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P UBLISHER VERALIFE EDITORIAL DIRECTION Derek Hartis ARTISTIC DESIGN JD Lee CONTRIBUTING CONTENT P ROVIDERS Patti Parker Bobbi Vitality Ed Parker Derek Hartis CONTRIBUTING P HOTOGRAPHY Gwen Guess Various At Large P RODUCTION / DESIGN FIFTHKING MEDIA © 2014 VERA LIFE MAGAZINE ALL RI GHTS RESERVED W ORLDW I DE The t it le and all mat erial w it hin are prot ect ed by int ernat ional copyright law s and are res erved. No part of t his magazine may be reproduced w it hout t he publis her’s permis s ion. Alt hough t he great es t care has been t aken t o ens ure t he accuracy of t he informat ion cont ained in t his magazine at the time of going t o pres s, neit her Vera Life M agazine nor FI FTHK I NG, can be held liable for omis s ions , inexact nes s or errors .

CORRESPONDENCE VERALIFE, LLC 8551 Esters Boulev ard Irv ing, Texas 75063 Ph: 469.272.4611 www.v w eb: eralife

O N THE COVER: A happy couple w alking on t he beach

ERALI FE has a unique blend of indiv iduals w ho bring their talents, skill-sets, thoughts and personalities together to help foster the culture of our company. The founders at VERALI FE are committed to bringing you the best opportunities for you to prosper and be in good health. At a recent gathering, here’s w hat they had to share on sev eral topics that relate to the company, your health and the ov erall wellness you can experience when you choose to become part of the team.


06 | Vera Life Magazine

DEREK HARTIS, CEO I nsulin disorders and unbalanced blood sugars are causing many serious health issues today including obesity, metabolic syndrome, fatigue, low energy, lack of sleep, body pain, and depression. VERABALANCE™ and VERABUILD™ are tw o unique comprehensive formulas that prov ide the foundation to balance and build your body. I n a nut shell, they both prov ide you with simple, conv enient, and effective liquid nutrition you can feel.

“It is not what you consume. It is what you absorb that matters most.” - Derek Hartis

PATTI PARKER, PRESIDENT As leaders in the dev elopment of all natural health supplements that change people’s liv es, our focus has alw ays been placed on prov iding the most unique high quality products. We hav e taken adv antage of all our key contacts and assembled a team of corporate professionals that excel in ev ery department they ov ersee and manage. We are ready to serve you!

BOBBI VITALITY, VP BIZ DEV The testimonies that w e receive from our customers are impressiv e, diverse and encouraging. I t simply show s that our unique formulas prov ide you with “Nutrition You Can Feel.” We are constantly receiving great reports about quality of life issues from people w ho are taking our products, such as: more energy, more v itality, better endurance, w eight loss, balanced blood sugars, reduced body and joint pain, better sleep, improv ed digestion, more mental focus, mood enhancement, decrease in illness, w ell-being,

ED PARKER, VP MARKETING Want to become part of the VERA I nner Circle and make money w hile you’re at it? Join our affiliate program and earn commissions by referring customers to our site, by sharing links about us on social netw orks and/or by becoming a re-seller of our products. I t’s simple to do and the best part about it is you earn money! I t’s a simple process and I w ould love to see you join the VERA I nner Circle.

and much more! www.v | 07

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reat Britain, like the United States, has seen a remarkably rapid rise in pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes ov er the last decade. According to a recent BBC News1 report, more than one-third of British adults are now pre-diabetic. I n 2003, 11.6 percent of Britons had pre-diabetes. By 2011, that figure had more than tripled, reaching 35.3 percent. Researchers warn that this w ill lead to a massiv e av alanche of type 2 diabetics in upcoming years, w hich will hav e serious consequences for health care and life expectancy. I n the United States, nearly 80 million people, or one in four has some form of diabetes or pre-diabetes. What’s w orse, both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, among children and teens, has also skyrocketed. The most recent data rev eals that, betw een 2001 and 2009, incidence of type 1 diabetes among children under the age of 19 rose by 21 percent. I ncidence of type 2 diabetes among children aged 10-19 rose by 30 percent during that same timeframe!


