Convocation and Graduation Ceremony 2024

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JULY 2024

Message from the President

Welcome to Fielding graduates, students, and faculty colleagues as well as all our families and friends here to celebrate with us today. Today we will begin our programs with individual hoodings and inspiring speeches from our graduates and then convene as a university. Convocation is a term used to describe a formal ceremony at a university, often for the conferring of awards. Today we have the happy circumstance of awarding the Marie Fielder Medal for Social Transformation and recognizing an alumni awardee of the Dianne Kipnes Social Innovation Award.

For our graduates, this day is the culmination of many years of hard work and sacrifice. We are engaged in this time together to acknowledge their achievements and wish them well as they tackle new challenges. In the same spirit, we are also recognizing individuals who are making unique contributions in their fields in the pursuit of a more sustainable, humane, and just world. Celebrating such work is a reminder to us all of the possibilities amongst us to create positive social change through the power of education.

Convocation and Graduation Ceremony

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Program Hooding Ceremonies

Convocation Program, 4 p.m.

Theater of the Arts

Academic Processional Welcome

Chair Gary Wagenheim, PhD, Fielding Board of Trustees

Opening Remarks

Presentation of the Dianne Kipnes Endowed Fund for Social Innovation Award 2024

President Katrina S. Rogers, PhD Kipnes Awardee, Wanda L. Whiteside, EdD (‘23)

Conferral of the Marie Fielder Medal for Social Transformation Recipient Associate Provost of Research, Extramural Funding, and Faculty Development Katherine McGraw, PhD

Convocation Address

Ronald F. Mason, Jr., JD

Conferral of Degrees

President Katrina S. Rogers, PhD

Presentation of Graduates

Director of Organization Development and Leadership Program, Keith Ray, PhD (’09)

Director of Educational Leadership for Change Program, Barbara P. Mink, EdD

Director of Human and Organizational Development Program, Kathy D. Geller, PhD (’05) Director of Media Psychology Programs, Brian L. Cutler, PhD

Director of Infant and Early Childhood Development Programs; Jenene W. Craig, PhD (’15) Director of Psychology Program, Nora P. Reilly, PhD

Director of Clinical Psychology Programs, Connie S. Veazey, PhD

School of Leadership Studies

MA in Organization Development and Leadership

EdD with an emphasis in Leadership for Change

PhD in Human Development

PhD in Human and Organizational Systems

PhD in Organizational Development and Change

School of Psychology

MA in Applied Media Psychology

PhD in Psychology with an emphasis in Media & Technology

Ph D in Infant and Early Childhood Development with an emphasis in Mental Health and Developmental Disorders

PhD in Psychology

PhD in Psychology with an emphasis in Clinical Psychology

Closing Provost and Senior Vice President, Wendi S. Williams, PhD



Dianne Kipnes Endowed Fund for Social Innovation Award 2024

Kathryn J. Bell Bell, PhD (’23)

Wanda L. Whiteside, EdD (’23)

About the Dianne Kipnes Endowed Fund for Social Innovation

The Dianne Kipnes Endowed Fund for Social Innovation was established in 2016 with an exceptional gift from Dianne Kipnes. The Fund supports projects from alumni of Fielding’s School of Psychology and School of Leadership Studies that demonstrate innovation and collaboration for improving the lives of individuals, organizations, or communities.

About Dr. Bell

Dr. Bell completed her PhD in Human Development at Fielding in 2023, with a concentration in Creative Longevity and Wisdom. She also has a Certificate in Gerontology from Toronto Metropolitan University, an MA in Curriculum from the University of Toronto-OISE, and a BA in English from the University of British Columbia. She spent most of her career teaching and developing postsecondary programs in British Columbia and Ontario.

Kathy’s Fielding dissertation, Wisdom through the Eyes of Elder Women, involved an arts-based methodology to learn how nominated Elder women, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous, define and reveal wisdom. Dr. Bell’s project for this award, Finding the Key to Positivity for Elders in Home Transition, uses an arts-based methodology to explore how individuals in their late 70s and 80s can be supported in the process of downsizing their living space and possessions to a potential ideal future environment. Related questions include how elders “idealize” their future homes, and the emotional support needed to help them create an ideal living environment. This further research is based on the work of Lindley and Wallace (2015) and will explore several aspects of home transition. The results will be used in a resource book for older adults and submitted for conference presentations and journal publication.

About Dr. Whiteside

Dr. Wanda Whiteside received her MEd and EdD degree in Leadership for Change from Fielding Graduate University, graduating in 2023. In addition, she earned an MS in Business Management from Strayer University. Dr. Whiteside trained at the Boston Conservatory of Music and earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre Arts from Howard University. She is a faculty member at Montgomery College in Takoma Park, MD, and serves as the Artistic Producing Director of Live Garra Theatre, Inc., a resident company with the Theatre Consortium of Silver Spring, Inc. Dr. Whiteside and her husband owned and operated the Bonifant Theatre Space in downtown Silver Spring, MD, which served as the Zora Neale Hurston Stage for the DC Black Theatre Festival, and she was awarded Montgomery’s Best Honoree Community Service award.

Dr. Whiteside was a judge for the NAACP ACT-SO competitions and presenter at the University of Maryland Black Theatre Symposium on the state of Black Theatre in America. She received an Honorable Citation from the Maryland State House of Delegates for her work with the Silver Spring Town Center, Inc. Dr. Whiteside had a 15-year tenure as a Director/Editor at Discovery Communications, Inc. where she was the principal developer of the “Autofeed,” the electronic transmission system of programming information.

Through this award, she will partner with Montgomery College, Maryland’s Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation Campus Center to conduct an ongoing workshop series that incorporates Playback Theatre, an exercise that invites the audience to participate in the creation of improvised scenes focused on racial bias and issues of marginalization.

The project will assess the extent to which the activities increased participants’ positive social connection, well-being, sense of belonging, and understanding of underlying themes. Results will be disseminated through social media, conference presentations and publications.

