1 minute read
How To Get A Supermodel Body!
Making models lean yet have shapely arms, legs, glutes, back and abs with resistance training and proper diet.This is essential when posing in swim suits and near naked photography. Proper training also helps with your posture. Posture trainingre alignment for the body.
With my background as a licensed massage therapist and personal trainer, I can assess your body, and what we need to do, to reach your body goals. I can point out structure issues and ways to compensate for them as you pose, or fix them. I also offer, Online Training. With dumbbells and resistance bands, if you are traveling or using a hotel gym. Help you with your diet when you are away and can’t get to your usual meals.
I also offer “In house training”, at either of my gyms for clients that prefer that. Hands on training always gives the quickest and best results.The goal is to stay lean with more food and limited cardio. Yes, it is possible. And do it all naturally. Packages include diet, training split, and cardio split.I ask for weekly check ins so we can keep track of your progress. Make sure you are going in the right direction to reach your goal.

I can teach you Stretching techniques for maintenance and posture. For actors I can help with bulking or leaning out for your character. If you want to be Rocky, I gotcha covered. If you just want to be lean, I can help you there as well.
Will answer your questions asap. @donnamcginnphysique.ifbb donnamcginnphysique@yahoo.com