Conventional Medicine Has It All Wrong…

Statistics such as these, point to tw o v ery important facts. First, it tells us that diabetes cannot be primarily caused by genetics, and secondly, it literally screams that something w e’re doing, consistently and en masse, is horribly w rong. I n this case, that “something” is a seriously flaw ed diet and lack of physical activ ity. Unfortunately, Dr. Ron Rosedale w rote in 2005, doctors cause diabetics to D.I .E from their flaw ed prescriptions, which stem from a basic lack of insight into the root cause of this disease. D.I .E., here, is a clev er acronym for “Doctor I nduced Exacerbation,” w hich does indeed include early death. Conv entional medicine has type 2 diabetes pegged as a problem w ith blood sugar rather than the underlying problem of improper insulin and leptin signaling. The reality is that diabetes is a disease rooted in insulin resistance and perhaps more importantly, a malfunction of leptin signaling, caused by elev ated insulin and leptin lev els. And, not only are conv entionally-trained doctors w rong about the cause of the disease, but they continue to pass along seriously flawed nutritional information as w ell, w hich allows the disease to increase to epidemic lev els. ■

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ollagen is the second largest substance in our bodies, w ith w ater being the first. Our bodies begin to lose the ability to produce collagen at around the age of 18. Collagen acts like glue in our bodies, thus w e need to replenish back into our bodies, that glue that keeps it all together. I t is responsible for keeping our muscles, tendons, etc. together and w hen it becomes depleted, w e feel the aches and pains of our ev er increasing age. VERALI FE has a 15-year track record of developing prov en formulas that hav e been sold in the health care space, w ith 10-year plus reorder history from many happy customers.


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“The challenge is to find a collagen that is as superior to what our bodies have.� - Patti Parker

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There are sev eral key ingredients that are responsible for the delivery of the proprietary blends. Our proprietary VERA CA-7 is carried directly to the cells for optimal absorption. The blend has been perfected over time to giv e your body w hat it needs to perform, repair and recover optimally as it did before you began to naturally lose the collagen in your body.

Time and grav ity will ev entually leave you w ith hard ev idence that you’re growing older by the day — fine lines, w rinkles and sagging skin. Blame it on genetics; if your parents dev eloped wrinkles at an early age, chances are you w ill, too. You can also blame it on all the relaxing days you spent in the sun, or on bad luck and stress. No matter w hat the reason, w rinkles can be unpleasant and unw elcome. The good new s is that it’s possible to reduce those signs of aging w ith natural, noninv asive methods. As you age, your skin loses some of its elasticity and firmness. Some of this is due to the loss and breakdown of collagen in the dermal layer of your skin. Collagen exists naturally in your skin as a structural support. As you lose collagen throughout the aging process, your skin gets thinner, and w rinkles begin to set in [source: New Zealand Dermatological Society].

Furthermore, w hen collagen breaks down, your skin becomes w eaker, and this can lead to sagging. There are a number of w ays to slow dow n or turn back the hands of time. Modern science has prov ided plenty of options that attempt to deal w ith the inev itable signs of aging. Many plastic surgeons and dermatologists, for instance, can giv e you an injection of soft tissue filler, w hich is simply a shot of a flexible, tissue-like substance, such as human fat or cattle collagen [source: American Academy of Dermatology]. But if you’re not comfortable w ith needles or plastic surgery, you might find natural solutions to smooth out and tighten up your skin. I f you’re ready to take on the effects of time and naturally boost your skin’s collagen production, read on to find out about collagen supplements, creams and foods that can help you age a bit more gracefully. ■

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hrough many years of research, development, and testing, VERALI FE’s formulators and chemists w ere able to discov er a v ery proprietary and unique w ay to deliv er the ingredients and nutrients in their formulas right to the body at the cellular lev el. This enhances the formulas results tremendously. I t is the VERA Proprietary 200-1 deliv ery system. Our


special 200-1 (Aloe Vera

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Extract) is 200 times stronger than other Aloe Vera products on the market, and although our Aloe Vera extract is one of many different ingredients in our formulas, it is the catalyst (the main deliv ery system ingredient) that not only prov ides the numerous health benefits if Aloe, but more importantly it helps deliv er the many other synergistic ingredients in our formulas to the cells of the body.

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Our Unique Aloe Delivery System… Although w e use many different ingredients in all of our products, high quality Aloe Vera is one of the foundational ingredients in many of our proprietary formulas. Most people know the amazing Aloe Vera plant prov ides hundreds of nutrients and numerous documented health benefits. Unfortunately though, most Aloe Vera products on the market today are ov erly processed, stripped of all v aluable nutrients, then w atered down and sold. VERALI FE utilizes a unique proprietary process that enhances the Aloe plant’s nutrients and phyto-nutrients. The special Aloe that w e use in our products is the catalyst – the deliv ery system – that increases the rate of absorption of the other ingredients in all our formulas. Simply said, using the best quality Aloe from the most adv anced harvesting, processing, blending, and testing technology insures that ev ery ingredient in every product w e develop will be absorbed at the cellular lev el.