Marie Fielder Medal for Social Transformation

About the Marie Fielder Medal

The Marie Fielder Center for Democracy, Leadership, and Education at Fielding Graduate University is a multidisciplinary research and advocacy center that aims to advance diversity and inclusion throughout society. Marie Fielder, PhD, was one of the most influential women in the history of California education. She achieved national prominence for her theories on how diverse cultures and groups relate to one another. In her 60-year career, Dr. Fielder was a teacher, social researcher, and consultant specializing in organizational development and school culture. In the 1960s and ‘70s, Dr. Fielder contributed to the work of such civil rights leaders as Martin Luther King Jr. and Whitney Young, and advised the US Department of Education, the Black Panther Party for Defense and Justice, and the National Organization for Women.

The Marie Fielder Medal recognizes distinguished leaders who have transformed society through their engagement and advocacy for access, equity, and social justice to create a more democratic society.

About the Medal Recipient and Guest Speaker, Dr. Mason

Dr. Ronald Francis Mason Jr. is an American lawyer and university administrator, serving as the ninth president of the University of the District of Columbia (UDC). He held the office from 2015-2023, and it was his third presidential appointment. He previously served as President of the Southern University and A&M College System (2010-2015) and at Jackson State University (2000-2010). Before his administration at Jackson State, Mason held several executive appointments over a 17-year tenure at Tulane University, including general counsel, vice president for Finance and Operations and senior vice president and general counsel.

At Tulane, he played a significant role in bringing the Amistad Research Center—one of the largest collections of manuscripts, documents, and artwork relating to the experiences of African Americans and other minorities—to the university. In 1996, Mason negotiated a deal between Marc Morial, then mayor of New Orleans, and Henry Cisneros, then U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, for Tulane University to assume management oversight of the Housing Authority of New Orleans (HANO), known at the time as the worst public housing authority in the nation.

In 2010, he was appointed by President Barack Obama to serve on the President’s Board of Advisors on Historically Black Colleges and Universities While at Southern, the only HBCU system in the nation, Dr. Mason guided the System through financial exigency and an organizational restructuring that combined the offices of the president and the chancellor of the main campus in Baton Rouge. He also created a national initiative called the ‘Five-Fifths Agenda for America’, which focused on reclaiming and developing Black male human capital. The focal points of the initiative were Centers for Undergraduate Student Achievement, designed to break the cycle of violence and the schoolto-prison pipeline that characterized the coming of age for many young men in New Orleans at that time. The first such center was piloted at Southern University New Orleans with the support of the State of Louisiana and several foundations.

As President of UDC, he championed a platform for strengthening and promoting UDC’s exceptional status as the only public university in the nation’s capital and the only exclusively urban land-grant university. Under Mason’s leadership, the university expanded its information technology infrastructure and launched specific initiatives to build UDC’s brand among DC Public Schools, its primary feeder institutions. In 2021 the university received its most significant financial gift of $2.3M from an anonymous donor in support of its strategic plan, the Equity Imperative.

Ceremony Participants School of Leadership Studies

MA in Organization Development and Leadership

Presented by: Director of Organization Development and Leadership Program, Keith Ray, PhD (’09)

Ginette Rose Osier Bedsaul

Global Technology Corporation Capstone Intervention

Project Faculty: Jarrod Schwartz, MS and Michael McElhenie, PhD

Thavivanh Phonsavath

Team Engagement Framework for Partners in Housing Solutions

Project Faculty: Jarrod Schwartz, MS

Kimberly R. Wade

Using a Decision-Making Framework to Improve Non-Profit Board Efficiency

Project Faculty: Jarrod Schwartz, MS

Doctor of Education with an emphasis in Leadership for Change

Presented by: Director of Educational Leadership for Change Program, Barbara P. Mink, EdD

Juliet Jordan Lowery

The Voices of 12 Sister Scholars Ascending as Leaders in Higher Education

Chair: Lenneal J. Henderson, PhD

Research Faculty: Kitty Kelly Epstein, PhD

Faculty Reader: Bruce H. Leslie, PhD

External Examiner: Rajade M. Berry-James, PhD

Student Reader: Elizabeth Velarde, EdD

Andrea Jean McKenna

University Faculty Voice in Financial Components of Shared Governance: A Case Study of a California University

Chair: Barbara P. Mink, EdD

Research Faculty: Richard P. Appelbaum, PhD

Faculty Reader: Ivan L. Harrell, II, PhD

External Examiner: Susan T. Kater, PhD

Student Reader: Janet R. Nelson, MA

Michael Steven Moates

Trauma-Patient Communication: First Responder Perspectives on Utilizing Spontaneous Hypnosis as an Adjunct to Standard Emergency Medical Care

Chair: Four Arrows - Don Trent Jacobs, PhD, EdD

Research Faculty: David Blake Willis, PhD

Faculty Reader: Valerie A. Bentz, PhD

External Examiner: Mary J. Peebles, PhD

Student Reader: Peggie A. Russell, EdD

Michael Rothman

Accountability and Students Who Reclaim Success: A Case Study of an Alternative High School

Chair: Lenneal J. Henderson, PhD

Research Faculty: Kitty Kelly Epstein, PhD

Faculty Reader: Nicola E. Smith, JD

External Examiner: Michelle Fine, PhD

Student Reader: Kerri R. Valencia, EdD

Alicia A. Scott

Marva Collins: How One Teacher’s Counter-Hegemonic Educational Approach Ignited the Innate Brilliance of a Generation of Black Children

Chair: Kitty Kelly Epstein, PhD

Research Faculty: Four Arrows - Don Trent Jacobs, PhD, EdD

Faculty Reader: Lenneal J. Henderson, PhD

External Examiner: Judy Rashid, EdD

Student Reader: Valerie D. Johnson, MEd

Wanda Lenore Whiteside

Theatre for Social Change: Breaking the Yoke of Prison Life Together and Taking a Last Look at the Yard Full of “Dry Bones”

Chair: Jennifer L. Edwards, PhD

Research Faculty: Annabelle L. Nelson, PhD

Faculty Reader: Lenneal J. Henderson, PhD

External Examiner: Tammy Arnstein, EdD

Student Reader: Romaine D. Castro, PhD

Shayla R. Williams-Pryor

Barriers to African American Women in Higher Education Leadership in Arkansas

Chair: Kitty Kelly Epstein, PhD

Research Faculty: Lenneal J. Henderson, PhD

Faculty Reader: Jennifer L. Edwards, PhD

External Examiner: Margaret Boyd-Owens, PhD

Student Reader: Valerie D. Johnson, MEd

Karen Min Zong

Midlife Transition and Well-Being in the Second Half: Experiences and Choices of Midlife Chinese Post Corona Virus Disease

