasoline and ethanol. Nowadays, this type of vehicle represents 76,2% of the total fleet, but only 30% refuel it regularly with ethanol8, a culture we must change.





Recognised Authors

Does Brazil really need electric cars?

Understanding this context is especially important, once the cars powered by ethanol in Brazil pollute less than the electric cars in Europe due to their energetic matrix. According to a Stallantis study in 2023, which studied four scenarios, the following conclusions were reachd. (i) electric vehicles with Brazilian energy – 89,2 g of CO2/km, (ii) vehicle powered by ethanol – 107,2 g of CO2/km, (iii) electric vehicle with European energy – 126,5 g of CO2/km and (iv) vehicle powered by gasoline – 252,1 g of CO2/km9. This study shows that the Brazilian electrification has a big potential, but that ethanol has a huge advantage at more affordable fares. Considering that, one interesting solution is to combine these two great potentials in a single product, a hybrid electric flex vehicle, which was first done by Toyota in 2019 in Brazil10.

This technology allows the vehicle to be powered by three different sources of energy, which gives more diversity of use and availability of fuels. Moreover, its motors’ combinations allow the transition between the combustion for high speeds and electric for low speeds, saving fuel and reducing CO2 emissions. It also solves the problem of the limited driving range and battery performance in extreme conditions, once it uses relatively small batteries.

All things considered, it is of fundamental importance to decarbonise our economies, especially in an emissions intensive sector such as transportation. The world is adopting the electrification of vehicles as the main solution and Brazil must look at the world and learn what is good without forgetting its potentials. However, a clean energy matrix and a strong ethanol programme place Brazil in the vanguard of private vehicle decarbonisation and we must seize this opportunity, specifically investing in hybrid cars powered by electric and flex combustion engines.



Recognised Authors

Tips for human resource and skills development for sustainable infrastructure maintenance and management: Case studies of training for water utilities in Japan and South Africa

Mai Tanaka is a consulting engineer from Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd. who specialises in planning, design and management of water supply system and also controlling water quality. With a background in biological and environmental engineering and over five years of experience, she has worked on various projects in Asia, Africa and the Pacific region such as capacity development in operation and maintenance of water supply facilities and water treatment plants including the training for water quality control methods. She has also been participating in planning and implementation of the national non-revenue water training programme in South Africa, targeting municipal officials, which is composed of theory, practices and workplace.


Infrastructure is the foundation for human life and it is essential to continuously maintain and manage with adaptation to population changes, natural disasters, climate change, and other factors. “Technical transfer and human resource development” are essential factors to strengthen and sustain the infrastructure to cope with environmental changes.

In Japan, water utilities are facing a number of challenges, such as a decrease in revenues due to a population decline, an increase of aging facilities and a decline in technical capabilities due to the retirement of skilled engineers, thus “strengthening human resource development and organizational capabilities” are recognised as urgent issue. However, associations comprised of water utilities (local municipalities) in Japan regularly offer opportunities for human resource development by position and job classification. Also, a platform is being utilised for water utilities to collaborate with each other and share knowledge and experience in order to find solutions to the challenges they face. This framework has been established and has functioned effectively together with the development of modern waterworks since 1904.

In South Africa, the decentralisation of water supply administration has been promoted since 1997. However, many local municipalities have not sufficiently functioned in developing human resources and eventually this has created challenges in transferring knowledge and skills. Since 2017, the JICA1 technical cooperation project has been implemented with the aim to develop training programmes by utilising Japanese experience on human resource development, focusing on the non-revenue water (NRW)2 control which are relevant to the needs in South Africa. In this project, we have been engaged in the development and operational support of training programmes aimed at building capacity, as well as the activation of the training programmes. In this paper, challenges and activities related to technical transfer and human resource development in water utilities in Japan and SA are described. Further, approaches for sustainable operation, maintenance and management are discussed.

Mai Tanaka, Japan

Recognised Authors

Tips for human resource and skills development for sustainable infrastructure maintenance and management: Case studies of training for water utilities in Japan and South Africa

Technical transfer and human resource development in Japanese water utilities

Water utilities in Japan have been outsourcing their operations to reduce manpower as a part of financial consolidation and continuing on-the-job training (OJT) by skilled engineers and the succession of know-how through operation have become urgent issues. Therefore, water utilities have been promoting “visualszation of knowledge, experience, and skills” by drafting various manuals as well as by promoting mid- to long-term human resource development based on (i) acquisition of knowledge and skills through daily work (OJT), (ii) participation in off-the-job training, and (iii) self-education. However, small and medium-sized water utilities may have difficulty in implementing training by themselves due to personnel and financial reasons. Therefore, under the leadership of the association, composed mostly of water utilities in Japan, the following efforts are in progress that utilise the water utilities network to enhance the training to be convenient and effective.

Widespread collaboration

• Water utilities having geographical similarities tend to have common issues, thus, collaborative work and conducting joint trainings to resolve challenges on a widespread basis.

• Establishment and utilisation of training facilities as regional hubs.

• Water utilities initiate community-based human resource development to improve and train skills of next generation engineers to be the future lecturers.

