The Future of Transitional Housing

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rent, which is then sub-

with the part of your

rented to our clients. We

organizational priorities

he Ark of Hope seeks

do this by identifying

and values, that seeks to

to partner with both

property in our local area

help those who are the

individuals and,

that fits the room

forgotten men and

organizations. If you are a

requirements we need to

women of communities, by

government agency, a for

house our clients.

offering volunteer support

The Possibility


locally and regionally.

or non-profit business, a charitable foundation or private individual, we can

Sustainability and

help you realize a part of

Future Growth


your vision that may be based in establishing a

Promote employee

The Ark of Hope is

positive social impact in

currently in the initial

the world.

stages of purchasing

of Hope offers a range of

We are growing an

Partnering with The Ark

property in South Dallas,

tailored opportunities for

effective and sustainable

developing a site plan to

your members /

business model that

be approved by the city of

employees to share their

creates impact by serving

Dallas, and building a

expertise and develop

an abandoned population

series of multi-bedroom

their skills by supporting our

in our community, The Ark

homes in a village

clients or engaging directly

of Hope’s major emphasis

campus, to provide our

with those who may yet still

is to provide housing for

clients with an drug and

be in the correctional

formerly incarcerated

alcohol free environment.


individuals who have a

The Ark of Hope is

dual diagnosis or a co-

financially stable and able

occurring disorder of

to provide services at its

mental illness and

Engaging with Like

current level for the next 10

substance abuse.

years. However, our desire


The Ark of Hope brings

is to grow our model and

together partners and

expand the impact of our

supporters with aligned

organization. Our model is

goals to create transitional

only limited by land and

housing solutions for a

capital investment.

segment of the American population who desperately needs it. Currently our ability to

An alliance with The Ark of Hope will help you expand your community profile and broaden your perspectives through the many formal and informal

Creating Impact That

opportunities we offer to


tough the hurting, help those in need, feel the

grow at a greater speed By partnering with The

weight of the burden of

the fact that our model is

Ark of Hope, you have an

others, and change the

based on space that we

automatic connection

lives of others forevermore.

and scale is only limited by


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