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Our proprietary AVX200 Aloe Vera Extract comes from special farmland in South Texas and Mexico. With rich, sedimentary soil that produces ultra-high quality and large, succulent and abundant Aloe leav es. This grow ing and harv esting process has rev olutionized the commercial production of Aloe and quite literally changed the entire industry. We use Aloe Vera plants that are grow n without the use of pesticides, then carefully harv est and gently process the leav es into w orld-class Aloe ingredients and end products.

The Difference Is In the Quality… Superior products deliver high quality w ith exceptional benefits to the consumer. Today’s sav vy consumer expects more effective and consistent products – ones they can depend on time after time. To increase consumer preference and results, our supplier offers w hat no other Aloe Vera v endor can – Standardization! This guarantee provides customer assurance that their aloe retains the beneficial properties of the plant.

Harvesting and Processing… Our supplier is the industry leader in producing quality Aloe Vera raw material including gels, w hole leaf, liquid concentrates and pow ders. We are dev oted to prov iding the highest quality Aloe products through the use of quality control parameters including v arious devices for analyzing chemical and physical characteristics, and in v itro assays for monitoring biological activ ity. Our supplier is the only v endor with a full range of biological, chemical and medicinal R&D capabilities. More recently, our supplier began dev eloping an Aloe Vera farm in Southern China.

Our Production Process… • Timing of Leaf Process • Leaf Harv esting • Leaf Handling • Pasteurization • Concentration • Dehydration Technology • Biological Activity ■

“Always demand excellence. Always maintain the highest quality. Always stay true to who you are. This is the VERA way.” - Patti Parker

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e’re all familiar w ith the saying, “laughter is the best medicine.” And this motto may ring true w hen it comes to tackling age-related memory loss; a new study from Loma Linda Univ ersity in California finds that humor may reduce brain damage caused by the “stress hormone” cortisol, w hich in turn, improv es memory. The research team, led by Dr. Gurinder Singh Bains, presented their findings at the Experimental Biology meeting in San Diego. I t is w ell known that too much stress can negativ ely affect health. Medical News Today recently reported on a study suggesting that stress may w orsen allergies, while other research indicates that it makes the brain more susceptible to mental illness. The researchers analyzed one group of elderly indiv iduals w ho had diabetes and another group of elderly


people w ho w ere healthy.

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Watching a funny video helped to reduced cortisol levels and also boosted memory performance… Laughter may reduce neuron damage caused by “stress hormone” cortisol, therefore improving memory in older indiv iduals. Both groups w ere required to view a 20minute humorous v ideo, before completing a memory test that measured their v isual recognition, learning ability and memory recall. A third group of elderly indiv iduals w ere asked to complete the memory test w ithout w atching the funny v ideo. The team then compared the results of all three groups. Cortisol levels for all participants w ere recorded before and after the experiments. The inv estigators found that both groups w ho w atched the humorous v ideo show ed a significant reduction in cortisol levels, compared w ith the group that did not v iew the v ideo. The groups that w atched the v ideo also show ed greater improvement in memory recall, learning ability and sight recognition, compared w ith those w ho did not w atch the v ideo.

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The diabetic group demonstrated the greatest improv ement in both cortisol lev els and memory test scores.

Laughter may improve memory and quality of life… Study co-author Dr. Lee Burk says these findings suggests that the less stress a person has, the better their memory performance, and humor may be the key to reducing stress levels. “Humor reduces detrimental stress hormones like cortisol that decrease memory hippocampal neurons, low ers your blood pressure, and increases blood flow and your mood state,” he explains. “The act of laughter – or simply enjoying some humor – increases the release of endorphins and dopamine in the brain, w hich provides a sense of pleasure and rew ard.” He says that these neurochemical changes in the brain also increase “gamma w ave band frequency,” w hich can improv e memory. “So, indeed,” he adds, “laughter is turning out to be not only a good medicine, but also a memory enhancer adding to our quality of life.” Dr. Bains says the team’s findings may offer benefits that can be applied to w ellness programs for elderly indiv iduals, ■