Development of training to build human resources for water service in South Africa

In South Africa, available freshwater resource is 762 m3/year/person (2020)3, which is lower than the average of sub-Saharan African countries of 3,374 m3/year/person (2020)3. It is estimated to be 17% short of water supply to meet demand in 2030. Therefore, the Department of Water and Sanitation has prioritised the water demand management and has been implementing the No Drop Programme since 2013, which aims to improve water use efficiency. However, the NRW rate is still high at 47.4% (2023)4, so that maintaining a stable water service is a major concern for many local municipalities due to deteriorating financial conditions caused by low tariff collection and aging facilities, as well as a lack of human resources. To cope with these issues, we have engaged in the development of training programmes and the establishment of the system of promoting sustainable human resource development for water service in local municipalities nationwide. The following context surrounding the water sector in South Africa required consideration in developing the training programme.

• Water utilities are operated by municipalities, such as metro, local (secondary cities, towns, rural) and district municipalities.

• Limited collaboration among water utilities in terms of human resources and knowledge sharing.

• Individual and qualification-oriented trainings under the framework of a national qualification system that are unsuitable for the management and operation of water utility organisation.

• Sector-specific human resource development subsidy schemes.

• Water utility operations are not privatised (general public services by municipalities).

• Free basic water system, indirectly affects NRW measures.

3. Source from Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), AQUASTAT Survey (2020)

4. Source from the Department of Water and Sanitation, No Drop Report (2023)

Recognised Authors

Tips for human resource and skills development for sustainable infrastructure maintenance and management: Case studies of training for water utilities in Japan and South Africa

The following training programme was formulated by utilising the knowhow in Japan COMPONENTS

Implementation Structure

Training facilitators and Participants

• Establishment of Steering Committee

• Sustainable Development Plan

• Standard Operating Procedures

Training Contents

• Appoint municipal practitioners with extensive experience and knowledge of water services as training facilitators

• Trainees from different positions and sectors

• Training participation from multiple municipalities

• Provide interactive training opportunities

• Composition of training by Theory, Practices, and Workplace

• Focus on problem solving and practice

• Training yards that enable practical simulation

• Strengthen collaboration among key stakeholders such as relevant ministries, municipalities, associations, Water Board, etc.

• Suggestions for policy making

• Sustain and develop training programs

• Capacity building of training centers

• Build a network of human resources

• Establishment of facilitator human resource library

• Sharing knowledge and know-how among municipalities and collaboration opportunities

• Promote understanding of complex NRW measures

• Acquisition of knowledge and practical skills that can be utilized in the workplace

• Systematic and practical understanding of NRW control

The significant outcome after the training programme was the establishment of a “network of waterworks practitioners” among the training participants that was supported by a result of the programmed “opportunity to share and discuss the actions and issues of each water utility". In addition, the participation of key stakeholders as observers acknowledged the networks to be a “place for sharing needs in the field” and it is expected to trigger bottom-up actions in support of water utilities.


Technical transfer and human resource development approaches in Japanese professionals and South African water utilities were implemented as described above. Throughout the South African project, expected training outcomes have achieved. However, “securing continuous training resources (personnel, materials, funds, and information)” is continuing issue to be addressed. To cope with these issues, it is critical to establish a system to ensure accredited certification training and to actively visualise the value of human resource development. Furthermore, it is necessary to ensure quality and status of training system, as well as to secure training resources.


Recognised Authors

Integrating flood-risk studies into land development planning in the Philippines

Graduated Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of the Philippines - Diliman; continuing her studies for a master’s degree (Public Works Specialisation) at the UP School of Urban and Regional Planning; continuous involvement in water resources-related and land development detailed engineering design projects in the past ten years of her stay in AMH; currently a senior associate engineer and the head of the water resources practice-based group of AMH.

Graduated Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of the Philippines - Diliman; continuing her studies for a master’s degree in Civil Engineering (Transportation Engineering Programme) at the UP College of Engineering; continuous involvement in water resources-related, geotechnical-related and civil works-related projects in the past eight (8) years of her stay in AMH; current associate engineer of AMH.

Graduated Bachelor of Science and master’s degree in Civil Engineering (Geotechnical Engineering) from the University of the Philippines - Diliman; has more than ten years of experience in geotechnical assessment and design, slope stabilisation and protection design for real estate developments and public infrastructure; project management for several technical due diligence studies for land developments and geotechnical assessment for transport infrastructure projects in the past 12 years; currently a director and deputy project manager of AMH.

Jonah Marie V. Malolos, Philippines
Joanne Marie P. Vizcarra, Philippines
John Michael B. Gargullo, Philippines

Recognised Authors

Integrating flood-risk studies into land development planning in the Philippines

Introduction and objectives

Flood hazards in the Philippines are prevalent due to the frequent tropical cyclones (TCs) that traverse its area of responsibility. According to the country’s weather bureau, on average, there are 20 TCs that develop in the region annually, where 8-9 traverse the Philippines. For 2024, the forecast predicts a range of 10-16 TCs developing in the region. Some notable TCs that devastated the country include: (1) Super Typhoon Haiyan (2013, local name Yolanda) – it is considered one of the strongest typhoons ever recorded with devastating flooding, record-breaking winds, and storm surge which caused significant destruction in central Philippines and over 7,000 casualties; (2) Typhoon Bopha (2012, local name Pablo) – it brought intense rains which resulted to landslides in southern Philippines killing over 1,000 people; and (3) Typhoon Ketsana (2009, local name Ondoy) – it brought devastating rainfall that caused widespread flooding in Metro Manila. Moreover, with climate change, the TCs are impacted by increased precipitation and intensity. Being vulnerable to TCs, the country must continue to study, adapt and prepare for the risks and impacts, especially in flooding.