Chair: Jennifer L. Edwards, PhD

Research Faculty: Annabelle L. Nelson, PhD

Faculty Reader: Kitty Kelly Epstein, PhD

External Examiner: Fei Sun, PhD

Student Reader: Kathryn J. Bell, PhD

PhD in Human Development

Presented by: Director of Human and Organizational Development Program, Kathy D. Geller, PhD (’05)

Ratchaanon Michel Alexander

How Do Societal Restrictions Build a False Sense of Self in Those With Diminishing Abilities? (An Authoethnography)

Chair: Connie Corley, MSW, PhD

Faculty Reader: Four Arrows - Don Trent Jacobs, PhD, EdD

Faculty Reader: David Blake Willis, PhD

External Examiner: Ana-Maria Chindris, MD

Student Reader: Darlene M. Steele, MA

Lisa D. Bradley

Shemancipation: A Grounded Theory of African American Women’s Process of Transitioning to Age 50

Chair: Annabelle L. Nelson, PhD

Faculty Reader: Nicola E. Smith, JD

Faculty Reader: David Blake Willis, PhD

External Examiner: Lynn Calhoun Howell, PhD

Student Reader: Charlene Feathers, PhD

Whitney Renee Breer

Cultivating the Whole Person: The Psychometric Properties of a Human Growth Scale for Applied Coaching

Chair: Malcolm A. North, PhD

Faculty Reader: Abigail Lynam, PhD

Faculty Reader: Michael R. Manning, PhD

External Examiner: Oliver C. Robinson, PhD

Student Reader: Sarah R. Kith, MA

Chuk-Yim Stephen Chiang

Indigenous Peoples’ Experiences of Healthcare in Northern Ontario

Chair: Patrice E. Rosenthal, PhD

Faculty Reader: Richard P. Appelbaum, PhD

Faculty Reader: Annabelle L. Nelson, PhD

External Examiner: Sabrina Wong, PhD

Student Reader: Robert L. McLaughlin, MA

Maha Saad Elnashar

Teachers’ Assessment and Perceptions of the Social and Emotional Competencies of Qatar Primary School Students: An Explanatory

Sequential Mixed Methods Study

Chair: Abigail Lynam, PhD

Faculty Reader: Richard P. Appelbaum, PhD

Faculty Reader: Patrice E. Rosenthal, PhD

External Examiner: Elsayed E. Hassanein, PhD

Student Reader: Huda Abdelrahim, MA

Aundriea J. Evans

The Fathering Experiences of Previously Incarcerated Black Men

Chair: Connie Corley, MSW, PhD

Faculty Reader: Dorothy E. Agger-Gupta, PhD

Faculty Reader: Lenneal J. Henderson, PhD

External Examiner: Nicolas E. Barcelo, MD

Student Reader: Cathy Ames Turner, PhD

Jessica Maria Hardial

A Phenomenological Study Exploring the Lived Experience of Foster Care Alumni’s Career Intentions After Obtaining a College Degree

Chair: Valerie A. Bentz, PhD

Faculty Reader: Jennifer L. Edwards, PhD

Faculty Reader: Earl E. Thomas, EdD

External Examiner: Andrea G. Zetlin, PhD

Student Reader: Lukia Koliussi, MA

Christine Schwyn Harrison

We Need to Talk: A Critical Ethnographic Analysis of White Women

Educators Discussing Their Experience of Racial Dynamics

in Multi-Racial Elementary Classrooms

Chair: Dorothy E. Agger-Gupta, PhD

Faculty Reader: Tracy Fisher, PhD

Faculty Reader: Patrice E. Rosenthal, PhD

External Examiner: Malika Gonzales, EdD

Student Reader: Melannie D. Cunningham, MA

Chasidy Karpiuk Vertone

Women Post-Secondary Graduates with ADHD

Chair: Patrice E. Rosenthal, PhD

Faculty Reader: Dorothy E. Agger-Gupta, PhD

Faculty Reader: Annabelle L. Nelson, PhD

External Examiner: Hamid Alizadeh, PhD

Student Reader: Leesa M. Riviere, PhD

Robert Laurence McLaughlin

How Do Five United World College Activities

Shape a Student’s Purpose?

Chair: Keith E. Melville, PhD

Faculty Reader: Annabelle L. Nelson, PhD

Faculty Reader: Patrice E. Rosenthal, PhD

External Examiner: Stewart I. Donaldson, PhD

Student Reader: Melissa A. George, MA

Natalie Dais Murray

Employee Experiences of Role Disruption Due to Digital Transformation

Chair: Annabelle L. Nelson, PhD

Faculty Reader: Abigail Lynam, PhD

Faculty Reader: Frederick Steier, PhD

External Examiner: Tonya Ensign, PhD

Student Reader: Adriana Bokel Herde, MA

Jo Ann Usa Prompongsatorn

We Know: The Role of Sociopolitical Development, Spirituality, and Healing in the Lives of Thai American Women

Chair: Tracy Fisher, PhD

Faculty Reader: Margo Okazawa-Rey, EdD

Faculty Reader: Abigail Lynam, PhD

External Examiner: AnaLouise Keating, PhD

Student Reader: Roxane M. Byrne, PhD

Adam C. B. Robersmith

Performing the Self as Work: A Mixed Methods Study of Public Intimacy

Chair: Patrice E. Rosenthal, PhD

Faculty Reader: Valerie A. Bentz, PhD

Faculty Reader: David Blake Willis, PhD

External Examiner: Steven S. Taylor, PhD

Student Reader: Timothy J. Duggan, PhD

Zosia Zaks

Autistic Professionals Leading Paradigm Change: Moving Support From Normalization to Affirmation