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he following data is an excerpt from a doubleblind clinical study designed to determine the efficacy of VERABALANCE™. Along w ith the pow erful effects upon Blood Sugars, Triglycerides, Cholesterol, I mmune Profile and C-Reactiv e Proteins, take a close look at w hat these patients reported about the positiv e effects that VERABALANCE™ had upon their ov erall wellbeing. The results w ere incredible. Testing w as done by a third party, independant FDA approv ed laboratory. The tests also show ed just one ounce a day of VERABALANCE™ had a positiv e effect upon Type I I Diabetes and up to a 15% improv ement in Type I



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#4 Improved Mental Alertness Week 1-4 – There w as a 20% improv ement in alertness. Week 5-12 – Ov erall patients noted a 60% improv ement.

#1 Increase in Energy Week 1-4 – There w as a 30% improv ement in energy. Week 5-12 – Ov erall patients noted a 60% improv ement.

#2 Improvement in Sleep Week 1-4 – There w as a 30% improv ement in sleep. Week 5-12 – Ov erall patients noted a 60% improv ement

#3 Improvement in Overall Well-Being Week 1-4 – There w as a 50% improv ement in ov erall w ell-being. Week 5-12 – Ov erall patients noted a 75% improv ement.

#5 Improvement in Diet Week 1-4 – There w as a 20% improv ement in diet. Week 5-12 – Ov erall patients noted a 50% improv ement.

#6 Decrease in Smoking Habit Week 1-4 – There w as a 10% improv ement. Week 5-12 – Ov erall patients noted a 25% improv ement.

#7 Improvement in Libido Week 1-4 – There w as a 20% improv ement in libido. Week 5-12 – Ov erall patients noted a 50% improv ement.

#8 Decrease in Illness Week 1-4- There w as a 40% improv ement in illnesses. Week 5-12 – Ov erall patients noted a 70% improv ement.

#9 Improvement in Mood Week 1-4 – There w as a 50% improv ement in mood. Week 5-12 – Ov erall patients noted a 65% improv ement. ■

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The Following Testimonies Are From Real People: “I have been taking VERABALANCE™ and VERABUILD™ for 3 months now and I have never felt better! My energy level is up, I don’t have the highs and lows during the day, I feel my thoughts are more clear, my sugar cravings as well as food cravings have diminished greatly, I have lost weight, and my pain level from a hip issue is not near as noticeable as it was before starting the combo. I worked in the yard Sunday for about 5 hours and normally I would have been in a ton of pain, almost to tears, and on the couch for at least 2 to 3 days, I was not this time!” - Tiffany D. “As a nutritional consultant, I have to be very selective with products, especially weight loss. VERABALANCE™ and VERABUILD™ contain very powerful ingredients and are truly amazing! I have never seen products work on so many health problems and at the same time help people lose a tremendous amount of fat and inches. These formulas are incredible and they deliver great results.” - John N. “I never thought that I would never be giving a testimony to anybody since I have tried so many other things. However, I have dropped down to a size 8 after being a size 12 most of my adult life. After having 4 children I thought it was hopeless. VERABUILD™ has been the most exciting product I have ever seen! It is so easy and convenient for me to take. People tell me that I look like I am working out, but I’m not. After letting them in on my secret, they all want a bottle of this wonderful formula. I will never be without it.” - Linda T. “I don’t know alot about nutrition but as I got older I just noticed that I was getting tired all the time throughout the day and then a friend gave me a bottle of the VERABALANCE™ and VERABUILD™ and within days I could feel the difference with my energy and mental alertness. It’s so easy to take them every day. I am hooked on these products! And I am very impressed with this company and their liquid formulas!” - Thomas M. “A friend introduced me to VERABUILD™ and I was very skeptical about it. However, was I in for a shock. I have never felt so good in my life! I don’t know what’s in this stuff but it works like crazy. I don’t know much about nutrition but after reading the information on this product I understand why people are losing fat and inches, sleeping better, getting rid of pain, feeling younger, and having more energy. Wow! What a product!” - Debra G. “I was in to see my doctor this morning. He was very happy and surprised that my blood sugar has dropped the way it has. Also he said my cholesterol has also dropped. I was only taking the VERABALANCE™ for about 4 or 5 weeks, and I had blood work done. My blood sugar dropped from 7.1% down to 5.7%. My doctor told me to keep taking this product.” - James W.

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“VERALIFE is a God-centered approach to helping people physically, emotionally, financially and spiritually.� - Derek Hart is

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