In the real state, land development and transportation infrastructure industry in the Philippines, land developers engaged AMH Philippines, Inc. (AMH) to conduct a hydrologic and hydraulic study as part of the pre-engineering studies, usually conducted before the acquisition, development, preservation, rehabilitation and management of a property. The study aims to assess the hydrologic and hydraulic characteristics of the project site and relevant areas to determine the inundation levels, recommend strategies for managing surface runoff, mitigate flooding risks and develop appropriate and sustainable flood and drainage system solutions.

Overview of the analysis and methodology

Data gathering is conducted through site inspection, where relevant site conditions are documented and used in the analyses and modelling and through the collection of secondary data such as meteorological data, macro-scaled flood hazard maps, topographic maps, land use maps and geologic maps.

Topographic maps and digital elevation models from the National Mapping and Resource Information Authority and relevant sources are used to identify the waterways that are included in the study area. Based on this information, watersheds or catchment areas are delineated and characterised based on satellite images and comprehensive land use plans of the included cities and municipalities using geographic information system software. A hydrologic model is generated from this which is run through several simulations – 15-yr, 25-yr, 50-yr and 100-yr rainfall event return periods and pre- and post- development land cover conditions. This process yields the peak discharge and precipitation values. Hydraulic analysis is then conducted to get the inundation levels within the study area. With all the gathered data and results of the analyses, recommendations are put forward.


Recognised Authors

Integrating flood-risk studies into land development planning in the Philippines

Sample results and summary



The hydrologic and hydraulic study provides crucial information for every stage of land development. It characterises the site's vulnerabilities and informs decisions on land acquisition, flood mitigation measures (such as elevating the property which may require provision of retaining structures and slope protection or creating natural buffers) and overall project costs. The resulting data enables the creation of a sustainable design that addresses surface water runoff, minimises flood risks and integrates eco-friendly solutions like detention ponds and rainwater harvesting. Finally, the study ensures compliance with all regulations regarding waterways and land use easements defining the extent of the buildable area for a project against flooding.

Recognised Authors

Infrastructure sector decarbonisation: Evaluating emissions and technological approaches

Jacqueline Sampah-Adjei is an environment & sanitary engineering specialist at Constromart. She holds an MSc in water sanitation and health engineering from the University of Leeds and a bachelor’s degree in environmental science from KNUST. Jacqueline is a FIDIC Certified Consulting Professional and a member of the International Water Association and the American Society of Civil Engineers . She is also an alumni of the FIDIC Future Leaders Management Course.

With a focus on water and sanitation solutions in developing countries, Jacqueline has worked on various multilateral development bank projects, including landfill design, e-waste management solutions, and organic waste management technology. In addition, to her professional work, she is actively involved in industry development initiatives, such as serving on the FIDIC Africa committee for integrity, quality, risk andsStandards and being vice president of the Ghana consulting engineers future leaders group.

Irene Yeboah is an Environmental and social safeguards and climate specialist at Constromart Africa in Accra, Ghana. She holds an MSc in urban management and development from Erasmus University and an integrated development studies from the University for Development Studies.

Irene is adept in climate change mitigation and adaptation, environmental and social impact assessment, and preparation of environmental and social management plans and implementation. She is a member of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment, International Association for Impact Assessment and International Water Association (IWA) working on multilateral development bank-funded projects as environment and social safeguards analyst and assistant urban planner on other projects. Her research focuses on embedding social sustainability in development projects to a sustainable society. She is passionate about sustainability and protecting the interest of people especially the vulnerable in making society a better place.

Edward M. Melomey is an experienced civil engineer and project manager, steeped in construction and engineering leadership spanning two decades. He has led the implementation of several infrastructure projects as well as a bid of a local and international consortium to win the contract to provide consulting services for the first OPRC (World Bank funded performance-based contract) in Ghana.

Edward has graduate education in engineering project management, public administration and legal studies. He is a professional engineer and member of the Ghana Institution of Engineering and the American Society of Engineers.

He is the managing director at Constromart and has overseen the growth and expansion in Ghana and the establishment of offices in Liberia and Sierra Leone.

Jacqueline Sampah-Adjei, Ghana
Irene Yeboah, Ghana
Edward M. Melomey, Ghana

Recognised Authors

Infrastructure sector decarbonisation: Evaluating emissions and technological approaches


The infrastructure sector plays a crucial role in the global economy, encompassing a wide array of activities from constructing buildings to maintaining critical structures. However, this sector is also a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2), due to its energy-intensive processes and materials1. As the urgency of addressing climate change becomes increasingly apparent, decarbonising the infrastructure sector is imperative. This article aims to examine the current emission levels in the infrastructure sector and explores various technological interventions aimed at reducing these emissions. The focus is on both construction and operational phases, highlighting innovations in materials, energy efficiency and renewable energy integration.

Current emission levels

The infrastructure sector's carbon footprint is vast, with construction activities alone accounting for approximately 10% of global CO2 emissions2. Key sources of emissions include the production of cement and steel, both of which are essential materials in construction. Cement production, for instance, is responsible for about 8% of global CO2 emissions3. The process of making cement involves the calcination of limestone (calcium carbonate), which releases large amounts of CO2. Additionally, the energy-intensive nature of steel production, which often relies on coal as a primary energy source, significantly contributes to greenhouse gas emissions.

Moreover, operational energy use in buildings contributes significantly to overall emissions, with residential and commercial buildings accounting for nearly 30% of global energy4. This energy consumption is primarily driven by heating, cooling, lighting and the operation of various appliances and equipment. The inefficiency in building designs and the reliance on fossil fuel-based energy sources exacerbate the carbon footprint of the infrastructure sector.