Chair: David Blake Willis, PhD

Faculty Reader: Kathleen A. Platzman, PhD

Faculty Reader: Earl E. Thomas, EdD

External Examiner: Lisa A. Crabtree, PhD

Student Reader: Elizabeth Sherman, PhD

PhD in Human and Organizational Systems

Presented by: Director of Human and Organizational Development Program, Kathy D. Geller, PhD (’05)

Joel González Toro

Biorisk Management Systems Implementation to Minimize Occupational Exposure of Infectious Diseases in Molecular Bioengineering Research

Chair: Richard P. Appelbaum, PhD

Faculty Reader: Patrice E. Rosenthal, PhD

Faculty Reader: Frederick Steier, PhD

External Examiner: Ginette M. Collazo, PhD

Student Reader: Georgia L. Davis, MA

Shveta Miglani

Examining the Role of Organizational Insiders in Influencing Newcomer Adjustment: An Organizational Ethnographic Study in the Tech Industry

Chair: David Blake Willis, PhD

Faculty Reader: John Austin, PhD

Faculty Reader: Annabelle L. Nelson, PhD

External Examiner: Naomi Stanford, PhD

Student Reader: Linda P. Urban, MA

Christopher Adam Szpryngel

Dementia in and Beyond the Workplace: Lived Experiences of Employees With Early-Onset Dementia

Chair: David Blake Willis, PhD

Faculty Reader: Connie Corley, PhD

Faculty Reader: H. Rick Moody, PhD

External Examiner: Peter J. Whitehouse, PhD

Student Reader: Ryan P. McCarty, PhD

PhD in Organizational Development and Change

Presented by: Director of Human and Organizational Development Program, Kathy D. Geller, PhD (’05)

Isabella Therese Allan

Climate Surprise and Organizational Decision-Making for Sustainability: From the Lens of Paradox Theory to a Theory Synthesis

Chair: Dorothy E. Agger-Gupta, PhD

Faculty Reader: John R. Austin, PhD

Faculty Reader: David Blake Willis, PhD

External Examiner: Richard Kool, PhD

Student Reader: Elizabeth A. Lennon, PhD

Christopher Averill

Organizational Network Interfacial Characteristics

Chair: Dorothy E. Agger-Gupta, PhD

Faculty Reader: Michael R. Manning, PhD

Faculty Reader: Frederick Steier, PhD

External Examiner: Michael J. Arena, PhD

Student Reader: Michelle R. Zeiser, MA

Timothy James DeBolt

Examining Renewable Energy Resources and Exploratory Decarbonization Scenarios Within a Socio-Techno-Economic Framework for Saint Croix of the U.S. Virgin Islands

Chair: Richard P. Appelbaum, PhD

Faculty Reader: Patrice E. Rosenthal, PhD

Faculty Reader: Frederick Steier, PhD

External Examiner: Gregory Guannel, PhD

Student Reader: Pamela K. Mattsson, MA

Timothy John Duggan

Inflection Points and Forming a Leadership Identity: The Identity Work of Women Leaders in Organizations

Chair: Patrice E. Rosenthal, PhD

Faculty Reader: Frank J. Barrett, PhD

Faculty Reader: Katrina S. Rogers, PhD

External Examiner: Jane Jorgenson, PhD

Student Reader: Leah Pender, PhD

Lisa Raquel Elliott

Going Beyond Tools of Logic and Reason: Organizational Leaders Who Self-Report a Spiritual Transformation and the Stories They Tell Chair: Annabelle L. Nelson, PhD

Faculty Reader: Miguel G. Guilarte, PhD

Faculty Reader: Frederick Steier, PhD

External Examiner: Rhonda S. Ellis, DBA

Student Reader: Kathryn J. Coates, PhD

Kristina Ann Galvez

A Mixed Methods Study: Exploring the Experiences of an SBE Journey Toward Agility

Chair: Annabelle L. Nelson, PhD

Faculty Reader: Dorothy E. Agger-Gupta, PhD

Faculty Reader: Malcolm A. North, PhD

External Examiner: Herbert Nold, DMgt

Student Reader: Whitney R. Breer, MA

Tyra S. Gardner

A Qualitative Study of Sustainability: Experiences and Leadership Strategies of Minority Women Entrepreneurs Whose Small Business

Survived The COVID-19 Pandemic

Chair: Dorothy E. Agger-Gupta, PhD

Faculty Reader: Jose DelaCerda, PhD

Faculty Reader: Earl E. Thomas, Ed.D.

External Examiner: Syleecia Thompson, DBA

Student Reader: Gregory F. Hardt, MA

Shelli Sullivan Hendricks

What Did Leaders Learn About Themselves and Leading Teams During The COVID-19 Pandemic?

Chair: Margo Okazawa-Rey, EdD

Faculty Reader: Abigail Lynam, PhD

Faculty Reader: Patrice E. Rosenthal, PhD

External Examiner: Jennifer G. Berger, PhD

Student Reader: Ron N. Hurst, PhD

Louis Anthony Marucci

The Quest for Joy: Pathways to (Re)discover Joy After Experiences of Intense Suffering

Chair: Dorothy E. Agger-Gupta, PhD

Faculty Reader: Patrice E. Rosenthal, PhD

Faculty Reader: David Blake Willis, PhD

External Examiner: Thomas F. O’Brien, PhD

Student Reader: Maria Sinanis, MA

Priscilla Mezrahi

Barriers and Possible Solutions for Implementing Humane Education in New York State’s Elementary Schools

Chair: Richard P. Appelbaum, PhD

Faculty Reader: Valerie A. Bentz, PhD

Faculty Reader: Frederick Steier, PhD

External Examiner: Kimberly L. Spanjol, PhD

Student Reader: Kathryn J. Bell, PhD

Cynthia Louise Gibbs Wilson

How Do Members of the Community of African Americans in the Private Capital Industry Describe Opportunities, Barriers, and Success?

