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The Following Contents and Information Provided to You By: HILLCREST MANAGEMENT, INC. Š 2011 Hillcrest Management, Inc., All rights Reserved Worldwide

ABOUT THE FOUNDER My Name is Roger L. Hill, Jr., and it is with great pleasure that I present to you the humanage model (HM). Through this proposal, I will offer insight into an opportunity that is cutting edge in the methodology of one-on-one youth intervention services. I was previously employed by Wolverine Human Services, while working on my Master’s Degree at Cleary University; a private businesses school in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Shortly after the birth of my second child, I took an educational leave of absence. My MBA program required finance, accounting, and quantitative analysis courses that would require more time and energy than my previous fields of study and course work demanded. I have since completed my Masters, and I am in pursuit of my Doctorate Degree in organizational leadership at the University of Phoenix. As I have just completed my last quantitative (math oriented) course, and only have qualitative courses left for the duration of my doctoral program, I am ready to move back into the workforce. The passion that I have for enriching and developing the lives of youth has become all the more real, as I am married with children of my own. As a father of three, I recognize that Wolverine Human Services has given me valuable insight into existing lifestyle management systems. The concept that I am proposing is a management initiative called “Humanagement�. Thank you in advance for showing an interest in this proposal. Best regards, Roger L. Hill, Jr. /Founder Humanagement Be the independent variable; and manage your man

CONCEPT Recent studies have shown the correlation between socioeconomic factors (including income, education level of the child’s parents, and the mother’s age at the birth of her first child); accounts for much of the early learning gaps. Poorly equipped schools are also shown to cause the other learning distances (i.e. gang problems, non student loitering, and a lack of PTA funding). Strikingly, the education, income level, and maturity of influencing parent’s mentors and guardians are stronger factors than neighborhood, intact family, and disciplinary practices (i.e. spanking or not). At the doctoral level, I am using grounded theory research to analyze census data. My intent is to explore patterns through regressive analysis (statistical regressions) from which management techniques can be developed. One of the ways I believe Wolverine Human Services can benefit from the Humanage Model is in reference to structure. My undergraduate background in both philosophy and psychology gave me an unprecedented inroad with the children. This inroad then fostered a trust and openness that for some of the children; exceeded the treatment of their respective therapists (see Dr. E. C. Jones for details).

Humanagement promotes individual responsibility at the treatment level, and cultivates a personal level of responsibility for those accepted into the program. It is a “whole life” management system that can be streamlined for treatment or therapy, but also affects the entire human at the level of life management and organization. The influence of social-identity has painted a picture that disenfranchises our youth. Refocusing begins by helping them to create and project a positive self-image that is reflective of their long term goals (who they can be, instead of who they are). This adjustment would be implemented with the restructuring method of social re-engineering. This process has to be mapped and developed daily, one step at a time. By using the acronym S.T.E.P. (Scrutinize, Track, Esteem, and Process), we can focus on the balancing of cognitive reasoning and managing structural needs through a lifestyle management system. The Humanage series begins by mapping and personalizing a program that directs primary social identifiers, and entwining them with the 6 cognitive reasoning’s that impact humanity. By beginning this process, one can enter the practice of Humanagement.

RESEARCH "Structure Theory: Knowledge management (KM) processes and its contemporary science implications." According to Musson (2010), “The authority of Mathematics as the universal language is infinitely dependent upon the absolute nature and meaning of numbers and operators, so that the answer to each and every equation is always the same, no matter the circumstances�. Structure theory in relation to both physical and the social (specifically behavioral) sciences reflects the contextual relativity of said circumstances. Most dichotomous social relationships that hide behind idiosyncrasies (i.e. religious, political lines) mask the commerce motive of economic, ethnic, cultural, and gender conflicts, among many others that they express;This is a direct result of a competitive market. In economic theory, perfect competition describes markets in such that no participants are large enough to have the market power, to set the price of a homogeneous product. Because the conditions for perfect competition are strict, there are few if any perfectly competitive markets. The shortfall typically falls into the category of supply and demand. This is a far cry from a socialist plea; history has shown us that the lawlessness of today’s society if socialized, would infer much larger recourses than capitalistic free trade. The dominating nature of man illustrated in most social ecology models, would simply override the communal resources, resulting in the tyranny common of past ages.

This research introduces a platform for models that are in accordance with other subjective works; i.e. chaos theory etc., and investigates the fundamental principals used in a practitioner setting for knowledge management. My inquiry focuses on originality and application techniques that have traditionally belonged to a wide array of discourses. I illustrate how the modern notion of originality not only appears, but evolves in relation to market forces, economic theory, and the legal developments they underwrite. My exposition then segues into an introduction of my patent for a series of KM techniques. My scholarly interests cover a wide range of topics; from the history of law and economics, to turn-of-the-century sexology and ethnography. In a subsequent project, I plan to research pragmatic approaches to project management. I believe I can help youths see not only the opportunities available within the business environment, but the implications that strategic management techniques can add to lifestyle management practices. By using pre-existing concepts like the time value of money (TVM -the value of money figuring in a given amount of interest earned over a given amount of time) one can introduce a potential metanarrative for the youths. This narrative, with an incorporated treatment perspective can then be applied within a social ecological model. By this positioning of social ecology, as opposed to an evolutionary reprise, we can build the groundwork for future communities through the process of Humanagement.

ADDED BENEFIT Marketing - The Distribution Trade Secret The benefit of e-commerce marketing gives those who publish digital archives, an unprecedented inroad into previously blockaded sectors. Through a series of self replicating viral processes, the market is inherently opened. Researchers only mass produce their success stories, and any successful intervention programs that come from this model (HM) will carry with it the fact that these cutting edge therapy techniques were formed and executed through your facility.

FOR MORE INFO CONTACT HILLCREST MANAGEMENT, INC. Correspondence Address: 6206 Detroit Street Mt. Morris, MI 48458 Telecommunications: 810.342.8127 Electronic Mail: World Wide Web:

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