Technological interventions

• Sustainable materials: One of the most promising strategies for reducing emissions in the infrastructure sector is the adoption of sustainable materials. Alternatives to traditional cement, such as geopolymer cement, offer substantial reductions in CO2 emissions. Similarly, the use of recycled steel and other recycled materials can lower the carbon footprint of construction projects.

• Energy efficiency: Enhancing energy efficiency in both the construction and operational phases is crucial. Advanced building designs that incorporate passive solar heating, natural ventilation and high-performance insulation can significantly reduce energy demand. Additionally, the implementation of energy-efficient lighting, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems can further decrease operational emissions.

• Renewable energy integration: Integrating renewable energy sources into infrastructure projects is another effective decarbonisation strategy. Solar panels, wind turbines and geothermal systems can provide clean energy for both construction processes and building operations. For instance, the use of solar photovoltaic panels on rooftops can generate electricity, reducing reliance on fossil fuels. 1.


Recognised Authors

Infrastructure sector decarbonisation: Evaluating emissions and technological approaches

• Digital technologies: The adoption of digital technologies such as Building Information Modelling (BIM) and the internet of things (IoT) can optimise construction processes and building management. BIM enables precise planning and resource management, reducing waste and improving efficiency. IoT devices can monitor energy usage in real-time, allowing for more effective energy management and maintenance.

• Carbon capture and storage (CCS): While still in the early stages of development, CCS technologies hold potential for mitigating emissions from industrial processes. By capturing CO2 emissions at their source and storing them underground, these technologies can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of cement and steel production.

Case studies

Several infrastructure projects around the world have successfully implemented decarbonisation strategies, demonstrating the potential for significant emission reductions. For example, the Bullitt Center in Seattle, USA, is renowned as the "greenest commercial building" in the world. Completed in 2013, the Bullitt Center showcases extensive use of sustainable materials, energy-efficient systems, and renewable energy sources. The building is designed to be energy-positive, generating more electricity than it consumes through its rooftop solar array5. Additionally, the Bullitt Center features advanced water management systems, including rainwater harvesting and greywater treatment, reducing its overall environmental footprint. Similarly, the City of Sydney's Green Infrastructure Master Plan is an ambitious initiative aimed at reducing the city's carbon emissions and enhancing urban resilience6. Key components of the plan include the implementation of green roofs and walls, which help to insulate buildings and reduce energy consumption. The plan also promotes the expansion of urban forests, which act as carbon sinks and improve air quality. Moreover, the City of Sydney is developing district energy systems that use renewable sources, such as solar and wind power, to provide heating and cooling to multiple buildings, thereby reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

Challenges and future directions

Despite the promising potential of these technological interventions, several challenges remain. High upfront costs, regulatory barriers as shown in figure 2 and a lack of awareness and expertise can hinder the widespread adoption of sustainable practices. However, ongoing research and development, coupled with supportive policies and incentives, can accelerate the transition towards a decarbonised infrastructure sector.


Decarbonising the infrastructure sector is not only crucial for mitigating the impacts of climate change, but also for creating a more sustainable future for generations to come. By continuously evaluating emissions and embracing technological advancements, we can make significant strides in reducing the sector's carbon footprint. Adoption of sustainable materials, energy-efficient practices, renewable energy sources, digital innovations and carbon capture and storage solutions will play a vital role in driving this transformation. As cities around the world expand, investing in sustainable infrastructure is paramount to ensuring a more resilient and environmentally friendly urban landscape. Let us all work together towards a greener future for our planet.


5. Bullitt Center. Date Assessed: 10/06/24.

6. City of Sydney. (2019). Green Infrastructure Master Plan. Date Assessed: 10/06/24.

Recognised Authors

Fumba – sustainable living

Uzair Osman is a proud South African who hails from the small town of Estcourt but is now based in Durban. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in civil engineering at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in 2013. He continued to attain his masters in engineering in 2014 from the same institution. His masters dissertation topic was based on the treatment of landfill leachate using vegetable and garden refuse.

Uzair joined Bosch Projects in 2015, where he currently works in the roads and developments team as a civil engineer and project manager. He has worked on a variety of projects in collaboration with other disciplines. He currently serves as the national chair of the Consulting Engineers of South Africa Young Professionals Forum. He has served the organisation for eight years.

This past year, 2023, was the hottest year on record (1850-2013).1 This has resulted in an increase of natural disasters by a factor of ten.2 In my city alone, there has been four floods and two occurrences of tornados since 2021. Although Africa only produces 4% of global carbon emissions, it is the most vulnerable to climate change.3 Action is needed.

How we currently live is a big portion of what needs to change. Thus, what we design, build and engineer going forward will greatly influence the way in which we live and will encourage the change that is needed to turn the tide. Sustainable engineering solutions with regard to water, wastewater, lighting, electricity, climate control and reducing fuel consumption are integral to reversing the temperature rise.

Fumba Town Development is unique in that it is a sustainable development project. It utilises what is naturally available to make living work. Through CPS Live’s vision as the client, Fumba is positioned to be Zanzibar’s first fully sustainable urban development, that is accessible to all. Fumba Town is based on permaculture concepts, to establish an ecologically sound living space, from budget-friendly apartments to luxurious villas.4

I joined the design team in 2016 and have been working on the project intermittently through its lifecycle. Phase 1 of the development is currently in construction and Phase 2 is undergoing another iteration of concept design to ensure value engineering and sustainability.