Chair: Keith E. Melville, PhD

Faculty Reader: Annabelle L. Nelson, PhD

Faculty Reader: Frederick Steier, PhD

External Examiner: Montressa L. Washington, PhD

Student Reader: Keeley Mitchell, MA

Michelle R. Zeiser

Navigating Change: Sensemaking and Resilience Among Women

Leaders in Technology Organizations

Chair: Frederick Steier, PhD

Faculty Reader: Dorothy E. Agger-Gupta, PhD

Faculty Reader: Frank J. Barrett, PhD

External Examiner: Sharon Benjamin, PhD

Student Reader: Melissa A. George, MA

Rosalma Zubizarreta-Ada

Facilitators’ Insights From the Vorarlberg Citizens’ Councils: A Qualitative Research Study on the Process of Collaborative Meaning-Making

Chair: Dorothy E. Agger-Gupta, PhD

Faculty Reader: Keith E. Melville, PhD

Faculty Reader: Katrina S. Rogers, PhD

External Examiner: Jane Mansbridge, PhD

Student Reader: Karl F. Hebenstreit, Jr., MA

Ceremony Participants School of Psychology

MA in Applied Media Psychology

Presented by: Director of Media Psychology Programs, Brian L. Cutler, PhD

Andrea Thrasher Steves

Empowering Perimenopausal and Menopausal Women: The Role of Social Media and Podcast in Shaping Health Information

Project Faculty: Tunisha J. Singleton, PhD

PhD in Psychology with an emphasis in Media Psychology

Presented by: Director of Media Psychology Programs, Brian L. Cutler, PhD

Dorothy LaVone Andrews

The Algorithmic Link Between Auto Insurance Pricing and Unfair Discrimination

Chair: Pamela B. Rutledge, PhD

Research Faculty: Patrick Sweeney, PhD

External Examiner: Catherine H. O’Neil, PhD

Alton Candelario Carswell

Underrepresented Writer Identity Affiliation and Intergroup

Experiences Within Hollywood Television Writing Rooms

Chair/Research Faculty: Pamela B. Rutledge, PhD

Faculty Reader: Karen E. Shackleford, PhD

External Examiner: Leah P. Hunter, PhD

Patrick E. McNabb

The Underpinnings of Transmedia Engagement for Prosocial Change: Using the Vygotskian Zone of Proximal Development, Scaffolding, and More Knowledgeable Other to Understand the Transmedia Structure of East Los High, Season 1

Chair: Pamela B. Rutledge, PhD

Research Faculty: Jerri Lynn Hogg, PhD

Faculty Reader: Jason Ohler, PhD

External Examiner: Arvind Singhal, PhD

PhD in Infant and Early Childhood Development with an emphasis in Mental Health and Developmental Disorders

Presented by: Director of Infant and Early Childhood Development Programs; Jenene W. Craig, PhD (’15)

Torrian Brent

Reflective Supervision in Early Childhood Education: How One Program Used the Intervention During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Chair: Georgeanna W. Robinson, EdD

Research Faculty: Ira P. Glovinsky, PhD

External Examiner: Barbara Stroud, PhD

Aretha Malaika Marni Cooper

A Description of Mother-Child Play in Saint Lucia and an Exploration of its Associations With Toddler Expressive Language

Chair: Mary G. Warren, PhD

Research Faculty: Devin M. Casenhiser, PhD

Faculty Reader: Joseph Constantine, PhD

External Examiner: Jaipaul L. Roopnarine, PhD

Nicole Cossette

Infant Mental Health Endorsement of Early interventionists and Family Outcomes

Chair: Mary G. Warren, PhD

Research Faculty: Joseph Constantine, PhD

External Examiner: Haley M. Scott, EdD

Aretha Hampton

An Exploration of Physician Engagement with Fathers and Non-Birthing Parents: Physician’s Meaning Making of Father Inclusive Practices

Chair: Jenene W. Craig, PhD

Research Faculty: Georgeanna W. Robinson, EdD

Faculty Reader: Joseph Constantine, PhD

External Examiner: Casey L. Brown, MD

Ashley Nikia Hickman-Gordon

Silent Mental Representations: Birthing a Child With Complex Needs

Chair: Deborah A. Sussman, PhD

Research Faculty: Georgeanna W. Robinson, EdD

External Examiner: Divya Lakhaney, MD

Linda Maloney

Understanding the Magnitude of Stress Experienced by Early Childhood Professionals and How it Relates to Young Children with Challenging or Disruptive Behavior: A Qualitative Narrative Study That Expresses the Individual Voice of the Early Childhood Professional

Chair: M. Lorraine Ehlers-Flint, PhD

Research Faculty: Joseph Constantine, PhD

Faculty Reader: Gerard Costa, PhD

External Examiner: Kristie A. Brandt, DNP

Fagie Mandel Greenberg

A Model for Changing the Standard of Dyslexia Response From Wait-to-Fail to Proactive Care: The Role of Pediatricians in Early Identification and Intervention

Chair: Corinne G. Catalano, PhD

Research Faculty: Rachel Oblath, PhD

Faculty Reader: Joseph Constantine, PhD

External Examiner: Yaacov Petscher, PhD

Colette Ann Ryan

The Effectiveness of DIRFloortime® Supporting Parental Self-Efficacy in a Japanese Mother of a Child With Autism Spectrum Disorder

Chair: Jenene W. Craig, PhD

Research Faculty: Georgeanna W. Robinson, EdD

Faculty Reader: Joseph Constantine, PhD

External Examiner: Kaitlin Mulcahy, PhD

PhD in Psychology

Presented by: Director of Psychology Program, Nora P. Reilly, PhD

LaTanya D. Tolan

Racial Trauma Inoculation for the Soul Care of Black Clinicians

Chair/Research Faculty: Kristine M. Jacquin, PhD

Faculty Reader: Anthony F. Greene, PhD

External Examiner: Shelly P. Harrell, PhD

PhD in Psychology with an emphasis in Clinical Psychology

Presented by: Director of Clinical Psychology Program, Connie S. Veazey, PhD

Jesika Nikole Asaro

Identity Development of Transnational Transracial Adoptees

Chair: April E. Fallon, PhD

Research Faculty: Annabelle L. Nelson, PhD

Faculty Reader: Sherry L. Hatcher, PhD

External Examiner: Virginia Brabender, PhD

Camela Sherril Barker

The Cost of Active Coping: Unpacking the Mechanisms of John Henryism and Their Link to Depression and Hypertension in Older African American Women

Chair: April Harris-Britt, PhD

Research Faculty: Allen E. Cornelius, PhD

Faculty Reader: Anthony F. Greene, PhD

External Examiner: John J. Sollers, PhD

Mariah Moon Berumen

Will the Modernization of Missing Person Alerts Increase Recognizability?