One of the interesting and challenging facets of the project is that the ground conditions are entirely coral. Water is extracted from the island’s subsurface water. Wastewater treatment options have several new technologies that will allow water to be reutilised to irrigate the large area of lush vegetation. The shade, along with natural prefabricated materials to build units, reduces the temperature and thus reduces the need for climate control.

The town design has prioritised pedestrians. The town development encourages walking as the preferred method of commuting, thus, further promoting sustainability and reducing the consumption of fossil fuels. Lighting is proposed as solar stand-alone lighting which is also renewable. There is no need for a lighting cable network (overhead or below ground) which saves materials and reduces costs. To supplement the electrical supply to the development there is a proposed solar farm that will be installed in the near future.

The presentation will be focused on this sustainable development project, including the project’s conception, its unique situation, lessons learned and the current plans for the project going forward. “The whole of life is coming to terms with yourself and the natural world. Why are you here? How do you fit in? What’s it all about?” - Sir David Attenborough . We are here to change the world’s future, so it has one. That is why we are here, that is how we fit in and that is what it is all about.

1., Climate Change: Global Temperature, 18 January 2024, (

2. Visions Of Humanity, Increase in Natural Disasters on a Global Scale by Ten Times, 2020, (,Threat%20Register%20(ETR)%20shows.)

3. Al Jazeera, How much does Africa contribute to global carbon emissions? 4 September 2023, (,the%20most%20from%20climate%20change.)

4. Construction World, A fully sustainable development in Zanzibar, 14 August 2023, (

Uzair Osman, South Africa

Recognised Authors

Shaping the future of infrastructure: The shift to renewable energy and smart grid

Omaira Jajbhay is an electrical engineer at Zutari, pursuing an MSc in Electrical Engineering from UKZN, focused on optimizing renewable energy integration and energy storage in smart grids. She has achieved international recognition, winning the BRICS 2023 Future Skills Challenge in the Renewable Energy Category, the SAIEE National Engineering Excellence Award 2023, and the SAIEE KZN Centre Women in Engineering Award 2023. Omaira has led several state-of-the-art projects and contributed to projects in Malawi, Kenya, Uganda, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Australia, and Saudi Arabia. She has been a keynote speaker and judge for many local events. Omaira has also served as Chairperson of SMEC Western Cape Young Professionals Forum and is currently a CESA YPF KZN Representative, as well as head of Marketing for SAIEE KZN.


The global transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources marks a pivotal shift driven by environmental concerns and the looming economic risks of fossil fuel depletion. This transition is essential for maintaining the standard of living and safeguarding the environment1,2. The shift necessitates significant changes in the way power systems operate, particularly with the advent of distributed generation (DG), which introduces complexities in power flow management3. This paper discusses the integration of renewable energy sources, the challenges and solutions in smart grid implementation and the role of energy storage systems in achieving sustainability and resilience in the infrastructure sector.

Traditional power systems vs. distributed generation

Traditional power systems were designed for unidirectional power flow, simplifying operational and protective frameworks. However, the integration of DG has introduced bidirectional power flow, posing new challenges for utilities4. Managing these systems now requires considering distributed generation currents and the potential reconfiguration of distribution network topology. This complexity necessitates a well-coordinated approach to system protection and fault recovery.

The rise of smart grids

To address these challenges, the concept of smart grids (SG) has been introduced. SGs encompass new technologies and resources incorporated along the power grid to predict customer consumption and manage energy efficiently5. By leveraging intelligent sensing and prediction, smart grids tackle multiple challenges of traditional grids, including demand forecasting, power consumption reduction, and mitigating short-circuit risks. They enhance demand-side management and demand response, making them superior to traditional grids by intelligently predicting electricity demands and optimising transmission accordingly6,7,8

1. F. S. Lubach, “Smart grids on industrial areas business models to enhance the implementation of renewable energy,” Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, 2013.

2. S. Robert, Conducted Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) in Smart Grids, Zielona Gora: Springer, 2012.

3. M. P. E. Teixeira, O. Mario and P. A. L. d. Silva, “A Survey on Smart Grids: concerns, advances, and trends,” IEEE, 2019.

4. A. Ahmad, A. Khan, N. Javaid, H. M. Hussain, W. Abdul, A. Almogren, A. Alamri and I. A. Niaz, “An Optimized Home Energy Management System with Integrated Renewable Energy and Storage Resources,” MDPI: Energies, April 2017.

5. A. Mamoun, K. Suleman, S. S. R. Krishan, P. Quoc-Viet, M. P. K. Reddy and G. T. Reddy, “A Multidirectional LSTM Model for Predicting the Stability of a Smart Grid,” IEEE Access, vol. 4, 2019.

6. A. Alirezazadeh, M. Rashidinejad, A, Abdollahi, P. Afzali and A. Bakhshai, “A new flexible model for generation scheduling in a smart grid,” Science Direct: Energy, vol. 191, 2020.

7. A. K. Bashir, S. Khan2, B. Prabadevi, N. Deepa, W. S. Alnumay, T. R. Gadekallu and P. K. R. Maddikunta, “Comparative analysis of machine learning algorithms for prediction of smart grid stability,” Wiley: International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, November 2020, pp. 1-23.

8. B. Prabadevi, L. Madhusanka, D. Natarajan, V. Mounik, R. Shivani, M. P. K. Reddy, K. Neelu, G. T. Reddy, H. Won-Joo and P. Quoc-Viet, “Deep Learning for Intelligent Demand Response and Smart Grids: A Comprehensive Survey,” 19 January 2024.

Omaira Jajbhay, South Africa

Recognised Authors

Shaping the future of infrastructure: The shift to renewable energy and smart grid

Technological advancements in smart grids

The integration of advanced technologies like IoT, 5G networks, big data analytics, and machine learning unlocks even greater potential for smart grids. These technologies enable the integration of smart sectors such as vehicles, buildings, power plants and cities. The optimisation of energy storage and the integration of renewable energy sources within smart grids are critical research areas as the global energy landscape shifts towards sustainability and resilience9.

Renewable energy sources and energy storage systems

Renewable energy sources and energy storage systems (ESSs) are key technologies for smart grid applications. They provide significant opportunities to decarbonise urban areas, regulate frequency and voltage deviations and respond to severe loads when the generation is exceeded. However, the uncertainty and inherent intermittence of renewable power generation units impose severe stresses on power systems10. Energy storage systems, such as battery energy storage systems, enhance the grid's ability to accommodate intermittent renewable energy generation. Effective coordination between renewable power generation units, ESSs and the grid is essential.

Optimisation techniques for smart grids

Optimisation techniques are widely applied to address smart grid planning and operation challenges. With power system deregulation, random load fluctuations and the integration of uncertain RES, numerous practical challenges have emerged. New optimisation strategies are being developed to improve the technical and economic efficiency of smart grids. These strategies involve advanced forecasting models and optimized energy storage systems to enhance grid stability, reliability and efficiency. Advanced forecasting models use machine learning and big data to predict energy demand and generation. Demand response and demand-side management reduce peak demand and lower costs11,12. Energy storage integration, grid reconfiguration, real-time monitoring, distributed energy resource management, economic dispatch and unit commitment all enhance grid performance and reliability.


In conclusion, the integration of renewable energy sources and the advancement of smart grid technologies represent pivotal steps towards achieving sustainable and resilient infrastructure. The shift from traditional power systems to smart grids addresses the complexities introduced by distributed generation, enabling bidirectional power flow management and enhancing system flexibility. Smart grids leverage technologies like IoT, 5G networks and machine learning to optimise energy consumption, improve grid reliability and integrate renewable energy seamlessly. Energy storage systems play a crucial role in balancing supply and demand, mitigating the intermittency of renewables and ensuring grid stability. Furthermore, optimisation techniques involving advanced forecasting models, demand response strategies and real-time monitoring enhance the technical and economic efficiency of smart grids. This comprehensive approach not only supports sustainable development goals but also fosters a robust energy infrastructure capable of meeting future challenges effectively.

9. I. Worighi, A. Maach, A. Hafid, O. Hegazy and J. V. Mierlo, “Integrating renewable energy in smart grid system: Architecture, virtualization and analysis,” Elsevier: Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, May 2019.

10. P. Boopathy, M. Liyanage, N. Deepa, M. Velavali, S. Reddy, P. Kumar, R. Maddikunta, N. Khare, T. R. Gadekallu, W.-J. Hwang and Q.-V. Pham, “Deep Learning for Intelligent Demand Response and Smart Grids: A Comprehensive Survey,” Research Gate: Computer Science Review, January 2024.

11. D. K. Panda and S. Das, “Smart grid architecture model for control, optimization and data analytics of future power networks with more renewable energy,” Elsevier: Journal of Cleaner Production, no. 301, March 2021.

12. S. Akkara and S. Immanuel, “Review on optimization techniques used for smart grid,” Elsevier: ScienceDirect - Measurement: Sensors, 7 October 2023.

Recognised Authors

An environmental lifecycle assessment focusing on the optimisation of decentralised wastewater treatment systems in the eThekwini municipality in South Africa

Renesh Maharaj is a 29-year-old civil engineer who began his journey in the civil engineering industry from as early as 2014. He currently works in the water field (bulk water and conveyancing) and undertakes various infrastructure designs for local and international clients. Renesh qualified with his BSc.Eng (Honours) in 2018 and MSc. Eng (Cum Laude) in 2023 from the University of KwaZulu-Natal (Howard). Both, his undergraduate and postgraduate research was focused on investigating alternate solutions to the current water crisis experienced in South Africa. His under-graduate design project focused on a 5 Ml/day wastewater treatment package plant and his under-graduate research based on the feasibility of implementing offshore membrane enclosures for growing algae (OMEGA) to treat wastewater. His post-graduate research was based on assessing the environmental impacts associated with the implementation of Decentralised Wastewater Treatment Systems (DEWATS) within low-cost housing developments in South Africa. Renesh is currently registered with Engineering Council of South Africa as well as with the South African Institution of Civil Engineering.

The provision of basic access to water and sanitation in most developing countries is developing into a global crisis. Due to the high costs associated with large-scale infrastructure required to meet current sanitation demands worldwide, various alternate low-cost sanitation technologies have been investigated in recent years. The Decentralised Wastewater Treatment System (DEWATS) was found to be one of the most popular technologies emerging and is the focus of this study. Unlike conventional wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), DEWATS is considered to be a technical approach that does not depend on complex sewage systems and instead takes into consideration the specific local economy and social situation. It is aimed at using physical and biological treatment processes (e.g. sedimentation, filtration and/or anaerobic processes), to efficiently and sustainably treat both, domestic and industrial wastewater effluents in local rural and peri-urban areas, outside the waterborne edge. In addition to low capital costs, DEWATS is also known to have lower energy inputs as well as lower operational and maintenance requirements as compared to conventional wastewater treatment. Therefore, it has the potential to become part of an economically and environmentally feasible solution, which can meet the current sanitation requirements in most developing countries. This means that further optimisation of the current DEWATS technology is important, especially in a local context.