Chair: Kristine M. Jacquin, PhD

Research Faculty: Allen E. Cornelius, PhD

Faculty Reader: Marti B. Kranzberg, PhD

External Examiner: Daniel Hunt, PhD

Natalie Jan Bloodworth

Mindfulness-Based Interventions in Minority Youth with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Chair: Kristine M. Jacquin, PhD

Research Faculty: James E. Vivian, PhD

Faculty Reader: Susan G. Goldberg, PhD

External Examiner: Joshua C. Felver, PhD

Elizeth J. Chavez

A Cross-Cultural View of Helicopter Parenting: The Moderation of Self-Efficacy and Academic Achievement by Familismo and Respeto

Chair: Raymond C. Hawkins II, PhD, ABPP

Research Faculty: Allen E. Cornelius, PhD

Faculty Reader: Carmen Pulido, PhD

External Examiner: Martha Pelaez, PhD

Alora Dannon Corr

Identity Formation in College Students: Examining the Impact of Social Connectedness, Anxiety, and Depression

Following COVID-19 Isolation

Chair: Laura A. Thompson, PhD

Research Faculty: Allen E. Cornelius, PhD

Faculty Reader: Tiffany Field, PhD

External Examiner: Laura Brumariu, PhD

Alisha Glavey

Income Moderates the Relationship Between Cardiovascular Disease and Depressive Symptoms Among South Asian Indian Immigrants

Living in the US

Chair: Tiffany Field, PhD

Research Faculty: James E. Vivian, PhD

Faculty Reader: Asimina Lazaridou, PhD

External Examiner: Maria Hernandez-Reif, PhD

Jake Hanks

Mothers’ Early Adverse Childhood Experiences, Preconception Stress, Prenatal Stress, and Child Autism Spectrum Disorder

Symptom Severity

Chair: Jessica Emick-Seibert, PhD

Research Faculty: Laura A. Thompson, PhD

Faculty Reader: Tiffany Field, PhD

External Examiner: Damion J. Grasso, PhD

Donica Jasmine Harper

Positive Identity Affirmation and Resiliency in QPOC Supervisees: Protective Factors Against the Experience of Microaggressions in the Supervisory Working Alliance

Chair: Konjit V. Page, PhD

Research Faculty: Allen E. Cornelius, PhD

Faculty Reader: Marti B. Kranzberg, PhD

External Examiner: Carlton Green, PhD

Tryphena Jenkins

Predicting Juvenile Recidivism: Comparing One-Time and Re-offending Juvenile Groups

Chair: Konjit V. Page, PhD

Research Faculty: Allen E. Cornelius, PhD

Faculty Reader: Anthony F. Greene, PhD

External Examiner: Erlanger Turner, PhD

Agata Karolina Krala

Attitudes Towards Malingering Mental Health Illness to Exit the Military

Chair: Alayne Ormerod, PhD

Research Faculty: James E. Vivian, PhD

Faculty Reader: Elaine D. Hanson, PhD, JD

External Examiner: Peter D. Harms, PhD

Sergio Arturo Loya

Cross-Sectional Study on the Relationship Between Socioeconomic Status and Health Outcomes Interacting With Stress Related to Healthcare Access, Physical Activity, and Social Support in a Latinx Population

Chair: Maureen Kirby Lassen, PhD

Research Faculty: Laura A. Thompson, PhD

Faculty Reader: Raymond C. Hawkins II, PhD, ABPP

External Examiner: Kristine M. Molina, PhD

Sierra N. Lynch

Personality Traits as Predictors of Police Misconduct

Chair: Kristine M. Jacquin, PhD

Research Faculty: James E. Vivian, PhD

Faculty Reader: Sanford L. Drob, PhD

External Examiner: Christopher J. Harris, PhD

Caitlin Martin

Predictive Power of Intra-Individual Variability Across Neuropsychological Disorders

Chair: Daniel C. Holland, PhD

Research Faculty: Allen E. Cornelius, PhD

Faculty Reader: Carmen Pulido, PhD

External Examiner: Lindsay Hines, PhD

Melody Montano

The Maternal Guilt of Working Latina Mothers

Chair/Research Faculty: Lauren Mizock, PhD

Faculty Reader: Carmen Pulido, PhD

External Examiner: Esther J. Calzada, PhD

Courtney Lynn Norris

Gender Role Conflict and Sex Motives Predict Sexual Aggression Perpetration

Chair: Kristine M. Jacquin, PhD

Research Faculty: Allen E. Cornelius, PhD

Faculty Reader: Tiffany Field, PhD

External Examiner: Andrew Littlefield, PhD

Deanne Paulsen

The Association Between Resilience in Police Officers and Job Performance

Chair: Elaine D. Hanson, PhD, JD

Research Faculty: James E. Vivian, PhD

Faculty Reader: Kristine M. Jacquin, PhD

External Examiner: Ronn Johnson, PhD

Corlisha Shanese Presley

Carrying the Weight of the World: Exploring Racial Stress, General Stress, Obligation to Help, and Emotion Control as Predictors of the Relationship Between Depression and the Strong Black Woman Schema

Chair: Joan B. Read, PhD

Research Faculty: Allen E. Cornelius, PhD

Faculty Reader: April Harris-Britt, PhD

External Examiner: Carla D. Hunter, PhD

Sonia Syed Rehman

Muslim Identity and Experiences With Discrimination in American Muslim Youth

Chair: Tiffany Field, PhD

Research Faculty: Joseph P. Bush, PhD

Faculty Reader: Debra Bendell, PhD

External Examiner: Martha Pelaez, PhD

Hannah Schweitzer

Impacts of Previous Psychological Trauma on Neuropsychological

Assessment Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

Chair: Elaine D. Hanson, PhD, JD

Research Faculty: Allen E. Cornelius, PhD

Faculty Reader: Daniel C. Holland, PhD

External Examiner: Jennifer J. Vasterling, PhD

Jonathan W. Smith

The Effects of Perceived Maternal Support for Children’s Relationships With Their Father