Renesh Maharaj, South Africa

Recognised Authors

An environmental lifecycle assessment focusing on the optimisation of decentralised wastewater treatment systems in the eThekwini municipality in South Africa

The purpose of this study was to undertake environmental lifecycle assessment (LCA) modelling to investigate the optimisation of the DEWATS technology as planned for a local low-cost housing development. Specific focus was placed on investigating the environmental contributions associated with: a typical high flush system (System 1) the introduction of low flush toilets (System 2) and the integration of urine diversion with low flush toilets and the production struvite as a urine derived fertiliser and its utilisation as a replacement/avoided product for commercial phosphorous fertilisers such as triple-superphosphate (TSP) (System 3). These scenarios have been investigated for the Banana City housing development DEWATS plant, located in the eThekwini municipality, KwaZulu-Natal. The associated collection network to convey the wastewater from households to the plant was also included. The LCA guidelines produced by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) 14040 series were adhered to, and data for both the construction and operation of the plant were collected and subsequently processed, using the SimaPro LCA software, with the application of the ReCiPe 2016 Midpoint method. Environmental profiles have been generated for the three scenarios (System 1 to System 3) and environmental scores have been calculated for all the impact categories available in this midpoint method.

The key findings of this study reveal that the optimisation of the DEWATS has the potential to achieve substantial environmental improvements, specifically due to low flush interventions and diversion of urine (including its on- site treatment to obtain a urine derived fertiliser (struvite) which is used as a replacement product for commercial phosphorous fertilisers i.e. TSP). The key processes determined through LCA characterisation and normalisation procedures were the flushing of toilets (and the potable water needed) and the replacement of commercial fertiliser. Potable flushing water was the most important input for all three scenarios investigated, therefore, its reduction resulted in significant environmental improvements for all impact categories modelled. When urine diversion and fertiliser replacement was included into the low flush scenario, the environmental improvements increased further for the majority of impact categories with the exception of two. Sensitivity analyses were used to interrogate these results and the improvement analysis showed that further improvements are possible, even for the best scenario (System 3) identified. Based on the results obtained from this study, it is recommended that low flush toilets (first intervention) followed by urine diversion and commercial fertiliser replacement by struvite, should be implemented in all local low-energy DEWATS and these interventions should be also investigated for implementation in high-energy DEWATS and for conventional wastewater treatment plants.

Recognised Authors

Building resilient infrastructure in Tanzania

I received my degree in civil engineering from the University of Dar es Salaam and obtained a bachelor's degree in civil engineering in 2022. I have been fortunate enough to work in a variety of engineering fields, in construction sites as a site engineer and project coordinator, also as the materials laboratory at the Research and Development Unit (RDU)-TANROADS in Tanzania as a professional development trainee

I am currently working as a GIS technician on the World Bank-funded project of collection of the baseline data and development of a spatial database for the public road network of mainland.

As a dynamic, promising young engineer, I am committed to developing sustainable solutions for engineering challenges and strengthening the growth support of future engineer leaders in engineering development initiatives.


Resilient infrastructure refers to the ability of essential infrastructure (such as transportation facilities, power line and telecommunication facilities) to withstand effects of natural disasters or rapidly recover from the situation to maintain the function of the structure. This can only be archived by robust planning, designing and maintenance to enhance durability and adoptability of the facilities towards challenges.

Tanzania is among the nations that have seen significant impacts from the windy season and heavy rainfall in 2024. Damage to bridges and roads being washed away by water have been observed, resulting in a lack of uninterrupted service for users.

The massive destruction of telecommunications fibres that led to Tanzania losing internet for several days has impacted the performance of most sectors in this rapidly changing world of technology, not only in Tanzania but also Kenya and Uganda. Moreover, the loss of life indicates the need to consider resilient construction not just on public infrastructures, but at an individual level as well (houses).

Despite all these scenarios, Tanzania's government has played a huge role in ensuring that all roads and bridges affected continue to serve the community, whilst also imposing programmes to make infrastructures more resilient.

Haswinati Katakweba, Tanzania

Recognised Authors

Building resilient infrastructure in Tanzania

Case study in Tanzania

Dar es Salaam is one the most rapid-growing cities in Tanzania, with population of six million and at the growth rate of 5.6% it is expected to reach a population of ten million by 2023. (Ndyamukama, 2022)1

The combination of rapid growth and crowded settlement in hazardous areas and high risk of flooding even with minor storms has led to urban development and key service becoming a priority to the government of Tanzania. The DMDP project aims to control flood, improve storm water drainage and provide assistance to respond to natural disasters in the Dar es Salaam regions specifically Sinza, Msimbazi, Gerezani, Yombo and Kizinga. (Regional administration. and local government., 2014)2

Key areas that the project focuses on include: -

• Transport infrastructure: Upgrading roads, drainages, bridges and public transport systems to increase connectivity and reduce congestion.

• Water sanitation: Enhancing water supply and sanitation to meet the needs of the growing population by improving water distribution network and wastewater management.

• Flood management: Implementing measures to mitigate floods in unplanned and low-lying areas of the city by construction of flood protection structures.

• Housing and urban development: This is archived by considering land use planning to avoid climate impacts that forms with unplanned settlements.

• Community engagement and capacity building: Involving local communities in project planning and implementation will reduce risk in disaster, emergency response and strengthen sustainable urban management practices.


Developing resilient infrastructures is crucial to reducing construction costs, as well as generating signature projects that make communities secure enough to use infrastructures for a longer period of time. In addition, high technology can be applied to all infrastructures to enhance sustainable quality. For a better future, investing in resilient infrastructure is well worth it.

1. Ndyamukama, E. (2022, 03 14). The World bank. Retrieved from 2. Regional administration and local government. (2014). Dar es salaamMetropolitan Project. Dar es salaam: Prime ministers office.

Recognised Authors

Environmental sustainability: The rising priority for infrastructure owners

Wojciech Szewczak is an Associate Director at Ramboll Management Consulting, working with clients in the infrastructure sector and delivering strategic sustainability consulting services. With ten years of experience, he combines technical expertise with business strategy and broader sustainability aspects to create transformational results for his clients.

Throughout his career, Wojciech has been privileged to advise clients on integrating sustainability into their strategic frameworks. His approach goes beyond compliance, identifying innovative ways to enhance operational efficiency, reduce environmental impact and foster social wellbeing. One of his career's most challenging yet rewarding experiences has been supporting National Highways in developing and implementing its environmental sustainability strategy.

Wojciech is a member of FIDIC’s Future Leaders Advisory Council. He received an Outstanding Achievement recognition at the FIDIC Future Leaders Awards 2023 in Singapore for influencing the UK's infrastructure sector.

The world is facing increasing threats from climate change and environmental degradation, making sustainable infrastructure a top priority. We can no longer afford to overlook the environment when developing and maintaining our physical foundations. With rising global temperatures, more extreme weather events and declining natural resources, it's urgent that we change how we approach infrastructure projects. Infrastructure owners play a crucial role in this shift and they're championing environmental sustainability strategies. This not only contributes to environmental stewardship but also ensures the long-term viability and resilience of their assets. We face unique challenges and opportunities as we move towards a future where infrastructure and the environment are intertwined.

Understanding the shift and the drivers for change

In the past, infrastructure development mainly focused on economic growth and meeting the needs of growing populations and industries. However, due to the increasing importance of environmental considerations, there has been a substantial shift towards prioritising sustainability. Factors such as extreme weather events and a better understanding of the impact of climate change have led to a transformation in infrastructure planning. Now, decisions prioritise environmental considerations, including material choices, energy efficiency and location, to minimise ecological impact and integrate strategies for resilience against environmental changes. This shift towards sustainability is driven by pressures, including stringent policies and regulations, changing economic incentives favouring green initiatives, higher societal expectations for corporate responsibility and technological innovations offering environmentally friendly solutions. These factors compel infrastructure owners to modify their practices to ensure that projects support economic development and environmental protection.

National Highway’s Environmental Sustainability Strategy

As an example of an infrastructure owner prioritising sustainability, National Highways has developed a highly impactful Environmental Sustainability Strategy (ESS) that charts a new way of managing over 4,500 miles of motorways and A-roads in England. The ESS outlines their responsibility to nature and communities and achieving a net zero future, signifying a shift from traditional practices to a pioneering approach aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and aligning with governmental aspirations for a vibrant ecosystem for posterity. This strategy encompasses nine priority areas where dedicated efforts will improve carbon reduction, community welfare and environmental conservation.

National Highways has adopted a holistic approach to its strategic framework for environmental issues, recognising the complexity and interconnected nature of these challenges. This approach involves regular collaboration and engagement with both internal and external stakeholders. The framework is visually represented in a wheel format, illustrating the

Wojciech Szewczak, United Kingdom

Recognised Authors

Environmental sustainability: The rising priority for infrastructure owners

ambitious vision for environmental sustainability and how National Highways plans to achieve it. National Highways describe environmental sustainability as: “The responsibility to conserve resources and enhance the environment to support health and wellbeing for current and future generations.’’ At its centre is National Highways' 2050 vision for Environmental Sustainability: "to provide a road network that supports the country's transport needs but also protects and strengthens the natural environment and community wellbeing for generations to come’’. National Highways has identified nine key focus areas where concentrated efforts can maximise benefits across the strategic outcomes of nature, carbon and communities.

The road ahead

Future trends in sustainable infrastructure are expected to involve ongoing technological innovation, increased use of renewable materials and energy sources and a comprehensive approach to project planning that fully integrates environmental, social and governance factors. We are currently at a crucial point in building a sustainable future. Our decisions regarding infrastructure today will determine our ability to adapt to climate change for future generations and establish the standard for environmental stewardship. The Environmental Sustainability Strategy by National Highways serves as a guiding principle for aligning infrastructure with nature and an example to follow for other infrastructure owners. It urges all stakeholders in infrastructure to incorporate sustainability into their fundamental principles, ensuring that our advancement protects and nurtures the natural world.

1. National Highways’ Environmental Sustainability Strategy (



FIDIC, the International Federation of Consulting Engineers, is the global representative body for national associations of consulting engineers and represents over one million engineering professionals and 40,000 firms in around 100 countries worldwide.

Founded in 1913, FIDIC is charged with promoting and implementing the consulting engineering industry’s strategic goals on behalf of its member associations and to disseminate information and resources of interest to its members. Today, FIDIC membership covers over 100 countries of the world.

FIDIC member associations operate in around 100 countries with a combined population in excess of 6.5bn people and a combined GDP in excess of $30tn. The global industry, including construction, is estimated to be worth over $22tn. This means that FIDIC member associations across the various countries are worth over $8.5tn.


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