Chair: Raymond C. Hawkins II, PhD

Research Faculty: Allen E. Cornelius, PhD

Faculty Reader: Connie Veazey, PhD

External Examiner: Sarah J. Schoppe-Sullivan, PhD

Angela Solimo

Violence Risk Assessment Among Seriously Mentally Ill Patients in the Clinical Alternative to the Punitive Segregation Program in the New York City Jail System

Chair: Sanford L. Drob, PhD

Research Faculty: Joseph P. Bush, PhD

Faculty Reader: Anthony F. Greene, PhD

External Examiner: Brian Belfi, PhD

Michelle Mae Tatum

Weight-Loss Success in Bariatric Surgery Patients

Chair: Kristine M. Jacquin, PhD

Research Faculty: Laura A. Thompson, PhD

Faculty Reader: Raymond C. Hawkins II, PhD, ABPP

External Examiner: Susan Wnuk, PhD

Gary Tseng

Consensual Non-Monogamous Relationships: A Qualitative Study of Gay Men in Middle Adulthood

Chair: Marti B. Kranzberg, PhD, ABPP

Research Faculty: Andrew Schrack-Walters, PhD

Faculty Reader: Lauren Mizock, PhD

External Examiner: Michael Reece, PhD

Investigating the Applicability of a New Technology Acceptance Model and the Impact of Treatment Barriers on the Use of Telemental Health Services for Substance Use Disorders

Chair: Carmen Pulido, PhD

Research Faculty: Allen E. Cornelius, PhD

Faculty Reader: Raymond C. Hawkins II, PhD, ABPP

External Examiner: Kathlene Tracy, PhD

Graduates in Absentia

(Conferral dates between January 8, 2024 and May 5, 2024)

Certificate in Clinical Psychology

Eeman Abuasi

Angelika Aquino

Zainab Y. Bannout

Justin S. DeLew

Tiffany Beckman Dvorak

Charity Christine Harvey

Jessica Nicole Homeier

Krystal Anna Jackson

Taylor Langston

Tanoyia Ines Lone

Jessica Nicole Montgomery

Susana Jessica Perez

Janelle Peters

Catherine Marie Ugalde

Talisia Williams

Certificate in Evidence Based Coaching

Keena Aldrich Alexander-Lagard

Laura Andrews

Cache Barnes

Mia Chaidez

Tiffani Stiavelli Collier

Samantha Stormy Amanda Colson

Mike Haverty

William H. Light

Charles Mansour

Rexford Nickerson

Carmen Luz Rodriguez

Henry Sobanet

Certificate in Media Psychology with an emphasis in Media Neuroscience

Aydan Kuhnert

Postdoctoral Certificate in Certificate in Neuropsychology Specialization

Brian Anderson

MA in Applied Media Psychology

Francis Segbedzi Pongo

Jeanine Lara Riedl

Blake Ryan Schaefer

Justin Paul Thomas

MA in Human Development

Tara Leigh Jebens-Singh

Amanda Marie Leftwich

Mary Magdalen Khalil Matambanadzo

Terryann Nash

MA in Infant and Early Childhood Development with an emphasis in Mental Health and Developmental Disorders

Maya Nicolette Edinburgh-Taylor

Zaneta Javonmae Evans

Mary Katherine Gannon

Carin Michelle Leiva

Dianna Manz

MA in Organization Development and Leadership

Nicholas David Andrews

Alexxis Cook-Graham

Vera Andreyevna Fishman

Wayne Hewitt

Tiffany Lisa John

Mary Elizabeth Laye

Michelle Lea Temple

MA in Organizational Development and Change

Michael Brogden

Alison Christensen

Lisa Kim

Mikyo McLellan

Meaghan Nelson Onofrey

Krista Marie Pederson

MA in Psychology

Patricia Louise Douglas

MA in Psychology with an emphasis in Clinical Psychology

Caroline Miller

Teshaundria Weston

MA in Psychology with an emphasis in Media and Technology

Anthony Quinton Jones

Cynthia Jan Kinn

Courtnie Larann Parsons

Karin Michelle Trinkler

Master of Education

Maram Kamal Alaiwat

Marjester Donna Bailey

Wanda Cooke

Adele Lawson Gardner

Akilah Rosado

Doctor of Education

Jeanne A. McCrea

Doctor of Education with an emphasis in Leadership for Change

Acinta Monteverde

Gina M. Ottinger

Kinsley Imrie Titchener

PhD in Organizational Development and Change

Michael P. Andrews

PhD in Psychology with an emphasis in Clinical Psychology

Dylan D. Dimock

Wendy D. Siciliano

Academic Dress

Historical Overview

The origins of academic dress date back to the 12th and 13th centuries, when universities were being formed. The ordinary dress of the scholar, whether student or professor, was the dress of a cleric. With few exceptions, the medieval scholar had taken at least minor orders and made vows. Long gowns were worn and may have been necessary for warmth in unheated buildings. Hoods seem to have served to cover the head until superseded for that purpose by the skull cap. The assignment of colors to signify certain faculties was a much later development, and one that came to be standardized in the United States in the late 19th century.


The gown for the bachelor’s degree has pointed sleeves. The gown for the master’s degree has an oblong sleeve. The gown for the doctoral degree has bell-shaped sleeves. Gowns for the bachelor’s or master’s are untrimmed. For the doctoral degree, the gown is faced down the front with black velvet; three bars of velvet are used across the sleeves. These facing and crossbars may be of velvet of the color distinctive of the discipline to which the degree pertains, thus matching in color with the binding or edging of the hood appropriate to the particular degree in every instance.


The hoods are lined with the official color or colors of the college or university conferring the degree; more than one color is shown by the division of the field color in a variety of ways: chevron or chevrons, equal division, etc. In the case of the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree, a dark blue color is used to represent the mastery of the discipline of learning and scholarship in any field that is attested to by the awarding of this degree and is not intended to represent the field of philosophy. Light blue trim is used for education. As of the July 2019 ceremony, and 45th anniversary of our founding Fielding’s school hood colors are merlot/brick (the satin field/background) and white (the satin chevron). Prior to that date the school colors used for the hoods of Fielding graduates were cobalt blue (the satin field/background) and Kelly green (the satin chevron).


The mortarboard cap can be used at all degree levels. For master’s and doctoral tams, velvet is to be used. A long tassel is to be fastened to the middle point of the top of the cap only and to lie on the left. The tassel should be black or the color appropriate to the subject. The doctoral cap may have a tassel of gold.


For all academic purposes, including trimmings of doctoral gowns, edging of hood, and tassels of caps, the colors associated with the different disciplines include:

Arts, Letters, Humanities: White

Communication: Crimson

Education: Light Blue

Law: Purple

Library Science: Lemon

Medicine: Green

Philosophy: Dark Blue

Public Administration: Peacock Blue

Public Health: Salmon Pink

Social Work: Citron

Theology: Scarlet

Edited from An Academic Costume Code by Eugene Sullivan of the American Council on Education.

Kente Cloth

Kente is a hand-woven ceremonial cloth worn during special social and religious occasions. It is a visual representation of history, philosophy, ethics, oral literature, moral value, social code of conduct, religious beliefs, political thought, and principles of aesthetics. Scholars propose that Kente cloth can trace its origins to early weaving traditions in ancient West African Kingdoms. Best known of the kingdoms are the Asante, one of the many ethnic groups constituting the Akan people who live in part of Ghana, and Côte d’Ivoire, a region that was home to the ancestors of many African Americans. Kente cloth is a royal art form worn as a cloth of prestige during such rites of passage as child naming, puberty, initiation, graduation, marriage, soul washing, burial, and ancestral remembrance ceremonies. It is used not only for its beauty, but also for its symbolic significance. Each cloth has a name and a meaning, and each of the numerous patterns and motifs has a name and a meaning. Kente cloth has achieved a tremendous international recognition and evolved into one of the tangible manifestations of an ever-growing sense of Pan-African camaraderie. With the impact of modern technology and socioeconomic changes, Kente cloth has evolved into an art form and its social significance now transcends ethnic, cultural, and national boundaries.

Presidential Medallion & University Mace

Academic commencement affords an opportunity to celebrate time-honored traditions which have been observed by institutions of higher education for hundreds of years. Two of those customs are for the President to wear the university Medallion and Presidential Chain of Office, and the Provost to carry the university Mace in the graduation processional.

Medallion and Presidential Chain of Office

A medallion or seal of office has been a symbol of authority since seals were used to mark official documents in the Middle Ages. The Fielding Graduate University medallion features the Fielding seal engraved on bronze with a background in the university’s traditional merlot. The medallion hangs from a presidential chain of office, festooned with bronze nameplates for all seven Fielding presidents dating back to the university’s founding:

Frederic M. Hudson 1975-1986

William H. Maehl 1987-1992

Donald J. MacIntyre 1993-1998

Judith L. Kuipers 2000-2009

Richard S. Meyers 2009-2013

Katrina S. Rogers 2013-

University Mace

A mace, once a weapon in medieval combat, was adopted by universities as a symbol of the quest for truth. Our mace is 45” long and the Fielding seal with the words “Fielding Graduate University 1974” is engraved on the mace, in bronze, at the tip of the walnut staff.

The Fielding Seal

Appearing on both the medallion and mace, the Fielding seal bears the “Fielding Open Triangle” icon, which is open to reflect inclusion, its three sides represent the three pillars of Fielding’s promise:

• Scholarship for the rigor of our academics and research, and quality of our faculty

• Community for the global network and connectedness of Fielding students, faculty, alumni, staff, trustees, and other stakeholders

• Opportunity for the flexibility of our learning model and the possibilities that come with an advanced degree

The Latin words for these pillars surround the Fielding icon on the official seal: Doctrina, Opportunitas, Communitas.

Fielding Graduate University Board of Trustees

Gary Wagenheim, PhD (’05) Chair

Karin A. Bunnell, PhD (’98) Vice-Chair, Trustee Emerit

Jay D. Harding, PhD (’13) Treasurer

Patricia Zell, JD Secretary

Michael Ali, PhD Public Trustee

John L. Bennett, PhD Public Trustee

Karen S. Bogart, PhD (’13) Public Trustee

Zabrina Epps, PhD (’22) Student Trustee

Tracy L. Fisher, PhD Public Trustee

Michael B. Goldstein, JD Public Trustee, Trustee Emerit

Anthony F. Greene, PhD Faculty Trustee

Lenneal J. Henderson, Jr. PhD Faculty Trustee

Linda K. Honold, PhD (’99) Public Trustee

Natasha Miller-Zahn, B.Acc. Public Trustee

Constance R. Shafran, PhD (’95) Public Trustee, Trustee Emerit

Nicola J. Smith, JD Faculty Trustee

Ivory Toldson, PhD Public Trustee

Christine A. Prairie Chicken, EdD (’15) Public Trustee

Maria V. Sanchez, PhD (’22) Student Trustee

Katrina S. Rogers, PhD ex officio, President, Fielding Graduate University

Marie Fielder Medal for Social Transformation Past Recipients

Orlando L. Taylor, PhD (2022)

Angela Y. Davis, PhD (2021)

Dolores Huerta (2020)

Patricia Gurin, PhD (2018)

Gary Orfield, PhD (2017)

Walter G. Bumphus, PhD (2016)

Dianne Kipnes Endowed Fund for Social Innovation Past Recipients

Aiden Hirshfield, PhD ’19 (2022)

Laurence P. Gebhardt, PhD ’00 (2019)

Carrie Arnold, PhD ’17 (2018)

Marie Fielder Medal for Social Transformation Past Recipients

Orlando L. Taylor, PhD (2022)

Angela Y. Davis, PhD (2021)

Dolores Huerta (2020)

Patricia Gurin, PhD (2018)

Gary Orfield, PhD (2017)

Walter G. Bumphus, PhD (2016)

In Appreciation

Fielding Graduate University benefits greatly from private contributions, which are central to the quality of teaching, research, and administrative services. We are extremely grateful for the generous contributions of our board members, faculty, staff, alumni, students, and friends.


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